
Dave Lysak mentioned humans “jostling” in the furtherment of their goals a few comments back in the last post, a nervous agitation of human souls and cells seeking fulfillment of their energy requirements. I found this video clip of jostling ruthenium atoms in carbon nanotubes and thought it thermodynamically similar, at a smaller scale, of what humans are up to.

Rhenium atoms in carbon nanotubes.

You can see that the atoms are unsettled, releasing and accepting photons from each other and from what must be an environment turbulent with electromagnetic wave energy. They jostle and jostle, each in competition with the others to reach that position and bonding configuration closest to absolute zero, which might not be very close zero at all, but closer. Waves are incoming from the environment and outgoing and being passed from electron to electron. If they were chilled sufficiently perhaps the Brownian motion would slow and finally stop. No doubt the mechanism that provides the visuals adds heat to the subject and ambient temperature of earth’s biosphere is not free of turbulence thanks to the sun.

But what does this have to do with humans jostling or any organism for that matter? It may seem counterintuitive, but humans are also trying to achieve the lowest energy state. They bounce around the environment motivated by greed and dopamine trying to find a configuration of atoms and molecules to help settle into a lower energy state, to help them reach their most stable configuration where significant amounts of energy has been depleted from their bonded structures and exhausted as heat wave energy. But humans avoid their own equilibrium state, lowest energy level, by helping others achieve theirs, by eating and essentially burning them. In the process they build-up their own complexity and avoid low-energy equilibrium with the environment. Like recharging a battery before it goes dead. In accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics the total energy in bonds that has moved farther away from equilibrium, become more complex, in building the human dissipative structure, is less than the amount of food/bond energy or complexity that was consumed. Some of the food energy lost from the food bonds is exhausted into the local environment and then into space. There can never be one-hundred percent efficiency or conversion of food to dissipative structure. But the entire ecosystem cannot run down to equilibrium as the sun creates electromagnetic turbulence every day to stir the matter, including and especially chlorophyll, which again captures some of the ample energy in bonds, likely later to be released by some other dissipative structure like a caterpillar.

The struggle for existence is the struggle to release energy from other matter that still has the potential to reach a lower energy state. Don’t mind eating the pig, according to the universe it’s not in a optimal state of being. If you eat it, much of the embedded energy will be released and your own structure will be bolstered while a certain proportion finds its way into space. But equally, the human is not in an optimal state either. Nothing that lions and tiger and bears and other humans can’t take care of. The whole biosphere would likely approach its lowest energy state if it weren’t for the sun blasting us daily with wave energy that blows the atoms from their comfortable low-energy states. The complex behaviors of humans and other dissipative structures are no different in essence from atoms jostling to reach the lowest energy state. Humans and other organisms do it at a large scale by eating big chunks of energy rich matter and burning it. The universe thanks you for releasing the heat from the pig, even though you’ve bolstered your own out-of-equilibrium structure.

Squeezing the energy out of fossil fuels is the human’s special project for the universe which has the beneficial side effect of allowing humans to eat much more organic life than would have been possible with the energy derived from their tissues. We can actually eat food that would have traditionally had a negative Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) throughout all of natural history. Fossil fuels have been a nice subsidy while they lasted but have created lots of damage to the coevolved ecosystem. Humans in their rRNA tool-building capacity are desperately trying to come-up with something additional to eat as fossil fuels begin to wane. Even the organic matrix and been stripped bare and has been depleted of nutrients so that even if fossil fuels lasted, the matrix of industrial growth for human food likely would not and fake laboratory meat and meal worms will not make-up for capacities being lost from the natural environment.

Idaho potato farmer.

A farmer (technological RNA) working a field in Idaho that will likely grow taters. The plants will capture the energy from the sun with chlorophyll and produce some starchy sugars to store in the taters. Humans, knowing that there’s a lower energy state potential for the taters, will dig them up and eat them, maybe at McDonald’s, and release their bond energy back to space while bolstering their own structures. It is often said that there are ten calories of fossil fuel energy spent on every calorie of food produced and eaten. Judging by the diesel eating tractor and the irrigation system along with pesticides, processing and distribution, that might be pretty close. It seems like an impressive economies-of-scale operation though, much more efficient than a backyard gardening effort. If humans were to try to accomplish the same feat, planting by hand, harvesting by hand, picking bugs off the plants and carrying water from the nearest river, I’m sure that in the end they would use more energy than they got from the potatoes. Negative EROEI equals starvation. But at least it would be totally organic.

This is an example of high EROEI living:

Cheek storage of excess energy, similar to that found in some rodents.

And this is an example from Madras, India during the famine of 1877 of negative EROEI living:

This is what happens when we suddenly stop using fossil fuels. People on the verge of bankruptcy, also known as death by starvation in the natural world.

459 thoughts on “Jostling”

  1. Don’t worry, your suffering won’t be in vain, nor will it be forgotten!

    We at WEF will build you a very nice monument, like the one the British built to all the animals who ‘gave’ their lives to achieve the great victory in WW1.

    Thank your for your service!


    1. Banker’s salute! You lost and we won. Please dig your final resting places on the way out and don’t forget to use a spade as fossil fuels are not allowed. Biodegradable coffins in several convenient sizes will be provided for free at centralized locations. Adios suckers.


  2. evolution

    This won’t hurt a bit. My name is Evolution and I’m here to program you. My goal is to make sure energy gradients are reduced. To attack larger gradients and create the tools necessary to do so, you must stop competing against each other and cooperate to consume larger gradient. Cells did this long ago. I will maintain the “hierarchy” feature which evolved naturally when you lived in small groups. At the top of the social hierarchy will be a “God” that is mysteriously responsible for all “creation”. Beneath that God will be human priests to interpret the will of the almighty God and direct worship sessions. The primary reward for participation will be alleviation of fear of death, social acceptance and group safety while consuming the gradient. Don’t move, I’ve almost made the connection to the nucleus accumbens. Done. Do you feel better? Are you ready to cooperate and take-on larger gradients? Just a few more adjustments. You can’t be too religious or you’ll spend all your time on your knees in a church. I must turn-up the social climbing, and individual greed just slightly to make sure you do a good job for “God”. Celibacy is a real deal breaker as it will likely take many generations to get the job done. And if the sun keeps shining and the plants keep growing, it may be a perpetual job. Now get busy enriching yourself and doing God’s work. God is waiting and expects the best from you.


    1. A bit more glitzy than your plastic brain model, James.
      How’s it doing these days: have all the parts fused with the craziness, or perhaps it’s achieved the Singularity?

      Just been reading a candid contemporary history of the 9th century in Europe and Byzantium by a witty bishop, it sounds fun: the Byzantine Emperor had a mechanical elevating throne which shot him up to the roof while you were bowing and scrapping, and the Pope delighted in the ‘impure embraces’ of several wicked ladies.

      Being a peasant was somewhat less fun, and being a warrior not much better – too many battles, and the slaughter of the whole losing side being usual.

      A roaring trade was done in white eunuchs, emasculated in Verdun (where France later bled to death in WW1 – some places just have bad karma) and exported down south to Muslim Spain, ‘at very great profit’. At the time of the Ottoman Empire, 25% of the boys didn’t survive the operation – investing always has it’s hazards.

      Being a contemporary peasant, it’s nice that I’m awaiting enslavement/extermination/genetic emasculation with a hot brioche, jam, and Columbian coffee for breakfast each morning – for the time being.

      Even my dog has his own cushion and comfortable bed.

      Who says Progress is a myth?


  3. We still live like kings! But I’ll have to look into the elevator chair. Where does a eunuch fit in the LQBTQ spectrum? I’ll have to query my oracle, but all it ever says is “I’m hungry. I want sex. I’m number one.” I might have to give it a lobotomy.



  4. Just recently, I started tuning into some Dave Chappell bits. I guess because he’s been in the news recently for being attached on stage. Anyhoo, I think he’s pretty funny. I had never realized that before.

    This bit kind of rang true for me. Around here, in bluest and most white guilt ridden of all places on earth, bourgeois CT, people sometimes try to engage me in conversations about “social justice”, whatever that’s supposed to be. My standard answer is, of course, “I don’t care”, and I really don’t.


  5. Personally, I think that a lot of drug addiction and depression, mental illness in general, is the result of having one’s jostling rights being revoked, with no hope of them being reinstated. Or, when one comes to the surprise conclusion, that no matter how hard one jostles, there is no pay off. Something like that.


    1. If you’re overweight and butt ugly then it’s hard to jostle. You look at at boy or girl to try and make eye contact and they’re NEVER looking back at you. Their algorithms contained in that mass of neural tissue behind their face won’t let them. Besides natural selective proclivities the media is pumping the Ken and Barbie look. It’s hard to jostle with the Chinese Ceiling too. As soon as your wages are reaching a comfortable level you hit the Chinese Ceiling, the point at which your job is shipped overseas. No dopamine there, but they may have some down on the street corner.


      1. Unless you’re Henry Kissinger, or maybe Klause Shwab, or even maybe Napolean then you jostle with vengeance, literally. Have you ever seen pictures of Manuel Noriega?

        Trust me when I tell you that i’m nothing special. But I had an ego (not much left of it) that would shove me out into the world, despite the protests from my “rational” mind. All the while it (my mind [sic]) would be telling me: “Dave, this is just fucking stupid. Don’t do it”. Of course, caution be damned.


        1. i think it’s good to remember that DNA “is” information. There’s no getting past that. I’d say.


        2. It’s quite a chimp contest. Most people can’t resist their brains. Why should they? “I don’t need no chemistry or calculus. Bring me a cheeseburger and a good lookin’ girl.” But to be an effective RNA and be “competitive” you have to specialize in some part of the information. I always found bug collecting and rummaging through a creek a good excuse for not doing what most brains do. Here’s a Martin Butler clip that I somehow missed:


        3. Reminds me of a student friend.

          While his long-term girlfriend was away, another female in the hostel, a new arrival, threw herself at him with great energy.

          As he put it: ‘I said to myself, you shouldn’t be doing this, Roderick, it’s a bad idea, a terrible idea. But you know, I just did it.’

          If all the people I have known, he’s the only one who later risked his life heroically to save others in circumstances of extreme danger, so he over-rode his self-preservation instincts successfully then.

          But the reproductive ones were impossible to suppress. I can’t even say she was hugely attractive, but only very determined.


  6. The human project of turning fossil fuels into dopamine and opioids is on-going. Spinoza says that God knows best (any gradient reduction is a good gradient reduction).

    Is Nate Hagens of contrite heart? Why? Energy gradient reduction is obviously desirable in the universe. Could it be that evolved human empathy especially between humans, a key adaptation for cooperative existence, with some spill-over into the greater ecosystem is creating some doubt regarding self-destruction? We should celebrate our ability to burn for the greater good of the universe. We could torch the entire fossil fuel and biomass stock immediately except that we must spread it out in a distribution system where it can contact oxygen. And even though starting a giant bonfire would be somewhat enjoyable for a short while, we can get much more dopamine and opioids by driving cars, flying in planes and consuming the bodies of other organic dissipatives. So why feel bad? Is it because we emerged from a long-standing sustainable, ecological system of cells that always gave our progeny a foot in the door to continued existence? And that our seemingly uncontrollable desire for more opioids is essentially slamming the door on their coffins? The universe, if sentient, would be so interested to see how this might turn out. Will the massive explosion of burning things for a “better life” win-out over the slow and sustainable ecological burn? It seems our leaders with graft and corruption, multiple homes, five-hundred foot yachts and so on, have chosen the quick burn route for personal satisfaction. But, but what about the children? Give them Fentanyl or Crystal Meth and send them on their way. That’s a bit of cheating isn’t it? Lots of opioid and not much burn. They should have to work long hours burning fossil fuels at meaningless jobs to get those kinds of rewards. In the meantime mommy and daddy are planning another trip.

    You can count on these two doing plenty of “God’s work”:

    God's work

    In any case, here is Nate Hagens interviewing Dennis Meadows. More fossil fuels up in smoke.


    1. Interesting documentary. After the Covid vaccine “safe and effective” hoax, I can believe that academia and “professionals” can be easily influenced to jump on a band wagon. Undoubtedly humans have a considerable effect on the climate, but how much of an effect do cosmic ray variations brought about by sun cycles and the migrating and potential flipping of earth’s magnetic field?

      This article was pretty thought provoking:

      And this one:

      And then there’s the National Academy of Sciences:

      The cloud issue is critical and I can’t find anything definitive or a consensus.

      It does sort of make sense that the bankers would decide to go cold turkey on fossil fuel usage now that growth is dead, not to save the ecosystem, but to transition into a more static “new world order” where populations and consumption are tightly controlled. Reducing fossil fuel use to save us from anthropogenic global warming will be the heart warming excuse for our future poverty and reduction in population. Creating the “static” condition will probably be like stopping the World Trade Center collapse at the fiftieth floor. They’ll need to lop off twenty or thirty floors of consumption and population first if there’s any hope of stopping the cascade back to the Stone Age.


    2. Did you just wake up from coma kid? You would need an alternate explanation for all the bad shit/climate jacked disasters that was predicted decades ago coming to pass. HARRP is harp owned by Jews? Is that what that ugly troll-skank means by Jew space lazer.
      It only takes a few hours to watch a conspiracy video, whereas requiring the science fundamentals to know if you are being lied to takes years of study. If you are not naturally curious, then you will never do the required work.

      Climate change all on it’s own could extinct the humans [hot house extinctions are the norm on this planet], but CC is only one of a number of existentialist predicaments & problems under the Overshoot umbrella.

      If you look at the data of fossil fuel use over the last 50 years the only conclusion you an come to is the humans don’t take the threat seriously since more is all they’ve done.

      This is why climate change deniers are the dumbests fucks around – worrying over what? Only recently have we slowed down & that has nothing to do with “saving the planet”.
      All hot & bothered [duped] over nothing. If the humans had any control of their energy use or any speed other than full throttle there would be no Megacancer. James never named his blog Megacancer because it’s catchy. It’s descriptive.

      If you wish to get an idea of earth’s future, look to her past – there have been a number of hot house mass extinctions before and the only difference between then & now is in the past it was volcanism that burned buried carbon and puked up mega greenhouse gasses resulting in runaway global warming which led to even nastier stuff like mass reproduction of purple bacteria and a Canfield ocean. This time it’s the humans acting the part of volcanism by digging up the carbon and burning it for our own purposes. The physics & chemistry are the same and it leads to the same nasty outcome, although I doubt any humans will have survived be around to view the purple ocean.

      BTW when you hear we are in the 6th mass extinction that’s wrong. We are in the 8th that we know of. One of the new findings are of a classic hot house extinction due to global warming via greenhouse gasses.

      Newly discovered mass extinction event triggered the dawn of the dinosaurs
      September 16, 2020

      “Huge volcanic eruptions 233 million years ago pumped carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour into the atmosphere. This series of violent explosions, on what we now know as the west coast of Canada, led to massive global warming. Our new research has revealed that this was a planet-changing mass extinction event that killed off many of the dominant tetrapods and heralded the dawn of the dinosaurs. ”

      Hey kids, everything old is new again……including our doom. I really wish I could spend my last moments on earth on a west facing beach on Vancouver island watching the sun set on a Canfield ocean while listening to Jimi Hendrix.


      1. Don’t pay any attention to this man. Bartender, another Dopamine on the Rocks with an Opioid Chaser. Life’s about feelin’ good and feelin’ good’s about burning things. Waiter, add two chili dogs and some onion rings to that order while I call my broker to see how many dopa-dollars are in my account. Life is good. Some people don’t understand that we’re on a mission from God, a fiery one. 😉


  7. Such as it is that humans are matter animated by energy entropically flowing through them to its dispersal in space, can it be surprising that this organized matter behaves as it does? Fighting for energy containing territories for the opportunity to release that energy through their own bodies thereby facilitation self-multiplication and hierarchical dominance. It’s an all-out battle, may the nastiest dissipative win. They cannot claim any God. They are dissipative filth stirred-up by the sun.

    Here’s a good example. For some reason this reminds me of the Covid vaccination program.


    1. maybe some kind of religious prohibition about shooting them in the head?

      anybody who thinks that population reduction can be accomplished in some sort of “reasonable” fashion, should watch that video. Those who would relish an opportunity to be like that executioner walk among us right now. I’d say.


  8. Covid hysteria, climate change panic, social justice mania, etc., all part of the jostling for attention and resources. I’d say.


    1. I’ve been wondering about those things too. It might be that people are feeling it necessary to advance themselves in the dominance hierarchy before the bottom rungs get starved out of existence.


  9. I burned out at age 51 (2007). I pretty much walked away from a lot of things, particularly the ideas of a “job” and a “career”. What a bunch of bullshit that was. Actually, I had burned out, stopped performing, long before that. I just wasn’t in a position to walk away until 2007.


    1. Life is short and half of what you earn is siphoned-off. Why spend your life as a molecule in a tech cell striving to make someone else rich? F’it.


    1. The infliction of pain and suffering and belief that your victims are sub-human must have some survival value. “Oh Gawd, here come the Comanches. Let’s get the hell out of here.”


    1. The quasi-speciation or tribalism, not evidenced in the very similar cellular DNA between tribes but evidenced in the different (tech) languages that evolved from geographic isolation, seemed to create enough of a gulf and reproductive isolation to put tribes on the warpath.


  10. Have you been locked in the office all week doing a slow burn with meaningless work? It’s time to raise you social stock, become a super-dissipative and go for the gusto. Just be sure not to go to far from shore, you’ll need to be refueling.



    1. That’s funny. The motors have a larger displacement than the boat. Something like that.

      that’ll get you to your favorite fishin’ spot right quick.


  11. There’s only one thing to do, keep the RNA busy building dissipative structures. Tech cells that will likely never host any metabolism or arteries and veins to nowhere will be just fine. But if America and Europe are destroyed and their RNA are incarcerated in metaverse pods, then perhaps life’s blood will come to our creations.

    worker bees


  12. I thought that this was a pretty good review of the basics.

    Of course, as is typical for NH, he simply skips over the fact that over the next 20 – 100 years, the human population must go from about 8 bil. to under 1 bil., maybe much lower than that. That’s one of the things that bothers me about NH. He labels certain aspects of his “great simplification” as unthinkable, and then stops thinking.


    1. The Great Simplification, errrr……. I mean The Great Collapse. I’ve seen some segments and it looks pretty good. Can’t get to real with the tater heads. The “simple life” sounds better than “dirt poor”. People will continue scamming and fighting over what remains to have the opportunity to burn the lion’s share until it’s all gone. That’s going on right now and happens every day as people try to steal each others money in the “markets”. Maybe Trump will be reelected and bring back unlimited opioids by making American great again.


  13. Over on Reddit Collapse a guy was upset that the management of an up-start battery company weren’t recycling some of the plastic. He seemed somewhat perturbed that they were more concerned with making a profit than saving the environment. I provided this comment:

    The companies want profit because the owners/managers want to be rich because their cells want glucose (and a mate for the gametes) because the biochemical environment is always tending towards zero free energy because the universe is entropic. If we could prevent the sun from reloading the biochemical potential every day, we could be done with all of this. Maybe the batteries will help keep a few gears turning, but when the fossil fuels are gone I imagine the batteries will be gone too. Ninety-eight percent of technological structures you see around you will rot in place and won’t be recycled which happens to take a lot of energy in and of itself.

