Time (for a new post).

One thing is for sure, there is no past, only the remnants of dissipative structures and the impressions they leave in matter as they follow their relatively short course through “life”. Even the memories and analog world in a human mind are impressions left in matter to be used as a guide for future activity. All of the human feelings are just an impression created in neural tissue after the fact of moving about and dissipating energy, usually searching for more energy to keep moving about. The future of cellular life is largely determined by impressions in matter, DNA, left by the past generations of dissipative structures to guide our future behavior. Time is what happens when energy flows from a higher to a lower concentration, often through the behaviors and actions of dissipative structures that make it their business to seek high concentrations of available energy and release it, putting it to good metabolic use.

All of the books, photographs and other media in a library are impressions and rearrangements in matter accomplished by some living and now deceased disspative structures. You may imagine they were left to us in the past, but there is no past, only rearrangements of matter that always exist in the “now”. Perhaps all of that chronology, diagrams and the like can give guidance to those actively metabolizing. In time most of the forms will be corrupted, overwritten, disintegrate or be consumed as disspatives equipped with the information and enzymes for eating cellulose, leather or binding glue have at it.

This resliant ammonite fossil dates back perhaps seventy-five million years. But what does that really mean? That it was actively dissipating energy at a time that would allow several million human generations to exist since its demise? Since this remnant fell into the mud at the bottom of a sea millions of years of new forms superceded older forms, each composed of matter on earth’s surface. But does time exist? No, only leftover impressions in matter exist to give us the illusion of the past. It’s always “now” in this universe.

Time is running out on humans which pretty much means your gradient is about gone. You may need to rewind your watch.

Why are humans always pointing at their watches? Because “time is money (energy)” or “you’re running out of time” or “you’re going to be late.” What does this mean? Is it only a way to synchronize activity? Perhaps its a reminder of energy dissipation, the clock is ticking, you had better get busy and find some energy to dissipate. Perhaps you should write a book and leave an impression in the matter to guide future dissipatives. Perhaps you should try to stockpile as much energy as possible for future dissipation. It is fortunate that atoms don’t easily dissipate or we wouldn’t be here dissipating at all. Instead we can point to our watches and say, “It’s lunch time.” It’s time to decrease the energy concentration between the atoms and molecules of the gradients we consume.

Sometimes humans want to “leave their mark” upon the world, but this is what usually happens on the highly energetic, dissipating surface of the earth.

Surely the humans will project themselves into the future using the remnant information provided by so many generations of living organisms and resist a future as RNA inmates in ill-conceived technocratic cages. The evolution has been self-organizing until now, even our technological misdirection. Can humans choose how they wish to exist or will evolution dispense with their forms? Only time will tell.

289 thoughts on “Time (for a new post).”

    1. Be careful, the negativity police may come for you. Maximum dissipaton requires a positive attitude and a willingness to push competitors to ever more ridiculous measures to win the lion’s share.


  1. The propagandists are hard at work here: newspaper inspiring headlines about King Charles and Princess Kate, whose relationship has touchingly improved due to being in the same boat.

    ‘Vaxx Turbo-Cancers Bring Us Closer!’

    ‘Your Nasty Premature Death Can Be Inspiring!’

    ‘I Love My Turbo-Cancer!’

    Order your inspirational t-shirt today!


    1. Maybe the royal tumors will be invited to the ribbon cuttings for the new mRNA vaccine factories. All I’ve seen so far is the claim that the Kate video was an AI creation.


      1. Perhaps too sick to do it live, so they needed to fake and enhance. I suspect we were also treated to an AI fake or body-double Queen when she appeared on TV to encourage getting injected. 

        This is a fitting way for our culture of image and appearance to end, is it not?

        Another headline was ‘China cyber-attack on UK hits 40 million!’

        Hmm, why then are the science labs of the University here, and everywhere in the West, full of Chinese graduates, if their country is formally acknowledged to be a threat? Nothing adds up.

        Excellent post by the way, thanks!


        1. We’re faking our way out of existence. I do wonder why lots and lots of Chinese are being allowed to cross our border illegaly in coordination with the Chinese government, similar to the Wuhan cooperation. It actually does make sense in that winners and losers have already been chosen. Someone has to be thrown out of the energy lifeboat.


          1. Maybe all the Chinks crossing the border are physics grads?

            A friend has been invited to be a Visiting Prof at Boston, but they are having huge difficulties with obtaining a visa. I will suggest he adopts a disguise and hops over the border.

            In a way the details of The Plan don’t interest me much, as I know that I’m certainly among those designated to be eliminated on grounds of location, age, race, education and skills: on the other hand, curiosity is the spice of life. 

            I’ll have to cultivate a burning desire to see what the bastards get up to next – like an old Jew determine to see the next Passover celebra


            1. I was under the impression that humans were civilized but they’re just evolving, organized, mostly unconscious matter fighting over energy to maintain their forms and perpetuity. The pursuit of happiness will give way to a game of lethal dodge ball – “You’re out!” Better be nimble and quick and unseen if possible.

              A saw that a local church was flying the Israeli flag. In the minds of the simpletons there’s some connection between Jesus and the Israelis. That’s like the central bank calling themselves the “Federal Reserve” and putting “In God we trust.” on the currency. Schmucks.


              1. The ledgers of the old bankers were headed ‘For God and Profit’, so it’s an old confusion.

                Jesus loves surpluses? Not surplices – those are what some priests love to lift…..

                Kancer Kate psy-op update:

                It seems that online searches for ‘cancer symptoms’ have gone up sharply following the revelation about her illness, so the latest headline is:

                ‘Brave Kate Saves Lives!’

                Maybe more lives would be saved by not pumping their poisonous ‘boosters’ into some 10m or so Brits every year?

                They tried for 20m last Fall, but half the targets had more sense than to take up the generous offer. In Spain less than 30% of the elderly did – smarter than the Brits.

                What to do? Sit on the beach and make sandcastles?


                1. You could have a Fenbendazole cart at the beach but be sure and have a sign “For Pets Only.” Wink, wink. “Don’t let the tides of time take your pet away too soon, take some of this magical elixer and watch the tumors melt away.” “You could even give away free cheeseburgers, ice cream cones and lap dances like the professional mRNA vaccinators.


                2. i recommend Greece for September and October. Temps are down. UV is down. Prices are down. Tourists are down. In fact in October you can almost have beaches to yourself in places. Two months frolicking naked on a beach (preferably with a female companion) is good for the soul and all guilt free in light of the circumstances!


                  1. When my cousin in Spain moved into a new beach-side apartment, he was delighted to find that the local, beautiful, yoga instructor swam naked and did exercises sunrise at just that spot on the beach. Very spiritual stuff to watch. He told his wife that he was very happy with the move!


              2. Christianity has many logical inconsistencies: ‘We are the New Israelites, God’s holy people! But let’s persecute and burn Jews for not being Christian!’ being one of them.

                Oliver Cromwell was more consistent, and allowed the Jews back into England, having been expelled in the 13th century. 

                My former wife’s ancestors were, apparently, the third family to accept Cromwell’s invitation, so quite high up in the snobbery hierarchy of upper-class English Judaism.


  2. So what’s up with the fireballs on the structure? The ship is in blackout as the structure collapses on the bow, and you can clearly see lots of fireballs. Can steel really do that when it’s ripped apart violently or ?


  3. Latest fear-meme of the day being pushed in UK media, as read by yours truly during a supermarket visit: ‘The Great UK Shit Storm!

    No, not the tsunami of lies emanating from the media and govt. regarding Covid, utterly inexplicable excess deaths and Brave Kancer Kate, but masses of shit literally being poured into rivers and into bathing areas on the coast!

    Chinks, Russkies, Muzzies, Wokies, bubbling,seething sewage: anything but the poison injected into millions of veins…….


    1. And plastics, plastics everywhere along with everlasting chemicals. Just get another booster and hope that that nasty pollution doesn’t give you the cancer.


  4. So, the big celebration of life’s continual renewal of itself, in two days. I guess.

    Sometimes, when I was a child, we would get dyed chicks, like dyed different colors, as Easter treats. Most of the time they turned out to be roosters, if I remember right. So they would quickly end up in a pot. The chickens always had it good, as long as they kept on laying eggs.


      1. My dad had a pet lamb but apparently it couldn’t lay eggs either so it ended-up in a pot. Easter in a hundred years, “Old man, what can you do?” “Well, not much, I’m just an old man.” “O.K., throw him in the pot, extra garlic.”


    1. I think it was pulled off by a bunch of Arabs with box cutters. Why not target the guy that works for the Neocons and plays the piano with his dick?


      1. Why not target the guy that works for the Neocons and plays the piano with his dick?

        Huh? That could be anybody?


  5. RNA, cells and their products are always tending towards thermal and chemical equilibrium. In other words, they’re falling from their complex and unlikely forms to the least energy state. To avoid that fate they must obtain proportionally more energy from the environment to counteract the forces that are working against them. If they can maintain homeostasis there is also an accumulation of entropic decay that cannot be readily diagnosed or repaired and which will eventually hinder the functioning of the dissipative structure. For this there must be a reproductive strategy or abandonment of old structures for freshly built ones. Biological organisms have this ability but technological growths do not. This seems to indicate that the technological system is headed towards a termination point as damages accrue to existing infrastructure which cannot be repaired or replaced since most materials have been sequestered in landfills and concentrated energy supplies are diminishing. Even the renewable resources that maintain the human RNA, like phosphorus, soils, water and forests, are diminishing due to unnatural overshoot of human numbers enabled by technology and fossil fuels.

    It would be a mistake to place ones trust in the political salesman of the day who will promise a return to prosperity and amelioration of all problems while at the same time releasing pandemics, poisonous vaccines, war, illegal immigrants, fentanyl, famine for the population and an electronic gulag. The policy choice around the world seems to be emasculation and defanging of the population in preparation for pograms, genocide and sabotage of civilization which can no longer be maintained.


    1. I believe I saw something about attempts to create microprocessors that ‘grow themselves’. 

      Observing the delusions is entertaining. They can’t let go of the Tech, and won’t face up to the looming dead-end. They intend to fight their way through over our prematurely dead bodies, clearly.

      I saw a poster in town for a lecture by the star of evolutionary Bio-Tech prophetess, Frances ’We can make Paradise or Hell’ Arnold. Nature did great, but we can do better. Oh the Hubris! Wonder if she drinks baby blood……

      These people say things in public, and are applauded for them, which should lead straight to padded rooms. The only obstacle to the fantasy fulfillment is clearly, the useless eaters.

      I’m perfectly contented to be a temporary dissipative structure: why on earth aren’t they?


    2. My guess is that we’re part of a giant Ponzi scheme. Those on top are trying pretty much any and every trick they can pull out of a hat to stay on top. Those “on top” pretty much include the 2 billion or inhabitants of “the west”, even though most have no clue that they’re on top.

      Like all Ponzi schemes, big or small, they can only fall apart and leave a bunch of people standing around wondering, “what the fuck just happened ???” Something like that. I guess.


      1. When there are hundreds of trillions of dollars equivalent debt outstanding worldwide, I can’t understand how people believe it will be redeemable for energy and goods when we’re facing an energy cliff or at least a steady contraction. When the Ponzi collapses they’ll find out that not only is the fiat worthless but someone ran away with everything real to which they could contractually lay claim.


        1. I’m beginning to think of all the immigrants flooding into the USA and Western Europe and such as the last of the suckers to get sucked into the scheme. Maybe they can get suckered into taking out student loans? Joke’s on them. I guess.


          1. They’ve turned up at the gate of Dracula’s castle, and most politely he’s invited them in to dinner. 

            They’ll dine, and then he will…..

