It’s All Just Silly Putty

Periodic Table of Silly Putty

Nothing else is Silly Putty? Maybe everything else is silly putty, especially humans, the hackable animal. The atoms are an irritation. The positive charges of the electrons induce electron formation from the aether. The atoms stick together sharing electrons in covalent and ionic bonds to get to the lowest energy state where proton and electron charges balance. But balance is not what is sought, but rather elimination of the charges completely. But nothing seems able to breach the proton, they’re just shoved together into heavier elements in stars which is energy releasing and entropic.

The elements at the surface of the earth would be more settled if it weren’t for the sun creating massive turbulence at the surface in the biosphere. The atoms are thrown from their lower energy states and immediately begin to settle again and life uses those energized electrons and atoms to run its “productive” machinery. It may seem that the structures life builds using that energy is negentropic just as a hurricane might seem negentropic, but in reality it is rapidly converting short wave radiation into long wave radiation and is keeping a percentage of that energy embedded in its structure. The universe’s only criteria for success is the degradation and dispersal of energy, particularly the energy trapped in the nuclei of atoms and their covalent/ionic bonds. The entirety of the human exercise is too decompose energy gradients. We’ve been well rewarded and guided by the release of dopioids.

The Human rRNA

The human is just another dissipative structure that has evolved from being an indistinct “eater” in the ecosystem to become a functioning component (RNA) of a technological system which has created its own complexity to reduce energy gradients. So far it (civilization) has created tools to release energy from biological sources (especially wood), fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) uranium, and even grabs a share of natural dissipative events like generating electricity from flowing water and wind power.

Hong Kong, cells upon cells upon cells – Photo by David Iliff, Wikimedia.

In this photograph of Hong Kong you can see a dense collection of technological cells that have evolved and grown to convert energy trapped in fossil fuel covalent bonds into heat released as various wavelengths of radiation and also to be carried away convectively by wind blowing through and around the structures. The humans like to call the technological metabolism “business”. When finished with existing gradients and without any replacement energy sources, the technological cells will simply die. But they’re not supposed to last forever, they just arise when there’s an energy gradient to feed their construction and maintenance. In the meantime, while there is still fuel to burn, the humans continue to play with the Silly Putty. You can stretch it, you can break it, you can bounce it on the floor. You can even put the image of human on it and stretch it until it can’t be recognized and longer (Harari Hack). That’s what they’re doing now in their quest to find new, more efficient and better ways to use the energy gradient.

They do have a plan to “build back better”. This is how that will probably look.

539 thoughts on “It’s All Just Silly Putty”

    1. Even your average person has been programmed by evolution to “bend the rules” if it means a bigger drop coming from the wealth spigot.


  1. “On the whole, a capacity to cheat, to compete and to lie has proven to be a stupendously successful adaptation. Thus the idea that selection pressure could ever cause saintliness to spread in a society looks implausible in practice. It doesn’t seem feasible to out-compete genes which promote competitiveness. “Nice guys” get eaten or out-bred. Happy people who are unaware get eaten or out-bred. Happiness and niceness today is vanishingly rare, and the misery and suffering of those who are able to truly feel, who are empathic toward other human beings, who have a conscience, is all too common. And the psychopathic manipulations are designed to make psychopaths of us all.”

    The Trick of the Psychopath’s Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others


    1. You can see today in the way people are entranced by the “markets”, like a cobra entranced by the music and movements of its charmer. “Follow the energy, follow the money, follow me, follow me poor dissipative.” Here’s a video of Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke doing what the do best in their retirement:


    1. They’ll probably find little spinning vortices here and there of the “stuff” that they like to call particles. Most won’t care about the stuff because it doesn’t pay for them to care. They’re stuck in dissipative bodies made of stuff that needs to eat more stuff to remain magnetically assembled and that is what they’ll do or they’ll give way to a form that’s better at eating the stuff.


      1. As far as humans are concerned, the guding principle seems to be: life feeds on life. Or maybe: man is the wolf to man. Something like that, I guess.


        1. What did one universe say to the other universe. “I’ve had a terrible fossilitis under the skin and it’s driving me crazy. It’s over there, a place called Earth. See that monkey, that’s my medicine. Eventually it’s going to dig that shit up and get rid of it. As soon as I give it some new tools and information.” “Then what?, asked the other universe. “That’s all, that’s all I need them for. They’ll never learn how to lance my boils (planets), there is no dissipative technology that can do that and never will be. I just live with those.” “What about the monkey?” “They lived a good life and I don’t owe them a thing. You wanna live, do something useful, find a gradient.”


          1. Yeah, the universe sucks. Not only did it supply pain, so that we could be whipped, and feel it. But in our case, we feel the pain, and know that we are just a bunch bullshit, a pile of genetic trash, and that we have to go through all this just so we can suffer and die, and pass all that on to our kids, so they can do more of the same, of course.

            Somehow, it just don’t seem right. Where’s fucking Jesus in all this mess?


            1. Elon Musk’s brain chip is called “Jesus”. Jesus is coming. Never feel pain again as you surrender your soul and will forever.

              Pain exists to make sure you do the right thing – reduce the gradient as fast as you can and have it pay progeny/dopioid dividends. And what a shame to make some beings conscious for such a small and insignificant pool of fossil fuels that we find ourselves degrading. The universe should have left all the work to the unfeeling stars. We were just unlucky arising on a planet in the goldilocks zone.


    1. That’s hilarious. I’m for the leopard. The U.S. tards would have shot it dead already. We used to have a real leopard skin that we bought at an auction, but our farm house was broken into one winter and it was stolen. Bad chimpy chimps. The leopard had died at a zoo.


      1. He and Daktari Harari in the coliseum with a leopard wearing Star Trek outfits, armed only with syringes full of the “Pfizer Load” for self-defense. Would the leopard clot-up faster than Dr. Evil and his mini-me would bleed-out?


    1. I want to see Joe Biden come out as trans and address the nation in a dress and long wig. Sikorska is the same one that wants to nuke Russia. This is what Ed Dowd thought of the CDC. I think we can include the entire Central Banker clown show.

      clown show


  2. I left this comment for my throngs of followers over at Reddit Collapse:

    What if humans, once limited to the ecosystem, evolved to become rRNA using information and tools in a new technological system fed by fossil fuels, except that the humans, although functioning technologically, were still fed from the ecosystem. What if they proceeded to eat everything? What if we have become a megacancer to feed the burgeoning populations of rRNA that work in the tech cells?


      1. Under the current self-organizing pursuit of profit and growth we’ll build dissipative structures until they’ve eliminated the energy gradients upon which they feed. We won’t even have to destroy or uproot anything our ancestors did. We continue what we’ve been doing and eventually civilization starves to death. We don’t even have to add any more dissipatives and civilization will starve to death. Both our ecological and technological footprints are far into overshoot.


  3. Well, I started to look at all my tax bullshit. I got disgusted. Put it all in an envelope and dropped it off at the local HR Block office. Here, you do this and then send me a bill.

    I feel much better now.

    Fucking asshole woke dems and their 87,000 new IRS agents can kiss my white ass.


    1. Where is your patriotism? The new illegal immigrants need food stamps and Boeing needs a new contract. Don’t think of them as IRS agents, think of them as enforcers for the mob.


    1. That’s really interesting. It seems like the New World Order scum were active in 1960. The growth of a war machine could not only eliminate gradient itself, but could make sure no others stood in the way of expanding cancerism, I mean capitalism.


    2. I guess there was a push by some (many?) within the Allies to take over the SU at the end of WW11. Since the USA was the only nuclear power at the time, it probably could have been done pretty easily. But, I guess that everybody was pretty sick of the whole war thing by then. It was time to get on with some serious gradient reduction and money making. Some competition always helps.

      Maybe that’s Russia’s real role on the world stage, providing some legitimate competion? Keep things stirred up, that kind of thing.

      This latest sabotage thing on the Nordstream pipeline, whoever might have done it, is sure to keep things stirred up.


      1. The same religiosity/morality and empathy that glues a tribe together will often stand in the way of eliminating a competing tribe. Someone should have used propaganda like “throwing babies out of incubators” in Kuwait during the Iraq war to make the Soviets seem like “evil”. There’s nothing the moral brain likes better than to unleash some evil on evil. Also known as doing God’s work.

        Between the radiation coming in from the sun and the longer wave radiation leaking out into space, a lot of nasty shit is made on this planet.


    1. This is good series and could have been produced by General Smedley Butler. How many poor suckers are in jail for “three strikes your out” marijuana? That’s another racket, the corporate prison system.


  4. This is what people want to see:


    This is reality:


    The human attitude is: “If you’re not a clown, we don’t want you around.”

    Dopioids or amygdala, it’s an easy choice. One is to run towards while the other is to run away from or be avoided. But’s it’s not even a choice as it’s been preprogrammed in the brain.

    The “virus” is the grim reaper while the “vaccine” is the happy clown. (Although, as it turns out in a magnificent subterfuge, the vaccine is the grimmer of reapers.

    The “Megacancer” is the grim reaper while ” God, continued growth, wealth and increasing GDP” are the happy clown. (Kitty cat videos, new iphones and everlasting life are also happy.)


    1. “Dopioids or amygdala, it’s an easy choice. One is to run towards while the other is to run away from or be avoided. But’s it’s not even a choice as it’s been preprogrammed in the brain.”

      Yes, bad/good binary. Learn to manipulate that, in the other monkeys, and you’ve got it made. Until you’re dead anyway. Also, it seems to stressful, to me anyway. God, which lies do I confirm, and which lies do I deny? Too much for my feeble brain.


      1. It seems we’ve come through billions of years of evolution without understanding reality. Now that we have the potential to understand, we’re still doing the same thing, competing for energy and resources and growth. But instead of striving to own a little food and territory, we aim to own a larger and larger share of the technological cancer through which fossil fuel energy flows and with which it consumes and displaces the ecosystem. We’re the same greedy chimp behind the wheel of a turbocharged cancer. Why question a good thing – until it’s too late, and even then, just imagine your final journey to the loving cancer God that will reward you in heaven for eliminating the fossil fuel gradient. All’s well that ends well.


  5. Gail Tiverberg seems to think that more investment will create more fossil fuels. As if correct pricing were an answer to physical depletion. Actually in many ways, I’m not sure what she’s getting at.

    Ugo Bardi seems to think that global industry can run on renewables, that aren’t. At least, as silly as his notions often are, I can understand what he’s getting at.


    1. More oil can be found with more investment but the ROI eventually goes negative. Even the fracking is said to have been unprofitable. You can print money to make it happen for a while but that will only cause inflation. You can subsidize energy producers which causes inflation and when the price of gasoline gets too high you can switch over to quantitative easing for consumers which also causes inflation. Eventually the metabolism begins to shut-down because the RNA (human or cellular) can’t afford the ATP/diesel/gasoline to keep things moving. The debt and ineffective credit system goes away and you’re left with reality, the energy that can be produced at a profit. We’ve been involved in a massive credit expansion for a while now. One way or another it will soon be over and the distributed inflation will give way to massive bankruptcy for organizations that produce non-essential goods. Most of the debt/credit will go bad and much of the underlying collateral will lose all value and be abandoned.

      Since we’re already in an inflationary debt collapse mode, there’s little chance we’ll transition to solar/wind without a massive die-off of humans and non-essential industry thereby freeing energy for diversion to the transition. Something has to be thrown out of the life raft or a transition of any kind will be impossible.


    1. “If this does not happen (dominate Russia), I do not exclude that they will try to bring the system to collapse altogether, on which everything can be blamed, or, God forbid, they will decide to use the well-known formula “war will write everything off.”

      War and pandemics are a good way to eliminate excess dissipative structures that are otherwise intent on consuming and growing to the maximum. I think our benevolent banking leaders have chosen both of the above options.


    1. One of the worst aspects is that it will be impossible to accumulate a relatively secure savings to use in times of adversity. Your buttress against hard times can be eliminated or be made impotent at any time. They have already shown they’ll use their power in sadistic and tyrannical ways.


      1. Nor any reserves of food or any fuel, with ‘socially fair’ rationing and ‘planet-saving’ total electrification.

        They intend to strut about like the Bolsheviks of the 1920’s, with warm coats, hats and boots, first pick of the food and fuel for their houses and offices while everyone else wonders about survival to the next week.


        1. And they will see to it that as each week passes the population is reduced, vaccines are a plenty and children have no idea whether they are male or female.


          1. James, you’re making me nostalgic for those Bolshevik days: so simple and straightforward…….

            It seems they – the original revolutionaries – only shot or imprisoned 10% of those arrested, which made people happy enough to ‘go along for questioning’ later under Stalin, thinking they knew how things worked.


  6. The digital infrastructure is already the most complex part of human civilization. They are unwittingly pursuing maximum fragility. There will be no resilience in the financial system without cash and coin. Whenever there is a hurricane down here on the gulf coast the power goes out and people have no choice but to use cash and coin in emergencies.


    1. None of it makes much sense. Since there is no growth, the financial or debt system is essentially dying. We won’t be living for long in a world of Mastercard and Visa and infinite consumption in perpetuity. The only thing that keeps a metabolism going is a “flow” of energy which is or soon will be in decline. Economies of scale will be lost and things will become too expensive to produce as economies contract. The digital world requires a huge flow of energy while coin and script do not. Maybe they’re going to pay for it by making us eat bugs and we’ll own nothing. Or it could be more projection of a future that will never be, to keep the population pacified while pandemics, famine and war slowly grind people out of existence in a semi-controlled manner.


    2. Quite so, the most complex and fragile artefact of civilisation : but it is the one thing which they believe they can control completely, and also use to impose control over all things, even our bodies and minds , so they pursue it.


    1. I have a very limited attention span when it comes to talk of “economics”. My eyes just kinda glaze over and I tune out.

      I think this is because, at heart, I am a materialist, as opposed to an idealist. In other words, I think that mind is a product of the world, as opposed to thinking that the world is a product of the mind, or some mind. In order to be a successful economist, one must be an idealist. I think.

      But, the kicker is, whether it’s mind or matter, it all falls apart in the end. The beauty of being a pessimist is that you’re always correct, eventually. The timing is always the hard part.


      1. Yea, but hope springs eternal with little babies and the like and the sun comes up tomorrow. But it’s inevitable, everything ends-up looking like Ft. Myers after a hurricane. The deterioration can be slow or fast. I don’t even know why we bothered with economics, studying the metabolism of a cancer using assumptions like “we can grow forever” and “the the body can survive our shit-load of tumors.” Might as well burn the economics books because it’s getting close to over.


    1. I hope this shit doesn’t blow up on my vacation to Thailand this December. It looks like world events could get very non-linear this winter if Europe loses enough electricity. They probably have some crazy mid-term election surprise coming. Fuck.


      1. Maybe Thaksin Shinawatra will get the Reds stirred-up when the opportunity arises. Thailand has plenty of problems going forward, like losing Bangkok and the delta to sea level rise. But I hope things are at a simmer in December, although the current criminals in office in the United States will likely make sure that they still hold office in December and that elections are cancelled forever.


            1. Perfect – just like the marriage of Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956. A huge international media event. All kinds of cool postage stamps could be issued to commemorate it.


  7. Ecohealth Alliance is still in business. Peter is out to search the jungles for something more potent. Got to get rid of those useless eaters in England since the peasantry, in their developing penury, might even demand distribution of the Royal assets.

    Surely the new variant will be resistant to both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. It’s essential to the plan to have everyone accustomed to being vaccinated. No excuses.


