Lumps in the Space Gravy

Some have postulated that everything in the universe is a hologram and not real due to their only being magnitude created by magnetic force. In effect, the atoms are lumps of aether or energy (protons/quarks) that initiate a counteractive circulation around them. A typical circulation might look like an hyperboloid/torus, but in the case of atoms containing multiple protons the circulation becomes more complex with the establishments of orbits. The orbits, being of several levels and often “incomplete” opens the opportunity for various electromagnetic bonding arrangements and agglomerations of matter. I would not go so far as to call this “not real” or a hologram just because the atoms are made mostly of an electromagnetic shell surrounded by a denser nucleus of protons. The reality we experience is not a projection from a singular source, but rather the sum total of interacting magnetic projections (orbits) in reaction to the presence of protons. As long as they’re not ionized by high turbulence radiation energy, the atoms can mix and match in achieving the lowest energy level possible and release radiation in the process in keeping with the Second Law of Thermodynamics and entropy.

Typical hyperboloid circulation that seems to form around lumps in the space/aether gravy.

All of the atoms/molecules seem to have a tendency to return to the lowest energy state, a state of inertia, but the forces necessary to achieve that state are not extant in the universe at this time. Instead, all of the matter electromagnetically bonds and is rolled into orbs by gravity which is associated with the electromagnetic force. Some of the orbs are mostly inert except for some decay radiation of constituent elements and the radiation striking their surfaces from stars while others achieve a high enough density to initiate fusion while others achieve the enigmatic black hole status. The variability of atoms (protons in nucleus) is itself a result of an entropic fusion reaction in stars and supernovas.

Electromagnetic projection of orbitals – the hologram.

Relatively high energy radiative output from the fusion entropic process (sunlight) can be locked into bonds between atoms to later trickle back down to the lowest energy state level. The energy as captured by photosynthesis in glucose and later resulting in ATP can be allowed to trickle back down through various chemical reactions and metabolic pathways. Infrared radiation is lost along the way.

The large scale organic dissipative structures like humans that result from these processes and reactions have brains evolved to ensure that structures behave in a predictable and life-sustaining way like an enzyme that is optimized to bond in only one location. Eating and procreating are only two of the imperatives that are hardwired and are determining of human metabolic behavior. There are other emergent trends such as humans becoming the rRNA of an energy dissipating technological system and the desire to accumulate and hoard energy sources or property (also seen as territoriality in other animals). Among humans there is also a hardwired desire to achieve high status in society which promotes the energy gathering and procreative goals and suppression of other humans.

Doggie dissipative structure burning off some Purina. Visible light radiation trapped in bonds via plants is released as infrared radiation., keeping all the metabolic balls in the air at least until the baton can be passed to the next generation.

Human behavior is metabolism writ large where electromagnetic forces are summed into large scale movements, as in muscle contraction under the guidance of neural tissue, to achieve the goals of the structure. All of the mental attributes, or at least most of them, have evolved and been retained because they promote a continuity of energy flow that feeds the metabolic needs of the cells of which the dissipative structure are composed. Evolved behavior at the human scale, somewhat plastic to allow for adaptation in the time frame of a single lifetime, accomplishes what electromagnetism does at the smaller scale, it makes sure the right connections and actions are taken to maintain energy flow and homeostasis.

This is how the electomagnetic metabolism gets things done at the human scale (with guidance from brain.)

Humans may have taken the wrong path by evolving to become an rRNA by which the technological information, tools, cells and distribution systems thereby produced quickly eliminate the sources of energy to which they have evolved to consume. In addition to depleting a finite energy source humans have severely damaged the ecosystem on which their organic, cellular metabolisms depend.

Plants need soil. Humans need plants. Humans will not survive on food grown in technological factories although the blind human techno rRNA working in that environment seem to think so.

414 thoughts on “Lumps in the Space Gravy”

  1. Yeah, I’ve heard of that before, that this is a hologram of some sort. Could be, but it all feels real enough to me. Not that a hologram isn’t real. But a hologram does need to be projected from somewhere, to somewhere. I think. Lot’s of big problems there. I think. But I really don’t know.

    Anyway, I’m sticking with the standard model, the big bang and all that. That model surely has its problems, like space/time being something that can be bent. But, all-in-all, I haven’t heard a better story. Maybe I just lack imagination?

    Thermodynamic effects just make so much good sense to me. I can watch them happening. I take part in them, for the moment anyway.


    1. And, of course the origins of the big bang are just as problematic as the projection room of a hologram. No matter what it is, it’s a mystery. Maybe God’s miracle? But where did God come from? That kind of thing.

      I know that I’ve only been able to come up with two possible answers to existence, the idea that there is “something”, both equaly unsatisfying.

      1. “Something” is eternal.
      2. “Something” came out of nothing.


      1. I’ve come to believe that God is a control and profit center for a rather shifty priestly class. Humans can recognize their unique ability to make things since they’ve evolved to become RNA. The RNA in their cells make things too. “Making things” has to do with dissipative structures using information and tools. If we could look deep into the universe and see galaxy-sized ribosomal clusters cranking out complexity, I would be more convinced. I think the something from nothing argument is closer to the truth and even the something that is our universe is mostly a bunch of nothing like the apparent attraction and repulsion between two magnets.

        For a dissipative, finding a way to get a cheeseburger and a mate may be the more important and pressing questions and judging by their apparent obsession and blind subservience to the accumulation and dissipation of wealth, that is the case.


    2. The cosmos really is sort of boring and uniform in comparison to the many different ways atoms can stick together to form complex dissipative structures, but I’m trying to get a mental handle on how and why the entire thermodynamic/entropic flow occurs. Sometimes it seems like the universe is an opening magnetic cavity being created by something outside the universe that is diverging.

      Sometimes it’s a relief to know that your own metabolic movements as a functioning part of society are no more substantial than the trillions of metabolic reactions occurring daily within your cells. Energy will flow, things will move, time will pass. I wonder if humans ever thought that the logical conclusion of continued technological evolution would be their own extinction. But I’m afraid the Maximum Power Principle possesses them as evidenced by all of the billionaire buttheads that want to push into space to reap further rewards no doubt.


    1. Willie Nelson seems to be stable at age 89, but Carter is in hospice care at age 99. They’ve done real well. I’m sure they’ve run a lot of opioid releasing calories through those bodies. His brother Billy checked-out at the age of 51 and had a beer named after him. He surely got many rewarding calories that way. A happy dissipative is a well fed dissipative.


      Billy Carter


      1. What a fuck wad. Probably a nicer guy than Jimmy ever was. The MSM is always trying to piant JC as some kind of saint.


        1. I imagine that Jimmy was a striving egotist while Billy was an embarrassment. In the end all of those Billy Beer cans are corroding in a waste heap and Billy is likely interred in a can somewhere down in Georgia. Jimmy will likely have a more exalted burial arrangement.


  2. This was posted over at and I just had to reproduce it in part over here because Enudrance’s six points encapsulates reality very well.

    “Let’s also assume that our leaders understand:

    Economic growth has stalled due to the rising cost of energy and other non-renewable resources.

    Our ability to use debt to compensate for rising resource costs is ending due to our total debt having accumulated to an unsustainable level, combined with inflation driven higher interest rates.

    Rising demand from the non-western world combined with depletion of low-cost non-renewable resources means economic growth cannot be restarted unless demand is destroyed elsewhere and control over remaining resources is secured.