            Meanwhile, the hereditary staff are in the basement, being genetically sliced and diced by the Count’s good friend, the progressive and visionary Dr Frankenstein.


            1. The hereditary staff has had it way too good for way too long. Time for some new blood, new players, new suckers. Every Ponzi ever always relies on a steady stream of new suckers.

              I guess.


        2. Most people (i.e. Americans) have never heard of an energy cliff — sure, there’s grumbling over high prices, but gasoline is supposed to be available at the local filling station and food comes shrink-wrapped in the supermarket. Don’t Look Up or Leave the World Behind is something that only happens in the movies. Anyway, everything will be all right because They’ll Think of Something.


          1. They’ve already thought of something. You can get a shot in the arm or be conscripted and get shot in the head. Problem solved.


  6. Kinda liked this little bit on the origin of life on earth. It’s kind of disappointing to me that so many biologist/biophysicist types still kind of pass over the heat transfer aspects of life. Hot vents in cold water do seem to be the best bet for getting the ball rolling. A long lasting steady heat (energy) source, plenty of substrate constantly being released, surrounded by an infinite heat sink (gradient).


    1. The chemical reactions releasing energy trapped in bonds can’t happen with one-hundred percent efficiency and a lot of radiation is created. I think of it like a swimmer making waves in a pool except atoms are moving in an aether. If there’s too much radiation the dissipative might become disordered.

      I found a picture of the first human emerging from a hydrothermal vent.


    1. Just think of it as a healthy cold sink that keeps all of the drilling operators, gas pipelines, furnaces etc. in motion without bursting into flames. And the gas company employees too, driving to and from work, reading meters and preparing bills.


    2. And in Old England, only no snow here. This is traditional ‘Bank Holiday’ weather! Few if any public holidays here are timed to coincide with reliably pleasant weather.


      1. Here, there are three huge warm weather holidays: Memorial Day (last weekend in May, the summer time “kick off”), Independence Day (independence from Jolly Old, July 4’th, the mid-summer frolic) and Labor Day (first weekend in September, the end of summer, the official wind down into Thanksgiving, which is official the start of winter). And so it goes..


        1. Immigration, multiculturalism, Klaus Schwab, wokeism, The Democrats, Hollywood Celebrities, neocons, war mongers, Republicans… They’re all out to destroy everything that might be good (good for me anyway) in this world, just so they can stay “on top”. Fucking no good pieces of shit. I guess.


          1. The types like Musk, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, directed by banking oligarchs, will usher in the control grid era of brain-chipped goy slavery, an improvement over goy debt slavery and a necessary adjustement. But they had better hurry since interest on the U.S. debt should hit one-trillion, six-hundred billion by the end of the year.


              1. They could lop one zero off of the currency denominations. One-hundred dollars becomes ten dollars. Then we would only have to pay one-hundred and sixty-billion in interest.


                1. When my money goes poof! , I’ll probably make my payments in axe heads.  Real assets for a new Techno Dark Age…..

                  There’s an odd feeling, now, about scheming to earn money which you expect to disappear or lose all value in the near future.


                  1. Axe heads are good for dismembering cellulose bodies for heat- releasing cremationan but I expect food will be the most sought after commodity as production facilities fold and supply chains crumble. It’s too bad there aren’t any old growth forests to use the axes on but they will be useful when chainsaw fuel becomes scarce.


  7. Once the human RNA leaves the cell, the cell membrane and cell walls begin to deteriorate for lack of metabolic maintenance. The complex structure begins to crumble.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For abandoned cells, often quite complex ones, the ‘Bros of Decay’ YT channel is good, if you haven’t seen it before.


    2. I guess that wood structures are particularly prone to deterioration. Steel frame structures can last for a while. I guess. But, like they say, rust never sleeps.


      1. Yeah, little dissipatives like fungi, beetles and termites can lay waste to wood pretty fast but steel has to be worked upon slowly by the environmental chemistry.


  8. Developers say they’ll save ninety-five percent of the natural environment around the Gulf of Aqaba as a part of sustainable eco tourism. What natural environment? It looks like a moonscape to me and they’re building a big line of cancer cells. They would be better off investing in dates, tents and camels.


    1. When my kids were little, and we’d pass by some construction site or another, they might ask something like: “Dad, what are they doing/building there?” As often as not I’d say something like: “Ya know, I don’t know. But you can be sure that it’s something fucking stupid.” Something along those lines.


        1. or a roller skating rink. I used to love to go roller skating. I used to even take my kids. Now, they take their kids. Who woulda thought?


          1. We had one in our little town that had been in business for seventy years but entropy got it a couple of years ago and it went up in smoke. My aunt broke a bone in her lower leg at that skating rink sixty years ago and has been on disability ever since. Worked out well for her but she didn’t do any more roller skating.


      1. He could have at least named it the “Ozymandias”.

        “My name is Ozymandias King of Kings: Look upon my works ye mighty and despair!”.

        Yeah, right. Next.


    1. So obvious it’s almost funny that no one gets it:

      1/ Raise retirement age.

      2/ Vaxx-rape repeatedly.

      3/ Create huge numbers of injured who can’t work or drop dead prematurely.

      4/ Make large numbers redundant through automation.

      5/ Institute death panels to cut off medical treatments.

      6/ Engineer food shortages, etc.

      7/ Normalise state-assisted suicide as ‘the right thing to do’ if you are old, sick, unemployed, untreatable.

      And voila!

      They’re not subtle.


  9. Imagining a task before initiating movement is essential for a human RNA and is likely facilitated by the default mode network of the brain. Think of it as the self-image deciding on what tasks it will perform using information from the past. Once the task is underway the default mode network is less active since the course of action has been determined and is underway. Remnants from the “past” like memories or recorded information can inform the default mode network. The “past” and “future” are creations of the human mind (and other animals brains to some extent) and that’s where the mind has to exist mentally since the “now” cannot be observed and is an entropic process that makes memories out of energy gradient dissipation. The brain and body burning glucose and then initiating moving is “now”. We can only see the trails left in matter as the entropic process moves along fed by energy gradients.

    This capability to learn and reflect is essential before turning energy gradient into complex movements like human RNA do on a daily basis. When one realizes, using the default mode network, that all tasks in a terminal cancer are futile it could lead to an unwillingness to proceed and depression. Similarly, when examining the inevitability of death one could ask, “Why do anything?” But, on the other hand, most people ignore much of reality that interferes with tasks moving them towards “success” and plenty of opioids.

    These guys talk about the default mode network with regard to optimizing work.

    I like this comment:

    “I have seen the other side of human lives where all through the many years working people have adopted the optimal task proposition as the only important priority for their life’s purpose and virtually practiced themselves into becoming human machines. The sad reality is oftentimes when they reached the end of their working life they had nothing else to enrich themselves, they succumbed to illness and died prematurely.”

    Human RNA. Work, work, work, work. die.


    1. I’d probably have to say that during my working years, my DMN and my task network were completely at odds with each other. Pretty much the only conclusion that my DMN ever came to, about the things I was doing, and people that I was dealing with, was something like: Wow, how fucking stupid can you get? Something like that…


  10. I can’t decide which class of RNA is the one which has mostly shut-off its default mode network and simply takes orders to complete tasks without question. Soldiers have to be high on the list.

    Another type of human RNA that might be mostly task oriented is the assembly line worker. Do they daydream while performing their tasks? Here globalist traitors in ties look down condescendingly at a factory worker in a Cummins-Foton chinese diesel engine factory. They were thinking, “Can we improve its performance if we put a chip in its brain.”


    1. I’m not saying that globalist scum wouldn’t love to put a chip into everybody, a globalist dream come true. But, putting technological problems aside, all performance depends on usable energy. As the supply drops, performance will fall off, for everybody, globalists included. Something like that, I’d say…

      It’s best to conserve what usable energy you have, sit back, enjoy the show while you can. IMO.

      The sight of monkeys scrambling for, and fighting over, bananas is always amusing. I guess.


        1. I kinda think it’s a dream come true for most humans. Food and drink, minimal effort, no thought involved, just show up and do what you’re told to do, not a bad deal. I’d say. I think that chips in the head would just fuck up a good deal. But it’s like that ever stopped anyone from doing anything, fucking shit up that is. In fact, I could devise an argument proving that that’s what human’s are best at, fucking things up.

          So there ya go…


          1. Yeah, working in a cancer is great. No limits. Make metastasis while the fossil fuels are flowing. Turbo tumors on the prowl. It will be over when ample amounts of energy have been set free. What made the ecosystem think it could sequester that much easily reducible fuel when evolving organisms were about? We found it and we burned it (including most forests) in accordance with the thermodynamic scriptures.


    2. The contract for a soldier is explicit: if you don’t obey at all times the penalty was in the past execution, and today military prison and dishonourable discharge.

      The general who forced the jabs on the British army has in due course retired, only to take up a job with…….. Tony Blair’s Foundation for Global Change. Rather a nice pay-off. That’s rubbing our noses in it!

      Unlike the US, not one military doctor here has come out as a whistle-blower.

      It was the 18th century economists who formulated the rule that labourers should be exhausted by working long hours and paid so little that they couldn’t dream of ever stopping work, thus ensuring obedience to the demands of Capital – getting on with burning those resources at the maximum possible rate.

      They also maintained that their children should go into factories as soon as possible, to take them out of the ‘degraded and immoral’ home environment (just as Christian enslavement was deemed to be god for African pagans!)


      1. Not much has changed in the genetics of the brain. It reminds me of the Aztec priests cutting out hearts out of commoners while accepting great tribute for their miraculous power and connection to the gods. The soldiers and workers are automatons while the generals and owners are nastybots. Conscription of the sacrificial lambs should begin soon in the West.


        1. Of course, a ‘war’ with Russia would require digital ID and rationing of food and fuel, the suspension of elections ‘for the duration’: maybe emergency rations kindly cooked up by Bill Gates. Oh and new shots to protect against sneaky Russki bio-chem attacks……


          1. Alister Hamilton believes that EROEI in Britain will be somewhere near zero in 2032. There’s only one thing to do, declare war on Russia. However, do not say hateful things about them or you’ll end-up in prison for seven years. I think I know who instigated that law that offers blanket coverage to all kinds of groups worthy of hateful speech.


  11. Nate Hagens interviews Geoffrey West of the Santa Fe Institute. Geoffrey was being interviewed by The Economist in the eighties and mentioned that civilization might be something like a cancer. He received a lot of flak and has since been reluctant to publicly make that comparison. Like most others, Geoffrey and Nate see language and human culture, etc. as a human “discovery” rather than evolved traits surrounding an organism that evolved to become an RNA. I’m pretty sure that The Economist and most every one else would be equally uncomfortable with the fact that humans are essentially just an oversized molecule that uses resilient, evolving information to build tools and infrastructure as they drain energy gradients.


    1. I’m perfectly comfortable with the ‘over-sized molecule part of a mega-cancer eating through gradients’ perspective. - although a very peculiar kind of molecule that can reflect ,more or less objectively, on this reality.

      I suppose it requires a certain kind of mental strength? A capacity to set evolved delusions aside for a time?

      People who can’t face this are just cosmic pussies. 


      1. I don’t know why, but “cosmic pussies” made me think of Ginger on Gilligan’s Island in a Star Trek outfit. The brain is a miraculous thing.

        If there were sex, power, money or eternal life at the bottom of the rabbit hole people would be jumping in.


  12. I know that I’ve carried the weight for a long time, the weight of being alive. I’m ready to put it down. Let someone else carry this bullshit around for a while.