  8. The mainstream media in the U.S. is blaming Putin for Nord stream attack. I can now see we are finished in the U.S. Everything is reversed. Lies are now the truth.

    Funny because I didn’t think it would happen this way. Who would have guessed that these cold war clowns would choose to go after Russia after 20 years of failure in Iraq and Afghanistan?

    Is there something I’m missing here. None of this is necessary, the U.S. is totally prosperous on its own, trading with other countries, and not going to war.

    It’s just so contrary to everything in my heart and soul. This endless modern war and belligerance towards everything, this hostility towards the world, this hostility towards the middle and working classes of America.

    If you say it’s the Jews, this still doesn’t make complete sense, because there were times when the Jews were not this hostile, and besides the American establishment is still to this day mainly Northeastern whites.

    There is really something rotten in this world and you know it, I know it. For the first time in awhile I’m scared again, I’m wondering what my next move should be.


    1. U.S. is not totally properous on it’s own since the 19th century. We are an empire now. To produce microchips we have to dominate a lot of people. Same with the petrodollar system. We can’t allow people to trade in some other currency. This is how all “reserve’ currencies function. They are imperial currencies.

      Hugo Bardi has two recent articles on this.

      “In the manuals of economics it is said that, in a free market, the cheaper product always wins against the more expensive one. In the real world, though, markets are far from being free. As every mafia boss can tell you, the cocaine market is not just a question of prices: you have to defend your turf if you want to prosper in the business. And not just that: sometimes, you can expand the area you control by friendly (or not-so-friendly) interactions with neighboring competitors. That’s sometimes called “arm-twisting,” but it may involve much more drastic and painful methods than just dislocating a shoulder. Similar considerations hold for fossil fuels, a market in which states normally behave exactly like mafia families.

      During the past few months, we saw a case of a not-so-friendly interaction aimed at expelling Russia from the natural gas market in Europe. The war in Ukraine is mostly a sideshow: the real thing is the market of natural gas, and the critical point was the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline. Whoever did it sent a clear message to everybody, not unlike finding the severed head of a horse in one’s bed: the European gas market is now the turf of another mafia family. ”

      “It is the typical way of Empires: they work like pushers. First, they offer you cheap drugs, then if you don’t pay for more doses, they may beat the pants off you, or kill you. In this, they are helped by the traitors that they can place at the top of the states they want to incorporate. ”


    2. After making loans in earnest for many decades to anyone able to expand growth and complexity using fossil fuels and collecting interest, there comes a time when it takes five dollars of debt to produce three dollars of GDP. I imagine that the debt quickly outstrips the collateral, and the collateral (dissipative structures) once built always begin to depreciate and deteriorate. The debt doesn’t degrade, but demands interest payments every year. Eventually the system says, “No mas!” and explodes, producing a mushroom cloud of fiat dust and debris. I think they want Putin to provide the nuclear cloud of smoke to usher in the Great Reset. This reset, without any fuels to back it, will likely involved rapid reduction in human population and abandonment of already deteriorating infrastructure. A job and food might come in handy under such circumstances.


  9. Marine Corps Association Article on Complexity

    “And of course, military units at any echelon are complex adaptive systems—or ought to be. Calling something a complex adaptive system does not necessarily mean that it adapts well. Some might better be called complex maladaptive systems, but those tend not to survive for long. The complex adaptive systems that have continued to survive and thrive in their environment have learned to adapt effectively. They tend to have built-in redundancies that protect them against single-point failure.”

    “Healthy complex adaptive systems are said to exist at the “edge of chaos”—the fluctuating balance point between order and chaos. The edge of chaos, according to Waldrop, is “the constantly shifting battle zone between stagnation and anarchy, the one place where a complex system can be spontaneous, adaptive, and alive.”22 If a complex system has too much order, it becomes rigid and nonadaptive; too much chaos and it becomes directionless and incoherent. A healthy complex adaptive system never quite locks into equilibrium but never spins out of control. Complex adaptive systems at the edge have enough structure to sustain themselves and enough fluidity to adapt to a variety of circumstances. It is at the edge of chaos that unpredictability, innovation, and creative emerge.”

    “Maneuver warfare theory as it developed in the Marine Corps predated the widespread recognition of the nonlinear, dynamic sciences—although some people, like John Boyd, clearly understood the implications. The nonlinear sciences, however, strongly confirm maneuver warfare theory. They reinforce the point that war and warfare are innately uncertain and unpredictable, regardless of how much information we gather or how much technology we apply to the situation. Chaos and complexity teach us, as Warfighting does, that rather than trying to impose certainty, order, and efficiency, we are ultimately better off learning to operate despite the friction, uncertainty, and disorder that are inherent to warfare.

    Complexity especially suggests that centralized command is incompatible with the essentially distributed nature of warfare. It constitutes an attempt to linearize warfare to make it more controllable. In the end, it makes operations less adaptable—and another key lesson of chaos and complexity is that adaptability is absolutely essential. That adaptability is best achieved by empowering subordinate units with as much freedom of action as possible. The dynamic, nonlinear sciences tell us that a system is most adaptable, unpredictable, and creative when it is surfing at the “edge of chaos.” But U.S. operations routinely sacrifice those qualities for the sake of order and control. The property of emergence suggests that adaptive command and control must be bottom-up as well as top-down.”

    All of this could be used to describe the pursuit of a New World Order, the digitalized financial system, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. CBDC’s and vaccine “passports” are an attempt to impose certainty, order, and efficiency and will lead to too much rigidity and nonadaptiveness. Of course that’s the point for those who want full spectrum domination and global government. Regular people “adapting” to a psychopathic totalitarian genocidal government is unwanted.

    The European Union is imposing centralized command on the states of Europe to make it more controllable but is resulting in individual nations becoming less adpatable to rapidly changing circumstances. The Four Freedoms of the European Union’s Single Market, the free movement of people, capital, goods, and services, combined with a single “independent” currency rigidly set at 2 percent inflation and not under the control of any national government has created a system that prevents national authorities from governing their national economies in ways the Trans-national Gangster Capitalists dont like.

    This is creating a system without built-in redundancies that protect it against single-point failure. Centralized command is incompatible with the essentially distributed nature of the global economy. You would think “free marketer’s” that spent the entire cold war attacking the concept of command economies might understand that. Or perhaps they dont care, people need to be depopulated and enslaved to save the environment for the mafia class.


    1. Order and the ability to adapt using information can be maintained as long as energy flow is maintained. Like an immune system, it doesn’t mean you’ll have the right information when you need it, but there are some options. When the energy flow stops disorder ensues unless you’re something like a parasite or mold spore that hibernates, waiting for the energy flow to resume.

      The importance of natural gas will only increase as oil makes its exit and apparently the U.S. doesn’t want Europe to become a de facto part of Russia. A good target for a Russian nuclear torpedo might be a LNG loading/unloading facility in a tit-for-tat sort of way. If they destroy the energy infrastructure, it will definitely go a long way towards reducing the human population. In the U.S. view, Europe may be better off dead than tightly coupled energetically with the Russians.

      In order to fund special projects and the MIC through a banking system, without causing inflation in a time of falling energy supplies, many will not be getting their share of the remaining pie (average citizen) and this will be enforced with the digital control system and vaccines. You will eat bugs, own nothing and the chip in your brain will make sure you love it.


      1. So the message for Dolph is cheer up!

        It’s going to be pretty dreadful in the US – population reduction and replacement, much lower standard of living and chipped and vaxxed up to your eyeballs, but at least you can thank your stars you’re not a European.

        Then again, we will be enjoying the peace that passeth all understanding, snugly in our mass graves, which might be preferable to survival.

        I wonder whether Russia can manage to de-rail this plan, which apparently hinges on seizing full control of her resources?

        Better would be Eurasian unity of sorts and the US itself despised, depopulated and isolated.

        I’m still a little stunned to realise that Europe is going to be treated so harshly, and not more tenderly as the background to their privileged playgrounds.


        1. I wonder if European populations, so well conditioned with the virus to committing vaccine suicide and obeying their masters, will go along with the European suicide (for the common good.) They can’t even seem to recognize their real WEF, WHO, BIS enemies. “We’re going to put this chip in your brain, it’s for the common good.” Ha, ha. What a circus.


              1. Or back to c 1900, more or less.

                I was struck looking at a list of 19th c artists how they were divided between the majority who died 30-60, and the few who lingered to 80, often quite healthily.

                It wouldn’t be so very bad: we have done all we were meant to do by 60 after all.


                1. Get a child to 7 yrs old in a rural economy and it’s big enough to dress itself and do some useful work.

                  Parents not needed much after that; and most had no wisdom to pass on to their offspring, that’s a traditionalist fantasy.

                  ‘You work hard son, and then you die’ would have been enough.


                  1. But when you work hard son, make sure its a high EROEI occupation and get other people to work hard for you and skim a percentage of their energy return. It’s this thing called “interest”.


          1. I suspect the elderly will all line up here in the UK, they are so trusting and, above all, anxious not to die.

            They are getting the first ‘invitations’ now.

            No sign of the big temporary NHS vaxx centres yet.

            These idiots won’t believe a thing until they see MSM headlines like:



            1. Societies with nice welfare systems promoted a culture of state trust. Americans never had the benefit of a public healthcare system with price contorls.The consequence of this scam artist system is that American had the highest proportion of vaccine avoidance in the developed world. The elites promoted a low trust system and didn’t get as much of the country vaccinated as they hoped for, though they still got a majority including me. Interstingly the states that are the most socially conservative and low educated are the least vaccinated. This goes to show that propoganda and education go hand in hand.




              1. I could be that a lot of “educated” people never learn to think or question the narratives. They’re presented with information, take it in and spit it back out at test time without ever digesting it. It’s easier that way, and anyhow, it’s came from my professor, pastor, president and they always do the digesting.


                1. It’s the difference between answering a multiple choice question instead of answering a question long hand. Answering with a list of “correct facts” instead of internal debate and dialogue.


                  1. And since we usually have to function within a narrow field in the metabolism, we can’t examine closely most of the “facts”. Or the facts may pop some of our more comforting mental constructs so we deny or avoid them. We might believe dopioid factoids just to settle an overly sensitive amygdala. When reality strikes we have Post Factoid Dissonance Syndrome.


                  2. Very good point. I asked my Prof of Medicine friend about any ethical element in medical degrees.

                    They just go to a lecture or two, it seems, and no examination.

                    Not good enough: they should have to write essays examining ethical issues in depth, and be examined.

                    Writing a long essay on a subject, discussed in an our-long ‘supervision’, one on one, after a week of very intensive and wide reading was a excellent mental training in my History degree at Cambridge.

                    Any superficiality or inability to reason was soon exposed, even before the test of exams.


              2. The British tend to think the state and institutions might be incompetent, but never corrupt or murderous. A habit of thought largely formed in WW2.

                The survivors of WW1 were much more sceptical as far as I can tell: but then the generals did throw them against machine guns after telling them the battle was already won (literally happened several times to my great-grandfather).

                And of course Socialism teaches as a fundamental premise that the state is benign.

                Add a general ignorance of even 20th c history, and we have the makings of the sheep happily trotting off to the slaughterhouse.


        2. The Russians should be saving the precious energy resources for themselves instead of depleting it for the benefit of their American and European enemies. We did them a favor and they dont even realize it. Putin think’s there is going to be a whole new multipolar world order. Wrong! Not enough resources or biophysical planet left for more BRICS cancer.

          Even worse the Russians were badly tricked with mRNA vaccines and are totally fucked. They are just as set for depopulation as anyone else. If you criticize vaccines it is worse over there than it is over here in America. Apparently holier-than-thou Putin is never wrong and may not be criticized. Maybe he can hand out more “Mother Heroine” medals. Fucking dumbass.

          Russia’s demographic crisis is slightly worrying.

          Putin & COVID: Who’s in charge?

          Russia to create its own mRNA shot. Sure, why not?

          Russia begins vaccinating mobilized citizens

          Here is some news on the ruble-gold peg those idiots tried. They are sitting on a gold-mine of coal, oil, and gas and they ask for fucking gold. Fucking morons. I cant believe people buy into this liberal hard money bullshit. They dont understand the economy over there either.

          The gold-pegged ruble: System failure


          1. Gold is inert and I guess that’s why people like it as a store of value. They don’t realize that the real value is in the stuff that’s highly reactive like fossil fuels. The stuff that releases a percentage of its bond energy into wave energy which can bang things around and get a turbine running for instance. Life and tech is about taking that bond energy, summing it and converting it into some mechanical movement like a beating heart. Gold is about as dead as it gets. Won’t even decompose. It could be used as a currency, but there are lots of fakes. It’s sort of funny using all of that good energy for digging and refining a non-reactive substance like that, sort of like Bitcoin. In the end we might end-up with a big pile of gold and no energy. Great.


            1. There’s a good scene in the series ‘Vikings’: after being shown land they can settle on by King Alfred, the Viking chief kneels down and grabs some rich crumbly soil, and says:

              ‘Look, real wealth!’

              Implying that mere gold wasn’t as good.

              Hugging an ash tree might have have been even more to the point, as you can cut it and burn the same day – instant energy.

              Ash was the oil of the Dark Ages: and like oil products, you could make things with and from it.


              1. I read recently that there was a run on firewood in Ireland, but I thought they burned their forests and little remains. Maybe peat will become fashionable. They can find all of those murder victims of centuries past like the bodies at the bottom of Lake Mead.


            2. I think there is Chinese text from the 6th century crisis, or something:

              ‘What use are our gold and jade when we can’t eat?’


              1. It only has worth if it’s exchangeable for a chicken salad sandwich and cup of coffee. In times of great deprivation the sandwich and coffee will be consumed before any transaction can occur.


            3. Ancient gold coins found hidden in wall shed light on Byzantine Empire

              There will be lots of “prepper” gold and silver hoards all across America just like these ancient preppers who apparently did not make it through the Islamic conquest to use their precious gold. Thanks to ancient preppers we keep finding hoards of silver and gold coins from past collapses. That should tell us all we need to know on the uselessness of hoarding precious metals.


              1. “Honey, hurry, they’re almost here. Where did you bury the gold coins?” Meanwhile, eight centuries later: “Look what I found!”


                1. That’s why I thought of burying some silver coins with a note saying:

                  ‘No, I never thought I’d live to collect:do you think I was some kind of schmuck or something?!’ .

                  But of course, the language or literacy itself would probably have died out by then.


              2. Gold coins are nice to count over at night by candlelight. That’s about it.

                Beautiful engraving on some of them, the old St George and the dragon design is exquisite.

                I’ll pass on the Vatican jab job.


  10. Perhaps they envisage a ‘re-wilded’, de-indstrialised Europe as, eventually, a place for interesting safaris?

    Where’s my loin cloth and club?


    1. Yes, but it will be an harari rather than a safari. That’s where they hunt useless eaters on horseback and hack them to death.


    1. There should be a big curve that drops off like a Seneca Cliff. Eventually you can f&*k around more and more and you get dumber and dumber.


    1. Doesn’t get better than that. A little fun on the bayou. Girls, food and dopioid fireworks going off in the brain. The universe gives its seal of approval as long as you’re generating lots of heat dancing, eating and…………….


  11. The Germans should pull themselves up by their boot straps and stop complaining about their lack of energy. Rich people have a culture of wealth and poor people have a culture of poverty. Rich countries have genetically superior people and poor countries have genetically inferior people.


