It’s Come to This

All dissipative structures, built to dissipate energy gradients in fulfillment of the universal entropy mandate, are themselves subject to return to their lowest energy state or dissolution. There is no avoiding it. Even financial success, although perhaps guarding against a premature dissolution, has no power in the end. Statues, names on buildings, photographs, digital files etc. and other memorabilia are also subject to disintegration. Rising up against equilibrium is a temporary condition as the universe is always pulling in the opposite direction and the universe sets the rules.

All of the religious insanity and appeal to the mystical is only another attempt to foil the inviolable decree of the universe in which life and order are only granted for a short time and only if it pays for itself in entropy produced. Desperate dissipatives that lie, cheat, steal, murder, politick, grandstand and otherwise compete for energy (wealth) to stay above equilibrium, for a short while, is the natural order (or disorder) of things. No doubt humans will destroy themselves and everything around them in a panicked attempt to keep their heads above the equilibrium water as the fossil fuel gradient becomes insufficient. Many, coddled in a time of abundant surplus energy are far too trusting, taking untested, “warp-speed” vaccines in response to mask, lock-down and various propaganda fear campaigns orchestrated by a malevolent, traitorous government composed of greedy, gelatinous, glad-handing and unscrupulous puppets. Unwary people will lose the battle for existence to those that deceive, enslave and murder on a whim, or in the current environment, to those hatching carefully planned and deceitful operations aimed at “cleaning-up” humanity.

“This won’t hurt a bit and besides it’s all for the greater good. God bless your little heart – you’re going to need it when the myocarditis starts.”

You trust your mommy don’t you?

You trust the doctor don’t you?

You trust the government don’t you?

They don’t have any “dissipative” ulterior motives do they?

323 thoughts on “It’s Come to This”

  1. I tried to read JHK a couple of times yesterday. I could never quite get through the bit.

    I have to admit that there is a lot of fishy business surrounding the “vaccines”, has been from the start. But with the information available to me, that’s about all I can say. I can’t make the jump from an increased death rate, to a scheme for mass population reduction, by a cadre of mysterious elites, by way of a janky poisonous vaccine.

    I do think that many of the more prominant vaccine pushers have their dirty fingers stuck in a pie of greed, control, deceit, megalomania and blame shifting I have to think that “they” will stop pushing them in the near future. The whole issue will be overcome by events, and largly forgotten, in next few years. I guess.

    I’d like to be wrong. I’d like to see someone be held accountable for something. But that is not the order of the day.


    1. Most people don’t perceive the impending cessation of growth and the collapse of the Western money system which is reason enough for the unscrupulous to make a genocidal vaccine system a feature of our existence. They’re dissipatives and especially greedy ones that will refuse to reverse the wealth pump to support useless eaters. They would much rather kill the useless eaters than support them when energy levels are diminishing. Maybe when Putin liberates the West and storms the Pfizer and Moderna Zyklon-B factories we’ll find out who is responsible.


  2. Does KY allow recreational marijuana sales? I kinda doubt it. This was something of an issue in “progressive” states for a long time. I’ve been kind of neutral on the subject. But I have seen people essentially get their life ruined over a pot bust. Confiscated property and all that. I’ve always thought that was wrong.

    CT will start recreational sales on Tuesday of this week.

    I used to go up to MA to buy some on occasion. I haven’t in quite a while. When MA first started there was one or two outlets. There would be lines around the block to get in. The last time I went up to Holyoke MA to buy some, must be about two years ago at this point, there was like a a pot shop on very other block. Take your pick.


    1. They legalized it in Thailand a few months back along with kratom. It’s for sale in every tourist trap, recreationally.


      1. There’s a lot of recreation going on in Thailand. That’s why it’s such a popular tourist destination. The fat German women can even go topless on the beach although the Thais sort-of frown on the practice. I was simply amused at the spectacle of those rotund, nippled belugas, especially in contrast to the seemingly fit Thai girls.


        1. I didn’t see any topless women while I was there but there is a veritable invasion of Russians in Thailand, including of the sex worker variety. Not that I was looking for that kind of dissipation or anything but it was surprising to see more than half of the white people over there where Russian. I guess the flight from Russia to Thailand is a relatively short one compared to crossing the oceans from our hemisphere to get over there. A good winter escape for them, especially if your avoiding the draft.


          1. My last flight was was twenty-three hours with one stop in Tokyo. I’m not sure I can handle that any longer. I can see where Thailand would be a welcome relief from a long Russian winter.


            1. Yeah my flight over there was seventeen hours from Houston to Taipei, then another four and half hours from Taipei to Bangkok. Twenty-one and a half flying hours to get there. Flying back it was four hours from Bangkok to Taipei and then thirteen hours from Taipei to Houston. Only seventeen flying hours to get back, much easier. It has to do with flying against the wind on the way over there and with the wind on the way back.

              The Russian’s are lucky to be in the same hemisphere and the furthest to the east in Europe. Makes it only around 9 hours flight time. I’m going to assume that aviation fuel is also cheaper for them too, at least on the way over.


  3. I think Kentucky is only experimenting with medical marijuana even though half the population is probably smoking already smoking it.


    1. He seems to be paid so well for such wisdom. Probably a Neocon conference paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. Step one: pass a 1.7 trillion dollar budget, give Ukraine 40 billion and cut the child tax credit. Is he a part of the Deep State? Madeleine Albright thought it was worth it to kill a half million kids in Iraq and the medical executioners are still trying to boost as many kids as possible. They’re really good at reducing demand, they just kill people. I’m just wondering about those Zircon missiles on the Russian ships, able to impact Washington in fifty seconds when fired from international waters and unstoppable. It’s fun to think of the White House staff and old Joe scrambling around with only a thirty second warning.


  4. But is the Trusted Medical Professional (TM) in the photo smiling at the rightly suspicious baby even a qualified doctor?

    More likely to be a Walmart greeter, making some extra bucks on the side at the jab centre, still hoping to get enough together for that dream of a mobile home retirement in Florida…….


  5. There’s another strategy. Jab as many old folks as you can, let them wither and then watch the price of Florida mobile homes plummet. Although I’ve noticed that immigrants coming in from the Keys may take-up any slack in low-cost, low burn rate, dissipative shelters.


  6. Jack Ma – A Dissipative Superhero.

    The atoms turned to molecules and released net energy. The molecules turned to cells and released net energy. The cells turned into humans and released net energy. The humans turned into society and released net energy. The society produced Jack Ma. Use your brain and you can become a dissipative superhero. The energy flowing through your structures and out into space will be immense and the waste molecules, stripped of their excess energy will fill the land, the seas and the air. Set the energy free. Let the radiation free to fill the great coldness of Fahrenheit 451. The universe wants the energy trapped in the fossil fuels just as much as it wants the energy trapped in you. And some day, it will get that energy.

    Jack Ma Superhero

    And even if you can’t be a dissipative superhero, help Jack Ma keep the energy flowing. Put your dopamine into overdrive and just buy something.


  7. “Spotlight on China” is laying it on pretty thick as the dissipative, dead wood is thinned out a bit. You have to keep “pandemic” in people’s minds until they’re incarcerated in the “vaccine system.” That’s what happens at the crematorium, the universe reclaims the energy it let you borrow to do its work, your body. It’s a win-win because you get to burn some fossil fuels too. At least the molecules are organic and potentially recyclable. What’s with those oversized coffins? Surely they don’t burn those. I don’t think I would bury one either for the slow subterranean burn. People might have to live in those before its all over. Put some air vents in that, a small solar heater, LED, a big comforter, pipe in some Muzak, close the lid and you might have a right nice microclimate.


  8. I had always kind of wondered how the connecting rod journals on a crankshaft were machined in the past. I guess it takes a specialty lath with two offset chucks.

    The more modern machine shops of today have five axis computer controled machines. Basically an operator will load tools, material and coolant, and the machine takes it from there. I think.


    1. I like the hammer movement in the first video. That has to be one of the oldest human RNA movements where you simply smash something with something else as opposed to movements like writing information which are much more refined. I’ll bet the hand area of the motor cortex had to expand greatly before the fine movements of writing could appear. “Build those enzymes boys. Here are some more amino acids. Pound them together, the metabolism is waiting. Radiate as much infrared as you can, sweat if you must. God loves you.”


    2. I like the first video. Those machinists clearly know their stuff. The comments are interesting. I wonder if they’re contractors for GM. Reminds me of high-school metal-shop class. Do high schools still do industrial-arts classes? When I was 14, I took a summer-school wood-shop class. This was in 1970. The shop had power everything – band saws, table saws, planers, you name it – and 14-year-olds got to operate this stuff. I’m sure it’s all gone now – school districts are scared out of their willies about insurance liability.


      1. I was also 14 in 1970. My HS offered a series of shop classes, and I took all of them, machine, auto, carpentry and printing. This was frowned upon by both my parents and my guidance counselor. I guess that I was considered to be “college material”.

        To this day, making things, fixing things, laying my hands on things is kind of a psychological saving grace for me. Thinking about things kind of leads nowhere. I’d say.


        1. Thinking is overrated as it probably only burns a glucose equivalent of a twenty watt light bulb. But what if you think about getting in a car with a brand new crankshaft and driving around all day? See, thinking does lead somewhere. Thinking is like the little flame that lights the inferno.


    1. “Are they going to do anything about it?” No. Because they’re the ones that did it. They will tell you to shut-up and prepare to be locked-down forever. Your freedom and “pursuit of happiness” is over (unless you’re a stakeholder and then you can carry-on as usual.”


    1. Watching many of these videos from india/pakistan, it seems to me like it’s mostly old dudes, over 50, doing the work. Around the world, high technology and finance are stealing all the talent. I guess.


      1. Here is some talent. I like this end of the technological enterprise. At least these ships didn’t end-up in some seafill. The RNA seem to make enough to eat while the owner probably has a nice home in town. EROEI is positive, but running a big metabolic enterprise like this has to be a pain in the ass.


        1. Shipbreaking has been going on at certain beaches in India for some time. This is where shipowners unload their vessels if they don’t want to pay the prices for having the ships disposed of the right way in Europe or Turkey. I wouldn’t want to eat fish from around here. Rebar sections and rolled/sheet metal you can buy at Home Depot probably came from these ships.


        2. Young Mittu can make a $1/day carrying bullshit. In ten years he can be handed a cutting torch and make $2/day. After that maybe lead a crew of guys and make $5/day. The skys the limit.

          I guess that another global trend is for people, especially young males, to say, “fuck it”, not worth it. If they can find a way to get by, I sure don’t blame them.


          1. Even in the “advanced” economies, why would anyone work for the minimum wage (Kentucky $7.25) and risk contracting Covid again and again until you’re a long-covid basket case and your medical bills exceed your lifetime earnings? You’re just an rRNA tool to give someone else’s capital some value and then you’re disposable. Save money for a better life? Self fund an education? Invest and prosper? Climb the ladder? Forget it. At college graduation they should withhold the diploma and simply stamp “Parent’s Basement” or “Debt Slave” on their foreheads.


            1. As per capita energy for industry declines, there has to be more and more “losers”. Some will self select, drop out of the race. I have to think that I was kind of on the leading edge of this unavoidable trend.


              1. I think I would rather “drop out” than “drop dead”, but that is not an option for many people, especially those that the bankers have so willingly loaded-down with debt.


    1. This is an important behavioral feature that is mostly subconscious and results in a competitive churn that has no terminus short of depleting our energy gradients.


  9. Sputnik V wins clot-shot World Cup!

    Russia’s biometric nightmare

    ‘Tis the season for biometrics-giving

    Putin signs cinnamon-swirl biometrics law

    Ungrateful Russians give friendly centralized biometrics database 1-star Yelp reviews

    Russia’s Unified Biometric System: Question More?

    UN agency: Unified Biometric System will help Russia achieve Sustainable Development Goals

    Did Putin endorse Gref’s “pet project” for Russia?


    1. In the competition between world oligarchs, you don’t want to look bad. It’s a status thing as described in Podcast 756 above. And what oligarchs wouldn’t want a system that entrenches them in power forever, or at least until the energy runs out?


      1. If the Russian’s would have stopped all exports of coal, oil, gas, and uranium and avoided all mRNA vaccination to begin with they would have been in a stronger position than every other nation on the planet here in the end times.

        Now their population is going to collapse and they need the current population size to defend their huge territory, which they can’t do with any less. 145 million people is a small population for a territory of their size.

        They were tricked becasue they wanted to status signal that they too had “cutting edge” mRNA vaccine technology. Not wanting to look like Russia was technologically behind the West and China is the real psychological driver of the Russian mRNA vaccine program (Maybe true for China too).