    If demand is not destroyed, and resources are not secured, the western economies will soon enter a prolonged (permanent?) period of contraction with severe consequences for our debt-backed fractional reserve monetary system (which by design requires growth to function) including wealth destruction from falling asset prices and debt defaults, credit scarcity making it harder to conduct business and to consume, high unemployment, and unaffordability and/or shortages of food, energy, other necessities.

    Falling tax revenues combined with already high public debt will make it impossible for governments to provide a safety net to prevent severe hardship and social unrest.

    Our leaders cannot discuss publicly any of the above because doing so would likely accelerate the collapse via herd panic.”


      1. That is zee Macron. Are they brothers or lovers? I’m not sure, but it appears they share a deep affection and secrets.


        1. Ah, the old Masonic handshake and tongue in the left ear (highest grade of initiation?) such a give-away.

          I hope Z was nice and sweaty in his humble war leader t-shirt, Macron would like that that even more.


          1. The slightly higher grade of initiation is for male members to play the piano with their male members. A love song to cement a lifelong relationship.


  3. I don’t think that this is at all unique to today’s society. Misfortune is always good for a laugh, until its your own.


    1. Yeah, and globalist governments are trying to kill you too. Even with two masters degrees and a PHd, you’re no match for their AI. Struggle to “succeed” all you want, you’re going nowhere.


      1. Someone with multiple degrees, and doing well at the start of their career -as many still are, especially in law, tech, medicine, etc, – , would have difficulty in seeing themselves as in any way a potential target of nefarious actors, or part of a failing system.

        People in the 20’s or early 30’s don’t even know about GFC 1 and its implications! It’s not even ancient history, it never happened as far as they are aware.

        I’d compare that to our tribal ancestors 1,000 years ago (or only 300 if you are Irish or Scots) who knew very well that they had enemies who would kill, torture or enslave them if they could get away with it.

        And then there were regular famines, diseases of livestock, plague, smallpox and TB.

        A world full of mortal danger, just like that of any animal; but they were, unlike us, mentally prepared for it. And so the world had always been.

        Resignation, hardness and religion in the face of natural disasters and disease: caution, cunning and ferocity in respect of your enemies.


        1. And who would think their own country, representing their interests, could be taken over by a Deep State Cordyceps fungus that suddenly seeks destruction of its host in fulfillment of its own life Ponzi/fiat life cycle. The world is surely full of wicked ways.


  4. Here is a human RNA working in a tech cell constructing the latest edition of emergent, evolving technological rRNA. There’s a reason they’re made to look like humans. It is so they may “fit” the already existing ergonomic and social environment as they slowly replace the “useless eaters”, the relatively obsolete organic humans. Joe Pie Hole will not be ordering robots to serve his every need. Joe Pie Hole will be dead. If not already, soon AI will orchestrate the selective culling of humans with various pathogens, events and propaganda aided by a complete knowledge of their psychology and habits. If it doesn’t like what you’re doing or thinking, the all-seeing AI will know and will find a way to sterilize you or terminate you.



    1. yeah, this weird human tendancy to value and reproduce familiar forms is just wierd. It also demonstrates the human inability to excercise thought that might be outside thier evolutionary milieu. Thus, thier inevitable doom, as they destroy the remnants of thier natural environment, which, ironically, is exactly what thier evolutionary milieu programed them to do. Catch 22, or something like that.


      1. It’s as if they’re getting inspiration from campy 1950’s sci-fi programming. And I think there’s a feeling that technology somehow is an improvement in that it avoids death and can spread throughout the galaxy and avoid earth’s ultimate demise from an expanding sun. We can’t even survive two-hundred years of our own explosion of life destroying dissipative forms.

        Another factor is that many people working “jobs” designing new tools and building tools are nearly oblivious to a larger reality beyond the scope of their work. Like their analog molecules in cells, they keep their heads down and do their jobs and that’s about it.


    2. I guess that there was a period called the permium explosion, or something like that. All sorts of different forms were explored, most discarded. Maybe humans can put out some low energy forms, like amoebas or something. But they already have that niche covered.


    3. Her expression is similar to that of my former wife on a good day (I shudder at the memory of the bad ones) ; but if she has a nice wig and, unlike her, seeks to please she’d represent an upgrade. How do I order a trial? Second thoughts, I’ll get another nice dog.


        1. Even better, they tend to regard us as agreeable companions.

          ‘How did your human rate today?’

          Hmm, regular meals and treats, scraps from the table,magically refilled water bowl, running around time in a fascinating scent-zone, warm bed…..I rate my experience as ‘Excellent’!

          Give a wife of 10yrs standing all of those, every day, and how would she probably rate you?

          Certainly not ‘Excellent’! More likely ‘Fair to Average’, or would it more likely be ‘Poor – needs improvement’?


          1. Dogs don’t need to go shopping or a expensive vacation. They’re content to lay beside you and bark at strange noises while you’re reading a good book.


  5. Just Ugo’s latest. As usual I kinda liked it. He’s normaly more upbeat, cheerleading for “renewables” and such. His realism in this bit is refreshing. “Savana Monkeys” seems like an appropriate sobriquet for humans.

    I did a quick search for the electricity generation in Africa, using natural source H. But I couldn’t find anything substantial. There seem to be other articles with similar claims, but no details.


    1. Hydrogen seeping out at our feet? All we have to do is catch it, maybe with balloons. We get immense amounts of free electricity in the form of radiation every day. The plants are good at catching it, along with CO2 and H2O and they can store the energy as glucose and cellulose. Kept us going for hundreds of millions of years. But then we changed and began making big tools that could attack big deposits of energy, the few that existed. Kept the tech going for about two-hundred years. Now we get to find out what going extinct is like first hand.


  6. GT is starting to remind me of Tim Morgan. She just keeps repeating the same spiel, over and over. Of course, my answer to her remains unchanged. High price/low price it all boils down to a resource shortfall. I’d say.


    1. Complexity is expensive with its information, tools, and organization and generally exists because it specifies a dissipative structure that funnels enough energy through the system to keep all the balls in the air and wheels turning. I suppose the solution to an energy shortfall for a bunch of chimps like the MIC is a good war because they’re not smart enough to do anything else and it fills their pockets with money. War is their default response, probably initiated by brain algorithms that they’re not even aware of.

      Gail gets so many comments, she’s always having to come-up with a new essay. When it comes right down to it, the world and universe have lots of variations on the dissipative theme, especially cellular life. All of the commotion in the competition for energy makes it seem beyond the grasp of understanding. The only straight things are the visible light coming in and the infrared light going out. The rest is a melee of matter.

      When all the dust settles we will have a complexity deficit since the civilizational stuff will not longer be functional and we will have wiped-out a good percentage of the organic complexity.


    1. Everything gets trashed in a war and lots of irreplaceable fuel is lost. Is it a Jewish banking thing? They can’t stand to be bettered by low-brow Russians? I wonder who gets thrown into the meat grinder next? The Poles? I don’t think it matters to the elitist bankers, it’s all poor quality meat in their opinion and disposable. Use it and then throw it in a ditch and bury it.


    1. “Well, I think the euro is F.U.K.T (fragile, useless, korrupt, and terminal).”

      That pretty much sums-up the world too. Humans, as dissipatives are absolutely obsessed with obtaining energy, whether it be food or the type of energy that keeps them going through the motions in their tech cells. Once the ecosystem and the little pockets of fossil energy have been fed into the dissipating distribution system, it all dies. I suppose Orban doesn’t want to be the next one thrown into the meat grinder to help someone else in their eternal pursuit to be “the winner” or “number one” or the last nation standing.