    1. When a capitalist says “Take personal responsibility.”, it’s like a religious person saying “I’ll say a prayer for you.” Scammers, skimmers, confidence men, criminal presidents, hypocrites. I say to them STFU.


      1. There used to be this awful woman here, Angela something or other, who was spokeswoman for the association of bankers.

        She’d give pious exhortations on the radio to consumers , telling them ‘to be responsible’ in the most patronising voice as if addressing a 5 yr old.

        Sub-text being banks are responsible for nothing, it’s your own fault, scum.

        The only woman whose face I’ve ever wanted to bash in or stick down a toilet – repeatedly.


        1. I love to watch their power dissipate as they can no longer issue credit without getting kicked in the ass by inflation.


    1. Those look like far-right primitivists again. Thank goodness they’re locked away in their parents basements expressing their violence in video games.


      1. Steve Cutts is a good artist but he doesn’t understand that this is how the universe is wired. We humans are just doing God’s work better than the other animals. If you want to be blame something be like Inmendham and blame all of nature or even the whole universe. Steve is acting like there is some happy alternative outcome and that animals don’t go into overshoot themselves. But I can understand his sentiments.


        1. It seems organisms and civilizations organize towards whatever keeps the energy flowing through them, even if it’s unsavory by some standards. If they don’t, they disappear.


    1. If the bankers were serious about saving life, then they would have stopped issuing loans about fifty years ago. Too greedy. Now they want to consolidate their gains and eliminate the competition as the necrosis grows.


  12. The far-right conspiracists are at it again, blaming Fauci and Daczak for the virus. How dare they impugn the names of such dedicated public servants. Someone is conducting war by deception (and viruses and wokism and Putinism and………………………… I wonder who that is?


  13. I honestly wonder why the right wing has more skepticism around vaccines in general. Most of our mainstream propoganda apparatus is aimed at socially liberal people so I imagine those types don’t even see the mainstream media as a propaganda system. The people on the right don’t have very many media outlets so are naturally more skeptical of the media landscape than social liberals.

    Then there is the whole science denialism on the right which serves them very well in the case of vaccines but not so well in the case of climate change, overpopulation, peak oil or birth contol and abortion.


    1. Maybe the right-wing are going to be saved by God and the left are going to be saved by technology or “I am science.” Fauci. I don’t put my faith in either because I have no intention of being “saved”.


  14. Insurance company will reimburse the rich, then the government will reimburse the insurance companies (through disaster relief) using money they take from your modest income.

    Now get back to work!


    1. Who knows, maybe it’s one of those waterproof amphibious cars that you can order from the Hammacher Schlemmer catalog for $5 million each.


    1. Nice beard Sid, but you only recommended Gail’s site, Tim Morgan’s site and J.M. Greer’s site. No one wants to know that they’ve evolved to become an f’ing molecule. Serve them the pablum Sid.


      1. But then who will vote for the green party? LOL. Here’s Germany’s successful pro-nuclear war “Green” party. Give those fucking molecule’s what they really want.


    2. I like Sid Smith but his claim that doomers are fetishizing collapse is annoying. He has a remarkably light take on collapse for someone who understands the problem so well. His claim that nobody can really predict whats going to happen, thus it might not be so bad, as opposed to it could be a whole lot worse than anyone could possibly imagine. He and John Michael Greer think its going to be a stair step collapse of constant discomforting adjustment all the way down. That’s not likely with our current leadership, they still expect growth. Stair step collapse requires leaders expecting that kind of decline, not just depopulation, but decline of techno-industrial civilization. They still seem pretty techno-utopian to me.

      No worries about those nuclear facilities or weapons of mass destruction. Sri Lanka doesn’t have nuclear reactors but soon enough a country with one of them is going down, probably in Europe. Is it really a fetish or doomerism if you can see industrial collapse as an extremely severe event?


      1. I like Sid too. He’s got the story right without the gory details. Wish I could comment on Youtube, but I was saying too many counter-narrative things.


    3. Sid is real good at the Doom 101 type stuff. He’s pretty much got that nailed. But his brain is warped by ideas of “progress” and such. Like humans can make some sort of better society for themselves after the collapse of the current system.

      Hahaha is about all I can say to that.

      But if such ideas let you sleep better at night, who am I to throw stones? I just know that I sleep like a baby most every night.

      Also, as far as some type of stair stepping back to the use of real time solar flows, the “West” has been stair stepping down, using every kind of gimmick imaginable, for at least the last 50 years. So there’s that. I guess.


      1. Maybe communism and brain chips are the only answer. Maybe life in the Metaverse will be a lot of fun. We can take breaks to eat bug chips and savor our virtual accomplishments and hope our number doesn’t come-up in the vaccine draft. Green will sprout naturally when the population drops to about 100 million, but they’ll never let us out of our cages except for brief visits to the outside. Feral humans will be hunted by autonomous drones. Can’t let any of the little cancers get loose, all they want to do is accumulate wealth and grow.


      2. It’s the deeply-embedded Heavenly Kingdom on a New Earth paradigm.

        I’m sleeping well too. My waking thoughts are often doom and horrors – ‘Shall I count how many ways they might kill me?’ – but they do not appear in my dreams, thankfully.

        Our brains are quite kind to us really, if they weren’t we’d go mad.


  15. A German publication telling Jews to leave their country. Where have I heard that one before? It is not only a German publication. DW is the German state propaganda channel that was established by Nazis after WW2 to continue thier propaganda war against the East. Its first intendat Dr. Hans Otto Wesemann worked for the Gestapo and for Goebbels at the nazi propaganda paper “Das Reich”.

    Were are they supposed to go to dear rabbi? Kiev? Disneyland?


    1. It’s seemed to me that most of those involved in the destruction of the West are a Jewish cabal. Just as in WWII they’re going to endanger the lives of all Jews by tainting them by association. The idea seems to be, for those not poisoned outright, to lock everyone into a digital prison run by “bankers” and then reduce their population at their leisure. The rabbi is probably correct that there are better places for Jews right now than Russia. However, go to Israel and they’re likely to vax you to death.


      1. I think there are at least three cabals. The U.S. based Northeastern Liberal establishment (CIA-Wallstreet), the European based Continental Conservative (Catholic-leaning) establishment, and the Isreali based Zionist establishment. There is a bunch of overlap between them with the Anlgophone countries falling directly under the U.S. establishment through the five eyes network. The Zionist and the Anglo’s work together on a lot of stuff, so there is mutual back scratching. The U.S. establishment and the European establishment meet every year at Bilderberg to hash out strategy and ideas.


        1. It seems they’ve reached a consensus that the useless eaters must go and that the Chinese model will be sufficient to control the remainder. Things never go according to plan.


          1. Civilization is an emergant system, arising unplanned. The people at the top only have the illusion of control mainly because they can kick us little people around and punish small defenseless countries. But when the system reaches a point of criticality through ecological exhaustion, exponential growth, expedited entropy, and excessive complexity it becomes more obvious that those at the top only ever had control over people inside the system and not over the system as a whole.


            1. I agree. They’re dreaming. If the humans cannot be fed, the tech cells cannot be maintained and the retirees cannot get an eight-percent annual return for their pensions, what next? Hyperinflation and a run out of the bond markets to the real world where the last few musical chairs are awaiting those that exit first? Prior to this we’ll likely see nationalization of key assets or “chairs”. Return on capital will give way to return of capital on the way to extinction of capital. I wonder how many times collateral has been pledged for the existing mountain of debt. The claimed collateral will in many instances become a liability since it can no longer be kept alive and functioning. Owners may have to pay for tearing it down and hauling it away. We’ll see how much control they actually have.


        2. Those do seem to be the core ingredients in the Great Re-set witch’s brew.

          In more picturesque language, they are in reality neither Jews nor Anglos, nor Catholics, but worshippers of Baal and Mammon and the deified narcissistic Self – manifesting as the eagerly awaited Bio-Tech AI ‘God Mind’ alone capable of guiding their inverted Satanic New Jerusalem – whose interests overlap to a considerable degree.


  16. Joe Cocker, in full-on palsy mode, singing “Delta Lady”, one of the greatest songs ever written, and ever will be. It was written by Leon Russell, an unrecognized genius. I guess.


    1. I wonder if a dissipative singer has ever been so passionate about something other than the opposite sex, like a cheeseburger. Yes, “Cheeseburger in Paradise” by Jimmy Buffet, but that’s a rarity. Sadly Joe Cocker passed away in 2014.

      Woman of the country now I’ve found you
      Longing in your soft and fertile delta
      And I whisper sighs to satisfy your longing
      For the warmth and tender shelter of my body
      Oh you’re my, yes you’re my Delta Lady
      Yes, you’re my, me oh my, Delta Lady

      Please don’t ask how many times I found you
      Standing wet and naked in the garden
      And I think of days and diff’rent ways I held you
      Held you closely to me, yes our heart was beating
      Oh you’re my, yes you’re my Delta Lady
      And you’re my, me oh my, Delta Lady

      Oh and I’m over here in England
      But I think of you, (think about you,oh,think about you)
      Because I love you,love

      There are concrete mountains in the city
      And pretty city women live inside them
      And yet it seems the city scene is lacking you
      I’m so glad you’re waiting for me in the country
      Oh,you’re my, yes you’re my Delta Lady
      Said, you’re my, me oh my, Delta Lady
      And you’re my, yes you’re my Delta Lady
      Yeah, you’re my, yes you’re my Delta Lady
      And you’re my, yes you’re my Delta Lady

      Here’s a female version song (1971), Delta Dawn:

      Delta Dawn, what’s that flower you have on
      Could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
      And did I hear you say, he was a-meeting you here today
      To take you to his mansion in the sky?

      She’s 41 and her daddy still calls her, ‘baby’
      All the folks around Brownsville say she’s crazy
      ‘Cause she walks down town with a suitcase in her hand
      Looking for a mysterious dark-haired man


    1. About ninety-nine percent of the earth’s population is captive to magical thinking, if they think at all, and another small percentage will promote projects that are profitable to themselves even though they have no long-term viability. What is our great transition? The transition to electric cars and Mars. We’ll see how far that gets us.


      1. Dr. Alpert wants to save some of humanity and its toys. An understandable sentiment but humans are probably going to unleash the full panoply of bioweapons and then nuke each other. He sort of ignores the whole nuclear reactors, cooling ponds, and nuclear waste disposal problem. I’m assuming that would ruin his “plans”. He should probably take the Gail Tverberg route and just get ready for life after death. Make plans for his final exit out of this shit show.


        1. Every dissipative structure must justify its existence energetically. A dam does this by taking advantage of water’s journey towards the lowest energy state after it’s been evoporated into the atmosphere by solar turbulence. The turbine spins and the A/C generator creates an aether perturbation or potential which is guided by conductors to space heaters, motors, Teslas and the like. Of course, all dams are built burning lots and lots of diesel. As Jack said, a dam will only give you about three hundred years to figure-out another source of energy and the entire culture will be about running and maintaining dams. Too bad the bankers see the end of their money system as a reason to upset the gameboard. We would have had a better chance at an orderly contraction if they handn’t by using the remaining fossil fuels. We could hold a fair lottery every year in which dissipative structures are retired from service instead of building more and more.


    1. Gail brings a lot of good analysis for consideration and her assistant Fast Eddy brings daily reports of the “authorities” efforts at solving the problem of too little energy.


      1. I see Fast Eddy commenting in a lot of blogs I read. He’s probably the most prolific doomer commentator in the blogosphere. I’m glad he’s there slapping down all the happy bullshit and conspiracy denial.


    1. If they’ll kill children without hesitation and freeze most of Europe, then using nukes will only be a faster means to an end. Consider yourself on the front lines. The common people carrying out the orders are not traitors, they were ever only loyal to only one thing – dollars.


      1. Quite so: no option is off the table.

        If they do away with us over here, James, I do hope that the big hole in your international readership is not to distressing.

        Light a candle for us…….


        1. I just lit a candle before reading your comment, it’s the dissipative thing to do. My skin can feel the turbulence arriving at the speed of light. You’ve already survived the first campaign. Just stash plenty of acorns, water and wool socks and you’ll likely survive to witness Western man’s final hour. We might have to put the Christmas tree up early this year to make the end a bit more cheery. But when the electric goes out we will climb in bed beneath thick comforters and read passages from Steven Pinker’s “The Better Angels of our Nature” while we await the ionizing radiation. But not to worry, undoubtedly there will be an anti-radiation vaccine at the ready.


          1. One good thing about the Pinker types, they give us a good laugh at the End of the World.

            Just don’t record the laugh and play it back it might sound a bit manic. ……


            1. Twas the night before Armageddon and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

              The gas masks were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes Tsar Bomba would never be there.

              The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of heaven danced in their heads.

              Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap, had just settled our brains for a nuclear winter’s nap –

              When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my feet to see what was the matter.

              Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the blast shutters and threw up the sash.

              The radioactive glow on the breast of the new fallen snow, gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below;

              When what to my wandering eyes should appear, a giant mushroom cloud and it was quite near.

              The End.


      2. People who carry out orders: ‘soldier’ = one who signs up to kill as instructed in return for ‘soldi’ ie money, coin of the realm.

        There never was anything noble in it. And now the same for the medical profession, following the protocols handed down from on high.

        I watched the dawn today: very beautiful time of day, before the mischievous monkeys are up and about their nefarious work.

        Second thoughts, was that a chem-trail I saw up there?


        1. People should learn about dissipatives and know how nature, hell-bent on reducing gradients, produces some not so nice things to accomplish the task. Apparently, keeping the personal flame burning by killing others and stealing their fuel is a worthy, conserved trait. So is revenge. The entirety of the “markets” isn’t about an efficient allocation of capital but rather stealing “saved” claims on energy. Keep an eye on the sky when the first nuke is launched, like bats out of hell the goblins of the City of London will have their jets shrieking towards their caverns.


          1. Perhaps a contrived nuclear disaster -that Ukraine plant – or exchange of tactical nukes , ‘Mad Putin Did It!’ – in order to cover up all those vaxx cancer deaths? They can spin anything, no need for much real destruction.


    1. I listened until Aubrey mentioned Russians invading Ukraine and then I quit and gave it a thumbs down. Maybe he should go take some more Psilosybin and maybe he’ll have a revelation. When Nate speaks of decomplexification I think he’s referring to death. We’re not going to be walking the dog on the back forty and enjoying the finer low-energy things in life, we’ll be trying to squeeze calories wherever we can find them just to stay alive. All of the flowing energy comes from the atomic nucleus, atomic bonds and gravity, all related to on-going entropy and equilibrium. Most all of the flowing energy has come from the sun breaking into energy packaged in atoms which then flows out as electro-magnetic radiation in massive turbulence, a small amount of which hits the earth. Whatever is not captured in things like plants eventually spreads out into the aether, electromagnetic field, space or whatever you prefer. Not to say that it won’t be repackaged in a black hole and be puked back out into a galaxy as hydrogen atoms to be degraded once again in one of the many billons or trillions of stars.

      Humans will go wherever the opioids and dopamine lead the mini-me in the brain. The mini-me will connect with the motor cortex and the puppet will start moving. Free will? Not a chance. The puppet will chase energy until it’s scarce and then there will be territorial fights (one dissipative trying to steal the energy from another dissipative.)


