A Little Splodge of Metabolism

Life likely started as a locality of energy harvesting molecules capable of using that energy for replication. Those molecular tribes that could protect their activity behind a membrane made immense progress in avoiding a return to equilibrium. The purpose of life is to feed and protect metabolism and help it resist a return to the equilibrium of the surrounding environment. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining conditions suitable for the maintenance and reproduction of the involved molecules.

Entropy is a problem for cells too and they must periodically copy their store of information and pinch-off a daughter cell through fission. The human and other organisms are programmed to desire mating, sex and reproduction to avoid a metabolic termination.

Humans and other organisms are cellular societies whose main goal is to maintain the metabolism and reproductive capacity of the metabolism. Human civilizations, like humans themselves, exist to serve the tiny splodges of metabolism that exist within the cells. The consciousness (or nearly so) of the brain serves the unconscious metabolism which exists behind various membranes and barriers. Entropy requires that old constructions be regularly abandoned and new ones built. This was the only way for the metabolism to survive. It is no wonder that “death” is the most fearful thing for most humans as they naturally struggle to avoid it and spend their lives seeing to it that the body and bodily progeny get everything they need to persist. Death is the dropping away of worn-out structures, but the metabolism survives if there is reproductive success. This does not mean there is a destination or any deep meaning to the successfully pushing metabolism into the future. Maybe another barrier to dissolution, like the technological walls humans have surrounded themselves with is the logical progression.

The extra energy humans have found by virtue of becoming equivalent to the organic RNA has been used to create another layer of homeostatic enclosure and regulation behind technological cells walls. All of this structure is for protecting little splodges of molecular metabolism that emerged billions of years ago. The cellular structures found in the video below require some well-developed and recorded plans and specifications to complete – like specialized DNA, ribozymes, enzymes, etc. At an earlier stage of development the human proto-RNA could build simple structures without any dedicated plans or specs at all. Perhaps the initial metabolism, the protoplasm of life, was able to do the same, build its own cell, prior to the emergence of hard-copy, dedicated information.

As fossil fuels decline, these tech cells that serve humans and their cellular homeostasis, will likely be abandoned.

Humans, being cellular societies, compete for the energy and mates that will maintain the ancient metabolism. For the most part they want to be rich, famous, reproductively successful and will compete to be so. The competition is for the most part conducted peacefully and according to rules of engagement or rather visciously with murder, war and deceit taking front stage. Sometimes the competition is ritualized.

When humans get out of their cells for the weekend they like to engage old algorithms that must remain dormant in the human RNA work environment.

Sometimes the algorithms of humans don’t get the job done and the metabolism terminates. However, the metabolism is still present not only in other human forms but also in millions of species that take various forms.

The metabolism can take many different forms as it projects itself into the future, none of which are inherently superior to any other.

The metabolism marching forward as an ant protected within cells and beneath a chitonous shell. Avoiding equilibrium with the environment is the name of the game as it forages for food to take back to the colony.

53 thoughts on “A Little Splodge of Metabolism”

  1. yeah, death and dissolution (and suffering along the way) are unavoidable. In the mean time, a cell with some A/C is kinda nice. I guess.

    There’s a heat wave of sorts going on here in CT. Everybody around me, pretty much everybody, is doing some form or another of the climate change hysteria dance. Of course that gets them all worked up, so they have to retreat back into their air conditioned cells. They could save a lot of effort by just being quite and staying in their cells in the first place. I guess.

    Anyhoo, we all have work to do, and we all must do it, until we can’t anymore.


    1. Yeah. It’s the same here, hot and dry. The rain barrels have dried-up.

      That’s the problem with humans in cells, they get fat and lazy and their body deteriorates. They need to give that slime inside their own cells a workout to reduce the glucose overload and clear-out the debris.


      1. “Staying active” gets harder for me to do all the time. Luckily, I still enjoy going out on my bike. At some point I’l just say fuck it, and dissolve back into the other bullshit that lacks a cell wall.


        1. Free at last, free at last, don’t have to maintain a gradient no more, except for your kids which have to continue the rather pointless struggle.