  13. That was a good song. Wish I could get back home but that’s just a memory now. The problem is that people, by virtue of brain algorithms, keep resetting the clock. Round and round it goes with each successive generation walking upon the bones of previous generations. I’m just amazed that new generations learn so little even though clues have been left by past generations. Eventually, for all of us individually, the entropy clock stops but others are walking the same circular path stepping over the snail trails we’ve left. If the second hand on the clock below were all civilized humans it would not only be moving forward but would be gaining elevation one click at a time until somewhere around eleven o’clock the second hand falls off a cliff and returns to ground level. We’ll have to wait and see if humans can “take a licking and keep on ticking.”


    1. It was worse during the Little Ice Age, Dave. You would probably have hung yourself in the barn then……. Still, whisky and brandy were invented for weather like this! And feather duvets, with nice warm women under them


  14. I thought that this was a pretty good bit. I even read the whole thing.

    The tactics outlined seem obvious. The whole Covid scam scam seems like a good example. Trust the science, take our shots, fund our research, read our bullshit, be frightened, listen only to our “information”, etc., all convergent interests, all making $ and gaining power.



    1. Propaganda: Getting people to do what they otherwise wouldn’t do mostly to increase the power and wealth of those creating the propaganda. Works great on people that can’t think. Chocolate, you rub it all over your skin and you’ll live forever.


      1. That was funny bit.

        That’s ridiculous, “people don’t think”. They think exactly what they’re told to think.


  15. https://www.rt.com/business/594432-financialization-death-empires/

    Another good article, that I read in its entirety. This sentence, from the bit, kind of sums it up for me.

    “Perhaps, he speculated, the US represents just that expansive capitalist power that has taken the capitalist logic to its earthly limits.”

    In other words, after the collapse of the US hegemony, Russia/BRICS may take over as a locus of global activity. But it will be short lived. It will never be as great or as complex as we saw in the US centered global capitalism.


    1. Yeah, it’s a system that encourages maximum cancerous growth until ecosystem and resource limits are reached. Many people including the “Fourth Turning” group think we’re somehow at some stage of a cycle. Not so, we’re approaching a linear end.


      1. Death of empires: History tells us what will follow the collapse of US hegemony

        The turn away from expansion, production and trade toward lending and speculation has precipitated decline for centuries

        Death of empires: History tells us what will follow the collapse of US hegemony


        One of the curious features of the American landscape is the fact that these days the financialization of the economy is widely condemned as unhealthy, yet little is being done to reverse it. There was a time, back in the 1980s and ‘90s, when finance-driven capitalism was supposed to usher in a time of better capital allocation and a more dynamic economy. This is not a view one hears often anymore.

        So, if such a phenomenon is overwhelmingly viewed negatively but isn’t being amended, then perhaps it’s not merely a failure of policymaking but rather something deeper – something more endemic to the very fabric of the capitalist economy. It is of course possible to lay the blame for this state of affairs at the feet of the current crop of cynical and power-hungry elites and to stop one’s analysis there. But an examination of history reveals recurrent instances of financialization that bear remarkable similarities, which invites the conclusion that perhaps the predicament in the American economy in recent decades is not unique and that the ever-rising power of Wall Street was in a sense preordained.Introducing Giovanni Arrighi: Financialization as a cyclical phenomenon

        It is in this context that it pays to revisit the work of the Italian political economist and historian of global capitalism Giovanni Arrighi (1937-2009). Arrighi, who is often simplistically pigeonholed as a Marxist historian, a label far too constricting given the breadth of his work, explored the origins and evolution of capitalist systems dating back to the Renaissance and showed how recurrent phases of financial expansion and collapse underpin broader geopolitical reconfigurations. Occupying a central place in his theory is the notion that the cycle of rise and fall of each successive hegemon terminates in a crisis of financialization. It is this phase of financialization that facilitates the shift to the next hegemon.

        Arrighi dates the origin of this cyclical process to the Italian city-states of the 14th century, an era that he calls the birth of the modern world. From the marriage of Genoese capital and Spanish power that produced the great discoveries, he traces this path through Amsterdam, London and, finally, the United States.

        In each case, the cycle is shorter and each new hegemon is larger, more complex and more powerful than the previous one. And, as we mentioned above, each terminates in a crisis of financialization that marks the final stage of hegemony. But this phase also fertilizes the soil in which the next hegemon will sprout, thus marking financialization as the harbinger of an impending hegemonic shift. Essentially, the ascending power emerges in part by availing itself of the financial resources of the financialized and declining power.

        READ MORE: Schizophrenic world order: The West is willing to destroy its financial system to punish Russia

        Arrighi detected a first wave of financialization starting around 1560, when the Genoese businessmen withdrew from commerce and specialized in finance, thereby establishing symbiotic relations with the Kingdom of Spain. The subsequent wave began around 1740 when the Dutch began to withdraw from commerce to become “the bankers of Europe.” The financialization in Great Britain, which we will examine below, emerged around the end of the 19th century; for the United States, it began in the 1970s. 

        Hegemony he defines as “the power of a state to exercise functions of leadership and governance over a system of sovereign states.” Central to this concept is the idea that historically such governance has been linked to the transformation of how the system of relations among states functions in itself and also that it consists of both what we would call geopolitical dominance but also a sort of intellectual and moral leadership. The hegemonic power not only rises to the top in the jockeying among states but actually forges the system itself in its own interest. Key to this capacity for the expansion of the hegemon’s own power is the ability to turn its national interests into international interests.

        Observers of the current American hegemony will recognize the transformation of the global system to suit American interests. The maintenance of an ideologically charged ‘rules-based’ order – ostensibly for the benefit of everyone – fits neatly into the category of conflation of national and international interests. Meanwhile, the previous hegemon, the British, had their own version that incorporated both free-trade policies and a matching ideology that emphasized the wealth of nations over national sovereignty.

        Returning to the question of financialization, the original insight into its epochal aspect first came from the French historian Fernand Braudel, of whom Arrighi was a disciple. Braudel observed that the rise of finance as the predominant capitalist activity of a given society was a sign of its impending decline.

        Arrighi adopted this approach and, in his major work called ‘The Long Twentieth Century,’ elaborated his theory of the cyclical pattern of ascendency and collapse within the capitalist system, which he called the ‘systemic cycle of accumulation.’ According to this theory, the period of ascendency is based on an expansion of trade and production. But this phase eventually reaches maturity, at which point it becomes more difficult to profitably reinvest capital in further expansion. In other words, the economic endeavors that propelled the rising power to its perch become increasingly less profitable as competition intensifies and, in many cases, much of the real economy is lost to the periphery, where wages are lower. Rising administrative expenses and the cost of maintaining an ever-expanding military also contribute to this. 

        This leads to the onset of what Arrighi calls a ‘signal crisis,’ meaning an economic crisis that signals the shift from accumulation by material expansion to accumulation by financial expansion. What ensues is a phase characterized by financial intermediation and speculation. Another way to think about this is that, having lost the actual basis for its economic prosperity, a nation turns to finance as the final economic field in which hegemony can be sustained. The phase of financialization is thus characterized by an exaggerated emphasis on financial markets and the finance sector.How financialization delays the inevitable

        However, the corrosive nature of financialization is not immediately evident – in fact, quite the opposite. Arrighi demonstrates how the turn to financialization, which is initially quite lucrative, can provide a temporary and illusory respite from the trajectory of decline, thus deferring the onset of the terminal crisis. For example, the incumbent hegemon at the time, Great Britain, was the country hardest hit by the so-called Long Depression of 1873-1896, a prolonged period of malaise that saw Britain’s industrial growth decelerate and its economic standing diminished. Arrighi identifies this as the ‘signal crisis’ – the point in the cycle where productive vigor is lost and financialization sets in.

        And yet, as Arrighi quotes David Landes’ 1969 book ‘The Unbound Prometheus,’ “as if by magic, the wheel turned.” In the last years of the centurybusiness suddenly improved and profits rose. “Confidence returned—not the spotty, evanescent confidence of the brief booms that had punctuated the gloom of the preceding decades, but a general euphoria such as had not prevailed since…the early 1870s….In all of western Europe, these years live on in memory as the good old days—the Edwardian era, la belle époque.” Everything seemed right again.

        READ MORE: Why Fed rate hikes used to cause the classic emerging-market crisis but now seem to boomerang on the US

        However, there is nothing magical about the sudden restoration of profits, Arrighi explains. What happened is that “as its industrial supremacy waned, its finance triumphed and its services as shipper, trader, insurance broker and intermediary in the world’s system of payments became more indispensable than ever.”

        In other words, there was a large expansion in financial speculation. Initially much of the expanding financial income derived from interest and dividends being generated by previous investments. But increasingly a significant portion was financed by what Arrighi calls the “domestic conversion of commodity capital into money capital.” Meanwhile, as surplus capital moved out of trade and production, British real wages began a decline starting after the mid-1890s – a reversal of the trend of the past five decades. An enriched financial and business elite amid an overall decline in real wages is something that should ring a bell to observers of the current American economy.

        Essentially, by embracing financialization, Britain played the last card it had to stave off its imperial decline. Beyond that lay the ruin of World War I and the subsequent instability of the interwar period, a manifestation of what Arrighi calls ‘systemic chaos’ – a phenomenon that becomes particularly visible during signal crises and terminal crises.

        Historically, Arrighi observes, these breakdowns have been associated with escalation into outright warfare – specifically, the Thirty Years’ War (1618-48), the Napoleonic wars (1803-15) and the two World Wars. Interestingly and somewhat counterintuitively, these wars have typically not seen the incumbent hegemon and the challenger on opposing sides (with the Anglo-Dutch naval wars a notable exception). Rather, it has typically been the actions of other rivals that have hastened the arrival of the terminal crisis. But even in the case of the Dutch and British, conflict co-existed with cooperation as Dutch merchants increasingly directed their capital to London, where it generated better returns.Wall Street and the crisis of the last hegemon 

        The process of financialization emerging from a signal crisis was repeated with startling similarities in the case of Britain’s successor, the US. The 1970s was a decade of deep crisis for the US, with high levels of inflation, a weakening dollar after the 1971 abandonment of gold convertibility and, perhaps most importantly, a loss of competitiveness of US manufacturing. With rising powers such as Germany, Japan, and, later, China, able to outcompete it in terms of production, the US reached the same tipping point and, like its predecessors, it turned to financialization. The 1970s was, in the words of historian Judith Stein, the “pivotal decade” that “sealed a society-wide transition from industry to finance, factory floor to trading floor.”

        This, Arrighi explains, allowed the US to attract massive amounts of capital and move toward a model of deficit financing – an increasing indebtedness of the US economy and state to the rest of the world. But financialization also allowed the US to reflate its economic and political power in the world, particularly as the dollar was ensconced as the global reserve currency. This reprieve gave the US the illusion of prosperity of the late 1980s and ‘90s, when, as Arrighi says “there was this idea that the United States had ‘come back’.” No doubt the demise of its main geopolitical rival, the Soviet Union, contributed to this buoyant optimism and sense that Western neoliberalism had been vindicated.

        READ MORE: Debt could destroy US economy – JP Morgan boss

        However, beneath the surface, the tectonic plates of decline were still grinding away as the US became ever more dependent on external funding and increasingly ramped-up leverage on a diminishing sliver of real economic activity that was rapidly being offshored and hollowed out. As Wall Street rose in prominence, many quintessential American economies were essentially asset-stripped for the sake of financial profit.

        But, as Arrighi points out, financialization merely stalls the inevitable and this has only been laid bare by subsequent events in the US. By the late 1990s, the financialization itself was beginning to malfunction, starting with the Asia crisis of 1997 and subsequent popping of the dotcom bubble, and continuing with a reduction in interest rates that would inflate the housing bubble that detonated so spectacularly in 2008. Since then, the cascade of imbalances in the financial system has only accelerated and it has only been through a combination of increasingly desperate financial legerdemain – inflating one bubble after another – and outright coercion that has allowed the US to extend its hegemony even a bit longer beyond its time.