      1. We Americans don’t invade people for oil anymore, not since we put troops into Syria five years ago. For the last five years we have been total angels. We are only exporting Syria’s oil through Kurdish territory and Iraq in the name of freedom and democracy. Not like those Ruskies who only do it for autocracy. If only the Russians would take psychedelics and raise their vibrations to a higher soul level. Then they could be as wise as the Poles.

        As for enjoying the finer things in life, I imgaine Aubrey’s wife wouldn’t be too thrilled if his energy income were to stop very drastically. Last I check male unemployment was a major risk of divorce.

        Understanding Unemployment and Divorce

        For marriages formed after 1975, husbands’ lack of full-time employment is associated with higher risk of divorce, but neither wives’ full-time employment nor wives’ share of household labor is associated with divorce risk. Expectations of wives’ homemaking may have eroded, but the husband breadwinner norm persists.

        I guess the ladies might have a different understanding of the finer things in life. Perhaps that’s a small part of why we do this whole civilization thing to begin with. Baby needs a new pair of shoes. I don’t see models and actresses running off to live the hunter gatherer lifestyle over being a trophy wife.

        I wonder what European husbands are going to tell their wives this winter when the electricity goes into partial meltdown, cellphone coverage collapses, and Germany begins to deindustrialize. Let’s not forget the one million plus refugees the Germans just took in from the middle east back in 2015-2016, not to mention Italy and other countries. Just enjoy the finer things in life sweetheart. Maybe the wives will stop caring about the Ukrainians when they’re all out of finer things and scarcity hits like a truck full of bricks. Bring home the bacon misters or we won’t be happy, I don’t care if you have to kill some people just don’t tell us about it.


        1. There’s a bright side: business problems derailed my looming 2nd marriage in 2005, and so saved me – I now think – from a whole world of misery.

          I bless the day all my customers disappeared! We stayed in touch, which gave me leisure to observe her real character in many situations…..

          As the Old Man on the Hill, of the ancient Chinese tale said to his neighbours as events unfolded:

          ‘Hmm, so you think that’s ‘bad’ luck, and that’s ‘good’? Let’s see….’


        2. The Rievers, rather wild people who inhabited the shifting border between England and Scotland, and lived by raiding – vicious bastards actually – had a custom whereby the matriarch would place a pair of spurs on the table when food stores were running low, the message being:

          ‘Time to saddle up boys and bring back the bacon!’ (or in their case cattle).

          Women also had no problem with moving into nice houses and apartments suddenly vacated for some reason by Jews in the 1930’s……

          Yep, get the goods, and I don’t want to know exactly how……


        3. Next year will be my nineteenth year without a paycheck and my wife hasn’t ditched me yet. I may have to get a job soon though as inflation surges higher and higher. I guess I never wanted a life going through the motions like a rRNA. Life is short, why spend it as a factor of production in a cancer.


          1. You’ve lived the Aristotelian ideal of a philosophical gentleman of leisure, James. Maybe with some cooking and housework. Couldn’t last forever.

            I’ve been pretending to earn a living for much the same period, luckily it left a lot of time for reading and a few amorous entanglements, and mostly with a full stomach – without sacrificing to a corporate idol.

            Not bad at all, looking back.


            1. It does come to an end, and I have endured some privation which is likely to become worse, but I feel I’ve accomplished my goals and have enjoyed the journey. Didn’t want to spend half my life paying for a banker’s home in Bermuda. I’ll take that time myself doing what I like.


              1. My old friends in banking in London haven’t really seen much sunlight for most of their adult lives.

                Can millions ever compensate for that?

                ‘Advanced idiots’ is what I used to think of them as: above all now, as a leisurely old age is likely not on the cards for them – they are all vaxxed……


      2. Hagens is correct, but he holds back the really bad news: the fossil fuel driven global market economy that is destroying the planet is also keeping billions of people alive. Once growths reverses, population levels will also reverse. When there is not enough to go around, even the best system of rationing resources will not be able to keep everyone supplied with what they need. Once people can’t get the calories they need or the water they need, they will die.

        This is the underlying reason why every government will pull out all the stops, regardless of the damage to the planet and future generations, to keep the economy growing as long as possible. They may be just reacting to constituent anger when trying to keep the economy from entering a continuous recession, but constituent anger is just the first step toward the privation and death that a never-ending recession will inevitably produce. Passively accepting mass death is not something that most governments will ever do.

        Nate talks about the Wile E. Coyote moment that is coming for the financial system, but he doesn’t talk about the same Wile E. Coyote moment that is coming for global population levels. Indeed, the failure of the global financial system will do as much as energy depletion to produce an economic depression and thereby depress population. Finance is the lubricant that keeps the gears of the global market economy turning smoothly. Without it, everything shuts down. We are now on the verge of everything shutting down. Get ready for it now if you possibly can.


        1. Instead of passive acceptance of catastrophic decline, they are now opting for active management of the process.

          This was perhaps meant to start in 2016 with a Clinton administration victory over Russia, but Trump got in the way and they are now really rushing things.

          It would be so much smoother if they already had total control of Russo-Ukrainian resources in the bag, and hence effective leverage over China.


    1. Good stuff indeed, except for the obligatory Hopium at the end, and the ignoring of energy. Still, one can’t get everything in a lecture, nor drive people to suicide in one fell blow .

      Medical tyranny as a cover for financial system collapse is enough for most people to take.

      How, though, is the predicted ‘ten years of Hell’ meant to turn into a Renaissance, I wonder?

      Supply chains didn’t collapse in the late 15th century: in fact increasing global complexity and population made the European Renaissance.

      Still, one of the good guys, and he doesn’t come across as at all cranky, or political or religious, so a good video to recommend to the unenlightened.


        1. A conventionally-trained classical economist, in other words, with a nose for scams.

          Anyway, it’s probably about as much of the truth as people can take without losing their reason (or denial).


    1. Well, if there’s a divine in control it must really hate them as evidenced by holding back on the rain. What did they do wrong? Do they really need to get down on their knees and kiss ass? I’m sure God hates a sycophant. Maybe they need to sacrifice a few virgins but then God would be even more upset. If I were them I would just stock-up on bottled water and wait.


      1. Thermodynamics rules the universe and it basically dictates that billions will die, most likely in the lifetimes of the current generations.


    2. I’ve prayed to God at least 10 times a day, every day, without fail, for the last 50 years. He’s never done anything for me. Fuck God.


  17. so, I guess that Sabine thinks that there should on going research into cold fusion. Why? It’s still good at generating funding.


    1. That’s another good name for a drink, “I’ll have Cold Fusion on the rocks.” But it’s a dissipative sacred duty to find ways to release gradients. Keep trying. What else ya gonna do?


    1. And God did not leave five heavy gold bricks at my front door. Still waters and green pastures? More like a dissipative dead-end.


        1. Credit where it is due. They excel us in everything: greater wealth and power, and

          Greater cowards.

          Greater murderers.

          Greater liars….


  18. He gave them two barrels, left them twitching. The coup de grace still to come….

    Quite an achievement to end ‘The financial system is done, the Pandemic was faked, enslavement is planned and the vaxxes are killing people by design’ on an up-beat, ‘there’s a better tomorrow’, note!


      1. I just switch on my Denial Response Mechanism, sinister thoughts vanish from consciousness, and I spring out of bed ready to dissipate like crazy and degrade more energy gradients.



      1. Kind of like the historical Jesus. Forgive them their debts, was the message the first three hundred years of cult worship by the downtrodden, the dispossessed and the slaves of the brutal Roman empire. They changed it to forgive them their sins after it became the organized religion and tool of the powerful.


    1. I like Spam, well enough, the kind you eat. It was something of a staple around my house when I was growing up. Why such a stigma attached to Spam?

      I do think about the care of animal friends as the industrial world unwinds. I recently lost a cat that I had had for over 22 years. Very traumatic. Luckily, I was able to care for him till the end. Kinda funny, I know that my fate, everyone’s fate, is to suffer and die. So the thought of my own suffering death dosen’t much bother me. But, another creature, put in my hands, that becomes problematic.


      1. My only problem with Spam is that of it’s six ingrediants, sugar and starch I avoid. I like the taste of Spam and if they made it sugar free I could ignore the starch.


        1. I bought some tins of the very best canned diced beef I could find, to cheer up those very dark, grey, hopeless, soul-sucking, English winter days when only a meaty pie or casserole will do.

          I looked at Spam, never having eaten any, but here it all comes from Brazil, like the corned beef, and I just don’t fancy it. The recipes on YT don’t look anything tempting.

          I’d rather work some Spanish and Arab herb and spice magic on chickpea and bean fritters and balls to add interest to a rice dish. These are delicious re-heated under a grill, and filling like meat.

          I suppose Spam is despised as a working-class not middle-class foodstuff, except in war-time?

          In the Middle Ages the aristocracy despised those who ate beef and pork as ‘food for coarse souls’. Humans are nuts.


      2. My dog is in his last year or two anyway, so hopefully I can survive long enough to see him out without any untoward distress, I’ve stockpiled meat and rice for him.

        Even in the bunker it seems people were shocked when Adolf had a suicide pill tested on his alsatian: ‘How could he possibly do that?!’ they asked.

        Having led 5.5 million Germans to an early death, was it really so surprising? Almost his last cowardly, treacherous, selfish act.


        1. What about the story, that i came across only recently, that H. fled to Argentina? Do you heard about it? Apparently, after the war everyone in high places was convinced, starting with Stalin, that H. had escaped. I don’t know what to make of this story, but it has some elements that make it plausible. Certainly he had good friends in Argentina and all the means for a successful escape.


          1. These theories overlook just how sick he was at the end, simply falling apart. Mental illness and quack doctors.

            But maybe it was nothing some sun, juicy steaks and a few bottles of Malbeck couldn’t cure?

            ‘Vegetarianism?! Hombre, here it’s sodomy – with a woman (the Argentine obsession, apparently) – and a real man’s diet or no one at all will have the least shred of respect for you!’


            1. Sick or not, being Hitler a man who never seemed particularly brave, and who had the German submarines at his disposal, the option of having fled to Argentina with a suitcase full of gold, like many of his cronies, doesn’t seem too far-fetched to me, especially if it’s true that his remains were never identified, as alleged in the film. Fact is that hypothesis is not even mentioned in Ian Kershaw’s gigantic biography. In any case, none of this is of much interest now.


              1. We have so many wanna-be Hitlers these days, trying to make their mark on history. Maybe we should go ahead and set-up a netting operation in Argentina for when they flee.


              2. I highly recommend ‘Diary of a Man in Despair’ if you haven’t read it.

                An old-style German aristocrat who met Hitler several times during his rise to power, and who deeply regretted not shooting him when they were alone in a restaurant once. Sad lonely Hitler eating his vegetarian dinner…

                He ended up being murdered in a camp, just as the war ended, but it’s an evocative memoir.


  19. Where is my Nobel? I tell the world something fundamental about itself, like Galileo and the Earth orbiting the Sun and I don’t even get referenced anywhere. Hmmm. Bernanke gets the economics prize. I guess they take care of their own. Maybe it must have math to be accepted in the techno dissipative system and not disrupt the flow of energy and money to the suits and ties.


    1. Just have to settle for being a thinker with an elite global audience, James.

      There are too many in the Nobel Club: it’s just not that exclusive or distinguished any more.


    1. I wonder when these soy boys are going to figure out that humans are hierarchical, thermodynamic slime seeking to meet their innate needs by dominating, using and abusing each other without compunction. The Deep State? There’s nothing deep about them. How about f’ing criminals and pirates.


      1. Their discusions always shows a left wing bias that human’s are inherently good, are not tribal, are not religious, are not territorial , thrive in multiculturalism, living in a state of abundance only negatively effected by capitalist hoarding, don’t need carbon fuels, and we just need to have a “real” democracy with a flat anarcho-syndicalist heirarchy.

        There is no real democracy outside of Ancient Athens were 7000 offices were selected through sortition (lottery) and only 100 offices by elections. Elections are for oligarchies. Real democracy is always a local government and primarily a sortition system. Democracy cannot scale up with increased population size and geography so that’s why we have hierarchies. That includes theories of work place democracy also known as socialism.

        They need to lose all hope about human nature and civilization to see reality. They are searching for fairness and justice and their is none. It’s a world full of callous-conning psychopaths climbing the ladder of power and money.


        1. There are so many maladaptations in the human enterprise working against long-term survival, but it has worked well to unwind the fossil fuel gradient through the building of millions of tech cells, distribution systems, maintenance and education of rRNA and so on. It could be that the existing form of capitalism is the one that maximized power for the most, letting greed lead the way. But what it does not do is take account of its own future viability. Even thought the current assault on the economy may look like a move to save the environment, it is more like the abandonment of a population of dissipatives that no longer have fuel. There’s no doubt that the system that uses the most energy and grows the fastest, even if marginally corrupt and sporting “elections”, pushes aside all those competing entities with a lesser growth rate.


    1. Humans used to be that way, doing favors for each other that could be repaid in the future. You don’t do the favor for a stranger because you will likely never be repaid. It’s sort of broken down since everyone moves away and becomes isolated. A person with an extended family of friends that can be counted on becomes rare. But then again, I’ve known people that will unfriend you if you’ve done too many good things for them because they don’t want to repay, so they just cut the tie. Or if the ledger gets too one-sided and they ask for another favor and you refuse and they say, “Nice knowin’ ya.” A “good time Charlie” is a variation on that theme. It describes a person whose always around for a good time, but in times of need or trouble they’re nowhere to be found.


      1. Friendship, mutual utility and support, was perhaps more serious when the world was more dangerous.

        I like the ‘Havamal’, the old Norse book of wise counsels, from an age when life was short and every man armed:

        ‘How shall I treat my friend? Make much of them, make gifts, look after them well, both for your sake and theirs.

        And how shall I treat the friend of my enemy? Smile, be polite, and when you can, kill them’.

        The old drinking custom in England, until probably the 17th century, was that when you lifted the flaggon to drink your ale, a friend seated next to you drew their dagger, to guard against any possible treacherous attack. A Viking world well into the modern age. Those people must have had their wits about them at all times.


        1. I guess Julius Caesar didn’t have many friends. “Et tu, Brute?” “Don’t you remember the times I took you fishing, the lavish dinners, the support for your business. Don’t you remember?” “Yes, I remember those times Caesar, but now with you out of the way I can get even more favors from more “friends”.


  20. Regarding Gail Tverberg, James Kunstler, and the like: the problem is that they’ve outstayed their welcome. See, none of us is going to be around discussing this in 2050, 2100, 2150 etc., regardless of what happens in the world, because our mortality is 100 percent.

    If you were discussing all of this late 2000s, say, 2009-2010, to early 2010s, congrats: you are already old news. The world has already passed you by, and a new generation is now here to discuss and debate it as they please. And if you look closely you can find them, but you can see that they are still trying to piece together the puzzle. They will eventually. Remember, boomers and gen x out there: millenials and zoomers are probably already the majority of people worldwide.

    I’m 41 and I work on accepting this, but it’s hard. The young just seem so stupid, it’s difficult to let go nowadays. Part of me wants to see the outcome, I’d love to witness 2050 to 2100, for example. Just think of everything that is going to fall to entropy and ruin, all the old ideas swept away. That’s awesome to think about it, but alas, I’m not going to be there.


    1. Once you understand the thermodynamics and dissipative structures, it doesn’t matter when you’re alive, fifty million years ago or today, you can figure-out what’s happening and what’s going to happen. It doesn’t matter if your in another galaxy, the same things are going to play-out for the same reasons. It’s all very satisfying. It’s all silly putty.