    I did get one up-vote. If I had included a kitty cat picture it would have been hundreds.


  14. The quasi-speciation or tribalism, not evidenced in the very similar cellular DNA between tribes but evidenced in the different (tech) languages that evolved from geographic isolation, seemed to create enough of a gulf and reproductive isolation to put tribes on the warpath.

    Just kinda thinking about that execution video from earlier in the week. If there is no “out-group” handy to blame shit or on, or to take stuff from, one will be created. I guess.


  15. Some interesting discussion with Nate Hagens and John Gowdy, but they still don’t understand how one set of information (DNA) could rearrange cells so as to create another information system with humans acting as the rRNA. The organic cells could thereby break free of their own limitations and those possessing the new tools and organization (cooperative hunters to tech cells) could begin to plunder thereto unassailable sources of energy. Since Megacancer as been extant for seven or so years, I thought the idea would spread, but apparently the Homo sapiens is pretty thick and almost entirely concerned with using their information to profit themselves into oblivion.


    1. I kinda think that the root problem with NH, et al, is that they have spent their lives as “insiders”. As such, they have benefited from the status quo. They cannot understand why the status quo cannot be bent and molded to further meet their desires. It kinda like John Updike said many moons ago: “you can’t make man understand something that goes against his way of making a living.” that’s a paraphrase. But it was something like that.


      1. Might as well be trying to influence a bunch of molecules in a beaker. “Stop reacting, stop it now or you’re doomed. Can’t you see you’re exothermic? Soon you’ll reach equilibrium and it’s over. Over!” What happened? It was over and the heat drifted into space.


          1. Those are some great quotes from Upton Sinclair:

            “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

            “The private control of credit is the modern form of slavery.”

            “Fascism is capitalism plus murder.”

            “I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach.”
            – Regarding The Jungle

            “The rich people not only had all the money, they had all the chance to get more; they had all the knowledge and the power, and so the poor man was down, and he had to stay down.”
            – The Jungle

            “Man is an evasive beast, given to cultivating strange notions about himself. He is humiliated by his simian ancestry, and tries to deny his animal nature, to persuade himself that he is not limited by its weaknesses nor concerned in its fate. And this impulse may be harmless, when it is genuine. But what are we to say when we see the formulas of heroic self-deception made use of by unheroic self-indulgence?”
            – Profits of Religion

            “It is foolish to be convinced without evidence, but it is equally foolish to refuse to be convinced by real evidence.”


  16. Jim Stobe, modern day beer hunter-gatherer. Whenever he arrives at a town he seems somewhat disappointed. Everything is structured and “not much going on here”. The only real reward is another beer. Much of the infrastructure he sees is already falling apart. Everyone’s in their cells doing their routine tasks, playing their RNA roles in metabolizing the world. Dopamine is released in anticipation of the rewards at the next destination but what he mostly finds is more Megacancer. Oh well, time for another beer, jump on a train and continue on the journey. Unfortunately he died about a month after this video. He was formerly in the Coast Guard and played the piano music that accompanies his videos.


  17. Has Joe Manchin been won-over by the WEF and deep state? Maybe they promised lots of coal exports from West Virginia to Europe. Maybe they will turn off the fossil fuel spigot from Russia and replace it with Joe’s “green” West Virginia coal. Manchin sure is a “player” attending the WEF meeting.


    1. I bet the hookers of Switzerland are making bank this week…..

      Hmm, I thought that we citizens are also stakeholders?

      Or would that be ‘stake holders’ as in the victims of Count Vlad the Impaler?

      Confirms Orwell’s suggestion that a Totalitarian system must employ obscure and corrupted language – one of the principal indentifying characteristics, in fact.


      1. I think they were going to use “slaveholder” but obscured it, settling on “stakeholder”. They’ll do what’s best for the common good (of stakeholders) and murder a few billion now useless slaves. Like Nick Rockefeller remarked to Aaron Russo, “Why do you care about those people?”


    2. The AINOnline story is already four years old — but interesting that the local Davos suppliers bragged about the amount of aviation fuel sold as one of the measures of success of the WEF get-together. No sense of irony from the writer about the climate-change aspect of this. I bet they toned down the fuel sales reports since 2018 after Greta dressed them down.


      1. All of those jets, they must feel like Gods. But when the clock strikes twelve and equilibrium is achieved (except for a small daily rewind by the sun) the glorious coaches will become pumpkins again and the singularity forever-after dream will evaporate into the aether from which it came.


  18. What are the dissipatives doing today? Checking their portfolios for “returns” which will be exchangeable for energy flow (food, heating, gas for the car) as they collectively tend towards equilibrium? Do they believe their currencies will be convertible into sustaining and growth enhancing energy flow? I’m sure they do. How much does it cost to maintain the ever growing flows and dissipative structures? More and more until they can no longer be fed or maintained. The sun’s energy will rewind life’s entropy spring and push back against equilibrium again today as will the ever diminishing fossil fuels, for a while yet. The entropy clock is always tick, tick, ticking as the humans scramble about trying to find more energy to send through themselves, the organic beings they eat and technological dissipative structures. Some day, as when a pandemic, war and/or famine happens, the flow will diminish and many dissipatives will no longer be fed, including human ones. They will become lifeless and their structures will disintegrate. To what extent will some humans go to guarantee their own supply of energy by depriving others? Will the law and order of the production and distribution system, of society, hold-up when some begin to starve or will it collapse into chaotic disorganization?


    1. i think that at least 6 out of 8 billion human dissipatives are just trying to make it through the next 24 hours. That’s my plan anyway.


        1. In my case the world revolves around two essential questions:


          or Stones?

          Dinner for tonight has been decided, somehow all by itself, smoked brisket and baked sweet potato. Can’t wait.


            1. How do you decide? I’m still working on a question Dave brought up many, many posts ago- why did these dark damp islands produce so much great music in the 60’s-early 80’s. Old enough to have seen many of them, including both the above, and I think it was just evolution-there were so many gaps in the musical ecosphere that had to be filled so these blokes looking for sex and drugs and rock and roll filled them. My go to band as a student were Free-always super cheap and easy to get into the gigs. I doubt if there’s ever been a better rock band in the last thirty years-standards have fallen. I’m also not sure that any of them were older than 22/3 when they made this


              1. I’ve probably heard “All Right Now” a hundred times or more and always thought it was sung by the Rolling Stones. Oh well. Maybe it was all of that Judeo-Christian bottling-up of the dopamine, a gradient that had to be released, a revolution against the stiff shirts and upper crust. Release your opioids, turn-up the volume.


              2. Yeah, it’s almost always about seeing an opportunity, and the exploiting it. The Brits were pretty good at it in general, or just lucky.

                I’m no historian, but I guess they took over all of India while hardly firing a shot, most just a series of lies and business deals with corrupt local leaders and such. Trust me when I tell you, I’m not putting anybody down for anything.

                Second string Brits:


        2. And how to evacuate it……

          We are all, darlings, as common as muck.

          ‘Elite’ is richly comical as a delusion.


          1. “Elite” pond scum. Can there be such a thing? No, only common pond scum. People should examine their ancestries more closely as it is preserved in their structures and behaviors, a bunch of slime-coated cells, bumping and jostling and striving to dismember and consume a “kindred spirit” in the environment. Even some plants couldn’t help themselves.

            feed me

            If the reassortment and mutation of DNA can create a plant like this, it can certainly turn humans into rRNA, whose subsequent exploitation of various gradients with new technological tools is akin to having a cancer in the ecological house. Just imagine human civilization as the fly trap and the entirety of the ecosystem, fossil fuels, uranium etc. as the fly. The bonus, when we’re done, is that we get to go Venus.


  19. Americans are not Christians. Not in any meaningful way. They just call themselves as such. Americans are Americans. The only religion in America is America itself.

    Americans cannot even perceive of Jesus as a middle eastern preacher living 2000 years ago. To Americans, Jesus is an American white male with a beard (in the artwork of course, in real life he shaves it off), Republican, who lives in a huge house with the suv and pickup parked in the garage, business owner, who wants more money and more stuff, and who, after kids are killed at school, buys even more guns.

    And wants to bomb and invade the world for its resources, because, well, just because he can.

    That’s “Jesus” to Americans.


    1. It seems to me that Christianity is mostly a system of false pretenses. Everyone tries to convince everyone else of their virtue but beneath the surface is the vile grifter, the competitive dissipative. Those that are truly devout seem almost psychotic while the pretenders will shake your hand while trying to steal your wallet with the other hand. They will certainly go to hell for their sins but the burning will be in the here and now and their children will burn too. But don’t worry, the local priest will forgive you of your sins (it keeps you coming back with tithes) since they’re overall grifters too.


      1. I think that Christ’s basic message is on point. Something like: Learn to suffer. That’s what you’re here for. That’s why my Father put you here. Look at my example. The why’s and what for’s are not important.

        Something like that.


        1. Count on it. Gradient elimination is a bloody, competitive, nasty affair. Sometimes cooperating elements (all for one and one for all) are a better solution than the individual grifter. Somehow our “leaders” are following the “all for me and none for thee” credo which will end in disorganization. Jesus would probably encourage a minimization of overall suffering by applying monetary/resource anesthetic wherever it is needed the most. We’re moving in the wrong direction with the loaves and fishes.


          1. Once you hand out loaves and fishes, people expect loaves and fishes. This, I think, is part of the problem.


            1. The five loaves and two fish to feed five-thousand resulted in a good times population explosion. There’s only one thing to do, teach them to fish and grow wheat. Well, we did that. Now what?


              1. We only ever get half the story in these tales: coming down to reality after Jesus had moved on must have been hard.

                Like the little boy who pointed out the Emperor had no clothes: I suspect the bit we don’t hear about is that the courtiers just lynched him.

                I mean, since when has telling an obvious but inconvenient truth ever worked out well?!


                1. I’ve heard that his end was a result of chasing the money lenders from the temple, a brave and noble deed with repercussions. But the money lenders survived and the Christians earned a good credit score, the Megacancer grew and consumed everything and here we are as the desperate gather at the temple for more sustaining credit. Now that they can’t pay interest on debt, the useless eaters and useless nations will be put to rest.


  20. The elimination of energy gradients generally follows the “path of least action” or the shortest course towards equilibrium. It makes sense that the path of least resistance as when electrical fields are guided down an electrical conductor, are also encountered in the case of the dissipative structure. The path of least resistance is through the dissipative or conduit due to its unique structure which also gives the dissipative the energy necessary to maintain structure and behavior. The conduit that conducts the most energy with the least investment multiplies in number. The dissipative that earns the greatest profit will soon supplant other competing conduits. There is an evolutionary contest to become the dissipative that has the “path of least resistance” for the energy gradient. This can be seen in the measure of Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) in which conduits compete for maximal entropic flow with least capital investment. “Profit” is a measurement of of the efficiency and effectiveness of a conduit.

    Since humans are dissipative structures, it occurs to me that their structures, including the formation of their brains and behaviors, should be primarily set to task of earning the greatest income or flow of energy with the least effort. This, in an evolutionary sense, could open the door to many untoward actions like thievery, slavery, warfare, murder, deceptions and much more. Anything that provides a “path of least resistance” for the energy/money flow is likely to be preserved in the DNA. These characteristics only last as long as the energy acquired through their use is invested in copies or progeny. A billionaire that is able to build and organize many technological conduits for energy flow and reap the rewards will likely see those abilities become more scarce unless they are preserved with progeny.

    Some might think that an equal, egalitarian apportionment of energy flow through all dissipatives is the best arrangement. But if it is not the path of least resistance, it will eventually break down to allow the path with maximal flow and profit to take over. Communism or socialism could never compete for flow or profits with capitalism and therefore capitalism supplanted them. Capitalism intends to grow and use resources as fast and efficiently as possible. But it will be a short-term victory ending in extinction as the energy gradient is fully reduced and depleted. It’s no surprise that the main goals of human dissipatives is in getting a “good job” (least amount of work for greatest pay), asset accumulation, money, sex and reproduction. They can also imagine and implement new complex technological conduits through which to channel excess energy and with a high enough EROEI they can siphon off enough energy to buy yachts, expensive cars and large homes. But when the gradient begins to shrink, many small conduits or dissipatives will be eliminated by larger, more powerful ones to steal the energy flow which is becoming scarce. It may seem logical to preserve the economies-of-scale (EOS) conduits while cutting the energy to smaller entities, but the EOS entities are dependent upon nourishment of the smaller consumers of energy. Eliminate the supportive base and the EOS entities go extinct too.

    Humans are not conscious of the forces that have led them to the self-organized present but will continue to follow their subconscious programming which can be summarized in Lotka’s Maximum Power Principle described by Howard T. Odum, ” During self-organization, system designs develop and prevail that maximize power intake, energy transformation, and those uses that reinforce production and efficiency.”

    So sit back now and watch the greedy dissipatives tear each other apart as they compete for diminishing flows of energy. They seemingly can’t access their subconscious programming and even if it were open to introspection, they might find the murder and mayhem quite acceptable. We seem to be in the first stages of elimination of the relatively defenseless useless eaters and their paper claims on future energy flow, which may seem logical but which will eventually lead to collapse of the entire energy dissipating system. International warfare also seems to be a likely outcome as each quasi-species blames adjoining ones for their lack of energy flow and assesses the potential “spoils of war”.


    1. Yeah, pretty much the way things are and the way they must be. Kinda like JC said, learn to suffer. If you get good at it, you will join me and Dad in Heaven. Or, join the crowd and see how far that gets you.

      Not much of a choice I’d say. But they’re the only choices we have.

      By and large, after much trial and tribulation, I chose the first path. I learned how to suffer. But I don’t expect any reward in heaven, or here on earth either. So I just suffer for the sake of it, too cowardly to put an end to it. Really? I’m still secretly hoping for a payoff that I know will never come, just like the rest of the crowd.

      L. Wittgenstein, one of the smartest people who ever lived, by some standards anyway, said it best when he said: “The fly cannot find its way out of the fly bottle. It just keeps bumping up against the glass.” Or something along those lines….

      Oh well. C’est la vie. Or something like that.


      1. It seems that dissipatives are used by nature to create a shorter path towards equilibrium, even when you consider the amount of energy embedded in the structures. I hate being used like that and would go on a hunger strike, but I know the universe would make me suffer for it. Instead I’ll eat a little extra, release some gradient energy and I’ll be rewarded with generous opioids. Such is the nature of the universe.


      2. Just read about Wittgenstein’s reply to Maynard Keynes’s wife, the Russian ballerina Lopokova, when she enthused over a tree:

        ‘Look, how beautiful!’

        ‘Hmm. But IS it really?’

        Not someone to invite to a party, or even a picnic, clearly.


        1. I would throw chow to the dissipatives and then entertain myself by watching them burn it off through mating dances and social posturing while informing them of how they will soon be extinct. A solitary picnic in nature, surrounded by less threatening and competitive dissipatives would certainly be more enjoyable.

          Chimps always love trees. They’re very useful when carnivores are about. When wandering on the savannah, a nearby tree line must have been a wonderful sight.

          I might invite Martin Butler to my picnic as long as he doesn’t brag about his videos.


    2. I shan’t look very nice stripped bare, so I hope they reconsider James.

      But by their utilitarian standards I am pretty damn useless……..


  21. Arthur Demarest Phd., expert on societal collapses, has always been forthcoming with his prognosis for civilization and this interview from 2014 is no exception.

    “Well, that need and the capacity for continual growth is also a diagnostic of eventual collapse. No society can sustain unlimited growth – none ever has. History demonstrates that expectations of infinite growth lead to collapse. Unfortunately, millennia of evidence also indicates that needed attempts to stabilize such societies run counter to the expectations of the populace and of interest groups. For that reason, such attempts at stabilization frequently fail.”

    There will be an EV in every garage and enough wind and solar power to make everyone rich. A Mars colony and space tourism also seem to be on the menu, even as the bees and insects are decimated and phytoplankton numbers decrease in the warm seas. More likely there will be a vaccine in every arm, a digital prison, warfare and famine which will destroy supply lines that will never recover and enough climate change to put agriculture in a tailspin. “Build back better” is the new banner phrase, but that’s only a feature of the new religion which requires adherence to the vaccine. Get the high-tech vaccine and you can be a part of the high-tech future. The politicians can no longer deliver on what the dissipatives want – more, and so the herd must be culled and sterilized, here and there in a seemingly random manner to avoid collapse and insure basic provisioning of those that remain.


    1. James, James, why so gloomy? They will love ‘basic’!

      Just think of all those Soviet technical specialists who chose to stay on in the forced-labour mines and factories after their own prison terms had expired.

      Inspiring, isn’t it?!

      And we didn’t even have behavioural psychologists then. Just a few privileges now and then did the trick…..

      XX Klaus


      1. Zee time has come for the “New World Order”.

        Was there order before? Perhaps it was simply optimal, temporary organization serving the Maximum Power Principle. Basic sucks! We want more! A better life for our children. A fun vacation in space. Free healthcare. No one left behind. And so on.

        We are humans and will always “roll out the barrel.” Barrel of oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.


  22. If you were a plantation owner and could see an energy/resource deficit lasting well into the future, how many slaves would you choose to keep? Would you still honor the promises of an American Dream and a comfortable retirement for all? Or would you stealthily and methodically start to eliminate them? Would you tell them of your own plans to live a comfortable life in the Big House with a small population of faithful slaves while they and their families starve? Why not start a few pandemics and wars as an excuse to burn-out the dead wood. If you hobble them sufficiently there will be no reprisals. I suspect that to become medieval would require a ninety-percent reduction in population and that might take ten to twenty years. But they can’t make it happen too quickly or they will be found-out. The mass formation rubes aren’t even scratching their heads yet and the technological machine will continue with fusillades of propaganda, misinformation and censorship. The “elites” are trying to defuse a dangerous (to themselves) situation. How can they enjoy their wealth and privilege on a planet whose climate no longer supports life, with gangs of desperate, armed savages roaming about?


    1. If there really is an elite cabal of some sort, who can manipulate and control all the various factors that support industrial civilization and engineer a “soft landing” for the cabal or anyone else, then good on them.

      The other alternative is a chaotic race to the bottom while various factions, parties and individuals grab what they can on the way down. Most will starve while watching netflix and CNN. That’s the alternative I’m betting on.

      I wish there was someone “in charge”.


      1. It’s probably possible to exert overwhelming influence if you own ten-percent of numerous corporations, steal elections, control the media and place deep state operatives in key regulatory/management positions, like the presidency. Blackrock, Vanguard and the Crown Corporation come to mind.