      The virtual selves in people’s brains are being run by algorithms evolved over millions of years. Their actions are mostly circumscribed and pretty nasty. We’ll probably program the same ones into “super-intelligent” AI and if AI ever evolves naturally or becomes self-programming it will end-up with the same algorithms serving the Maximum Power Principle. Hungary and Orban have to get with the game, the Western oligarchs are playing their MPP cards and everyone must bow to their pursuit of full spectrum dominance. Perhaps a false flag could change the Hungarian public’s perception and stimulate more anti-Russian enthusiasm.


  7. Vaccinated Youtube “Physics Girl” suffering from Long-Covid:

    Did she know of Jacque Attali?

    It seems like many of the vaccinated and the Ukrainian soldiers are similarly captive to their own brains and are saturated with vaccine and war patriotism.

    Not since babies were being thrown out of their incubators in Kuwait has such an awful thing happened:

    They know how to pull all the mental strings.


    1. It’s kinda funny how the same ideas keep getting recycled, like the whole hydrogen as fuel source type thing. Different group of suckers every 10 years or so? Or maybe humans just have some kind of natural short memory?

      Personally, I think people are just plain old fucking stupid. Take me for instance. I’m probably smarter than maybe 90% of the people out there, on some scale or another. But I’m dumb as shit. So there ya go.


      1. People are born with enough innate knowledge bestowed upon them by evolution and a little learning to eat, copulate and come in from the cold. Then there’s technological education to refine the analog mind and create functional human rRNA to make society’s metabolism go round. There might even be a genius or two that are good at mutating information to create new tools and things and genius(+) if they can patent it. Overall, the average proponent of something new, like hydrogen fuel, probably isn’t equipped to look at the details, like the people travelling on the Hindenburg.

        There are only so many elements in the universe and organic and technological evolution has been playing with them for a long time. Generally takes a flow of energy to purify and or rearrange them into something useful. There are only a few places where there is trapped energy that can be entrained into dissipative structures as it’s released from its source. Purified hydrogen, even produced by the sun, is problematic but may have some applications. But the time to implement a great idea is before everything starts dying or in economic terms – deflating.

        Don’t sell yourself short, you’re knowledge of systems, energy and thermodynamics is probably in one in a million.


    2. “Few people know the name of the world’s master diabolitician who has called the shots over the past 40 years for the globalist/socialist agenda that is now unfolding.”

      What kind of stupid brainwashed conservative redneck moron thinks that the globalist are socialist?


      1. Globalists are big dog dissipatives. Once they get done eating everything on the surface of the earth they’ll trade in their jets for spaceships like Musk, Bezos and Branson. Bigger and better and faster and more.


        1. I guess they didn’t need Physics Girl for any of those space fantasies. She was disposable to them but we are all disposable to the universe, grandiose psychopaths included.


          1. I’m sure Physics Girl had a nice little energy flow going and they put out the flame. She’s no longer needed. The chief dissipatives can see that the singularity is at hand and all energies must focus upon their goals. If you contribute to their well-being you might get to stick around. What they don’t realize is that no matter how much technology they have or amount of money spent you never escape death in this universe. They seem to be in a panic and are afraid that they won’t reach their technological goals before the energy runs out or the environment is ruined. I can assure you that they won’t reach their goals.


  8. “Don’t sell yourself short, you’re knowledge of systems, energy and thermodynamics is probably in one in a million.”

    But what about the eating and the copulating? That’s where my real interests are.

    Also, as I get older, a warm dry hole to crawl into at night really holds my attention.


    1. All of that extra knowledge satisfies the curiosity, but I don’t think it pays dividends. Rely on your dissipative spirit handed to you by billions of years of cellular/organismal evolution for all the rest.


    1. Damn, I can’t laugh. The video is restricted by the Google Workspace administrator. I wonder if they restrict any LGBQT stuff. Anyway, I’ll tune into the latest cannon fodder fiasco (or is that folly) news coming out of Ukraine and laugh at that.


      1. Pity, James, he is amusing: from this side of the Atlantic he has just the right NY accent (and gestures!) to pour abuse and scorn on the miscreants – marvellous and apposite words about our onetime ‘health’ minister Matt Hancock.

        Why do I imagine him with a baseball bat, but not for playing the game….?

        Or as a former SAS friend said once ‘You can do a lot of damage with half a brick.’ ( Another gem was ‘Don’t worry if they are bigger, just get right in there and bloody well hurt them!’)

        In the end, words will just blow away in the wind, while the bio-tech boot comes thumping down – as long as the power lasts.


  9. A comment from the video

    A lot has happened since this video was released 3 months ago. Toyota’s CEO stepped down so the new management can refocus their efforts on “digitalization, electric vehicles, and connected cars.” It’s literally the opposite of this video’s message.

    Akio’s resignation statement.

    “Because of my strong passion for cars, I am an old-fashioned person in regards to digitalisation, electric vehicles, and connected cars. I cannot go beyond being a car guy, and that is my limitation,” Toyoda told reporters online on Thursday.

    “The new team can do what I can’t do … I now need to take a step back in order to let young people enter the new chapter of what the future of mobility should be like.”

    The powers that be want electric.


      1. A realistic man who doesn’t understand peak oil but does understand cars. Electric vehicles are nonsense. Hybrid electric vehicles are good enough. Anything more than that is over complexity.

        The powers that be should demand reductions in engine displacement and lower the speed limit if they want more fuel economy. Automobiles today are oversized amd overpowered. Same could be said about boat engines.


  10. This is a photograph of the magnetic polarization of a super-massive black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy.


    It has an appearance very similar to the polarity of a common magnet as seen in Ken Wheeler’s magnetic viewing device.

    Maybe anything that is not completely “dissolved” in the aether or Higgs Field through entropy, like atoms, will elicit orbitals or a dielectric/magnetic hyperboloid to attempt pressure mediation. Something to think about while the dissipatives are battling for energy here on the Earth’s surface.


  11. An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III: Part 1
    Colour-Coded Revolutions: The Origins of World War III: Part 2
    A New World War for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III: Part 3



    I kinda liked this bit by CHS. I disagree with his assessment that AI is only worth something if it somehow turns against its corporate overlords and somehow, magically, benefits “society”. It, he, kind of begs the question(s), in my mind anyway: What benefits? What (alternate parts of) society? And, of course, who’s gonna have the energy, if anyone, to run all this bullshit.


    1. I can imagine it would be applied to trading and markets, fleecing less capable owners of everything they have. Regulations could be tweaked, politicians bought off, etc. all calculated by AI to arrive at a desired goal. But it would have to be fed with lots of data. It might even be able to determine how the human genome must be changed to create a more cooperative and productive human worker. It might calculate how many useless eaters must be killed along with their homes and cars to free enough energy for more “progress” and what type of virus is perfect for the job. Then it could begin to search for and steal programming from other AI to enhance itself. The possibilities are endless, but you can only kill so many useless eaters to free-up the energy.

      Those that own capital would love to have RNA that can be instantly trained or cloned with no need for schools, be built as they’re needed without need for planned parenthood, don’t have to be entertained, fed, pampered, treated for insanity, treated medically, or retired and don’t have any aspiration to be the top dog. They’ll also work long hours without complaint. What’s not to like? Lock down the humans and start “vaccinating” them. Kill them, sterilize them and reduce their sperm counts. AI will tell you how and construct propaganda campaigns to get the job done.

      “….more resources are deployed to the winning process.”

      It won’t be humans that are the “winning process”. Kurzweil would accept human extinction if technological Rube Goldberg contraptions, useless eaters of a different kind, could populate the galaxy.


