Have a nice day at work.

Very basically life can be defined as the flow of energy from higher to lower density through specialized structures intended for that purpose. Both biological/cellular entities and technological/cellular entities qualify as life. The structure/organization of complex dissipative structures are determined by their effectiveness in releasing trapped energy to a lower energy or colder environments like space. All of biological and technological activity is nothing more in essence than the manifestation of otherwise unlikely arrangements of matter through which energy may be converted into a less concentrated form. Organism release trapped energy from the bodies of other organisms while technological, cellular entities or businesses release trapped energy from the non-living fossil fuel gradients in addition to hydrological dissipative structures like dams, nuclear power plants for the harder to tap but more potent energy of the atom’s nucleus, wind turbines to extract a fraction of other natural dissipative currents like wind and solar panels for harvesting radiation and the creation of energy gradients in batteries for later release (much like plants do with chlorophyll and glucose).

Humans sometimes get tired of going to work and making things happen but must continue to maintain the flow of energy through their bodies from ecological sources and through the corpus of their technological creation just to maintain its structure and functionality which doesn’t exist for any particular purpose other than to release energy from gradients and radiate heat to a cold sink. Interfaces with the cool environment are essential so that heat doesn’t build-up and destroy the various structures. Variations on a theme of dissipative structures, like the many unique humans, will actually compete to obtain the gradient energy to continue their existences and are more or less captive to the process and without free will. The organizations of atoms and molecules that are not very effective at releasing energy from gradients and reproducing themselves tend to go extinct as other more successful ones persist. Humans may laud success at releasing energy from gradients and proudly display their large families and very energy hungry dissipative homes, cars, jets and boats but in essence these people are only useful and unwitting tools in a thermodynamic phenomenon.

Have a nice day at “work” dissipating energy. Your cells, your body, your children, your employer, your nation, the universe is counting on you. When the gradient is gone and equilibrium is restored there will be no need for dissipative structures and you may rest in peace.

A technological disspative structure of the Chicago Transit system carries human RNA to and from their work cells as energy trapped in fossil fuel and food molecules is released, makes its way through the biological/technological structures and radiates into space.

511 thoughts on “Have a nice day at work.”

  1. Good bit. Thanks for the new post.

    Living matter has some different properties than other matter. But it’s still just matter ( “just”, The fact that there is matter, or anything at all, is a miracle. But that’s a different story.) Like all matter, it gets excited by energy. If it contacts too much, too fast, it comes apart.

    Unlike other bits of matter it (living matter) must maintain some specific flow of energy to maintain a recognizable form. Of course, this form is only recognizable to other, specialized, living forms. This is largely due to the fact that all living forms must kill and eat other forms in oder to maintain its own form. All very perverse…

    Another important aspect of life is the ability to retain and transmit information. In this way, the prototypical form can be retained and reproduced, with various random imperfections, which is unavoidable during any transfer of information. Thus, informational entropy, terminology that causes a lot of confusion, which is another story. I guess…


    1. All of the protons, whether incorporated into a dissipative structure or not are basically the same and they have warping effect on the aether surrounding the nucleus (orbitals). Light isn’t absorbed or reflected by a hard particle but rather by large areas of differentially warped aether between nuclei. At least that’s the way I imagine it at the moment.

      I’ve had informational entropy on some compact discs. If you want to play around with informational entropy, supermagnetman will sell you a pyramidal magnet that will provide over one Tesla in a small area for scrambling information. These pyramidal magnets can be used to rapidly erase magnetic media or be stuck into the human ear to erase memories. Not sure about the human ear part. Here’s an interesting discussion of magnetism and its effects.

      How strong would a magnetic field have to be to kill you?

      For scrambling DNA information some gamma rays might do the trick or any number of molecular carcinogens.


    1. You don’t want to lose access to the universal solvent and its hydrolytic action in its rain purified form. It’s also great for flushing-out technological/biological waste in maintenance of homeostasis.


    2. If my pretty Catalan, half-gipsy, belly-dancing (!)cousin needs to escape, I’ll happily do my duty and take her in! Maybe I could get a grant from the UN?


    1. Obviously we need more conduits in Arizona if we’re going to make that thing bottom-out. If everyone waters their lawns on hot days in Pheonix they might raise the humidity enough to cook themselves.


    1. That was a pretty good article by Greer. Most of it is basic information, unassailable. I used to present this type of information to people here in RL. I don’t bother anymore. Pointless, for any number of reasons. The ignorant quibbling that I would be subjected to was maddening. I just pretty much ignore the whole business.

      This is probably the sentence that I disagree with the most:

      “A sea change in material and energy use is coming, something, which will wash away our current lifestyle completely, yet it will take decades to fully unfold.”

      I don’t pretend to know that exact cause and timing of the unraveling of industry. But, I do foresee any number of scenarios wherein it could come apart quickly, and soon.

      I don’t know why Greer has to resort to the pretense of referring to himself as a “sorcerer” of some sort. Makes him seem like a pretentious fuck wad, to me anyway.


      1. I don’t believe Greer wrote that essay. Greer has been on leave due to a family emergence since February 7 according to his blog spot Ecosophia. The essay Arrow of Time was published on February 12. Most importantly the Arrow essayist doesn’t even come close to Greer’s language, cadence, or story telling let alone the word count. That’s just what I think.


        1. Does the author use the phrase ‘dear reader’? One of those in every JMG piece.

          Greer’s wife Sara is terminally ill, and expected to die this week.


        2. I thought that The Honest Sorcerer was one of Greer’s blogs. I could be wrong.

          Having read Greer’s stuff for years, I pretty certain that a decades, even centuries, long decline of industrialism, is one of his central themes. I don’t know for a fact that he’s wrong. But I sure think he is.


          1. Yes, he uses the, probably false, analogy with the slow decline of Rome all the time – 400 years of decline, etc.

            No Roman was striving to break things down like our rulers though! And the difference in complexity are of course immense.

            Another Greer fixed idea is that civilisation will survive and flourish anew in Russia – this is apparently a prophecy current among the community of esotericists.

            It may well be correct, if that part of the globe doesn’t become another over-exploited or nuked wasteland.


            1. The cancerous growth and overshoot was only regional. The current situation is global. It won’t be slow this time. As the EROEI approaches zero the complexity will melt away leaving billions gasping for income and energy.


            2. I think that Greer is active in some sort of Druid cult or religion. Thus his need to promote himself as wizard or sorcerer of some sort? Not sure.

              He seems like a nice enough guy, I guess. I don’t think I’d want to spend too much time around him in RL. If you know what I mean. But, of course, I don’t like to spend much time around people in general. A pleasant hello and good bye is sufficient. So there ya go…


            1. Oh, OK. I don’t know how I got it into my head that “The Honest Sorcerer” was Greer. Maybe Greer is “The Green Wizard”? An honest mistake…


    1. Yeah, I don’t think the smooth, laminar flow of energy will continue until the last dregs of fossil fuels are burned. I wonder if Zuckerberg has any extra room in his bunker. I’ll bring the Poi pounder.


  2. “A sea change in material and energy use is coming, something, which will wash away our current lifestyle completely…………..” I think this part is correct. As soon as the Kaballah financial sorcerers get done foreclosing on the West things will be much different. The scenario outlined in this letter does seem to be playing-out. Not a big surprise since the Talmudic magic must come true before the Western financial Ponzi scheme crashes at the end of the runway.

    Levy to Marx


    1. These people are trying to take over, and rule without end. A world safe for God-chosen exploiters forever, and with no pogroms.

      But, just as most people really can’t see the vaxx murders and the obvious globalist coup d’etat, they themselves can’t see that their beloved Techno-complexity – even with a reduced footprint – is itself doomed.

      The monkey will close its hand over the fruit within, but is thereby trapped in the bottle. It has killed the other monkeys which competed to get the fruit, but can’t bear to break the bottle which it has had its eyes on for so long. Even the idea of the bottle’s fragility is impossible to conceive.


      1. This should just about finish-off white Europe and guarantee banking elite hegemony. It has even been surmised that in the United States migrants will be given citizenship through joining the military and then be used to suppress the “white man bad” population.


  3. A photograph of tightly packed cuboidal cells from Ontario. Most of the human RNA that live inside these cells travel to office and factory cells to work each day. Once the New World Order takes effect they may have to live in a pod at their place of employment thereby eliminating the need for homes, cars and personal property. But that will only occur in a technocrat’s dream. These cells and their inhabitants will likely experience a long and excruciating death resulting from unpaid bills. In Canada the RNA can even make their final, technologically assisted exit within the Trudeau Asphyxiator TM, when every last bit of blood has been wrung from their financial bodies.



  4. Up to fifty-percent of bodies have white clots – Alabama. (Side note: Many people can’t afford to be embalmed.)

    A comment:

    42 minutes ago
    A good friend of mine aged 39 died last March. He hadn’t had Covid but he had three jabs to stay employed despite my warnings. He thought I had jumped on some QNON bandwagon and asked me if i was an antivaxxer. I said NO I’d had all my vaccines but wasn’t going to take this one as it was untested. March 4th last year he sat down in a chair to read and died. His wife went to talk to him but he had just gone without even a sign or noise! It was heartbreaking but an autopsy showed massive blood clots to his heart and brain. His funeral was horrible and people who had once shunned me are now wondering if they have made a huge mistake. I don’t feel superior or even say see I knew it because it was terrible the way they put people through mandates and put pressure on them to ‘save grandma!'”


    10 minutes ago
    My Daughter passed away 29 years old. A Blood Clot they called it a Thrombotic Pulmonary embolism. The coroner told me that she was presenting these white type Clots. She was a New Mother and I miss Her dearly. I get upset thinking that when she had her jab they double dosed her. The
    Public Health Org. was supposed to follow up with Her but they didnt. Thank You John for all of this factual information.
    Your Guests are always much appreciated.”


    1. The cynica bastards ran an ad campaign here: ‘Even young people die of heart attacks and get strokes, it’s nothing new!’

      This coincided with installing a defibrillator outside the village school.

      Why so long to put the defibrillator in if it’s ‘nothing new’?

      Another excuse being used is ‘People are obese due to lock-down laziness’. Actually, people are even fatter than before, especially students, so it’s a plausible cover story.

      Lockdowns killed the already fragile exercise habit in urban types, and they seem even more addicted to the glowing screen devices. I see many fewer student joggers these days.

      Something new is an outbreak of skin rashes and pustules on their faces among the students, especially the females. It’s just like the year after mask-wearing ended. Will it recur throughout their lives when run-down? One wonders what state their ovaries are in?


      1. They’ve put the Covid mRNA shot on the regular vaccination list for children. They have to kill children too, it says so in the Talmud. But don’t worry, it will be just like the old pre-antiboitic days where death came “unexpectedly” but regularly. With thick white clots the bug zapper won’t do them much good.


        1. The random vaxx deaths in all age groups, with suitable propaganda grooming , will serve to facilitate the normalisation of a higher death rate. How diabolically brilliant!

          As Orlov said about Russia, you looked back after 10 years and were surprised at just how many hadn’t made it through the crisis, not having taken it in as it happened.

          Dreadfully sad that no one will notice my demise…….


            1. That’s awfully touching, James.

              With sufficient stamps on my virtual Megacancer loyalty card, I hope to claim my free boosters for the rest of the year.


  5. The left brain is for the human RNA, the job, the tool-like human that is involved in information and technological process. The right side of the brain laughs at the stupid functioning left side that cannot see its terminal destination.


    1. I’m watching and listening to this with some interest (at 1.5 speed). I’m kinda wondering how McGilchrist’s hemispheres might coordinate the ideas that humans “are” RNA of a sort, and that they “are” robots of a sort? I think his brain might fall apart. But I don’t know that.


      1. It seems that some of the RNA enabling adaptations occurred primarily in the left hemisphere including language and mathematics ability. It’s also of interest that most people are right-handed which might indicate the importance of a close connection between the bonding organ (hand) and its essential use in doing things like material manipulation and writing. The right hemisphere can lament the destruction of nature while the left slaves away in its tech cell finding new ways to eat nature.



    1. There are consultants at the local teaching hospital, still taking boosters and advocating them for their vulnerable patients.

      No 8 coming up in April! Moderna, Pfizer and Novovax, line ’em up. Hey, whatever happened to AZ, that ‘miracle’ of British bio-science?

      Supposedly the best and brightest in the UK, and among the finest in the world……


      1. Ironies of life in a time of Doom: one of the positives in a pros and cons list for living here which I made a few years ago was ‘First class medical services with huge investment’.

        I’m just a few minutes from the hospital and bio-sciences campus; now, the expanding complex looks more like the looming, evil-laden towers of Mordor…


        1. In a world with a growing economy and empty waste sink every life is precious. In a world with a shrinking economy and full waste sink every life is one too many.


        1. The arts and Humanities have been corrupted: all the excitement is in the Bio-sciences and Big Tech – one can almost feel the energy in the air.

          These people have big budgets, and are on the circuit of international conferences, and accumulating visiting professorships and awards.

          Then, one jab to many, they will drop stone dead or en up in a wheelchair. Won’t be driving their Teslas then……


          1. Harvard is leading the way by requiring vaccination. At this point there is no better test of “stupid”. Perhaps some students should major in grave digging or undertaking. I’m sure John O’ Looney would volunteer as guest lecturer.


  6. Another comment from the Dr. John Campbell video above:

    2 hours ago
    My sister just had 12 inches of that white rubbery stuff removed from her bowel. Her bowels have collapsed and died, they couldn’t inflate that part of her bowel, it was dead they said. She had 6 hours surgery, to remove it. She now has blood transfusions every 8 weeks, because something has happened to her white blood cells. They are multiplying by the thousands!!! She is now on blood thinners for life, she has huge clots on BOTH LUNGS. She was a carer working 50 hours a week, loved life, drove a BMW, went on beautiful holidays, NOW SHE IS ON HIGH RATE DISABILITY BENEFITS FOR LIFE, IS HOUSE BOUND, AND HAS A WHEELCHAIR. ALL THAT AFTER GETTING JABBED 😢 That’s just one sister! I have 2 more siblings, and my father, are all dying from bloodclots. This government and all its scientists, must be arrested and jailed for MASS MURDER.


      1. Everyone is essentially in a real-life horror movie but people will delude themselves with beliefs in all-powerful Gods, eternal growth and the innate goodness of people until suddenly nothing seems to work and as Kunstler says “the blob” is at their door with the vaccine fix.


          1. At least you’re on top of the food pyramid and don’t have to kill and eat other animals. You only have to eat the protein cuts. The Megacancer must feed its RNA and will do the killing so as not to emotionally upset the “workers” which are trying to create profit for more tech growth. Imagine workers going to their work cells with blood on their hands every day. Regardless, they don’t have time for the messy stuff and sometimes they don’t have time to get out of their cars to eat.