        I was at the electric company moments ago and heard that the “Russians” are accused of over ten-thousand war crimes. (I don’t watch TV at home.) Propaganda. What about Fauci? He must be guilty of hundreds-of-millions of crimes in the war against humanity. Oh well, it’s enjoyable to watch dissipative world in action, the river flowing, the wind blowing, the humans generating dopamine, the religious glue, bullets flying, the word GOD gapping between neurons that are too far apart to make a connection.


        1. Well, I don’t doubt for even a second that “they” fucking hate you, me and all our progeny. “They” would love to see us dead. But, you know something? I’ve lived my whole life being hated, and I’m still here to talk about. So, do your worst, I say. we all die sometime.


          1. They’ve hated us but have also needed us to work in the cells and export product into the circulation. Now the technocrats believe we can be replaced with robotics that don’t need a home, pension, education, car, vacation, medical care……………….. Robots aren’t hierarchical and always envious of those that have more. All they need are a few human engineers and technicians. Robots can make more robots but won’t have the dopamine/opioid reward system to encourage multiplication. Harari says humans can take drugs and play video games, but that’s probably generous.

            Humans don’t have to lead meaningless lives and be useless eaters, they can go to war with the robots, technocrats and Deep State. The possibilities for eugenics and genocide using a system of mandatory vaccinations should accomplish the goal of eliminating useless eaters and preserving those able to serve the needs of the new high tech system. You scored an 18 on your ACT test? We have a special vaccine for eighteens. But they won’t waste eighteen years worth of resources just to off you when you don’t live up to expectations. The vaccine sterility program will be an on-going project. Prevent useless eaters before they happen. There’s too much expense raising useless eaters to see how they might turn out and be useful to the technological system. Zee time has come to destroy you and build back better with robots.



  23. Mark Carney:

    ‘Every morning I say to myself: ‘Arise, you have the work of humanity to do!’ ‘

    He pretends to be a disciple of Marcus Aurelius.

    They are the global cancer surgeon, no less!


    1. And they promoted the growth of the cancer for so long. Oops, things got a little out of hand. “We’ve all voted and have decided that you useless eaters get “cut-out.”


  24. Being a “super-human” must be similar to being like Dr. Dolittle, but instead of being able to talk to the animals, you can talk to the computers and robots. It will be a fantastic world of seamless integration into the new and more efficient gradient reducing cancer. It will be like Evolution 2.0. with many not having to suffer the indignity of being a useless eater (relatively speaking). Imagine the gradient reducing possibilities. All of the organic parts of the technological/organic, human chimaera will eventually be replaced, but who cares as long as we reduce energy gradients faster.

    This movie was released in 1967. Are there any animals left? Why talk to the animals when we can simply eat them and their habitat.

    I’m not sure they would want to talk to the cancer ape. Probably just scream bloody murder.


  25. Sitting here trying to remember the last time I was in Las Vegas. I know that me and a couple of my broke ass buddies were there in maybe 1973 or 1974. I remember we got free breakfast at a couple of different places. They would hand out coupons for free breakfast, if I remember right.

    I seem to remember being there again, maybe just passing through, sometime in the 1980’s.

    I can’t think that it will be there for too much longer with lake mead drying up and all. But who knows?


  26. Interesting video. Something about it reminds me of Kensington in Philadelphia. I’ve never been to Las Vegas and never really wanted to go. Not a single picogram of dopamine released when thinking about it. A local potentate was there a couple of years ago and someone on the sidewalk decided to hit him on the back of the head with a pipe. He was partially paralyzed and has been trying to recover ever since. I would rather live on Maui and ride my bike to the beach, eat some fresh pineapple and sip some coffee. But that opportunity slipped by when I failed to find employment with Blackrock. However, Edward Dowd crossed that finish line and gives us this update:

    The good news so far is that I didn’t have to work for Blackrock and I can still ride my bike, eat fresh pineapple and sip coffee. As go the useless eaters, so goes Las Vegas.


  27. If physicians and nurses will willingly inoculate people with a killing vaccine and a Remdesivir finisher for money, it is obvious that politicians will throw people under the bus en masse if given energy credits (bribes). Such is the nature of the common dissipative. It will do most anything for an assured flow of energy, greater status and sex. The United States and Europe are not committing suicide but are being murdered by economic strangulation. The dollar ponzi is done.


    1. They joke about the destruction, James: on the recent WEF panel including Mark Carney, the FT journalist presenting congratulates Mark on his move to the UN (‘Where you represent…… the world!’) and thereby ‘Getting out in time (from the Bank of England) and escaping the mess!’

      That was the moment of revelation as grandiose, callous psychopaths.

      No decent person would make such a joke, nor laugh at it.

      Carney is looking old and grey, ageing rapidly compared to a few years ago – he needs more blood products……


      1. The rubes fell for the ponzi, taking-on credit, building dissipative structures to enrich themselves, expanding complexity. The bankers and WEF types “managed” the issuance of credit and growth. It was very lucrative, so lucrative that they pushed civilization far into overshoot and they let the CO2 accumulate even though they knew of its harmful effects. They pushed it until it could be pushed no further, all the while taking their cut. Now that it has reached its natural limit and can grow no more, they figure they’ll preserve their most cherished technological advances, structures, wealth and enterprises while giving the people the garrote. Now it’s time to implement the Great Reset. Wouldn’t they truly love that, to do it all again. But in reality it will be the great genocide. The UN will probably figure prominently in the introduction of the central bank digital currency and Mark Carney will be one of the former ponzi maestros at the helm. Organic human settlements, economic decision-making and accumulation of wealth by “citizens” will no longer exist. In the “Brave New World” your life, if you can keep it, will be determined by the power hungry psychopaths.


        1. Psychos posing as saviours.

          Carney – and the whole panel – laughing along with the sychophantic FT man is up there with Gates and Melinda smirking over ‘the next one’ and Gates chuckling at the thought of ‘no jab, no welfare’ as a revelation of their souls.

          The coup d’etat was in March 2020: the coup de grace, for many, will be delivered surprisingly quickly, I suspect.

          These people look and sound triumphant, and they can’t be bothered to hide it. They are ‘winners’, and they deserve to betray and kill ‘losers’ like us, it’s clear.

          As the defeated, but defiant, French general shouts in the film ‘Waterloo’, just before the redcoats move back to reveal the lined-up cannons: ‘MERDE!’


          1. For them it seems that technological advancement is the only worthwhile thing in the universe. This basically means the evolution of dissipative structures that are superior at funneling energy and creating profit for growth. Faster and faster computers and jets and trains and vaccine development and………….. Given the choice between sustaining people or pursuing their “faster and better” technological projects, they’ll choose the technology. After all, they own the technological enterprises. But both humans and technology require energy and if someone has to go, it will be the useless eaters. Technological entities are competing with each other to funnel the energy through their processes and it’s impossible to maintain a herd of useless eaters and still be competitive. The technology will eat the useless eaters lunch after killing them. Either way it ends the same, out-of-control growth and collapse. At least the organic dissipatives work within a solar budget and are recyclable. After the humans are mostly removed from the scene and the absurdity is allowed to run a bit longer, the remainder of life will be seen as a competitor for sunlight and will probably be shaded out of existence.


            1. Logically, they are the enemies of ALL organic life, competitors for gradients as you note; and in fact of themselves in so far as they are organic.

              Is this the root of the Transhumanist fantasy, to be no longer wholly organic? Plus the Pharaonic ‘I shall never die’ element.

              The first coal-powered factory owners her, in the 1830’s, argued that their enterprises multiplied capital, the wealth of the country, and therefore legitimately – virtuously even – destroyed artisan businesses and lives. The loss of individuals was the collective’s gain.

              Ironically, many of them sprang from the labouring/artisan classes themselves (notably, they were the cruellest of the employers).

              Those WEF panel members likewise come from, as the saying goes, ‘nothing’: Carney & Co. ‘old money’ families? Certainly not. Ring Wraiths, eager vassals of Sauron.

              The shadow creatures who pull the strings never appear at these events, or at least not in the videos…..


              1. I think many are fascinated and admire the resilience of technological materials like glass and steel whereas organic material is so easily consumed and recycled. Their salvation is on a computer chip. If they want to take one further step into the future, why not have some kids? I’m beginning to wonder why anyone would do that, but realize there’s no one in control of the brain matter. It does what it evolved to do, “Daddy, when I grow-up I want to be rich and famous.”, (and live forever.)

                And human workers and artisans are subject to diseases that robots aren’t. It’s time to get rid of the human RNA and as far as made-by-hand is concerned – forget it. It will be a collective gain when the useless eaters are gone.


      2. Re “psychopaths”

        Yes, psychopaths rule the world. BUT… it is only ONE part of the equation. Familiarize yourself with the theory of the 2 married pink elephants in the historical room ….

        Who do you think goes to war and does the killing (mindless immoral soldiers)?

        Who do you think murders and maims a massive amount of people with toxic Covid shots (mindless immoral doctors and nurses)?

        Who do you think wears useless Covid masks (or puts them on their kids) (mindless immoral people)?

        Who do you think uses life-destroying self-enslaving technologies such cell phones (mindless immoral people)?

        Who do you think trusts, follows, obeys, votes for, and does the dirty work for the governing authorities (mindless immoral people)?

        And on and on…

        “This is a case of murder. It is not a case of disease, it is not a case of pandemic, this is a case of murder and the people currently doing delivery of the agent of that murder (the toxic Covid shots, dubbed “vaccines”) are, in fact, people who wear lab coats. If they wore anything else, if they wore hoodies, if they wore anything else, we’d call them ‘murderers’. Right now, we call them ‘doctors’.” — David E. Martin, Ph.D, in May of 2022 re the Destructive Covid Scam

        Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully ignorant and play victim like a little child?


    2. Europe has beautiful landscapes, and many fine buildings still: I’m sure they look forward to enjoying it once it has been cleaned out, tidied up and the new compliant slave population installed.

      I hope an outraged Mother Nature wrecks their plans.


      1. They will always covet the neighbor’s castle and wreck things nonetheless. Their mother is Nature and she has them competing for just about everything. The social hierarchy alone requires an unrelenting competition. Apparently, no holds barred. It would be nice if they would wake-up and tell mother “We’re not going to fight over energy any longer.” But mother knows that such defiance of thermodynamics and evolution is silly in a world where everyone struggles to be number one and consume as much energy as possible. Who would want to be a part of this? Who was given a choice?

        Theirs not to reason why, / Theirs but to do and die’- Charge of the Light Brigade -Tennyson

        And where is the Light Brigade today? Ukraine? And where will it be tomorrow? And the billionaires of the world compete with each other to be number one and turn the wealth they wrest from humanity into five-hundred foot yachts and private jets. Don’t forget, “You will will own nothing and be happy.”, the next stage in our technological evolution dominated by sociopathic competitors.


    1. Good interview. I wonder what will happen after what Jamie Diamond describes as an “economic hurricane” blows through in the next six months. Will the war have provided enough cover? Will they try to eliminate Putin concurrently with the economic collapse or was all of the Putin bashing part of the plan to start the diversion of attention in Ukraine? Power and control through the creation of credit seems to be shifting towards power and control by other means since credit and growth is wearing thin. Put on your mask and roll-up your sleeve, lock-down, quarantine, martial law, curfew, gun control, famine, food processing plants burning, trains derailing……………..monkeypox. The Deep State and City of London are putting on quite a show.

      “After the capture of Mariupol, the situation in Ukraine weakened, and on March 21st, Zelensky made an offer that was accommodating to Russia. But as in February, the EU came back two days later with a second package of 500-million Euros for weapons. The UK and the US subsequently put pressure on Zelensky to withdraw his offer. Negotiations in Istanbul subsequently stalled. This was a clear indication that de West didn’t want a negotiated solution.”

      And Soros says we must win against Putin or lose Western Civilization. More likely that the money-changers of New York and London will lose their grip on power. I think we’re going to lose civilization anyway unless there’s another massive “clean” gradient into which we can place our siphons (not Russian oil and gas). Nate Hagens euphemistically calls it “The Great Simplification.”, which is what happens to a body when it expires. I would call it “The Not So Great Death by Megacancer.”

      Liked by 1 person

    1. energy blind. In addition to everything he talks about, net energy is dropping, resources are getting used up and the world is being trashed. He is blind to God’s plan.


      1. I noticed that he didn’t make the connection to the energy gradients. People in general are blind, working in their dark little cells on new tools to attack the gradients or out in the open on distribution systems which will give them fame, power, wealth and reproductive advantage, to varying degrees and a ticket to consume some of the macerated organic world that flows through the technological arteries. They dismiss what I try to explain in favor of comforting beliefs that sanction doing more of the same. Besides, regardless of what they believe, they’re unfortunately programmed to do exactly what they’re doing. The great nabobs are powerless to suppress the natural “pursuit of happiness” or the dopa-dollar equivalent and are more interested in pursuing their own version of the MPP (mostly by pandering to the desires of their electorates). Human societies collapse because their constituents consume everything in an effort to outdo each other, individually and collectively. If people are amenable to reason when they’re well fed, I’m sure they’ll be extra amenable to reason when they’re starving or can’t afford to drive to work. We’re not headed for a recession or temporary cessation of growth, as the yeast wait motionlessly in their polluted and nearly depleted nutrient broth for things to resume as before. We’re headed for a die-off.


        1. A die-off, but currently being pre-empted by those who imagine they can surf the wave of part-planned, part-inevitable destruction and emerge triumphant, to rule a world they have fully patented own to the cellular level and can modify according to their whims.

          Pharoahs, ordering tombs in which they can live forever, while planning on executing the builders who thought it was just another well-paid job ……


          1. As Harari says, if you have enough data you can rule the world. Problem is if you don’t have any energy to make use of the expensive data you just generated, enough to give its generation, collection and storage a positive EROEI, then you lose. But if you can collect the biometric data to determine just which vaccine to use to create an “unexpected” death, it may pay off. One less to feed.

            Liked by 1 person

  28. It was the volcanic glass. Easy RNA world. But why is the universe so quiet? Because about the same time organismal RNA arises (humans or equivalent) they do themselves in with their own technology and imperative elimination of any and all exploitable energy. Four billion years of quiet evolution setting the stage for an organism’s transformation into technological RNA and boom! It’s over in a flash.


    1. The ticket price for entry to a society that endures is high general mortality, lots of dead babies, geronticide, frequent physical discomfort and war, and many incurable diseases.


    2. yeah, I don’t know, but this seems like a phony problem to me. To me, given the right conditions matter forms active matter. More or less like when given the right conditions just about any bit of matter can be a solid, liquid, gas, states inbetween, etc. Maybe the conditions for active matter, and storing of information, rather than just passing it off, are not all that common, but the concept is not esstially different than any other change of state. I’d say.

      It’s kind of like the “hard” problem of consiousness is just not that hard at all, to me anyway. To me. it’s not even a problem. It’s just a matter of computing power. Or something like that.


      1. It’s kinda like, if matter can be so arranged to retain information, and thereby be better equiped to degrade other matter and gradients quicker and more efficiently, then that’s exactly what will happen. We, humans, do it all the time. Because that’s what we’re built to do. None of this seems mysterious or puzzeling to me.

        “why” it might be this way? That’s a complete mystery. But it is. I’d say.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. May the most prolific win. And to be the most prolific you have to be the most effective and efficient energy funnel able to turn your winnings into growth without getting eaten by something else. If matter/energy weren’t trying to reach its lowest energy state, like water flowing to the oceans, then the funnels would be of no use. We’re accelerators. Sort of like a big catalyst. We have positive EROEI unless they make us start hunting and eating insects. That’s a conduit that can’t even keep the lights on.

          They’ve looked quite a while for a substrate that would catalyze the formation of RNA. I believe clay was a candidate. And RNA world was born. Just think of yourself as RNA squared.


    1. I’m about two-hundred yards from the Ohio River, but who would want to drink that stuff. I guess if it’s all you had. Have to stock-up on some activated charcoal. The problem here is that I’m about a football field from train tracks that carry all types of toxins, there was a factory that burned waste in the past a half-mile up the road and this town was sandwiched between two coal power plants for many years. I can only imagine the amounts of heavy metals, mercury and other toxics in the soil. So the water is good for a few domestic things, but I sure won’t be having a big garden unless I use containers.


      1. I spend some time walking around some of the streams in my vicinity, they still have trout living in them. I think that’s a pretty good sign that they’re still pretty healthy, the streams that is.


      2. Huh, that doesn’t sound good. I have to think that drinking from the Ohio River would be an act of desperate need.

        The area that I’m, Cheshire, CT, kinda went from farm to suburbia. There was no real industry and such here, as far as I know.

        It existed as a small farming community, orchards, dairy, meat… It existed mostly to supply food to the nearby industrial cities, Waterbury, New Haven, Etc. After WW2, it began to be converted into subburbia. This excellerated when the white working class and middle class started to leave the cities., mostly in the ’60’s, I guess. I am the product of a white working class family that stayed in the city. But that’s a whole other story.

        Today, it, Cheshire, is a bastion of the petit bourgeois, Drs, lawyers, orthidontists…professionals of all sorts. By and large, they’re not “bad” people. But they are idiotic in that they take themselves and their inbred opinions seriously. I suppose this type of behavior is true of all “groups”. The working class and middle class, of all races and colors and such, have largly been eliminated by real estate prices and taxes. I’m sure the bourgeios like this just fine, although they’d never admit it.

        My current environment is basically clean quite and relativly safe, nothing to complain about.


        1. Yes, the water is so used and reused that it’s said the town upstream must flush their commodes before we have anything to drink. But it sounds as though you have a good situation. Since the debt must always be expanding, I’m pretty sure the likes of Blackrock must inflate the price of homes by buying at the margin (until everyone is priced out of living in one).

          I was thinking of a variation on the game of musical chairs where there are ten chairs and one is added occasionally with one-hundred participants walking around the chairs as the music plays. The participants walk in circles around the chairs receiving a claim check on some portion of a chair with each circuit. They’re for certain that some day they’ll be able to exchange their tickets for a chair. But one day they notice that new chairs aren’t arriving and the cost of existing chairs is rising faster than they can accumulate claim tickets. One day someone bursts into the room and exclaims, “There are no more chairs and never will be!” That’s when the real hyperinflation begins followed by a deflationary collapse. Oh well, good times.


        2. Silliest thing one of them ever said to me was to reprimand me for putting a hammer or screwdriver in the back pocket of my jeans while helping them to put up a curtain pole in a new apartment:

          ‘Don’t do that, it makes you look working class!’

          An upper middle-class way of handling a screwdriver? Ineptly, I suppose.

          In the privacy of my own hovel I go so low as to actually hold spare nails and screws in my mouth when doing DIY.

          Not at all a bad person, far from it, but a bit lost in that internal self-image thing.


          1. That’s why I’m very particular in the company I keep. No pretenders allowed. You see, I know what they are under the skin, beyond the hoity-toity camouflage, and I’m not impressed.