  13. Trying to communicate with human RNA inside their growth seeking tech cells is as effective as talking to the cancer cells in a person’s body.

    “Hey you, cancer cell RNA, you’d better stop growing now or you’re going to kill your meal ticket.”

    “We can’t heeeeeeaaaar you. And besides, we’re planning a trip to Cancun in the Spring and we’re building on a new rec room and……………. we wanna be rich. So get lost.”

    So without remorse they grew and grew and grew and they died.


    1. I am most amused observing irrational house extension mania among my neighbours, all getting in to debt for it.

      I happily spend my time, and very little or no money, on much more pleasurable things, which also require no subsequent upkeep.

      Just sitting by the fire sharpening my axes makes for a contented evening, while I wonder what’s wrong with them, and why I’m wired so differently…..


      1. The last thing you want to do is add more dissipative structure at a time when energy is growing scarce. The future is for those that can churn-out the opioids at very little cost. For some, a sunny day is all it takes. A much better strategy than being a bank slave.


      1. Yeah lets face it, the primary purpose of a state is to fight wars. Preserving property, protecting class interests, money creation, and the redistributing of wealth are all secondary.


        1. Under the influence of banks primarily to make sure the currency is defended and there are no limits to growth. Definitely fighting a losing battle.


  14. Like

    1. “We’re the Deep State and we’re here to help until every last Ukrainian man and boy are dead.”

      Isn’t it time for BoJo or Sunak to make another appearance? Maybe Ronald McDonald would hold more sway.


    1. We’re not really going to solve the carbon problem by utilizing more complexity. I think Larry Fink is smelling a new market to skim and scam.


      1. These people cannot think outside of a price system. They are trapped by their very own ideological bullshit. The “free market” will innovate. Never lose hope in the infinite possiblities of human ingenuity. Julian Simon the optimistic economist, that kind of bullshit. Also Jordan Peterson.


    1. The war machine does help approach thermodynamic equilibrium by wasting all kinds of fuel and it’s very complex and is attempting to become more so. As for social evolution, many of our attributes are hardwired. The Chinese seem to be replacing religion with the social credit system as an ordering mechanism. God takes care of the people that are cooperative and nice and make the energy flow.


  15. Here we are, assemblages of electromagnetic particles floating on a bit of detritus made of same, being pressed to the orb’s surface by gravity which would, if possible, press us out of existence. To remain extant and not fall to pieces we must eat continuously at the banquet table the sun and ignoble organic chemistry has set for us. The human forms almost invariably want to be “number one” and compete for energy and mates accordingly. The desire for dominance is not the only algorithm implanted by evolution in the unsuspecting hominid brain. In the end, regardless of their degree of success, they all meet the same end and fall apart. And from the strangely evolved human with its dexterous hands and information generating brain comes technology, gift of the Gods (smirk) with massive new tools and organization for reducing all in its path, in fulfillment of the scriptures of course or at least the mandate of the state. And the clueless human RNA continue to bang their hammers on the substrate, churning out more and more of the tools of their own destruction as technological waste permeates their previously pristine bodies. “Oh utopia of singularities, do save us. We await you with Muskian arms and Kurzweillian hearts. Please save us from ourselves and make us live forever.” And AI did just that, except for the live forever part, eliminating the obsolete and misshapen human that was never destined for the stars and was unable to return to the ecosystem from which it had arisen.


    1. Thus endeth the Lesson from the Book of James.

      Our hymn for today is ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful (Hom Sap screwed them all)’


  16. Pretty good one by Hugo. My comment:

    I think that one can see similar behaviour in monkey troops. If one monkey gives a warning of danger, the whole troop panics and scrambles into the trees. After a while they all calm down and return to thier normal behaviors; feeding, grooming, bickering, copulating, etc, whether there was an actual danger or not. They will also gang up on a threat, throw rotten fruit and feces at it, from the safety of the trees of course.

    Humans have a more sophisticated set of behaviors, and maybe a slightly longer attention span.


    1. Naomi Wolf

      “I could not explain the way the Western world simply switched from being based at least overtly on values of human rights and decency, to values of death, exclusion and hatred, overnight, en masse — without reference to some metaphysical evil that goes above and beyond fallible, blundering human agency.

      What we have lived through since 2020 is so sophisticated, so massive, so evil, and executed in such inhumane unison, that it cannot be accounted for without venturing into metaphysics. Something else, something metaphysical, must have done that. And I speak as a devoted rationalist.”

      Most people want to pass the buck to “evil spirits”, but there are no evil spirits. It’s just that humans aren’t all that “nice”, especially when being nice doesn’t pay dividends. Sometimes being evil does pay dividends as when you inject unsuspecting patients with a life-threatening substance. Even during good times people are lying, cheating, stealing, scamming and using each other. The Italian Jews should have left for Tahiti before the algorithmically controlled, zombie rabble set focus upon them. Being a weaker, separate and distinct tribe that regularly practices predation upon the larger, clueless tribe is not a winning strategy when things get tough.

      There will probably be another appeal to increased morality, rule of law, etc. to make the energy flow again, but it won’t work this time. Whether you’re good or evil, the energy isn’t going to flow in sufficient quantities. The extant chimps will likely end-up incarcerated and monitored by the all-seeing, technological ZOG just as the Chinese are monitored by their CCP.


      1. Yeah, I don’t know. But I don’t much buy into “evil” as a concept in some seperate catagory. I could maybe buy into the idea that everything is “evil”. In my mind, by and large, both the injectors and the injectees are part of the same panicky monkey troop. They’re all dead in the end, but they just can’t wrap their monkey brains around the concept. Something like that…

        I tried to read that bit by Naomi Klein, but I couldn’t get through it. I guess that she’s writen a famous book or two or three, none of which I’ve ever read, thank God.

        Oh well, every monkey has its day in the sun. I’d say.


        1. The ability to cooperate and not do “evil” unto each other is highly conserved as it allows sufficient tribal peace for people to specialize and cooperate in bringing in the energy that no one person is capable of doing. Evil is anything that is selfish and disturbs the cooperative effort. If you’re “good” people, you do what society expects of you, like follow the rules, go to school etc. to bring in the bacon for society. The evil disruptors are incarcerated so they don’t have a negative influence.

          Society (authorities) expected people to inject and be injected. It didn’t occur to them that trusted authorities could be evil, of another tribe, and introduce all kinds of damage. They’re also attacking the “good” society by infusing it with as much moral confusion and corruption as possible. From Netflix to the corrupt President and son to the thief walking out of Walgreens unimpeded with ill-gotten goods to the Fed bailing-out their friends. It is destruction of the West, nationalism and especially the “moral majority”. It’s funny that they want to ban Tik-Tok when the real threat is in places like Hollywood but the Deep State are likely working in unison with the Chinese. Getting a large proportion of the populace hooked on drugs also has a negative impact.

          Another tactic in the destruction of unity or identity is to allow large numbers of immigrants into a country. I think they’ve been working towards the destruction of the West for a long time but had to wait until the oil was played-out and the debt had reached a Ponzi limit. The last thing they want to do is “Make America Great Again”. They would rather perform a sex change operation on America.

          six sigma


          1. Yes, lots of confusion out there. I’m sure that much of it intentional. It is used as a way to divert attention, create doubt, take advantage, etc.

            But the idea that some are “good”, because they follow various rules, and some are “bad” because they succesfully manipulate the “good” and the the rules to their own advantage rubs me the wrong way. The “good” do their own forms of manipulation and rule bending to their own advantage. One of their favorite forms of manipulation is pointing out the “bad” in others. There is nothing more “evil” than a crowd of “good” people all agreeing with each other. Something like that. I’d say.