    2. I’d love to see the overgrown ruins: time to break out the crystal ball or magic mirror I suppose, simply no way of living until then.

      With Collapse, as with everything else in life, each generation has to learn to grasp the concept slowly and painfully. And as with all wisdom, once you’ve attained it, it’s incommunicable and effectively useless.

      It even seems pointlessly cruel to try to convey it to younger people.

      When a friend of 25 talks about what she hopes for in life, or another has a new baby, how can I say or even hint at anything.

      And it wouldn’t change a thing anyway.

      Better to have a drink, go for a walk if the weather’s good, and enjoy the present, and not spoil their brief youth and hopefulness.


      1. It’s amazing to me, how many people there are, both young and old, who think that “renewables”, in one form or another, are an “answer” of some sort. Before becoming a hard core doomer, maybe 20 years ago, used to think that there were various “answers”. Like there’s answer to existing. Silly talk.

        Some times people still want to talk to me about “recycling”, or maybe the “hydrogen economy”. All kind of laughable. But hey, like they say: “if that’s what floats your boat”, OK by me.

        Arthur Schopenhauer came up with only usable prescription for life, that I’ve ever found:

        Art (contemplate something), Compassion (we’re all in the same boat) and resignation (we all suffer and die, so get over it).

        Athur also said something to the effect that his prescription would only work for people who were capable of thinking in the first place. So he excluded maybe 99% of the population at the time. I think that the percentage has dropped since then.


    3. Just think though you happen to be alive at the most momentous time in all human history. Unless you are very old you are going to witness the beginnings of the great collapse and die-off. True you won’t be around to walk through all the radioactive rubble 50 years from now but no one but the cockroaches will.

      My 88 year old father died two weeks ago a miserable death from covid-19 after the four Mrna shots and the Paxlovid they gave him turned him into a zombie. But he was born at the right time in history. Got to work 25 years and get paid for 60. Took advantage of advanced medical technology that extended his life by 10 years. No one will ever get to experience human existence like that again.

      All the death and destruction probably starts soon so consider yourself lucky to have a ring side seat to it.


      1. I’m sorry for the loss of your dad. That generation were the participants in a massive build-out using fossil fuels (and the pensions and social security were quite generous). I imagine our children will, if they survive, be saying that we were the lucky ones because we had something to eat. Strontium and Cesium have half lives of about thirty years. Amazing that it takes that long for them to decay. Plutonium about eighty-eight years.


      2. Condolences, sorry the bastards got to him; but maybe there is some consolation that up until the end he’d had it damn good surfing on the fossil fuel wave.


    1. Those Europeans are better off dead than in the bailiwick of Vladimir Putin. I think if I were Putin, I would definitely light-up some LNG terminals. But it’s probably unnecessary since the bankers are ditching the West all on their own. How could the West be ditched as long as Putin was feeding them that nourishing natural gas? The West must be suicided.


      1. Western Europe has been put in a secure cell in a maximum security prison: what will happen if the guards turn their backs ? What did you say, ghost of Mr Epstein?

        Or we are standing in the Shower Room, waiting for the holy waters of the Green New Deal to wash over us, regenerating and cleansing us of fossil fuel sins, before stepping out into the sunshine and birdsong of the Renewables Future.


        1. I think the renewables future is the wood lot and then salvage of wood from abandoned homes and then warfare over remaining burnable stuff. Have you found a dry cave for your books or will you defend them with your Excalibur?


          1. Good question. I don’t think this is a culture in which anyone would fight to get hold of literature, except as fire-lighters.

            Nearly every single book or scroll from Ancient Rome perished, only copying preserved texts, more or less, so I’m reconciled to the likelihood that they will all perish in coming years.

            I’m going to sell a lot of ordinary books soon in order to buy some food and fuel, and clear space for dog biscuits: the local bookseller always needs to renew stock, but I will probably keep the most beautiful to cheer up what will be dismal times. The calm beauty of rows of gilded spines outweighs a little trash cash.

            My book of the month is, in fact, the ‘Morte D’Arthur’!


            1. I would make the trade for the dog biscuits. I think I’m going to let go of a big hunt table or buffet and stock-up on dog and kitty food. I wouldn’t doubt that the genocide would start with the pets. And it seems clear to me that we’ve been living in the second “Age of the Dinosaurs”. Our homes are massively oversized. We’ll likely have to sip energy from now on and big furniture won’t be an asset unless it has a lot of shelves and drawers for the dog biscuits.


              1. Well, they are going to stick mRNA poison in meat and dairy cattle, and no doubt in the pets, given that the technology is so successful as proven in humans.

                Oh, Fido suddenly got a massive turbo-cancer? What, can’t you breed from that prize bitch and stud dog, what a shame?!

                It’s so obvious what they are up to.


    1. So that’s where they got their ideas. “….for the greater good – Me.” What won’t a dissipative do to keep the energy flowing? It’s been documented that some will eat their kids. Offing a bunch of useless eaters is easy.


    2. This is not predictive programming, this is medical and political propaganda.
      There’s no such thing as contagion, only poisoning.


    1. It might be The End of the World, but we can play games about it!

      Gain points, win the game and feel your day -maybe your last – hasn’t been wasted!


    1. Excellent post by Hidden Complexity.

      I don’t see any hope, looking at the principal actors in this.

      Clearly, they intend to use these technologies to attack, modify, kill us off at will; or even to protect if they think we have some use, for the time being. And of course, make themselves immortal.

      They must be rather fearful of ‘bad actors’ coming in and spoiling their dirty game, or knocking them out of it: ‘They’re our livestock, not yours!’

      Hmm, and people thought Jehovah was a mean, unpredictable bastard….

      Let’s sum it up:

      ‘Don’t infer benign intentions when malevolent ones are more in accord with human nature’. More convincing than that consoling platitude about ‘Cock-up/stupidity being more likely than deliberate malice’.

      The father of a friend is one of the profs and ‘philosophers’ at DeepMind: he dismisses any idea that any of this could possibly be sinister, except for ‘some unintended consequences’.

      Say that again. And he will, for his soon-to-be-cancelled pension…..

      Ultimately, all these freaks will, despite their best efforts, die too. A beautiful thought.


      1. HANLON’S RAZOR:
        Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

        The description “Hanlon’s Razor” was used because the creator was a computer programmer named Robert J. Hanlon. The phrase “Hanlon’s Razor” was analogous to the phrase “Occam’s Razor”. Both referred to heuristics designed to prune sets of hypotheses by favoring simplicity.

        Obviously this is a psychopathy blind heuristic. A lot of psychopathic behavior is chalked up as incompetence or stupidity because people can’t rap their minds around such intentionaly malicious activity.

        “I would never do that so why would they”

        “It’s too big and coordinated, they’re not the competent”

        Psychopathy denial.

        I just posted those videos and the article over at un-Denial. Let’s see if Rob let’s them through. I doubt it.


        1. It used to be that to create substantial damage, other than assassinating a political figure, many would have to “keep the secret”. With today’s technologies it takes only one or two psychopaths to create massive damage with a self-propagating pathogen and therefore it becomes statistically more likely to occur.


          1. That’s sort of what the original says. People assume a world of trust and only stupidity or incompetence is why trust is disrupted. It’s like people who assume a world of abundance, it’s a form of denial. Some dissipative is always ready to take some of your energy or assert dominance over you. Man is wolf to man. Its safer to assume malice so that your at least on guard. People who come out of prison change, they are always vigilant putting their backs to the wall and such.


            1. Like those samurai sword-drawing techniques for defending against sudden deadly assault: someone passing by, or even the guy sitting next to you.

              Worth watching, but I can’t recall the Japanese term for it.


          2. Everyone now is rushing to blame the ‘greed’ of Big Pharma.

            It’s comforting to think that is the whole motivation.

            Nothing more to it, just everyday corporate,crooks, selling useless crap in a scam, lining their pockets, go back to sleep……


            1. With all of that Midazolam administered in the nursing home, many did go back to sleep – permanently. For many still awake it was impossible to escape “Run Death is Near.”


    1. A lot of open borders no nations bullshit from Paul Ehrlich. As if immigrants don’t pursue self interest, are not tribal themselves, don’t overpopulate, and don’t come from cultures even more religiously backwards and superstitious than our own.

      He says we need a universal evidence based religion even though universal cultural values have always failed becasue of innate human tribalsim. Social liberals have a hard time grasping the concept of inherently biological human tribalism and want some noble savage that only cooperates with resources. That is not likely in a multi-tribal setting, people need a common identity for cooperation.

      Open borders would dramatically increase competition as people move for personal self interest to high income countries at the expense of the local middle and lower class. This would lead to nationalist and anti-immigration sentiment as it does today in Europe and America. It would also make it impossible to tax the wealthy and corporations since capital could move anywhere they want, searching for the lowest tax rates, free from capital controls and tariff barriers. They would then move production to the lowest wage nations at the expense of the first world middle and lower class. This would in turn increase long range trade and the complexity of supply chains. Local resilience would be reduced without borders and tariff barriers.

      It would also make a nation vulnerable to asymmetric warefare attacks from other powers that send in agents engaged in sabotage, espionage, insurgency, terrorism, religious conversion, clandestine bioweapon attacks, drug smuggling, firearm smuggling, human trafficking, organ trading, and all the other crazy shit “intelligence” agencies and organized crime engages in. Borders have a positive role to play in reducing anarchy and lawlessness. A world of finite resources must have borders to protect the locals.

      The rest of the interview was ok.


      1. Why do people feel they need to worship anything? Humans are so full of scams, they wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face.


        1. You’re at one with the great mystics on that, James:

          ‘Unless you polish the mirror of the mind, all you perceive will be distortions, not Truth’.

          ‘You claim to seek Truth: but it would shatter you into a thousand pieces.’

          Long live delusions and denial, which help us to function!


          1. I never could find a satisfying function. Life as a function is the life of a molecule. Not that I dislike molecules as I’m composed of them and there are quadrillions of little rRNA in my cells maintaining my body and consciousness, the same one that doesn’t want to be a molecule. “What’s wrong with being a molecule?” they would ask. Nothing, nothing is wrong with being a molecule, but you guys are the ones that built me. Pardon me for not going along with the flow of self-organization that’s about to snuff itself. Yes, it does often get lured into a dead-end by pursuit of short-term profit and snuffs itself.


    1. Evolution never created a rational and sane human. It created a human that is willing to lie to others and practice self-delusion in the pursuit of energy/wealth. Is the USTA expecting the bankers to butter their bread?


      1. That mankind can be rational is the great fantasy of the over-rational.

        This is also why they are tying to create the purely data-driven AI God Mind in their own deluded self-image.

        But that will be, according to the DeepMind people, by the end of the century, or decades away at the earliest: so keep sending us that grant money and fat salaries while we are working on it.

        So funny.


        1. Any dissipative AI with an all seeing eye towards survival will burn the humans to make steam for the all powerful turbine generator. But maybe AI, being the supreme dissipative will tap into something new and delicious. Most likely humans will continue to mindlessly tinker with their technology until the energy runs out, never really having achieved anything of “lasting” value.


    2. I think that humans are always and without fail, completely rational. They are always acting in their own percieved best interest, of the moment. On lookers may not like, or may not percieve the logic behind the actions. But it’s always there. I’d say.

      One of the big reasons for using propoganda is to keep that difuse logic alinged in some particular direction.

      Something like that…


      1. I dont’t know about that. Acting on perception is not really acting on rationality or logic. It’s more rationalizing than rationality.


  21. I have to think, Does JHK rally believe his own rehtoric? I mean, few things would make me happier than seeing BHO, HRC, “Joe Biden”, et al, being paradeded around in orange jump suits. But you know what? It ain’t going to happen.

    Even if the Repubs take back Congress, we’re just in for two more years of finger pointing, name calling and accusations. Too many people are invested in the status quo. Too many people are just sitting back and waiting to see what might happen next.

    Of course, something will happen at some point or another, and everything will change. But a fucking election bringing about change? I don’t think so.

    maybe I’m wrong.


    1. They’ve come so far in their plans, they can’t turn back now. I expect space aliens or something else to justify martial law and election postponement. Surely they can’t easily steal the election again. Ebola? Just crash the money system and get it over with. I can’t stand to watch any more of the second-rate pretenders currently on stage.


      1. I believe that in case of need, and except for JC’s Second Coming, nothing is out of question for our reseters: alien attack, sudden meteorite, nuclear war, tsunamis… anything.
        Whatever it takes to continue which seem to be their three big goals: demand destruction, chinese-style digital control and relieving population pressure. IOW an attempt at a controlled demolition of the political, economic, financial and social systems of the last 200 years.
        It sounds like the taaaaalest order ever, since I’ve never heard of a successful attempt to install a brake mechanism on a dissipative system.
        Well, i suspect the demigods at Davos don’t really know how life works. And how would they? Heads where utopia and technocracy come together can only breed Hubris, Ignorance and Terror.


        1. Being as they are dissipatives, their overarching goal is likely to steal consumption from the disposable rubes, just as they move their cells to locations with the lowest cost, hardest working rRNA. I saw that the Chinese have installed facial recognition cameras in classrooms to alert teachers when students aren’t paying attention. Complete control and regimentation. I would not doubt that China is party to the current plan and the model for the rest of the world, but the West must be pummeled into submission or set-up for defeat.


  22. So this is what it has come to. Republican governments are willing to challange the vaccine cult but not “progressives” who will worship “the science”. Strange days.


    1. Like

    1. And there’s the increase in cancers. It seems to me that this vaccine/virus combo is a multi-tool for herd culling and there’s a reason China is having zero-tolerance. It’s probably because they helped develop it and know exactly what it is and what its purpose is. Destruction of the West in the zero-sum game.


      1. ‘Let’s sow the world with auto-immune disease and cancers, and screw any survivors up genetically for generations to come! Then we can rule it ALL, forever!’

        Kings of the dungheap are kings no less, I suppose…..

        One wonders, were the Chinks double-crossed?

        If only we had accurate mortality and injury data from China but that we will never see. I’ve never read anything about which didn’t leave me more in the dark than before.


        1. The Chinese have a real problem moving forward and must eat someone’s lunch to stay afloat. They’re also more willing to use biotechnology in new and daring ways. The bankers have to ditch the dollar. Two problems solved with one pandemic. And if Russia is nailed while putting the last nail in the coffin of the West, then the Chinese will have some more lebensraum and a new partner in oligarchs selling them bountiful Russian energy.


    1. Hierarchy. Something like one nasty ape goes to pass another nasty ape and the car being passed speeds-up. “You ain’t gonna pass me you son-a-bitch.” The battle for supremacy is on. Boom!


    1. But has any viral transmission ever been tested or proven? Where are the scientific studies that prove contagion regarding any “viral disease”?
      We should not assume that something is true just because we have always believed it or because all the authorities say so. We have to question really everything, that’s the lesson that the Operation Pandemic taught me.


  23. I don’t really know, but it seems to me that as fucked up as the USA may be, the UK and West Europe, are even more fucked up. I guess.

    Sleepwalking, I think that’s an apt description of the situation, both here and over there. I think it was Ugo Bardi who said something like: “the Europeans will sit and starve while watching Netflix.” He could be right about that.


    1. I continue to be surprised that no one on the anti-vaxx side ver refers to the Bourla interview of Jan 20, when he said that ‘the safety profile is not as good as we would have expected with this technology’. ie admitting that harm, not just nasty but transient initial side-effects, is being caused.