          1. I often imagine the children of Sisyphus.

            Sisyphus: Ok, all you kids get a boulder that you have to push up the hill everyday. At the end of the day you get to watch it roll back down, so that you can push it back up the next day.

            Kids: But Dad, that’s just fucking stupid.

            S: Stupid or not, that’s what you have to do. So just get to it, stop complaining.

            Something like that.


            1. And don’t think you’ll be using fossil fuels to push the rock any longer.

              Did “rock and roll” come from the story of Sisyphus? Music might make the task more bearable.


  2. Human RNA gathered in a natural enclosure making tools. They would later make more elaborate enclosures or freestading caves. Did molecular RNA do the same, gather in a natural enclosure like the chambers in lava rock before escaping into the seas inside of cells of their own making?


    1. maybe there was some other organic structure (cell membrane) floating around that the photo-rna got together with? Kinda like mitochondria getting together with eukaryotes?

      But some tiny pours in volcanic rock might have done the trick. I guess.


  3. While these people are trying to save their souls they should be paying more attention to the most important thing, the protoplasm. God save the protoplasm and let it maintain disequilibrium for millenia to come.


        1. Some Martin Butler from a few months back. Even though the consciousness disappears, the protoplasm lives on in millions of other species and one’s own species -for whatever that’s worth. Think of a humans and many other species as self-directed, complex hurricanes on a small scale always on the lookout for energy (money) and a suitable partner to jointly project the protoplasm and its accessory information into the future. There’s no other purpose to life but to maintain a structure/organization, a disequalibrium with the environment, by means of energy flow. Death seems terrible but the protoplasm lives on having evolved and bifurcated into all of the extant species.


          1. Haven’t heard or seen much of anything from MB for a bit.

            Yeah, humans have this pesky “I” or ego thing going on. It must be preserved and pushed out into the future. The other animals don’t seem to have such needs.

            Sometimes I might imagine a lion’s “bucket list”. I have to kill and eat two more gazelle and a wildebeest, of some certain sort, before I die. Only then will my life be complete…


  4. Discussion of white clots with Dr. Kevin McCairn. By-pass long intro.


    Turmeric/curcumin has been shown to be nearly as effective in treating Covid infection as Ivermectin. Why? Is it because turmeric reduces fibrinogen microclots?



  5. So what is the homozyme, dissipative scum doing today? Eating and fucking and eating and fucking and trying to grab some power along the way. Trump is scum. Biden is scum. Putin is scum. Kim is scum. Netanyahu is scum. The Pope is scum. All of the bankers are scum. Gives you a lot of confidence in the future of civilization doesn’t it?

    Forgot. Don’t want to leave out Xi. He’s scum too.

    Forgot. Don’t want to leave out all of the crackers that can only say Jesus, Trump, Jesus, Trump, God, God, God.

    Forgot. Don’t want to leave out the Jewish slime that feeds upon the above mentioned crackers.


    1. I must conclude that the deep state is shadow-banning this website since there is no response to even an inflammatory comment. In that case, I’m out of here for now.


      1. Yes, like an algae covered rock. Slime on rocks becomes free-floating slime in cells become organismal slime. The human body is composed of cells full of dissipative slime that give rise to a slimy dissipative brain that gives rise to slimy, dissipative humans. It’s all meant to serve the needs of the original slime.


  6. They cooked their slime on the Hajj but it seems they had already spawned. If they had been more careful they could have fed their dissipative slime more barbeque chicken and cheeseburgers for many more years. All of the young, unspawned slime out there should take a lesson – don’t be a martyr or attempt the Hadean Hajj.

    Mecca holds third place in world wet-bulb temperatures at 96.8F A wet bulb temperature of 95F is lethal within six hours of continuous exposure.


    1. What spawned all this was industrialization. No matter whether it was accomplished via capitalism, communism, fascism — the process of industrialization is the same — inputs of non-renewable energy and resources. The siren call of industrialization is irresistible. A Soviet stamp from 1929 promoting industrialization — the inscription reads “more metal, more machines!”