            1. Is the spider bad because it eats the fly? No, it’s working on behalf of its shareholders, the cells and RNA. Is the Deep State tribe evil for manipulating things to their advantage? No, unless you’re the fly.


  17. Deep State Tribe – A tribe of entrenched bureaucrats, I guess.

    I have to kind of wonder why they’ve so aligned themselves, apparently, with the Banker Tribe, The Globalist Tribe and The Technocrat Tribe.


  18. The Deep State Tribe are facilitators of policies that favor the plantation owners or bankers. The technocrats produce new tools to control and herd the human capital. As an example, Epstein seemed to be on the look-out for helpful emerging technologies. The Banker Tribe is global in that wherever resources are available, a lending organization will exist to stimulate the extraction and consumption of the resources. Much of the growth is in dissipative structures through which the fossil fuels can be consumed and turned into infrared radiation with much unrecyclable waste and obsolete, worn-out structures being abandoned to the environment. Civilization is sort of like a continuously evolving exothermic chemical reaction (s) where the most effective pathways remain extant through positive growth reinforcement of the most effective dissipative structures.


    1. Yeah, I mostly agree with all this. I do think that if possible humans would form themselves into a single world eating industrial organism. The organism would need a brain. The bankers, technocrats, bureaucrats, etc would hope to be that brain. I would expect them to fight to retain their privileged positions in any way they can. However their replacements are made through years of rigorous advanced training. They can’t continue their blood line on a hereditary basis. They are simply industrial products, like the rest of us. Industry must continue, and continue to expand, for them to be of any worth.

      Unfortunately, the substrates needed to fuel such industrial dreams are running low. Conditions are changing, as they always do. Nationalism (as opposed to global consumerism) as an organizing principle is coming back into vogue. The control of resources, rather than their exploitation and mass distribution will take priority. Most people will be left to thier own devices. There will be no need for a world wide central control.


      1. Yes, I think it will be a hollow victory if “global” governance is achieved. As soon as they think they’re in control, the foundations of their imaginary future will disappear beneath them. Nationalism or MAGA is also a dream. The retrenchment will be chaotic or managed. At the moment I think they’re trying a few managed approaches and the dissipatives don’t like it.


    2. “Civilization is sort of like a continuously evolving exothermic chemical reaction (s) where the most effective pathways remain extant through positive growth reinforcement of the most effective dissipative structures.”

      All fires eventually burn themselves out. Industrial civilization is no different. I’d say.


      1. Do you think Larry Fink will find a a way around Greta Thunberg if she dares stand in the way of a return on investment? I think physics will find a way unless Greta can eliminate all of the Larry Finks of the world.


  19. I often think of the hurricane analogy for human civilizations. They have no choice but to travel west, spin counter clockwise and get bigger and stronger when encountering warm water. But, due to their nature, they all make land fall, and fall apart, unavoidably.

    They often spawn huge rain squalls and thunder storms in the process. But they don’t have an energy source, so they don’t last long. This might be analogous to something like China/Russia/India, and various hangers on, breaking off from the main body of global industry. Personally, for all kinds of reasons, I don’t think that will last long. Something like that…


    1. I think they’re hoping someone will depose Putin if conditions get bad enough in Russia. I think Putin saw them coming. Organisms fight to the death trying to eat each other all the time in the natural world, why should we be different? Civilized? Not really, we just use technology.


  20. Another pretty good one by CHS. I remember applying for and getting an American Express card back in the early 1980’s. I was doing some traveling and needed it to rent a car, if I recall correctly. I had never heard of a credit card before that. I don’t think either of my parents ever had one.

    I’m actually reading one of his books that I got from Amazon. It’s not bad. But after 20 + years of being a doomer, nothing that I haven’t heard or read at least 20 times.

    I have a bad habit of having some drinks and ordering stuff on Amazon, need a credit card for that. But I still pretty much pay off my credit card every month. Too old fashioned…


    1. Debt, the eternal optimist. It goes without question that the economy will grow at over five-percent per annum for the next thirty years. Julian Simon would think so. But what if the economy contracts at five-percent per year for the next thirty years? You might have to underreport inflation and hope the bondholders don’t jump ship for real things in the now and present. You might also have to put a lot of little fish out of business and out of life or keep them in an aquarium on a strict diet of mealworms. Or you could start a nuclear war and claim force majeure and have a great reset with neat tech toys.


  21. Steven Pinker – Just another Deep State stooge. How’s that “Better Angels of Our Nature” working out for you since your compatriots just murdered millions with the bioweapon and vaccine and are killing millions of Ukrainians in the war – for banking hegemony and control.


    1. I haven’t read his book(s?). I’ve heard reports that it’s filled with like cherry picked and vigorously massaged stats. Kinda like: if you kill 1 out of a population of 100, you’ve killed off 1% of the population. But if you kill 10,000 out of a population of 10,000,000, you’ve only killed .1% of the population. So that’s an improvement.

      But, in all fairness, like I said, I’ve never read his stuff. I probably never will.


      1. He seems to be another sponsored intellectual like Harari, Weinstein and Avi Loeb, dedicated to supporting various concocted narratives in pseudo-intellectual style. I’m waiting for the first best seller from an AI generated alien. Aliens never lie.


      1. It seems that they’re trying to fashion a distorted simulacrum in people’s minds which includes impenetrable models of the universe, space aliens and the inevitability and desirability of further detachment of humans from the ecosystem. What if there are no space aliens, the universe is incredibly simple and technology is a cancerous dead-end? Is their heaven the Kurzweillian singularity edition with all attributes downloaded to a robot and then blasted into space? Their way to live forever? Unfortunately that is absurd, insane or both.


        1. Insane. They are psychopaths after all.

          “Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, injure, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse.” Kevin Barnett


            1. “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds our molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized.”
              Edward Bernays in his 1928 book “Propaganda”


          1. “Real power is unelected. Politicians change, but the power structure does not. The Network (a global Anglophile financial elite power structure) operates behind the scenes, for its own benefit, without ever consulting those who are affected by its decisions.

            The Network is composed of individuals who prefer anonymity. They are “satisfied to possess the reality rather than the appearance of power.” This approach of secretly exercising power is common throughout history because it protects the conspirators from the consequences of their actions.

            A primary tactic for directing public opinion and “government” policy is to place willing servants in leadership positions of trusted institutions (media, universities, government, foundations, etc.). If there is ever a major backlash against a given policy, the servant can be replaced. This leaves both the institution and the individuals who actually direct its power unharmed.

            Historically, those who establish sophisticated systems of domination are not only highly intelligent; they are supremely deceptive and ruthless. They completely ignore the ethical barriers that govern a normal human being’s behavior. They do not believe that the moral and legislative laws, which others are expected to abide by, apply to them. This gives them an enormous advantage over the masses that cannot easily imagine their mind-set. Advances in technology have enabled modern rulers to dominate larger and larger areas of the globe.

            As a result, the substance of national sovereignty has already been destroyed, and whatever remains of its shell is being dismantled as quickly as possible. The new system they’re building (which they themselves refer to as a New World Order), will trade the existing illusion of democratically directed government for their long-sought, “expert-directed,” authoritarian technocracy.”
            Joseph Plummer, 2014


            1. But thank goodness they’re civilized. Here’s a picture of Lord Sterling with his trophies following a hunting trip to the New Guinea highlands. The prime cuts were turned into mince meat pie and sent to welcoming relatives in Britain.

              mince meat


                1. That’s true, and the trophies are mokomokai from New Zealand, family heirlooms. Robley fought the Maori as a Major General in the British Army and donated a large collection to museums. My naming him “Lord Sterling” was a bit of parody of the “civilized” English upper crust.