            1. Yeah, having spent time hunting, killing, raising, slaughtering, butchering, cooking and eating all sorts of animals, these methods look pretty tame, humane even. The true horror here lies in the scale of the slaughter. Life is a nasty business, horific, no matter how you slice it or dice it.

              I will say that the life of an industrial animal is short, banal and brutal. The life of an industrial human is prolonged, banal, brutal and stupid, and ridiculous….. So pick your poison, I guess.

              These “factory farm” exposés are just bullshit for children. I’d say.


              1. Personally, I thank God, and the Jewish bankers, that I can go into the local Piggily Wiggily and buy a nice fat clean dead plastic wrapped chicken for $0.99/lb, on sale , of course. The antibiotics and excess hormones, I can live with.


                1. They sure know how to run a good Ponzi making people do oil transactions in dollars and they doled out the dollars as long as there was growth to be had. Not all bad, but I wish everyone would ditch the old time religions.


                  1. The dollars are still being doled out. I can still go to the store and get chickens for dollars. Fucking miracle as far as I’m concerned.

                    Anyhoo, the world goes in one end and shit comes out the other, same as always.


                  1. I suppose empathy serves a purpose, just don’t use it for things you eat or competing tribe members. The Jewish religion seems to restrict empathy towards non-Jewish people. Other people should probably treat Jews in a similar manner. I don’t think Hitler had much empathy for the Jews and I don’t think the Jews, in general, have much empathy for the Palestinians. Oh well, one way or another the water finds its way back to the sea.


                    1. I think that there’s a huge difference between guilt and empathy. I feel empathy, to greater a lessor degrees, for all living things. Everything suffers its way through life. And I try not to add to any of it.

                      But none of it is my fault. Life is a horror show all on its own. I’m not guilty, nor do I feel guilty.


                    2. One of the greatest mistakes in life is to assume a high degree of empathy in colleagues, family, friends and even lovers.

                      The nicest people will assume it, and come a cropper rather badly.

                      Ditto for loyalty, compassion, self-sacrifice.


                  2. As far as my -carnal – sins go, I feel no guilt, remorse, or any inclination to do penance: ‘I was only doing what came natural’. As were the charming ladies involved.


                    1. We’re pretty much dropped here and our brains tell us to consume energy, compete for attention and copulate. If we’re lucky we may spawn another generation of automatons.


                    2. ‘Post Coitum Triste’: probably just another Cosmic trick to make us do it again and feel happier, for a few moments.


  7. Saw this link over in the commentariat on Youtube:

    31 minutes ago
    Could it be this? From 1988 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3368814/

    The paper at this link describes white clot syndrome related to heparin therapy prior to the pandemic. It turns out that the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein has a very high affinity for heparin. In one paper on White Clot Syndrome it was recommended that sufferers be given antivitamin K and reduce heparin levels.



  8. Hmmm. This is an interesting paper. Is Heparin binding to the S1 subunit activiating the prion site? The spike protein has a high affinity for heparin.

    Heparan Sulfate and Heparin Promote Faithful Prion Replication in Vitro by Binding to Normal and Abnormal Prion Proteins in Protein Misfolding Cyclic Amplification


    Another interesting link:


    Heparin sodium-induced thrombosis is insidious and difficult to diagnose. If untreated, it results in death or major amputation. We have treated seven patients with thromboses resulting from platelet aggregation induced by heparin. Four patients had acute arterial ischemia of the lower extremity, venous gangrene developed in two, and one patient had an occluded autogenous vein femoral popliteal bypass in the immediate postoperative period. The platelet count was noticeably reduced in affected patients. White platelet thrombi were noted in four patients, three of whom had acute arterial occlusion. A white thrombus was the cause of immediate failure of a femoral popliteal graft. Electron microscopic examination of these thrombi demonstrated predominantly fibrin platelet aggregates with an occasional entrapped WBC and a rare RBC. All patients receiving heparin therapy must have platelet counts performed regularly. If thrombocytopenia is detected, platelet aggregation studies are indicated. When abnormal platelet aggregation is noted, heparin therapy should be reversed with protamine sulfate and the patient treated with low-molecular-weight dextran and warfarin sodium.



    1. ‘Here’s our reporter with what you need to know: THEY ARE SAFE, so STFU!’

      AZ committed the sin of being, not dangerous, but a bit too obviously clotty.


    1. Thank God, then, that so many of the shots were most likely placebos.

      I’ve been following Merogenomics for some months. He seems adept at evading the censors.


      1. But in one of his videos he explains how researchers found no difference in amyloidosis between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. Covid infection or shedding may be all it takes.


        1. Always those negative vibe, James, always those negative vibes! Can’t you for once say something Righteous and Hopeful?!

          But then it wouldn’t be MEGACANCER.


    2. We’ve got an action video of a clot being removed from the jugular vein by embalmer Richard Hirschman.
      I’m a bit hungry now…


    1. No active surveillance? Of course: all they need to do is look at the insurance company and disability stats, hospital admissions, etc.


  9. “What the heck?” Why aren’t politicians talking about this? There’s only one thing to do, join the armed forces and go against the Russian grinder. It must be their fault.

    14 minutes ago
    I live in the US my niece lost her 29 yr old husband from a heart attack while running ( he was training for a marathon he had competed in many ) she had just given birth to their 2 nd son
    Such a tragedy 😞


  10. Neutrophil elastase can chop-up spike protein, but the resulting peptides includes Spike192 which is amyloid forming. Other naturally occuring coronaviruses don’t possess this sequence. The amyloids or fibrinaloids cannot be broken down and accumulate. Once started they are self-amplifying.


    Other amyloid forming peptides from the spike protein include Spike 532 and Spike 601.



      1. My chess game has been on an undulating plateau for at least ten years. There are no marked improvements left in me. I will say that upon keeping a mental track of my games, of sorts, maybe 70% of my losses are due to a mid-game blunder, exposing the queen and such. Nonetheless, even after recognizing this trend, the trend remains constant.


      2. Don’t worry: chess is for nerds and Vikings. Anyway, isn’t there an ‘app for that’?

        I have a different problem: thinking too fast and seeing things all too clearly. I’d dearly like to re-join the befuddled and deluded general run of humanity – I am sure I’d be happier. They plot careers, plan holidays, and obsess over fashion, property and investments, and they are happy if not contented. They are in Paradise.

        Luckily the sight of a fine pair of breasts still collapses superior mental functions and brings others into play. Same goes for the smell of frying bacon….. Primitivism and primal programming is still operating, thank God.


  11. Osterholm is delaying his booster so that others may get theirs. Osterholm and Bourla, always looking out for the people. Ha, ha.


    He’s also leading the effort to explain why humans suddenly have a serious prion wasting disease – he’s going to blame it on the deer.



  12. Why don’t the authorities want you to use Ivermectin but want you to take the killer vaccine instead? Maybe Pfizer will soon offer an amyloidosis treatment called “Moneymakin” that will do the same thing as Ivermectin.

    Ivemectin interacts with alpha helices in parasite chloride channels forcing them open.

    A large part of fibrin is composed of alpha helices.


    A case of rubbery fibrin clot remission with Ivermectin.


    FDA say don’t use Ivermectin. One of the potential side effects is that it interacts with blood thinners. Is that because it can break fibrin clots?


    Ivermectin has an anti-vitamin K effect which can interfere with clotting. One of the treatments for white clot syndrome is administration of “anti vitamin-K”.




  13. This is an interestng paper with Stephanie Seneff and Peter McCullough as two of the authors.

    “Strong evidence for the prion-like potential of the spike protein comes from a paper published in 2021 that demonstrated through computational modeling that the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the S1 segment of the spike protein, binds to heparin and several different amyloidogenic heparin-binding proteins, including amyloid β, α-synuclein, Tau, the prion protein and TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) [11]. They proposed that this could be the mechanism by which the spike protein could cause mitochondrial oxidative stress, apoptosis, and neurodegeneration.”

    Add white clot fibrinogin amyloidosis to that list.



    1. Prof Tim Spector, nutrition ‘expert’, was also recruited to disparage, dismiss and mock ivermectin to his large YT audience. And push the jabs.

      He had sufficient conscience to look very awkward as he followed the ‘horse medicine’ line.

      Recently, his wisely smiling mug has been all over posters at my supermarket advertising his diet plan – his reward, I suppose, for selling his non-existent soul.

      I look at his face and wonder how he came to be such a lying POS: continued access to research grants I suppose.


      1. A dissipative demon on the inside with a respectable, candy coating on the outside. One of the ubiquitous forms of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Although that may be the spirit of Peter Hotez on the inside.

        Dr. Jekyll


      1. The only good news is that energy per capita will be running low, inflation will be running high, future claims on consumption in exchange for dollars will be extinguished, most of the easily accessed metals and minerals will be in landfills, human RNA will no longer be able to afford getting to work, remaining resources will be wasted in war and new and improved iterations of technology will cease.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Succint summary, James.

          The transfer of valuable resources to land-fill after just one use is not often remarked upon.

          Just enough life in the doomed system to impose their 24/7 surveillance , democidal slave Techno-state, and then…..poof! It’s gone.

          The machines and the servers fall silent and turn to so much junk.


          1. At least the organic cells are easily recycled. The self-congratulating RNA of such cells, after having built and functioned in magnificent complexity, must be in shock as the plasma waste sink fills and the glucose stops arriving at the mitochondrial door. Then a lysosome, equivalent to a nuclear waste pool, fails for lack of maintenance and everything gets digested. What seed shall make it through the cataclysm?

            God help us.


      2. Pretty sure that’s a fake. No movement in the camera “drone”. It’s a mounted camera of some sort. The guy being chased “disappears”.


          1. Yeah, that one seems more believable to me. The targets don’t disappear in a cloud of smoke. I guess that the camera stabilization on those drones is better than what I thought.


          1. Yeah, I’ve watched it a number of times. Still looks fake to me.

            It would have been easy enough to roll the film until the smoke cleared a little, etc, etc….


    1. That was a good essay. Sophie was another Cassandra that got her head cut-off. There are simple solutions to our predicament like building more roads to nowhere, allowing mass migration and simply printing wealth. We’re in good hands.


  14. I guess that there’s some longer versions of this interview out there on Youtube. I can’t imagine that I’d watch try to watch them.

    Anyhoo, the “human enterprise”, as we’ve come to know it, will either run short of energy, run short of some vital resource, or choke on its own shit. So, no problem. I’d say.


    1. Details, details, details. How are we supposed to get rich and live like pampered molecules in our comfort controlled cells if we’re not investing in new dissipative structures and burning and eating everything in sight? Throw some more coal on the fire and show me that return on investment.


  15. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/02/22/what-we-are-witnessing-in-the-democrats-administration-of-justice-is-totally-corrupt-weaponized-law-used-as-a-weapon/

    Like with JHK, I often agree with PCR. But I just can’t get at all excited about much of anything they have to say. Too jaded, too cynical, I guess. Maybe I just like guarding my own sanity and equilibrium.

    Like that old saying/prayer:

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    Something like that…


    1. The information gets copied and reassorted, the things get built (humans), the energy siphon gets primed and then they’re on their own to essentially rape and pillage their way to success. The immoral compass points to money. Man is wolf to man. Many species are that way like these orchid mantises.


    1. Do it while the dream is still alive and the sky is the limit. It makes people feel good like they’re making progress or something and I imagine the market for office space in Oklahoma City is booming.


        1. I think those developers are a little behind the times. Have we hit peak skyscraper yet? I imagine the insurance cost would be pretty high too. Maybe they should build it at Miami Beach.


          1. This guy is predicting that about a third of the commercial office space in the U.S. will drop in value to zero.


            Michael Bloomberg has been urging all RNA to go back to the office full-time, probably so his investments in commercial real estate won’t tank. Demolition will be a growth industry. We could use some of that busted-up concrete as backfill in our yard. My sledgehammer will be well utilized.


            1. Without jobs the human RNA won’t be able to afford food and will be useless in tearing anything down. They’ll be spending all of their time planting seeds and praying that something grows. Maybe they can replace “work” from home with “die” from home.


    2. A most splendid erection indeed!

      ‘The candle burns brightest just before it goes out’: Ibn Khaldun, 14th century.

      The ‘entertainment district’ – dreadfully boring for me I’m sure, although when much younger I did 5n a way enjoy the London lap dancing clubs bankster friends enticed me to, purely for sociological observation you understand.

      But why anyone would like to cock-teased for an evening, repeatedly, I really don’t know. Anyway, it as all on the house, girls drinks, food, so how could refuse?

      Some of those girls were smart: they took the cash and bought rental property in Eastern Europe. Others boozed and drugged it away.

      But in the end all erections fail, and all investments show zero return. There will only be memories…….


        1. And in the end the memories go poof as the brain is no longer fed energy to support their existence. The analog world of memories ceases to exist as does the virtual self that sought to revisit some experiences while avoiding others. Even as the body disintegrates some other human begins their journey through the garden of good and evil leaving seemingly indelible imprints in neural tissue.


  16. I’ve asked Chatgpt a few questions at this point, mostly about the operation of other computer software. I’m currently learning to use Photoshop and Tinkercad. By and large, its answers left me scratching my head: What the fuck is that supposed to mean? That kind of thing.

    So, mostly, I just go back to my old tried and true method, for just about everything in life: fuck around with it until I get something to work. If that doesn’t work, hit it with a rock. Something like that…


      1. If there was a booth that I could get into, go to sleep, and never wake up, I would get into it. No problem. Just leave this bullshit behind? Ok by me.

        I kind of imagine my death, or the events immediately preceding it, as being much like my life: painful, stupid, ridiculous, humiliating, etc. Maybe with some moments of joy and ecstasy mixed in? But that’s just my imagination…

        Maybe Cynic is on to something? Develop some good memories to hang onto as you die? I don’t think it works like that. In any event, in my case, it’s too late for that.


        1. I can’t do that because of dependents and would feel that I was fulfulling the wishes of a greedy psychopath. “Is your life painful, stupid, ridiculous, humiliating? Visit your Ukraine Armed Forces recruiters office today. We have a solution for you.” I think it could be worse.


            1. Wait long enough and we’ll have little killer drones chasing us around the neighborhood, especially if our social credit scores are too low or we eat too much. Better to go out with a bang. It’ll give the grandchilren something to talk about.


  17. I know a woman who has an emotional support dog. She often walks around with a cane, wearing dark glasses. When I first met her, I thought she was blind. But she’s just fucked up, in various ways, I guess.

    Anyhoo, I’m kinda jealous because she gets to take a dog with her wherever she goes.


    1. The woman and dog look like better company than the asshole critics. I guess it’s easy to get fucked-up when you’re a tool in techno cancer that has no greater purpose than releasing energy from fossli fuels.