        The fact that vaccines and biometrics were brought in by bankers and business men connected to the WEF CIA front didn’t ring any alarm bells in Moscow is a major failing of Russian Intelligence.
        The vaccine was a trojan horse. They will kill and sterilize their own people more than anybody else could have.


        1. The problem is (for any dissipative saving some energy) is that other dissipatives want to get their hands on it and burn it. Bankers have always wanted to make more loans and generate growth and they’re not about to let anyone dam-up an energy gradient that could otherwise back a currency. They would still like to burn Russian resources, they just don’t want the useless eaters to burn it.


        2. I think the Russian one is DNA-based, like the AZ or J&J jabs, and Russia has almost exactly twice the land area of Australia or Canada. Those countries both have 30 million people. So I’d say it’s fairly well-equipped to defend itself.


  10. Age 18. Dead from cardiac arrest. I guess that’s normal now.

    What an awesome bioweapon, like one of those multitools with a blade, tweezers, corkscrew etc. If one doesn’t get you the other one will. Knocking-out the immune system, inducing auto-immune disease, creating giant blood clots. Tag team that with the vaccine that has the original and 1,200 more side effects and you’ve got a sure winner. Better mandate that for everyone.


  11. Klaus Schwab thinks the CCP is a model system. It is very good for the stakeholders. Dirty dissipatives don’t give-up anything, they double-down on their dirty deeds. Don’t let them get your DNA profile, you may be a match.


  12. Yuval Harari says that we’ll go beyond the God of the Bible that only created organic being. We will be the new God. First, the God of the Bible did not create organic beings. Second, humans are rRNA building dissipative structures that will compete with humans for energy and resources. Providing a nice, well-fed, homeostatic existence with the home fires burning for humans won’t make it onto their priority list. They will likely evolve to become greedy, selfish, deceptive organizations like the rRNA humans that created them. So why bother? Do the “elite” really think a fully capable robot is going to serve them? How many tranches of this dissipative shit do we really need?


    1. So funny: Dr Nosferatu Homunculus, queer, atheist, Buddhist and psychophant to the ultra- wealthy, doesn’t believe in a God or gods, but is desperate to be one…….


  13. I agree with this guy. It looks like something is going on, but nobody really wants to try and figure it out. So, with the defening silence, we end up with the JHK syndrome. It has to be the vaccines. Which is where I can’t go. It’s just more hysteria in my mind.


    1. He knows it’s the vaxxes: he’s only asking what it could possibly be in order to avoid YT censorship.

      He’s sick from them himself, I believe.

      He called for vaxx suspension on Rumble. He led many into being injected, and is now trying to make amends, which is better than nothing.


  14. I think the fear induced hysteria was whipped-up intentionally to usher-in the vaccine program. If anything, there seems to be too little hysteria regarding the excess deaths. The virus has evolved to mimic human tissue epitopes so it’s not recognized by the immune system. That makes it extremely difficult if not impossible to create a vaccine against it, even with AI etc. It might be that a certain amount of autoimmunity death is acceptable. But if the vaccines are in the least effective, why are vaccine recipients more likely to repeatedly contract Covid? My feeling at this point is that the more times you are vaccinated or catch Covid the more damaged you become and the less likely you are to repulse future infections. A downward spiral. What should cause more hysteria is that we have crackpots like Biden, Trudeau, Trump, Boris Johnson and Macron at the steering wheels in the West with the WEF pulling their strings. They’re a clown troupe with as much gravitas as Sam Binton.



    1. The problem in the West is that we have had it too easy since 1945, with oil-wealth, no real hunger and only distant wars.

      We have been accustomed to regard the politicians as, at worst, 2nd-rate grifters, and, at best, as clowns, so we are not mentally prepared to deal with them as mass-poisoners, killers of our own children, and non-stop liars bent on removing all human rights.

      Similarly, it’s hard to see the medical profession for what it has become, an instrument of murder and collection of grifters.

      Those quack doctors who killed their patients more often than not disappeared in the 18th century, right? Dr Megele was an aberration, etc.


      1. I suppose they are soulless cell colonies programmed by evolution to feed themselves at the expense of all else. Beware. When their metabolic fire goes out the world is generally a safer and better place. Hopefully they didn’t reproduce their greedy characteristics, but nature for the most part rewards the avarice hidden behind the smile.


    1. I hope it all turns out better than the joint venture Wuhan Covid virus. Undoubtedly, when push comes to shove, we’ll nuke ourselves in defense of Taiwan. Potassium iodide will be the new Ivermectin but there will be mRNA gene repair kits from Pfizer to take care of the mutations from the ionizing radiation.


  15. Speaking of clowns (Ritter refers to them as “morons”), I found this interesting video over at Will the bankers go all the way with their last chance power play? They’re slaughtering millions of people with vaccines and the Ukrainian man is about to go extinct. I think they’ll risk everything to stay in power as their money creation momentum stalls and reverses course. Instead of having power in managing the consumption of what seemed to be a limitless pie, they’ll have power in apportioning the crumbs that remain, most going to themselves, friends and special projects. They’re not at all averse to risking the lives of others to stay on top. Many of them amassed fortunes through the opium trade. Didn’t care then and don’t care now.


    1. I knew the descendant of one of the main beneficiaries of the British opium trade.

      His highly moral grandmother burnt all the incriminating papers when she found out the truth, but kept the collection of Indian miniatures which, when sold later, paid the Eton fees of my friend.


    1. Where are all the mass shooters when we need them? I say send them to the hospitals to deal with the “health workers”.


      1. Not good enough. Probably taking out transformers serving DOD facilities would hurt a lot more or perhaps using a drone to take out an oil refinery or LNG facility. Those transformers are scarce and expensive and eventually they would run out of replacements. But maybe all of this Covid vaccine carnage is for the greater good. Now that we have CRISPR we’ll have to get people used to living in instant, warp speed, vaccine world, whether it kills them or not. It’s a defensive kind of thing that the DOD specializes in. “Roll-up your sleeve, it’s time for your booster.”


        1. People used to go to Hell along a tempting path lined with roses and honey: now they will be told to race along at the Speed of Science with no such pleasant inducements…..


      2. I’m surprised a mass-shooting at a hospital hasn’t been contrived in order to justify classing anti-vaxxers as domestic terrorists.

        But then with so much evil to organise, and pots of poison to brew, some things must take time to get around to…


    1. I would feel super optimistic if we could tap some energy with and EROEI of 200:1. Otherwise all hell will break loose and long pig will be the meat of choice. Don’t forget to tell your kids that physics is fun and the universe created us to turn matter into heat. We just have to figure out how to get at it.


      1. I have to think that NDT is sought out as a commentator for two reasons. The minor one being that he has some kind of degree in astrophysics, I think. The major one being is that he has some sort of dark skin pigment thing going on. So I guess that makes him “black” in many people’s eyes. Being black, articulate and having some sort of “credentials” is a very powerful combination at the moment, much sought after in the public arena. In my case, 3 strikes and I’m out; which is ok by me.


        1. With a degree in astrophysics he’ll likely be enlisted in the nascent alien hoax, should it be necessary to further instill fear and hope in the populations of workers.


      2. His face blubbers like a real bull-shitter, handwaving like a liar: so, he’s a bullshitting liar.

        Yes, indeed, a ‘Scientist’ (TM) of the 21st century!


  16. Prather and Latypova on the DOD role in the Covid operation.

    Many people have caught Omicron and it wasn’t any worse than a cold. You have to wonder if there’s not unseen autoimmune and immune system damage occurring that will show up later and which will become progressively worse with repeated infection.

    Some researchers also found spliced-in segments of HIV in the BLAST analysis of the Covid virus besides being found in the mRNA vaccine (said to stabilize the vaccine).


    1. They can start by asking why the DOD would create Covid, release it and then orchestrate the injection of people with a toxic potion that has killed millions and maimed millions more. Maybe Daczak, Fauci, Gottlieb, Walensky and Hotez can shed some light on that little mystery.

      But some in the GOP said the subcommittee was needed to investigate the “deep state” that he called “the strongest covert weapon the left has.”

      “We all knew politics was ugly, but we need to investigate and uncover corruption wherever it lies,” said Rep. Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.).

      “It’s time to bring light to the shadows of the deep state and do our duty,” he added.


      1. There’s lots and lots of dirty laundry shoved under lots and lots of beds out there. Maybe, just maybe, some of it will be aired out and laundered.

        But i am a pessimist at heart. So I kind of doubt it. Too many fingers in too many pies.

        I guess I have some sort of idiom fever today. I blame on the vaccine. I only got one, a non-mRNA type. Or so I’ve been told. But who knows?


        1. The non-mRNA types are best, especially if it doesn’t kill you in the first two weeks. My brother/sister had J&J and is out of commission with some sort of lower back inflammation (transverse myelitis?), a side-effect that helped get it banned in Europe. Bad luck for an RNA that must work to continue living in a homeostasis providing cell (house).

          Everyone’s fighting for a share of what comes out of the energy spigot. The more you can acquire and burn, the more fun you can have and the greater status you can enjoy. Only a dissipative would lionize the likes of Buffet, Gates, Musk, etc. that have claimed ownership of the energy flow and ring fenced even more. But all dissipatives want the big chunk of cheese. Little dribbles in the form of EBT, unemployment, drugs and lottery tickets etc. are given to those that can’t add to the maintenance, operation and evolution of the technological structures and that might become trouble makers (or they’re locked-up in a penitentiary.) You don’t want them interfering with the steady and profitable energy flow of the hard-working debt slaves. Everyone is trying to put an ace up the sleeve and if they don’t have any dirty laundry it’s because they haven’t found a way to make it profitable.


      2. Ryan Zinke was Trump’s Secretary of the Interior. In July 2017, he hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in the Cascade-Siskiyou Forest in Oregon – he was Trump’s lieutenant to shrink the size of a number of parks / national monuments. A Bureau of Land Management photographer accompanied him on this trip, and took a number of photos, which are still up on the BLM Flickr site. Most of the hikers he encountered were friendly, but then there is this young woman:

        Secretary Zinke hikes the Pacific Crest Trail

        She is not happy – she is lighting into Secretary Zinke like a house on fire. I can’t believe that the Trump flacks let this photo stay up online…


        1. Here was his real mandate:


          Secretary of Energy Rick Perry is joined by U.S. Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Scott Pruitt and Director of National Economic Council Gary Cohn for a roundtable discussion on Energy Dominance: Policy Framework for the Future


          1. and that’s Daniel Yergin in the center. I thought he was a Democrat. He must work for both sides. Oh wait, it’s all one side.


      3. Root out the Deep State?

        That’s about as sensible, and safe, as going to see just where the vampires sleep, and what happens at nightfall….


  17. “Everyone’s fighting for a share of what comes out of the energy spigot.”
    , cayse
    Yeah, the days of plenty coming out, more than what most knew what to do with it ( Go to the fucking moon? I guess.) are over. Some will be left fighting over pieces of the pie. Others will be left fighting over the crumbs. Some will fight over nothing. What else can one do when there’s nothing left?


  18. This video is good so you can understand the dynamics of your own vaporization.

    The Sun releases the equivalent of 8-9 trillion megatons of TNT per second but by the time some fraction of that hits the earth it’s only good for warming things up a bit, getting organisms to pop-out of the land and oceans, create air and water currents, illuminate things and do a lot of evaporation. That was good enough for several billion years. Why would evolution use the RNA/DNA of cells to create a second tier RNA/DNA which is the foundation of the human technological civilization? Because the human, equipped with new tools for carving things up, could begin to consume the body from which it had just emerged and would be driven by technological competition to consume it faster and faster to stay ahead. (Nations and tribes are mostly separated by differences in language or information as a result of evolving in relative isolation in the past. They are quasi-species in the technological system.) That’s where we are now, chimps that are mostly identical in cellular DNA that find separation based mostly upon differences in language, a feature of technological evolution. Due to leaky DNA-equivalent information like stolen plans, several of these different quasi-specie nations are also equipped with nuclear weapons for fighting over who will consume what remains to be eaten of the natural world and non-organics to be incorporated into the technological corpus.

    castle romeo

    Castle-Romeo nuclear explosion.


  19. There will be a lot of pressure to release these things in the coming years, as standard combustion fuels, along with pretty much everything else, become harder and harder to get in industrial quantities.

    I have to kind of think, if there is some plan or way to reduce the pressure, by the release of some janky virus and follow on vaccines, which I don’t really think there is, I’d have to buy into it. When wide scale famines start to hit industrial centers (USA, Western Europe, Japan…), and I believe this is coming in the relatively near future, I guess we’ll find out, if the big bombs will be released that is.