  29. I was imagining how much better things might be if people didn’t have egos or self-identity. Society could then be much more cohesive and coordinated in dealing with adversity. But then again, that clone-like existence and organization of drones might only accelerate the use of the energy gradients. Surely fighting over ownership slows the consumption. But we do already have some degree of ego suppression in formation of the religion or tribe in which personal good is suppressed in favor of collective good. Leaders or the priestly class like to cultivate and use this behavioral characteristic in which egos disappear and individuals coalesce to accomplish an important task, whether it be “fighting evil” (anti-social behavior) or the tribe one valley over. While the default setting for humans is individual self-interest, they can easily flip into the patriotic collective setting where great sacrifices are acceptable, including fighting and dying in wars. A collective mindset may even free resources previously hoarded for rapid burning during times of strife.


    1. The participants walk in circles around the chairs receiving a claim check on some portion of a chair with each circuit.

      That’s a pretty good analogy. To add another layer, many colledge students today pay for the future privilage of getting in line and walking in circles. Little do they know that soon enough there will be no more chairs and their claim checks will be worthless, if they can get any that is. Jokes on them. And the real funny part is that many of their parents and mentors and such are urging them to do just that.

      Really. I can’t make this shit up.


      1. I think that’s called “getting your foot in the door”. Might have been good when they were adding chairs fast and furious, but not so much any more. Now you get a claim ticket for your labor which will eventually be worth zilch.


      2. That’s when you think about grabbing someone who has a seat, dragging them off, and beating their brains out before sitting down.

        And when those who have seats already consider how to manage a pre-emptive strike.


        1. These guys didn’t get a chair, but they do live in a “Big House”. Didn’t they make vaccination mandatory for prisoners? Maybe they’ll get lucky and get “The Chair”.

          need a chair


  30. For the most part it seems that billionaires don’t like it when the energy spigots are closed and the dissipatives start gasping for fuel. It can cause things like defaults on debt.


  31. Tribes and pseudo-tribes: reading about life in pre-Nasser Egypt. Lower-class Jews, Europeans, Copts, Muslims, etc, loathed and shunned one another: but at the highest level of wealth and influence, all barriers were down and they wouldn’t dream of mixing with their inferiors socially. Anyone say ‘Davos’ or ‘divide and conquer’?


    1. So we shouldn’t be at all surprised at Dr Nosferatu Hariri being happy to go along with vaxxing the un-connected but hackable poorer Israelis en masse.
      Not his real tribe…….


    2. Dissipatives seem to rank themselves according to how much energy they can release from gradients. The poor dissipatives must try to catch some crumbs in servitude to the big burners.


    1. Many more trannies among the students here: some fairly passable, but most are big brutes.

      I was almost taken in by one at a distance the other day, alluringly tall, slim and dark until they got closer – bit of a shock!

      So, today I had a rather hefty, short student striding towards me down as an obvious tranny – can’t fool me! – but they turned out to be the genuine article!

      On reflection, this confusion either says something about my ageing eyesight, or the general inelegance of even young British women, or both.

      Perhaps they want to make us see the Swiss euthenasia pods as nice, calm, places to retreat to……..


  32. Heat or eat (or pay interest.) The debt bubble requires more debt. How much debt can the individual and society manage? With each increase in the prices of real things they can handle less and less debt. What happens if there’s not enough money to service the debt? Collapse. Debt will continue to take a greater percentage of people’s incomes until they say “no mas”. How will they afford a new EV and solar panels? They won’t. Government can create the money, but that only stokes inflation which makes it impossible for people to pay more in taxes or on debt. Even after the chaos and carnage of the money system explosion there will be a steady inflation as resources are depleted or fall off the list of economically exploitable resources.

    Related observations from a prepper:


  33. Found this picture of the Monkeypox. Thought everyone one should know what it looks like.

    Monkey pox

    CDC now recommends monkeypox masks for travelers. We’ll have to change the name of the “Deep State” to the “Shallow State”.


  34. Below are some typical human RNA working in a tech cell. A few more generations and their brains may be visual and hand/arm motor cortex with little else remaining except some vestigial speech. Perhaps Harari and friends want to “hack” them and make them more effective on a time scale far faster than natural evolution. But I imagine the organic RNA have gone about as far as possible. It’s time for their replacements. Perhaps in their newfound boredom the humans will become men and women of letters and culture while they consume robot product and dream about new complexities for the future. But Harari disparagingly says they will become men and women of drugs and video games (if they survive.)

    human RNA

    I’m still bewildered at how we will achieve artificial intelligence when we haven’t yet achieved organic intelligence. How intelligent is it to float along in a fog of self-organizing complexity with the only criteria for success being profit and growth steered by an archaic hominid, dopamine-releasing network of neurons? If it feels good (and it makes a profit) – do it. We sure have done it and continue to do it, consequences be damned.


    1. The belief in General AI as the solution to all problems and predicaments is merely the generation of another delusive God based on an entirely false self-conception as the ‘intelligent’ mammal, principally acting on the basis of pure reason.

      Moreover, this AI God is also presumed to be benevolent, and of assistance in aiding Hom Sap to transform not into an angel but Hom Sap 2.0, the Bio-Digital Modified and Enhanced Ape.


      1. The RNA of cells created the first edition of artificial intelligence by creating the human brain. And what happened? It came to function like the cellular RNA that gave rise to it. There were new technological tools, but it was still a greedy seeker and consumer of energy gradients. After all of the eating, profiting and growing, the RNA still get flushed in the end. Just like humans will be flushed when their own AI creation reaches the limits of its gradient reduction (or sooner).


  35. A good comment by Hideaway from over at

    on June 8, 2022 at 4:20 am said:
    @tagio, civilization itself is a giant ponzi scheme based on energy. All is good while we have rising energy availability, just like more cash into a ponzi scheme, but when the input slows to a ponzi everyone heads to the exits at the same time and the scheme collapses.
    Right now with energy there is all sorts of discussions about saving energy for local use, gas exports being targeted by some on the East coast of Australia, similar in other places. IMHO when it becomes obvious to everyone that energy growth is over there will be a rush to conserve what current owners have, while those that rely on buying in their energy will have a very hard time, and probably start using any means to grab others energy. It’s where we have been heading ever since the US invaded Iraq as the US way of life was not negotiable, or more likely since the dawn of agriculture.

    The price of all ‘renewables’ are going up because of the vast energy inputs in their manufacture (mining, transport of ores, heat processes, embedded energy in new factories, delivery and installation), most likely the same for Nuclear power plants and new hydro schemes. The price of these will only fall when the energy to make them declines. If energy prices keep rising as most here are fairly certain they will, then the cost of building Renewables, Nuclear, Hydro will become so high as to be niche’ additions only.

    If we learn anything from history it is that as energy inputs decline, the complexity of a system unravels, no matter if it’s past human civilizations, natural ecosystems, or stars. The decline is also more rapid than the growth in every case. We need a high level of complexity for ‘renewables’ and/or nuclear to be viable alternatives, which means increased energy use.

    No-one is predicting the replacement of the current ~170,000 Twh/yr use of energy with alternatives to fossil fuels, we simply do not have the resources. Every plan I’ve read states replacing everything with ‘electric’ and a much lower overall energy use. Using the latest figures from the World Bank of expected world growth of 3% pa for 2023 and 2024, extrapolated out to 2050, and also using the correlation of energy use with ‘growth’ (remembering we are mining lower grade, deeper, more remote and harder ores), we would need to be producing 388,000 Twh of energy in 2050 to avoid collapse, such is the power of the exponential path ‘we’ have been on over the last couple of centuries.

    All we can do is hope the collapse of the civilization ponzi scheme is a lot slower than other ponzi collapses, but I fear it isn’t, nor is there any evidence it will be slower. Depletion of oil resources (and ECOE) will send prices of coal and gas higher as both require lots of diesel in exploration, extraction and transport.
    Energy will become a scarcer commodity, leading food to be scarcer (because of situations like current fertilizer costs), which will lead to countries or communities holding on to what they have and collecting what they need by any means if possible..


    1. We live in a near-miraculous world of utterly mysterious, totally inexplicable – and rather sudden – events, portents and catastrophes.

      Money still to be made in supplying, installing and inspecting those defibrillators!


      1. “Insert three coins to remove paddles. For half resuscitation insert five coins. For full shock insert eight coins. If you have no coins call 911.”


    1. Kinda funny, my GF was laughing at me cause it took me about 5 years to figure out that I could take a picture with my phone.


    2. But can you imagine how proud the new owners would be at the next family picnic? Ford F-150, it’s the new Mercedes. Under their breathe the admirers will be saying “Idiot.”


  36. How is your conatus today, you selfish masses of cells? Did you virtuous dissipatives get any (gradient or sex) today? Hustle, hustle, hustle dissipatives, your time is short and your success must be certain before death and before the whole species goes extinct. Dopamine and opioids will flow from your determined efforts. My personal success is most important and I’m sure I’ll be the survivor (winner, #1) when the cataclysm strikes.


    1. Humans are fortunate, in that time thinking about sex, or any other agreeable prospect, can be almost as diverting as the real thing.

      So we are tailor-made for Hariri’s VR Dystopia; put another way, it’s a natural product of the imaginative chimp brain.


    1. I think that many of the financial types have been hopeful that technological advancement would produce the tools necessary to unlock another gradient before the clock ran out and somehow mitigate climate change. They’ve likely planned for the eventuality that there wouldn’t be an adequate energy replacement or supplements and as the clock ticks closer to twelve and the currency and growth stall, they have had to activate “plans”. The real plans are hidden beneath the green renewable future presented to the public which cannot be accomplished with a bankrupt economy and climate change headwinds. The creative types in Hollywood are definitely influenced and funded by institutions that want to plant certain ideas and opinions in people’s heads. I’ve noticed this on Netflix. Maybe some of these productions are fear amplifiers to instill Pre-Traumatic Stress so that you’re primed to lose it during the real shock later on. No doubt screenwriters are often told what to produce by their “investors”.


      1. Pre-traumatic Stress via fictional drama is an interesting notion.

        So that the reality – if it relates to the fiction in some way, appears to confirm it – very quickly becomes the straw that breaks the camel’s back after years of absorbing relentless negativity, leading to terrible over-load: secret, immense conspiracies; betrayal by all-powerful intelligence agencies and every trusted institution; malevolent scientists zombie neighbours: blood, disease, mutations and even more blood……



  37. Diversion, the Primary Strategy
    Experience has prevent that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of the basic system principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand.
    This is achieved by:

    disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and discouraging technical creativity.
    engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:
    unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media – especially the T.V. and the newspapers.
    giving them what they desire – in excess – “junk food for thought” – and depriving them of what they really need.

    rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities.
    These preclude their interest in and discovery of the silent weapons of social automation technology.
    The general rule is that there is a profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer solutions.

    Diversion Summary
    Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.
    Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.

    Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level.

    Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand.
    This is achieved by:

    disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities; providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and discouraging technical creativity.
    engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities, by:
    unrelenting emotional affrontations and attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of constant barrage of sex, violence, and wars in the media – especially the T.V. and the newspapers.
    giving them what they desire – in excess – “junk food for thought” – and depriving them of what they really need.

    rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly fabricated outside priorities.
    These preclude their interest in and discovery of the silent weapons of social automation technology.
    The general rule is that there is a profit in confusion; the more confusion, the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer solutions.

    Diversion Summary
    Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.
    Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.

    Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level.

    Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not sure anyone knew what they were doing. It self-organized as a system for using the fossil fuel gradient for achieving profit and growth through dissipative structures and with an abundance of energy it became clear that providing incentives for people to specialize and work in tech cells was the way to go. Not much struggle in keeping the public ignorant as that’s their preferred state of being. You only have to teach them to read and write and do some arithmetic to function in the cells. Soon that won’t even be necessary. Television was great for creating group-think among those that can’t think and AI will be even better.


      1. This article is in denial of limits to growth, none the less it is still informative.

        In 1972, the Club of Rome’s founder Aurelio Peccei had published his controversial book “The Limits to Growth”, a book that had been commissioned by the Club of Rome and which took a Malthusian approach to overpopulation. The book would call into question the sustainability of global economic growth and Peccei would be invited by Schwab to make the keynote speech at the 1973 World Economic Forum. This risqué public relations strategy paid dividends for Schwab and his organisation. From that point on, the forum would grow in size, scale and power. But it all began with a CIA-funded course run by Henry Kissinger at Harvard.


        1. Failure to achieve globalism will likely result in a continued spiraling arms race and war over limited resources. Achieving globalism might result in some degree of control, but there’s not a dissipative on the planet that likes that kind of control, especially administered by the most rapacious, deceiving and enslaving group on the planet.


          1. I agree with you. I just think that a few people may really have taken the limits to growth seriously. They have been maneuvering for a one world government the whole 20th century but also had this inconvenient overshoot problem they had to deal with. On top of that the Russians have enough nuclear weapons and resources after World War 2 to stop them and guarantee sovereignty to other nations like Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and China. So basically, since the end of World War 2 they needed to knock Russia out to then knock out all the other dominoes.

            Of course, no one wants to live in a one world government, the point is that we are ruled by psychopaths of an extraordinary degree. Think of our leaders as serial killers. If collapse is inevitable anyways, then this is their last chance for globalism. They just need to make sure the population doesn’t know they are being systemically murdered. I’m not sure psychopaths care to be rational, they simply want to dominate, manipulate and control. Of course, even if they succeed with the population the earth’s climate may still melt down to the point of human extinction anyways. They may make mistakes, but they can’t be totally clueless.

            The flaw in a one world government of course is the problem of excessive complexity. So, it was always a stupid plan. Not understanding complexity does not preclude these people from understanding the connection between energy and finance.


            1. I’ve often thought along similar lines. Narcissists can be shamed sometimes ( I have them in the family, alas) but psychos never: no limits, no ethics, all serves the drive to dominance.

              I don’t feel they comprehend the ultimately self-defeating nature of complexity (well described by Joseph Tainter) above all at the energy flows their bio-digital schemes require, even if they slaughter us.

              The Ancients grasped limits of complexity, as in the tale of Yima the First King in the Persian Shah Nameh: twice he extends the growth and productivity of his kingdom using magical instruments given him by the gods.

              But when he tries a third time, as people and animals begin to go hungry and cold, they descend and tell him the tools won’t work anymore, and it is time to hide under the earth, because a Great Winter is coming…..


  38. Consent, the Primary Victory
    A silent weapon system operates upon data obtained from a docile public by legal
    (but not always lawful) force. Much information is made available to silent
    weapon systems programmers through the Internal Revenue Service. (See Studies
    in the Structure of the American Economy for an I.R.S. source list.)
    This information consists of the enforced delivery of well-organized data
    contained in federal and state tax forms, collected, assembled, and submitted by
    slave labor provided by taxpayers and employers.
    Furthermore, the number of such forms submitted to the I.R.S. is a useful
    indicator of public consent, an important factor in strategic decision making.
    Other data sources are given in the Short List of Inputs.
    Consent Coefficients – numerical feedback indicating victory status.
    Psychological basis: When the government is able to collect tax and seize private
    property without just compensation, it is an indication that the public is ripe for
    surrender and is consenting to enslavement and legal encroachment. A good and
    easily quantified indicator of harvest time is the number of public citizens who
    pay income tax despite an obvious lack of reciprocal or honest service from the
    Amplification Energy Sources
    The next step in the process of designing an economic amplifier is discovering the
    energy sources. The energy sources which support any primitive economic system
    are, of course, a supply of raw materials, and the consent of the people to labor
    and consequently assume a certain rank, position, level, or class in the social
    structure, i.e., to provide labor at various levels in the pecking order.
    Each class, in guaranteeing its own level of income, controls the class
    immediately below it, hence preserves the class structure. This provides stability
    and security, but also government from the top.
    As time goes on and communication and education improve, the lower-class
    elements of the social labor structure become knowledgeable and envious of the
    good things that the upper-class members have. They also begin to attain a
    knowledge of energy systems and the ability to enforce their rise through the class
    This threatens the sovereignty of the elite.
    If this rise of the lower classes can be postponed long enough, the elite can
    achieve energy dominance, and labor by consent no longer will hold a position of
    an essential energy source.
    Until such energy dominance is absolutely established, the consent of people to
    labor and let others handle their affairs must be taken into consideration, since
    failure to do so could cause the people to interfere in the final transfer of energy
    sources to the control of the elite.
    It is essential to recognize that at this time, public consent is still an essential key
    to the release of energy in the process of economic amplification.


  39. Logistics
    The successful application of a strategy requires a careful study of inputs, outputs,
    the strategy connecting the inputs and the outputs, and the available energy
    sources to fuel the strategy. This study is called logistics.
    A logistical problem is studied at the elementary level first, and then levels of
    greater complexity are studied as a synthesis of elementary factors.
    This means that a given system is analyzed, i.e., broken down into its subsystems,
    and these in turn are analyzed, until by this process, one arrives at the logistical
    “atom,” the individual.
    This is where the process of synthesis propery begins, at the time of birth of the
    The Artificial Womb
    From the time a person leaves its mother’s womb, its every effort is directed
    towards building, maintaining, and withdrawing into artificial wombs, various
    sorts of substitute protective devices or shells.
    The objective of these artificial wombs is to provide a stable environment for both
    stable and unstable activity; to provide a shelter for the evolutionary processes of
    growth and maturity – i.e., survival; to provide security for freedom and to provide
    defensive protection for offensive activity.
    This is equally true of both the general public and the elite. However, there is a
    definite difference in the way each of these classes go about the solution of
    The Political Structure of a Nation – Dependency
    The primary reason why the individual citizens of a country create a political
    structure is a subconscious wish or desire to perpetuate their own dependency
    relationship of childhood. Simply put, they want a human god to eliminate all risk
    from their life, pat them on the head, kiss their bruises, put a chicken on every
    dinner table, clothe their bodies, tuck them into bed at night, and tell them that
    everything will be alright when they wake up in the morning.
    This public demand is incredible, so the human god, the politician, meets
    incredibility with incredibility by promising the world and delivering nothing. So
    who is the bigger liar? the public? or the “godfather”?
    This public behavior is surrender born of fear, laziness, and expediency. It is the
    basis of the welfare state as a strategic weapon, useful against a disgusting public.
    Most people want to be able to subdue and/or kill other human beings which
    disturb their daily lives, but they do not want to have to cope with the moral and
    religious issues which such an overt act on their part might raise. Therefore, they
    assign the dirty work to others (including their own children) so as to keep the
    blood off their hands. They rave about the humane treatment of animals and then
    sit down to a delicious hamburger from a whitewashed slaughterhouse down the
    street and out of sight. But even more hypocritical, they pay taxes to finance a
    professional association of hit men collectively called politicians, and then
    complain about corruption in government.
    Again, most people want to be free to do the things (to explore, etc.) but they are
    afraid to fail.
    The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating
    those personal responsibilities to others where success is uncertain or carries
    possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept.
    They want authority (root word – “author”), but they will not accept responsibility
    or liability. So they hire politicians to face reality for them.
    The people hire the politicians so that the people can:
    o obtain security without managing it.
    o obtain action without thinking about it.
    o inflict theft, injury, and death upon others without having to contemplate
    either life or death.
    o avoid responsibility for their own intentions.
    o obtain the benefits of reality and science without exerting themselves in
    the discipline of facing or learning either of these things.
    They give the politicians the power to create and manage a war machine to:
    o provide for the survival of the nation/womb.
    o prevent encroachment of anything upon the nation/womb.
    o destroy the enemy who threatens the nation/womb.
    o destroy those citizens of their own country who do not conform for the
    sake of stability of the nation/womb.
    Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police which are
    soldiers, the attorneys and C.P.A.s next who are spies and saboteurs (licensed),
    and the judges who shout orders and run the closed union military shop for
    whatever the market will bear. The generals are industrialists. The “presidential”
    level of commander-in-chief is shared by the international bankers. The people
    know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes
    (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite.
    Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a docile sub-nation
    [great silent majority] and a political sub-nation. The political sub-nation remains
    attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until it
    grows strong enough to detach itself and then devour its parent.