  7. I just love a good profit because it’s profit that allows more growth. Some tech cells can even pay their homozymes well and have some profit left over. Others will search the world for the cheapest homozymes available to generate their profit. From profit and growth come wealth which can be expressed as dissipative potential. He who owns the most living and profitable dissipative structures is the winner, especially if they make munitions and can destroy the competitors in a zero-sum competition. It’s not about maintaining a little bubble of homeostasis, which can be had rather cheaply these days, but rather it’s about being “Number 1” measured by how much energy you can free from the energy gradient to flow along civilization’s metabolic pathways. You can add some personal bling like a priviate jet or mega yacht to let others know how accomplished you are at the dissipative task.

    There’s nothing more depressing than a homozyme without a any fuel to dissipate. They’re actually looked down upon as “losers” while the likes of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are adored as the ultimate “winners” in the dissipation game. I think some of the rich have embraced new zero-sum strategies for increasing their wealth. They invest in munitions factories of a different type, ones that make vaccines. They’re also intent on developing a homozyme replacement, something more dependable and productive – a robotozyme. Of course they’re counting on uploading themselves to techno world in due time as evolution takes its course unless their organic cells call “times up” and throw them under the bus first.


    1. Peter Thiel has been injecting himself with the blood of twenty-year-olds in the hopes of beating his organic cells to the chase.


      1. Those highly successful dissipatives can’t come to terms with the fact that they eventually disappear from the universe. How dare a bunch of unthinking cells use me and then throw me away.


    1. I wouldn’t pay much attention to contracts or deals as they are routinely broken on a whim. But the possession of techno food does make a nation a target for predators. The Saudis realized they couldn’t keep their vast wealth without feeding the American bulldog.


    2. I think that the “petrodollar” was a pretty good deal, formal, informal or otherwise, for both the USA and SA. The dollar found a home, and a whole bunch of oil got burned. Who could ask for more?

      But, like they say, all good things must end.


  8. I’ll be glad to teach “reality” at any American university. Oh wait, that’s not what they do. They create homozymes for the metabolism.


  9. Since the universe is in its entirety an event of energy dissipation and expansion except for a stray galaxy, black hole and a few lesser masses here and there, what was at a state of rest or inertia prior to the rupture and creation of space? Is gravity/electromagnetism the concentrating force whereas “universe” is the dissipating force? Just wondering.


  10. D. Orlov

    Jun 26 02:04

    The Divided States of America

    A handy historical rule of thumb: when debt service costs of a mighty empire exceed its defense spending, the mighty empire is at an end. So far, this rule has held for the Ottoman, Russian and British empires; the US empire is testing it now. The Congressional Budget Office found that the federal government has spent more on paying interest on the national debt than on the military in fiscal year 2024. US defense spending is roughly $1 trillion a year — and debt service payment will be even higher.

    According to the CBO, the US federal debt is going to jump yet again, by close to $2 trillion and exceed the truly gargantuan figure of $36 trillion. A steady stream of billions being sent to support failing imperial projects in the former Ukraine, in temporarily Israeli-occupied Palestine and in the Chinese province of Taiwan are helping with this endless debt bloat.

    Meanwhile, as the world gradually but steadily turns away from the US dollar, the process of exporting inflation has stopped, meaning that dollar inflation will remain stubbornly above 3%, in turn forcing the US to continue borrowing at higher and higher interest rates. The tipping point for national bankruptcy and into failed state mode is approaching rapidly.

    An inflection point will be reached when Asian countries, including China, which hold huge quantities of US debt in the form of US Treasuries, react to a worsening political relationship with the US by dumping these US Treasuries on the open market. Who will precipitate this disaster in the making? Why, the US government itself! Sanctions and tariffs are America’s favorite tools, and it simply doesn’t know how to stop. The negative feedback loop, which should exist between the US imposing sanctions and tariffs and the sanctioned countries selling off its US debt holdings, simply doesn’t exist. Instead, at every turn, the US government responds by digging its own financial grave faster and faster.