        2. “The society of experts will control propaganda and education. It will teach loyalty to the world government, and make nationalism high treason. The government, being an oligarchy, will instill submissiveness into the great bulk of the population. It is possible that it may invent ingenious ways of concealing its own power, leaving the forms of democracy intact, and allowing the plutocrats or politicians to imagine that they are cleverly controlling these forms whatever the outward forms may be, all real power will come to be concentrated in the hands of those who understand the art of scientific manipulation.”
          Bertrand Russell


          1. And I don’t think any of the big players have clean hands. China already has a technocracy while Russia has indicated a desire for it and the United States via the Deep State and globalist organizations like the WEF and WHO are pushing hard for the CBDC/New World Order. What better way for a small group oligarchs in each country to maintain privilege and power in a world of dwindling energy supplies.


    2. What a fucking clueless moron! Some people are so addicted to their own bullshit! Enlightenment humanist values brought to you by the leading North Atlantic empires and settler colonial states. It never stopped a single genocide or created a real democracy. We just destroyed Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen. Why doesn’t this fucking asshole go over to Isreal and demand less tribalism.

      I love his renaissance man haircut, shows his genius. Enlightenment humanism, the one true religion of the self-regulating individualist free market entrepreneur/consumer who need not be regulated by a big evil government as all market transactions are truthful and rational.

      The truth is whatever the CIA determines it to be and the Google algorithms will guide you there.


      1. I thought about mentioning his hair as it’s somewhat Einsteinian. Probably can’t grow the beard, accepted marker of intellectual achievement worldwide. He’ll be visiting Zelensky next.


  22. I think in China the techno-utopianism is driven around a feeling that China needs to leap frog the West technologically in order to survive from it’s assault. That is to say that the Chinese are painfully aware of the humiliation they suffered from the West because of their technological backwardness. The result is an even more head over heels techno-utopianism over there than over here to show that China is “Great Again” and prepared to fight the evil round eyes.

    The technocracy over there is still Communist party centered and is essentially nationalist and statist. Big sins in the eyes of the Western oligarchs. Chinese billionaires are not in control because there is a red aristocracy that is jealously guarding its powers against the Chinese buisness elites in finance and software. Hence the downfal of Jack Ma.

    For the most part the people up front in the politburo are really the people in charge over there. It’s not a constant deception of hiding the true rulers like over here. Xi Jinping is really in charge.

    The Chinese digital currency is simply an aligned convenience for the Communist party as well, not a plan for global domination but one of reinforcing party control over society. So their technocracy is mostly a domestic issue, for now…

    As for Russia, I suspect the Russians are undersetimating the true intentions of their enemies and just how many Russians are traitors and collaborators with the West. Russia is actually a more open society than China and so a lot easier to penetrate. Also Russians are white and so they can more easily fit in racially in Europe and America if they choose to collaborate or run and hide there, unlike the Chinese.

    Russia is also a bit confused ideologically. The same could be said about Putin himself. They seem to be more or less struggling to find some new ideological foundation for Russian state identity that can be inclusive of the large muslim minority and other non-white ethnic groups but without alienating the unspoken but obviously preferred dominant White “orthodox christian” majority which is mostly non-religious. They also need the dominant white group to have more babies or face demographic collapse, a big problem for such a geographically large country sandwiched between the large populations of Europe and China. This might turn out to their benefit as a smaller population will make resource depletion easier to deal with. Problem is the Russians seem to be unaware of overshoot and the western elite concern over it. Their new foreign policy is nothing more than a new “new world order” of BRICS growtherism.

    Russia like China saw their version of the vaccine as a chance to prove their technological prowess to the rest of the world. They seemed more concerned about the image of themselves not falling behind the West technologically, than suspicious of the new vaccine technology. They wanted to be seen “doing something”. They were successfully tricked but how exactly I don’t know. I assume it has something to do with Russian and Chinese buisness elites who are traitors operating through commercial buisness channels. Maybe they really believed in the technology at face value. Maybe they don’t realize the WHO role in the pandemic and trusted the WHO advice. Perhaps they dont’ know that we were also behind the AIDS pandemic too. Who knows?

    None the less the pressure was soon on government officials to be seen doing something as citizens were dying. So I think they were fooled that way. Now they can’t admit their mistake without even greater embarrassment, especially because they sold these vaccines to countries that are trusting of them and not the West. I don’t think they even realize they made a mistake as Russia is mandating vaccines for all newly mobilied military personnel. Which means that we are succesfully getting the Russians to kill themselves. (“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” Niccolo Machiavelli in his book “The Prince”, 1513)

    It’s probably the same with digitization and CBDC. They probably see it as a technological arms race, which it sort of is, but perhaps they dont understand the underlying motivations for it in the West. They may not realize that we can access their digital infastructure if it’s Microsoft Windows based. The only two operating system other than Linux are American systems, Apple and Microsoft. They need to produce their own domestic operating systems if they are going to safely digitize, if there is even such a thing as safe digitilization. I think they don’t want to feel “left behind” technologically so they do this stupid shit as well. In the end they also have goverments that want to control their citizens too and are not altruistic about individual rights. Everyone is falling into the complexity trap for a multitude of different and similar reasons.


    1. I’m afraid it’s all happening too quickly, haphazardly and cluelessly for the technological system to persist. In the future, as they study the current extinction event, they’ll say there were two types of life, one organic and one technological and there was a single species, Homo sapiens, that was a bridge between the two but did not truly fit into either. Just as we would say that there was a single molecule, RNA, that could make copies of itself and no longer belonged with the unliving molecular world and would soon no longer fit in the cellular world either. The original free-living RNA, unsuited for the cellular environment, would be replaced by new and improved RNA, more controlled and better at reading information and creating enzymatic and structural protein tools. That’s what the system wants humans to be like now, new and improved at functioning, but the tech system is also moving beyond that goal by replacing humans with fully technological RNA. But neither organic nor technological life gets a free pass without some type of fuel to dissipate. I don’t much favor being upgraded. Rapid evolution in robotics probably means the organic human silly putty will simply be put out of its misery or be permanently installed in the Metaverse before the organic bodies are disposed of. Then the robots can play video games with our characters.


  23. Is science close to explaining everything about our universe?

    In his 1996 book “The End of Science”, John Horgan argued that scientists were close to answering nearly all of the big questions about our Universe. Was he right?

    The theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder doesn’t think so. As she points out, the Standard Model of physics, which describes the behavior of particles and their interactions, is still incomplete as it does not include gravity. What’s more, the measurement problem in quantum mechanics remains unsolved, and understanding this could lead to significant technological advancements.

    Ultimately, Hossenfelder is optimistic that progress will be made in the next two decades, given the current technological advancements in quantum technologies and quantum computing.


    1. It’s good to have quanta or we wouldn’t be here, but quanta are fully interchangeable with non-quanta. You probably need a particle smasher or black hole to do set them free. I think we’re witnessing the end of science now as the quasi-species of nationalities fight to the death over energy. We’ll vaporize each other with quantum bombs and if any physics professors survive they can grub around for a quantum of food.