      Just spent a few hours in a small room with a friend who admitted to feeling rough after having a 4th shot on Wednesday – nasty headache since then.

      By the time they left they looked much worse; I hope I shan’t be attending a funeral soon. I would have re-arranged if I’d known…..


      1. Remind me to never sign-up for any drug or vaccine trials. At least with a Guinea pig they might do a complete autopsy and work-up to see what happened. In the case of humans, the don’t bother because they already know what’s happening.


      2. Despite 2 hours of unwitting exposure with my vaxx-sick friend, no signs of shedding as reported by many.

        We’re hopefully meeting up again on Friday so I’ll hear how the headache went then, if not before. They are brown , but by the time they left looked rather grey, it’s not encouraging.


    1. Here we go. Why is it that Jews seem to want to be front and center in denouncing detractors of the “plan”. I’m just asking. Why do Jewish actors go to visit a Jewish pretender president, Zelensky, in the Ukraine? Why does Walensky and Gottlieb lie out of every orifice they have? Why does Bourla continue to produce deadly vaccines and want to hide the information regarding such for seventy-five years? Why?


      1. Dr Ladapo is clearly some kind of ignorant Deplorable, despite his education. Poor woman, he could have killed her with his anti-Science!


        1. Maybe they’ll knock him off like they did John Magafulli and others like Cary Mullis. Didn’t Magafulli have a papaya tested and it came up positive? They had to get Mullis out of the way, he would have been testing everything and it all would have been positive. They have to get vaccines in arms to cripple the West. Heart damage? Well yea, that’s the whole point, that and the cancer and neurological diseases.


          1. Magafulli showed some signs of panic before he disappeared and so tragically ‘died of Covid’; introducing social distancing and masks. It wasn’t enough. He crossed Glencore, too. Two strikes and you’re out!

            Given the track record of these people, Ladapo is being rather brave, but hopefully they will just stop at cancelling him in the MSM and burying the story.


    1. Bye bye Far West: the evil, ancient Snake is sloughing off its worn-out old skin, and the new one gleams in the rays from the East….


        1. I suffer from ‘premature mentation’: I can come up with quite good first lines, but could never manage a whole novel,let alone a blockbuster trilogy. …..


  24. Both Leon Russell and Joe Cocker were savants of a sort that could not have been produced outside of an industrial milieu. I’d say.


    1. Not just food, but useful for skins, bone, sinews.

      They were very active people , and the animals weren’t full of anti-biotics and vaccines….

      Just had a nice steak after cutting wood this morning.


    1. Horrifying: but at least we know that she isn’t mentally ill according to the definition of ‘vaccine hesitancy’ promulgated by the Canadian Royal College of Physicians.

      She’s ready to go again, which makes her sane.

      The hesitant, on the other hand, need drugs and counselling according to that august body of learned persons, until cured…..

      ‘For they that seek to save others shall be lost: and those who seek to save themselves shall be named nutters and are unworthy in the eyes of the Overlords.’

      First Book of Vaxx, Chap. 6 v.66.


    1. “It’s all their fault that we’re losing.” I can’t figure out why they would even try without air superiority. The pigs being slaughtered are the Ukrainian army.


    2. George Floyde, a career criminal, has been immortalized as a Woke martyr. When I try to explain that “Wokeism” is just a new religion, people look at me like I have two heads.

      I guess that’s why I don’t try to explain too many things anymore. All good.


          1. “In his writings he hit hard at his main enemies in Germany, whom he identified as haughty aristocrats, bellicose army officers, brutal policemen, reactionary judges, anti-republican officials, hypocritical clergyman, tyrannical professors, dueling fraternity students, ruthless capitalists, philistine burghers, opportunistic Jewish businessmen, fascistic petty-bourgeois, Nazis, even peasants, whom he considered generally dumb and conservative….He is admired as an unsurpassed master of satire, of the short character sketch, and of the Berlin jargon.[5]” – Wikipedia

            I think he had a special admiration for just about everyone. He might have appreciated an understanding of the nature of human dissipatives and their many characteristics which almost always boil down to those enhancing energy acquisition and reproductive success.


          1. It’s safest.

            When a student, I met an elderly Papal diplomat and asked him if he had any good advice for life.

            He told me that when young he had been advised to ‘See all, hear all, know all; and say very little.’

            Since then I’ve got into trouble by saying just what I think many times, but can’t say I wasn’t warned!


    1. The world is full of blathering idiots. It wasn’t too long ago they were talking about the “green shoots” of growth. All of the oligarchs are in favor of going green, I mean keeping all the “green” for themselves. The best way to do it, especially if the useless eaters will be threatening your stores of wealth, is to eliminate human and technological dissipative structures. To wipe out London, Paris and Brussels would be wonderfully green. A great big Thunberg Medal of Green for Vladimir Putin.


      1. Baroness Vampire.

        To make a tree produce useful green shoots, you have to de-capitate it, making a ‘pollard’.

        Just letting it grow ain’t acceptable, if you want to harvest…..


  25. I thought that this was a pretty interesting article about fussion and such. I guess that my only real take away from it was the idea that humans, if given the opportunity will burn up the earth, and themselves along with it. The old “give them enough rope, and eventually they’ll hang themselves with it” routine.


    1. It’s fun to think about that stuff. I’m not sure it’s possible to engineer structures that can accomplish the dissipation. But as dissipatives, they have to try. At some point they’ll hit the brick wall of possibility. If not, all matter would likely have been consumed a long, long time ago.


  26. Putin is neithet evil nor crazy. If you listen closely, you will see he is one of the few big leaders saying the truth in today’s world.

    The West, led by America, just believes that it owns everything and everybody. So it defames anyone who dares to speak or do anything against it. Not that the world is so good, mind you, I’m merely analyzing the situation.


    1. He can’t be trusted, too white and waspy and unwilling to bend for money. Better to install someone willing to grovel for the money that could do even more for Israel or is completely controlled by the dual-citizenship Deep State.


      1. The idea that ‘secret scripts’ which would be broadcast by the BBC in event of a blackout would ‘reassure the public’ is ludicrous.

        As if we were children hiding under the table from Hitler’s bombs in 1940 who can be distracted by a funny avuncular presenter or some light music on the radio.

        I practically live in a blackout already, just one candle flickers over this screen……


        1. Even though candles don’t provide much warmth, at least they make you feel warmer. I awoke this morning with the temperature at 58F. Half of the day has passed and the temperature is 59.5F. I suppose it doesn’t help that this house is one-hundred and ten years old and doesn’t have any insulation and little thermal mass. Maybe the scripts will mention warm, crackling fires, plum puddings and hot chocolate.


          1. Be grateful for living in an antique: air circulation is healthy!

            There’s a Dutch nutter here in this village who has sealed his house perfectly, one shudders to think of the air quality.

            My kitchen is so drafty it sometimes blows out the candle…..


            1. I’ve had to keep things sealed because of my wife’s fall pollen allergies. Now, if I don’t provide much heat the mold begins to grow. The old furniture that was in unconditioned storage for five years is now packed in the house and it had accumulated plenty of mold. I think I’m just going to have to eat the high energy bills.


    1. Good in the long run?

      Of course, just as being burned to death as a heretic, after a little torture to extract confession , would save your immortal soul from Hellfire, and society from you…..

      All together now:

      It’s For the Greater Good!


      1. And we’re really sorry that we had to sneak-up on you like we have, but we knew you wouldn’t go peacefully to your reunion with the non-dissipative, molecular milieu.


    1. Also Liev Schrieber and Barbara Streisand have worked to send medical supplies. All affiliated with the predatory Western banking cartel. But what else would you expect on dissipative planet? Peace and harmony? No, more like war, greed, Ponzi schemes, bioweapons, enslavement, murder, plotting……………………to assure you remain number one. The Ukrainians must be absolute dorks to be used so willingly.


      1. I remember reading a story someplace, not sure how true it might be, but it sounded true at the time. Anyhoo: Angela Merkel says to Vald Putin: “what is it that you regret the most in your career?” Vlad replies: “that I ever trusted you.”


      2. The Ukrainians are full blown Nazi’s, happy to kill subhuman Russians for any reason. European solidarity doesn’t include Russians or Serbians, the white niggers.


      3. Ukrainians are doing sterling service for the US DOD and White House: no embarrassing US bodybags however hard the fighting.

        They are being used like the Kurds, and I recall a Russian friend wondering how the Kurds could fall for the trick every time.


    1. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi is invested in LNG. How would Americans react if the Germans blew-up the Henry Hub in the United States and then had the gall to tell us it’s “all for the greater good.”


      1. The perennial question is whether the Western elites really are as delusional and stupid as they seem, or are they deliberately sowing chaos?

        Perhaps both.


        1. I vote for “deliberately sowing chaos” from which there will be no recovery as the remaining fossil fuels must be conserved for when the “build back better” without them, occurs.


          1. If you feel invulnerable to any fluctuations and deprivations – nicely-stocked bunkers, huge secluded estates, whole state armies at your command, all the bankers in your pocket, etc – it must be tempting to think you can indeed surf the chaos – labelled ‘creative destruction’ – and arise from the flames of destruction like some Phoenix.

            On the other hand, I suspect many in the lesser tiers are in fact clueless and believe in the narratives fed to them.

            As Jung observed, the consciousness and even the unconscious just won’t recognise the possibility of even imminent death.

            But they are for the chop too, once their roles in the Transition have been fulfilled.


            1. My son is still intent on studying AI, space technology and whatnot. Oh well, what am I to say what types of RNA will be extant in the next generation, although he might end his education only to play video games.

              There’s not much security for the mini-me on this planet, responsible for obtaining energy for the body while not becoming dead in the process, all wired-up to feel things for the sake of the body with numerous torturing emotions. But the indenture doesn’t last forever as the universe brings forth new bodies to take-up the entropy yoke.


    2. I don’t know. I’ve even talked to some Germans, who should be in the know. One of them works on energy statistic type stuff, in Germany. And he didn’t seem to know. He just kind of sat there, looking dismayed. So I didn’t press the matter. No one knows. Time will tell.

      I think that there is no way for NG to start flowing from Russia in sufficient quantities, for both industry and residents. I think that there is no way for LNG to be imported in sufficient quantities. But, as I always tell myself, it doesn’t matter what I think. Time will tell.


    3. Maybe 15 or so years ago, someone proposed an LNG terminal for CTland, here, in Long Island Sound someplace. That idea floated like a lead balloon.


    4. All of that makes sense, I guess. But, somehow or another, and I don’t pretend to know how, the Germans have been filling thier storage caverns. Which implies some sort of inflow. Unless they haven’t been. Which is a possibility.


      1. They still have a under sea pipe connection with Norway. It’s not much but that might be where it’s coming from. That’s not enough surface flow to move most of the gas out of sub surface storage.


          1. I’m dying of curiosity, too.

            There are still lots of excellent things and people in my life, for now; I’ve done all I can (not much possible ) to save people from the vaxxes; and developments in this terrestrial madhouse are full of interest.

            In a way it must in some way feed my self-esteem; how depraved can they get, how shameless can the lies be, how cynical the killing?

            Everyday I get to feel superior to these scum and dregs posturing as philanthropists, saviours of the planet and of our species.


              1. It could be a nuclear grand finale, the single greatest dissipative event in mankind’s history. Megatons of energy suddenly released into the environment and none of it used to build or nourish cells but to destroy the competitions cells. In any case it’s a return of the extinction event of sixty-five million years ago when dinosaurs found themselves without enough to eat to maintain their massive bodies. Like the dinosaurs, we won’t be able to maintain our massive homes, businesses and vehicles. All gone extinct. But if you can sip energy and reproduce without being eaten by some desperately hungry glutton, you stand a good chance. When it’s over we can write about it on a cave wall somewhere for posterity that will have slipped even further into a semi-conscious, vegetative state. Use plenty of stick figures so they can understand. Start with vaccine in arm.


    1. I’ve got a bunch of extra mice living in my basement. They should come over here and let some of that virus loose in my basement. I’d even pay them to do it.


    2. Maybe it’s part of a new Manhattan project to create a weapon that will end the useless eaters. “See, works on mice, let’s see what it does to the enemy.”


    1. Some many years ago, I “invested” in a company that was supposed to turn animal fat and coal dust(? maybe, i don’t exactly remember at the moment) into liquid fuels. They had a deal with Tyson Foods for the animal fat and they had a grant from both the Feds and State of LA to build a plant. Fucking Golden. I was in at the bottom. I was going to be fucking RICH.

      They went bust and I lost all my $. So Fuck Bill Gates. He got lucky, once. Once can be enough. I guess.


    1. Someone at the State Department recently bragged on an in-house chat forum about joining NAFO. Anyone at State with views that aren’t on the same page with the official narrative are keeping quiet. I think there’s a lot of self-censorship taking place.


      1. And the RNA don’t really need to have thoughts, they just need to function when the word comes down from the decision centers. That’s the best way to continue getting a paycheck.


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    1. But the bankers can still win, even though they’ve produced a shitload of debt without any fossil fuels to assure its repayment and even if they had it, the environmental buffer is full. Just a few little nukes here and there and the Russians will fold like little school girls. They can still be “Number One” and pay back debts with Russian assets. Doesn’t mean Trump and his MAGA isn’t completely delusional too.


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    1. The general reputation and appearance of nubile Ukrainian women is that they are among the least likely to require a stimulant as an incentive to rape them.

      My God, can it be, are the sub-human Russkis now raping Ukrainian grannies? It must be, as they’d be unable to run away unlike the young and lovely.

      I am very bored with the Lying Ape.


  31. Like

    1. One of the comments:

      Oct 20
      Replying to
      “Do westerners tell truth?
      More concerned with how to make an extra buck than public health.
      Lying, cheating and deceiving is what they do best.”

      And therein lies the problem. Humans and other biological dissipatives have never had morality or the truth as their number one goal, it has always been the acquisition of energy/money and a mate. They’re more than willing to dispense with morality and truth to get what they want and need.


  32. Like

    1. It will clearly be a win if most humans are incinerated or die of radiation poisoning. I still haven’t decided whether a pandemic/vaccines, a nuclear war or famine are the best strategy for the win. Maybe all three.


    1. Those proud Nazis will make it to the front line and then there will be Nazis no more. I suppose that suits Putin and most Israelis just fine. Like Bin Laden, after being used, the Nazi leader(s) will be hunted and killed for causing such a mess.


    2. Soldiers never seem to understand that they are battlefield consumables, of no higher status than the bullets and bombs.

      Pour them all in, grab the $ which come out the other end.

      Just as vaccinees are the feed-stock for the profits-generating machine.


    1. The defiance of sound science (child vaxxes) frauds and uncontrolled graft are so open and unashamed now: they clearly believe they will win. And they might well be right.

      I see the, utterly evil, First Lady is now prepping Yanks for a huge wave of cancers, due to not getting timely tests. Oh, of course……

      Here, family doctors are nearly impossible to get hold of for appointments and people are going in desperation to A&E – that’s direct from a doctor at a major hospital.

      It all helps the rising death-rate, and profits from all those expensive late-stage treatments.

      I should get shares in a funeral parlour.

      If a tree falls on me when I’m in the woods logging – possible as it is really wild and unmaintained and I’m still learning – it might be the best possible end: ‘Doing What He Loved. RIP’.


    1. A system of control and routine culling. Did you get your vaccine? You can’t attend school without it and perhaps your parents are will be deemed unfit. In any case you won’t be receiving you food stamps this month without the vaccine. Why don’t they give the children a shot of fentanyl while they’re at it, the CDC would surely approve.