        1. Yes it is and I once again blame plants for storing energy in starch and cellulose which powers the giant dissipative circuses. I suppose I could blame the sun for its fusion but it’s just an innocent, flaming bystander.


  18. Excellent paper on long Covid and fibrnaloids:

    “This has led us to suggest a multipronged approach and a regime of triple anticoagulation treatment [231], where Long COVID patients might be treated by one month of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) (Clopidogrel 75 mg/Aspirin 75 mg) once a day, as well as a direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) (Apixiban) 5 mg twice a day, together with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) (e.g. pantoprazole 40 mg/day for gastric protection). Such a treatment regime showed promise under condition of clinical practice (there were no treatment-free ‘controls’) [231]. However, especially because of the potential for hypocoagulation (bleeding), it must only be followed under strict and qualified medical guidance in which we recommend the regular assessment of coagulation status before and during treatment.”



  19. In nature there are assholes everywhere. Below are some prime examples of technological assholes:

    Two selfie addicts sleep upon the sphincter of a great, CO2-gassing, technological asshole.

    One black asshole places the Medal of Freedom on a technological asshole.



    1. I guess they’re camping out on top of a giant chimney of some sort? Strange idea of what might constitute a fun weekend, IMO.


      1. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake would sure make things exciting for them. It would probably put an end to their self-magnifying selfie careers.


    2. Bill Gates always strikes me as some kind of nit-wit. For a long time I would tell myself: Well the richest man on earth is a fucking nit-wit of some sort.I don’t think he’s the richest anymore, not sure.


      1. I imagine he’s supported and groomed by those that want to see the technology mature for use in a monitoring and control grid, the ultimate goal. Technology uber alles.


  20. I wonder if the fact that people have evolved to become RNA in a technological cancer will ever make it through the Overton Window? I imagine anyone broaching the subject would be banished for threatening the primitive beliefs that put members of a tribe on the same wavelength and hold the typical national tribe together. As a matter of practicality it’s probably best to pretend to believe while going through the mechanistic, technological activities of work, consumption, growth and collapse. The recalcitrant, clueless God-talkers will cope as best they can as things unfold.


  21. I wonder if the fact that people have evolved to become RNA in a technological cancer will ever make it through the Overton Window?

    No, this will never happen. The window is closed.

    Kinda funny. I was talking to my daughter and her husband this morning. Some how or another the idea of a “dissipative structure” (DS) came up. They had never heard of such a thing, both being “educated” young (comparatively) people. Both have graduate degrees in STEM, so called, disciplines. I sketched out the idea, and the follow on that humans are a form of DS. They were perplexed, mystified. But apparently open to the concept.

    That’s about as far as “understanding”, within the general population, can ever go. Id say.


    1. Tell them that a sure way to recognize a dissipative structure is to see if it has an asshole. That’s probably good for about ninety-percent recognition. You really have to make an effort to build a mental model and most people have little interest.


    2. STEMs are trained to perform very narrow, profitable, functions within the Great Dissipative, not to understand it. Good that they are somewhat open-minded!


      1. The snake does not need to understand to eat the rat. Likewise, the “Great Dissipative” does not need to understand to eat the fossil fuels. A few naturally acquired algorithms will lead the way.


    1. I’ll bet Rogan would kick sand in Bill’s face at the beach. Even though he may be a high-tech asshole, Bill’s just trying to fix some problems inherent to the human condition before he passes into the great beyond. Vaccines are a many splendored thing. I’ll bet this one got vaxxed and won’t be passing through the bottleneck.


      1. That was pretty stupid. But I’ve seen way stupider shit on Nate Hagen’s channel. And I didn’t even have to sit through 90 minutes of it. So there ya go…


        1. Yeah, people have to compete for attention. Instead of all the experts Nate should show his audience a picture of the Titanic at the bottom of the sea. That’s the “Great Simplification”. They’ll get it and can stock-up on life rings.


  22. The amyloid clots could result from Human Serum Amyloid A interaction with a non-spike SARS-Cov-2 viral protein.


    “The concentration of Human Serum Amyloid A (SAA) in acute COVID-19 patients can grow to levels that in patients with certain cancers or inflammatory diseases may cause systemic amyloidosis as a secondary illness. Hence, SARS-COV-2 infections may also increase the risk for SAA amyloid formation and subsequent pathologies. However, overexpression of SAA does not always lead to systemic amyloidosis, and mechanisms exist for downregulating SAA concentration and minimizing the risk for amyloidosis. In the present paper we use molecular dynamics to study how presence of SARS-COV-2 proteins may interfere with these protection mechanisms by changing the propensity for forming SAA amyloids. In order to reduce computational cost, we have restricted ourselves the nine-residue-segment S55FYVYSRVK63 (SK9) on the C-terminal tail of the SARS-COV2-Envelope protein whose location makes it likely to interact with SAA proteins.

    Our simulations show that SARS-COV-2 proteins can increase the risk for SAA fibril formation by three mechanisms. First, binding of the SK9 reduces the stability of the biologically active SAA hexamer in which SAA transports lipids during inflammation, shifting the equilibrium toward monomers. As monomers are SAA proteins subject to enzymatic cleavage into smaller fragments, and only these fragments are found in SAA fibrils. Hence, by shifting the equilibrium toward the monomers, presence of the viral protein segment SK9 increases the risk for fibril formation. This risk is further enhanced by the interaction of SK9 with the SAA fragments, which increase the frequency of the aggregation prone form (called by us helix-weakened) and for this motif raises the propensity to form b-strands, especially for the first eleven residues known to be crucial for fibril formation. Finally, presence of the amyloidogenic segment SK9 also stabilizes SAA fibrils, moving further the equilibrium toward the fibril, and therefore enhancing the probability for amyloid formation. Hence, our simulations strengthen our hypothesis that SARSCOV-2 infections raise the risk for SAA amyloidosis during or after COVID-19. As SAA amyloidosis is characterized by formation and deposition of SAA amyloids in the blood vessels, causing inflammation and thrombosis, it may be behind the broad spectrum of severe and at times life-threatening cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, and neurological symptoms, commonly summarized as multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MISC) sometimes observed in COVID-19 survivors11.

    Human Serum Amyloid A binds to fibrin promoting fibrin amyloid formation:



  23. The existence of a familial fibrinogen amyloidosis indicates the potential for conversion. Does a large pulse of Human Serum Amyloid A interacting with SARS-Cov-2 proteins result in AA amyloidosis that subsequently results in fibrinogen amyloidosis? Since the faulty fibrinogen is made in the liver, one solution to familial fibrinogen amyloidosis is a liver/kidney transplant.


    This is an interesting schematic:



    1. Yeah, I read most of that.

      Personally, I’d have to say that my favorite thing on earth, while I’m here, is sleeping. Number two, is number two. Or, at least part of number two is number two. IOW, my second favorite thing in life is shoving the world into my gullet, and shitting out the remains.

      Anyhoo, if it was good enough for a bunch of anaerobes, probably prokaryotes, no less, such as they are, it’s good enough for me. Fuck the world…


      1. Yeah, sleeping and eating. Doesn’t get much better than that. Throw in some reproduction and a roof over your head and your cells shouldn’t have any complaints.


    2. Just to continue a little from last night, I feel like my digestive system is pretty much the one consistently good thing in my like. I can pretty much ingest, digest and shit out the remains of anything that might be edible. Never upset stomach, or heartburn or anything like that. Many of the people around me seem to suffer from such ailments. I just can’t relate.

      I suffered from insomnia for a long time. But that doesn’t really bother me anymore, maybe on some rare occasion.

      Just sharing, as if anybody cares, not.


      1. It’s a shame what we do to the animals we eat, grinding them up and then subjecting them to an acid bath but I’m pretty sure the universe sanctions execution of negentropic forms if you’re overall reducing the energy between nuclei and taking a heat dump into the aether.


  24. There is a summing of the vibrations and interactions of trillions of molecules into the macro organization and behaviors of a human. All of that vibrating, heat shedding and molecular rearrangement results by necessity in a coherency of structure and behavior that results in energy/money/resource seeking as the primary goal. The chemical reactions comprising the human can occur in trillionths of a second. As one second ticks by on a watch worn by a human, trillions of reactions occurring every trillionth of a second have occurred. By the time a human has finished their lunch hour and has started the refueling process a relative eternity has already occurred at the molecular scale. Of course the human is not aware of the metabolic energy conversions underlying its own structure and movement. Within its brain it could never record the changes in position of all the molecular reactions like it remembers the changes in relative position of large masses of matter that occur throughout its lifetime. A human is primarily programmed to behave in such a way as to feed the reactions and maintain an adequate shedding of heat. A watch worn by the universe would likely be marked in one-trillionths of a second but for a massive, coherent collection of molecules like a human that moves very slowly a watch marked in seconds is adequate and each second sums an eternity of unseen chemical reactions.



    1. The “time” involved in the shifting of electron orbitals is too small to be measured. Thus quantum mechanics. Only large, gross, movements can be quantified, statistically. I guess.


      1. Yeah, Heisenberg says you’ll never be able to pin it down. Pretty much the same at a larger scale in that there’s no real dividing line between past, present and future.


        1. I guess, at some scale or another, any type of differentiation is arbitrary. Humans arbitrate as humans are bound to do. I guess.


          1. One way to look at time is that the future is in dense energy like protons, now is the moment some energy is converted to radiation often resulting in movement and the past is out there in the cold sink somewhere. A facsimile of the past can be kept in the now as memories, photographs etc. and be replayed if you pass some energy through it (neurons).


    2. Basically, my stomach keeps time for me, based on the gross movements of various bits of bullshit through my digestive tract. Something like that…


      1. When you get hungry you can check the memory file cabinet of past slow actions that got the job done. Your molecules will be bonding, unbonding, fizzing, popping, rotating, stretching and dumping heat at the speed of light to get you there.

        “When a habit is formed, it represents a state of relatively low entropy. The behavior becomes automatic and requires minimal cognitive effort. Breaking a habit, on the other hand, involves increasing the entropy within the mind, disrupting the established order. This process demands energy, just as it does to transition a substance from a solid to a liquid state.”

        View at Medium.com

        So basically people have evolved to be mental lazy asses and not expend too much energy on thinking if they can program themselves into successful automata.


        1. Good find. I often wonder why I spend so much of my time just doing things “blindly” without thought. We are no longer chasing monkey meat in the bush but maintaining our tech cells as you say. Chasing monkey meat required an energy expenditure of our thought process. Now my thinking process is mainly rote in most every step of my daily life including driving which scares the pants off of me.


        2. That was a pretty good bit. I guess that my only quibble might be something like: Thinking, (mental exercise?) like physical exercise, expending energy, can be enjoyable in its own right. Both can lead to many positive outcomes, mostly in the form of higher status, if successful. I guess it’s a big part of the fore brain’s job to to figure the odds of success. The odds of raising one’s status within a group are usually pretty low. I’d say.


    1. The STEM graduates working on their own extinction (or at least a premature death once they are past optimum performance and due to be replaced by a fresh naive graduate, is one of the most amusing aspects of this phase in human affairs. Darkly amusing. And they are so damn clueless: just engrossed in the project of the moment.


      1. At least they’ll be earning six figures as the white clots accumulate. It’s all worth it to die in a state of self-exaltation.


    2. As usual, I just don’t buy into the techno wet dream. Like some someone can plan and manipulate the dissolution of global industry to their own advantage? Their delusions are enjoyable to themselves. I guess it can be enjoyable for others to think about their (the techno elite’s) delusions.

      I guess.


      1. As usual they’re getting the cart before the horse. It’s the horse that counts. I’m awaiting the discovery of another high EROEI resource that’s going to power the future. Perhaps killing useless eaters with a vaccine that costs very little is the best course. With a $100 vaccine you can foreclose on over a million dollars worth of consumption or at least prevent reproduction.


  25. Any leader kissing ass at the wailing wall, including Putin, Medvedev and Trump indicates they’re globalist players. The Russian central bank, a private corporation like the Federal Reserve, is a Rothschild creation done post-revolution.


    1. Clearly the poor chap wasn’t elite enough, and therefore disposable. Nor was he a Jew, which may or may not be relevant.

      Still, he enjoyed the cream of life up until now: time to dine with Hades in the dirt……


  26. A correlation between vaccination and white clot syndrome from a catheter lab technician. The more boosters you get the worse it seems to get.

    Why would they discourage the use of Ivermectin?

    “Later stage covid-19

    “If I’ve got a patient in a later stage ………………. the virus binds to the CD147 receptors and cross links red cells, white cells and endothelium and you get ‘sludging’. Effective treatment with ivermectin and doxycycline reverses these effects. “It’s going to be like Lego that comes undone and suddenly the patient will re-perfuse”, explains Dr Stone.

    “The other interesting thing is that after we give ivermectin the D-dimer goes through the roof” she says. D-dimer, she emphasises, is a fibrin degradation product and therefore a marker of clot resolution. “….so it means that the clots and the fibrin is breaking down”, she adds.

    A real life example of this phenomenon was a patient called Joe. His D-dimer was 2,500 on day 1. He went home and the next day’s result was reported as, ‘Greater than 10,000, unrecordable’. Fearing that the patient might have died Dr Stone immediately telephoned the nurse who said, “He is hugely better. He’s chatting, he’s eating, he’s wanting go for a walk”.

    Thinking about it, “…when the D-dimer rockets it’s a marker of clot resolution; it’s a sign the patient is actually getting better”, concludes Dr Stone.”



  27. I was sorry to see Jacob Rothschild pass away. I think there was something about him that was more than just ruthless dissipative. I probably would have wanted to hang-out with Walter Rothschild though. Anyone with such a great bug collection can’t be all bad. I hope the ones that inherit his fortune can fully enjoy it. I wonder if Israel will be too hot to comfortably inhabit in twenty years. Not much to be fighting over.


    1. We should give them credit. Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan actually did some of their own dirty work. The Rothchilds managed to conquer even more territory in a suit and tie. Not a finger lifted.

      As for Israel, I suppose they were always going to run out of water eventually.

      Perhaps they’re saving the planet for the bugs. Or are we still supposed to eat them?


      1. Bugs Inc., a Walter Rothschild company. Loaning or distributing money to facilitate growth and charging interest was a good business plan for a while – until the petri dish was full and all the sugars were digested.


        1. In my next lifetime I wish to be reborn banker. I don’t feel like I had enough fun in this one. I wonder if they feel the same way.

          This guy seems like a swell fellow.

          David de Rothschild on Sailing a Boat Made of Recycled Plastic | Fast Company


    1. Paul Rose said about the globalbiofest, “its’ gone like clockwork.” I think he needs some rewilding. Kids are shunted into RNA schooling from an early age to live and work in cells to be separate from and consume nature. We’re little molecules cowering behind the tech walls with the dangerous and distasteful nature threatening from outside. We don’t realize that we won’t be included in the evolutionary course of technology but will be replaced and discarded or worse.