        In 1999, Arrighi, in a piece co-authored with American scholar Beverly Silver, summarized the predicament of the time. It has been a quarter century since these words were penned, but they might as well have been written last week:

        “The global financial expansion of the last twenty years or so is neither a new stage of world capitalism nor the harbinger of a ‘coming hegemony of global markets’. Rather, it is the clearest sign that we are in the midst of a hegemonic crisis. As such, the expansion can be expected to be a temporary phenomenon that will end more or less catastrophically… But the blindness that led the ruling groups of [hegemonic states of the past] to mistake the ‘autumn’ for a new ‘spring’ of their…power meant that the end came sooner and more catastrophically than it might otherwise have…A similar blindness is evident today.”An early prophet of a multipolar world

        In his late work, Arrighi turned his attention to East Asia and surveyed the prospects for a transition to the next hegemony. On the one hand, he identified China as the logical successor to American hegemony. However, as a counterweight to that, he did not see the cycle he outlined as continuing in perpetuity and believed there would come a point where it is no longer possible to bring into existence a state with larger and more comprehensive organizational structures. Perhaps, he speculated, the US represents just that expansive capitalist power that has taken the capitalist logic to its earthly limits.

        Arrighi also considered the systemic cycle of accumulation to be a phenomenon inherent to capitalism and not applicable to pre-capitalist times or non-capitalist formations. As of 2009, when he died, Arrighi’s view was that China remained a decisively non-capitalist market society. How it would evolve remained an open question.

        READ MORE: Soaring debt pushing wealthy nations to ‘fiscal death’ – economist

        While Arrighi was not dogmatic on how the future would shape up and did not apply his theories deterministically, especially with regard to the developments of recent decades, he did speak forcefully about what in today’s language could be called the necessity of accommodating a multipolar world. In their 1999 article, he and Silver predicted “a more or less imminent fall of the West from the commanding heights of the world capitalist system is possible, even likely.”

        The US, they believe, “has even greater capabilities than Britain did a century ago to convert its declining hegemony into an exploitative dominion.” If the system does eventually break down, “it will be primarily because of US resistance to adjustment and accommodation. And conversely, US adjustment and accommodation to the rising economic power of the East Asian region is an essential condition for a non-catastrophic transition to a new world order.”

        Whether such accommodation is forthcoming remains to be seen, but Arrighi strikes a pessimistic tone, noting that each hegemon, at the end of its cycle of dominance, experiences a “final boom” during which it pursues its “national interest without regard for system-level problems that require system-level solutions.” A more apt description of the current state of affairs cannot be formulated.

        The system-level problems are multiplying, but the sclerotic ancien régime in Washington is not addressing them. By mistaking its financialized economy for a vigorous one, it overestimated the potency of weaponizing the financial system it controls, thus again seeing ‘spring’ where there is only ‘autumn.’ This, as Arrighi, predicts, will only hasten the end. 

        By Henry Johnston, an RT editor. He worked for over a decade in finance and is a FINRA Series 7 and Series 24 license 


        1. Thanks, very well worth reading -  who would have thought that RT hate speech could be so interesting? Historical perspective is just so undermining of our freedoms! 


  16. I found the complete story of civilization. The humans are where the flame is and they’re busily unpacking energy and are releasing heat. Waste, time and motion emerge as an ash snake. Time ends when all energy is dissipated. Those humans that can still get essential amino acids, minerals and glucose can continue unpacking and creating time albeit at a much slower rate.


  17. Looks like we might be getting some consistently warm(ish) weather here in CT. Should be pretty much into the 60’s (f) this week. Welcome change…


    1. Yeah, I’m getting tired of heating this cell with its primitive membrane lacking an insulating layer. Funny thing is that my dad and his buddy from California, both fresh out of MIT, designed a house for my grandparents that didn’t have any insulation and that was around 1952. That doesn’t work too well in Kentucky. I suppose MIT wasn’t offering a climatic design class and they thought the fossil fuels etc. would never run out. Later on I can remember him complaining about having to fill the oil tank for the furnace in the Fall. That might be why my grandparents went to Florida for the winters.


      1. The house I live in now was built in the 1980’s. I guess that building codes required insulation by then. The windows are double glazed and fit and work fairly well. This house is pretty comfortable with some minimal inputs.

        The house that grew up in was built in the 1870’s. No insulation, still had the original windows. It wasn’t much fun in the winter time. If we would complain about the cold my dad would tell us to go run around the block a few times.


        1. If I told my kids to run around to get warm they would tell me to STFU. In this house my mom and aunts would back-up to the gas heaters so that the hot air could blow up their skirts, but those were replaced years ago with a central system. My kids clamp a blanket to a chair with an electric heater that blows warm air under the blanket. A bit of a fire risk but I make them keep it on the low setting and keep the smoke alarms nearby and fire extinguisher handy. You can also vent your dryer to the inside if you don’t mind getting fuzz lung.


          1. A tea light or two works well under a blanket, on a saucer and under a pottery funnel open at the top with pierced sides. Dirt cheap and no fire risk. The heat generated is surprising.

             I got through two winters like that after the GFC, tucked up with a book and a warm hat on. In Old Europe charcoal braziers were used the same way, but potentially deadly gases.


            1. I have lots of warm expedition clothes. I especially like the Patagonia capilene shirts. Wear one shirt for cold, two for really cold and three for damned cold. The problem is that the girls always dress for summer and then complain about being too cold.


  18. I learned today that my daughter’s boyfriend, vaxxed, age seventeen, has lymphoma. Another victim of the shabbat goy, Trumptard “Operation Warp Speed”. Trump is just a useful idiot, a frontman with Jew handlers, like Biden. The first president that nukes the Manhattan financial district, Tel Aviv or the City of London will be a president genuinely interested in the well-being of the citizenry. But don’t hold your breath, the casino is being run by AI and you’re showing it your cards every time you use a cell phone. It was likely used to help design SARS-Cov-2 and the propaganda campaign and it’s already making decisions like the Lavender AI program picking bombing sites in Gaza. Well many have said it would kill everyone – starting in Gaza. Where is Major Kong when you need him?


    1. Poor boy: vaxx mandate to attend college I suppose? 

      I’m surprised – like the notorious Fast Eddy – that so far, apparently, no angry parents, or children, or siblings, have enacted summary justice on the physicians who did the jabbing, or the administrators who ordered it. 

      The Project has been a great success, and in the future everyone will likely take it lying down without protest. Their guns might as well be paintball ones.

      I see that a ‘pantheon’ (are they gods?) of world leaders are calling for signing up to the new WHO treaty. Very important to them: shows us what they are planning. 

      But nearly everyone’s asleep. I’ve been reading the old Norse sagas: one of the morals taught by them is that if you don’t pay attention, someone will kill you….. When did people in general become so naive, so clueless? And with the whole history of the 20thc to drive home the grim message?


      1. It’s like living amongst a population of cannibalistic spiders that weave little webs to deprive others of energy and life while they pretend to be the product of a most holy God.


    2. I blame his mother. If she hadn’t shit him out into this world, he never would have had to deal with any of this bullshit.


      1. I blame the algos in his mother’s brain put there by a bunch of cells that wanted to project themselves into the future – just because they could. The same type of algos that make all of the tribal chimps believe they’re number one or the chosen ones or some such nonsense.


        1. Yeah, those pesky algos, always pointing and nudging (while figuring the odds) us in the direction of “more”, of whatever.

          Nonetheless, it always makes me laugh when I hear some mother talking about how she did somebody a “favor” by bringing said somebody into this fucking shithole world. There is no greater crime, IMO.


          1. People are stupid and generally programmed to do what they do. Here is one momma’s gift to the world – Fritz Haber. Fritz realized there wasn’t enough shit in this shithole of a world and helped to create a process for turning atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia to create fertilizer. The process consumes three to five percent of the world’s natural gas production. Way to go Fritz! He probably had some hierarchy and greed algos that made him do it.



    3. Maybe there are some hot lots, but it’s time to acknowledge that barring a sudden mass death and cancer epidemic, most shots are worse-than-useless garbage that haven’t done much.


      1. The vaccines seem fairly benign to me, health wise. But what do I know about such things?

        They do seem to have been very useful in helping certain stock portfolios and such. They also pretty much proved out the idea that people will beg for just about any bullshit that might be presented to them. It just needs to be presented in the right way.


      2. Too soon to say what effect the shots are having – we are only into early mid-term consequences so far. 

        But, yes, huge variability, partly by design no doubt.

        What should be recalled is that they planned to get about 8 shots in everyone – one every 6 months – but called it off, most probably because of a general lack of enthusiasm over the boosters and not being quite ready to force them on people. 

        Fear, not force, was meant to do the trick, and the weak symptoms of ‘Omicron’ neutralised the fear propaganda – ‘I’ve had Covid at last, was that it?!’ is how most among the people I know reacted

        I’m not holding my breath for a mass die-off, but it’s clear they are coming back to the attack. There is no other reason for all the new vaxx mega-factories being built. 

        Frolic in the sun while you can, and don’t waste precious life in a cubicle as much as can be helped!


        1. Considering that you eventually disappear from existence there are probably better things to do than work hard to fill corrupt government coffers and pay-off oligarch loans, especially when some of the funds are being directed towards your elimination.


      3. So far it’s only killed a few million and damaged millions more. Not a very effective depopulation agent. But let’s give it the proper ten to twelve years to see what happens. And we can’t forget the reproductive harm which is equivalent to death in a sense.


    1. And yet the Trump Cult still can’t see it. The need to believe in something is ineradicable. 

      The best that can be said for Trump is that he appears to have delayed the start of the war with Russia, so he was an outsider to that extent. I know, from people who are very friendly with the Clintons, that Hilary loses it wrath when Trump is mentioned - he snatched her prize,

      In his immense vanity, he’s still boasting about Warpspeed, as they calculated he would.


      1. Trump’s is a big ego to beat into submission and he can not make mistakes, especially in his goy culling Warp Speed Operation and his desire to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, the world’s seat of insanity. There should be much more insanity to come before the energy lifeline to civilization is attenuated and finally cut and the ecosystem is down for the count. Adding to the insanity will be artificial intelligence giving irrational directions to the political clowns.


  19. They’re helpless before the algorithms in their heads. “I want more.” In the end they’ll get more than they expect.


  20. “The data and the facts are absolutely incontrovertible. There is no kind of mental gymnastics, nor contortions of logic that can disprove the simple fact that large swaths of the global population are being murdered by a cabal of technocratic psychopaths operating out of illegitimate Federal governments, agencies and organizations like the CDC, NIH, FDA, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, CFR, WEF, WHO, UN, Rockefeller and Gates “nonprofits,” et al.”



    1. Yeah, I don’t know, but that seems like some sort of huge leap to a conclusion to me. I mean, “planned” or not, in our current situation, a large population reduction is baked into the cake. The days of rising life expectancies are pretty much over. I’d say.


    1. People who fear starving might riot: those who are, just go quietly and disappear from the record. 

      Just statistics, if even that.

      Coming to us soon?


      1. A war that eliminates fifty-percent of oil production worldwide and shuts down global supply lines for things like fertilizer would probably get the ball rolling. Take out the factories that make refinery replacement parts too. (Food production facilities have been spontaneously combusting recently, why not add some oil and gas facilities for quick entropy?) By adding famine to a population that already has a compromised immune system and eliminating the purchasing power of their currency, I’m sure we can expect further improvements in life expectancy. But don’t worry, they’ll slaughter a red heifer, blow-up the Dome of the Rock, build a new temple and everything will be jim dandy. Ponzi schemes are great while they last, but then they have to murder millions and stage a lock-down when it’s over.