    2. I’m not sure how the internet qualifies as a scientific advance of some sort. It’s always seemed to me more like an industrial accident of some sort. Like home computers and main frames achieved some sort of critical mass. There was enough of them out there so that hooking them together was the natural outcome. Kinda like adding a spark to the right mixture of H and O. You end up with water, I think. Something like that…

      However one might interpret the phenomenon, I think that the internet and science as we know it are both huge energy hogs. Twenty more years of big science to solve a quantum measurement equation? I kind of doubt it. But what do I know?


      1. The internet is a conspiracy created by ARPA, now called DARPA. It was always about extending surveilence into peoples homes. No different than the digitization of money away from cash started with credit cards, not an accident. Our rulers are in the business of finding more and more ways to control us. There is no accident to electronic surveilance and control. They dispise the common people.


          1. Fixed it, but didn’t notice. Strange how your brain will sometimes still recognize the meaning of the word while not noticing the spelling. Like a mutation in a allele that changes the spelling but doesn’t change the binding affinity.


        1. I think that’s right. “Useful” technologies, especially those that are useful in plantation management are spearheaded.


      2. Science is mostly about expanding the knowledge base or analog world to establish limits of the possible or open new vistas. Technology is an on-going evolutionary process of building dissipative structures and tools to dissipate energy, hopefully at a profit that will allow further growth. We might need another CERN super-collider or two before we’ve unraveled all the mysteries of the universe. How many useless eaters have to be killed to get enough energy to build another super-collider? You might have to spend a few hundred-billion more on AI to find out. But the good thing is that we’re dissipating more energy, faster and in greater quantities than ever before. We’re burning it so fast that there’s not enough to underpin the complexity that banks like to loan into existence.


        1. Was the first super-collider even worth it? Did we get any serious return on our investment from it’s expansion of our knowledge of physics? It’s kind of like the moon rocks NASA has in its possession. It’s nice to know and have but was it really worth the expense? I suppose the weapons contractors liked the space program but was it really that revolutionary? Most of the human space program seems to be a jobs programs for scientists and contractors. Non-human space flight is practical because it requires less energy and is inherently disposible.

          As for AI what’s it going to tell us that we don’t know already? If AI doesn’t get us more energy what’s the point of pursuing it? More control?

          I suppose this is all just physical and biological determinism. A dissipative can’t afford to restrain themselves out of fear of losing out to another dissipative. Tragedy of the commons.

          The current civilization worships science because it has delivered more energy gradient than past civilizations. I don’t think that has anything to do with the pursuit of rationality and truth seeking apart from a few academics. It’s mostly in the service of power and greed. Science never solved any of the social problems of the human species.

          So peak energy and complexity will be peak science.


    1. Nah, they fought for bankers. Can you imagine giving your life for a banker while they count their war profits while sunning in Bermuda or the Cayman Islands? And maybe a little side trip to Epstein Island.


    1. The censors have blocked that one on my end, but I can see the preview “Anglo-American War on Russia…..”

      How dare those low-brow Russians threaten the perennial kings of money making. “We’ll either win or upset the game board.” I think they’ll upset the game board. Putin does not intend to end-up like Saddam Hussein even if it means a nuclear holocaust.


        1. I’m using my son’s hotspot from high school and I don’t think they want the young and impressionable to get the wrong ideas. Don’t you have anything “woke”?


  24. I was kind of happy with my monkey brain today. Kinda happy to be a bit of walking talking RNA, taking apart the substrate of the world and using it to my own devises, that kind of thing.

    I probably mentioned that I cut and burn maybe a cord or two of firewood every year. I have it stacked in 4′ -6′ lengths. As I need it, I wrestle with the logs and cut them stove size.

    Today, I got sick of the wrestling part. I built myself a cutting stand of sorts, all out scrap lumber and other bullshit that i had laying around. It holds the wood and allows me to slide it around into position for cutting. Even has stops and such for getting the proper lenght. No more cutting, cussing, tripping over bullshit and guessing about the length and such.

    I have to think that Hofensteder, Pinker, Harari and Weinstein all locked in a room with their fucking super brains all working in unison, couldn’t do that in a million years. That’s what I think.


    1. I think you’re right. Put theory into practice. An RNA makes things. But you’ll have to cut a lot of wood and burn it to match the BTU output of those stellar intellects. I’m sure any one of those big heads could warm a room all by themselves. I’m surprised their hair doesn’t catch fire. I might look for a wood stove this summer in case I have to burn the furniture next winter to stay warm.


    2. Who knows what they could do with their hands? Bret might be the best of them.

      But being able to do something useful must be the point of having a huge brain in the first place…..

      I made a saw horse out of scrap wood last year; and during the lock-down settles, bookcases, hanging shelves, kitchen and garden furniture and more raised beds, all from a huge pile of stuff which came from a house which was being gutted.

      Such waste! Those huge metal skips filled with ‘junk’ are surely the emblem of our civilisation.

      There’s an excellent channel on YT ‘Eugenio Monesma’ showing the last Spanish rural craftsmen and workers doing their thing,
      raw materials turned to shelter, tools, etc, with immense labour.

      I feel useless compared to them, but cheer myself up thinking about Hariri……


      1. Those skips are waste pods full of waste excreted into the extracellular spaces for transport away from the system. As long as they continue filling-up things are good. Start to worry when there is no waste or they don’t get hauled away. I haven’t really built anything for the past thirty years when I built some Adirondack chairs which are still holding-up. I can do routine stuff like fix the toilet, cut the grass, repair door hinges, paint, put down some duck tape when the linoleum peels off the floor, etc.


    1. Reminds me of the teachers, “We need more money, we are the future.” and with the military it is “no expense is too great for the defense of this country”. “Somebody sell some more Treasuries, the Saudis will take them.”

      But not to be outdone, Microsoft is doubling-down on AI and removing any ethical restraints. “We need answers now, even if they’re dirty deeds.”


  25. It just seems like the enforcers have gotten to Reiner Fuellmich. Don’t they make people discredit themselves by latching on to outlandish theories. Sure, 5G is probably bad for you and with some graphene in the brain it may be deadly, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t a virus. I think it’s safe to say that everything, including courts and judges, are compromised. It certainly was easy to have Putin named an international war criminal. I’m pretty sure Fuellmich will never get to any of the big fish that were behind the Covid terrorism.

    This is me when they knock on the door:


    But then again, insignificance can be a blessing.


  26. Harari has a new book for kids, “Unstoppable Us: How Humans Took Over The World”. A shame putting such fictions in children’s heads. We are stoppable and we took over the world like a cancer. He must be prepping them for volume two when the system takes over their brains with a few well- placed hacks. They just can’t face-up to the fact that their technology is not “miraculous”, it’s just more dissipative structure looking for some fuel to convert to infrared. How about a school chant: “Infrared, infrared until you’re dead.” or “Vibration nation, the train’s left the station.” (and the bridge over extinction chasm is out.) All aboard.



    1. Whatever happened to Malcolm Gladwell? Before “Sapiens” put Harari on the map, Gladwell seemed to be the thinker du jour… for a chunk of years it seemed like many journalists/bloggers looked to shoehorn a Glawell meme into their writings…the 10,000 hour rule in particular…


      1. I guess he fell out of fashion and was not adequately promoted. Harari seems to have been adopted as mascot for the fourth industrial revolution and our cyborg future.

        Here he is misleading the big children:

        No mention of how the human evolved to become a functional rRNA at a larger scale, the key that opened Pandora’s box of technology.


    2. On the bottom right they should be hiding behind the rock from a prowling Term/vaccinator – the difference being that the men and women in white coats want everyone, but the lion would no doubt pass them by if it had already eaten that day.