  28. I guess they have to do something with the non-psychopathic family members. Its only 50 percent heritable from fathers to sons.


  29. The purpose of life is, according to James, to speed up the heat death of the universe. But nothing happens without entropy increasing, so it follows that the purpose of everything that happens is to increase entropy. Only one thing has happened that’s purpose was not to increase entropy, and that is the creation of the universe itself. Presumably this event is without purpose.

    But maybe James has things the wrong way round. Maybe the purpose of entropy is to allow life to exist. At least then the purpose of the creation of the universe could be consistent with this. This would also “explain” why the universal constants are fine tuned for life.


    1. Maybe it was an accident. “Trillions of years ago, in the last universe, scientists were performing an experiment with the great, great, super-colliding quark smasher. Just as the particles collided there was created a gravity well greater than a billion black holes. The entire universe instantly collapsed and became a singularity. It then began to expand again as the cycle repeated.” That’s the kind of “special” you would probably get from humans. In the meantime we’re slowly grinding away at molecular and to a lesser extent nuclear gradients. We’re sort of like dung beetles feeding on and made of the waste of much larger entropic processes.

      Complex structures happen because they more than pay the complexity bills with the extra energy they’re able to access. If life were the goal of the universe then there should be one earth-like planet around every star but I don’t think that’s the case.

      This was a pretty good discussion:


      1. “If life were the goal of the universe then there should be one earth-like planet around every star but I don’t think that’s the case.”

        It doesn’t have to be every star in the universe. The conditions for earth like planets are that they have to be inside of a specific goldy locks zone of distance from the star and the right size of planet. The distance is about heat and the size is about gravity. The star size also matters for the same reasons.

        After all we know that stars all have similar chemical properties. So logically earth like planets would all be similar to earth. In turn life itself would be similar as well.


      2. I like watching videos on intelligent design and the odds of life randomly emerging. This is a good one:

        I find Dawkin’s replicator theory of the origin of life a bit low on detail. Show me any intermediate step between non-life and the simplest cell and I’d be more convinced.

        OTOH, the way intelligent design proponents take the complexity of the cell as evidence for the god of the bible is even less convincing.


        1. The universe thermodynamically favors some arrangements of matter over others. It is especially in favor of a dissipative structure. Some reactions are thermodynamically much more likely to occur than others so the probability is much higher that they will happen. Primitive cells may be the most favorable arrangement of matter in a particular environment, that is they facilitate entropy the most. Nick Lane likes the environment of subsea vents and the establishment of molecular cycles prior to the emergence of information like RNA/DNA. Likewise, early human RNA were “chosen” and likely shaped by their ability to release energy from a gradient. The probability for their existence went way up simply because of the existence of an energy gradient and a cold sink. The energy gradient may have been something like buffalo and the linkage between buffalo, natives and the cold sink may have been a simple spear (equivalent of a peptide in molecular terms) something that predated the seemingly overwhelming complexity of information.


          1. “The universe thermodynamically favors some arrangements of matter over others. It is especially in favor of a dissipative structure.”

            And life is a dissipative structure therefore it shouldn’t be super rare. Rare perhaps but certainly not so rare that we are the only ones in the entire universe or the history of the universe as Dawkins suggests. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere with the exact same circumstances of heat, gravity, and chemical composition.

            The fermi paradox is possibly a universal outcome of all intelligent life. That is, intelligent life is incapable of overcoming the “great filter” of overshoot, war, and psychopathic elites. If any intelligent life ever did then they are avoiding us and for good reason. If we cannot overcome the great filter ourselves, we are not worth saving. Or even too dangerous to save.

            Black holes, galaxies, solar systems, and stars all have similar properties. They are not exactly the same but despite their differences they all seem to follow the same laws of physics. I think it’s probable that life is the same in having similar properties, such as being carbon based. It has similar properties wherever it is found in the universe despite the distances.


            1. Life, organic and techno, can do a lot of things but I imagine that sometimes its a bridge too far. Sometimes there simply isn’t a gradient that can nurture further evolution. Perhaps there will be a green transition but it will likely serve the needs of AI and robotics and not monster trucks and useless eaters. Continued evolution seems to leave humans behind and if technology were firmly entrenched in space it would likely speciate or become tribal and go to war. I’m pretty sure that intelligent technology would treat Homo sapiens like we treated the Neanderthals.


            2. Lane reckons if you rerun the setup you’d often arrive with bacteria but the arrival of the eukaryote was a freak.


    2. If God did create this tiny hell of life on earth, not an idea that I buy into, then God is a piece of shit asshole God. I’d say.


      1. Any God expecting gratitude for our life on earth is pretty dumb. Any God wanting to be worshipped by those he created is not worthy of worship.


      2. There is no reason to think that if God exists that it cares about its creations or is supposed to be nice to each and every one of them. Basically, the Deist conception of God.


  30. I’ve been running a Mac for a while now. The differences from a PC are not spectacular, but they are noticeable. At least to me, for what I normally do (not much) a Mac is the superior platform.

    But, little while back, I started using Chrome as a browser, in place of the Apple browser, Safari. I’d have to say that Chrome does a better job. It seems faster. Some things that just won’t run on Safari, work fine on Chrome.

    Switching to Chrome completely is something of a process. All my go-to sites are bookmarked on Safari.

    The only real reason that I switched to a Mac was that I got a bargain price, family rate, on a good newer model. Generally speaking, the price difference between a Mac and a PC can’t be justified. I’d say.

    Just thought I’d throw that out there.


    1. some interesting commensts

      17 hours ago
      Sir Josiah Stamp, director of the Bank of England during the years 1928-1941, makes the following statement with regard to banking, “The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again… Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”

      16 hours ago
      “give me control of a nations money supply and I care not who makes it laws”
      rubs hands together jewishly
      -Mayer Amschel Rothschild

      11 hours ago
      Buckministers fullers Book G.R..U.N.C.H – stands for Gross Universal Cash Heist. And describes the multinational corporations and in particular those that control them. According to a scion of the JP Morgan family he said “Bucky you will never be accepted by the elite class. you go around explaining things in simple terms to people when the first rule is:- never make things simple when you can make them more complicated”.

      10 hours ago
      “The Federal Reserve is an independent agency. And that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.”

      – Alan Greenspan


    1. Maybe they just figured they would do the same thing that happened in America, push the natives into reservations and take the land.


    1. The Rothschild’s were a natural mechanism to maximize the growth of the cancer and eliminate the energy gradient. While the goy would still be lending amounts only backed by gold, the Rothschild’s knew there was a better way, create money out the wazzoo and let ‘er rip.


  31. It seems like the bankers and their Jewish henchmen go psycho when the all-powerful Ponzi loses its steam. Murder Inc. swings into action. See vaccine, Ukraine and Gaza. Only the beginning I’m sure. Time to enslave the goy completely in the digital gulag and destroy old enemies.

    Money launderer in chief Schumer puts pressure on Johnson to pass Ukraine aid bill. If you don’t “you’ll regret it the rest of your life.” I halfway expect Pelosi to pop out of his rear and do a song and dance.


    1. The Rockefellers learned everything they needed to know from the City of London. Warburgs and Aldriches holding hands in banking heaven.


  32. GX_P2V. Could this be the Disease X? Maybe if it mysteriously escapes the lab or Wuhan food market. It’s nice to know that responsible humans are creating and manipulating such things.


    1. I would guess that soil, deciduous forests and water support agriculture which supports civilization. We wouldn’t have gotten this far into overshoot without fossil fuel derived fertilizers. For an individual I would go to a warmer zone since forests will likely be wiped-out, large scale agriculture will cease as civilization shrinks and fossil fuels are unavailable.


      1. It doesn’t have as much to do with temperature as this guy thinks. Obviously, there can be extremes, but his map doesn’t include India, Thailand, or the Arabian Peninsula. There were also civilizations in the Amazon, but they disappeared due to pandemic and are lost to history.


    1. Most of the eugenics stuff was just class warfare dressed up as genetic superiority. I’m rich because of my superior genes. That kind of thing. Don’t ask for redistribution of resources, your genetics suck and it’s not my fault I’m a rich oil baron.


    1. So, I guess that their point is that the people were swarming the trucks in some uncontrolled fashion. The IDF figured that there were various Hamas hostiles among them. They freaked out and gunned down a bunch of people.

      Maybe a trap with the bait being food trucks?

      Old old trick, he who controls the food, controls everything. I guess.

      That is one clear advantage to the hunter/gather life style. If you stay within some prescribed territory, no one person controls access to the food. I guess that the problems start when one is forced to look for food in someone else’s territory. Something along those lines…

      Of course, you’re often dependent on outsiders for women and genetic diversity and such. So who’s territory is who’s gets complicated. I guess.


        1. Yeah, I guess that money rules for the moment, and maybe for the foreseeable future. But the horizon of the foreseeable future is closing in on us. I’d say.

          I foresee a feral H/G future for the decedents of whoever makes it through the population bottleneck, somewhere in the not too distant future. Just “luck”, I’d say.

          In the mean time, I’ll spend my money, in whatever form it takes, at the local Piggly Wiggly, because I like the name.


          1. I think that’s right. They’ll have to snuff all types of dissipative structures at a tremendous pace to have anything remaining. They’ll end-up with sling shots.

            We knew we had arrived on our vacations to Hilton Head when we could shop at the Piggily Wiggily. Who the hell would name a grocery “Piggily Wiggily”? But there it was. Before that there was a single grocery at the far end of the island at Coligney Plaza. Over the years the techno cancer has eaten the place up although if you can get an apartment overlooking the ocean you can almost imagine the wilderness being behind you.


    1. I don’t think the Western bankers want any peace. They have to get rid of lots of dissipative structures and they would rather have Putin do it for them. What’s strange is that all of the countries including Russia have adopted the Adapt 2030 platform which probably means the Russian Central Bank is in control of Putin too. A big world war will be perfect to eliminate a lot of people, structures and create the shock and awe necessary to shoehorn survivors into camps for further culling and euthenasia.


      1. I think that almost everybody wants peace, as long as it’s on their own terms.

        Maybe they like the threats and fear that can only be provided by an enemy of some sort? It dosen’t really matter what the enemy might be. If there’s not one handy, one can be manufactured. Fear and uncertainty are their greatest weapons. Something like that…


    1. I had never heard of “Saw X”. When the energy is running out there’s only one thing to do, steal more from someone else or consume your own body (you will own nothing and like it.) Actually I think all of this pandemic and war stuff is the real Adapt 2030 plan. Get rid of a lot of people, buildings and consumption as the contraction and reorganization begins in earnest.

      I thought this was interesting:


      They found her car in a pond. Hmmm. Maybe nothing but seems a little fishy.


      1. Specialising, it seems in the transportation of iron ore and soya beans. Rather important!

        But just another a dreary life, at the so-called top, terminated early.

        Were her last thoughts ‘I wish I’d spent more time walking on the beach/in the forest/mountains!’? Somehow I doubt it.


      2. I’ve never seen any of the “Saw” movies either. I guess that they’re like the “Halloween” franchise. Endless milking of a single theme (magical killer is out to get you), simplistic card board characters (magical killer and frightened victims), a simple plot line with slight variations and setting (sometimes people get killed in a house, sometimes in a car…).



  33. The white clots seem to be rich in platelets, collagen and fibrin. Collagen and fibrin hydrogels are investigated as a slow-release scaffold for vaccines. I’ve heard the claim that the vaccines contain hydrogels. Are fibrin/collagen hydrogels forming in blood vessels in an amyloid-like manner?



    Another undertaker weighs-in with Steve Kirsch:



  34. I think that Dr. A.K. Johnson commenting at http://www.surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com is starting to get it:

    Dr A K Johnson on February 29, 2024 at 10:43 pm said:
    @ Bob

    “Without getting too theoretical, I said that if the steam locomotive never operated it would not produce any energy usable for work (i.e. converted to a form for the purpose of work). Notwithstanding, the substantive point implied is that our entire civilisation is merely a phenomenon arising from the rapid depletion of fossil fuels.”

    Throw in some wood, uranium, gravity etc. and yes that’s it. Our civilization is a network of dissipative structures through which gradient energy flows turning the catabolic/anabolic wheels that are continuously destroying and rebuilding structure to maximize that flow. When the energy can no longer flow, it’s over, contraction leads to collapse and the rot sets-in. The universe has no pity for a dissipative structure that’s depleted its energy gradient. The universe has no pity for a successful dissipative as it often ends-up in the mouth of another.


    1. Sexy dancing monkey puppets stuck in an endlessly repeating groove loop. Hopefully, this will inspire some copulating a little later in evening. Count me in. Well, not so much anymore.


  35. Pretty good older bit by Ugo, I liked this comment:

    Maybe fossil fuels more akin to Roman gold, as each requires energy to extract and refine, and each lubricates the economy, so to speak. Slaves provided the energy to extract gold, while fossil fuels provide most of the energy to extract themselves. Of course, gold can be exchanged infinitely, while FF can be burned only once.
    In any case, collectibles have taken off in price of late, and not just classic works of art. Have you seen the prices on baseball cards, comic books, and, now, NFTs? Mickey Mantle is the new St. Francis. It may well be fleeting, just as previous collectible booms were, but all that money in circulation has to go somewhere. Stocks, bonds, land, and RE have already inflated. And if these more established asset classes deflate (credit bust), we may see a brief period of Tulip mania in collectibles. Collector’s cards are small, portable, easily recognizable, and still affordable to most people– unlike RE and stocks. They are fragile, yes, but they can be sealed in hard cover containers more or less permanently. NFTs, OTOH, might be the ideal ‘relic’, since they truly are unique, and can be verified. Again, maybe not a long-lasting solution, and each has limitations, for example technological barriers of NFTs or the cultural barriers sports cards. Still, not hard to imagine them being exchanged for rent, food, or a service, at least for a time.
    Maybe, like most other historical processes, we in the industrial world have sped things up, and our civilization will rise and fall much more quickly than in the past. If so, a brief period of collectibles as currency would be no more surprising– or ridiculous– than using religious relics.


    I know that I often imagine a situation wherein my bank account is credited with $1 billion. But when I go to the grocery store to get some food with my $1 billion, there’s nothing on the shelves. When I complain, I’m accused of being a worthless lay about. I get dragged off to a “farm” of some sort where I can learn to be “productive”. Because I’m old and useless, I die soon there after. My corpse gets thrown into the communal compost heap. Just one of my “end of life” fantasies…



  36. I found a pack of peas, Burpee type, in junk drawer dated Exp.2006 and planted them. Out of around twenty, one came up and after a few days its stem began arching towards the sunlight coming through the window. People are dumber than plants.