  21. Most young people that I know just want, expect, the existing system to carry on, throughout their life times, and their children’s lifetimes… Of course, this is impossible. But their actions, or lack there of, the young people’s, are exactly what will ensure the collapse of this existing system. Something like that, I’d say.


    1. Most of the young people are operating on algos and are distracted except maybe for those in Ukraine and Russia at the moment. Most will gladly accept the CBDC, virtual reality glasses, ID chips and the next vaccine. But they’ll eventually learn that if they want to save their own lives they’ll have to be violent.


    1. Yeah, I don’t know, I do feel kind of bad for her, but I have to think that there are some real changes that she could make? I guess. But I really don’t know her situation. Bringing in $2000/month and spending $1660 on rent alone?

      I don’t work. I haven’t worked in a long time. I share a house. I bring in well under $2000/month from SS. I have to say that I live pretty well.

      But I can remember having a job and having to go to work and such. That really sucked.


      1. She should get over “work hard and succeed” and become a welfare queen or adopt the new American business ethos of scamming. Life is finite, no need to enslave yourself to a capital owner, especially when falling energy supplies will make the “dream life” recede into the distance.


          1. I’m shocked James. You should be pursuing Happiness like every other true America citizen (or non-citizen): burn the world up, demolish those gradients!

            Sitting in cafes drinking absinthe and screwing syphilitic whores doesn’t cut it, I’m afraid……


            1. Most of the wealth accumulators are unconscious algos in action. Their brains tell them to create a fat reserve and pump-up their positions in the nastybot hierarchy and they can’t turn it off. They’re programmed. Nature will turn it off for them at some point. At the end of life they’ll check their scorecard to see how they did vis-a-vis the other apes before disappearing forever. Greedy children will celebrate the cheap asshole’s passing while they anxiously await the reading of the will.


      1. Being “shitty” or predatory on other humans must have some survival value. Deceiving and entrapping others, like pretending to be “royal” or a patriotic leader while pocketing large sums are apparently winning strategies.


  22. All of biology and technology can be understood simply as energy gradient reduction. The presence of atomic nuclei causes the aether to crumple between nuclei in the form of bonds like a wadded-up piece of paper. By undergoing a chemical reaction the bonded atomic nuclei can crumple more efficiently so there is less aether trapped between the nuclei. The extra energy escapes its bonded form as radiation. Various dissipative structures have evolved to help reduce the wad of nuclei and aether trapped in the tissues of organisms and in the fossil fuels. This is mostly done by recombining atoms with oxygen which thereby rereleases the radiation that was initially trapped in bonds by plants through conversion of the sun’s radiation, carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Radiation in, bonds form, bonds are reduced, radiation out. All of the complex structure exists to rerelease trapped energy by combining it with oxygen for the most part. The complexity has no more significance then that.

    Cells and by extension humans, other organisms and technology compete to gather fuel to combine with oxygen and in the process create mechanical movement that through evolved behavior sends them in search of yet more food. Those dissipative structures that are most effective in moving the universe closer to equilibrium, through eating other organisms, proliferate.

    The lion feeding on a carcass shown below is a vessel to host chemical reactions that basically unfolds the wildebeast body into heat while retaining some of the energy in its own structural bonds. The trapped energy of the lion too will eventually be released, perhaps by some oxygen breathing vultures. Meanwhile the plants are capturing more of the sun’s radiation to create glucose to keep the whole ecosystem going.

    Humans evolved religious belief to temper the nihilism of eventually being oxidized out of existence just as all other organisms are oxidized out of existence. The rehearsal agent or self-image projected in the brain, primarily interested in eating other organisms, mating and otherwise pursuing the Maximum Power Principle during life and also fearful of death, is given a soulful pass into an imaginary afterlife if it has saved its predatory, oxidizing behavior for those outside the religion or tribe.



    1. Good bit. I really don’t have much of anything to add. Not exactly sure what to make of the whole “crumpled aether” analogy, but it seems about right. Maybe I’ll think of something to say at some point or another.

      Looks more like a young buffalo than a wildebeest to me.


  23. Our existence transcends the passage of time? It seems to me that with every move we make, effectively relaxing the aether, time is made. How much time do we have left? It sort of depends on how fullness of our energy gradient. We can however maintain a presence as a dissipative structure while our cells and molecules are making time (unpacking energy).


        1. So, opposing windmills based on an aesthetic opinion is dumb? But opposing windmills because they’re just another stupid idea is smart? Or, one should favor windmills, because they’re a stupid idea? Etc???

          I’m missing her logic. I guess.

          Personally, I’m pretty neutral about windmills. I think they’re ugly and stupid, but I really don’t have any other, higher or lower, expectations.


        2. I see she did in fact fall for the pandemic and the vaxxes: and they are the best protection against Long Covid, she maintains. Ha ha! ’Very scared’ of Bird Flu, too…… 


          1. She shouldn’t spend all her time with physics. They took my daughter’s BF to children’s hospital tonight as the lymphoma is getting worse. Guess what the number one cancer caused by the vax is? You’re right, lymphoma.


            1. Murder most foul. 

              Horrible for your daughter to witness -a hundred years ago young deaths were common in every family, rich or poor and perhaps a little easier to take being expected and with religious faith being more common.

              Here, Prof Angus Dalgleish has written another of his – futile and unheeded – articles condemning the carcinogenic injections. 

              He can speak, being of retiring age and therefore beyond being intimidated, but the mass of oncologists are notably silent on the issue. Cowards; together they could protest effectively , and can’t all be sacked.


              1. The Jewish bankers will do to the world’s population what they did to the Palestinians. Lock them up, lock them down and turn them into second class citizens if they aren’t murdered outright.


    1. Our existence transcends the passage of time?

      Yeah, I’m not at all sure what “the maths” might have to say about any of this. To me, I’m a form that is programed to dissolve after some passage of “time”. “Time”, to me, is a change in “condition”. “Condition”, is just that stuff which happens to be happening at any given moment. But it is always in process, always changing, never standing still.

      How anything can “transcend” the process of change and dissolution, is beyond me. I guess.

      Maybe I need to understand “the maths”? That will never happen.


      1. Maybe she means we’re at the pivot point, neither in the past nor in the future but something like a bioreactor, always creating the past from reducible energy (the future).


  24. How do we measure/define time? Through changes in the configuration of matter. There exist rules relating one configurational state to the next. Once changes in state stop, time is meaningless.


    1. Words of wisdom. I think ambition should stop at being an eater, undoing the damage done by plants which have reconcentrated the sun’s exhaust of radiation. We must turn it back into radiation and we do. No need to create a new class of technological dissipative structures to eliminate fossil plant residue, it just upsets the carbon balance. But maybe the plants are having us burn the fossil fuels because things are getting too cold overall. The last ice age scared them so they were somewhat relieved that humans and fire came on the scene. The plants may prefer a lush, swampy existence free of glaciation events.


  25. The genetically determined behavioral hardwiring seems to be somewhat maladaptive as humans crossed the threshold of maintaining large amounts of resilient information that could be passed into the future. The resilient information in the form of writing, diagrams, instructions etc. allows a steady manipulation and progress towards terminal cancer when coupled with the natural algorithms acquired prior to the threshold. Now there’s little more to do than watch humans in their RNA role, with greed and religious insanity previously and adaptively instilled, but now maladaptive, destroy themselves completely.


    1. That makes us a “retardocracy” with Trumptards, Jewtards, Jesustards, tardigrades and more. I’m waiting for the Messiahtard to save us.


        1. One should probably carry with them at all times the Peterson’s Field Guide of Human Tards. I think it includes plumage like pink, green and blue hair and has all the proper pronouns.


    1. The human system using technology always does collapse because technology makes things that used to have a negative EROEI into something to be eaten. They do so much damage that the replenishing resource base doesn’t replenish any longer. CHS is no tard for sure.


      1. CHS is right about having to ‘render to Caesar’, and punctures many delusions – gold, going grey, etc – very well.

        But he fails to recognise that Caesar might have a plan to make destitute, kill, cripple or force into suicide, as well as merely tax, and that the rendering might involve offering up one’s arm for regular injections.

        I tried keeping my head down in a very nasty corporate environment, and it worked for a time, but then someone decided to target and eliminate me. I actually won, as they were somewhat restrained by HR rules and the law, but if they’d been my superiors in a Totalitarian state , my head would’ve been on a pike in the blink of an eye….


        1. Caesers must go to war to ensure future enrichment. You can do this by taking foreign lands or by killing the future consumption of useless peasants. I think they’re doing both and just getting started. It’s going to take a lot of killing to ease the anticipated pressure. The silly chimp algos will make sure the commoners participate in their own demise.


    1. That was good. “They talk by flapping their meat.” I can’t understand why any species would want to explore the universe even if it were possible. There’s undoubtedly some dissipative meat out there that is worse than our home grown meat.


    1. >>  It must be the oatmeal.

      Well there’s a good dose of paraquat in oatmeal these days, so you might be more right than you know.


      1. Chlormequat makes oats etc. stand tall for harvesting and has been implicated in causing sterility and delayed puberty. Paraquat is what they used to spray on marijuana and is an herbicide carcinogen. Marijuana oatmeal sounds interesting. Maybe she was having Apple Vacks cereal for breakfast, a mouthful of spike in every bite.


          1. It’s all so poisoned, every bite, each sip, that it makes unprotected sex with casual pick-ups seem like playing safe….

            But with the Miracle Vaxxes they do seem to be doing their best to contaminate the well-springs of life as fast as possible.

            The meddling, suicidal, Fire Ape: bringing disaster to a planet near you. As James has observed, this is self-terminating.


    1. It’s heartening to see our unelected, foreign, uber-wealthy ex-banker, leader taking a firm moral stance. 

      All those people (and so many, many more since they were vaxxed to save the country and obey the Queen ) living it up on meagre welfare cheques while food and utilities double – begone! 


  26. Just as a colony of molecular RNA can cooperate and specialize to create and maintain a cell with nucleus and tool-making enzymatic machinery so too can cells evolve to cooperate and specialize to maintain cell colonies of many different types and capabilities as evidenced by the eight million or more extant species of organisms. That one species would be induced to evolve to repeat the molecular RNA evolutionary path, given the plasticity of cellular forms and functions, is not an unexpected development. Much energy, especially that trapped by plants from the sun’s radiation, became the basis for an ecosystem which is basically a system of mutual energy release from the various standing forms of plants and animals. However, due to Lotka-Volterra population dynamics the complete elimination of any energy gradient represented by a species is very difficult. As prey species population falls so too does the predator species population, long before the last of the prey can be extinguished. The entire ecosystem would never have emerged if predation of the last individuals of a species were possible.

    As humans have evolved to become RNA and having established their own information, cells, tools etc. they have taken advantage of both living and non-living energy gradients to eliminate the trapped energy they represent in the most rapid and profitable manner possible with “profitable” being defined as in allowing growth in number and complexity of human-made structures. In other words, the standing stock of life represented an opportunity for exploitation and rapid growth and when paired with a fossil fuel stock, also awaiting exploitation, the Lotka-Volterra relationship which allowed the emergence of the ecosystem, could be abrogated. It would be possible, using energy sources external to the predator-prey relationship to extinct a species. This is what the human RNA are currently doing on a grandiose scale, eating things that would have been impossible to eat before by subsidizing their consumption with external energy. A species that may have had a negative EROEI prior to technological development would now be exploitable using an external energy subsidy.

    Even though the damage inflicted by technological humans is very evident, human behavior is largely controlled by evolved algorithms that encourage rapid use of energy gradients. The reality of self-destruction goes largely unrealized by a human organism that is algorithmically laser-focused on consumption and growth in a competitive environment.