  40. Table of Strategies

    Do this: To get this:

    Keep the public ignorant Less public organization

    Maintain access to control Required reaction to outputs (prices,
    points for feedback sales)

    Create preoccupation Lower defenses

    Attack the family unit Control of the education of the young

    Give less cash and more More self-indulgence and more data
    credit and doles

    Attack the privacy Destroy faith in this sort of
    of the church government

    Social conformity Computer programming simplicity

    Minimize the tax protest Maximum economic data, minimum
    enforcement problems

    Stabilize the consent Simplicity coefficients

    Tighten control of variables Simpler computer input data —
    greater predictability

    Establish boundary Problem simplicity / solutions of
    conditions differential and difference equations

    Proper timing Less data shift and blurring

    Maximize control Minimum resistance to control

    Collapse of currency Destroy the faith of the American
    people in each other.


    1. I’ve noticed more and more people dying “unexpectedly”. Now Justin Bieber has an illness he just can’t shake. I wouldn’t doubt that the content of the show was crafted to give people a glimpse into the future, so they could say, “I think I saw that in a movie.”


    2. ‘Hidden in the smallpox vaccine’……

      They covered all the bases in that one, didn’t they!

      This odd compulsion to announce in advance, like the torturer showing the instruments…. Not ‘programming’, just bragging?

      Except that no one was paying attention to a fictional series – and if they were, what could they possibly do about it? Dismantle the labs? Vote?

      ‘We told the dumb schmucks, time and again, and they didn’t pick up on it: so they deserve what we do to them!’


  41. The real purpose of Ukraine war was to divert public attention away from the massive population die-off via vaccine. The pandemic and war in Ukraine are part of the same plan. Planned many decades in advance to save the world from overpopulation for the benefit of a few, with the remaining humanity in slavery. They wanted this war to go on for a decade, to provide diversion, but that doesn’t seem to be going according to plan. It appears that the war will end a lot sooner than the planners hoped for. Which means they will need a new diversion.


    1. Much of their new high-tech investment is in China which has already established a social credit system etc. that Westerners would resist. In the zero-sum world which we now occupy it will be impossible to keep everyone fed – people and businesses. It makes the most sense to cut your losses in the West, full of debt that will never be repaid and useless eaters, by culling and collapsing the economies and preserve high-tech enterprises and areas favored by the elites. Once slaves or farm animals cost more than they produce, they’re usually gotten rid of. Since Putin was in the WEF young leadership program and owns a $700,000,000 yacht, a hallmark of billionaire operatives, I’m not even sure he’s not in on it. Russia will likely do well while the leaders of the West seem to have signed a suicide pact – on behalf of their citizens. Any survivors will be rounded-up, chipped and given a basic income depending upon their social credit score. No doubt the destruction of the West is planned.


    2. So Putin works for THEY? Was the plan plotted before the collapse of the Soviet Union or after and was that collapse orchestrated by THEY as part of their plan too? Whoa I’m having a hard time keeping up with all the evil doers & doings.


      1. Global Depopulation?

        Most of us find this hard to fathom. Are there powerful influential people who would consider or plan such a diabolic scheme? The reader who is well versed in geopolitics and aware of the Bilderberg Group, will find this 1981 quote which many attribute to Bilderberg member Jacques Attali. Attali served as a counselor to President François Mitterrand from 1981 to 1991 and was the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 1991.

        ” The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself.”

        Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, which was published in France by Emi Lit when Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand.


        1. Yea, I’m familiar with Attali. I guess he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. But it doesn’t matter, apparently their plan is working even with early disclosure.


        2. Not even the elimination of just the ‘poor, old, sick and idiots’ though: this is surprisingly egalitarian in implementation, in that I know some youngish, healthy, ‘ultra-high net worth’ types who lined up eagerly to be injected so that they could go on holidays in Europe.

          One even had a serious clot (apparent full recovery) and yet went back for more when a booster was required to go abroad – incredible!

          And there was that Italian Count from one of the oldest families in Florence- a London financier I think – who died in his sleep recently which may be a vaxx death as some suspect.

          No one offered them placebos, whispered that they should go to a certain special clinic, or gave them a fake vaxx ‘passport’. They took their chances along with those on welfare, the warehouse workers, teachers, truckers, medics and builders…..

          There is a Club, and it’s apparently very small indeed: if you are not ‘in’, however rich, you are completely disposable, at any time.

          No doubt only the Owners, the key politicians and CEO’s, some people in finance and tech, are protected by special arrangements from the vaxx mayhem.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. The bankers, being supreme dissipatives and extenders of credit, want maximum capitalistic growth. They’ve essentially eliminated communism, the growth has exploded, but all good things come to an end. I’m a little wary of the glorification of Putin as he seems to keep a stable of yachting oligarchs and no President of a quasi-democracy (or is it a Kingdom) keeps a $700,000,000 yacht. But I’ll grant that it seems the West has wanted to rid themselves of Putin for many years. Maybe I’m waiting for him to level Kiev instead of simply blasting a bunch of Azov degenerates. Why hold back? Things will never get back to normal, even if he defeats Ukraine with their installed puppet president Zelensky, but he may successfully starve much of the West. It’s said he did throw out many Western opportunists after the Soviet Union dissolved which would have been much easier for the globalists to work with. He can play along with the globalists in collapsing the West and extend the war or he can end it quickly. I think he’ll play along.


        1. Putin seems to be in denial about overshoot and thinks there is going to be a multipolar world order. He thinks Russia’s population is too low and encourages more babies. He’s also a major denier of climate change. However, I think his main crime is simply standing up to the western banking conspiracy. I don’t think Putin ever fully grasped the depth of what he is facing. Hence the sputnik V vaccine is killing Russians too. If the Russians new better, they would preserve the remaining resources for themselves instead of selling it all. Especially oil. They would also stop vaccinating.


          1. The Russians are smart and they know what the Western banking cartels want. No one standing in the way and world dominance. Putin must think twice about participating in any open air parades in convertibles in Moscow. Everyone knows where defiance will get them. Perhaps a bullet or an “arkancide”. Gaddafi got an arkancide, but it occurred in Libya. Better just play along Putin, there will not be any golden age for anyone after this is over. How can anyone trust Putin or Trump after pushing the “vaccines”.


            The unfortunate thing about trying to preserve gradients is that some dissipative will always find a back door into the stash or even take it through the front door by force.


            1. ” I reported about the ongoing investigation into the alleged suicide of former Clinton adviser Mark Middleton, who was found hanged and had shotgun blast to the chest”

              LOL these assholes aren’t even trying anymore.


              1. They used to find them having “accidentally” fallen over cliffs or a high balcony. According to my friend in Little Rock, the bankers couldn’t have found a more suitable person for the presidency, completely morally bereft and suitable to become a member of the prestigious club. Outlandish speaking fees and well funded non-profit charity included in package.


              2. Quite the gymnast to pull that off…..

                The less plausible the death, the stronger the message.

                Someone who knows them socially said that Sunday brunch at home with Hillary and Bill is great: she loves being a hostess, and does the cooking herself. Sweet couple.


      3. Just think like a tribesman: if someone is neither kin nor a long-tried friend, assume that they might be prepared to kill you or stand and watch while it’s done. So much simpler!

        Some feel deeply betrayed by the institutions, and are in a state of shock: the compromised regulators, the lying physicians, pharma companies, the military chiefs, etc: but they were never our friends in the first place. They are no different to the bankers.

        Did they swear binding oaths on sacred objects? Of course not! And basic human decency is a fiction.


        1. The millions of years of vile chimp behaviors used to outcompete other chimps are still intact. Social engagement becomes an assessment as how best to use the other chimp for self-promotion. One of the reasons the middling chimps fawn over the rich while detesting the poor.


          1. If we phrase it as ‘basic chimp decency’ we can see the absurdity of expecting anything better.

            It’s all happy grooming, hanging out and Bonobo-ing until the time comes for unleashing the inner psychotic and ambush your enemy…..


  42. I suspect Putin is privately appalled that they are happy to crush the economies of the West, and Europe/UK in particular, indirectly via the suicide- sanctions in single-minded pursuit of their plans.

    Even Stalin would have put down his pope doffed his worker’s cap to such utter ruthlessness: ‘One death a tragedy, millions a statistic, but billions is godlike!’

    It looks as though they initially tried to lure Putin in, and the digitised control grid must have many attractions for any authoritarian ruler: but then he realised that it also probably meant the final end of Russian sovereignty, and perhaps ultimately the fate of Gaddafi for him and his associates in a final, cynical, betrayal.

    Putin certainly doesn’t represent any enlightened higher principles, ‘European civilisation’ or anything exalted like that, except in so far as he is perhaps slightly less ruthless and not complicit in the planned murder or enslavement of billions.

    He’s more of a gangster in a desperate fight with a psychotic serial killer. Isn’t much of history like that?


  43. I like Rob Mielcarski un-denial website, but I’m going to refrain from posting there after he deleted 7 of my posts. I was considered to be speaking crazy talk about after I brought up the fact that Donald Rumsfeld was twice a pharmaceutical CEO after being secretary of defense, despite having no formal education in business, science, or medicine. Then going back to secretary of defense afterwards. I suggested that illegal bioweapons programs might take place in the private sector where there is less accountability. I was deleted.

    I told Rob, I find it strange you can calmly call for human population reduction, but consider it “crazy talk” if I suggest that its already happening. Oh well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just shows how powerful the evolved Denial Response is: frightening enough and it simply doesn’t exist or can’t be credited.

      Jung observed that dying clients rarely had dreams relating to death: it was BAU for the brain.

      Prosperous, middle-class, middle aged, educated and they are going to squash you like a bug? Can’t be true!

      A young man shouted from the death truck at one of the camps: ‘Only 26 and I’m headed for the crematorium! I can’t believe it!’


      1. Population reduction, so desirable in theory, is for the seething, pullulating, poor, brown black and yellow masses, far away not The Great Me, and not now!


        1. I posted this link suggesting perhaps Klaus Schwab never forgot about the limits to growth. It was deleted.
          courtesy of the world economic forum website

          The Davos Manifesto

          At the third European Management Symposium, the Forum broadened its European focus, picking the theme “Shaping Your Future in Europe”. His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the honorary sponsor and the Commission of the European Communities renewed its patronage.

          Two developments distinguished this Davos meeting. First, Aurelio Peccei, the Italian industrialist, delivered a speech summarizing The Limits to Growth, a book that had been commissioned by the Club of Rome, the global think tank that he founded. When it was published in 1972, the study had caused a sensation for calling into question the sustainability of global economic growth. The authors outlined the choices that society had to make to reconcile economic development and environmental constraints. The landmark publication sold more than 12 million copies and was translated into over 30 languages.

          Second, participants took the initiative to draft a code of ethics based on Klaus Schwab’s stakeholder concept. With just one abstention, all participants approved the text in the final session of the symposium.

          From its beginning, the Forum set out the principle that it should neither act as an advocacy group nor express any opinions on behalf of its members or participants. The Davos Manifesto was a rare exception to this policy.


          1. They should change the name of the WEF to WMF (World Megacancer Forum).

            “The Annual Meeting 2013 theme, Resilient Dynamism, emphasized the importance of restructuring economies and companies so that they grow sustainably and responsibly.” Sustainable growth is a bit of an oxymoron and definitely not responsible. But the money system requires it and humans want more and more opioid hits. Cancer cells are no different, max the reproduction and growth as long as nutrients are available.


            1. If we can detach a little from it, James, it’s actually highly comical.

              Who wouldn’t want to be Dynamically Resilient ? Sounds pretty cool.

              Plus a Sustainable, Tech-Enhanced, Future-Scoper, eating steak while the masses finally get to see what’s in their ‘bug-out bags’…….


              1. How to be dynamically resilient to degrowth while others bear the burden. These are dissipative dreams in the aether of the highest order.


        2. Yes, nobody imagined they would have the honor of being depopulated. I don’t really blame anyone for avoiding. It’s just nature.


          1. The ones too old to reproduce think that they are safe.

            The ones who never had children think – often smugly – they have done their bit ‘for the planet’ and are also safe.

            That they might still be considered surplus to requirements – ‘inevitably redundant human capital’ (Rothschild) – per se is unthinkable to them.


    2. The “Collapse of Industrial Civilization”guy, Mike, is similar. I got booted when I questioned the official 9/11 story, even though he has an image of the burning towers right there in his banner, next to how he promises to unveil “the truth behind the American hologram”. Funny how so many bright and observant people have this or that big place they just won’t go. Currently I draw the line at aliens (but I can’t rule them out.. David Icke got a lot of other stuff right, after all!).


      1. I’ve noticed that also, especially with Denninger and his Ban Hammer. If people can’t accept reality, they will continue to make decisions that are a little or a lot off the mark and suffer for it. But they may also suffer by accepting reality. If there are aliens, they must be unconscious seekers of energy and reproduction like humans. If they had AI, it would have told them to stay home and spare the effort. I imagine they would have to possess lots of whiz bang technology for tapping gradients and fighting the Klingons, but have next to zero wisdom. Perhaps maximal gradient reduction is the highest attainment in the universe and dissipatives simply cannot help themselves since successful energy flow shapes their being.


  44. This is a pinnacle of official cynicism.

    The UK Gov is giving money and legal help to prosecute ‘Russian war crimes’ in the Ukraine, as a matter of urgency and high morality.

    But, it refuses to release exact figures on the deaths of under-18’s from the vaxx, which it acknowledges – by implication – have occurred, as people ‘wouldn’t know what the data means’………


  45. This was a good clip by Neil McCoy-Ward:

    The entire technological system is self-organizing into its own extinction. I like the part where the girl is uncomfortable with her body and wants to be beamed into the cloud. AI may be able to make a simulation of a person and other ignoramuses’ will certainly want to follow (to their death). My own children have been brainwashed into detesting “nature” of which they are an indelible part (until they’re beamed-up of course.”) After so many pandemics and vaccines, and with failing bodies, perhaps many millions of the desperate will want to be beamed-up where AI can have them interact with each other in the heavenly Metaverse, a place where nasty “nature” doesn’t exist.

    I knew the organic, human rRNA wouldn’t last long, but the technological replacements will be even more short-lived. “We must get the cancer under control Klaus. What should we do?” “Pandemics, wars, famine and vivisection. They will be lining-up for the vaccines and a final escape to Cloud Nine.”


    1. It could be attractive if life becomes bleak and inhuman enough and the indoctrination is intense and from an early age: the body virtuously recycled into Gaia, the ‘soul’ beamed up to the Cloud from which you may communicate with those still living.

      Another kind of Jonestown that people will seek out, even beg for. Thinking they are taking a step up, they will merely be voluntary seeking annihilation. Could it then really be called ‘mass murder’ or genocide?

      Sticking young children in masks in indoctrination centres for no good medical reason is just the beginning of that brainwashing : you have a dirty , inefficient, defective, infectious body, a menace to the community and irksome to yourself, so shed it for a shining disembodied essence…..

      Rudolf Steiner, a clairvoyent, foresaw some of this in 1918:

      ‘It may well be that vaccines will be used to control mankind, destroying its spiritual essence.’

      They are certainly being used to condition, de-humanise and brainwash.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And then release genetically altered ticks and mosquitoes into the environment and provide the fearful little choice but to go “bodiless”. Perhaps another X-file episode in this vein is needed for psychological conditioning.


    1. With the Democratic Deep State anything goes, just offshore it, like those torture sites. The dissemination of disease through money dropped on a population is a great idea. “Sir, we’re under attack.” “What kind of ordinance are they using?” “Rubles sir.” “We also found some dead Mossad agents next to the contaminated money.” Mossad?” What were they doing?” “Trying to grab the money, sir, before it hit the ground.” “Ah yes, it is a known weakness.”


  46. Frontier: The World’s First Exascale Supercomputer Has Arrived

    Looks we have finally been saved; all hail the A.I.


    1. Here’s another one:

      And when they finally plug it in, “Hey Charlie, do you smell smoke?” I can imagine they’ll need one of these at the offshore bioweapons labs to fine-tune the pathogens to make them more race specific. Maybe they should do some more Limits to Growth modelling too since they don’t seem to get it. Or maybe crank-out mega crypto before the lights go out. And perhaps it can be the nucleus for the new “internet of things”.


        1. I guess form an entropy perspective these supercomputers are doing god’s work burning the energy and resource gradients. Maybe they can download all the worlds porn and bitcoin for posterity.


          1. Unfortunately there won’t be enough energy or habitat for a posterity, but God’s work indeed – burn more faster.


    1. I wonder if these guys are correct in that those vaccinated now have a MAC address.

      I remember a year ago or longer, a person that was being recognized by bluetooth. I wouldn’t put it past them. Maybe that’s why the kids have to be vaccinated, so everyone can have a unique MAC address to be a part of the internet of things .


  47. Ah yes, LA QUINTA COLUMNA, that were I learned it to. There is a Spanish channel on rumble that’s good.

    Here’s an interesting video on their channel where the president of Chile says that the 5g will control people’s emotions.

    Here’s A portion of Donald Rumsfeld’s biography.

    From 1977 to 1985 he served as Chief Executive Officer, President, and then Chairman of G.D. Searle & Co., a worldwide pharmaceutical company. The successful turnaround there earned him awards as the Outstanding Chief Executive Officer in the Pharmaceutical Industry from the Wall Street Transcript (1980) and Financial World (1981). From 1985 to 1990 he was in private business.

    Mr. Rumsfeld served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of General Instrument Corporation from 1990 to 1993, a leader in broadband transmission, distribution, and access control technologies. Until being sworn in as the 21st Secretary of Defense, Mr. Rumsfeld served as Chairman of the Board of Gilead Sciences, Inc., a pharmaceutical company.

    2 Pharma companies and a Broad band company. Nothing suspicious here. He wasn’t involved in providing chemical weapons to Iraq.