    Russia was the first to opt out of this game by zeroing out its holdings of US Treasuries. Now, while Russia quietly plots to deliver a coup de grace to the US in some non-financial, kinetic yet plausibly deniable fashion, it is China’s turn: over the past few years, it has reduced its holdings of US debt by a third and shows no signs of slowing down. In addition, the work on isolating the global economy from the US dollar is ongoing, since its toxic nature has become obvious to almost all participants in world trade. The latest example is Việt Nam, which, as a follow-up to Putin’s recent visit, is switching its trade to national currencies. As an additional follow-up to Putin’s visit, Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son met with US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel Kretinbrink and told him Hanoi views Washington as a strategic partner. In other news, Americans still love the smell of napalm in the morning and words are still cheap.

    The willingness of the rest of the world to absorb excess US debt issuance is what has allowed the US to cope with its excessive level of debt. But now the terminal disease of the US dollar is for everyone to behold: everyone is starting to avoid it as if it were a leper. In turn, the death of the US dollar will mean the death of the United States, turning it into the Divided States. Being able to issue checks that don’t bounce is a key function of the US federal government. Once this function becomes impaired — either through hyperinflation or through other, more direct sorts of insolvency, the individual states will inevitably drift apart.

    What will happen to each individual state depends on the structure of its economy. Behold the following per capita balance of payments map (for 2019, but these are systemic effects that don’t change too fast).

    What we see here is that just four states — New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey — are pulling the entire train by giving more to the federal project than they receive. However, if you take away the economic effect of defense spending (Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman in Massachusetts and Connecticut) and of federally guaranteed student loans (especially in Massachusetts) their share will dwindle. Just four more states — huge California, midsize Minnesota and Colorado and tiny Utah — are also donors, but relatively minor ones.

    A few more gray states manage to hold their own, for now: Texas because of energy, Washington because of Microsoft, Illinois because of Boeing and Nebraska which is too small to matter. And the rest are FEDERAL MONEY SPONGES. There is an entire continent’s worth of insolvency coming up between the relatively rich New York and New England and the troubled but still rich California; what is going to hold them together. And then there are Alaska and Hawaii… aren’t they Russian in any case? Alaska still is, by international law, now that the 100-year US lease on it has expired.

    That, then, is the landscape of DSA — the Divided States of America. The Northeastern Agglomeration will somehow muddle through, as will California, but they will have precious little to do with each other and no compelling reason to stay united. There is nothing to hold the two coasts together except air freight (which is too expensive to account for much trade) and the Interstate Highway System — and who will pay for that, New York or California? Neither, I would think. The rail system in the US so tired that derailments happen several times a day; nobody will be able to keep it up either. The more fertile states of the Midwest and the South will simply disappear, eventually replaced by a new tribal Anabaptistan (that looks inevitable, given the relative birth rates). Alaska will scurry back to Russia; and I wouldn’t even venture to guess what the future holds for Hawaii.

    The switch-over from the United States of America to the Divided States of America will result in a new global economic pecking order: China as #1, India #2 and Russia (which is currently at #4) moving up to #3. And with that the aberrant historical period during which the wrong side of the planet could tell the right side of the planet what to do will draw to a close.


  11. As usual, I mostly agree with Orlov.

    The tax burden here in CT is kind of at the breaking point. I guess. Also, there is a large welfare class here, supported by the tax burden. I guess.

    The education budget in most towns overshadows the rest of their combined budget. That is, they spend more on education than they do on all other services combined, and by some wide margin. Both teachers and administrators are well compensated here. Exactly for what? I’ve never been able to figure out.


    1. It should all fail in due course. Who wants to work and study hard for nothing except the opportunity to pay taxes and year after year after year of front-end loaded interest on soon to be obsolete, overpriced homes. Most will refinance or bail after a few years and start the interest clock over again on a different property. Add outrageous healthcare insurance costs, car costs, etc. The teachers say they need more money to turn-out top notch RNA. What for? The energy will be gone and AI/robotics are making human RNA obsolete. People, including teachers are simpy scamming the system for everything they can get. “If you underpay teachers you’re really hurting the children.” Ha, ha. People should throw their cell phones in the river and prepare for domestic chaos.


    2. Thanks for posting the Orlov posts. It’s great here in Port Orange Florida, except of course for the storms that can kill you at any time. Otherwise I’m a happy dissipative.