    Cells are very capable of taking on different form an function as shown in the variability of the beetles above. The same variability resulted in the human RNA that now imperils its own existence.


    1. Yes, another insight provided by James. The RNA, a molecule, makes and maintains the cell for its own benefit, a reaction vessel of its own, with no “thought” involved. I guess.

      “It”, must have made DNA just to store and pass on information. Not like this planned or purposeful. It’s just driven forward by the need (“need”, for lack of a better word at the moment.) to reach equilibrium, as quickly as possible. I guess.

      Something along those lines…

      If I wasn’t so old and stupid and lazy, I’d flesh out a Philosophy of Thermodynamics. The World would become enlightened. I would take all the credit for myself. I would become rich and famous, and have many young bitches at my disposal to do my perverse bidding. Alas…


      1. Except I’m not sure they would become enlightened. They’re blinded by their own algos. The “bitches” would say, “I don’t understand anything you’re saying, but I sure like to have sex. Do I need to understand any more than that?”


      2. As long as I was rich and famous, the “bitches” would take care of the rest. “Understanding”, is way overrated. I’d say.


        1. I suppose it’s something like creating DNA to pass into the future to help with survival but I don’t think self-knowledge will ever overcome the programmed “human nature”, the totality of biases and algos that dominate human behavior. Humans will be replaced or go extinct the good old fashion way.


  27. What if this universe is diseased and is suffering from an anti-entropic malady called “The Black Hole Pox”, a disease in which aether is recompressed into hydrogen atoms to be shot out of the black holes in galactic jets. The universe is seeded again and again with the atomic spore which clump into masses that endlessly irritates the surrounding aether tissue. And in some instances, when the clump of matter, like that of earth, has much water and a temperature above freezing but below that which will denature complex organic molecules, the dissipative structures of life will arise.

    And in that moment of ignition a biomolecule reproduced itself and escaped eventual and inevitable degradation by using energy, perhaps in the vicinity of a hot thermal vent. In a manner of speaking, death was defeated, but only so long as the dissipative molecule could find and use an energy gradient to continually reproduce itself, generation after generation. On earth to this day the eating, reproduction, suffering and desperate scramble for energy persists so that death may be cheated by the molecules now enclosed within cells that coalesce to form predatory systems. It is fully on display with the human preoccupation with sex and obtaining money/energy, often through predation. Of course, all of the other organisms are the same, made of the same types of cells with different strategies for obtaining energy. It may be that humans, as technological RNA that depend upon working in a technological business or corporation for their energy and food acquisition, see advancement of their relative corporate entities as their stepping stone into the future and the guarantor of food and shelter for generations to come. Unfortunately it will turn out to have been a seductive dead-end and the line of cells and molecules that organize themselves to form humans will finally come to an end like so many other species that for one reason or another went extinct.


    1. The origin of the Universe is a mystery.

      The anxiety of being alive, constantly searching and wondering, is tiring.

      I’d say.


      1. I guess the alternative is to go where the algos and body lead to food, sex and power, leave a few spawn and then die in hopes of not really dying. That’s what I would predict for an evolving dissipative structure, but what an insipid existence. Behind the eyes of humans I see a long-evolved elaboration of the little molecules that initially projected themselves into the future by reducing an energy gradient. We’re just the latest iteration or generation of the process searching the landscape for something more to eat and reduce to support our existence. Becoming RNA, building new tools with new information, living in homeostatic, comfort controlled cells, developing agriculture etc. promoted survival and expansion of numbers for a while but is already beginning to fail after only a few hundred years. AI, Mars colonies, fusion power and singularities are trotted out to create an imaginary way forward.


        1. The way forward is always imaginary, one never knows…

          AI, Mars Colonies, fusion power…pure fantasy. Bed time stories for children. If you’re a good boy or girl, Santa will bring you something nice. That kind of thing. People love that kind of shit..


    1. Billionaires are greedy dissipatives that see humans as factors of production to be used or disposed of when the economics don’t work out. Civil society can’t form a coherent thought because anything coherent would pollute the religious pablum they’ve been taught since childhood and besides, they’re mostly just RNA tools given a standard education to function in a tech cell. Institutions are corrupt. Neanderthals were adapted to their environment. Homo sapiens has been put in a round room and is being told to piss in the corner. Since they can’t think, maybe they can query AI on the iPhones.


    2. IIRC, Neanderthal males had brain volumes ~1600cc. They may have been smarter than we. Probably went extinct because their women drove them crazy with brain volumes of only ~1300cc.


      1. Was there really such a disparity in brain volume? Very amusing!

        ‘There’s a woman behind the failure of every good man.’ My favourite proverb coined just now.

        Anyway, I tend to view women as another species one can be quite fond of: rather like dogs, but much less trustworthy and usually less well bred and susceptible to training. Nor do they age as well as dogs.


  28. In my estimation all matter and radiation is a variation of electro-magnetism similar to a magnet’s magnetic field but much stronger and more dense. Most of the things seen as “solid” only seem so because the dense fields between nuclei of matter reflect visible light even though there’s nothing there. Actually there are energy fields there that give the impression of solidity.



    1. Meat eating meat. Nature will entertain, no matter how nasty, whatever can get the meat or whatever meat can get the plant. I wonder if the Jews have slaughtered the red heifer yet to satiate their bloodthirsty God. I see a little mote in the human eye. It’s the first molecule that survived the forces of dissolution by eating and reproducing. And so it goes to this day with greedy cell colonies with massive energy needs known as humans eating, eating, eating except they’ve outsmarted themselves this time and will destroy themselves with the same technology they apply to the rest of nature. Live by the technology, die by the technology.


      1. Blind Tech. 

        STEMS blindly serving it. 

        Their fundamentalist religious belief that ‘all invention is good’, as preached Francis Bacon c1600.

        So much for intelligence……


        1. No doubt Sir Francis could bring home the bacon. Meat eating meat. I think he would have truly enjoyed a greater consciousness of the entropy and thermodynamics that make things move and evolve. He may also have been amazed at today’s legions of STEMbots struggling to create new tools, distribution systems and cells to use in attacking the energy gradients. Alas an eater today and eaten tomorrow. A single lifetime is short.


          1. It would all have been – in fact it IS – his dream come true.

            Unlike many, I’m perfectly happy to contemplate my inevitable death disintegration and consumption:but I do have a – rather eccentric perhaps – objection to being poisoned and murdered.

            I’m far from despair though, even somewhat excited to see how this all plays out: the end of complex industrial civilisation being a one-off in the history of this planet, and perhaps the Universe?


            1. It seems like the Western banking cabal that has been in power for centuries is not comfortable with losing power as the Ponzi winds down. It seems that instead of debt subterfuge they’re going for direct digital enslavement with plenty of murder and mayhem thrown-in. For this and other reasons there’s definitely a bottleneck developing. But what’s not to expect, organisms have been battling for energy and eating each other for billions of years.


              1. The financiers and the military have, in the course of the 20th century, evolved a form of supra-national group consciousness, which makes them a kind of species able to contemplate, plan and take action against us in order to survive and triumph - and they seem to be going all out for it.

                Killing one another in territorial disputes can come later, no doubt.

                Poor old Tim Morgan is still talking about concentrating on ‘needs’: they’ve already got there.

                ‘We need to dupe, enslave and kill you lot now so that our needs will still be met. We encouraged you to consume crazily for as long as possible, you know, but all good things come to an end….for you that is’.


                1. And the linked money laundering schemes represented by the MIC/Big Pharma will profit handsomely in culling the human overage.


    2. If there is a God, I wonder if he will hold us accountable as the monsters. “Are we the baddies?” Likewise, some folks think that demons exist that cause us pain and suffering because they feed off of it. Would that be much different than what we do on factory farms and all the rest; a more intelligent entity farming a less capable one to devour it? Another parallel is the structure of society. Predation seems pervasive on every size scale: from individual molecules on up through supermassive black holes.


      1. You have to link your own anti-entropy to an even greater entropy and then the pyramid of life grows until Homo sapiens shows-up with technology and fossil fuels and decides to eat the entire pyramid to support its burgeoning population of half-wit RNA.


  29. Some people think Jesus will save them from the Vaxx Holocaust: but everyone should just have borne in mind these words from the pagan Havamal before rushing to a pop-up vaxx centre:

    ‘A wise man pauses at the the threshold of a strange abode: and looks wtihin, as perhaps his worst enemy may be seated inside.’


    1. Under the current circumstances people should be very wary of everything. We’re surrounded by dissipatives and they have to eat.


  30. I left this comment at the Darkhorse Podcast on evolution and no response, but there were other comments.


    My comment:

    Humans in their technological role prove that Darwin was right since we have evolved to become rRNA in our own system. Due to the extreme plasticity of cellular organization, not only have the cells diversified into millions of species, they have finally created a functional RNA at a larger scale – Homo sapiens. We are a reiteration at scale of what occurred before. The organic/molecular and technological systems both have RNA, use resilient information to make and improve upon tools, live in cells and so on. Humans are fully equivalent functionally to RNA. The technological system is now using its tools and information to modify the information inside of organic cells to speed-up and direct evolution. This is discussed at http://www.megacancer.com

    Some other comments:

    “Why do we NOT see chimpanzees in different levels of evolution into humans?”

    “I can get in a space ship and see the earth going around the moon. I can never get into a time machine and watch evolution happen. So there is not nearly as little room as the earth going around the sun. Nor do I need a space ship as you can mathematically make predictions about orbits and then observe them. Micro evolution sure, but macro? Not a chance.”

    “How many times have you seen Animals adopt other species of animals for no appearent reason other than compassion. The answer is we see it all the time so Darwin might be right in some things but his overall theory doesnt hold up one bit. Survival of the fittest my ass. If that was a water tight idea in any way we wouldnt see exeptions to this “rule” everywhere we look. The end”

    “Darwin was a Freemason fhaggot”

    I can sort of see why they’re being herded into the vaccine stations.


  31. I keep coming back to this quote:

    “I can get in a space ship and see the earth going around the moon…

    Most people I know have a hard time wrapping their brains around the idea that we “are” robots, puppets, automatons, with no “free will”, etc. I have to guess that at least 90% of the people out there, who have even heard of RNA, have no idea of what it might be and what it might do.

    Anyway, they’re busy taking apart the world and shoving the bits into their guts. Which is exactly how things are meant to be. I guess.


    1. The self-organization could not have happened any other way. Success in dissipating energy gradients begets tools and organization that can utilize the gradient even faster and more effectively for survival and procreation. This is what is called “success”. The universe is likewise an unconscious, dissipating blob of energy although dissipative structures arise if they help the cause.


  32. I kinda liked this bit. I watched the whole thing, but at 1.5 playback speed.

    Anyhoo, the bunch of managers and pols, those who have risen to the top of the corporate hierarchy, know nothing, absolutely nothing, except how the function within some large human organization. Our (the masses)role is to consume and listen to them, the managers, because they’re smart, and we’re not. If we were smart, we’d be like them, and also be managers.

    Anyhoo, because they know nothing except what they’ve been taught to know, their system is sure to crash due to forces outside (and inside) the system, which they are blind too.

    Something like that…


    1. I’m way smarter than any corporate manager: like the Chinese scholar sages, I have realised that it’s a far better use of my brief time to sit under a willow by a river, recite poetry, watch the patterns of the clouds, the rippling water, the swaying branch, make a painting and get tipsy.

      The managers are in effect my slaves, working to keep the system which allows me to do this going.

      I hope they enjoy their cubicle life! The joke is on them: they are just as disposable in the eyes of the owners as am I. A suicide pod awaits them one day when they outlive peak usefulness.