    But maybe Europe, Japan, S.Korea, Africa, Etc…, will be allowed (forced)to starve first. That would be my plan, if I was in charge, but I’m not. If I was in charge the USA would have been rebuilding its industry over the last 30 years, not shipping it over to China. This what happens when you put the fucking bankers in charge. Oh well…


    1. Julian Simon meets Dr. Strangelove……….3….2…. But, but, but, there are no limits to growth. 1…. We have launch sir. What did you say Julian?

      The pandemic route is much cleaner. I wouldn’t doubt that a 5G/graphene oxide kill switch is also being implanted that can be activated by directed microwaves. But like Jacque Attali said, “We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment.

      We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself. ”

      It seems like the pandemic and economic crisis are a go.

      Either we off you in the death pod because we’ve made your life unbearable or you take the pill that returns your aging carcass to productive work:

      I’m sure the CCP organ harvesters are keenly interested in this rejuvenating technology. But how to keep it away from the useless eaters?


  20. Interesting discussion between George Webb and Paul Cottrell concerning Webb’s myocarditis. Webb has had the J&J shot and has had Covid two or three times. I think their consensus is you’re damned if you get the “vaccine” and you’re damned anyway if you don’t. It seems Dr. Malhotra has calculated that getting the vaccine is approx. 28x worse than Covid for inducing myocarditis.

    Of course what Dr. Malhotra says is surely a “false Covid jab claim.”


    1. Slow attrition from repeated infection, or even faster from the shots and infection.

      Doom or Doom Super-sized, with a side order of bankster sadism.

      Another cardiologist in the UK, Dean Patterson, says that he didn’t see any extra myocarditis until the injections started.

      The number of specialists speaking out in public is pitiful, though.

      I’m amused to see the regulars on Tim Morgan’s site getting snooty about ‘conspiracy theorists’ bringing ‘that kind of thing’ to the comments. Dirty, dirty, we need a ritual purification….


      1. Unfortunately the rational and measured study and approach to the economics of surplus energy will not lead to a kind and gentle descent into equitable apportionment, but rather the slaughter of the sheep.


        1. Poor dear reasonable, measured, ship model-making Tim Morgan.

          I recall when he wrote that he trusted TPTB ‘would take care’ of those thrown out of work in the ‘great simplification’.

          His fantasy of fair shares and solidarity as if it were WW2 and the Blitz.

          Oh yes, they’ll be taken care off all right! Report back when you’ve done the job……


          1. He must be working on the Titanic model. “It truly is unsinkable if we could only cooperate to find the necessary surplus energy to patch that hole. Perhaps the captain will listen and set things straight.”


  21. The Davos crowd is coming together to save the planet? John Kerry, the old Deep Stater thinks it’s almost extraterrestrial. Carbon budgets will save the day and will be necessary anyway as the fossil fuels deplete and the petrodollar becomes the paper tiger. What will a big pension be worth when your carbon budget is fifty bucks a day? He is correct that an “extra terrestrial force brought people to Davos”, it’s called the Sun. The Sun created a nice little piggy bank for the first organic species that could become an RNA and produce the tools to get at it. That’s us.


    1. This is true. You have to rely on the excess death statistics. It’s like the difference between the climate and the weather. But there do seem to be a lot of young people dying in their sleep or suddenly and unexpectedly. If you watch the obits, instead of one person dying per day or so, now there is something like one and a third. Not sure it would be too noticeable except for those in the end of life businesses.


    1. I’ve often thought the health care my parents, and thier generation, the WW2 generation, sometimes referred to as the “greatest generation”, recieved was pretty extraordinary. I would never expect the kind of cradle to grave type care that they recieved.

      The last 75 or 80 years of Western Civilization have been a true anomaly. I’d say.


      1. Yes, they were the greatest generation of dissipatives. Going forward we’ll be shaking the fossil fuel piggy bank to get a few BTUs to drop out. Some of the energy producers might still manage a decent lifestyle, but pulling-up the billions of underserved is already out of the question.


  22. “I wish the situation was not so critical so they can have the luxury to think about it.” Warp speed, warp speed and all Zionists on deck. Is that Tiffany Dover doing the interview. Couldn’t be, she’s dead.


    1. I go by faces and general demeanour: if Bourla turned up at your door selling something, would you buy? How would assurances sound from a mouth like that?


      1. An extra effort at verification would be in order. But according to Bourla people didn’t have the luxury or time to verify and should get the shot immediately, such was the danger. Many did and died.


        1. Any identification? Ah, thank you: so you are Albert Bourla, dedicated to saving hundreds of millions of lives with experimental drugs? That’s wonderful! Well, come on in and show me your wares!

          What is the lore about never asking a vampire in?


  23. William Catton presentation:

    This made me think about how agriculture and increased net energy it provided allowed the technological adaptation of irrigation which could amplify the amount of agricultural surplus energy which would provide even more time for doing other things.

    At 41:05 a bell tolls twelve times, maybe for civilization.

    Catton’s philosophy: Que sera sera.


  24. It don’t look like jabbing is working very well as a de-population scheme.

    Current World Population 8,011,978,171

    TPTB could eliminate tens of thousands of so called ‘dead weight’ people everyday by disappearing all shipments of Narcan into their respective nations.

    Not to worry. There is a total human depopulation grenade & the pin has already been pulled & can’t be put back.

    10C warming locked-in

    “New research from eminent climate scientist Prof James Hansen and colleagues suggests a planet killing event. This is based on current CO2 levels in the atmosphere, not on future emissions. ‘Eventual global warming due to today’s GHG forcing alone – after slow feedbacks operate – is about 10°C.”

    Read the full paper here:

    Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change implies that fast-
    feedback equilibrium climate sensitivity is at least ~4°C for doubled CO2 (2×CO2), with likely
    range 3.5-5.5°C. Greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing is 4.1 W/m2 larger in 2021 than in
    1750, equivalent to 2×CO2 forcing. Global warming in the pipeline is greater than prior
    estimates. Eventual global warming due to today’s GHG forcing alone – after slow feedbacks
    operate – is about 10°C. Human-made aerosols are a major climate forcing, mainly via their
    effect on clouds. We infer from paleoclimate data that aerosol cooling offset GHG warming for
    several millennia as civilization developed. A hinge-point in global warming occurred in 1970
    as increased GHG warming outpaced aerosol cooling, leading to global warming of 0.18°C per
    decade. Aerosol cooling is larger than estimated in the current IPCC report, but it has declined
    since 2010 because of aerosol reductions in China and shipping. Without unprecedented global
    actions to reduce GHG growth, 2010 could be another hinge point, with global warming in
    following decades 50-100% greater than in the prior 40 years. The enormity of consequences of warming in the pipeline demands a new approach addressing legacy and future emissions. The essential requirement to “save” young people and future generations is return to Holocene-level global temperature. Three urgently required actions are: 1) a global increasing price on GHG emissions, 2) purposeful intervention to rapidly phase down present massive geoengineering of Earth’s climate, and 3) renewed East-West cooperation in a way that accommodates developing world needs.”

    Total depopulation is baked in & we’re taking down a few million other species with us.


  25. They’re still prototyping the “vaccines”. They should just use Catton’s approach of “Que sera sera.” The problem will fix itself. Stage four cancers usually fix themselves although we can pray for a miracle (perhaps aliens).

    McPherson has been talking about he aerosol masking for quite some time to his typical audiences of five people. It just goes to show you that if we go green and the temps pop-up by maybe 10F, civilization’s likely agricultural output will probably fall to 1/100th of current levels. The sustainable population would then be 80 million. But that’s probably still an upper limit. If we parfume the planet with radioisotopes it could be much lower. We need more effective vaccines but as George Bush said, “Fool me once, uh, uh, shame on, uh, uh……………………….


    1. I wonder if the employees were boostered on the way out the door. The WEF/Davos group gets more and more disgusting every day.


  26. Like

    1. With AI and all the back door chips, running the world should be a breeze. And if you give the stakeholders any grief they’ll use their information to Epstein you or perhaps put an IRS pit bull on your case. “If we control the digital space we control the world.” – Israeli megalomaniac.


    1. Where’s that DNA database when you need it? The child support checks should be sent from UN headquarters immediately. I wonder if Hunter Biden was in Haiti.


    1. I’m sure they’re working on that in Davos. Maybe free hookers and escorts to cheer everyone up. They say they’re very popular there this year.


    1. What happened to being a hippie? Is he/she a trans? Sure looks like they could beat me at arm wrastlin’. How about be a real rebel and not be a mindless RNA puked-out by this self-organizing cancer we call civilization.


      1. My wife worked at Lockheed Martin for a couple of years – trans people were in many of the top secret jobs. Same at the State Department. Equal employment opportunity in the Empire.


    1. If the bankers give it to her, she can have it all. Fry it up in a pan and please her man too. The psychopathy she was born with.


    1. You have to make sure everyone has to be hooked-up to your water system or you take their kids away or something. They’ll pay any price. Might pay your next fuel bill to Davos.


  27. I have a hard time watching talking heads for any lenght of time, no matter the
    the format or subject mater. But this guy, John Campbell, seems to hold my attention at times. Neal Tyson should probably watch him before he goes on blubbering about how the mRNA vaccines were properly tested, before being tested on the population as a whole. I think it’s kind of important that these “vaccines” are still labeled as experimental, despite thier widespread usage.


    1. Sometimes you have to wonder if the DOD didn’t want to get the mRNA vaccine platform in place before impending conflict with Russia and China and had to play arsonist to see how the new firefighting equipment would perform. Well, it failed. But now that it’s launched, maybe it will turn out better next time.


      1. I’ve often thought about it from that angle, but few seem to want to look at the preparation for (inter-racial) bio-warfare angle.

        As the guy said ‘a live simulation’.

        But one can do so much with these pseudo-vaxxes: hit 7 birds with one shot? No problem! How to untangle it all?


          1. It’s the wave (death) of the future. A multi-task tool that comes in a syringe. Tony Blair just wants to giggle uncontrollably when he considers the power of the tools in their new Pandora’s box. Bourla drools at the though of billions of dollars and zero liability. The DOD awaits their next orders form the Deep State and the sheep go to the slaughter.


            1. They pick their salesmen well, don’t they?

              ‘WMD’, ‘Let’s move on from that!’ Tony Blair, who looks less sane and more degraded with each public outing. Desperation in those eye……

              And he’s promising a ‘whole slew’ of wonder-working mRNA drugs: there must be at least one to deal with that terrible useless-eater cancer!

              Whatever they are building, these drugs are their keystone all right.


    1. The only reality is that humans are evolved dissipatives and deep down are slaves to the maximum power principle. It plays-out in various ways and then people write about it and call it history.


      1. Yeah, when someomne tells me a story about injustice or pain in the world, I often respond with something like: Yes, everyone ever born gibbers and twitches and suffers and dies, and they all have a story about it. At least before they die they do.

        Some of this inanity is recorded and passed on as “history”. Which is fine, as long as you don’t take it too seriously. I guess.

        Anyhoo, like you say, it’s all driven by thermodynamics. “History” is another tool for humans to align themselves in accordance with the MPP. It can help large groups push in more or less the same direction. All good.


        1. Why do humans not learn from history? They’re not meant to learn from history, it’s just a chronicle. History is written into their genes and the phenotype is expressed in their brains and behaviors. They don’t even have to read history, it’s built-in. They know what to do instinctually. Unfortunately much of that is lie, cheat, steal, murder, warfare and grab all the energy and resources you can. It’s all just motion leading to a lower energy state.

          Here’s a photograph of a bit of the Milky Way galaxy. Considering the scale of things, our activity on the surface of this planet ranks with Brownian motion.



          1. They certainly lack a sense of cosmic perspective: having climbed the mountain they will see that, far from being Bio-Tech ‘gods’, they are just the masters of a molehill on a dying planet.


            1. And all the great “businessmen”, the metabolic actors of our age, formed in the heat of evolution’s crucible, will keel over into the cold timeless abyss like all that came before and all that will come after.


  28. More of the Deep State tribe trying to save their money system. Isn’t seventy-five years of life enough for most people? (Now, if we can just raise the retirement age to seventy and they die at seventy-five we’ll still be able to feed the MIC). But if it’s someone like Fauci, well, we’ll keep them around longer. The sheep are stupid, they won’t know what’s going on. Look at them now, working for us like slaves most of their lives. No more health care for those useless eaters. Larry Fink, go long death pods, wink, wink. Short nursing homes. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is Rahm Emanuel’s brother. All a part of the Deep State genocide of America.


    1. Phew, that’s a relief!

      The elderly, once general health fails, just get screwed up with drugs and side-effects, more drugs to address the side-effects, and so on.

      Life extended, miserably, until placed in a ‘home’ to expire in despair.