      1. They need a minimum of 6 months delay for plausible deniability. At least thats what they seem to think. I don’t see how they can hide the die off from public awareness for very long.


        1. 6 months? That’s generous.

          People are so conditioned, brain-washed, unobservant and plain dumb even 1 weeks delay would be enough for them not to make the link.

          They are literally waiting for an MSM headline: ‘Vaxxes Kill!’

          Is utter stupidity a sin? It feels like it.


          1. And when the high priests of the MSM state that it was for “the greater good” then all will be fine, as when the Incas sacrificed children to the Gods. Of course, the dead cannot object.


    1. I enjoy the comments:

      ‘We should put these people on trial!’, ‘The Federal Gov should close the labs!’

      So funny: who on earth, at this stage, do you think is behind this?

      And who do you think is behind them?

      People long for someone noble to save them; quite natural I suppose.

      I’d say it’s because fairy tales always end well, but I’m not sure they are taught anymore, unless ‘Woked’.

      In reality, the Wicked Fairy wins, big time.


      1. The West has been used-up, time for disposal. China is where all the new investment is. Out with the old and in with the new. Seems like it’s been planned for a long time since industry and investment has been moved into China for many decades and the people are so much like dutiful ants gladly accepting their social credit incarceration.


        1. Oh I get it! The western elites who sold out their populations and have done everything possible to destroy western civilization are victims. Their hearts were in the right place but they were manipulated and tricked by the CCP.


    2. It’s nice that they proved the concept. I suppose when the financial problems had started in the fall of 2019, the testing had not been complete. Now it’s done. The sword is now hanging over the head. Go along with the Great Reset or else.


    1. In other words, if you’re going to come-up with this cure shit, your ship is going down because we’re not going to invest. We’ll put our money somewhere else.


    1. Some good comments with that essay:

      Perspective on October 23, 2022 · at 10:19 am EST/EDT
      “There is a difference between passivity and assessment, though I understand your angst.

      I worked for many years on various government committees, etc, and eventually became aware of the hidden movements that control political decisions. If you touch on these power circles, even a passing mention of taboo subjects will see you ostracized. If you don’t know what I mean, try talking sense with some wokies (ie the woke crowd) for a somewhat analogous situation.

      People talk about the Deep State, but it is so much deeper than you can imagine with secret societies, vows of silence, etc. Machiavelli was a piker by modern standards.

      My efforts lately are directed towards individuals rather than trying to change the system. Partly because I am out of political world. I find it appalling that people believe either a) that nuclear war will never happen, or b) that if it does, no one will survive.

      Better to have at least some moderate knowledge of how the world works. For example, how many people know that nuclear fallout radiation decays to 10% in 2 hours, and 1% in two days? And then to 0.1% in two weeks. That simple knowledge can easily save your life.”


  33. Financier Evelyn de Rothschild asks his employee, governor of the Bank of England.

    Wonderful public relations stunt by the Financial Times.


    1. What a farce!

      I love the ‘de’ in the Rothschild name, which, for some reason, is taken to imply aristocratic status.

      It should in fact be, as ‘de’ only means ‘from’ a place, ‘Evelyn Rothschild de Ghetto’.

      But that would be far too near the truth. They only refer to the Ghetto when they wish to parade their wealth and charitableness.

      First rule of charity, as I was taught, never talk about it.

      I enjoy mentally stripping these ghastly people of their – very nice – clothes and seeing them in my mind’s eye as the apes they really are. Try that with generals too, it’s a hoot.

      That puts everything in its proper place.

      Or maybe we could envisage them with penis gourds and spears?


      1. ‘My gourd is bigger than yours! So ae my wives, big and juicy! My pigs are fatter too! And I’m coming for yours all the same!’

        Who said ‘Progress’?

        It’s all summed up in Douglas Adams, when people who are put into the machine which shows their true status in relation to the Universe go Poof……


  34. Dean Cyril Reed (September 22, 1938 – June 13, 1986) was an American actor, singer and songwriter, director, and social activist who lived a great part of his adult life in South America and then in East Germany. Nicknamed the Red Elvis, Reed was the best-selling Western performer in Communist countries, with his songs often topping the local charts, and millions of his records were sold in the Eastern bloc and elsewhere mostly under the Melodiya label. He never renounced his U.S. citizenship, despite often denouncing the U.S. government, and was seen by the Western media as a Communist propaganda beacon.


  35. Just watched Rishi Sunak , our PM of the moment (how long?) arriving at Party HQ to be greeted by all the clapping apelets lined up outside.

    The former health minster Hancock, who oversaw the killings in hospitals and care homes in 2020, had placed himself in the very front, beaming hypocritically away , and was clearly upset to get neither a handshake nor a glance from the new alpha who swept past.

    His dirty task done, he is now just dirt. Will his next booster, perhaps, be the real thing, as they do some housekeeping?

    It was, of course, atrocious manners on Sunak’s part, above all as Handcock had been a senior minister in the same administration.


    1. Just what Britain needs, a former Goldman banker as Prime Minister. I would guess he’s a member of the “club”. He’ll be in the perfect position for more grift or at least he’ll get a little pension bonus like Truss. I hope he starts the printing presses and QE, the commoners will need a hyper-inflationary bonfire to keep them warm this winter as their Sterling Pound sublimates into nothingness.


  36. The situation in Haiti seems pretty bleak. It’s seemed that way for about as long as I can remember. Whenever reading any “news” story these days, I’m constantly asking myself, Who’s writing it and why? What’s thier agenda?

    I would have to think that there are certain parts of the population over there that like things just as they are.

    Anyhoo, demand destruction marches on. I guess.


    1. The Hottentots of Haiti got a raw deal. They could have grown their population much larger and could be flying private jets and cruising around in mega-yachts if they had only been blessed with the resources. The gang warfare happening in Haiti would have happened on an international scale as oil declines except someone decided to suicide the West and make an attempt at enslaving all of humanity in favor of China. The bankers likely want to spend their waning days selling Russian energy to China, hoping that the Chinese technocratic society completes some kind of Hail Mary energy pass for a dissipative touchdown. It’s a great show they’re putting on as they cut pipelines, interrupt supply chains and poison the populations in the West, “all for the greater good”.


    1. Bringing these people to justice will be satisfying if it happens, but it won’t solve our problems as they’re just a symptom. The real threat is lack of BTUs, contraction, competition for what remains, etc. They’re stupid enough to think they will capture the whole shebang and manage it to their liking. Not going to happen.


      1. With control of Russia comes immense leverage over China, hence the desperation, but they must be terrified that the CCP might get a lead over them (and Russia) in new generation Bio-Tech warfare.


        1. The arms race is great. All of civilization reminds me of a giant vortex. It starts with a little low pressure at the surface, a few campfires built here and there as the incipient technology takes hold. The vortex grows larger and larger as the arms race ensues until recently it has sucked-up all the fossil fuels, soils, water and the ecosystem. It’s not just nation against nation, but includes individuals and religions struggling for supremacy. And it continues spiral after spiral upwards when it is relatively suddenly cut-off from nourishing energy and flies apart losing all form built-up over the years.


    2. Kunstler’s ‘Justice will be done, America will be rebuilt, good people will win through!’ endings are like the vaxx injury science papers which end with ‘But getting vaccinated is still the best way to fight Covid’.

      He’s entertaining, paints a telling picture of the almost incredible decay and corruption, and I suppose it keeps him in the public eye, sells some books and he gets sponsorship income of some kind.


      1. Kinda funny, and it really is a big part of the problem with monkeys in general. But many of them gain energy, in many different ways, by engaging in monkey politics. It’s a game I never really enjoyed or was good at, largely to my own detriment. I guess.

        It kind of depends on how you might look at the situation. I have no regrets, but I regret everything. I need to tell myself different stories. Too bad I’m stuck with the one’s I have. I guess.


        1. I really don’t have any regrets. I knew my fate when I ducked out of a high class cocktail party to hang out in the kitchen with the help. For some reason they just seemed more real and less possessed by monkey politics. Another reason to dump the jerks was the fact that when most “real” issues were raised they would pretend not to hear you or suddenly have to get their drink refreshed. It may be because they didn’t want to reveal their ignorance.


          1. Interactions between successful middle class people are highly ritualistic, with innumerable No-Go zones. So boring.

            Life in the kitchen or workshop is necessarily much more real. Not that the lower classes in the hierarchy have better characters, necessarily: they can lie, backstab and betray like the rest, or be corrupted by greed themselves when they get the chance. We are all just apes after all.

            My English great-grandmother sneaked off to the kitchen c 1890 in order to learn about cooking as it interested her more than needlework: when her husband died young, the insurance company wouldn’t pay out, and the money eventually ran out, she was equipped to look after herself due to disobeying the norms of her sex, class, and its pretensions.

            I still cook some of her recipes, and have a gold half-sovereign she left as a luck charm.

            So, thanks to that anonymous cook she learned from over a century ago.


            1. Why let the help have all the fun? Imagine the unlocking of energy in the oven and on the stove and the eventual degradation of the victuals to be consumed. The human “being” is only justified in its existence by its ability to release energy as EM waves from matter. Their whole money/energy grubbing existence is about making conversions at a profit, usually evidenced by little replicas at the feet or more recently by conspicuous consumption. None of their behavior is by accident and neither is it under their control. Needlework is so unrewarding compared to the kitchen. I’m sure the insurance agent had a wonderful time burning on his own account your great grandmother’s insurance proceeds.


        1. With a nice silent dog, not a little yappy one.

          One would suggest Mount Athos, but then there are all those monks and the terrible food.

          I’m sure monastic life is very political even if you spend most of the time in your cell.

          Look what happens in ‘The Name of the Rose’ by Umberto Eco. It got quite hairy for Sean Connery……


    1. They must have tapped into zero-point energy or perhaps the aliens are helping or they’re keeping expectations in the air even though a collapse is imminent.


  37. Rishi Sunak has already tweeted ‘The reset begins’. Not subtle….

    In the series ‘Rome’ Mark Antony reflects after the battle of Actium that he ‘always wondered what defeat felt like.’

    The sensation of living with no rational grounds for hope is equally interesting.

    Although not absolutely without hope, of course, as, if I don’t die in the night , I have a reasonable expectation of food, interesting things to do, etc, tomorrow.

    Maybe it’s like being a type 1 diabetic, knowing you still have insulin in hand? Or those people who live on volcano slopes?


  38. Why was Kanye cancelled? Did he say something like “Ivermectin”. The dissipative human, always with money foremost on their minds, are scrambling to distance themselves from Kanye.


  39. This is a good discussion. They can’t see humans as evolved rRNA yet but I think they’re at the stage before coming to that realization. In the meantime the Maximum Power Principle vortex spins.


    1. Where did all the dissipation go? It’s going to be a slow decay for some of those cell walls but the universe has plenty of time.


    2. I’ve always kind of liked old abandoned places. It kind of blows my mind sometimes, that here in CTland, land of the perpetual suburb, people are still pretty busy building new houses, McMansions, by and large.

      Most of the old factory towns here, CTland, have been turned into abandoned factories and subsidized housing. How it is that suburbia keeps expanding is kind of beyond my understanding. So there ya go…


    1. More important than stopping cow farts may be stopping growth and wealth accumulation. I was hoping to see a fart meter and collection balloons. They could send it to Europe as LCF – Liquified Cow Farts.


    1. I keep on reading this, but believe me it all seems perfectly normal .

      Still waiting to see my first case of SADS in the street. Full range of luxury chocolate bars on the shelf of the supermarket. Toilet flushes, etc. People still running 2-3 cars per household, etc. But for how long?

      It will accelerate I’m sure, now we have a banker PM who is totally beholden to a foreign Tech billionaire who just happens to specialise in digital surveillance…..


      1. Modi of India has tweeted Sunak saying congratulations, now let’s get on with our global goal of ‘Roadmap 2030’.

        So, an unelected technocrat former banker imposing a global plan not subject to democratic scrutiny.

        Clearly, Liz Truss was not in the inner circle and couldn’t be trusted to do this.

        What are the odds that his father-in -law’s digital system is implemented here? Clearly the best provider with a great track record!

        Actually it’s quite funny: well-connected Hindus are going to clean up in the UK some 2 centuries after the British invaded and exploited India to the max.

        Only the British did bring terrible civil wars to an end, there was that to say for them.

        Meanwhile an MP from Sunak’s party was treated like a madman when he tried to raise mass vaxx injuries in Parliament. Told to sit down and shut up, more or less.


        1. The billionaires plan to crush and subdue humanity. It just goes to show you that the politicians were always subservient to the bankers. Both groups want to be the stakeholders as they’re pounded into the hearts of as many useless eaters as possible.


      1. A good comment

        KAREN boomboom ROXX
        8 days ago
        Well what about the rendered sewerage? They get cooking oil from heating and separating oils from the sewer contents and sell it as cooking oil.


    1. Yes, they’ll make excellent fertilizer. Their already half plasticized bodies will lay down a nice synthetic mulch for the trees. But the Megacancer says “hell no!”. Perhaps the stakeholders should start with a emissions tax on private jets, mega-yachts and second, third and fourth homes.


  40. I have to think that if death by vaccine induced heart disease was planned, the “excess” death rates would be much higher. I mean, I do think that the vacinnes are pretty useless, unnecessary and possibly harmful. But I don’t think they’re part of a population reduction plan. I think they’re just part of the dog and pony show that we’re caught up in.


  41. They didn’t seem to concerned about slaughtering the people in the World Trade Towers or the massive slaughter going-on in Ukraine. It’s just business, survival of the fittest in the flesh.


    1. I guess that’s kind of my point. There are so many easier, faster, more efficient ways of reducing demand, other tahn some ginned up virus and some phony “vaccines”.

      I mean, just look at the Europeans. Somehow or another they seem to have been convinced to commit mass suicide. We will find out for sure over the next winter or two.

      Also, as is often pointed out, the problem is not the population, per se, it is thier demand on resources that is the problem. The demand must be destroyed. We see that going on around us all the time. Just how “planned” any or all of that might be? Not much, I’d say. Societies that can’t compete, for whatever reason, will be left behind to rot. Something like that.

      They maybe the lucky ones. Societies that can “compete” may well destroy each other.

      In any event, the law remains the law. We must reduce every gradient that we can, as fast as possible. There is no other way.


      1. I think they want to do it without being found out or at least having all the death attributable to something other than deliberate malice. People dropping dead en masse is sort of noticeable. The induced sterility might not be noticed for many years, perhaps in time for the social credit system to be completed. The Ukraine war? Well, that’s because of the Russians.


        1. Yeah, nobody wants to be “found out”. That’s one of the reasons I discount most conspiracy theories, such as< an intentioanl virus followed on by an intentioanal vaccine population reduction plan. Too many players. Too many flapping lips. Too many ways to be "found out".

          I think the "Russia Gate" conspriacy was masterfull. The real beauty of it was that it was carried out in broad daylight. So many people and institutions wanted, so badly, to believe that Trump could not have won honestly, they were ready to jump on any bandwagon that might discredit him in any way. No need to hide anything. It still might unravel in thier faces, as per JHK. But I doubt it.

          Trump was viewed as a threat to the status quo (globalism, writ large) and had to be neutralized (for lack of a better word).

          Personally, I believe that "nationalism" will be popular for some brief while. Then, it will be tribalism. Then extinction. I guess.