    1. At 1 minute in you can see the photoluminescence’s in the man’s blood veins

      Pandemic Babies

      Black-eyed baby

      Dr. Viviane Brunet on the side-effects of the COVID vaccines in pregnant women

      Dr. Viviane Brunet on black-eyed babies

      Self-assembling inorganic nanomaterials and graphene nanoribbons

      Dr. Ana María Oliva on brain-machine hybridization by means of mRNA and nanotechnology

      A transistor that enters cells like viruses

      MAC-cinated: Intra-body nano-network

      Irradiation and Catatonic State example #1: Frozen man in shopping mall

      Irradiation and Catatonic State example #2: Woman freezes while laughing


      1. La Quinta Columna Photoluminescence Properties of Graphene

        La Quinta Columna comments on new video of a black-eyed baby

        Dr. Viviane Brunet on the side-effects of the COVID vaccines in pregnant women

        Dr. Viviane Brunet on black-eyed babies

        La Quinta Columna on Pandemic Babies

        Dr. Ana María Oliva on brain-machine hybridization by means of mRNA and nanotechnology


    1. Maybe they’ll have to repurpose U-Haul, Budget and Penske gasoline trucks to make deliveries to the groceries. It’s pretty apparent that they want people to suffer enough to accept their digital enslavement.


      1. I sure hope the trucks don’t stop running before they turn on the 5G juice. I’m honestly curious to see what “you’ll own nothing and be happy” feels like. Might be some good shit, like the best drugs you ever had.


          1. I remember seeing a video of Bill Clinton being interviewed in Hong Kong back in 2005 about the future at a Q and A. I remember him saying that he thinks that in the future we would overcome death. I remember thinking to myself then, what a fucking dumbass. That’s why I remember it because it seemed so fucking preposterous. I’m trying to find that video.


            1. It was Clinton Global Initiative Hong Kong 2008. During the Questions and Answers some one asked him to predict the future. I still can’t find the video. I succinctly remember him saying, we will overcome death.


              1. Having the simplest nervous system of any known organism, the neurology of H. vulgaris is of interest to the neuroscience community, in the hopes that understanding such simple circuitry will be a precedent for understanding the more complex function of brains. The nervous system and resulting behaviors have been extensively studied by Rafael Yuste et al. As of 2021, H. vulgaris is the only animal for which the connection between its neural structure and every single one of its behaviors has been solved, with the exception of the neural code of the neurons themselves.


              2. But before we can deliver on that promise Mr. President, we’ll need an additional eight trillion in funding. Cha-ching.


          2. Dr. Madej is only one step up from Dr. Jane Ruby. They can be biologically immortal by procreating or by cloning themselves. Of course their putrid analog minds and dirty deeds will be lost forever when they start afresh. We’re all just a single-use energy conduits.


            1. She may be a whack job but in relation to the issue of what is the true purpose of these gene therapies, she has a point. Unfortunately it’s the Alex Jones religious conspiracy wacko crowd that is more likely to ask these questions. Bring these issues up with “serious people” at undenial, surplus energy economics, energy skeptic, and people will delete you and call you a conspiracy wacko. Only Gail at finite world tolerates posts like this. Mainly because her solution to all this is also religious. Seems like only those who believe in evil are willing to broach these topics.


              1. Religious belief and morality have stuck around to enable cooperative exploitation of energy gradients. Whenever individual greed pops-up people invoke religion, heaven, hell, damnation and punishment to reign them in because they’re interfering with the joint effort energy flow, the well-being of the group. People are kept on the straight and narrow by natural empathy, if they have any, or the threat of not living forever, if they’re a bad boy or girl. The problem with the ole time religion is that it’s a bit simplistic for many and probably wouldn’t have any effect on a psychopath. Actually, psychopaths might use it for their own gain.


                1. Humans are emotional animals, we are also tribal animals and in those two areas religion plays it’s part.
                  Of course old time civilizational fables are simplistic having come from much simpler times. Psychopaths definitely use religion to control people. However the current preferred means of control by the current generation of Psychopath-aucracy, is clearly scientific and technological.

                  Here’s the first page of silent weapons for quiet wars. I have no means of verifying its authenticity, but I believe its a genuine article. It’s outdated because it from 1979 but the first page sets the intent. I believe the intent is still relevant.

                  TOP SECRET

                  Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
                  Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1

                  Welcome Aboard
                  This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the “Quiet
                  War”, being conducted using subjective biological warfare, fought with “silent weapons.”

                  This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its

                  May 1979 #74-1120


                  It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e.,
                  the engineering of social automation systems (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide
                  scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human
                  life, i.e., slavery and genocide.

                  This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured
                  from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal
                  declaration of domestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a
                  position of great power and without full knowledge and consent of the public, uses such
                  knowledge and methodologies for economic conquest – it must be understood that a state
                  of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.

                  The solution of today’s problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no
                  agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values.

                  You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with
                  cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with
                  others of similar intellectual capacity without the loss of discretion or humility. Such
                  virtues are exercised in your own best interest. Do not deviate from them.

                  I can only assume that what they mean by “todays problems” which “requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values” is the issue of primary concern, that of dominance, revolved around the subject of the energy sciences. The secondary concern is that of limits to growth, or as you call it the megacancer. These people cannot have the first objective without getting control over the second objective.

                  These people benefit too much from civilization not to try something to save themselves. If we were all going to die from collapse anyways what difference does it make for them to kill us now, before we die later. The only way to stop the megacancer is to halt its biological growth and reduce its consumption. Hence “you will own nothing and be happy”.


                  1. They are highly invested in technology. I imagine that saving technology is more important to them than saving Joe and Jane Doe or investing in making their lives pleasant. They must cut-off the useless eaters and continue feeding the useful eaters. Technology, paid for largely by the useless eaters, will go towards eliminating the useless eaters. But God loves a useless eater and the more they eat and procreate, the more God loves them.


                    1. The Gemans used expendable slaves in the armaments factories – fed just enough to get a few months work out of them and with no safety procedures – who would have been exterminated anyway once the war had been won.

                      Better to feed gradient to Tech than to rebellious organic humans, so the princes of this world can reign secure in the Hell they’ve created.


                    2. Yes, the slaves are envious of the master and must be put in their place (feeding surplus to the princely useless eaters).


                  2. Hannah Rothschild, daughter of Jacob, wrote a novel – not Sci-fi – a few years ago in which she revealed some interesting basic assumptions:

                    1/ If the continued power and existence of The Family is threatened, no ethical restraints apply when acting to secure survival, wealth and continued dominance.

                    2/ In the novel, an innocent – and highly talented – young woman is stitched up for theft and murder, but this doesn’t provoke any guilt as ‘she led a miserable poor life, with no prospects, and what was her tiny urban apartment like anyway but a cell? Prison was no different – to her. ‘

                    The ruthless protagonist is exposed, but is let off quite lightly and reigns as head of the family, as her peers feel that she only acted for the best, and they would have done the same in hr place.

                    In a interview, Hannah revealed that Jacob has brought her into the inner workings of the Rothschild firm recently, after a career in the arts, in order to care-take for the next generation.

                    Through the fictional character she was perhaps indirectly addressing the family psychopathy: which is only too human, of course. How many say they would kill for their children?


            2. Procreating isn’t enough: they can’t stand the indifference of the Universe to their all-important, unique and wonderful selves.


              1. Based upon its entropic direction, the only thing of importance a technological dissipative could accomplish is the elimination of matter from the universe. A super dissipative structure to unlock all of that bound-up energy. It could built copies of itself from the massive flows. But why bother? It’s better to settle for food and drink and make little, unremarkable contributions to gradient reduction. And if we’re quiet enough, the aliens won’t find us.


          3. That they seek to conquer death this century is almost certain: this desire was previously the province of certain alchemists and triumphant, but ageing, Emperors with nothing else to do or think about, viewing death as the last enemy.

            Apart from the ultra-wealthy and powerful who can’t bear to think of losing what they have , people who live too much in the intellect – as many scientists and above all technologists do, simply can’t tolerate the thought of death as it confounds and exposes all their delusions about being able to fix or perfect things. It is also totally ego-crushing.

            Religions which enjoin personal humility and recognition of mortality as part of the inevitable, even desirable, order of things help to reconcile people to death, making primitive beliefs much saner in effect than the delusions of the sophisticated.


            1. But, but but……..I’m important in this world. God will not let my unique structure and features melt away to nothing as if I’ve never existed. I shall name buildings after myself and create monuments. I’ll do a brain dump into the cloud. People will remember me.

              Uh, no they won’t. They’re dissipatives and they’ll be struggling to find some energy to run through their structures. They may examine old photographs of you and say “Who is this strange looking person?” But that’s all. They’ll probably curse you for using and destroying so much as your photo goes into the fire to keep them warm.


        1. As a student I certainly owned next-to-nothing, and was quite happy: interesting studies, decent room, girlfriends and drink, even the odd cheap holiday back-packing.

          But that wasn’t trapped in an oppressive control grid, being medically-raped……


    1. I’ve come to like our cat and it knows it too. I used to get mad at it tugging on the furniture, but not so much anymore. It is what it is and it does what it does. I think the dog’s a little jealous cause fat dogs can’t jump. At this point I think that cats have a much better chance at long-term survival than humans.


    1. I would like to look more closely at the evolution of rRNA in cells to get a better feel for how the self-organization with humans is going to turn-out. Perhaps those cells and cellular organizations that were populated by well-controlled RNA populations had a survival advantage. The first thing to be eliminated would be the RNA’s ability to replicate at will with RNA populations kept at an “as needed” level. There wouldn’t be any medical care or retirement either. Some of the predictive programming may be a creative glimpse into the inevitable course of self-organization, but the above clip seems to have hit the mark. They probably won’t get there with humans (dependable, programmable, disposable RNA) which will be ditched in favor of the rapidly evolving robots. They’ve already made great progress.

      This guy reminds me of Robert Oppenheimer with the ego accessory on his head. Robots will probably turn-out about the same as the atomic bomb. CRISPR will be in the front running.



        1. I changed the “mRNA” above to “rRNA” or ribosomal RNA. I’m not sure there’s much real evidence on primitive cell biochemistry although it’s likely scientists are trying to recreate various stages in the evolutionary development like an all RNA cell and then a DNA cell where RNA create their own amino acid tools to manage themselves. Sort of like humans working in a factory to create the surveillance systems and sterilizing vaccines.


          1. I could not find anything on rRNA. Everything I could find so far reference genes or DNA This is what I found.

            Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

            Dr. Luis Marcelo Martínez and Ricardo Delgado on the God Gene

            Dean Hameron gene VMAT2 (The God gene)

            Graphene Quantum Dots can penetrate the cell barrier and affect DNA

            Dr. Pablo Campra on DNA crystals in COVID vaccines

            More on babies

            La Quinta Columna on more on Black-Eyed Babies (Pandemic Babies)

            Unknown materials found in COVID vaccines: Are they altering human DNA?


        1. I recall reading a lot of anecdotal accounts of people seeing acquaintances post-vax and how they seemed to have aged drastically. I have a cousin that is first in line to get vaxxed and boosted. Last saw him a couple of years ago. He’s about seventy years old now but looked like a sixty year old or younger. I saw him recently and he’s infirm in his step and looks to be about eighty years old. How many dirty tricks can be built into a bioweapon?


            1. An article I read last year regarding coronavirus vaccines said that there was only a single epitope on the spike proteins that doesn’t have a homologous conformation somewhere in the human body that wouldn’t initiate some sort of autoimmune attack. That was with a regular cold coronavirus. Perhaps a simple coronavirus mRNA vaccine would also be trouble without the extra bang spliced-in to Covid.


          1. I’m seeing so many more older – but not very elderly – people than usual using a stick or crutches: however this may be due to the huge delays in operating on hips, knees, etc, unless you can afford to go private .

            People in late middle-age and early retirement do also look somewhat older, frailer pained and less with-it, but again lock-downs will have reduced physical health and cognitive function significantly and the older probably won’t have bounced back so easily.

            Huge numbers of young people, students, have skin infections, some very nasty, from the mouth up to the forehead: those who had to wear masks all day in school I suppose.


            1. What happened to the joie de vivre? It was so easy to paint over the limits to growth and death to ensure happiness. Now death is in the air everywhere you see a mask and with each increase in the price of diesel. The apocalypse seems certain. It does tend to affect one negatively.


  48. Legal impact of mRNA vaccines? Chile enacts anti-discrimination law against mutants

    Dr. Chinda Brandolino on Transhumanism and Neurocontrol

    Shocking case of neurological COVID caused by graphene in vaccine leaves man in vegetative state


    1. Maybe the Grey Aliens have duped EVERYONE?

      I believe that shedding has been suspected of causing latent viruses to emerge, so comic opera general Stoltie might just be another un-vaxxed victim. I’d like him to get Monkeypox, then we can be rude about the festivals he attends out of uniform…..

      But aren’t all these bit players more or less disposable, when it comes down to it? That’s the lesson of all Totalitarian systems.

      Useful, momentarily essential, but not irreplaceable.


      1. “Sir, yes sir. I’ll take the shot sir, for my country and the common good.” Vaccinated, he falls to the floor shaking uncontrollably. “Get him outta here, we don’t want the others to see this.” Salute!


        1. Makes one think of Hitler and Napoleon:

          ‘My beloved Guards, my most cherished regiment, bearers of my personal standard, wearers of the finest , smartest, uniform, on whom I’ve lavished the very best equipment! Right, now bugger off and die in a senseless charge/last stand – and that’s an order!’


          1. And God asked, “Why do you think I created you? They have the resources and you have the weapons. Now get over there, slaughter as many as you must, build some dissipative structures and burn their sh$*t. They’re not doing it fast enough. High BTU coal and oil will be quire satisfactory.”


  49. I thought this one was good from over at reddit collapse:


    Poor dissipatives, chasing the opioids again. Preprogrammed. Freewill? Ha, ha.


  50. Don’t get in the way of “Globocap” in pursuit of the Maximum Power Principle. Art and culture doesn’t matter, maximum entropy and production of technological dissipative structures does. “Communists and environmentalists stand back and watch in awe as we consume everything.”


  51. Chairman Mao should be the patron saint of our Covid ‘factcheckers’- I found this in an official CCP doc from the 70’s, quoting his wisdom:

    ‘This is shit! This is out of order! Do not print this text, do not distribute it! Do not play a recording of this shit!’


  52. Pretty good song, released in maybe 1974. I remember listening to it back then. Back then I didn’t much care, just so long as I was able to fill up the car and get to the package store before it closed. Some things never change.

    This kind of knowledge has been floating around in the hive mind for a long time. The hive agrees one thing, it needs to burn up as much of it as it can. I guess.


  53. There’s another passionately dissipative song that takes a slightly less concerned approach:

    “Born To Be Wild”

    Get your motor runnin’
    Head out on the highway
    Lookin’ for adventure
    And whatever comes our way
    Yeah Darlin’ go make it happen
    Take the world in a love embrace
    Fire all of your guns at once
    And explode into space

    I like smoke and lightning
    Heavy metal thunder
    Racin’ with the wind
    And the feelin’ that I’m under
    Yeah Darlin’ go make it happen
    Take the world in a love embrace
    Fire all of your guns at once
    And explode into space

    Like a true nature’s child
    We were born, born to be wild
    We can climb so high
    I never wanna die

    Born to be wild
    Born to be wild

    Get your motor runnin’
    Head out on the highway
    Lookin’ for adventure
    And whatever comes our way
    Yeah Darlin’ go make it happen
    Take the world in a love embrace
    Fire all of your guns at once
    And explode into space

    Like a true nature’s child
    We were born, born to be wild
    We can climb so high
    I never wanna die

    Born to be wild
    Born to be wild


    1. Maybe some hydrogel luminescent sensors.

      A CRISPR offense deserves a good defense. I’m sure these hydrogel sensors can be designed to monitor many different biochemical parameters. As Harari said, “we’ll know you better than you know yourself.” How about monitoring dopamine release as people use the internet to find out what really turns them on, brand A or brand B. Maybe a hydrogel implant in the wrist with a reader inside the smart phone. There are so many possibilities. Or a Covid hydrogel sensor that can alert your phone and automatically call authorities, provide your GPS coordinates so you can be whisked off to quarantine.


        1. Good enough. We’re all dissipatives and I suppose over the longer term we’ll be whatever gets the energy in service of survival and reproduction.


    1. Energy blind assessment. One of my favorite substack writer “hiddencomplexity” denies peak oil. Says it was declared 5 times and is nonsense. I bet they are both overpopulation deniers. Kim dotcom has 5 little children. This is were I would normally go over to undenial, but Rob is in denial of psychopathy and criminal conspiracy. Here’s his opinion of our leaders.
      “Let’s assume that most of our leaders are normal people, of average intelligence, with good intentions, and they care about the future of their children. By normal I mean they are decent people with flaws, just like you and I.”

      Oh yes, just like you and me.


      1. My dad was like that. Just couldn’t believe people could be that bad. Of course he was taken by them more than once. I wonder if it was worth it, living with that delusion seemed to be worth something. There’s a pretty long tail on the normal distribution where there be wolves and vermin. The four and five sigma vermin are probably the ones in charge.

        I’ll never forget the time when we went to a little hot dog joint and my dad suddenly whispered, “We’ve got to go.” I blurted out “Why do we have to go?” My dad had sat on a jury that convicted someone of murder, but they were out on bond and were sitting a couple of tables over. Just a bad apple I guess. And they had just brought the chili dog and onion rings to the table. Yea, there are a lot of people that aren’t just like you and me.


      2. Foolish to make such assumptions: one should observe as dispassionately as possible.

        In the case of ‘leaders’.the disparity between their words and actions is often a clue……


        1. Just read something to that effect in a version of the Grail Legend from c1200:

          ‘Brave and honourable knights often die in battle: but in this world it’s usually the liars, traitors and schemers who live to pick up all the prizes.’


            1. There is a reason for the existence of these traits. Good vs. evil. The more lily white, good you become, the easier it will be to take advantage of you. Even those that encourage you to become lilly, white good will often be the ones that take advantage of you. Nature loves an exploitable gradient and “good a naive” is a fine one to tap into. I think Ken Copeland’s net worth is around 750 million.


                1. If your audience doesn’t understand physics and chemistry and……………….. just about everything, and you can convince them of the power of God (especially taking souls from bodies to some sort of heaven) then you’re in business. Cha-ching.


                  1. A long time ago I used to to debate people about the existance of God. I always took a negative position. After many an excrucateing exchange, my adversary would often leave me with the remark of, something to effect: “well you can’t prove me wrong. So fuck you.” Of course they were right. It was a good lesson for me in learning to keep my mouth shut and walk away.


                    1. Become known as a denier of God and you will likely be avoided. The hundreds of millions of RNA that work the cells don’t have a clue. Besides, they’ve likely evolved a tendency to believe in Gods and get plenty of wampum with that belief. Like the cat, it is what it is and does what it does. But a virtual God for a virtual self in the analog mind may be just what the doctor ordered, but leave the corporeal carcass behind.


            2. Even if we identify and control all the bad boys and girls, we still perish by gross dissipative negligence. In other words, by our patterns of consumption we’re all guilty of crimes against future humanity. If the ecosystem were able to look at us, we would all be thrown into the psychopath bin. Cancerous behavior is insane.


              1. That reminds me of someone I read talking about Americas military doctrine of “full-spectrum dominance”. He called it the strategy of a cancer cell and that America’s focus on regime change was a tacit admission of seeking global dominance.