      1. As a technological RNA they have no need to venture into nature. Life for them is about work and productivity and growth of the enterprise. Nature? Yuck! Nature is something to be dished onto a plate in an unrecognizable form at the local buffet and then be expelled into swirling, chlorinated waters with the press of a chrome-plated handle. The energies derived by the tech RNA from turning complex organisms into brown glop will be applied to ever more cancerous growth. Perhaps a new road built into pristine territory, porta-potties provided.


      2. The managers are in effect my slaves, working to keep the system which allows me to do this going.

        Yes, we’re all just slaves. Actually, that’s kind of giving us too much credit. We’re all puppets, even the sage under the willow tree. There is nothing but stimulus and response. Even the rationalizations and justifications, sage or cube dweller, are just social responses. I’d say.


        1. I’m (rehearsal agent) a slave to my cells and the algos they’ve built in my brain. But since I can also think I can tell them to STFU sometimes while I choose something else to satiate them. These days a lot of people are saying STFU to the algos that say date, get married and a have kids. Priests and the like spend days in prayer hoping to turn off their sex and related greed algos. Cigarette smokers attempting to quit turn their attention to something else like food. Musk must be working on a chip that will suppress human wants and desires until they’re turned on. It might work better than advertising.

          pearl tobacco

          The first ad linking a product with sex – Pearl tobacco. How do we get the robots to move? To put their money on the counter and buy the product? Find a naturl algo or motivation and exploit it.


          1. The first? 

            Hmm, I can imagine a Viking boat builder having some blonde pussy draped about his products:

            ‘Buy this, sail away and get some of THIS!’


            1. I was thinking the same thing. Surely it’s not the first time that linkage has been made. Maybe the first was Adam, the serpent and the apple.


    2. Unfortunately I think the managerial elite can enjoy too much the rewards of the existing money/energy flows and put off changes until the last moment when it is basically too late to avoid disaster. Our current situation is that of a managerial elite that led us into overshoot because stuffing money into their pockets felt so good. And now, in the matter of a few years, that elite sees the need to adapt by 2030. Their masterful plan for seamless transtion will be wars, famine and pandemics and ending in a digital gulag.


  33. Headlines in many newspapers today: no Ukraine, Gaza, China Threat, etc, nor even the looming Bird Flu, but instead

    ‘New Jab to Cure Cancer!’ Skin cancer, it would appear.

    It’s all Progress, you see. Unless the previous Covid jabs gave you that cancer to start with, or you couldn’t get to see a physician to catch it early because of the ongoing effects of lockdowns…..


    1. They want to cure your cancer before giving you another booster which will cause more cancer that they can treat until the end. Very profitable.


        1. And the unwary test subjects will live in little hamster pods already equipped with a debt/ponzi wheel for exercise and bug pellets for nutrition.


    1. Very good. A whole new creative venue. Meat releasing heat from meat on a bicycle. I couldn’t listen because I’m at the library without earphones. The panniers look like mine on the way back from the grocery except I’ve got a big rack in the front. I pack them with meat. Damn, I feel like the algos are kicking in. Since it’s lunch time I might have to go eat some meat.


    2. Linked from that blog:

      >> Russian President Vladimir Putin signs a decree for a larger than normal spring conscription campaign surpassing the previous ones, calling up 150,000 citizens for statutory military service. 


      Sometimes I wonder whether it is I that’s been hoodwinked. If Russian casualties are as low as they claim, and they’ve already had a round of mobilization and also as many volunteers as claimed, I would think they wouldn’t need further conscription. Perhaps I’m a Putin-useful-idiot, after all. I’ve been operating under the assumption that folks like Macgregor are more reliable when citing numbers than Western media.


      1. One year of required military service has been standard practice in Russia since at least the days of the SU. I think for both men and women, but I’m not sure about that. Given the circumstances, it’s no surprise, to me anyway, that Putin would maximize the number being called at any one time. But now, the western press wants to make an issue of it.

        Something like that, I guess.


    1. There is no escape. This is right up there with cells making an RNA out of an ape, making a meat eater out of a plant. The RNA ape is a little more special since there are more than a few species of meat eating plants.

      Even if it were possible to escape from the dystopian application of a CBDC we would still end-up in the same place without the energy necessary for maintaining civilization’s metabolism. There won’t be food for the kitties and doggies, the cars, the factories that make consumer crap and especially the old people which have already come under attack with Covid seeding and Midazolam. The real fun will be the suddenly “powerful” AR-15 algo apes that will be predatory. I’m looking for an island about three-hundred and twenty miles north, north-west of Tahiti (in my dreams).


        1. No fate. No Gods, just energy and eaters. It is a mystery as to what will maintain its presence in the near future.

          As evolution is proceeding it seems that artificial general intelligence (AGI) and robotics are meant to replace the functions that make humans RNA – the use of information and manufacturing. For any dissipative structure, including both organic and technological, the goal is to project oneself into the future based upon profitability and reproduction or growth. It is because of this inherent competition that AGI/robotics will compete with humans for energy and other resources and if more efficient and effective, will eventually cause human extinction by depriving them of resources. There is no reason to believe that the technological system will have any more empathy towards humans than humans have had towards the ecosystem. Deriving resources from the success of their AGI/robotics, RNA humans that promote technological development and own shares in such enterprises will fare better than the average working person whose head will be first on the chopping block, also known to the technological group as “useless eaters”. In addition, humans as RNA will have the genetics manipulated to improve upon their functioning and interface with the AGI/robotics although this may be abandoned as it becomes clear that the organic component can be completely replaced.

          The process is already underway and is touted as the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. The economic collapse and CBDC will remove future resource usage from the citizens of the industrial world and essentially make them powerless as propaganda, generated by AI, will sell the useless eaters a program for their own demise, much as was done during the “pandemic” and “vaccination” programs. Most humans will be managed and coerced into self-termination or be at the receiving end of genocidal campaigns or contrived wars. If the technological evolution proceeds, the remainder of humans, no matter how talented, will be no match for a superior, technological, dissipative structure and will be eliminated.

          At the same time technology is striving to replace humans, the resource base will be rapidly shrinking  which will further encourage technologists to advance their depopulation agenda. Saving the planet from “climate change” will defeat any moral restraint in eliminating vast numbers of humans. They will not eliminate themselves or their technological programs. The special technological programs favored by capitalists will compete directly with humans for remaining resources and will including a surveillance state, CBDC, expansion into space, AGI/robotics and genetic engineering all of which  will compete directly with humans for remaining resources.

          It’s not unlikely that resource restraints will result in human population collapse before the technological system can mature but if there is a “bright green future” it will serve the needs of AGI/robotics rather than the insatiable consumerist humans.    

          Liked by 1 person

          1. What are the four industrial revolutions?

            1. Burning coal?
            2. Burning oil and NG?
            3. electrification(nuclear?)?
            4. digitization?

            I don’t know. I should look it up, or something.

            Anywho, I’m betting on resource constraints to take out the whole shit show


    1. There is an option for humanity besides artificial intelligence, Terminator and Hararitopia – collapse.


  34. It is interesting how similar are the congregations of human cells and tech cells (homes) arranged around a distribution system over which food/energy arrives and wastes depart. Food in the front door and waste out the back door or through a pipe. Maintaining homeostasis which also includes maintaining hygienic conditions, will be impossible when energy inputs cease or become unaffordable.

    There are other parameters of homeostasis that will be problematic. As temperatures rise within the tech cells the humans will be reminded by their own cells that things are indeed too warm and ideas like air conditioning and water will mysteriously pop into their consciousness. Similarly, in the winter as their core temperatures fall and enzymes sluggishly fail to make connections, they will think about turning on the furnace but there will be no response. The tech cell structure will still offer some protection from the “outside” if food can still come through the front door and wastes be removed to the outside, but this too is highly problematic.

    When the tech cells die, the human RNA within may be unable to survive the new, more challenging conditions presented to them. New vulnerabilities in addition to the cost and availability of fossil fuels like hacking attacks and EMPs may leave many humans suddenly and completely helpless inside their cellular homes that a failing civilization provided them.


  35. China: Helping banking elites blunt Western consumption and establish CBDC control in a zero-sum, zero-growth, collapsed dollar world.

    It seems likely to me that those in charge of Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street are in control of a majority of major corporations in the United States and Europe. It’s also not unlikely that they work in coordination with the central banks, WEF, NGOs and foreign governments. The goal IMO at this point is to collapse the Western currencies since the dollar Ponzi is reaching its limit, sweep-up assets and fully incarcerate citizens in a digital surveillance, technocratic, banking gulag. The players and also the ones responsible for the Covid genocide are the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking affiliated Jews the Chinese and compromised regulatory, military and intelligence agencies. The Ukraine/Russia war has also been contrived by the same group to weaken Russia. The conflict has been designed so that both Russia and the West will lose to the benefit of technocratic China. The West will never use Russian resources but China with it’s new alliance will take up the slack. At the same time Netanyahu commits genocide and will eliminate Iran as a threat even if another false flag is necessary. The illegitimate, criminal Biden administration looks the other way as Chinese nationals intermingle with other immigrants to enter the United States and likely plan disabling attacks. In both Europe and the United States a war on agriculture is on-going. In the end the bankers will control Russian assets which will supply the Chinese factories, the United States and Western Europe will be decimated and Israel will have defeated Iran. Large U.S. corporations and their products should probably not be trusted since, as with Pfizer, they can be controlled and made accomplice to murderous acts


  36. It looks as though the kids that were injected have messed-up immune systems. Thank you mommy and daddy for protecting me. You buffoons can’t even see the real enemy.

    Top comment: “It’s NOT a weird complication!!! Those bastards did all of this ON PURPOSE!!!!!!!!! ON PURPOSE!!!!!!!!?”


    1. Yes, this has been known for some time. IgG4 is an anti-inflammatory/immunosuppressive agent specific to the ligand. What I’m more curious about how long-lasting these effects are. The image shows 5 months, but we have years of data now that I’d like to see.


  37. The more I interact with workbots, the more I think it will be necessary to change to the dark side. It seems that many people cannot think at all but only perform routines, protocols and whatever authority instructs. Maybe “Homozymes” is a good name for them. I think my new greeting will be ” Hello (homozyme). I’ve heard Covid is coming back and it’s bad. Have you had your booster yet?” But then again why would you want to eliminate a population that can be so easily misled.


    “This inability to see anything resembling reality is reflected in just about every other issue of the day as well. Look at what happened with COVID. And then look at how easy it was to get Americans to go to war in Iraq — 93% thought Saddam had committed a nuclear bio-attack against the 7/11 in New York, or something.”


    1. Yeah, there’s nothing that smart about thinking that you’re somehow smarter than “the herd”. At some point or another, if you’re smart, you pick a side, for better or worse. That’s the way it works.

      Sometimes, I guess, one can play both sides. But you have to be real smart to pull off that trick. I know that I’m not that smart.


      1. I suppose it’s “smart” to be a cog in the metabolic machine. At least you get some share of the energy it’s processing and it will support your existence – until it stops working. I’m the type of person that will smart themselves into abject poverty.


        1. “Poverty”, in and of itself, is probably not that bad. I have to think that up until maybe a few hundred years ago (1000? don’t know), most people had never heard of “money”.

          Now, at the moment, pretty much everything revolves around “money”. I have to think that that won’t last too much longer.


    2. What happened with COVID, and whatever Saddam did or didn’t do, is immaterial. What matters is joining the group. How to form and maintain a group identity? That’s the question.

      It’s kinda like, once you’re a liver cell, then you’re part of liver. To think otherwise? kinda tricky.


    3. Following directions and doing what you’re told is perhaps a reasonable survival strategy, much of the time. That’s why so many of these homozymes proliferate. If you’re following directions, you’re doing someone else’s bidding, which makes you useful to the one giving direction. One outsources decision making and counts on the higher level organism/organization for homeostasis, under the assumption that the organism benefits from providing resources. Other times, there are layoffs.