      On the other hand, may people like this rot in Hell. No heart, no compassion, cowardly murderers.


    2. What really bugs me about this guy’s argument is that some people remain “useful”, ie, Franklin, Fauci, etc, while most others join the catagory of “useless”, at some point or another.

      I guess that my argument might be that we’re all equally useless, from start to finish. 75 is an arbitrary number, on my part anyway. I have no statistical justification to back it up. It’s just that 75 years of gibbering and twitching and having your strings pulled seems like enough to me. More years of bullshit, is still just more years of bullshit, no matter how one chooses to slice it and dice it. I’d say.


      1. Yeah, they need to prune and trim and make people want the dollar once again. We must become a lean and mean production machine to get our share of the remaining fossil fuels and there will be much less need to float a boatload of Treasuries to pay for all the adult diapers and so on. We might also want to start executing or harvesting the organs of anyone given a prison sentence. We could also use AI to analyze the food purchases of those on food stamps and slip a little something extra into the foods they buy most or direct them to the local vaccine center. Those with an insufficient IQ will be sterilized. It’s going to be like Homo sapiens wiping out the Neanderthals, except this time it will be the bankers/capitalists wiping out the useless eaters, or putting a chip in their heads to make them more productive. There will be an exchange program. “Bring us five dead useless eaters and you will be awarded on free robot.” In the future I’m sure Dr. Emanuel will be designated one of the “chosen” and will be popping life-extending pills like they’re candy.

        And no complaints or gloomy messaging from you RNA while we get rid of the old, useless overhang. It’s a matter of business. So send a happy message on that cyborg device in your hand, “Grandma is dead, all is well, long live the CCP.”


  29. It seems that Remdesivir is given to protect the thymus. Too bad it kills the kidneys.

    It seems that Delta was much worse for the thymus than Omicron, but Omicron still has a deleterious effect upon the thymus.

    Instead of lining-up for Soma in our Brave New World, we’ll be lining-up for our AIDS cocktail of drugs. Catch it once, shame on me. Catch it twice, shame on you. Catch it three times, you’re dead.

    Airborne AIDS. I suppose they’re reluctant to tell the public this as they need people to continue working, even though, with enough infections, they’ll end-up permanently incapacitated or dead. Perhaps when enough people are eliminated a miraculous cure will be found. I’ve noticed anecdotally that many people are starting to look rather wasted and pasty. I guess we’ll find out.


  30. “Why isn’t anyone looking into this?” Perhaps because there is no protection from the airborne AIDS except for faulty “vaccines” that cause autoimmunity and clots and the kidney killer remdesivir. Why were the Chinese having a zero-Covid policy for three years? Because they knew it was airborne AIDS. What would happen if everyone stayed home? Economic collapse.


  31. More on the cumulative effects of reinfection:

    Which reinfection puts the final nail in the coffin – 4, 5, 10? The article states as fact that the immune system cannot defeat the virus in many cases which contributes to increased infectivity of escape mutants. That would mean greater and greater infectivity with less resistance to reinfection. The virus gets better at infecting while the immune system gets worse at defeating the virus.


  32. Pretty good bit by NH and AB. I think that they kind of skipped over the concept of net energy. IOW, not only do the products we call “oil” have less of an energy content, but it takes more energy to get at them. Also, there is something that I call the “energy trap”. This is the idea that “renewables” are really just “replaceables”, and, you need “oil” in order to replace them. Never mind the fact that all they can produce is electricity.

    Personally, I think that various forms of demand destruction will continue for the forseeable future. You see this in the form of various countries and regions that are effectively dropping out of the oil economy, eg, Venezuela, Syria, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, etc… I expect this process to continue, and accelerate.

    I think that when the UK gets pushed out of the world oil economy, things might get interesting. But as always, time will tell.


    1. When you place this video with the one of Colbert below, you get the entire story. The net energy is decreasing and so too shall be the number of dissipatives that consume it. “Tequila”.


        1. My brother and I had those too, way back around 1972. His were burgundy and mine were two-tone navy and white. I knew I had made the right choice when on vacation two black girls walking behind us in Savannah began laughing while admiring our pompous pumps.


      1. In a way, they’ve revealed the true nature of mankind’s civilization, it being a ponzi scheme intent on profit and growth at any cost, conducted by self-important and often deviant, organic cell colonies covered in technological shellac.


    1. Well, I hope they replace them while they still can. Does anyone really believe that tahey’ll still be making and installing these things in 20 years? Well, I guess that time will tell.


  33. Dr Kevin McCairn and Charles Rixey discuss some nuts and bolts of the T-cell destruction. In their opinion the spike protein was engineered with gp120, furin site, a sodium channel and amyloidosis sequence all in proximity which makes it a T-cell or dendritic cell killer in the thymus. Rixey has the forensics on the development. It was engineered this way for maximum effect to damage and disable the immune system. Also superantigens were deliberately used to accomplish immunoglobulin class switching to IgG4. You can probably listen to the last forty-five minutes and get the gist of it. Agrees pretty much with what Dr. Paul Cottrell has been reporting.


  34. From several sources I’ve heard that the German Health Minister, Karl Lauterbach, a Davos attendee, is somewhat bonkers or following WEF directions. He’s the one that stated that Covid could cause permanent, incurable, long-term immune system damage. Perhaps this is simply a case of attempting to keep people in a state of fear and satisfied with their isolation although numerous papers have indicated immune system damage. It appears that he is so popular that five individuals were planning on kidnapping Louterbach.

    Here’s the current take from


    1. That Thia medical site is pretty funny. It refers to western experts and Dr.’s as “bastards” at some point in the article. I thought that was kind funny. May just be some kind of translation problem.

      Anyhoo, this vax/no vax issue really is a propaganda war. What can we get you to be more afraid of, the disease, or the “cure”? Join our side and you will be right and safe. Something like that…

      Personally I’m most afraid of the people pushing the vax. If for no other reason than because they think they’re so correct.


      1. They don’t hold back. The last group they criticized were the greedy Thai/Chinese business people that were encouraging Sars infected Chinese to come to Thailand for New Years celebrations.

        It does seem that those most afraid of death are engaging in a holy war of sorts or crusade. But instead of sharing the blood of Christ, they want to distribute Satan’s venom.


    1. Richard Duncan’s Olduvai Theory must be coming true. There will be plenty of old bones their too. At least that’s what Richard and Louis Leakey found. It’s a bit late, but no one ever gets the timing right. We should be entering the “let them eat cake” and nuclear exchange chapters near the end.

      let them eat cake in the dark


  35. A red letter day here, James: what was lurking in the £1 boxes outside the bookshop today but Jacques Ellul’s ‘The New Demons’, 1975!

    I’m keeping it for the waking-up-at -2 -in -the-night slot, although it seems well-translated and interesting.


    1. I’m re-reading Eric Hoffer’s 1951 book, “The True Believer, Thoughts on the Naure of Mass Movements”. I got it from the library. I don’t like to buy books.

      I’ve joined the Geezer Book of the Month Club. I think I’m the only member. I think Ellul is on the required reading list. Not sure.


    2. I’m envious. Apparently not a popular read in WEF circles.

      The New Demons (1975)
      Summary by Darrell J. Fasching

      When Ellul’s work first began to be published in United States in the 1960s and 70s, his readers fell into two camps – his sociological fans and his theological fans, each often unaware of Ellul’s ‘other side’. For Ellul, the separation was deliberate. Science should not be confused with theology and vice versa. The business of sociology is to analyze the causal chains that determine our lives. It cannot provide, in itself, the way to freedom. Necessity is the product of the sacralization of society which seduces humans into embracing our utopian hope that technology can fulfill our wildest hopes and dreams for the good things of life. So enthralled, we become blind and unable to challenge its determinisms. We seek the wonders produced by nuclear power and end up threatened with global annihilation. We seek the abundance technology can produce and end up with global pollution and global warming. Such is the paradox created by our utopian hopes.

      What The New Demons does is demythologize modern technological civilization by noting its similarities to pre-biblical ancient societies. The response to the powers of technology is analogized to the sacral awe attributed to the powers of nature in polytheism. The function of politics is analogized to the function of ritual in polytheistic societies; conforming people to a sacred social order. And the function of mass media is analogized to the materialist/consumerist elements of polytheistic myths that invoke the gods to bring prosperity and the acquisition of the goods of life. Finally, Ellul adds his “Coda to Christians” where for the first time in his sociological writings he suggests that the answer to these paradoxes must come from outside the sociological frame of reference — in a theology that offers an apocalypse of hope, desacralizing “the sacred heart of a technical universe” and initiating a cultural revolution which liberates us from the sacred and sanctifies or makes holy the world we live in.

      They are the “Science” and the technology, the modern God. Fauci said so. Besides the most holy jabs, I think there are more sacraments to come. Maybe a sprinkling of holy glowing radioisotopes. In my mind I see this book laying in the middle of a rubble strewn street with burnt edges, it’s pages blowing in the wind. There are no longer any humans to read it. They didn’t read it when the cancer was only in Stage 2.


      1. I shall savour the futilty of Ellul’s prescriptions for spiritual renewal as I read, although I doubt he’d be surprised at the trajectory of the last 50 years. Dreams of total renewal have mostly led to slaughter on a larger scale than usual anyway….


  36. Books in the ‘Please steal us’ boxes outside the old – and last in town – 2nd hand shop suit me best, and I never buy even a new paperback as they are £10-11 now for something that falls to bits as you read.

    It also helps being able to repair or re-bind them. A nice element of surprise in seeing what turns up, too. Must be dull to be able to order new whatever you want.


    1. Plus there is the beautiful Irish-Scots assistant inside who is amenable to conversation – that never happens in the big book stores where they are told to keep looking busy.

      The combination of cheap books and and a not-cheap woman is a good draw.


    2. I love musty, moldy old book shops, preferably run out of a musty, moldy old building. A lot of those have been replaced by more organized “we buy books” outfits.

      Finding someone that can have a conversation and has read a few books is the cherry on top.


      1. It’s not a musty shop, although the business dates from the 1890’s: the Keynes brothers bought their books there as students and later.

        The truly musty dusty one was a threat to health in the winter,but I enjoyed chatting to the owner over biscuits: it died with the internet, as book orders even from the College across the street came by email!

        The owner is triple-injected and oddly enough terrified of sudden death, which actually happened to his father when young – he nose-dived into a pile of books. If he goes, the business dies with him. I warned him gently, but he didn’t listen, wanting to go on holiday.

        There used to be a bookshop from the days of Lord Byron, gone about 20 years now, like all the old old businesses.

        Mobile phones, fashion and restaurants rule.

        Even the impressive bank where Wittgenstein stashed musical manuscripts closed, but it did at least become a College library. The designs of those old banks alone are a testament to a vanished real prosperity.

        When I arrived as a student in the late 80’s there were many more real, non-chain bookshops and it felt like an ancient University town, at least in the main street; not so now.


        1. The old book stores were like deep rabbit holes. You never knew what you might discover. I especially liked finding an old bookmark with a stamp or message. After reading all of those old books and from a broader perspective I would have to repeat Ecclesiastes 1:9:

          “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

          That’s a corollary to Barbara Tuchman’s “March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam (to Ukraine)”.


        2. Once in Brighton, over twenty years ago, I passed a dusty and unpromising storefront with books, decided to go in there and found the bibliomaniac’s paradise: a 200m2 warehouse crammed with shelves with books on everything from art to zoology , and at ridiculous prices.
          I seriously wondered if Brighton was the Purgatory where all the rejected books in the world go, waiting for a second or third chance. I arrived at Heathrow with 12 kilos of books that aroused the suspicion of the customs agent, who scrutinized them thoroughly in search of drugs or bombs, incredulous that anyone would want to take home the likes of Robert Graves or Robert Frost.
          Meanwhile, my bibliomania has improved a lot, and today more books leave my house (some through the chimney) than those that enter.


          1. I can imagine them searching for hollowed-out cavities in your books. “Why would anyone want books when they have a phone and the internet?” Why would anyone need a brain when they have Chatgpt. My dream this morning was of a neighbor’s house that was also a storefront with a big window in front. Inside were rows of library type shelves with books. I was going inside to peruse the merchandise but woke-up instead. Oh well.


            1. If in 1999 book trafficking already seemed suspicious, I suppose today it would be impossible to convince the anti-terrorism brigade of the innocence of my intentions.
              Fortunately, shortly afterwards, Abebook swas born, to the relief of customs agents
              and to the detriment of my financial solvency. But now I’m completely cured of that acquisitive (or should i say dissipative?) fever.