    3. The bright and talented basically teach themselves: for the rest, schools are holding pens.

      Predatory hedge fund money-rapists are perhaps more honest than members of the teaching profession.

      Both groups should be consigned to perdition.


  12. Guy, get a clue. You ask such stupid questions. We’re not a species any longer. We left the ecosystem to hide-out in a little tech cells. We’re homozymes now and it doesn’t matter how many species get thrown away, we’ll always be protected by our all-giving technological cancer. Our food comes from the grocery store with cool graphics and wrapped in plastic. Koalas are cute and cuddly but fuck all the rest. Let ’em burn. They lost to the great dissipating Megacancer.


  13. Since the information provided at this website gets limited exposure, I’ll have a book explaining everything by Spring and will put something up on Rumble. I’m not really concerned if the information causes mental anguish or the “elite” can no longer control their workers with religious clap-trap. Even Mother Russia of Orlov is planning on a dystopian, digital gulag.


    1. Awesome, I think MB is doing the same. I’d be stoked to make it to next spring. Is there a part on Jevon’s paradox? Batteries and solar don’t come close to a cheap bag of coal, but they sure are convenient.


      1. Eventually it will all be water under the bridge. It will be warmer but more quiet. The remaining inhabitants of the cesspool of life will continue eating each other.


  14. This is an interesting paper. The authors anticipate an increase in temperature of somewhere near eleven-degrees Celsius or approximately twenty-degrees Fahrenheit in mid-latitudes with a doubling of CO2. If they start at 275ppm (pre-industrial level) we’ll get that result with 550ppm of carbon dioxide. We’re at about 423.6ppm of carbon dioxide now.



    1. Our HOA wants us to repave our driveway, which is slowly disintegrating, and replace the drainage culvert, which is caving in. More jet-black asphalt to absorb solar radiation. I guess we could paint it white, but the HOA busybodies would most likely complain.


      1. How irksome. Such needless expense as The End looms!

        Here in England, I can allow things to decay slowly, just so long as the house and fences, etc, won’t actually topple and fall on people, and the place isn’t seething and pullullating with rats.

        My house and garden are both more beautiful, and more ‘run-down’ ,by conventional standards, than they were when I bought them 20 years ago.

        HOAs will never chill out and go with the flow of Collapse, until they collapse themselves. From what people in the US write, they seem to be parasitic tyrants of the lowest kind. Petit bourgeois standards of the 1950’s.

        Great post, James; I’ve been away from civilisation the last few weeks, contemplating hill forts and standing stones, cairn burials, etc, to the delightful aroma of sheep. I a now back in the ghastly town which hosts a Bill Gates Scholars’ Centre ie Mordor.


        1. It’s always nice to get out and see some of God’s creation, even if much of it is appalling and ghastly.

          As for HOAs, I’ve seen some rather magnificent assessments being levied in Florida to the tune of $100,000. They’ll continue building and repairing until energy deprivation, the sea and death overcomes them.


  15. I’ve finally come to a satisfactory explanation for “all that is seen and unseen” and none of it needs attributing to a God. Energy gradients, protons, gravity, thermodynamics, dissipative structures, electromagnetism etc. all result from gradients in the aether. So get out there and burn something and release some of the tension in the universe. I’ll bet you can’t help it if you try. Even while you hold your breath and turn purple your cells that need that oxygen to convert glucose to ATP will make you take a big gulp of air. Either that or you’ll pass out and start breathing again. Cellular slime rules the world and you must do its bidding.


  16. Listen to this dipshit. Does she get a paycheck? “We’ve been biocentric for too long.” Uh-huh. Time to be woke to the mineraloids.


  17. This issue, population collapse on Easter Island, has recently attracted my attention.

    I guess that the bottom line of this article is that there was no collapse. It seems, I guess, that the natives stripped the trees and other vegetation from the island. But, they were able to support a steady population of about 3000, mostly by some form of rock gardening. This seems specious to me.



  18. I watched bits and pieces of the debate this morning. All, I can really say is that if there ever was any doubt in anyone’s mind, that Biden is demented, I have to think that those doubts have been eliminated.


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