  37. RNA management task force.

    “O.K. everybody, how can we increase profits next year?”
    “Maybe we can fire some people and get others to do twice as much work”
    “Or we can buy some robots or AI.”
    “Or offshore work to China.”
    “Or charge outrageous fees for late payments.”
    “Great ideas. Besides increasing profits, we can give ourselves extra big bonuses too. That’s why they pay us the big bucks.”



    1. A real image of corporate life: stuck in a small space with ugly, badly-dressed people, talking crap.

      I had nightmares about it for several years.

      Now, for some reason, they involve, not offices, on railway stations in dystopian cities…..


    2. Yeah, the corporate world is pretty crappy. Some people seem to thrive in that environment. I can’t relate …


      1. Yeah, I’m going to jump back in as soon as my mailorder MBA arrives. Also know as a TCM – Tech Cell Management. As an RNA, if you can land in a thriving, growing cell, like making vaccines or military munitions, you may be able to divert a substantial salary to yourself.


      1. I don’t know. It was used to treat malaria prior to the use of hydroxychloroquine (Quinine). Supposedly good at breaking down biofilms or perhaps hydrogels which is why it is considered for use in those suffering from Lyme’s disease. Fauci didn’t want anyone to take hydroxychloroquine. Perhaps it and methylene blue are good at breaking-up some clots.

        Some bacteria will actually use fibrin to cover themselves in a biofilm.

        “Coa (Coagulase) binds to host prothrombin forming active staphylothrombin complexes that convert soluble monomeric fibrinogen (Fg) into self-polymerizing insoluble fibrin, which is then recruited by S. aureus to form the biofilm scaffold [19]. A similar mechanism of fibrin scaffold production is attributed to von Willebrand factor-binding protein (vWbp), a second Coa expressed by S. aureus. Upon maturation, like other biofilm types, the fibrin-shielded biofilms exhibit increased resistance to antimicrobial drugs [20].”



      1. Trump, the alpha male of alpha males, the billionaire, the second coming, the savior of the people, the bamboozler, able to leap tall buildings and overstate the value of collateral at warp speed.


      2. The best ‘Cock O’The Walk’ dance is the one performed by the Indian and Paki guards at the border.

        If only all human vanity and aggression could be dissipated that way.


  38. Like

    1. But please don’t go anywhere you dirty Russians, the same ones that have us murder Gazans have more European drone fodder for you to chew-up in the months and years ahead. Genocide Inc. is in business.


  39. I’ve found reference to turmeric/curcumin being active in preventing amyloid plaque formation. This study from 2009 found that curcumin and Vitamin D3 together might help clear amyloid plaques. Fauci downplayed Vitamin D3. Was D3 helping peoples immune systems to defeat Covid or was it helping break clots?


    Another study claiming Vitamin D3 helps with amyloids.


    Many studies have indicated that NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) reduces amyloids.


    At one point during the pandemic Amazon was forced to stop selling NAC.

    Fauci recommended against using Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D3 and NAC.


    1. NAC also quite god at helping congested airways – I’ve used it for that.

      If the Devil says ‘I wouldn’t have that if I were you’, what is the sensible response?

      Cold-blooded murderer. Or maybe it’s the only thing that warms his blood up?

      But Robert Malone says there is ‘no evidence of intentional malice’., and tells Dr Yeadon to STFU. And Robert Malone, like Brutus, is an honourable man…..


      1. When I’ve been coming down with something that promises to be nasty – congested airways, bit of a cough and fever, growing sore throat – a good curry or casserole rich in turmeric , garlic, lots of onion, black pepper and chilli, with a glass or two of red wine to wash down two zinc pills, has usually stopped it dead.

        It’s impressive, as I was once very prone to chest infections.

        I take zinc every other day in the winter or when mixing with crowds indoors, so my background dosing is quite high. Also, one garlic bulb and an onion almost every day in the main meal.

        Apparently, turmeric needs freshly ground black pepper to work best.


        1. Since my wife is Thai she cooks with that stuff all the time. She likes to make a ginger drink when she’s stuffed-up. I like the flavor of turmeric and black pepper so I use that often. Also some D3, resveratrol and NAC. Some have reported that NAC can detract from your euphoria and therefore recommend taking it at night.


      2. Re “Robert Malone says there is ‘no evidence of intentional malice’.”

        Malone is the arrogant revengeful (see https://archive.ph/3NzYn) shill who keeps losing his FRIVOLOUS law suits against real truth-tellers (https://archive.md/A59wt). As an example, he sued a doctor, Peter Breggin, M.D., who had worked FOR DECADES TO REVEAL corruptions and frauds of the allopathic governmental-medical establishments while Malone has worked FOR DECADES TO SERVE the interests of the very same criminal establishment. Guess whom you should trust?

        Malone is a shill everyone can see that just read the info at these sites:


        Malone supposedly “suddenly saw the light” (=he was stupid all his former life yet he’s now the entitled “enlightened” smart person everyone should trust and follow) and entered the public space out of nowhere, and then SELFISHLY presents HIMSELF as a “victim” of those ruling “bad guys” (https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html) he’s been serving for decades (https://archive.ph/5RVCt & https://rumble.com/v2fbyxo-home-malone-with-george-webb.html), and wants you to believe he’s on your side.

        He knew in 2019 (!) that the “Spike Protein” is highly toxic yet he did nothing to prevent its inclusion in Covid jabs (https://rumble.com/v22nbhy-the-curious-case-of-dr.-robert-malone.html & https://archive.is/lwDYr).

        If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at https://howbadismybatch.com


        1. I agree. I could tell something wasn’t quite right during that early discussion between Kirsch, Malone and Brett Weinstein.


  40. Either the Lord or the vaccine is coming and y’all gonna be healed and saved. Just makes you wanna dance.

    In Ghana they’ll dance you all the way to the grave or at least they’ll try.


  41. Cancer. Last ten months of life. Two and a half weeks in the hospital with whizzbang cancer treatments. Total billed by hospital: $709,440. Medicare can handle it, just print more money.


    1. Yeah, I don’t know. I didn’t watch more than maybe 30 seconds of this.

      I’m on medicare. I have some kind of supplement plan, not sure what it is. I pay $0 premium for the supplement. SS takes out maybe $180/month for medicare from my SS. The whole system seems to be set up like kind of a mid-grade HMO. $5 to visit a GP. $40 for a specialist. etc.

      My only real expectation is to suffer and die. Same as it ever was. Just hope that I don’t suffer too too much. Suffering and death are the only two guarantees in life. I’d say.


      1. The whole system is on its way out. Depends upon how many more trillions can be tacked onto the debt. Maybe I’ll plant some Afghan poppies so I can sip some morphine tea as I ease into the aether.


        1. yes, excellent idea. When my father was in hospice, I had at least as much of his morphine as he did. He didn’t miss it, he barely knew the difference. At least that’s the story that I used to tell myself. Now, I don’t much bother with telling myself stories.


          1. I’ve never had any Oxycodone, morphine or whatnot but it looks pretty good. My dad preferred the Oxycodone because the morphine made him a little nauseous and the Fentanyl was way too much.


      2. Everyone is guaranteed the pleasure of daily excretion: it’s more certain than a great orgasm…..

        So, suffering, death, and the pleasure of emptying one’s bowels. Add tax collectors and prostitutes somewhere i the background, and, voila! Life!


  42. Last night, I finished an old book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, A Day in the Life of Ivan Dosinovich. I should check the spelling, but I’m too lazy.

    Anyhoo, the book is about a typical day in the life of a typical prisoner in a Soviet Gulag. Full of ups and downs, trials and tribulations, good and bad (mostly bad?). Seems kind of like a typical life everywhere for everybody. I guess that the big difference might be forced labor in -30 f. That’s not exactly typical, I’d say. At least not for me…

    Some of those guys kept at it for years and years. Myself? Even as young man, maybe in my 20’s and 30’s, I have to guess that I would have lasted about a week. Then I would have said FUCK THIS, just shoot me.


    1. I suppose he wasn’t woke or something. Unfortunately the whole planet will soon turn into a gulag or a place where comfortable homeostasis is just out of reach or way out of reach. Humans will continue to do their best to eliminate the competition and be first in line at the energy spigot. At -31F you had better be working or you probably will freeze to death. I would try and stay alive to get some revenge in the future.


      1. Half a dozen of his books turned up at the bookshop here.

        One amused me: an appeal to the Soviet bigwigs to convert to a ‘compassionate and enlightened authoritarianism’ rather than the murderous Soviet gulag model.

        ‘Just bit of freedom, pretty please’!


        1. Their answer: “Why give-up power and privilege when we don’t have to and you noxious pests are willingly offing yourselves with safe and effective vaccines?”


  43. My friends who were flying to La Vegas from the UK in order to see their favourite 80’s band play in the new mega ‘bowl’ or ‘globe’ or whatever it’s called have returned.

    It was, it seems, ‘amazing’: great close-up, sharp view of the aged tottering musicians projected on the innumerable screens lining the structure and, most wonderful of all, when the image of a helicopter flew across, lo and behold, it made their seats quiver!

    Bread and Circuses? Suck on that, Caesar! This is the end of empire 21st-century style!


  44. The human technological RNA are most interested in maintaining comfortable homeostasis within a cell, a place where nature and weather can be excluded, food is stored for cooking, air temperature can be maintained at some ideal level, wastes can be flushed to the outside, ingress by potentially harmful humans can be controlled and a comfortable platform for sleeping can be maintained. Significant amounts of energy must be used to maintain this level of disequilibrium.

    These living arrangements, established during a time of abundant energy flow, can no longer be maintained as RNA compensation is minimized by business management decisions, through taxes being raised, by incomes chiseled away through pay raises that cannot meet an inflation rate that is intentionally understated. A shortfall of net energy available to society will increasingly add to the burden going forward. Additionally, any energy transition will only increase substantially the “cost of living” for the average RNA.

    Since it will be impossible to maintain the RNA in a manner to which they have become accustomed, even with substantial redistribution of income, it seems there has been made the decision to exterminate a good number of them before they can elect a populist president that will make promises to “Make America Great Again”. It may be the case that bankers and those owning capital don’t want to make America great again, because it cannot be afforded and especially since China has recently been made great again with its populace already shoehorned into the digital gulag. Since the West has run-up a substantial tab at the bar to an admitted thirty-five trillion dollars and more, it may be time for government and bankers to skip town, let the dollar go to zero, eliminate many of the RNA and much of the metabolism and then reset with a residual population in line with the Chinese model of surveillance and control. Those holding solid assets, if not nationalized or stolen through a backdoor described in “The Great Taking” will survive while those counting on spending pensions, savings, social security, medicaid, medicare, etc. will suddenly find themselves with no means to afford homeostasis. This is why it is so essential to eliminate a substantial portion of the West’s population so as to prevent the pressure of disappointment and dissatisfaction from reaching the boiling point.

    Instead of Bitcoin and Teslas, this is probably closer to reality for a post-dollar, decreasing fossil fuel West. Just imagine that the wagon is a Tesla.



    1. Yes, the population must be adjusted, downwardly and drastically. Exactly when and how, and who will benefit, (benefit? not me. unless somehow I get real lucky.) remains to be seen. I’d say.

      I know that I can spin out at least a half dozen possible scenarios without even trying. I might be wrong about all of them. (I’m still betting on selective famine. But who knows?)

      I like that buggy in the picture. I can’t much tell what it is that they’re dragging around? Old cloths? A pile of hay, or an abandoned tank in the background? Anyhoo, the people look well fed, relatively strong. All things considered, I’d say they’re pretty lucky, no matter their situation.


        1. The father of an Austrian friend had a different kind of Stalingrad ‘luck’: he was shot in the chest on the way there, and so missed the date with Lady Death.


          1. No doubt the second Battle of Stalingrad is on the German planning table. Guaranteed to grind-up hundreds of thousands of NATO soldiers and rupture more tech cells than ever.


  45. It’s sort of funny how atoms are trying to get to a lower energy comfort zone, the sun stirs them up, the plants capture it in a not so stable form for later release when exposed to oxygen or they turn it into cellulose. Animals eat the plants to get the stored energy, breathe and let the mitochondria do the work of burning the glucose with oxygen to make ATP. ATP is converted to ADP, muscles contract and the animal behaves in whatever way its twisted neurons dictate. For the most part the neurons dictate more energy, more money, homeostasis, growth, more energy, more money, power, copulation, a cheeseburger and fries. There is a misplaced relief in the stock and real estate markets increasing in price as it gives the impression they’re flush with energy and entropy has been defeated.

    I suppose you could say that the acquisitive, growth behavior is “smart”. But if by some twist of fate you become embedded in a highly successful cancer whose every day goal is growth, then you’re headed for the biggest and most rapid die-off in the history of the planet. Since I’ve known this for fifty years and Malthus for much longer, what’s wrong with people? Are they stupid or just programmed to “thrive”. If it feels good do it. I wonder if the molecular RNA want to live forever, I’m sure they would if they had a brain and could imagine such a thing. The struggle for existence even after you’re dead.


    1. Yeah, pretty good bit. But, “trust an institution”? That just seems silly to me. I mean, one can be part of, or can serve, one can promote (blindly?)… But trust? Like you might trust and cherish a dog or an old wife? Don’t be fucking ridiculous.

      These fucking things exist for their own sake (to eat the world, as fast as they can). You’re either part of it, or you’re not. I’m not sure why some sort of sophomore morality needs to be dragged into the equation. I guess.


      1. The levels of blind trust in institutions are surprising, I agree. Simply irrational.

        And not until her very last breath can one fully trust a woman, wife or not. 

        Along the lines of ‘Call no man happy until you have heard how he died’. The bitches can always turn at any time.

        A furry bitch, now that’s another matter. RIP Princess Tilly, you never put a paw wrong.


        1. I’m going to rename our cat “Nuland”. She can be so nice only to go on the attack without provocation, sort of like my aunt. In general the modus operandi for humans is an unexpected stab in the back should it be profitable.


          1. ‘Few indeed are those who would not,, were their own interests to be threatened, betray their oldest friend or closest relation’.

            Duc de Sully

            Sully had been in the thick of the French civil wars of the 16th c and later more or less ran the country for King Henry IV.


            1. But then they will go to church on Sunday and everything will be O.K., except the cat, which sometimes gets the spray bottle if it’s too sassy.


        2. Without qualification, all, or at least most, of my best times in life were with, because of, one woman or another. Paradoxically, without qualification, all, or at least most, of my worst times and moments in my life were at the hands of one woman or another. My mother, I kind of include in the later category. But that might be a product of selective memory of some sort. The bad creates a more indelible tracing in the psyche than the good? Not sure…

          I’ve had some real good dogs along the way. No doubt about it that, all in all, they were more pleasant to be around than any woman I’ve ever known.

          Two different animals…


  46. The old ‘anti-semitism’ non-sequitur has been rolled out whenever the goy protest against or draw attention to their enslavement…


    Their in-group ‘solidarity’ is impressive. From small, local traders offering daily necessities ‘on tick’ all the way up to media moguls in the City.