              1. Today they would have to do a book cavity search. You wouldn’t want to put your books through that, not even the illustrated Kama Sutra. Unfortunately for just about everything, once it is built it begins seeking its lowest energy state again. That’s where Cynic comes in to provide some rejuvenation. Those that are too far gone can immediately release their energy on demand in the fireplace.


  37. The ATP in the human body can be thought of as an analog to water vapor in the atmosphere, molecules temporarily suspended at a higher energy level through agitation by the Sun (indirectly for ATP via photosynthesis and glucose) poised to fall back to earth as they release their temporary energy gains. The rain will flow into rivers and then to the lowest point or sea by gravity while the human will take a more circuitous route in search of food, striving desperately to avoid their own final resting place by recharging their ADP to ATP. Unfortunately many starve while others step on their bones en route to their next meal.

    If given a choice, I’m not sure those that have passed would choose to be resurrected back to what is in effect a bloody energy battleground populated mostly by greedy and merciless dissipative competitors (reference current pharmaceutical genocide and Ukraine war as examples). Better to stay comfortably below ground detached from the muffled struggles, screams, tears and disappointments found above, brought to us by evolution’s extremes. Better yet is to not “be” at all.

    And it all finds its origin in the electrons of molecules shaken out of their comfortable orbits by the Sun’s radiation which subsequently release that energy as they return to lower energy states. A rain storm or a human searching for food, one relatively simple and one relatively complex (DNA), are cousins in the dissipative phenomena active in the liquid and gas layers surrounding the terra firma of the Earth. It becomes more and more apparent that humans, even along their technological tangent, are nothing “special” in the Universe, but are simply more complex mechanisms for the release of temporarily trapped energy of the Sun.


    1. Yep, stay buried, it’s safer:

      ‘When shall we meet again, sweet love, when shall we meet again?
      When the autumn leaves that fall from the trees grow green and spring up again’.

      Nothing doing, I’m done; go and find another sweet love to dissipate with!


        1. Leafing through the poems of Wilfrid Owen the WW1 poet, I came across one on just that theme: contemplating a newly-dead – but not too mangled – comrade, he asks why all the trouble of evolution, the long slow climb, why create a creature like Man at all? hat purpose can it serve? War being just a more vivid and accelerated version of the endless churn of birth and mortality.


          1. It’s sort of like the snowflakes that Garrett studies. Why produce them? With each crystal locked in place some photons zip off into the environment or space and entropy is satisfied. Nature wants to build something, build anything, something rigid and bereft of surplus energy. Or even better, a dissipative structure that is always using that structure to fight for energy to release into the void. Hence, the dead comrade.


    2. “Better to stay comfortably below ground detached from the muffled struggles, screams, tears and disappointments found above, brought to us by evolution’s extremes. Better yet is to not “be” at all.”

      I’ve often mused on the fact that most, at the very least, take the struggle for existance for granted. Some might even find it exhilarating, I guess. I mostly look out of my eye sockets wondering what all the fuss is about, often not sure what it is that I’m looking at, that kind of thing.


      1. You have to get stronger brain algorithms so you don’t even question any of the behavior, you just do it. Automatically bang heads with the other chimps to get the energy and the feel good that goes along with it.

        Tennyson captured it in “The Charge of the Light Brigade”:

        Theirs not to make reply,
        Theirs not to reason why,
        Theirs but to do and die.
        Into the valley of Death
        Rode the six hundred.

        The entire world is the “Valley of Death” and we’re all conscripted. It’s just that some of us are asking WTF? Others don’t ask, they just do, per their brain’s evolved prescriptions.


          1. Perhaps these days a lot of Ukrainian soldiers are asking that question and St. Peter would reply, “Oh, normal stuff, cannon fodder, banker’s wars, empire. Let’s see, during your lifetime you were an excellent dissipator, did more than your share, excellent, right this way.”


    1. They’re trying to get everyone they can involved, like Pence and previous presidents, “See look, it happens all the time, no big deal.” After all they’re all Deep State puppets and they’re supposed to do things like that. I’m surprised there wasn’t a Chinese “Recieved” stamp on them.


    1. At first glance I though that was a movie set for a British colonial empire movie from the nineteenth century. I guess things haven’t really changed that much.


    1. He who makes the money also makes the rules. Elon should return to being the figurehead for the technological projects he’s been appointed to oversee, like Bill Gates, or there will be consequences.


  38. Interesting, but also amusing that the guy on the left thinks that to lose the knowledge of today would be a great tragedy. No speculating about water on asteroids, etc.

    Let’s do civilisation in space! he says. We don’t want to sink back to being as ignorant as all the other animals!

    Still a sucker for the Progress delusion.

    Our knowledge is not an absolute good, but is only relevant – and product of – to this level of complexity: if successful as hunter gatherers, our successors would have exactly the level of knowledge appropriate to their state. No ‘tragedy’ at all.

    Francis Bacon was frustrated that there wasn’t a burning hunger to innovate in his day, and that people were happy enough refining what they already did, or just living traditionally and trying to be as comfortable as possible within known limits. He would have been pushing for space civilisation if alive today.


    1. I saw a wry smile on Garrett’s face while Keen was saying that. Like he wanted to say, “No, not going to happen.” Garrett probably has the right idea building a cabin at 8,800′ in the Wasatch and spending his time skiing. Sure beats trying to build a Mars colony. Lots of snowflakes to study too.


    2. And Lord Bacon would have been a fanatical jabber, too. No doubt about that! ‘Only good comes of inventions and improvements’.

      Like gunpowder, the printing press and the reliable navigational compass.

      Just look where they got us, especially once fossil fuels were brought into play!


      1. And the alarm clock so that all the human RNA can be at their ribosomal stations to work in synchrony in the cancerous, productive, technological metabolism.


        1. And don’t forget:the school bell.

          Always hated that bloody thing, and I still feel relief when I pass a school and hear it. Poor kids moving to their next allotted waste of time and attention

          Never bullied (I ran too fast!) and a sort of star pupil ( if a bit odd) so it didn’t signal total misery, but God it’s good to be free of that mindless control and regulation.


          1. Structured, industrial-strength nucleolar conditioning for the immature rRNA. The portion of the genome where the rRNA are produced in number, the nucleolus, doesn’t need to teach them how to read information and slap together amino acids, it’s built into their electromagnetics. But the human cannot rely upon electromagnetic bonding. Their brain must be prepared to use information. The spoken language comes naturally, but the written takes more training. They must also become adept at using their hands and having hand-eye coordination while overall developing an analog model of the world. Then they can do meaningless, mindless repetitive work just like their cellular RNA equivalents.

            I feel sorry for my kids as they leave for school each morning.


            1. In the last 25 years, schools in my country have become simple day storehouses for children, as they have to remain incarcerated the same hours as their parents at work. Hard not to feel sorry for them. How lucky I was to have gone to school at a time when we were given four afternoons a week to loiter and fool around as we pleased.


  39. If you get a good grant for it, studying the manner in which snowflakes whirl seems as good a way as any of spending the wait for The End.


    1. The data might be used by Musk to design a whirling reentry vehicle. Maybe they’ll get the fusion structure to produce some net radiation, enough to propel them to “infinity and beyond.” Why they would want to go to infinity and beyond is beyond me, but I’m just an old conventional sort of organic dissipator. It may be more the case that they have excess energy and can’t figure out what to do with it.


  40. Has anyone wondered why the Department of Defense would release a bioweapon on it’s own people and then stick them and their own soldiers with an even more potent poison? Did they see an existential problem for the bankers that provide them with their outrageously generous funding. What is the existential problem? The collapse of the dollar and the millions of citizens that would compete with the DOD and their tech toys for support? Well, there’s only one thing to do – kill them.

    But in his view, it’s often “very good, sensible, intelligent,” and experienced officials trying to “stop the idiots who are being elected doing terrible things.”

    Like what? Like interfering with the plans of the Deep State cabal?

    The people elect “the idiots” to represent their interests. Apparently that’s not allowed.


    1. What Cummings is describing is the way in which the British civil service thinks about itself, at least the top echelons who used to be recruited from Oxford and Cambridge mostly.

      I know them well, and actually they are bright, serious, capable people, if conformist and suffering from the usual time-serving attitude of bureaucrats. People with no talent for big business, but who didn’t want to be academics or – more likely – school teachers.

      Their view: politicians are here today gone tomorrow light-weights (except the Churchills of this world) and as the people know nothing about nothing, only we can take the long view, in the national interest, based on decades of experience, etc.

      But this view is outdated: they have used the machinery of government to propagate outrageous lies and cover up murder-by-vaxx.

      No longer acting as an anchor, guide and break, as in the past, but serving a dark and secretive agenda which is global and not national.


      1. It must be very frustrating for those seriously wanting to do the right thing to have the bankers set the stage with buffoon, puppet politicians and have advancements handed to those that are on the team. It seems the ultimate corruption goes back to those that make the money. In the past, anything standing in the way of more growth and loan-making was eliminated, communism being an especially negative force. But see how they brought China around to capitalism and growth. Even the recalcitrant Russia was brought into their capitalist fold. Now it seems that anyone that can potentially lay claim to their accumulated wealth is to be eliminated.


    2. A million years ago, I was small time local elected official. In that capacity, I soon became aware of the influence of the entrenched bureaucracy.

      A typical gambit was to throw a budget, or a project, out in front of the elected body. If it got a pass, and they usually knew what skids to grease, then great, they got what they wanted. If not, and things went somehow awry, they had plenty of targets to point their fingers at. Meanwhile, they, the bureaucrats, would go about thier business, maybe wait for the next group of Polls to be elected. They were (are) very good at playing the game, lot’s of practice.

      Anyhoo it’s like Kierkegaard, I think it was him, once said: “From the twisted timber of humanity, nothing straight can ever be built.” Something like that.


      1. And they all think they’re getting rich by building more dissipative structures, taking the attitude that if they build it the energy will come. But in reality, the more structures they build, the faster they deplete the wealth. They might not realize this until the energy spigot brings forth only a trickle and there’s an uncontrolled asset deflation. But maybe the crooked man can find a way to the energy.


      2. Favourite quote of the Oxford political philosopher Sir Isaiah Berlin, long ago.

        The Bio-tech fanatics seem to think they can straighten that timber, out by re-writing its code.


    3. There are three levels of “state”. The public state that everyone thinks is in charge and that we ostensibly vote for. This includes the unelected bureaucracy. The security state with the central node of that being what’s called a foreign intelligence agency but is really more of a state sanctioned mafia. This institution is probably where the mass media is centrally conducted from in secret. Lastly there is the deep state, which is centered in finance capital, although it inolves all other types of capital as well. Banking magnates run the deep state, presidents and prime ministers are intermediaries between the real ruling order and the sheeple.

      The system is fundamentally a con artist system. Nothing is what it really appears to be. Perception is constantly manipulated and reality is hidden. The history of the nation is false and misleading. Lots of layers of complexity to hide what’s really going on underneath, just like in money laundering.

      The existential problem for the bankers is worker’s consent, so class warfare. In a perfect world there would be no need for worker’s consent. With fusion energy and A.I. you can remove workers and use the limitless energy to power robots. No need for pesky things like a high standard of living for workers who are destroying your environment and protesting against your quest for full spectrum dominance.

      With capitalism the main means of keeping the domestic population pacified is with endless distractions. Watching sports and entertainment. Silly political drama. Sex and drugs. Celebrity gossip. Chasing all sorts of material things you don’t really need, helping to distract attention away from the ruling order and provide capitalists with an added opportunity to profit from the distraction. But the world has limits to growth and this system of providing endless material distraction has reached it’s limits. So how else are you supposed to keep the population in line? I suppose we are seeing that plan unfold before our eyes, the great reset. No more mister nice guy.


      1. That’s a good delineation of the situation. The capitalists are like farmers that are kind to their animals, but if for some reason you can’t pull the plow and you’re costing more than your worth – off with your head. It becomes more and more obvious that the “duly elected” Presidents have been a part of the theater and government always represents the farm owners and not the farm animals.


        1. The Dukes of Devonshire spent over 2 centuries breeding magnificent Shire horses, competing with other landowners, winning show prizes, etc: when they went over to tractors post- WW2, the whole lot were taken out and shot.

          ‘Inevitably redundant human capital’. Rothschild’s.




    1. I look at this stuff, it’s fine. Maybe it is various isolated incidents showing Ukraine casualties and such. I’m OK with that. But who knows?

      This ukrain/russian war seems like some kind of weird civil war to me. They, a few “Ukraines” and a few Russians kind of know what’s going on, I guess. Everything else just seems like propoganda and bullshit to me.

      But, it does seem to me that the “Ukraines” have been goaded on by “The West”, writ large. Kinda like, “the Confederates” were goaded on by the Brits, here in USA land, but like 150 years ago. Something like that.