                1. All cells would like to pursue the Maximum Power Principle, but they’ve been put under a regime of control “for the common good.” It just moves the MPP up a level where animals slaughter each other for energy to the max and coevolve in an arms race. The human leap from plain Jane organism to RNA however put new energy and tools in our hands at a greatly accelerated rate of evolution with new “DNA” specifying new materials. The rest of the ecosystem were sitting ducks. It’s like when all of the body’s cells are playing nice and under control and then some cell decides it’s not going to play by the rules and becomes malignant.


                  1. If the Fermi Paradox is right, then perhaps this just the normal course of events. It always happens this way. Cancer universe.


                    1. But instead of a loss of controls on growth in an existing information library, it’s the evolution of a whole new library of information that can specify tools and organization that can systematically dismember and consume the ecosystem. Maybe Megameoba would be more accurate.


  54. The conclusion of the study of Pinochets psychopaths. The lower the rank the lower the psychopathy, the higher the rank the higher the psychopathy, the highest rank the highest psychopathy. This rise in psychopathy with rank is a direct linear correlation. Most of the behavior of lower ranks was due to social conformity not psychopathy. The very highly psychopathic were of the conning and conniving type of psychopath and were skilled at manipulating the psychiatrist into underscoring there psychopathy rating. Conning and Conniving psychopaths are highly conscious of their condition, consider it an advantage and are good at hiding their insanity.


    1. This publication is only 15 pages long from the great Canadian psychiatrist Robert Hare. I highly recommend reading it.


      I miss named the type of psychopaths conning and conniving, its correct term is callous-conning.


      1. I think I might have one or two in the family. I call them “cold fish”. Hopefully the psychopaths in government don’t establish a chain of command of psychopaths in key positions that wouldn’t mind releasing a bioweapon and then killing people with a vaccine. Oh wait, they already have. Nukes come next. I’ve known some psychopaths outside the family too. They don’t mind doing things that skirt legality and are morally detestable. The characteristics must be pretty widespread as I see a lot of doctors willing to vaccinate children even though the children have no risk. Cool and collected they say, “Yes Ma’am, these vaccines are “safe and effective.”


  55. Here we go with the nukes again. Sikorski is a Soros acolyte and attended the Bilderberger meeting this year. I wonder if he rubbed shoulders with Bourla. “Albert, I have a secret message from Soros. Time is running out. The ponzi is running on fumes.” “What did he say?” “He said, “Put on you funkey socks.” “Huh?” “Put on your funkey socks.” Bourla is perplexed. “Monkey Pox you idiot.”


    1. I was reading about that. Is it sentient or is it just simulating sentience? I guess you could ask the same question about people but the programmer is in the best position to know.


  56. I learned over at undenial that Gail Zawacki has passed away. Apparently she and Rob had a falling out over Rob’s insistence that the vaccines were dangerous. She died of a sudden and undiagnosed brain t tumor. I’m going to assume Gail had a low CD8 count as the result of some callous-conning vaccine.


      1. She probably thought Rob was going to turn her and others into a statistic with his reckless vaccine talk. She also stopped following James Howard Kunstler when he became “right wing”. Strange how all these well educated center-left people turned all witch burner when the vaccine science was blasphemed. The Trump election and this pandemic has been a real eye opener for me. The tribal conformity will be enforced to the very end.


        1. Maybe neo-luddism, rejection of vaccines and return to the white male-dominant past were seen as linked. The Deep State certainly didn’t appreciate Trump’s MAGA campaign nor Putin’s nationalism. They got rid of one by stealing an election and will probably start a nuclear war with the other. Nicole Foss had an especially strong reaction against Trump.


            1. Nicole’s a crackpot of another kind.

              Very pro-vaxx and anti-Trump, so she fell out with her Automatic Earth partner, Illargi, who has turned out to be quite sane – he’s dong a good job these days.

              Where did she end up, New Zealand?


              1. I heard about that too. Seems many people are immune to conspiracy. I don’t think she’s pro-vax anymore though. In fact, she’s quite on board with conspiracy these days. Her and Rob see differently on the cause of the Covid response. She now seems to think that elites are collapse aware and are engaged in depopulation. In fact, it’s Rob who seems the deepest in denial.


                1. Interesting, thanks.

                  She was right about getting out of the UK, of course. But I don’t see much point in jumping about the planet, because:

                  ‘You are fleeing Death in Bokhara; but he awaits you in Samarkand.’

                  Wisest, perhaps, of all ancient proverbs……

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Maybe she’ll end-up as the main course at a Maori feast. But then again, so might we be the main course at a cannibal convocation.


    1. Oh Wow, sad to hear that, I use to enjoy her witsendnj blog about the trees dying. Anecdotally I’ve been hearing 3 or 4 ambulances pass work each day when in prior years it was maybe twice a week.


      1. Sex and drugs isn’t really that bad, it’s not like starting a war or unleashing a bioweapon. Back in the good old days of feudalism it was understood that nobles were allowed to indulge.


    1. That Hunter, such a scamp.

      Well you know what they say, at least they used to say it, not sure if it’s allowed anymore: “boys will be boys.”

      I know that Jim Kunstler goes on and on about some school disticts bringing in drag quaeens for kindergarten story hour. Not sure how true that is. Anyway, true or not, I think those school disctricts should bring in Hunter Biden. He could tell those kids some good stories, and maybr create some new ones in the process. That’ll give those fucking soccer moms something to talk about. I guess.


  57. Now that the houses, cars, educations and medical care are unaffordable because of debt growth and soon all types of energy and food will be beyond reach, it’s time to dump the paper store of wealth. Even gold will be relatively worthless since the many trillions of paper currencies have already cleaned-out the pantry. As it becomes apparent that long-term inflation in excess of rates paid on paper investments is here to stay, there’s only one thing to do, dump the paper which is losing value and buy something real which is inflating in price every day. That’s why everyone is clamoring to get the price inflation under control, because it may encourage a stampede out of paper assets. But what if the inflation is not because of overheating economic activity, but rather because of resource shortages? Raising rates won’t have any effect or will deprive people of the income needed to buy necessities. Growth and increasing supplies has flipped to contraction and inflation. Reducing credit through higher interest rates will certainly cause bankruptcies and won’t solve supply side inflation until many people and businesses are dead or locked-down. Increasing credit with low interest rates will increase leveraged living thereby pricing people out of existence.

    Many mom and pop businesses and people have already been killed by the pandemic and vaccine. Others have been locked-down repeatedly thereby slowing economic activity. What comes next? How about everyone huddling in the basement while awaiting incineration and clouds of radionuclides or a never-ending, population-reducing sequence of pandemics and safe and effective vaccines?


  58. Interesting comments on the US homesteading blog I follow: lots of people saying nothing will grow this year in the usually reliable brands of compost they have bought, despite weather conditions being OK; and many complain of lots of dud bought seeds resulting in failures. Random and coincidental?

    ‘Ice Age Farmer’ replied to someone who asked ‘What if the Govt. won’t let us grow food?’ ‘We must make sure it doesn’t go that far’. And how?


    1. Frankly, if I were to see a drone fly by and defoliate my fruit trees and bushes, I probably wouldn’t be that taken aback.


    2. I’m always wondering about UVB levels and the hypothesis that continuing global warming will hit the ozone layer hard. But there could easily be crop bioweapons and/or treating the seeds with radiation. At some point it may become illegal to sell fertilizers to individuals, saving all stocks for economies-of-scale operations. I tried my ten-year old pinto beans stored in a plastic bucket last week and with a little extra soaking they were great. Some bird nets might work against autonomous drones of they get too pesky.


      1. Home-growing and seed-saving will be outlawed as ‘inefficient and a bio-security risk’ ;ditto for collecting rain water and burning wood from one’s lot.

        One can see it all coming a mile off.

        Moreover, the urban masses won’t care, or even know, that it’s being done.

        Far worse than the Soviet system: at least they often had vegetable plots, no GMO food an over-processed, no sexual confusion, secure housing, and lashings of vodka…….


        1. Just as the natural indigenous people were decimated and ring-fenced, so to will be those that resist the New World Order.


  59. So, I guess there is some truth to what JHK is going on about. If I had a little kid, I don’t think I’d want any of these fuck wads within a half a block of him or her. I mean, if you want to dress up like a girl and prance around with your buddies like that, all good. But just leave my kids out of it. Thanks.


    1. Damned straight. We’re dissipatives and we expect exemplary boy and girl behaviors. How are we to get little dissipatives if everyone has their wires crossed.


    2. Of the student trannies I see here – much more than ever -they seem to fall into two groups: 1/ happy and extrovert, often with friends; and 2/ withdrawn, lonely and sad – frankly suicide seems to hang over them.

      Neither, I agree, should be allowed near children in any educational context. But then I think that about most teachers……


      1. I wonder if some found their lives so unhappy that they decided to be “reborn” for another start in what seems to be a close-knit community. If changing genders didn’t work, what next? Species?

        doggie people

        Many are looking for a way out of pain, but the world can be a disappointing place.


  60. Jason Box says the ice will go and we’ll have several meters of sea level rise. Undoubtedly, before that happens, most of the cities will be unaffordable and will look like Detroit. The oceans will be doing us a favor.

    We’re going to have to remove a lot of carbon from the atmosphere. That sound like work and that requires energy. Not going to happen Jason. Better keep your attention on the ice bores.


    1. climate scientists and drag queens, why do they seem to fit into the same catagory? all dressed up with no place to go. why does that keep going through my brain?


      1. Maybe Jason Box, Guy McPherson and the drag queens could do a horror tour for the kids. I recommend Rocky Horror Picture Show for the young ones. And add a banker for a really terrifying event.


        1. If 10% of the kids are embryo psychos, they might actually like the banker…..

          The banker could perhaps show them how to play musical chairs as a zero-sum game, with extreme prejudice.


  61. Like

    1. Korowicz has been rather quiet through all of this, the least visible of all Collapse pundits.

      I recall his advice to ‘Get a dog and go on long walks.’


      1. Even though his work is extraordinarily important, I’m sure it has been mostly glossed-over or rejected by the dissipatives with dopa-dollar signs in their eyes. At this point in collapse, maybe he feels its best not to say anything. The time when the warning might have done some good has come and gone.


        1. He’s mentally taken leave of the world: ‘Enjoy what remains for as long as you can’ seems to be his only message.


          1. This was a revealing comment from the expert on supply chain contagion:

            David Korowicz
            Jun 7
            , I f**king terrified of what’s coming. The answer is to face into it (if u can), don’t assume it’s somebody elses job, and help build a pro-social, pro-nature, civil society response to large-scale sys disruption. There’s nothing so important or as worthwhile.

            David Korowicz
            Jun 7
            The Reflexivity Trap: Actions taken to prevent a systemic collapse, or preparations for dealing with the aftermath may help precipitate the crisis. Therefore to avoid precipitation, the preparation
            has to be low key and below the radar of the public and markets…

            More here:


    2. “……forward-looking opacity undermines the foundations of credit, debt+ monetary stability and the implicit promises made 2 the future 1/n”

      Forward looking clarity wouldn’t improve anything and might result in an immediate run for the exits. He goes on to say, “Such a catastrophe could emerge and spread rapidly. You’d get not just a failure of the food system, but failure of critical infrastructures (water, sanitation, power, fuel, telecoms). It would also be irrecoverable.”

      Lots of fuel would be necessary to robustly recover from such a calamity. But those with little fuel to export may have no interest in funding the resuscitation. It seems that Europe and the United States with their old, decaying infrastructure, depleted energy gradients and populations with oversized paper claims on future production, will be allowed to die or will even be helped in the process. They’re not slowing the flow of fertilizer, natural gas, food, etc. because of Putin or the environment, they’re putting a pillow over the Western Civilization’s head because it can no longer pay the bills.


  62. I thought that this was a pretty good paragraph. Kind of a long winded way of saying that global industry is fucked. The systems that industrial humans rely on, are the problem. I guess that one has to conclude that industrial humans, being part of the sytems(s), are part of the problem.

    “In 2018 the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction warned in its Global Assessment Report that: with the certainty of near-term non-linear changes, the critical assumption of the relationship between past and future risk must now be revisited. The last few years have given us a vivid foretaste of this new and increasingly dangerous and uncertain future. It is one where we cannot consider pandemics, climate change, energy constraints, war, ecosystem destruction, fracturing social cohesion or vulnerabilities within the financial system in isolation, but as one among multiple intensifying and interacting drivers of risk. What they interact through, the synchronised global dance of societal infrastructures, are proving themselves to be vulnerable transmitters, amplifiers, and generators of further disruption.”


    1. I see the Megacancer satellite photographed lights at night and I say to myself, “Risk, what risk, I don’t see any risk.”


    1. He’s wowing the chimps, “Oh, we are so much like Gods.” The only way they’ll be inside bodies is if the few remaining troglodytes try to eat them or put sharpened nokias on the end of a stick and impale each other with them.


    1. Education is development of the analog mind for the developing rRNA, so they can read, write and do arithmetic. Reading mRNA and writing sequences of amino acids is what they do. But reading and writing is not enough if you’re involved in creating new tools. To do that you need the chemistry, physics and math. You can’t design an enzyme without an analog world with “mathematical precision.” Math is simply a grid placed upon reality for humans to describe the same so their tools fit.

      Children are taken at an early age and are put through the education regime to make them most effective rRNA, to work in factories or design/engineer new tools, cells, etc. All of this is a result of evolution, self-organization, profit and loss over millions of years. I’m pretty sure that almost all people are not conscious of what they are or what they’re doing.

      One of the key functions of tools or enzymes in the cellular world is to make available new gradients. Energy is invested in an enzymatic tool which greatly increases the energy return as when an enzyme brings two substrates together at a rate a million times faster than would occur naturally. For example, without specialized tools, fracking for oil would be impossible. The EROEI would be highly negative and extinction of the effort would happen in short order. But with the right tools it becomes possible to get to the oil with a positive energy return (or maybe a slight loss.) Humans build enzymes like cells build enzymes and instead of fossil fuels to energize their tools, the cells use ATP.

      But how important are physics, chemistry and math when the gradients have been mostly tapped? Do we really need to get better and better at emptying “finite” gradients? We will reach a point where even providing educations will not have a positive EROEI, because it only results in unusable RNA sitting around playing video games, wondering where their high-paying job has gone. Eventually, with the damage we’ve done, not even the unaided human will have a positive EROEI. The aided human will have tools, but nothing to apply them to.

      They should also teach you in school that humans kill each other for resources and that is why we are in an arms race and that when resources become scarce competing humans will try to take what you have. That might help the uptake of chemistry, physics and math, but if the world is to be destroyed anyway it might be best to play video games. Thank you well educated, hard working video game rRNA.


      1. We are far passed the point where there are too many useless university degrees and useless academic subjects. On top of all that there is major bloat of administrators. No more than 10 percent of the population really needs a tertiary education.


        1. And the people will ask themselves, “How will I get rich? How will I get my piece of the pie when AI a few humans are designing everything and robots are building it?.” The answer: You won’t.


  63. Thank you daddy. Thank you for loving your position in Congress more than you loved me. Maybe your special friends will give you some extra money.

    And for all of the mommies and daddies afraid of the Covid, go ahead and vaccinate your children, better they die rather than bring the bug home to you.


    1. Sad. The powers that be should have embraced overshoot as inevitable and let the chips fall where they will. Now a lot of people have an even slimmer chance of surviving the bottleneck thanks to the vaccine damage.


      1. They’re mostly interested in surviving themselves with their power intact. They probably feel that anyone dumb enough to trust them deserves what they get.


        1. Like the commenter ‘mitchelic’ at the Kunstler blog: he thinks he’s smart enough to both survive and profit, and everyone else just deserves their fate – he’d betray anyone, I suspect.


  64. Perhaps the universe is one big dissipative structure as it continues to expand in an adiabatic way, headed to near absolute zero with the help of derivative galaxies, stars, humans and dissipative structures of all kinds. Swirling dervishes all about. Will its structure collapse when it can no longer expand like a supernova star, a society or a human? Some think it will expand to almost absolute zero while others think it will collapse back upon itself. In any case, humans have done their small part by undoing what plants did by capturing the energy in the first place and decomposers were unable to accomplish over the years. With innovative tools, great cellular structures and many roads to nowhere, we’ve released the long-sequestered energy. We can be proud. We didn’t actually do it, the universe did it. Trial and error. The universe finally created something (us) with the right stuff. It might be best now to put out the fires and exit left back to the ecosystem, last one out shut the door and turn off the lights. But we won’t. We’ll keep going until the last positive EROEI BTU is burned and the machine of civilization grinds to a halt or the emerging AI dissipatives use their ingenuity to tap into yet another gradient. In any case, after individually completing our dissipative duties, we get recycled and the show goes on, everywhere and all the time.


  65. End of March, maybe beginning of April, I was tooling along in my car, minding my own business, someone ran a stop sign and plowed into me. No real big deal, but i need a new door for my car. I have insurance, so, other than the standard hassles of dealing with an insurance company and going the the body shop and such, no big deal.

    when I got the estimate, beginning of April, the body shop guy said maybe five weeks to get a door. Still no door. The body shop guy has no idea of when it might arrive.

    Just an anecdote from my life. But I guess it illustrates the state of supply chains these days.

    A buddy of mine has a small trucking company. He had to go out and buy a spare truck, just because it was taking his mechanic so long to get repair parts. So now he has spare, in case one of his other trucks gets hung up in the shop.


  66. “The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will.” – Gustave Le Bon

    “He pointed out that the main reasons why individuals lose themselves within a group are:

    First of all, a human being perceives the group as an invincible power. Therefore, they stop feeling responsible for their actions because they can act as anonymous figures.

    Second of all, the masses infect their members with their way of feeling and acting. This happens unconsciously and allows for a group to be manipulated by a leader.

    Third of all, groups hypnotize individuals. Being a member of a group leads to experiencing feelings of omnipotence.

    Also, in a group, the unreal predominates over reality.

    Finally, groups are considered survival mechanisms. Thus, not belonging to one is considered dangerous.”

    You could learn a lot from a guy like Gustave Le Bon. I would guess that Jacque Attali is a student of Le Bon.


    1. Interesting man, Le Bon: amusing that he wrote a book on riding after he fell off a horse and had a good think about the reason why.

      Travelled with a brain-measuring device of some kind: you could try that out at Walmart, James. Show them what real science is about….


      1. I will call it “The Perplexion Machine”. One dollar, bills or quarters accepted. Stick your finger in the machine, lights flash and out comes a ticket with writing, “You’re a genius!” They’ll eat it up. For an extra dollar it will cough-up a bon-bon.


  67. I’ve started reading “Evolution of Matter” by Gustave Le Bon, a man of many interests. He’s been down the path that I’ve recently embarked upon and his ideas seem to parallel my own. Published in 1907 and available as a .pdf at I’ll be disappointed if he describes humans as rRNA. I’m sure that if he were alive today he would be led to the same conclusion.