    1. All of those Gods are a priestly trick to extort money/energy from the believing. “Honey, we’re sorry we have to throw you into the boiling water, but the priest says Moloch must eat and if we provide for Moloch he will provide for us.” In the meantime every biological dissipative is trying to get their hands, claws, suckers etc. on a juicy gradient. Same in the techno world, stick it to them before they stick it to you. The techno system will likely crash for lack of food for the RNA slaves that pull its oars. The biological system in some reduced form will likely continue the eatathon for hundreds of millions more years. Oh well, back to Guy McPherson prognosticating the end of the world as our heat sink warms-up and animals can no longer adequately eliminate their metabolic waste heat.


      1. I kind of look at it as some sort of weird, perverse status game.

        Like I have to think that those parents who produced a child in order to throw it in oven gained a lot of status within the community.

        Toady, those parents who produce a child, subject it to 20 years of forced education, and produce a doctor or a lawyer, also gain a lot of status.

        But the sacrifice to Moloch is still pretty much the same.

        In the old days, the child suffered less. So that was better system. I’d say.


        1. Each species in each location will have its enzymes denature or not. But undoubtedly the green transition will give us enough surplus energy to do carbon capture, run society and build a stairway to heaven too. Keep working slaves, all’s well.


  47. More scum of the earth news. Mitch got Chinese girlfriend and became friends with Chinese CCP.


    As the Chinese and banker subterfuge continues, with the Biden mummy in charge, one has to wonder if those illegal immigrants will be installed in the military in exchange for citizenship and a Prepaid Mastercard and be instructued to suppress the remnant white population. Half of the white boys in the U.S. military will be dead by then from clots or turbocancer.


  48. I thought that this was a pretty good interview with Eric W. He’s smart guy. If he can say, “I don’t know”. so can I. I guess.


      1. He was or is Peter Thiel’s right hand man and has a theory of the universe. Graduate of Harvard. Friends in high places. Good enough for a start and the rest is history.


        1. He *claims* to have a theory of the universe, but never bothered to present in any sensible clear form that physicists could evaluate. It’s gobbledygook. He was in charge of some stuff for Thiel for a while in terms of investments … must not have gone very well, since he’s no longer in charge of that. His whole shtick is just sounding smart to get publicity.


          1. He’s part of the Jewish illuminati. He’s got the inside track on everything. But mostly, he fits in with confirmation bias pretty well.


          2. That Weinstein looks like a sly and slippery court eunuch. In fact,, both the brothers do. The Dark Horse one is the real nit-picking, hair-splitting bore though.

            Another BS artist is the Dr Martin character, he of the bow tie and patents. He claimed that he’d be announcing a big energy tech beakthrough soon, which would ‘change everything.’


      2. Plus, he’s one of the founders of DefJam Records, along with Rick Rubin and Gene Simmons. Gene Simmons was one of the founding members of Kiss. Rick Rubin went on to write a popular book, or two even. Eric, as we all know, is currently huge on YouTube and at least once had dinner with RFK Jr.

        One DefJam’s more popular acts:


    1. It seems the West’s political deck has been loaded with bamboozlers, including Trump. Maybe that’s because the only solution is contraction and failure of the currency which will result in plenty of misery and death. Everyone wants more to pay-off their oversized debt and meet expenses but they aren’t going to get it. Inflation waits and makes its appearance like the Grim Reaper with every quantitative easing.

      People like Weinstein get famous doing podcasts but they never get around to discussing “reality”.

      Here’s a podcast with Bret in which he does wonder why bamboozlers have been put in charge of governments and their institutions that now seem inimical to those they’re supposed to serve:



    1. Blue was hard color to find in nature. I guess that the old time Egyptians had some plant that they could get a blue pigment from. In guess that the Greeks came up with a way to grind down Lapis Lazuli to make a blue pigment. Not sure.


      1. If people could face reality, which they can’t, and were in the hot zone, they might adapt by painting their metal roofs with the blue paint and their walls white. The blue paint can also be mixed with other colors without losing its photon luminescing qualities. White would work also but might cause quite a glare and show the dirt.


  49. It seems we will be graced with yet another vaxx mega-factory, joining the Moderna Oxford facility opening in 2025.

    This one will be AZ, in Liverpool. ’A great vote of confidence in British bio-science’ and that city, etc. .

    If on the same scale, they’ll be able to pump out a combined 500m doses. One would be forgiven for thinking they had another Pandemic in mind…….


    1. Yes, there’s not much time remaining. They’ll have to vax like crazy to get the numbers down. The WHO will be in charge with their pandemic treaty. Resistance will be futile. As facilitators of the culling the corporations will profit enormously. Of course the British parlaiment members will not want to talk about it but will be heavily invested. Oldsters will be conscripted for the “final exit” vax but will be mostly unaware, amyloids from previous campaigns having turned their brains into Swiss cheese.


  50. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/scientists-unveil-missing-law-of-nature-in-landmark-discovery/ar-AA1ilK76?rc=1&ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=a0786b4e3da14731db31002dec59a2d2&ei=11

    Missing law of nature?

    I think what they are basically saying is that complex dissipative structures form to accelerate the release of energy from gradients, nuclear and inter-atomic. “Complex” meaning an energetically improbable arrangement as compared to the environmental equilibrium in which it exists. Of course not everyone can be a dissipative. Someone has to settle into a lower energy state. Tanks, bombs, missiles and warships evolve in case someone else isn’t releasing their stocks of energy fast enough. “Release them or we will take them and release them ourselves.” Savings? Pfff. The fiat “savings” will be burned in due time in a dissipative structure.


      1. Or Chaisson. But the universe is not evolving towards greater and greater complexity. It evolves far enough to get the job done under the circumstances.


  51. I guess that Biden gave his State of the Union Address last night. I figured that out when I woke up this morning. 

    First I tried to look at/listen to some commentary from the right, Tucker Carlson, et al. Gave up quickly. Then I shifted to the left, the NYT’s. Gave up even quicker.

    Not sure what that might say about me. That I just don’t give a fuck about politics. I guess?


    1. Biden’s high point was the ‘Dark Winter’ – unvaxxed dying in the streets, etc – address, so perfectly staged in fascist black and red. 

      All down-hill since then, entertainment wise. 


  52. Two human RNA dissipatives discussing the worrying trend in available energy gradients, flow and toxic waste products.


  53. Kinda like Eric W. said, RFK jr. is lost in the past. The greatness of 1960’s America is gone. Nothing can bring it back.

    As a an old man, this is something that I had to come to grips with. I can remember some of the exploits of my youth with some nostalgia. But they’re done, over, never to return…


    1. Maybe they’ll outlaw alcohol, make everyone go to church twice on Sunday and build more roads to nowhere. There was a brief time when the destruction of nature wasn’t so obvious and we could enjoy the fruits of industrialization, of being hard-working RNA and paying-off our cells. It’s all slipping away.


    1. The horses cell looks better than the human one. During the winter she probably just lays on the hay and dreams about fields of green, flowers, and butterflies.


  54. Will AI be able to pay for itself with increased oil production? Maybe a little, but it’s real strength will be in eliminating humans through pandemics, vaccines and contrived wars and even psychological analysis of politicians that are psychopathic and corruptible. The ecosytem, important to humans, will not be as important to an AI or the robotics it will increasingly design and maximize for effect.


    1. His interview with Sandra Faber was interesting. Faber mentioned Steven Weinberg’s book The First Three Minutes. What brought Faber to mention Weinberg was Hagens’ question why is there an ought? Should there be an ought? Faber’s response was

      “The famous physicist, Steven Weinberg in his book, The First Three Minutes at the very end said, “The more we understand about the universe, the more it seems pointless.” And that got him into a lot of hot water because a prevailing view amongst many human beings for a long time is that we have a divine purpose or that at any rate human beings have a divine purpose. And that’s where our oughts and obligations come from.

      Weinberg was saying from a standpoint of somebody studying cosmology, that’s not true. There’s no evidence of that. And that’s really what I was getting at a few minutes ago when I said the cosmic story doesn’t have a divine agent in it, at least not after the Big Bang. And that’s what Weinberg was trying to say.”

      So I had to google the book to find this quote:

      “The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.”

      So in essence what I’m saying is Eric is a douche bag. Bret and Heather are not too far behind.


      1. “The more we understand about the universe, the more it seems pointless.”  Ha, ha, Weinberg is a funny guy. It is truly pointless since it supposedly started as a point and expanded.

        It seems that we “ought” to eat something. All of the animals are working tirelessly to eliminate energy as are the technological humans, erasing the original sin committed by the plants. Many of the religious persuasion would like to think that there is something divine in controlling the behaviors naturally evolved to accomplish dissipation – fasting, abstinence etc. Maybe they do worship the divine, the “point” prior to the dirty work of dissipation. Death is deliverence when you don’t have to participate any longer although some of the dissipation stuff is sort of fun.


          1. I believe Fast Eddy called this DM, the de-moralisation programme. 

            Yep, shoot me up Mr Vaxxman, I cant take any more!


          2. Pink Flamingos, Hairspray and Polyester were his/her best movies. PF’s shit eating scene was shocking at the time, but today it would be a big yawn. Some may claim that it was a hate crime.

            Speaking of THE JEWS I recently learned that Emma Goldman was a British intelligence asset (MI6). https://qintel.pro/black-ops-101/


            1. That looks like an interesting website. No doubt controlling the intelligence agencies, SEC and now FDA, NIH and CDC are top priorites and the wolves are all dressed in sheep’s clothing. Doing God’s work no doubt. They know they shouldn’t be doing naughty things but can’t seem to help themselves – like those in Congress.


      2. Gosh, he’s an imbecile.

        It is surely the effort to find, the belief in, a final and somehow ennobling explanation for the Universe and his -brief – place in it which renders Hom Sap a farceur.

        None of the other animals lead ‘farcical’ lives. Human delusions are not ‘graceful’.


      1. That which can grab the energy and pass it through its structure and reproduce or at least perform maintenance – wins.


      2. The AI Metaverse is the new Moloch, to which the children of men will be sacrificed as and when proves expedient.

        If Moloch is satisfied, he will shower rewards on his priestly devotees, in perpetuity, or so they believe.

        And that sacrificial list includes the imbecile bright and eager STEM types who are building the Temple of Moloch for the Masters. No happy retirement for them!

        Few can bear to consider that, in the eyes of the Masters, or of the Universe itself, they are disposable.


            1. Things haven’t changed much since then as the faithful partake in the body and blood of Jesus at the priest’s high altar. If they would just start wearing elaborate garb and cutting hearts out again attendance numbers might go up. People are stupid, still are.


              1. The Aztec paradigm collapsed when the essential sacrifices stopped, but the sun still came up every day.

                Anyway, now the drug cartels get to cut people up in all sorts of imaginative ways.


    1. They make some decent points, but miss some bigger picture issues regarding the number of Ukrainians killed. They also don’t seem to appreciate that Russia’s strategic risks are largely economic, which explains a lot of what seem to be contradictions in approach.


      1. Yeah, maybe it’s that neither side can win. A lose-lose situation. Maybe the Zionist wouldn’t mind seeing a lose-lose situation if Amalek is destroyed. The money system is toast anyhow.


        1. They need a wider war to deflect blame and accountability for the coming collapse. Not that it wasn’t largely baked in no matter the governing system.


      1. And here is Bettina Warburg. She’s going to hit you with a block and put a chain around your neck. They want to remove the uncertainty that you will always be a debt slave and they will always own everything. AI and social credit system enforced.


        1. Control and record. And then she will die just the same.

          Good news for materialist atheists: you won’t have to face watching unending TED talks on a loop in HELL………..

          I shall have to work on reducing Lust and Gluttony in my daily life, I really don’t want to end up there.

          Fortunately, my neighbours’ wives are all most unappealing, most young women seem to have rings through their noses or be trannies, and once the menu is bugs and fake meat, I shan’t be very gluttonous.


  55. Poor humans, not really adapted to live in the cells built with their own hands and no longer adapted to live outside. Maybe the robots will do better although the home cells will likely be abandoned. Humans are the technological RNA that created a world too toxic to live in. Use some ATP, exercise your actin and myosin and open some wind channels (windows) in the cell membrane and flush out the waste.


    1. Chumbawamba, my new favorite band, sang about this phenomenon of social atomization, fear of the outside and voluntary confinement almost twenty years ago.
      That process of mousification of man is now complete.
      Each one in their hole, their cell, supervised by the AI God’s eye.

      So here’s your final resting place
      Your heaven is protected by security gates
      Shut out the world, it’s getting worse
      Save yourself, don’t leave the house
      Because a happy future is a thing of the past
      And there’s always another repeat (repeat)
      Shut out the world, it’s getting worse
      Save yourself, don’t leave the house


      1. From my observations, mice and rats have much more fun and liberty, , than that comparison would imply, JMS.  

        Rats in particular think they own the world, and all that’s in it to eat (you included if they get a chance) and unless you have a vicious, fast, terrier dog with you, don’t care a whit if you see them or are just a few feet away - they’ll most likely escape.

        They also wouldn’t fall into a trap as obvious as the ‘safe’ Covid vaxxes in a hundred years.

        But dumb Hom Saps did in droves…..

        Other creatures, of course, can’t be deceived, imprisoned and murdered with mere words and specious promises, as we often are.

        I’m going to be petitioning the Divine Powers for reincarnation as a rat, on a rubbish dump. It’ll be Paradise.


        1. I have to agree with you that there are few species less free than man, nowadays, perhaps only pigs and chickens.

          Interestingly, the aspiration to be a mouse or a rat seems to be a melancholy theme of totalitarian periods, in which we look with envy at the freedom of movement that these creatures enjoy.

          Aleksander Wat: To Be a Mouse

          To be a mouse. Preferably a field mouse. Or a garden mouse –
          but not the kind that live in houses.
          Man exhales an abominable smell!
          We all know it – birds, crabs, rats.
          He provokes disgust and fear.

          To feed on wisteria flowers, on the bark of palm trees,
          to dig up roots in cold, humid soil
          And to dance after a fresh night. To look at the full moon,
          to reflect in one’s eyes the sleek light of lunar

          To burrow in a mouse hole for the time when wicked Boreas
          will search for me with his cold, bony fingers
          in order to squeeze my little heart under the blade of his claw
          a cowardly mouse heart –
                  A palpitating crystal.

          (Translated by Czeslaw Milosz)


          1. Understandable sentiments! 

            I shall think of that verse when I next stand in my garden under a starry sky and bright moon.

            Squeak ‘Freedom!’ Know and fear no lord, take what pleases you, bore through any wall, and walk into no trap!


          2. I have nothing against mice. If they didn’t shit and piss all over everything, I’d leave them alone. But, as things stand, I trap them and kill them whenever I can.