      1. Substitute “City of London” for Brits and I think I agree. The propaganda is so thick and over-the-t0p, it’s hard to get a clear picture of what’s occurring. But when teenagers and old men are abducted to serve as cannon fodder, things can’t be going to well for the Ukrainians. Just goes to show you the psychopathic bankers have no regard for human life.


    1. What they really want to do is to eliminate the natural humans and make a profit doing it. Bring them closer and closer to robotics and then when it’s obvious that they cannot undergo further improvement replace them with their fully robotic cousins.


      1. The logical outcome of the 19th c factory and office system, an of the 18th c notion that revolutions can produce a new mankind: inevitable in the Age of Bio-tech. The resource crisis just gives them an added motivation.


        1. Yes, the new mankind, the cancerous type. Round them up, put clothes on them, incarcerate them in a nucleolus or school, give them a Bible and teach them the word of God. Make good little RNA workers out of them while saving ownership in the shares in the cellular capital for yourself.

          good little RNA

          Here is pictured Father Damien that has rounded-up some Hawaiian girls for transformation. Their new role is to read and write information, praise the Lord for all of the bounty such behavior makes available and to support the church. Up to that point they were very “uncivilized”, but the church remedied that. From then on they existed in society’s technological straight-jacket, an insatiable cancer, a not so benign growth in the ecosystem.


    1. I was thinking about this yesterday. As soon as carbon credits happen for the lesser privileged, the ones not yet buried, the private jets have to be scrapped.


  42. They’re still at it, the Deep State, killing children in a loving way.

    Study Finds Covid A Leading Cause Of Death Among Children And Adolescents. Here’s How To Stay Safe

    “According to a new study, Covid placed in the top 10 leading causes of death for children of all age groups, but there are several precautions (like vaccines, masks and isolation), which effectively protect against the virus.”



    1. The beauty of current science is that it allows for on-demand studies to prove anything the customer wants.
      If I had half a million dollars to spare, I might order M.I.T. a study demonstrating a strong correlation between making irrelevant comments on Megancer and increasing life expectancy. Just for the fun of it.


  43. Nate Hagens on the “Mordor Economy”.

    What if a mitochondrion suddenly needed two glucose molecules to make the same amount of ATP? Well, I suppose the “you” would be hungry all the time and have to eat twice as much. You would spend all your time hunting for food and eating, not listening to music or playing video games. The question is “When will the food or fossil fuels run out?” or be insufficient to maintain maintenance and homeostasis for the non-energy portion of the economy?” When will that deterioration feed back upon the energy acquisition and refining business. Maybe we’ll all end-up in the unobtainium mines.


  44. The Deep State is still fulminating the emergency they need to frighten everyone into their new system. No doubt they’ve fiddled with the egg supply chain as part of the effort. In addition to the mass slaughter of chickens because of the bird flu, even though the bird flu is all over the place in wild bird populations, there was yet another mysterious fire at an egg plant in Connecticut. The Deep State also seems quite adept at starting fires in Russia.

    I’ve also been watching the current Netflix series, “The Last of Us”, about a fungal pandemic that ravages the world. I think it’s the most shameless Deep State production yet with plenty of quarantine zones, infected zombies, special testing devices, gratuitous homo sex, etc. The two gays featured in episode three even commit suicide because of an illness unrelated to the pandemic fungus. Only the Zionists could have funded something like that. Some say that the perpetrators like to warn people of their plans in advance. One character asks how the fungal pandemic spread so rapidly and another character says they “it was in the food that everyone ate.” The entire series seems to be an exercise in predictive programming. It’s been reported that the chicken feed readily available at large suppliers like Purina are interfering with egg laying. Could they seed something like the flour supply with some particularly nasty, engineered Mucor sp. or Aspergillus sp. spores? A little finisher for those already immunocompromised by Covid and the “vaccines”? Theoretically, yes they could and the fungal spores are highly resistant.


    1. I’m selling off my history books: THIS is the greatest show on earth, ever, right now. Holocaust? Roman Empire? Genghis Khan’s hordes? Pah! Inept forerunners. What a spectacle!

      Serial- raped by the Bio-techs, the worst gang on the block.


      1. The technology has finally matured to a point where taking over the world is in reach. Finally, as the scriptures foretold (ha, ha) victory can be had by the deserving. Some things never change. It’s probably something more akin to the Waterloo moment for an insane, greedy, dissipative chimp. Game’s over chimp chump.


  45. The perfect thing about this, from the point of view of the perpetrators, is the sheer scope and magnitude of their Plan.

    It is so vast – an attack from every conceivable angle, an up-turning, subversion and corruption of everything – that even a sober account with solid evidence would sound insane.

    Moreover, anyone being introduced to it would probably reject it, lest they go mad themselves.

    Most people can’t even cope with more modest, entirely rational and evidenced propositions and concepts, like Complexity Collapse, Peak Oil, or Over-shoot. Not to mention built-in diminishing returns.

    Thus, the Devil not only convinces that he doesn’t exist, but that he can’t .

    And then he can get to work……

    As Dave says, what are you going to do today? That’s all we have left. Or more classically, Carpe Diem.


    1. IMO, the Zionists and sometime sponsor bankers see their power slipping away forever with the overextension and collapse of the dollar. Launch your survival strategy now, while you can command some of the remaining resources or forever hold your peace. Except their won’t be any peace among tribal, primitively religious dissipatives that each believe they are God’s chosen race to expand like yeast in the nutrient broth of the ecosystem.


      1. I believe Graham Hancock already located a few of those from the last complexity crash in 21,000 BC. A few scratched lines can be so eloquent….


  46. Graham, or as my Thai wife would say Gray-Ham, is confused. Early Homo sapiens, users of tools, left nice pictographs of themselves slaughtering megafauna. Magicians? Asteroids? The ceremonial ant mounds that humans cooperatively built in early civilizations focused authority sufficiently in a priestly class to get things done like roads and other infrastructure of ecosystem plunder. Plenty of humans were sacrificed to those Gods that inhabited the heavens, which at that time were fuzzy enough to hide their real celestial and orbital identities. “Oomph, ungawa, the Gods have spoken. We need more jaguar skins, delicious meat of pygmy, beautiful feathers and young girls here at the temple. Now get busy or be struck down by the wrath of God.” And so it was for many years until the people realized they were being played.



    This bit brings two thoughts to mind:

    1. Somebody once said, something like: “Humans have two modes of operation, complacency and panic.” I think that this is particularly true in herd situations.

    2. It makes me think of Issac Newton, arguably one the smartest people who ever lived. Anyhoo, I guess that when he wasn’t busy devising the calculus, and figuring out laws of motion and gravity and such, he was busy speculating and losing money in various markets, and dabbleing in occultism. Just goes to show that brains have pretty much nothing to do with anything. I guess.


    1. “What hasn’t changed is humans are still running Wetware 1.0 which has default settings for extremes of emotion, particularly manic euphoria, running with the herd (a.k.a. FOMO, fear of missing out) and panic / fear.”

      When you’re on the left, ascending side of the bubble graph all you can see is the continuous growth and good times. The descending side is hidden from you. For all you know it doesn’t exist. It feels good emotionally to think that “the price of houses always goes up” or something else emotionally satisfying. Even on the other side of the graph people might still be looking towards the former peak and say, “Well look, it’s not so bad, prices will go up again.” But the descent continues back to the mean which, in the case of civilization, will likely be determined by the amount of sunlight that can directly or through biomass be fed into the dissipative structures which will have new climate change stresses put upon them. Civilization might settle somewhere below the long-term mean with ninety-nine percent less people and no houses at all, at least in their current form since we’ve already stripped away much of the vegetation and soil that were going to fix the carbon into some glucose for us and our food chain to eat. Newton should have invested in the East India Company instead of tulips. I wonder if Stephen Hawking had a Beanie Baby collection.

      I think all of the debt and printed money makes people expect the altitude to increase forever because, after all, it’s a “thirty-year” bond. Those selling the bonds are the same ones that made treaties with the native Americans and Putin and broke all of the promises later. Maybe people can fashion a sled from all of their paper assets and slide down the mountain in style.


  48. This Michaux video is posted at along with a Part II. I found some of his comments interesting.

    At about 4:30 mark:

    “The entirety of my work is to show that the current plan (green energy) is not a very good one. Who I’m really talking to are the people that control our society. And I’m talking about the banking sector. They’re interested in two-percent growth per annum or don’t bother coming. I actually heard them say that. Alright, and they believe anyone’s money is as good as anyone else. They will not move on change until they can say show us how to make money out of this or show us how to destroy a competitor. I actually heard them say that. They believe that the fallback position is the green transition, but because they haven’t done it yet, they’re still doing the ICE system, and they haven’t done it yet, they actually haven’t worked-out that there are some practical limitations that really needed to be addressed.”

    Also interesting comments starting at about the 33:30 mark.

    It seems, as you might imagine, that growth is the primary concern of the bankers, a way to “make money”. The cancer won’t give up. “Show us how to destroy a competitor” – the poor useless eaters Pfizered to death, fertilizer for the eternal green shoots of growth. Putin and Russia are next. Why entertain other options when there’s so much to steal in this world.


    1. Banker clowns doing the master’s dirty deeds: Boris Johnson, Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump (with Mitch McConnell who never met a central banker he didn’t like, hovering in the background).


    2. Return on investment is their proxy for a Heavenly reward, eternal life.

      Money IS life, for them. Winning the only conceivable option. An insatiable, irrational compulsion.

      Why wouldn’t they clamber over mounds of corpses to stay at the top now? They’ve done so many a time before now.


      1. Maintain power – create corpses. Seems to be a common theme throughout history. Nothing new under the sun. Anyway, not to worry, they’re fully recyclable. Just like the fossil fuel industry and cigarette industry couldn’t stop themselves from making money even though aware of the damages, the banking industry continues growing like a cancer beneath a green power cloak. The only thing that will kill it is the collapse of civilization.


    1. I know that I gave up trying to “talk” to people a long time ago. Too many arguments and blank stares. Around here, bourgeois land, Cheshire CT, the idea that Covid came out of the Wuhan Lab can still elicit a hostile reaction. Although this may be changing, not sure. People still walk around “thinking” (repeating a worn out mantra) that it came from people eating bats found in a “wet market”.

      I mean, I guess if you’re starving you might want to eat a bat. But I can’t imagine a wife anywhere in the world saying to her husband, “Dear, bring home a few bats for dinner on your way home from work please.” Something like that…


      1. Many people don’t have any curiosity, little in the way of an analog mind and simply don’t have any dots to connect. But they are functional enough to get by in the world. Perhaps one of their key observations, a faulty one, is that you can trust the authorities or the priestly class and that their directions are “for the greater good.” One of the first lessons should be that the governing or priestly class, including the DOD are working for their own greater good and not for those in the slave class.


  49. From over at Zigzag shows that some people do indeed “get it.”

    “From a long-time lurker (and appreciative fan, Dr T).
    It is impossible that at least the very top level of TPTB do know, and I would argue that everything the WEF Great Reset is pushing in the name of climate change is identical to that which needs to be pushed because of the surplus energy problem: Net Zero; 15-minute cities; CBDCs to control behaviour so that crime is kept under control; medical passports to allow the “necessary vaccines” when population exceeds resources, etc. All to maintain law and order in a degrowth system in which there is not enough to go round and rationing is necessary.
    If the restrictions are imposed because of Climate Change necessity, people won’t panic, and be more compliant.”


    1. All correct, but wasting his time: the commentariat there simply don’t want to see the obvious.

      Many of the general public can now see through the CC pretext, but they remain in deep ignorance about energy matters, and so think it’s just about tyranny of the uber-wealthy, money-making, and genocide.

      Of course, it is tyranny – soon only brutal coercion will get the job done – but with a ‘higher purpose’.

      ‘Vaccines’ as a way to dial population up or down is interesting: it’s notable that vaxxed women who have miscarried go on to conceive and deliver later, and vaxxed infertility seems to be temporary, about 6 months or so.

      But is there an infertility time-bomb in the ovaries of the next generation, or maybe 30-50% of them ?


      1. Yep, I see Tim Morgan, as expected, isn’t wiling to look at that side of things.

        He seems rather complacent about the UK falling apart, and I wonder why he thinks he’ll be better off on his holiday island in the Med. Good to be away from our over-crowded cities which may become very violent soon, but financially?

        And he’s a ‘giri’, an outsider: that means a lot in rural – and even urban – Spain. It’s akin to ‘cockroach’: not one of us, disposable and can apply to those from the next province, let alone pink Welshmen.

        Not that he’ll ever hear it to his face, not yet anyway.