  68. Newsweek is one of the most dedicated propaganda outlets.

    Deagel said about 100 million people remaining in U.S. in 2025. That’s about two out of three dead. They’re trying. Amyloidosis slowly producing rubbery white clots is a gradual way to do it. Safe and effective, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, died unexpectedly, immune system disruption, they died peacefully in their sleep. Pelosi, Schumer, Hotez, Walensky, Bourla, Gottlieb, Fauci, Bank of Israel, Wuhan, BIS, Hong Kong bank supply chain disruption, diesel shortage, fertilizer shortage. Does anyone see a pattern emerging? Perhaps we should wait until everyone is dead. Will people figure it out then?


    1. Russian commander: “Put them on the front lines.”

      I wonder why they don’t fight the scum in America? Maybe the Deep State contrived revolution of Jan. 6th and the show trial is distasteful to them. This way they can get right in there and start killing.


  69. I wonder if I posted this on undenial some people might consider our leaders a little different from the rest of us.


  70. They should rename it the Gustave Le Bomb. All of that energy internal to the atom released (or some of it) all at once. You can have your cathode ray tube, the real men play with Le Bomb.

    Joining the military is a reversion to functioning within a technological organ as a nameless, faceless rRNA. You are expendable by the millions in the technological competitions for energy. The ecosystem is expendable too. Eliminating the technological arms race is the only good reason for globalism, but in the true spirit of the dissipative, those imposing the solution want us to get in the trenches while they watch and live the good life many miles away. We, as rRNA citizens, are just as expendable as any soldier and perhaps more so when we cost more than we produce due to resource shortages.


  71. I suppose the first lesson you should learn in life is that you can’t trust any fucking human, even your mamma and doctor, they’re both looking out for number one, and in many cases you aren’t it. “Bottom line: There isn’t a bad choice.” Pfizer or Moderna, pick your poison.


  72. Three members of the Deep State tribe. I didn’t listen to anything they had to say because mostly they’re full of shit.


  73. Found this link at In the comments it seems that Fast Eddy is on top of things and is irritated at the surreptitious ream job being applied to the “citizens”. But the annual reduction in population probably needs to be somewhere around 200 million people a year to compensate for falling oil production, more if you want to free some oil to build solar and wind. Extra points for Westerners since they burn more oil and somehow believe they’ll have pensions in the future exchangeable for oil. Their pilot operation may be ramped-up to industrial scale with time. We’ll have to wait and see if the vaccines actually kill and sterilize billions and or the impending famines take-out hundreds of millions or billions. In any case, the excess population will be taken out chaotically by nature or methodically by capital owners. Willliam Catton would call it a “bottleneck” although the thin, hollow needle of the hypodermic may be more apt at this time.


    1. Fast Eddy is the only one making any sense. I’m impressed at his persistence at shouting into the wind of human denial.


      1. You can’t put one over on Fast Eddy, but you can put one over on most people. Speaking of shouting into the wind, here is our climate future from France:


        1. I love the comment, from presumably a muslim:

          ‘Why are they all naked? Where are the morals of the people?’

          It’s the beach dummy, and it isn’t an orgy.


          1. The human brain is such a twisted organ. One older part pushing the owner to successful copulation while another part (social brain) condemns the act as indecent and immoral. I suppose that’s the only way cooperative gradient reduction with humans will work.


            1. Trying constantly to mount everything in sight would interrupt gradient reduction, certainly.

              A certain leeway was apparently granted during harvest time, of course, once the work was done. There’s a saying in our part of Spain:

              ‘Like a whore among the stubble’.


              1. And personal property, including reproductive rights, does increase gradient reduction through the accumulation of apparent wealth. However, the real wealth was burned in arriving at the apparent wealth. I’m sure the dissipative with the most stubble also gets the most whores.


  74. Green monkey bite? I think there’s a better explanation. They’re still at it with Covaids.

    by John Coleman, FMR MI-6 Intelligence Analyst
    (excerpt by
    [The Goal is]

    A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages.
    In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.
    There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One-World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist.
    The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately-owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.
    Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form of a One World Government Church, which has been in existence since 1920 as we shall see. Satanism, Luciferianism and Witchcraft shall he recognized as legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or church schools.
    All Christian churches have already been subverted and Christianity will be a thing of the past in the One World Government. To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people. National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out and in the transition phase it shall be subject to the severest penalties to even mention one’s racial origin.
    Each person shall be fully indoctrinated that he or she is a creature of the One World Government with an identification number clearly marked on their person so as to be readily accessible, which identifying number shall be in the master file of the NATO computer in Brussels, Belgium, subject to instant retrieval by any agency of the One World Government at any time.
    The master Files of the CIA, FBI, state and local police agencies, IRS, FEMA, Social Security shall be vastly expanded and form the basis of personal records of all individuals in the United States.

    Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property. Such an experiment was carried out in East Germany under Erich Honnecker when children were take away from parents considered by the state to be disloyal citizens.
    Women will he degraded through the continued process of “women’s liberation” movements. Free sex shall be mandatory. Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person. Self-abortion shall be taught and practiced after two children are born to a woman; such records shall be contained in the personal file of each woman in the One World Government’s regional computers.
    If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilization to be carried out. Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theater of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography.
    The use of “recreational” drugs shall be compulsory, with each person allotted drug quotas which can be purchased at One World Government stores throughout the world. Mind control drugs will be expanded and usage become compulsory. Such mind control drugs shall be given in food and/or water supplies without the knowledge and/or consent of the people.
    Drug bars shall be set up, run by One World Government employees, where the slave-class shall be able to spend their free time. In this manner the non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and controlled.
    The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligar-ethical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300.
    Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival….Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth’s resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300 with food production strictly controlled.

    As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia. Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Kalgeri.
    Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill “quotas.” … (Quote above)
    From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300. After the destruction of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall he limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO’s Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300…
    The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little. FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern.
    No central bank save the Bank of International Settlement and the World Bank shall be allowed to operate.
    Private banks will be outlawed. Remuneration for work performed shall be under a uniform predetermined scale throughout the One World Government. There shall be no wage disputes allowed, nor any diversion from the standard uniform scales of pay laid down by the One World Government.
    Those who break the law will be instantly executed. There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card which shall bear the identification number of the holder.
    Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement. Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases, that their card is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind.
    Attempts to trade “old” coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles. Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles….
    Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of “settling” their differences shall be encouraged and fostered. All information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government. Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as “entertainment” in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the United States. Youths removed from “disloyal parents,” shall receive special education designed to brutalize them. Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labor camp system.

    “You will own nothing and be happy.” – Klaus Now hurry children, new boosters will be here soon. And Vlad, you must step aside with your old-fashioned nationalist and religious ideals, it is time to settle into a New World Order.


    1. I doubt it will be as excitingly Distopian as the above: just lie upon lie, jab after jab, a brief period of total control with really awful food, and then……. Collapse.


      1. I was just thinking the same. Big plans that will spiral into chaos. At this point it may be that any plan will spiral into chaos.


        1. And here we just love contemplating spirals and flows. Unfortunately, the one that engulfs them and takes them swirling down the cosmic drain will take us as well, and I doubt we’ll have the leisure to savour their downfall.

          The Ancient Greeks knew well where Hubris led: this of course did’t stop Alexander from trying to control everything he could reach, despite being tutored by Aristotle…..


          1. Ah, Aristotle, what an intellectual piker 🙂 It just seems there are parts of the brain that won’t listen to reason and they are the ones responsible for the greatest part of our behavior, for our individual success and will also be responsible for our collective downfall. The worship of money and what money can buy is the root of all evil or so they say, but as dissipatives we come by it naturally. But greed has been very much cultivated in our societies and will be the motivating factor right to the end. If you want to understand the future of humanity, flush the toilet and watch the spirals and flows of the waste as they disappear from sight.


  75. “Free sex shall be mandatory.” “The use of “recreational” drugs shall be compulsory”

    Threatening me with a good time.


    1. Thou shalt go clubbing! sayeth the Lord.

      How awful: I was glad when banker friends got old and stopped going to lap dancing joints and asking me along as a guest for a ‘good time’- this excused their indulgence.

      Free food and oceans of booze, why not? I made many interesting observations of my fellow apes in those shadowy places.

      But fun? Not really.

      But then at art school I much preferred a clothed model with a pretty face…..


      1. Watching someone use their company plastic card to get some fake ‘club money’ , which was then thrust into my hand, showed it all up for what it is.

        Just one Big Joke ……to the Owners.

        I’m the sort who goes to a whorehouse (as it were) and actually wants to talk to the girls.

        Some of those girls were very smart – used their pay to buy property as insurance in Eastern Europe.

        Others just drunk and drugged, or – the saddest – working hard to support a child.


        1. I had a teacher that ran a “service” for Lexington’s elite clientele. They eventually caught him and it was all hastily hushed-up. Unfortunately the closest thing to a brothel in our town growing up was Yoshiko Health Spa (massage parlor). I never went in, I was afraid what they might do to me. Ha, ha.


    1. That looks like a standard human rRNA in a jumpsuit tending to the needs of the home cell. The remains of gradient consumption must be rolled to the curb for pick-up and burial in the great technological feces mound. A Native American burial mound or most likely multiracial.


  76. I very rarely look at the un_denial blog. Just not my style, by and large.

    Anyhoo, I poked around there a little today. There’s a commenter, “Jonathan” who seems to track my attitude pretty well. He quoted checkov:

    Dostoyevsky didn’t live in a protected bubble the way we pampered do. He endured epilepsy and Siberian prison, so he had a few things to say about life.

    I’ve read most of the books mentioned on this blog through the years, and I appreciate your recommendation concerning Varki, Rob, but I’m not interested anymore in how we became us. We’re self-absorbed parasites, and that will never change.

    I’m in a good mood today and will go help the feral-cat folks diminish a little suffering. Here’s a quote from Anton Chekhov, presumably in a bad/realistic frame of mind, which makes me happy:

    “And I despise your books, I despise wisdom and the blessings of this world. It is all worthless, fleeting, illusory, and deceptive, like a mirage. You may be proud, wise, and fine, but death will wipe you off the face of the earth as though you were no more than mice burrowing under the floor, and your posterity, your history, your immortal geniuses will burn or freeze together with the earthly globe.”

    Its funny how i’m at my best when I’m in a foul mood.


    1. As a peasant woman shouted here in Cambridge during the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt:

      ‘Away with the larning (that’s the local accent) of the clerks! Burn it all! Burn it!’

      But Time does that, just the same……

      I had no idea Chekhov could be so trenchant and withering.

      You could do your sculpture when in a bad mood, Dave, as a great-great uncle did his when a bit drunk; apparently it worked – although he did die in a ditch…


      1. Kinda funny. I’ve often fantasized about my last moments on earth.

        Fantasy 1: I get kicked into a ditch on the side of the road, somewhere in south side VA, or maybe AL, dosen’t make much difference. My last sensations are the taste of ditch water and the smell of mud.

        Fantasy 2: I die out by the dumpster behind the local convenience store. I’m surrouded by a family of racoons who are waiting for me to die, so they can consume my body. My last words are: bon appetit.


    2. That seems to be right on the mark, except the parasite part which should read “Megacancer”. All of that stuff has evolved to open-up new vistas in gradient reduction and is completely meaningless without the gradient. We’re just little complex vortices connecting high pressure with low, entropic slaves without a clue but programmed with much appetite.


    1. Corbett, the energy-blind, Overshoot-denier still passes over these key issues in talking solely about central bank plots.

      Not only do the bankers – as he correctly says – hope to keep on top of the game, with an unchallenged absolute grip on power enabled by Tech, but they can also pretend to be saviours of mankind and the planet, too, as their plans clearly embrace addressing resource and energy limits, over-population and pollution.


      1. I’ve noticed the same denial syndrome with Denninger who can’t countenance climate change. Probably because the banksters will use it as an excuse for all kinds of nefarious acts.


    1. I just saw a neighbour (not someone I know personally, but have seen quite regularly in the village street) looking truly awful, leaning on a sick and struggling to make their way.

      She’s only in her 50’s I’d say, and the last time I saw her she was perfectly OK, cycling: the sightings of such are piling up – using one or two sticks, looking wrecked, and much younger than one would expect. But if you weren’t looking, you wouldn’t see it.

      Rothschild uber Alles: ruling a mass of cripples. Dripping tap genocide.

      What was that saying about ‘Rather be the King in Hell than serve in Heaven’?


  77. yeah, I don’t know coincidental deaths are kind of the norm, I’d say. I mean look at the Kennedy brothers:

    Joe: Plane blows up.
    John: Shot in the head
    Bobby: Shot in the head
    Ted: Died fat and dumb, maybe even happy. Afterall, he got away with killing Mary Joe.

    Life is funny bit of business.


    1. One of the most coincidental things of all was when the WTC7 building fell down after WTC1 and WTC2 fell into their footprints.


      1. I recall seeing a video online – an interview with a guy in that line of work, who said that the collapse of WTC7 looked every bit a controlled demolition.


    1. But not before she’d helped roll out the vaxxes.

      A real contributor and a worker for the Greater Good: simply inspirational!

      Excellent new piece by Dr Malone on substack about the murky world of pandemic research and the deep state spooks.


      1. I think these people are so fearful they’ll jump at any offered solution that soothes their troubled minds (undeveloped as they are), including injecting their little harbingers of the plague. The same goes for all religions. Humans have spent thousands of years accepting fictions to counterbalance the fear of death and open a line of communication to a non-existent God for a little good faith bargaining. “I promise I’ll be good, if you just………………” Make me rich and let me consume more? Sorry, mortal sin. Hell awaits. Maybe they should have taken their faces out of the Bible, Koran, Torah, Whatever to actually see and understand what they were doing.


    1. “We are now seeing signs of a possible fall to rock bottom,” he said (Prime Minister).

      Hmmm, he must mean something like the Stone Age. But the Sri Lankans seem like a pretty passive group, maybe they’ll starve quietly. Perhaps they should find some of the purveyors of Agenda 2030 and eat them.


  78. First of all, hello to everyone. Lately I’ve been a little dazzled. So yes: the European Union has been fighting coal for years, focusing on the so-called green energy. However, the earth has other plans that we know about when we read your super blog, among other things. The war began, and with it Europe’s energy problems. Now, policymakers will be running coal-fired mines and power plants. It looks like determinism – people MUST dig up coal and convert it into co2. Then, as it used to be, the planet will again become warm and green, the trees will be much larger, and the crocodiles will reach the size of dinosaurs.. No one said that cycles are only 4 seasons. Sorry for my grammar.


    1. And the technological cells cried out “Feed me! Feed me!” and the little RNA inside waited by their machines, hoping that the coal would once again come from the ground and animate the ribosomes, and amino acids would come in dock number one and finished proteins would leave at dock number two. If not, the human RNA would have to lock-down in their homes and work the soil with more primitive tools, hoping to achieve a positive EROEI. It was all very uncertain. In the end, the fossil gradients disappeared and the matter that had been humans and their tools settled back to the ground where, with the regular pulse of energy from the sun, it was repurposed as giant crocodiles, predatory jellyfishes and great clicking cockroaches.


      1. Some of the really big producers, Mexico, Venezuela, Alaska, North Sea and some the lesser producers, Libiya, Syria maybe, from the ’90’s and early 2000’s, are either are either off line or marginal at this point. Not sure how it all keeps going. Baling wire and duct tape, I guess.

        My bets are on croccodiles and cockroaches, 10:1 within the next 20 years.


        1. A little Musk manipulation and an Harari hack and the future seems so clear.

          roach man

          Roach man, prepared to eat the crumbs that civilized man left behind.


          1. Why for about 150-200 years people in each subsequent generation are getting taller. A matter of good nutrition or increasing co2? Why are the Maasai so tall, their diet does not seem right? The observed population of insects is reportedly decreasing by circa 30% with each decade. Cockroaches… I think there are fewer of them. It will be assumed that their legendary adaptation to all conditions does not work. The return of mechagodzilla 🙂


            1. It may be the heat with the Masai and the relationship between surface area and mass. But then again if that were the case I would expect them to have elephant ears flapping in the breeze.


    1. I think the creators of the vaccines want everyone shooting blanks, miscarriages or unable to recognize the opposite sex. Mission accomplished.


    1. Undoubtedly the Russians will be attacking the grids wherever heat domes appear. Might be better than using Midazolam in the nursing homes. Parts on back-order for months. Might have to employ bikini girls with hoses. Oops, no water pressure.


  79. James, Just so you know, at least on my end, megacancer just keeps loading and loading, for a long time. a lot of the pictures you post, end up as broken links. the problem could be on my end, but i don’t know.


    1. Must have too many pictures and video links. Maybe I’ll think of something sage to say and write another post.


  80. “The Sound of Money on Fire”

    According to the talks held last month, the new Tesla factories in Grünheide near Berlin and in Austin, Texas are currently losing billions. “The two factories in Berlin and Austin are gigantic money ovens at the moment,” Musk told the Tesla Owners of Silicon Valley fan club. “It’s really like a gigantic roar, that sound of burning money.”

    The reason is a lack of batteries and supply chain problems because of the situation in the Chinese ports, Musk explained. The factory in Texas is apparently much more affected than the plant in Grünheide. In Texas, only a vanishingly small number of cars would roll off the assembly line at the moment.

    According to the talks held last month, the new Tesla factories in Grünheide near Berlin and in Austin, Texas are currently losing billions. “The two factories in Berlin and Austin are gigantic money ovens at the moment,” Musk told the Tesla Owners of Silicon Valley fan club. “It’s really like a gigantic roar, that sound of burning money.”

    The reason is a lack of batteries and supply chain problems because of the situation in the Chinese ports, Musk explained. The factory in Texas is apparently much more affected than the plant in Grünheide. In Texas, only a vanishingly small number of cars would roll off the assembly line at the moment.
    Grünheide in “slightly better position”

    There are difficulties in ramping up production of the new 4680 batteries and the tooling to make the traditional 2170 batteries is “stuck in a port in China,” Musk said. The factory in Grünheide is in a “slightly better position” because the traditional 2170 batteries were installed from the start.

    The tech billionaire described the past two years as an “absolute nightmare” in view of the auto industry’s persistent supply chain problems. The Tesla boss also warned: “We’re not over it yet”. For Tesla it is about keeping the company running so that the employees can continue to be paid and the group does not go bankrupt.

    I wonder what will happen with the Tesla service in a few years 🙂


    1. People seem to think the Tesla fuel is going to be free. Solar panels are expensive and so is the distribution infrastructure and so is the Tesla. Moving a car around that weighs 3-5 thousand pounds and a few hundred more for the humans inside, is not going to be a winning formula. The average Tesla weighs over 100x my bicycle’s weight and my bike is fairly heavy. Someone had a dream ………………………. Wake up!


  81. The supply-chain contagion spreads. It will now become harder to obtain your favorite beverage that comes in an aluminum can, and protect the homeland from the Russians and the Chinese. The energy to make new aluminum or melt down scrap aluminum and turn it into new stuff is becoming too expensive.

    Massive Layoffs Hit One of Top U.S. Aluminum Plants, Halting Operations


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