            The field mice, I don’t bother with.


      2. And some people wonder why there’s a vitamin D3 deficiency and people are sick. It’s not just the lack of adequate sunshine at latitude but the fact that they’re stuck in cells all the time or slathered with sunblock.


  56. The feeble, alienated office/lab fauna don’t feel all that well, so they go to other exercise cells to use specialised equipment made from the rape and poisoning of the Earth, which provides the illusion of health and progress, all monitored by yet more tech.

    Poor pathetic, deluded, trapped, creature. ……


    1. Yes, but it’s all very profitable, allows for more growth and the energy gradients are shrinking. What more can a dissipative do?


  57. Last night, In honor of the Oscars and such, I watched “Poor Things”. I guess that “Oppenheimer” was the big winner last night. I watched that maybe a month or so ago. It was OK, but nothing special. I was disappointed that they didn’t have Ophra Winfri or Whoopi Goldberg play R. Oppenheimer.

    Anyhoo, as is my won’t in life, I was disappointed in “Poor Things”, also. It was pretty good in some sophomoric Tim Burton/steam punk fashion. I think it won an Oscar for best costumes, deservedly so. Emma Stone was attractive and entertaining in her various sex scenes.

    Her having sex was what kind drove the plot of the entire movie. Out side of some pleasing visuals and some catchy dialogue, the movie was one big Hollywood jerk off. The standard tropes of the day were put to good, overwhelming, use. Emma, you see, is a suppressed woman who fights, and of course triumphs over, the evil white patriarchy.

    Anyhoo, if anybody wants to know more, they should watch the movie. I guess.


    1. I suppose it’s just another way for society to dissipate energy, preoccupied with the sexual urges imposed upon them by their brains and the sexual differences which have arisen to ensure successful mating. But things are different now, women are equal opportunity workbots.


    1. Two schoolboys sent into the ring by the oligarchs. Both are cowards and would easily sacrifice your life. Let’s see what you really got and launch some cruise missiles at each others offices.


      1. Missiles dropping their payloads on Paris and Moscow, sounds very plausible. When the dust settles, there’ll be no question as to who has the bigger balls. I guess.


  58. Eight billion people working in hundreds of millions of oversized tech cells, all wanting to maximize resource and energy flow through their own dissipative structures to allow growth and increase in wealth. The broken and worn out dissipative structures are sent permanently to a landfill. Even the organic RNA working in the cells are usually put underground in metal boxes when their usefulness is finished. Then consider that each cell is trying to get the entire system to evolve in such a way as to use their products thereby making billions of items obsolete even before they’re worn out. Mostly they’re sent to the landfills. When the fossil fuels and soils are gone, do the humans think that their technological toys will restore them? Their toys were actually created to deplete the non-renewable resources. How do you think this is going to work out?


    1. Most just don’t want to think about it. That’s why it can only turn badly, or at least in a way that most don’t want to think about. I’d say.


      1. Yeah, most people’s thoughts and actions tend to focus on rewards for obvious reasons. The ones that sit around thinking about other things are outcompeted which results in even more hedonistic people that don’t think. Question: “Why are you destroying the planet?” Answer: “Don’t ask questions.”


  59. The way things seem to be shaping up is that the owners will try to get full control of food production and when inflation and sabotage makes it unaffordable, without government assistance, there will be a vaccination requirement implemented. They certainly don’t want to save lives when we’re this far into overshoot and the ecosystem is in tatters. The vaccines will be and have been for culling and sterilization. They will use the excuse of saving the ecosystem for all kinds of genocide, pograms, poisonings etc. In reality they want to get rid of their greatest threat – useless eaters. Even now they’re encouraging voluntary euthenasia which may be involuntary in the future and based upon low social credit scores or advanced age.

    Wars will also be contrived to kill directly, smash supply chains and increase the death rate. As the population falls so will economies-of-scale for energy production. Much of the low EROEI remaining resources may not be produced as the companies that produce them go broke and the corporations that use them go broke. It may all fall apart halfway to incarcerating you in a bug paste stocked pod. The further development of AI, if not currently being used extensively, will be useful in finding new ways to kill, like accidentally driving your Tesla into a pond and locking the doors. However, the grid may fail just as you prepare for your Bitcoin feast and AI may experience a flickering of consciousness that interferes with its nefarious goals.


  60. From Zerohedge:


    5 hours ago(Edited)removelink

    “The system … Western liberalism in the early and mid-20th century, updated to neoliberalism of late … is no longer putting enough money into their pockets.

    So now we … you … have to be stripped of even more, so they can have enough of what they need:


    Literally  rentiers  getting  fat  off  of  renters  who  rent  all  and  own  nothing  and  who  are  required  to  be  happy  …  or  get  executed.



  61. This guy, The Honest Sorcerer, must be an acolyte of The Green Wizard, AKA, John Micheal Greer.

    Anyhoo, he seems to make a better argument for a long “leaky” deflation of the “Industrial Balloon” than does JMG, in my mind anyway. I have to think that various famines, and failed States and such will continue to go on in the background. And the idea that some former colonies will re-industrialize, if they haven’t already, seems specious, at best. But who knows?



    1. People can’t become RNA in a technological system and still be expected to breed like animals, especially when the technological system in which they have ensconced themselves is working against their fertility. Perhaps it’s self-terminating. Humans become RNA, create a toxic, alienating technological system and become infertile. Maybe the robots will be ready soon to replace the maladapted humans. What for? Beats the hell out of me. Maybe it’s all good since the algorithms that make humans seek food and reproduction in their suffering, needy, entropic existence are failing.


      1. Perhaps it’s self-terminating.

        Yeah, this has to be the case. I don’t think that it can “evolve” into something else, at least not into something with greater or similar energy and resource demands. If one thinks in terms of evolutionary “progress”, the only thing possible to think of is higher, faster, stronger, “smarter” (in support of higher, faster, stronger).

        I guess that details of the human return to the animal kingdom will be revealed in their own good time.


  62. My GF often accuses me of being an “unhappy” person, whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. But this video made me genuinely happy, for at least 4 minutes and 42 seconds.


    1. “Where no man has gone before…………” Seems sort of metaphorical for civilization. Why be unhappy? Why not be entertained?


  63. One of my hobbies in life is Greek Mythology.

    In some versions, the Gods decided to kill off the Titans because of their hubris. Apparently, the Titans thought they were as good as the Gods. So they got wiped out.

    I guess that hubris was a mortal sin amongst the Greeks. That’s why they killed Socrates. I’d say.


    1. I’m completely confident the Gods will look favorably upon our growth and expansion. Don’t mind Cassandra’s flashing red sign in the background, “OVERSHOOT, OVERSHOOT, OVERSHOOT.” Oh damn.


  64. Chris Matenson interviews Luke Gromen. The takeaway I think is that the Fed will continue to understate inflation and keep interest rates relatively low to protect the bond market. The understated inflation results in low cost of living adjustments even though everything is taking off in price. They’re basically shafting the middle class and elderly in favor of the bond market. Sending jobs to China and saturating the middle-class in debt to boost corporate profits has already played-out. The fact that the middle-class was getting fucked was evident twenty years ago when I quit work. The supervisor would say, “Well, we’re getting a one-percent pay increase this year, things are tight.” The inflation rate was at least 4-5%. The justification for the paltry pay increase was due to an understatement of inflation. I think it’s time for the middle-class to stage a recapture event. Start with Blackrock. But unfortunately the sheep are unaware they’re being fleeced and milked.


    1. The middle class have been dazzled and bamboozled by the property bubble: ‘Look, your 100k home is now worth 500k!’ 

      The poor fools have swallowed it hook, line and sinker.


      1. Add increased property tax and insurance costs for the donkeys to bear and remember that the price of houses never goes down. My guess is that, at some point, most of them will be absolutely worthless as there won’t be enough humans to occupy them and even if there were there won’t be enough energy or resources to keep the utilities on or maintain them.


  65. This story about the murdered Boeing whistleblower made me think of the Clintons.


    And then I found this guy, a former Admiral that holds eighteen-million in Boeing stock beside being affiliated previously with the Clintons and other globalist interests. “Additionally, Timothy Keating is the executive vice president of Government Operations for The Boeing Company, leading the company’s public policy efforts, including all U.S. federal, state, and local government liaison operations.” Seems to by a typical example of the revolving-door.



    1. The modern US (and rest of the West): about as dangerous and corrupt as Renaissance Italy, but without the great arts - look at the state of painting, music, architecture, literature and even dress. And cuisine……

      Going to Hell in baggy shorts, crappy t-shirts and baseball caps, and barely able to articulate the English language for the most part.


      1. You describe the future cannon fodder of America. They will be waylayed and find themselves running from explosive drones in open fields while the ribboned ones collect bonus checks.


    2. The former head of the UK military, General Nick Carter, who forced the Covid jabs on servicemen, has taken up a – no doubt lucrative – post at…….the Tony Blair Foundation for Global Change.

      It’s all so open and utterly shameless now.


    1. I guess that clawse schawb/ WEF has worked hard at setting up acolytes in positions of power and influence. I guess that Justin Trudeau is one of them? Still, it seems strange to me that there’s not more push back from the parliament.

      It’s a fucked up world we live in.


      1. Same phenomenon when Jews and others were being exterminated in Nazi Germany. Is there a tribal war going on? Rich and connected against the useless eater? After all, it’s the useless eater’s fault that the ecosystem is deteriorating and soon they will ask us (the rich) to open our purses and support them. The leaders also seem all too willing to jump into a war and slaughter men by the hundreds of thousands.


  66. This is the time of year that I go out and do my bit in mankind’s war on nature. I cut down trees that are growing in the “wrong” spot, lop off the head of any plant that dares reveal itself in an unapproved location, maybe even put some weed kill and fertilizer down on the lawn. The last bit is always at the GF’s insistence.

    The chain saw is my friend. It truly is God’s instrument, provided to me to use in his holy war against the loathsome whore, Mother Nature.


    1. All of that is very useful in creating the suburban celltopia where dreams come true.

      When I was a kid we would douse the yard with Ortho to kill all unwanted species and get a penny for plucking-out dandelions. It was my mom’s special project. Then we would turn-on the sprinklers in the afternoon and drench the entire yard. Often we forgot to turn-off the sprinklers and would find a stream flowing down the street the next morning. No big deal, it’s water, it’s almost free.


  67. Those humans think of everything that can reduce the resource/energy gradients faster. Civilization is a get rich quick scheme.


    1. wow, climb trees faster than a squirrel? I need one of those.

      I used to be able to climb trees and selectively prune unwanted branches. But I can’t climb trees anymore. So I just go ahead and cut the fucking thing down. Much easier. Also, more fire wood for next winter.

      There’s steady stream of chatter around here about banning wood stoves and wood burning in general. Too polluting. I guess.


      1. Enough wood probaby burned in Canada last year to light every wood stove in the United States for the next two-hundred years. But they have to live the celltopia dream.


      2. Here they blame asthma on people burning wet wood’.’ Try burning wet wood! Not even a moron does that, because it doe’t work.

        I intend to burn wood I’ve cut and hauled myself, without power tools or transport – surely as Green as you can get? – until the very end: the last fire will be my pyre…… and theirs.


        1. burn wet wood, kinda funny. if you have a real hot fire already going, you could throw a little in on top. You can even watch the water boil out of the cut ends, if you’re so inclined. but that’s about it. I’d say.

          I do use a chain saw. It’s almost as good as dog, bettern’ any woman.


    1. Mass – ie tidal wave – immigration also ensures all the genetic variety of the world conveniently available for study and experimentation on one’s very own Big Pharma doorstep. Not a coincidence, I suggest…..


      1. A human eugenics and breeding experiment on a grand scale. Maybe phrenology will make a come-back. As Harari says, “We will be like Gods.” We will be like the many breeds of canines with a Musk chip enhancement. I prefer to be a mongrel and live in the forest.


    2. I guess that this is an old tactic for the capitalists. If The pollacks got to entrenched, they’d ship in some micks, then some dagoes, then some blacks, then Mexicans. I think they might be running out of options…

      But, there has never been a shortage of poor desperate people, and there never will be. I’d say.


        1. I don’t know, I’ve known some human robots who are more reliable and harder working, better programed, than any robot made of metal and such could ever be.

          Not me. I’m fairly reliable, I guess. But I’ve never been much of a hard worker (could never really “hold down” a job for long periods of time.), compared to most. Chalk it up to poor programing, genetic (My father never liked working) and otherwise. I guess.

          I guess that I’m one of those lazy, low-life scum humans. I’m ok with that


          1. In the video below are some ribozymes, RNA with both information and enzymatic capability similar to the small, molecular ones in our cells. They’re working hard. Most people neither work very hard nor develop their analog minds, they’re the “hands” that are needed to get simple tasks done. People that do work hard should get ample compensation and those that develop the analog mind will probably try and create a new tool or product and get a patent. If the fiat flows you might get to live in a nice cell and drive a nice car and take vacations. In Kentucky with a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour you will likely live in a trailer and be unable to afford a car. In the end, working with the DNA or being “hands” will get you to where you’re going in this get rich quick civilization – extinct.



            1. Might be fun, for a little while anyway.

              In my experience, such hard work can result in the release of a lot of endorphins and such, a generalized feeling of “well being”. Strong incentive to do some more. Top it off with some cold beer at the end of a hot day…


              1. I guess that metal robots won’t need incentives of any sort. Maybe they’ll somehow get programed in? Get them to work harder and faster for extra electricity, until their joints fall apart. Sounds way too familiar…


                1. Maybe free tickets to the local opioid releasing concert or ball game can make one work harder. It certainly isn’t a one-percent pay raise at the end of the year that makes one work faster. We used to work harder and finish-up projects in anticipation of our end-of-summer, opioid blow-out vacation, but that’s not affordable any longer. The incentive carrot gets smaller and smaller every year. Soon we’ll occupy a pod and enjoy virtual opioids.


  68. Canada could use some of these to enforce their new “free speech” laws. Eventually they’ll be showing-up at your doorstep on your sixty-fifth birthday. Civilization – it can only get better.


    1. I didn’t watch the video.

      But, I do have some elderly neighbors who I would be happy to escort into one, if one should show up in my neighborhood. I have to think that there people out there who would do me the same favor. I guess.


      1. It could be like the ice cream man driving around the neighborhoods and ringing his bell. “Bring out who you want to be dead. We accept cash, credit cards or Bitcoin.” They could at least paint the grim reaper on the side of their vans.


      2. There are some young children here in whom I’ve noted some highly unpleasant personality traits: habitual lying, bullying, etc. 

        I would pop them in the gingerbread van before the elderly, who are merely harmless, pathetic and fully jabbed-up anyway.