        He must have a lot of confidence in his savings and investments, maybe earning potential although he seems retired, and I suppose owns his property outright.

        Most odd given his forecasts.


        1. A portly pinkie Welshman, like the pinkie rats people feed their snakes. Actually I don’t know if he’s portly or not. I would guess not. He’s definitely all surplus energy economics business. Maybe he needs to have a few drinks before he writes and let us know what he really thinks.


        2. Like N. Pagett’s comments at OFW, TM seems content to repeat ad-nauseum the surplus energy foundations of the economy. Both choose not to extend their arguments into the geo-political arena, and are therefore best viewed as a primer into surplus energy fundamentals for newbies. This site, along with a few others, are better positioned to allow one to postulate the likely dire implications of declining EROEI/energy availability for geopolitics and human overshoot.


          1. Norman is just dense, and his mockery of child vaccine deaths and injuries is utterly unforgivable. We have over 100,000 under-18’s with serious AE’s here in the UK, and his response is always ‘LOL’.

            In Tim Morgan’s case, a thinker of another order entirely, I suspect he also hopes his SEEDS view will go mainstream, replacing the economic orthodoxy of growth – this is of course quite deluded – and so he avoids being ‘political’ in any way.

            And, like many who may suspect something, he is afraid to look behind the door to the chamber of horrors….


            1. The physics can only be ignored for so long or papered-over with feel good fiat before the energy deficit becomes too glaring. You would think that someone would at least consider Dr. Morgan’s prescriptions, but growth is imperative to the goals of the operators of the money system. Instead of surplus energy economics, they would rather try their hand at warfare and pandemics to maintain control and money system viability, at least long enough to shock and awe everyone into a dystopian, full spectrum surveillance, social credit score, carbon credit system. They will not be using the fine point of a pencil to solve their problem, but rather the largest club they can wield.

              Norman’s busy fighting the feisty Fast Eddy and must maintain a bulwark against defeat.


  50. Maybe cordyceps in ‘The Last of Us’ = fibroid growths from vaccination?

    Struck a cord (ha!) when a vaxx-injured woman said:

    ‘I didn’t even know what fibroids are until they told me I had a stomach full of them’.

    I see serial killer Sir Jeremy Farrar has moved to the WHO – dreadful sign. Like hearing that Rommel has taken over command….


    1. I may have to watch the next episode this Sunday to find out. In the last episode one of the characters said and I paraphrase “You must be one of those conspiracy theorists that think 9/11 was an inside job.” Netflix movies are basically a venue for mind control.

      From Heir Hitler: “Erwin, you must not give a foot to the useless eaters. Oh, and by the way, we’re running out of fuel and tanks. Good luck.”


      1. Or, cordyceps = propaganda and mind-control: those infected did in fact turn into irrational and aggressive zombies who ‘bit’ those around them, esp friends and family.

        Just watched the gay survivalists suicide scene: ah, so beautiful and ‘romantic’. Seeds they plant in the minds of the viewer.

        Clever making a video game of it, too: really get those thoughts into the young. Pandemic certainty; nearly everyone powerless victims; incredible violence; the rightness and beauty of suicide, etc.

        My own initial reaction to the fake pandemic was, looking back, certainly influenced by the decades long ‘predictions’ of the ‘certainty’ of a pandemic; so I’m not mocking anyone or pretending to superiority.

        It took me about 4-6 months to wake up and smell the rotten fish, mostly due to having switched-off a bit once lock-downs were imposed.

        The whole gaming industry is incredibly sinister, what a tool of behavioural engineeering. And James is right, NetFlix is the handmaiden.


        1. I’ve noticed many stories on newsfeeds about a spreading fungus, Coccidoides immitis, moving into areas where it previously wasn’t encountered. Pandemics of various sorts should be much easier since many people’s immune systems are now impaired.

          One of the key WEF Adapt2030 tenets is that Western values will be destroyed or tested. I suppose that’s part of the destruction of the past so that the new may replace it.


    1. I think most attending are so enamored of themselves that they have little time to think of less fortunate humans. Human health and well-being are not their primary concern. They would rather compare the mighty bigness of their jets and yachts and wonder how they can get a leg-up on the competition before the next year’s meeting.


    1. That’s why we need to move to a Vegan diet, preferably with lots of insect content, as soon as possible- for our real health needs.

      That’s what will set us up to survive and thrive in the next Terrible Pandemic (TM) …


    2. Looking at this map, it doesn’t seem that eggs were very protective:

      Maybe if the price of food goes high enough, everyone will be on food stamps and then it will be much easier to ease in the vaccine requirements, social credit score and various other living arrangements. Accept our conditions or you don’t eat.


    1. Fast Eddy the only one that seems to understand the thermodynamic underpinnings of the economy over at that blog…everyone else like a headless chicken …though I’m sure we’ll all be headless fairly soon 😂


  51. Yeah, I don’t know, I rely on SS for some large part of my income. Currently I live well. Do I expect this whole “living well” thing to continue indefinitely? Of course not, that would be silly, stupid even. At some point, I will give up, die, and be no more. SS has very little to do with any of it.

    I was talking a little to a guy I know. He’s a little older than me, maybe 70. We were commiserating about getting old. He told me that he had signed up for some sort of “men’s clinic”. There are Dr’s (quacks) there that prescribe testosterone and other such shit to men who are afraid of old age and death. “Good luck with that”, was about all I had to say.


    1. That’s some good advice. The free stuff will be leaving and there won’t be opportunities to work for more. The people running the men’s clinics will do O.K. until their clients are kicked to the curb.


    1. I’m in Kentucky and we had a -5F night in December. The lowest temp. in the house was 48F. I’m not paying an extra $500 a month to keep this place at 68F. We turn on some space heaters wherever we need them. It’s only going to get worse. Might have to move south or to Thailand but I haven’t decided which I hate worse, the heat or the cold.


  52. It seems that both organic and rRNA humans spend a lot of time and energy building and occupying cells connected by distribution infrastructure. Why is that? I seems more important at the level of the organic cell where levels and numbers of molecules cannot be allowed to vary from an ideal. The metabolism must be enclosed. And also it is a space managed for homeostasis. I suppose too that the technological cell serves similar purposes providing a controlled environment for metabolism or work. Inside the cells humans can work on the information and come-up with new ideas for products and ideas for the growth of new cells. What for? Probably for no other reason than there is a continuous supply of energy for dissipation for those that do. Any long interruption in the dissipation of energy and you disappear from the scene or fall off the stage into death or extinction. And humans have evolved to mostly be in cells. That’s why people busy themselves building cells, planning new products and working in cells, because their cut of the energy flow can supports a home cell and provides food for all their little homey organic cells. Even the farmer works in a cell on wheels.

    The little RNA in organic cells began creating multicellular organisms that needed distribution and waste disposal systems. And then after billions of years of relative ecological stability, due to a confluence of repurposed organs, the human organism was selected by evolution to inhabit its own cells and use an additional set of information. The technological cells, full of bustling human RNA, spread everywhere. The new technological enzymes or tools produced by the cells and their humans worked wonders at digesting the natural world and in accessing the energy rich deposits from days gone by. More cells, more distribution and more complexity was invented, like pet rocks and doggie sweaters, anything to get a cut of the energy. And then it became clear that creating all of those cells that provided support for all of those people may not have been a very good idea, especially since the energy it depended upon was limited.

    And then there was not enough of a cut of energy for the average human RNA to afford a home cell or a car or food. They loaded everyone down with glucose receptors but there was no longer enough glucose in circulation. Cells began to die or go bankrupt. RNA that spent their whole young lives in the nucleolus preparing for work and wishing to create more lucrative complexity, had nothing to do. The lights went out and the homeostasis thermostat no longer worked. Leaders wondered what to do with all of the excess human RNA and the dead cells that soon littered the landscape. And just as all seemed lost a virus was born and many of the RNA began to wither and die and their cells were put out of business and more glucose receptors were handed-out for free. But unfortunately the leaders put the final nail in the coffin by trying to establish a surveillance and control system that would monitor every RNA and every cell and organelle, an incredible addition of complexity right when it was completely unaffordable. And then the lights went out for good and the remaining organisms were once again on even footing in a recovering ecosystem.

    New York City where millions of RNA work and live by intercepting some portion of the energy flow.


    1. A good compilation by Fast Eddy aka Thomas Malthus. Even though we are capable of building a broader awareness of reality, most people will be totally caught by surprise as the starvation commences and will be busily at work when the heart stops and the glucose/oxygen stop arriving at the office/factory door. Then the human RNA will panic and run around in circles until their own remaining energy is depleted. I continue to have dreams of aquariums full of fish that I’ve forgotten to feed for several months at a time, even though I don’t have aquariums. I get a great feeling of relief to find the fish alive, but very hungry. Must be a subconscious message of some sort like squirrels get before winter. Don’t forget the food.


    2. James, I knew you never liked that woke nonsense, but I don’t recall you using those canned descriptors before [leftist, Deep State, woketard] woketard’s good.
      Call it-them what you want, but they-it has so deeply infested America cinema & TV (cable, high quality adult series) that I all but gave up & have watched much more non American & non English productions in the last couple years. It feels like it’s harder keeping up with the subtitles than when I was young:(

      I don’t care what flavor the politics are, I like movies because they are or were a break from the world & it’s politics. I do not watch them to be messaged too, but I guess that’s a big thing now with the industry or certain people within it. Sure there was often some politics or leanings in film, but not sledgehammer style start to finish & not in every film genre –
      {Friday the 13th – Jason’s Woke!”} RUN for your lives white boys run!!

      Yes it really is true that there is a concerted effort to depict white men as buffoons and/or all evil. The extreme toxic feminism seems to be only kind there is now.

      Again with the belief & believers. No matter what it is, when it becomes extreme, trouble’s afoot. Sooner or later they all go extreme.

      Back to movies. I’ve found a drunkard film critic from Scotland who does insightful reviews & takes down rants on woke bullshit & he demonstrates how they have ruined many film franchises.

      I think you guys might get a kick from his rants & reviews. The Critical Drinker.

      Recent review: Velma Is Complete And Utter Trash

      “Velma, written by Mindy Kaling and released on HBO, may be one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen. Join me as I break it down.”


      Good rant: Why Modern Movies Suck – They’re Destroying Our Heroes

      “In Part 3 of my series on why modern movies suck, I’ll be looking at one of the worst crimes of all – the deconstruction and ultimate destruction of our traditional heroes.”


      1. Maybe if I didn’t recognize the attempt at societal shaping I wouldn’t be critical. I don’t think it’s shaping for the better but is more like an effort to disrupt normalcy as the Deep State are attempting to disrupt supply chains and international relations. They have to tear things down before they build back better, but they’ll screw things up and things will only be better for the stakeholders. Even thirty years ago the only thing I could watch on television were science and nature documentaries and then corporate brands began showing-up in movies and that was a turn-off. The only reason I watched a couple of the Netflix shows is because of family encouragement and time together. And what does the family get treated to? Insanity, filth, propaganda. Oh well. More swill for the useless eaters. Keep them afraid. I noticed on the news feeds that America is now under attack from a fungus. Maybe the same ones that produced the Netflix series also created the Coccidoides sp. scare stories. IMO they’re really trying hard to get us into a vaccine passport system.


      2. All of the mass media has always been a part of a clandestine political system and it’s mind control system. The current establishment has forgoten the importance of affordable and pleasing distractions or perhaps they have some new 5G/graphene nanochip technology that’s superior and on the way.

        I agree that the quality of entertainment is dropping, that’s partly because many artist’s now are the leftover children of wealthy families who did not go into the family business but have the money to go to some overpriced art school and get hired through nepotistic connections without any artistic merit or talent. The lack of talent is compensated for with shitty political statements.


  53. From Tim Watkins new book “The Death Cult: Technocratic failure at the end of the industrial age.”

    “In the pursuit of its impossible techno-utopia, not only is the technocracy setting itself up to fail, but in the process it will inflict untold hardship on those it deigns to rule. And the worst of it is that by the time failure becomes obvious – most likely when the technocracy itself experiences some of the hardship it is exposing on others – it will be too late to prevent all of those other crises from overwhelming us.”

    It makes one think of ghost cities and highways to nowhere. Build it and by some magic of the universe energy will come. Building more technological complexity can only put us deeper in the energy hole unless the “techno-utopia” will be used to squeeze the life out of much of mankind through various culling operations and consumption controls. Maybe that’s where we’ll end-up, with a class of stakeholders owning robots that build things that only robots and billionaires need. Mankind and its varied supportive structures will be obsolete and superfluous and an unsupportable burden that must be cleared away to make room for the “Great Reset”. Those humans that stick around will have to be chipped or otherwise altered to fit-in with the new paradigm.