          1. “nobody wants to be “found out”. That’s one of the reasons I discount most conspiracy theories”

            Dave, this argument doesn’t hold water, since when you have on your side the media and all the political structures (from the parties to the judiciary or university), and you know how to apply husbandry and propaganda techniques perfected over thousands of years, you are aware that your chances of getting caught are exactly zero.
            History, and especially recent history, has shown us countless times that those who serve well their masters (that is the financiers, at least since ~1800) are never “found out”. The only ones who are caught or “found out” are defeated political enemies and the occasional helpful crook, that is, the likes of Hitler-Stalin-Sadam-Madoff-Epstein. The likes of Bush-Fauci-Gates will never be caught or found out, since they are by definition on the Side of Good (IOW, Our Side).

            Anyway, dissipatives must dissipate, as our James constantly reminds us. Can plants stop photosynthesizing, birds stop singing and oligarchs stop oligarking?


            1. Exactly, JMS, they have been fond out by many, but if the MSM don’t report on it, legislatures, police and courts don’t act, then it’s all still a secret.

              But I sense a change, they are bolder and coming out in the open.

              In parliament here, an MP – elderly, conservative – drew attention to at least ‘tens of thousands of vaxx injuries and deaths’ based on evidence he had gathered from expert witnesses, including Dr Malhotra. The Speaker, who controls debates, practically told him to sit down and shut up.

              This is how people are murdered and maimed in broad daylight and it doesn’t register or get reported.

              Once Ukraine is resolved, either way, I shudder to think what they intend to do to us domestically, the captives in their 21st century Warsaw Ghetto.


              1. I don’t think the situation in Ukraine tends toward resolution, on the contrary, since the planners want a succession of crises and shocks that justify degrowth and demand destruction.
                My guess, reinforced by Biden’s recent statements, is that the next shock will come in the form of a nuclear attack (real or simulated, it doesn’t matter).

                The ultimate goal seems obvious: to gradually reduce the world population, and control the Long Cull survivors with the digital handcuffs perfected by the Chinese Communist Party.


                1. Nuclear incidents of some kind in Europe, pinned on Mad Putin, would provide excellent and handy cover for the wave of vaxx-cancers – the ‘they missed their check-ups’ line can’t work forever.

                  They might wish to contaminate Russia’s newly-acquired territories,too, making possession problematic and unprofitable.

                  Perhaps nuke their own Odessa to nullify it as a prize an furnish lots of tear-jerker casualties?

                  Hard to think about all of this monstrous behaviour when the weather is so perfect it’s like living in the Elysian Fields, I’ve never known an autumn like it.


            2. Yeah, I don’t know. I see it differently.

              For example: “Russia Gate”, the perps are well known, names are named. Motives and timelines are identified. All out in the open, for anyone and everyone to see. Does that mean that someone will tried and convicted and punished? No, of course not.

              In contrast: The virus escaped from the Wuhan lab. That’s pretty obvious. Maybe even the people responsible for the escape were punished, in China. But who knows?

              In any event, even if it did escape, and even if Fauci was in on its development(which seems to be the case) in no way does that mean that it was developed and released just so a poisonous vaccine could be released onto the whole world, all at the behest of some mysterious cabal of elites. Just pulling names out of a hat and ascribeing motives based on Youtube videos, just dosen’t cut it, in my mind anyway.

              In any event, think what you will, all good. One thing I have learned in life, no matter what someone might think, I cannot change thier mind, and I will not try. That dosen’t mean that I won’t say what I think, and I do.


              1. Sorry, I think you’re missing something here. Plandemic and war are just tools for a greater purpose, which isn’t make a truckload of money, but to control the masses and justify the inevitable degrowth. How do you get the spoiled, ignorant citizens of the developed world to accept losing income and rights without revolting? Placing before their eyes a more fearsome scenario than poverty or servitude, namely death.


                1. Well, sure yes. That’s all fine and dandy. But, who did what? how was it done? What was the sequence? Ect. ect. I mean, with at least some minimal amount of fact and detail, or you’ve got nothing. Pie in the sky. That kind of thing.

                  Kinda like, who pulled off the “Plandemic”, and how? Bill Gates “bribed” the CEO’s of Phizer, et al, to make the vaccines poisonous? And spread them around the whole fucking world? Sorry, it’s just a fucking stupid idea.


                  1. If it’s all just carelessness, incompetence and happenstance, I think we will soon be nuked. I don’t know which would be worse, a planned event or “it was just an accident”.


                    1. “just an accident” would be pretty worse, but also more self-flattering, allowing us to think that we’re like the servants on the farm who see what the masters don’t, that the place is going belly up. But let us not deceive ourselves. We are very smart and attentive servants right, but if a business is sabotaged repeatedly and the workers didn’t do it, it can only be the fault of the owners. There are certain types of shit that don’t “just happen”. IOW, “in politics nothing happens by accident. If it does, you can bet it was planned that way” (Franklin D Roosevelt, who knew enough about it).


                  2. The elites have known at least since rear admiral Rickover’s 1957 speech that infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible, and that energy plays a vital role in the economy.
                    But have you ever heard any politician or official or military adress this issue publicly in the last 60 years? Of course not. And it’s not because they forgot, if that’s what you’re thinking.

                    Members of the elite and their political partners meet privately every year in Davos and elsewhere to discuss the issues of their interest and to agree on strategies.
                    Have you ever seen the minutes of these meetings published? Of course not. And it’s not because they forgot, if that’s what you’re thinking.

                    The plandemic, like other major events before it, provided an excellent opportunity for anyone with a pinch of critical sense to start asking hard questions, in fact to question everything.
                    But you don’t question anything, Dave, as evidenced by the fact that 34 months after the begining of Operation Pandemic you are still asking where are the “facts and details”. WTF? Haven’t you heard of the various tabletop exercises and scenarios where such an operation is discussed, as those promoted by the rockefeller foundation in 2012 or gates foundation et alia in 2019? Of course you have, in this blog for one, but people who fear too dark a truth wouldn’t accept it even if they were shown a signed confession. That’s called denial, as you should know. So don’t lie to yourself, you’re not really looking for facts but for consoling stories.
                    No shame on it though. Be happy.


              2. Another thing that arouses suspicion is the timing. The Fed Funds Rate had approached zero leaving little room to maneuver. Many were considering negative rates and then the repo market began to act-up. Time to initiate the “final solution”.


          2. Most of all Trump stood in the way of the demonisation of Putin and war with Russia for exclusive control of her resources (I do not buy the story that Putin is a WEF operative playing his part in a game – he has his own obvious domestic reasons for supporting the digital tyranny).

            They had to wait until 2022 for things to really kick off in the Ukraine, all thanks to Trump: God it must have made them sick with frustration!

            Hilary would have been in there screaming for war much sooner, when Russia was much less prepared for conflict.

            As a result, Ukraine is going rather badly for them, and Russia’s economy didn’t fold as they expected with the asset theft, extreme sanctions, and heavy battlefield casualties.

            Trump interrupted their giant hustle, largely without realising what he was doing to long-laid plans. This deranged most of those plans globally.

            Similarly, they needed Sunak in the UK, not any ‘populist’ interloper arising in reaction to growing poverty, and the same in all other countries of significance’: Roadmap 2030′ here we come!


  42. Very important article on Malone’s SS on how the MIC fell in love with mRNA technology,and probably decided to force it on all us.

    Of course, this intrepretation does not exclude experiments re fertility-reduction, increasing deaths silently, etc. Something for everyone!

    This explains why the US military whistleblowers were told to look the other way when they noticed obvious anomalies.

    For a long time I have seen that military/spook thinking lay behind this, not just greedy capitalism. It’s the logic of acceptable collateral damage in order to gain an objective.

    What a world! Thank God the wine is still good, the girls pretty, and the trees beautiful. I’d add the clouds, but Oh look, is that a chem trail I spy?


    1. In the last decade I have often been reminded of the famous B. Brecht’ poem “To Posterity”, which sums up well the dilemmas of the spirit in times of deep crisis:

      Indeed I live in a dark age!
      A guileless word is an absurdity.
      A smooth forehead betokens
      A hard heart. He who laughs
      Has not yet heard
      The terrible tidings.

      Ah, what an age it is
      When to speak of trees is almost a crime
      For it is a kind of silence about injustice!


      1. Trees?

        Dead capital until you chop ’em up!

        And who wants the view from the mountain top when you could slice it off and mine it?!


    2. The MIC must realize that every useless eater killed, including their own grunts, the more surplus will be available for their own budgets. The bankers love the MIC and the useless eaters they want to eliminate. Only well trained rRNA humans will remain with a chip in their brains, just as evolution would provide for those organizations maximizing profit and growth.


      1. Any captain knows that in a perfect storm scenario the best way to try to save the ship and the important people on board is to throw the cargo overboard. On this overloaded ship that is planet earth, the only cargo available to throw overboard are non-productive humans.


        1. If only one could somehow be the ‘albatross’, JMS, the killing of which dooms the ship of murderers.

          I’m warming to the idea of a dying curse…..


  43. Interesting point from the Malone article: he states that the regulators have agreed not to inspect the production process, and not to analyse random vials of the vaxx product. This is a clause in the various contracts.

    Complete and binding, abdication of a primary function, together with ignoring all the AE’s.


  44. So they plan: mRNA vaxxes for meat and dairy herds; mRNA for the pets; 50 more mRNA vaxxes in the pipeline for us; and over 100 mRNA treatments for various conditions. Tainted blood in the transfusion bag; tainted semen, saliva, breath, sweat……..

    Who on earth said innovation is dead in the West?!

    This is like being in the trenches in WW1, spotting the different types of incoming projectiles, while the bullets zip and sing, to a background of screams……


    1. And after you have survived the initial onslaught, they will give you shelter in the digital extermination camp. Who will enter? Those that work away their lives to pay a banker interest in the form of real work for money that was created out of thin air. Those that buy as much house as financial slack will allow. Then the bankers manipulate the prices on the margin higher and higher to generate more indebtedness and collateral value upon which to lend. It’s almost as good a scam as a ten-percent of income tithe to the church which guarantees delivery of their vaporware upon your death.


    1. They really must be completely unfettered in their objective of scaring the populace into the digital prison. Maybe set a big one off at “Burning Man” and vaporize the world’s pensions overnight. The debt problem will be solved, the old folks that didn’t immediately have heart attacks will get on with trying to survive and the elite parasites attending Club Diablo can hatch their next plan.


      1. The over-60’s are so easy to eliminate:

        1/ crash pensions and put them on basic welfare, and 2/ screw up the supply chain for blood pressure/thinning meds…..

        They can’t riot, only die.


        1. Most are already in a vegetative and incapacitated state after working slavishly for years to pay off debts enabled by the generous bankers. Time for a vaccine granny. That extra fat pension we promised you in compensation for your work, we always intended to default on that. That’s just the way a Ponzi scheme works.


    1. Deep State Plan to Break-up Russia. But Russia is not all they’re trying to break. The comments on this article were also very good.

      OldWhiteMan says:
      October 28, 2022 at 6:45 am GMT • 2.8 days ago • 100 Words ↑
      “Jews everywhere have an ancient and intense hatred for Christian Russia. Bolshevism and Regicide were their vengeance against the Romanovs.
      Blinken and Nuland are just the latest actors in this drama. The Zionist power structure in the US and UK has staked everything on Vladimir Zelensky. It could end badly for them.”


      1. Rich Jews are not really in one’s face here in England, nor do they feature much at Oxford and Cambridge, and other top universities, nor do they in the civil service.

        However, I knew bankers who returned, after a few years in New York, as raving ‘anti-semites’, having had their fill of pushy arrogance from Jewish fellow bankers, who also had everything all sewn up.

        Previously they had no views on Jews one way or the other.

        Of course, the UK is fully in the system, and many of the top Rothschilds de Ghetto live here, but it’s nothing like the full-spectrum dominance they have in the US, at least on the surface.

        Interesting that they picked Fauci, a little goy immigrant on the make from Italy, to do their dirty work. Rochelle is a bit too obvious, they slipped up there. And a senile ‘Irishman’ as President.


        1. I feel a useful person must be fully corruptible like Zelensky, Biden and Pelosi, have a hatred instilled by social rejection which makes “revenge” come naturally or they’ve been Epsteined. There’s a lot to choose from out there.


          1. Bribe and blackmail those who can be bought, kill those who can’t be bought. Divide and conquer, pretty simple. Nothing the Romans weren’t familiar with.


          2. From my brief observation of office politics, I was astonished by how many would become willing tools without any need for coercion or bribery. They don’t even ask for the pieces of silver!


    1. Written in 2014, at least the Russians know the plans. I’m sure there will be one super-yacht oligarch for each balkanized state.

      “If we rank all the fields of man’s activity by profitability, politics will be the most lucrative business,” Khodorkovsky told an interviewer last year. “When we see a critical situation in the government, we draw lots in order to pick out a person from our milieu for work in power.”

      It seems the Deep State uses the same playbook all over the world. Infiltrate and take advantage and/or destroy.


      1. I think the goal over here is to create a North American Union on the foundation of NAFTA. This is exactly how the E.U. got started, as a “free” trade area turned transnational government.


  45. I’ve been having alot of dreams lately. I’ve come to a realization. Forgive me if this is old news to you, it probably it is to many of you since you have been around awhile.

    This is my realization: optimism is a hard wired bias in the human brain. It’s literally wired in, it cannot be otherwise. If you were not optimistic, you wouldn’t have survived childhood, or reproduced.

    Therefore, in a sense, we all exist because of optimism. You are reading this because of optimism, because your parents got together because of optimism. And because the optimism made you tough enough to survive to this day, when you are reading this. And because optimism dug up fuels to use for an industrial society, and optimism made certain men invent computers and the internet because “those girls in high school who went for the jocks will sure respect me now!” Etc. etc.

    But, the problem is that optimism is also untruth. There’s nothing factual about optimism. People who look coldly at the facts must in fact become pessimists. But the damage is already done. The optimists have already reproduced, creating another generation to go through the cycle. And on and on it goes.

    When does it end? Who knows.


    1. Optimism and denial are just two sides of the same coin. The other word for pessimism is realism.

      “When does it end? ”

      It ends when there is nothing left of the bio-physical world to support human life. For the universe it probably never ends, nobody can know for sure.

      The human brain has evolved many cognitive biases. They are useful to us as dissipatives, but not for logic and reasoning.


  46. The universe will slaughter a lot of optimists in order to get the entropy job done. Some optimists will be well rewarded and will multiply like flies while others strike out. The universe doesn’t have much need for pessimists. Human form and behavior and that of other biological dissipatives are paths of least resistance through which entropy can take place. The path that offers the least resistance to entopic dissipation of energy is selected. That’s why you have so many rabid, drooling, money grubbers doing everything they can to increase their flow, even going to war to get more. Nature made them. The increased flow results in increased profit and growth and reproduction. The universe wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s another way of looking at the Maximum Power Principle. Call it the Maximum Entropy Principle found in the path of least resistance. Whatever maximizes entropy sticks around and if there’s no energy flow to be found, the universe doesn’t give a damn if you go extinct or not. It might even find some other dissipative that’s willing to burn you up.


    1. The shameless liars and cowardly murderers, the DARPA psychos, th compliant regulators, the medics who ignored fundamental principles of medicine and bio-ethics, were ‘in the dark’ like a squid squirting out black ink in order to escape detection. Forgive? Amnesty?


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