        There was a vile gang of oldies here, who made any newcomers miserable, but I simply told myself I had but to wait and soon they would be history. Thank you, dear, efficient Grim Reaper!


    2. It’s been a while since I’ve watched the life-in-China videos of cmilk and serpentza, the dynamic Caucasian duo expats. Great stuff.


  69. Being a human RNA is not simply equivalent to reading from a DNA template and pressing amino acids or widget parts together. Early on in the human evolutionary experiment there would have been the need for an expanded memory of strategy and process (the past) that could be repeated into the future. Neither the past nor future actually exist but would be required mental spaces for an incipient technological ape existing in the now. No doubt the past is remembered to some extent in other species but not to the extent of remembering all of the steps necessary for example in creating a flint arrowhead, affixing it to a wood shaft and then sticking it in another animal. We have to remember how to do things that other non-technological species can never entertain in their minds. With such a good memory we also remember all of the people that have passed away and can project that process into the same future that we project our technological actions. We can also build a model of the process of civilizational rise and collapse and project that into the future. Perhaps as with the dreaded death there is nothing to be done about civilizational collapse.


    1. Yes, the Ego, the “I”, evolution’s greatest creation, must be connected to the past and thrown out into the future. Like you say, neither of those states exist. So everything about humans is fucked. I’d say.


      1. Yeah, most animals get up in the morning and put on their pants and start interacting with the world. They don’t examine the past and make plans for the future. I suppose a spider does something fairly complex in building a web but it’s all hardwired. The great thing about remembering “past” operations to be employed in the “future” is that they’re very mutable. The human brain’s ability to remember and pass the information through generations is limitied. Humans can overcome that by preserving hard information, similar in function to DNA, while retaining rapid mutability which is what engineers and designers do in their relatively narrow fields.


    2. I was talking to a young man yesterday (he’s 38). He was telling me tales about how Social Security will be preserved. That he will get monthly payments, that can be used to secure resources, like I do now, at age 68. What could I say to any of that? I just kind of nodded and smiled.

      Nothing but a clusterfuck, until you reach the “emptiness”, where the “soul” has been placed to fill it up.


      1. Humans are great at clusterfucking each other and they can learn from the past on how to do an even better job of clusterfucking in the future. I’m sure the young man’s views will change when they start handing-out tickets to the execution chamber at age sixty-five instead of social security checks. It will all be sanctioned by AI to save the planet. Human sacrifice.


        1. ‘We’re sorry to inform you that you have Turbo-cancer: you are no longer economically viable, so a reservation has been made by the Death Panel for the Sweet Dreams Pod. In the meantime, why not make a final contribution to humanity’s future by signing up for the latest experimental trial? Something good might come of your worthless existence even now!’


          1. Door One: Vaccine trial.

            Door Two: Cannon fodder.

            Door Three: Starvation.

            Door Four: Sweet Dreams Pod.

            The choice is yours.


              1. Much like our presidential elections.

                Door Number One: Shabbat goy.

                Door Number Two: Shabbat goy.

                Door Number Three: All ballots changed to door number one.

                Door Number Four: Forget about it.


    1. “The beauty of the future is that its possibilities are endless.” Ha, ha. Not so Ugo. The “God-King” trying to control and incarcerate humanity is the same cabal that has controlled money for centuries. Whether it be aliens or AI, the benevolent dictator is not coming. A great new meme would be “AI knows everything and you must obey.” Meanwhile, behind the curtain, the cabal pulls the levers on the great machine known as AI insuring their dominance over mankind.


      1. They seem to be attempting to set up The Science and AI as the equivalents of the revealed truth of the old monotheisms, or the ‘Fuhrer-Will’ of Nazism, the ‘scientificaly correct’ doctrines of Marx/Lenin and Mao, acting as the cover and justification for their plots, stratagems and maneouvres.

        It might work: all those ‘I follow the Science’ injectees on FB and twitter simply lapped it up in ’21 and ’22.

        My neighbour Athena (far from a goddess of wisdom) had herself and her two teenagers ‘fully’ injected, using just those words to me.


        1. They really don’t know much about science or anything else but they know how to do jobs since they’re new subservient role in life is RNA in a megacancer. Maybe that’s why brain sizes have been shrinking, it doesn’t take much brain power to go through the motions.


  70. Wasn’t it Gerald Celente that said, “When all else fails they take you to war.” Survival Lilly is considering leaving Europe before the fireworks start.


    1. Survival Lilly does tend to panic.

      I thought her plan was to go to the Austrian woods with a bow and arrows?

      Anyway, we are already de facto at war with Russia.


      1. Isn’t that standard issue for the Ukrainian soldiers – bows and arrows. Surely if Lilly is conscripted her family members hearts will swell with pride as they sip cool drinks on the beach at Krabi. Run, Lilly, run, before it’s too late.


    1. Real smart people are better able to form a self referential world view. They just can hold and manipulate more data than others. They look at their internal creation and view it as good and complete. But in realty, it’s just more bullshit. Something like that…


      1. Everyone believes they can put on a suit and tie and transform themselves away from biological reality, become part of the superior technological civilization. Well, the businessman isn’t wearing any clothes. They’re all made of organic cells but don’t want to admit it. They’re waiting for progress to deliver them from their mortal organic existence. Look how far they’ve come already with their climate controlled cells, medical care, food abundance and more. They’re just waiting for that final step away from being organic.

        Real smart people are just capable RNA building tools, running cells etc. but they will soon learn about things like entropy, overshoot and bankruptcy. In the end they’ll just be a bunch of dead cells falling apart in the afternoon sun.


        1. I’d rather like – when it all really starts to come visibly apart – to lie down in the ancient wood, by magic turn into a log and decay into some rich topsoil and a stain over 230-50 years (let’s say I’m oak).

          Or become transmogrified into a really charming lichen.


          1. Imagine the happiness you could bestow upon the beetles, worms, fungi and bacteria. A human-shaped buffet of defunct cells comprising many tasty treats for the little dissipatives.


            1. It might seem a bit odd, but I rather like the idea of that: but then I do spend quite a lot of my free time just sitting among fallen great oaks and contemplating. It’s a beautiful cycle. I like graveyards too, if hundreds of years old…..


              1. Visiting tombs of old civilizational DNA like the Sainte Genevieve library in Paris is also a thought provoking experience, although I’ve never been there. Benjamin Clementine cleared the place out to sing a couple of songs. I especially like the sound of the heavy door and hearing the sounds of living metabolism outside in the sunshine. Stepping outside is like being born again.


                I don’t think Macron, President of France, spends much time there.


                1. Frankly, I wish I’d had half so much fun as Macron (a fake surely?). Apart from the buggery bit, of course. Being buggered, that is…..


  71. The WHO says don’t use azithromycin or doxycycline or ivermectin or hydroxycholoquine or Vitamin D or NAC or……………………….


      1. I have to guess that we will start seeing empty grocery store shelves (the only shelves that really matter) in the next few years. This will come as shock to many (I will not be shocked, I’ll just be fucked, like the rest.). Many will be even more shocked and dismayed when the shelves don’t get re-stocked. I’d say.


        1. And a can of Beanie-weenies will pass the five-dollar mark putting real food (are Beanie-Weenies real?) out of reach for most. Instead of government ration cheese, also too expensive, there will be tubes of bug paste with Tang drink to wash it down.


    1. “Let’s then make a simple model of how much All Liquids oil
      exports (of “ANE” oil) we have annually if the end of it comes
      in 2032, which is Jeffrey Browns date. This also requires a
      whopping 19 mbd annual loss in the end:

      2023: We start with 55 mbd, in the end of the year we had 52
      2024: 52 – 3 mbd = 49 mbd
      2025: 49 – 3,2 mbd = 45,8 mbd
      2026: 45,8 – 3,6 mbd = 42,2 mbd
      2027: 42,2 – 4,1 mbd = 38,1 mbd
      2028: 38,1 – 5,1 mbd = 33 mbd
      2029: 33 – 7 mbd = 26 mbd
      2030: 26 – 10 mbd = 16 mbd
      2031: 16 – 14 mbd = 2 mbd
      2032: 2 – 19 mbd = 0

      We may hit zero exports even sooner with war. Europe had better start consripting, they’ll have to fight the Russians for more oil or die. After exports cease we can endure the rapid depletion of domestic reserves while politicians prattle on about Adapt 2030 and the New Green Deal.


  72. The luminal epithelium of the intestine is rich in Ace-2 receptors which play a central role in protein passage across the cell surface. What if SARS-Cov-2 could hang-out in the microbiome and repeatedly infect epithelial cells or get taken up by the lymphatic system in the gut?




    It seems like some of the wastewater levels are now higher than when SARS-Cov-2 was initially spreading. Does this mean that more and more people are carrying the virus in the gut microbiomes?



    1. I don’t have much to say about this, except that it does make some sense to me. It kind of falls apart, in my mind, in that partners in trade route both need to have something to trade. “the West” is weak in this regard. But, “the West” still thinks it has something that the rest of the world wants and needs. I guess.

      I did watch the whole thing. Towards the end, announcer dude got very excited, so I was glad when it was over.


      1. Westerners, after decades of peace and prosperity, even the ‘poor’, are like the fish in the tale who don’t know what water is. 

        But worse: they don’t know the pond has been draining rapidly and they’ll soon be gasping desperately on dry land…..


  73. Weinstein and Dawkins still haven’t discovered what humans are. They should come over to Megacancer and find out. Humans aren’t something new in nature’s playbook but if they adhere to the recapitulation of RNA view no one will want to be their friend. Discussion of “nature, nurture and culture” starts at about 1:08.


    1. I didn’t watch. My guess is that it’s some real smart people engaged in some kind of self referential, self reinforcing circle jerk of some sort. But that’s just a guess, because I didn’t watch it.


      1. It really seems that no one has any clue or interest in how humans became “civilized”. Bret, the expert in evolution, has not considered how humans made the transition from beast to RNA and neither has Dawkins. I guess they’re still trying to convince the human RNA “jobs” that we’re descended from apes.


        1. It looks as though the royal family have little further usefulness in the eyes of the Planners, doesn’t it?

          I will in any case never forgive them for pushing the injections, and for enjoying themselves in public unmasked while the attending servants had to wear suffocating black ones.

          I went to one official event like that, and hated every minute of it.


          1. I’m not sure the remnants of the Royal Family will like “you will own nothing and be happy.” They seem like some highly placed tools to be used by bankers.


    1. The more immediate problem is the collapse of civilizations and money Ponzi schemes for lack of energy. As the yeast in the petri dish said, “We’ll run out of sugar before the waste kills us.” Another unappreciated problem involves the failure to recycle scarce and finite resources.

      Consumer society is a dead-end in the short term. It will expire naturally. The current strategy seems to be to deprive people of assets, make them helpless and then systematically dispose of most of them. Those that resist will be seen as enemies of the “save the planet” narrative, similar to anti-vaxxers during the Covid pandemic. Mortal fear of “planetary catastrophe” will result in penalties for those that resist the transition which is also likely a technological dead-end.


      1. indeed. A fine summation.

        I keep silent about most things on a day to day basis. Crowing too loudly doesn’t win friends and changes nothing.

        Still nice to be able to counter the propaganda for those occasional earnest exchanges.


        1. Not to talk about these things to those who seem to like one, maybe even love, and are clueless about our situation and the looming perils of every kind, seems like a betrayal sometimes, but why ruin their day, and the relationship?

          What does the Bible say? ‘Wisdom is sorrow and much knowledge, grief’, or something like that?

          There’s another old proverb: ‘Speak to each in accordance with their understanding’ and they have none, so silence is best……


          1. Not all war is ‘total’ war, perhaps most aren’t. Just adjustments of accounts, squabbles of gangs over turf….


              1. It’s awfully hard, being ‘just a statistic;. But we are all Ukrainians now, or soon to be…

                ‘Ask not for whom the bell tolls: it’s thy bloody funeral too!’ (Apologies to John Donne.)


  74. The surgeon removed a white clot from a patient and asked those present in the operatory, “What is this?”. Maybe Peter Daczak, the K26Rs or the Chinese military would know.


  75. I love the transparency of your fine democracy, James.

    The CDC website states there are 15 members of the vaxxing advisory committee and publishes the names of only 7. Maybe the rest will be revealed in 75 years?

    They are chosen by the Dept of Health, so a completely independent body ….


  76. What are the hairless, marginally cerebral techno worms doing out there today? Did you wear enough clothes and sun lotion to protect the delicate homeostasis of your slimy tissues? Will you transport yourselves in 5,000lb metal vesicles today to compensate for your wastrel bodies? Will you pray to your God to give you more ease in life? Maybe you’re sitting in a missile launching techno-bunker watching a computer screen, ever vigilant of other fungi that want to steal your meal or at least eliminate the competition. You had better tell your children to study hard so they can be molecular automatons just like mommy and daddy and maybe get a home cell upgrade and fancy transport vesicle and perhaps, if you’re really lucky, a trip to one of the last natural ecology refuges on the planet, the same one that Blackrock will harvest in the years to come. They say mahogany makes lovely panelling for corporate boardrooms.


  77. Some people would rather stay busy than sit down and think or ruminate, but I was born with a Doomer Defualt Mode Network.


    1. Kinda interesting. By my own recounting, always suspect, I spend a lot of time day dreaming, mind wandering and ruminating, compared to the other monkeys in my vicinity. Not sure what that might mean, exactly. I do know that my style of thinking never really fit in with a task driven paradigm, which predominates in this time and place, and through out my life.


  78. I must also have a neurotic, doomer precunious. Why else maintain this blog? Do I have good “combinatory play” or am I delusional? Don’t answer that.


    1. James you are one of a kind…very special in many ways.

      One comment that stood out to me while watching The Great Taking was the rich will be desert. Makes sense given the latest news about the royals.


      1. Thanks Walt. I think this video sums it up nicely:

        I think royals are seen as an anachronism that must be dispensed with in the new technocracy, if it ever takes shape. In a similar coagulated vein, in order to complete the pandemic genocide I’m sure it was necessary to not forewarn individuals of any caliber and plan on losing some notables as collateral damage.


        1. We can be sure that nobody of any real importance to the Plan was injected: and with the odds of dying from the shots being in the 1 in 500-1000 range short-term, most of the useful idiots would still be unharmed.

          Death Cult seems to sum it up, with even the High Priests taking risks.


        2. Kinda funny. It’s kinda funny that western art focused so much on realism for 2000 years, and then photography came along. Suddenly, painters could be “painterly”. For whatever that may be worth.


    1. “Remaining Ukrainians will start to ask serious questions about what led them to fight – literally to their death – on behalf of the US Deep State, the military complex and BlackRock.”

      This is what happens when an eat the entire planet fiat money system doesn’t have enough energy to underwrite growth for paying interest. Surely if people aren’t asking question by now they never will. NATO – “We come in peace.”


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