    Liked by 1 person

  54. Dr. Morgan has become more “blunt” in his comments today.

    on February 6, 2023 at 10:20 am said:
    “My view is that there are a number of issues involved in the UK situation. Rather than “pretty bad”, I’d call it ‘terminal’. I have to say, bluntly, that Britain is travelling in a direction that can have only one outcome. Leaving the EU isn’t the cause of these problems, and it’s likelier that the causation is reversed, i.e. that these problems led to “Brexit”. Rejoining wouldn’t be a fix, seems politically implausible, and couldn’t restore the previous terms of membership.

    There’s something intrinsically self-destructive in the UK. The balance of power (between interest groups) is faulty and antagonistic. The economic model is a busted flush, but is adhered to because it is of benefit to some sectoral interests. The doctrine of self-interest – frankly, of greed – has taken over. The public has been duped into, or has sleep-walked into, acceptance of the shoddy.”

    The politicians should have listened to the doctor concerning the economic health. Now it’s likely too late.


  55. Here is a snap-shot of the future. The car is broken down or out of gas, the baby is sick and daddy doesn’t have a job.


    Try Wall St. the sign says.

    keep going

    Unfortunately this time around there won’t be lots of oil, coal and natural gas to pull us out of the hole. Nothing but a few trouble prone solar panels and wind turbines. Maybe as Jack Alpert has suggested, it’s time to live near a hydroelectric dam. There really is only one solution to balancing the energy books and that is in crushing demand on a continuous basis.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It would seem the wind turbines are malfunctioning, bursting into flames, and falling over, or seizing up, already.

      So funny.

      Like erecting an Easter Island monolith and being crushed the next day…..

      The End of the World as a Monty Python sketch, is it not?


      1. If only Monty Python were around to do a few vaccine sketches. With each successful vaccine (certain death), five solar panels and one-twentieth of a wind turbine need not be built. After doing a few back of the envelope calculations there’s only one course forward – more vaccines.


      1. Don’t underestimate the Deep State. They’ve got second rate actors and entertainers like Zelensky and Trudeau and career criminals like Biden on their side. I’m surprised that Rand Paul didn’t turn to stone at the sight of that gargoyle Nuland. “Is something on fire? Evacuate the building!” “Rand, it’s only Victoria, she reeks of war and hellish vapors.”


  56. Ugo’s latest, which I kinda liked. I wrote a reply on his blog, but it disappeared into moderation, or something, don’t know.

    Anyway, I mostly said that we’re limited creatues of a certain sort (thermodynamic). We’re hitting limits of all sorts as we finish up burning through a few million years of stored energy in the space of a few hundred.

    Something like that.


    1. Just don’t upset the academic apple cart or no more apples for you. Many people that are closer to the truth never get any apples at all. All of the apples get carted to the institution of “higher learning”. A lot of good “higher learning” has done us as we get closer to collapse. Humans, as dissipatives, mostly aren’t interested in “the truth or reality”, they’re interested in money/energy and will do just about anything to get it.


    1. If it has Clooney in it, it must be a leftist, Deep State, woketard production full of subliminal and in-your- face messaging for the impressionable goy.


  57. The radiation of energy released from the Sun, perturbations in space, impact the biosphere, elevating electrons that had settled into their relative ground states. The universe doesn’t allow them to stay in an excited state and the biochemistry of plant cells pinball them through various molecular machinery to maintain the order that is itself. When the electron is finally settled and the initial visible light energy is exhausted as infrared waves, the cell has among other things created more fuel, glucose and later ATP. But even though the electron has reached a new ground state and infrared has been radiated, some of the energy is stored for a further journey to the ground state, notably from ATP to ADP.

    The conversion of ATP to ADP serves many energy requiring metabolic needs. A major one is muscle contraction in which ATP is converted to ADP in synchrony in the contraction of muscle fibers. Overall, the contraction of muscle fibers cannot be occur without a goal, a goal that emanates from the brain. The primary goal must be to acquire energy, mostly through the ingestion of tissues of other animals to create glucose to reset ADP to ATP at the mitochondrion. There is no choice. Life is a constant feeding and replenishment cycle and human behavior is no different in essence than the electron taking a circuitous route back to its ground state. The human is specified to walk the earth searching for energy to serve its own cellular needs. If the human behavior fails to eat, then the body will consume its own capital of tissues before death.

    And that is why the human experience is one of greed and self-promotion. It’s not really a choice, but a feature as each human dissipative structure pinballs through life from one location to another, working the technological machinery and working other humans and animals so that they may eat again. And this is also why humans are so intent on saving wealth, so as to never run out of the essential energy. Evolution and the universe wouldn’t have it any other way. The base human wealth of carbohydrates is seen as interchangeable with the wealth of hydrocarbons since the latter is a coequal fuel in the human technological system. The human RNA eats carbohydrates and the technological system eats hydrocarbons, many of which are expended to foster the production of an adequate supply of carbohydrates. It’s been posited that ten calories worth of hydrocarbons are used to create one calorie of carbohydrate.

    The technological system in which humans are enmeshed uses hydrocarbons instead of carbohydrates to drive its processes. The technological system must also constantly search for hydrocarbons and through their combustion, similar to muscles, things are moved. Gases expand, pistons move, crank shafts crank and wheels turn. Much of the movement is dedicated to producing and delivering hydrocarbons to the human RNA that work within its cells and to maintaining homeostatic environments for them to reside. One particularly important hydrocarbon is diesel (C16H34). It makes all types of things move like trucks, trains, tractors and even ships (bunker fuel) and of course its cousins, gasoline and aviation fuel, create much more movement, although somewhat less productive. The carbohydrate glucose (C6H12O6) is the ingredient for making ATP which in turn makes humans move.

    All of the movement of humans and technology can be thought of as a complex circuit running from the Sun, through the earth’s biosphere and back into space. The fossil fuels had acted as a long-term capacitor which is now being depleted by the human RNA with their technological tools. The circuit back into space is finally completed. As the capacitor is depleted so too will be the amount of technological mass that can be moved around (factories, cars, tractors, trucks, trains etc.) and human acquisition of carbohydrates (proteins and other nutrients) will no longer be adequately supported. There may even be an intentional effort underway to collapse the system to allow a provisioning of a much smaller population with an equally small hydrocarbon and carbohydrate budget. It’s hard to imagine what this might look like, but the World Economic Forum has provided some hints with 15-minute cities, own nothing and be happy and absolute control of individual energy production and consumption. The free-wheeling days of growth and consumption are coming to an end and as Bill Gates said, “They won’t do it voluntarily.” I think he’s right about that since the human dissipative is programmed by evolution to want and compete for more and any impediment is seen as a threat to life and liberty. Since the changes will not be readily accepted, they are being imposed. However, that doesn’t mean they won’t be resisted at each step along the way or that the entire “Great Reset” program won’t fail. Either way, there is failure of one sort or another in civilization’s future simply due to lack of energy and the decreasing productivity of technological, hydrocarbon agriculture.


    1. This article gets kind of strange near the end, blabbering on about phonecians/babylonian bloodlines and other stupid shit. Most of it is interesting but apparently conspiracy theorists like to mix in fantastical bullshit with serious topics. I don’t know why. It’s like their mind is so open their brain occasionally falls out.


  58. 4th of July Propaganda

    Click to access rothbard.pdf

    Miles Mathis is weirdly lucid and not lucid at the same time. He sometimes has a very sharp understanding of the nature of the western ruling order and notable events. Then he strangely peppers his articles with his bizarre belief that the phonecian navy is behind it all for the last 3000 years. He also see’s old world family ties everywhere which seems accurate sometimes and other times very long-winded.

    I guess that’s the price I pay for going down the “conspiracy theory” rabbit hole.

    None of his articles are energy or overshoot aware but still interesting for a curious cat like me. I have to filter through his stuff because a lot of it is ridiculous.


    1. Tracing such far-stretched genealogical ties and concluding they mean something can lead to lunacy: for instance, I’m related by marriage to the descendants of Christopher Columbus, who built one of the grandest palaces in 19th century Madrid and were painted by Goya. Similarly, my family shared a common ancestor with the Plantagenet dynasty in the 10th century.

      It’s fair enough to say that they enjoyed varying degrees of power and owned land for a thousand years at least. None of that makes me royal, grand, or any part of an inherited cabal dominating world history – I Just offer it for illustration.

      These links are simply commonplace among the comparatively small historic landowning class.

      Once you extend the dragnet, as the loonies do, beyond that class you get utter nonsense like William marrying Kate because she is, secretly, ‘one of them’ on the basis of an 18th c ancestor having been the cousin twice removed of the bastard younger son of minor gentry who bedded a milk maid. It’s all tosh.

      I’m certainly not benefiting from the Luciferian Masonic Globalist Phoenician mafia as far as I know, except from being an average spoiled citizen of the West who got some nice crumbs from the pie, soon to be cut off.

      But then, I would say that, wouldn’t I………..?


    1. How did the bankers let that one get away? Maybe because Cuba didn’t have enough resources to fight over. What if the Cubans of Cuba lived like the Cubans of South Florida? They would probably be a lot happier for a while. Cigars for everyone. The only way Fidel could remain in power and retard consumption for the dissipatives of Cuba was by force. Dissipatives will always vote themselves a better life.


      1. Part of the deal for ending the Cuban missile crises was that the United States would not invade Cuba, that’s how they got away.

        Cuba had enough resources to fight over them the first time around in the 1892 Spanish-American war. I mean we invaded Grenada in the 1980’s and they don’t have shit. I’m sure we would fight over any sandbar in the ocean.

        Castro didn’t really retard consumption they just ran out of oil. Cuba had a Soviet subsidized supply of oil in the beginning before they collapsed and it all dried up. After that Hugo Chavez came to power in Venezuela in the late 1990’s and saved them with another subsidized supply. The problem was they were too industrialized in their agricultural mode of production because they were copying the energy intensive Soviet model which was very wasteful. Same thing happened to North Korea too but without any Venezuela to save them and with catastrophic results. Eventually Cuba will run out of oil when Venezuela does unless the Russians want to subsidize them again.

        The rationing system that communist countries create are terrible for commercial growth and efficiency but are actually quite resiliant when it comes to crises. America and Britain rationed food during World War 2 and it was actually less wasteful if not monotonous.

        The Cubans of Cuba were living in a mafia state before Castro. Thanks to Castro the mafia moved to Los Vegas and the CIA drug supply now moves through Haiti and Central America along with all of the cartel and gang violence. At the end of the day Cuba is a safer and more stable country than most other Carribean, Central, or South American states. They are not any poorer than Guatemalans, El Salvadorians, or Hatians and still have better healthcare, education, and labor rights.

        Women can also abort their fetus’s, use contraception, and birth control now that they’re liberated from the regressive Catholic Church. Sometimes it’s a good thing to oppress religious institutions since they would oppress others in turn. In El Salvador women have been sentenced to prison for miscarriages on suspicion of illegal abortions. In Cuba you can abort defective fetus’s including down syndrome ones. It helps to reduce healthcare costs, something they won’t be doing in Florida.

        In Cuba, a parent’s decision to disown an LGBT child is considered domestic violence and punished accordingly. Same sex marriage is legal. Prostitution is legal.

        Some people consider humane and rational laws essential to a better life. I was born and raised in Saudia Arabia. It was a rich country with public beheadings, religious police, women head to toe covered, death penalty for drugs, and five times a day public prayer. Having all that cheap subsidized fuel at the gas tank didn’t make expatriates want to stay any longer than they needed to, although admittedly they did go there to work for good pay. The only people who liked it were religious fanatics, which is what Catholic Latin America is full of.

        There isn’t even enough electricity for surveillance cameras and cell phone towers. It’s the Carribean, how bad can it be? In any case all goverments exist on their own might. Might makes right is no different any where else in the world. At least their vaccines don’t cause heart attacks.


        1. American agreements? “Saddam old friend, I bring greeting from the states. Did you know you look just like my brother? How are the wife and boys? A friend (Israelis) want you to open can of whoop ass on the Iranians and I think we can help. We’ve got mustard gas whoop ass, nerve gas whoop ass and white hot phosphorus whoop ass. You can choose or take all three.”

          No honor among thieves and the Western banking system is the biggest bunch of thieves the world will ever know.



    1. “Pinelli said her recovery was slower than she would have liked, but switching from a male doctor to a female cardiologist made “a world of difference.” Her new doctor adjusted her medication and coached her through a gradual return to exercise, which Pinelli said became terrifying after her heart attacks.”

      White man bad. And her doctor told her she needed one more booster because it would be terrible if she caught Covid with her heart condition. Later the funeral director said, “What a shame”, as he closed the lid on the lifeless corpse.


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