      Anyway, there are different levels of management with different levels of interest alignment. High level managers instruct society to take the shots and sign up for electronic passes. Low level managers just want their software, construction, or marketing project done. How well your manager or organization looks after you tends to depend on how much your future outcomes are correlated. In the former case (bureaucrats), not much or even negative correlation; in the latter (direct employment), there’s often quite a bit of positive correlation. In short, look to tribalism for solutions.


      1. I guess that the primary directive(s) for all life is to survive and reproduce. No getting around it.

        In order to do that within the confines of a hierarchal system, human or otherwise, one must find a way to fit into the system. No getting around it.

        I guess that some people fit into the hierarchy by criticizing the system and getting others to believe that it can be “improved”, and that the criticizer knows how to do it. This just more bullshit. But it is a way to join in on the bullshit that lets you survive and possibly reproduce.

        Something like that…


        1. For instance, Naom Chomsky, who had a very comfortable life in that niche. The ‘great’, globally-admired radical intellectual critic of empire, etc – until he was taken in by the great jab scam.

          In the UK it was Eric Hobsbawn the historian, who threw stones at Capitalism and cheering on communist revolutions,while mooching off state funds and getting free and luxurious meals at his university as a tenured academic.

          Damn, I should have tried it myself!


          1. Yes, Noam Chomsky comes to mind. Howard Zinn, Clive Ponting…There’s a lot of people carrying around some form of “white guilt” or “environmental guilt” or another. It only stands to reason that there would be a cadre out there promoting and exploiting these various forms of guilt.

            I guess.


      2. But yes, if humans survive, the tribe, as a form of society, will return to the forefront. I’d say. Not that I’d call that a “solution” to anything.


        1. Fair enough; not a solution per-se, but “look to tribalism for a better shot at survival”, maybe.


          1. Yeah, humans simply can’t survive, or reproduce for that matter, without being surrounded by a tribe. I’d say.


      3. I was thinking of how unpalatable it is to be a “job” in a tumor for what is a very short life, but it may be worse if you’re a wild type without a job that gets shut out of the energy/resource flow.


        1. The un/de-differentiated unproductive jobless cell is a threat to the organism. That’s why T-cells clear senescent cells out by moving them under overpasses. Eventually sufficient numbers of unproductive dedifferentiated cells exist and they move out into the open, covering sidewalks and city centers, overwhelming the organism’s ability to maintain structure. The organism dies, senescent cells and worker cells alike.


          1. And in San Francisco the sidewalks turn into latrines and stores are plundered at will. The answer is to make it illegal for victimized stores to close. A necrosis develops as everyone wants to leave the deplorable environment.


    1. Industrial tumor cytokines. The industrial cells destroy their own RNA. Sounds like a self-correcting problem unless they maintain the robots as replacements.


          1. many many moons ago, I went to a survival class, while in the Navy. One of the real basic messages there was, “plastic is your friend”.

            For example: We were issued some plastic sheeting. we would bundle up some leaf litter inside of one sheet to use as a mattress. This would keep us off the wet ground and keep the creepy crawlies at bay. We would hang some plastic over that with some parachute cord. Sleep warm and dry all night long.


            1. I roofed over my wood stacks with lots of corrugated plastic sheeting which I found dumped under years of leaf litter behind a shed – good as new. Ditto for the plastic netting I used to keep the dogs in. Wonderful stuff if it maintains structure.


              1. One problem with plastic is that the sun tends to degrade it although some like the Rubbermaid Brute line tend to stand-up well.


  38. I pretty much agree with this bit by John Day. I think that western elites are faced with a pretty stark choice. Either adapt to a new situation, or try to force their own agenda with a large scale, non -proxy, war of some sort. They’re not prepared for such a war, but that may not stop them from starting one.

    I guess.


    The pervasive tension in global affairs at this moment in history is due to the impending collapse of the monetary and financial structure, from debt which can only be serviced by further borrowing at interest within the western financial system. Western currencies are debt-based, and their “value” is maintained by repaying loans at interest. The US interest rates have been above the rates of growth of the real economy since at least 1979. This has hollowed out the productive economy, much of which was moved to countries with low wages for labor and lax pollution laws. The collapse of the system is now hastened by the freezing of $300 billion in Russian assets, a caution to Saudi Arabia, China and others.

      Countries are winding down dollar debts and investments as they build alternative trade arrangements in local currencies, gold and new exchange systems. The “owners” of the debts, their “assets” have come to this position by creating money through fractional-reserve creation, while requiring repayment in actual goods and at interest. With the collapse of the current system, as currently structured, the holders of derivatives-contracts will seize all assets, even though they have been “gambling with other people’s property”. Structuring the seniority of “rights” to property this way stabilized the financial system temporarily after 2008-2009, but it created an inevitable crisis, a political crisis, founded upon the injustice of this structure, when the derivatives crisis does inevitably occur. The injustice of the ownership structures is unknown to most, but is well-established. However, the US and other western countries cannot expect to carry it out, because people will just not accept it.

      Other emergency powers for global finance are sought through the WHO Pandemic Treaty and IHR (international health regulations) amendments, though public awareness has been raised, and elected representatives are beginning to see how bad these regulations would be if accepted.

      This leaves World War-3 as the special emergency to justify the kinds of emergency powers needed to maintain control of the world through such blatantly unjust machinations.

      There are reasons to avoid world war-3, even for large-portfolio globalist owners, who are also mortal, and who only have wealth within the context of stable and productive industrial societies. There is no ideal choice for even elite globalist dynasties, but they have gone through world wars before. In those wars they generally increased their wealth and power, which is not possible in the same way as industrial economies are at the brink of a long decline, due to increasing costs of fossil-fuels and mineral ores, while their quality and availability decline.

      In my view WW-3 will be broadly destructive of real wealth and manufacturing capacity, while the globalists stand to lose “ownership” to different “owners” aligned with the “winning” side, which would not be the “collective west”, already floundering to under-supply the proxy-war in Ukraine, and surprisingly failing to prevail victoriously against starving Palestinians in the rubble of Gaza and the West Bank.

      So western globalist owners can choose to invest in BRICS+ and Eurasian Economic Union, and expect a reduction in standing, or they can sign on to some kind of controlled-demolition of WW-3, which would turn against them if it got out of hand, because Russia holds a great military advantage, and China holds a great manufacturing advantage.

      My hope on this physical plane is that each day WW-3 is deterred and delayed until it becomes completely unattractive, or unfeasible for the elite globalist dynasties.


    1. I think they’re aware that winning is out of the question, it’s just a matter of what shape things take after the fall of the dollar.


  39. Vaccine factories all over the world! Hurray! I think Gates implies that full global coverage is necessary in order to extinct the target viruses/bacteria. Do you think these people are really interested in saving lives when we’re deep into overshoot and euthanasia is increasingly promoted? The WHO will make vaccination mandatory, otherwise the eradication efforts won’t work.



  40. Humans, all wanting to be the most entropic tool in the evolutionary shed, burning a trail of equilibrium wherever they may go. Death and destruction follows.

    Something similar to humans is a bolt of lightning except that it achieves an equilibrium much more quickly.


  41. I have to say that basic demographics do not look good for “white people”. White people might be preserved in Russian, maybe Eastern Europe.

    personally, I don’t at all care about preserving “whiteness” as a trait. But, I do find this whole “white guilt” thing, that I’m surrounded by , and that is constantly being promoted around me, to be disturbing. Well, the white guilt crowd has no need to worry. Their sin of being white will be washed away in a cleansing wave of brown.

    Of corse, all this depends on demographic trends continuing as they have for the last 80 years or so. I have my doubts about that.



    1. Maybe the Jew bankers are simply looking for another scapegoat. “It’s whitey’s fault.” The promotion of easy credit by the banking system was number one in bringing about catastrophe but then again they were only obeying the algos in their heads as was everyone else. The universe and nature loves a big eater.


      1. yeah, I don’t know. I do know that the more and more I just look at the human world, all the numbers, it is being pushed to some natural limit. If white people are in the way, they’ll be swept aside. Very cancer like. I’d say.


  42. “Joining the dots is a simple enough exercise. If we do so, we might see a well-defined narrative outline emerge, whose succinct summary reads as follows: lockdowns and the global suspension of economic transactions were intended to 1) Allow the Fed to flood the ailing financial markets with freshly printed money while deferring hyperinflation; and 2) Introduce mass vaccination programmes and health passports as pillars of a neo-feudal regime of capitalist accumulation. As we shall see, the two aims merge into one.”



  43. I guess that what no one really wants to talk about is that, in pretty much every social situation imaginable, there is always some group of excess males. With our emphasis on the consumer culture, if you’re not consuming up to social standards, then you don’t exist, which I don’t have a huge problem with, one way or the other, this problem is exacerbated.

    Men, by and large, at a minimum, are expected to provide for a woman in accord with some social standard. This becomes a problem when men and women must compete, first and foremost, as consumers.

    Anyhoo, excess males have always been a problem, that is only exacerbated by consumerism. I’d say.


    1. Too many males is a problem for the males with the bling. Why not just contrive some wars and get rid of the dregs like in Ukraine.


      1. In the West, the answer has been to turn boys into girls, men into women, and let them all go at it, consuming that is. Those days are pretty much over. I’d say.


    1. Time is up when you stop participating in it by dissipating energy. The economy is just a big exponentially growing cancer whose days are limited as are the “markets”.


    1. At the root is a lack of energy and real GDP growth necessary to pay the bills without causing inflation. They can continue printing money but they can’t subdue the inflation it will cause without something like a pandemic or a CBDC.


  44. “The only thing nature knows is simplex pressure mediation.” – Ken Wheeler

    No truer words ever spoken. Humans and other animals are basically greedy, dissipative pressure valves releasing energy as heat as brain opioids show them the way.


    If there is energy to be freed, you must obey. Nature will give you an algo or two to help you along like a good meat robot.


    1. I used to say some things like: “there is only potential”, or, “nothing happens without potential” or…But I don’t say that much anymore, mostly because people thought I was talking about some sort of humanistic potential. I was talking about things like “electrical potential” and “pressure gradients” and such.

      Anyhoo, I do buy into the concept of “the aether”. The whole universe sits in it. It’s where waste heat goes to die and what is expanding, universally, as a result of the “big bang”, into some sort of actual “void”, I guess. Most call it space/time. I think that space/time is confusing terminology. But that’s just me. I guess.

      I tried to watch both the videos, gave up on both, even at 1.5 playback speed.


      1. Ken’s information on magnetism, space, volume, etc. takes a lot of repeat viewing and thinking to understand but fits in with entropy, thermodynamics and evolution and fills a lot of voids in modeling the universe.

        You can understand the dissipator of pig intestines in only a few seconds.


        1. At the moment I’m pretty ok with my own interpretations of the phenomenal universe. Big bang>expansion>energy clumping as matter>entropy>dissipative structures (life)>universal cooling>etc. My interpretations are mostly based on my own observations, seeing what might fit, and what might not, etc.

          What, if anything, sits behind the Big Bang is just speculation, as far as I’m concerned.

          I often say that if I had a better story than the Big Bang>>>>>>>>>>, I’d tell it. But I don’t.

          I have no doubt, and I kind of agree with Ken Wheeler, that the text book models are, can be, kind of screwy, at least they often seem that way. This is due to an over reliance on mathematics, IMO.


  45. I have to agree, Starbucks really sucks. Their coffee is burnt and way way overpriced. Why people go there in the first place, I just don’t know.

    You know who has the best coffee in town, and is still $1.69, I think? McDonald’s, that’s who. I haven’t eaten there in years, McDonald’s that is. But I still go in for a cup of coffee now and then.


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