            1. Ways to mitigate dioxin damage
              A recurring trend it (of antioxidation)

              Interesting commentary


              thank you . These days even VitC can be introduced in liposomal form, so Riboflavin, (the main chicken link in this criminal plot in my opinion) could be equally reformulated the same way…

              Just looking into the dioxin issue, something like this:

              “Theoretical study of binding of metal-doped graphene sheet and carbon nanotubes with dioxin” or this “Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots Modified Dioxin-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks for Superior Lithium Storage” or this “Dioxin sensing properties of graphene and hexagonal boron nitride based van der Waals solids: a first-principles study” kind of points into something distrubing, assuming graphene was indeed added to the covid injections.

              Just speculating a LOT here, given so many coincidences.

              John Paul

              Not only the chemical but the overall structure of the exogenous compound would impact how dioxins interact with any graphene-based structure. Also graphene (oxide, or not) will be degraded overtime by our antioxidant system (thiols playing a major role in breaking the bond of a lot of molecules).

              I did just found this on Graphene, which points towards the same initial culprit, AhR. Any foreigner substance that doesn’t “look” organic for our bodies will set off this receptor a lot, so limiting the damage seems like the easiest stratategy at least in such short notice.



              what is also intriguing the work on graphene in connection with dioxin proceeded the Nobel prize in 2010 by quite a period, with publications on it as early as 2004…

              From Ecotoxicology book. example about dioxin…, quote “The chance of a chick dying during the 48 days after hatching due to these Ahr-mediated toxicants is 1 in 10.”


    3. The bridge may be out, but we have Marty McFly and Emmett “Doc” Brown to get us up to breakout speed in the DeLorean just in the nick of time. Moar firewood for the locomotive, please.


  27. And as the universe tries to stuff them back into the inertia bottle, squashing their magnetic magnificence, all that can be achieved is an equilibrium of spinning orbs and reassorting atoms. But work can be done, must be done to counter the forces of the universe. One way is to catch an updraft from the universe itself as its fusion digestor eats away at the atomic nuisance, sending a steady flow of electromagnetic ripples into space. The humans and other organisms struggle mightily to grab some of that life-giving manna with their various organs and appendages as it is the only way to avoid the final approach to inertia, for if they did not, it would spell the end, gravity would push them down and the electromagnetic radiation that keeps their body vibrating at just the right termperature/frequencies, would make its final exit towards the stars.

    “Catch a wave and you’re sitting on top of the world.”

    Here’s to wishing everyone a place in the sun and the good luck not to have to bludgeon or poison another human to get it.


  28. The main goal of a human and all other dissipative structures is to free enough energy from fuel to keep their metabolisms going. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the virtual self inside the brain would be constrained in behavior by evolution to concentrate on gathering fuel and wealth. This can be seen in human’s incessant preoccupation with accumulating wealth and the incessant whines and squeals about equity, growth, earnings, profits and so forth. Unfortunately and evidenced by people “running on automatic” that can never be satisfied in their wealth accumulation, there is no agency that can overcome the desire for further enrichment, which is the acquisition of wealth in broad terms. There also seem to be many people that have no empathy towards others as they accumulate as much wealth as possible for themselves. Instead, the virtual self celebrates its apparent hierarchical superiority while trying to move even higher in the ranks of energy acquisition and use. Even in an equitable society, where wealth accumulation is limited, there is no empathy shown the ecosystem which is gleefully consumed by the more evenly distributed metabolism. In the present situation, humans wanting to go back to “normal” are like cancer cells wanting to go back to Stage II as they shoot past Stage IV.


    1. I don’t think this guy got the memo. They’re not done blowing stuff up yet. People do want to continue consuming, more and more, not only to stay alive but because their only reason for living is the next dopamine opioid hit they have planned. Eating and reproducing is such a bore without some vacations and a new Ford F-150 to drive in circles. But I can assure them that when they’re starving a simple potato will give them untold excitement and rewards.


  29. My old adage, seems more and more true to me everyday.

    Dave’s adage: If you can’t eat it, drink it, wear it or fuck it, it’s not really good for much of anything. Something like that…


    1. When energy flows through something like a dissipative it vibrates a lot and the universe is looking for more stable bonds for its molecules. It eventually loses functional integrity and dies. Another adage is, “If you can’t recycle it, you shouldn’t build it in the first place.” But when you’re a rich cancer on a one way path to nowhere, you don’t have to recycle.


      1. People, at least here in bourgeois land, get very confused about the notion of recycling. They think recycling is when they wash parts of their garbage and put it in a seperate container from the other parts of their garbage, so that it can all go to the municipal incinerator to be burnt.

        Recycling makes you a good person. If you don’t recycle you’re a bad person who votes for Trump. I’m often scolded by my GF for not being a good person. But it’s completely unfair because I never vote.


  30. It seems we’re entering the “slide” period predicted by Duncan’s Olduvai Theory which was put off by a few years by natural gas development and oil fracking. But the overall idea still seems valid. I’m pretty sure that utilities, like the banks, will be designated as “too big to fail” as customers cut back on usage and/or are left in the dark and cold and utility revenues are diminished. Judging from the charts, the slide lasts for ten to fifteen years of contraction, depression, deflation in some areas and hyperinflation in others. Then the unprecedented “cliff” event takes over with a rapid descent back into the Olduvai Gorge where we can resume using stone tools. However, war and infrastructure damage could accelerate the cliff phase, foiling any plans at making any country “great again” and making a “green” build-out a techno-optimists dream.

    There must be some hope for a fusion miracle or some other out-of-left-field miracle that motivates planners to continue kicking the can, not with more easy credit, but with a fallback and defensive Fourth Industrial Revolution and Agenda 2030. Culling the population and changing their living arrangements from high to low energy consumption seems reasonable and distasteful at the same time. But these arrangements may be stop gaps at best as the energy that keeps things moving simply can’t be provided. The population reduction of the United States to one-hundred million as predicted by Deagel does not seem outlandish and may be a bit optimistic. It may require more pandemics and thermonuclear war and/or EMP events to bring this about before it happens naturally.

    Click to access road2olduvai.pdf


    They’ve already erected a new moai to welcome the newcomers. Much more realistic than the late Georgia Guidestones.



    1. Or covert surgical attacks disguised as pandemics, EMP events and nuclear strikes- and let’s add ‘natural’ disasters such as induced drought,flooding and earthquakes while we are about it….

      Interesting to see the recent rreport of that German pathologist Arne Burkhardt : the young dead male was pumping out spike and presumably mRNA in his semen many months after injection, hardly any sperm in the mix.

      Cunning bastards. I take my hat off to them.


      1. And the spike production won’t do any wonders for their immune systems either. Should give the next pandemic some extra potency should they survive the turbo cancer.


      1. I saw Richard speak at a nearby college sometime around 1978 and I see that he died last year in Nairobi and was buried on a hill in the Rift Valley. Maybe in the future a genetically improved human will find his skull and remark upon its primitive characteristics.


  31. PS. There’s nothing quite like a grim skull monument first thing in the morning for that Megacancer vibe: thanks, James!


    1. Even those with primitive skulls of the Olduvai with their primitive stone tools were well on their way to this technological climax. Tools enable growth and domination. Unfortunately the “Should we do it?” question didn’t come into play. Likely the structures that ask “Should we do it.” are quickly eliminated in favor of those that say, “Hell yes, don’t give it a second thought, let’s do it.” The universe supports any structures that funnel the energy until some other structure that’s even better takes their market share or the energy dries-up.


  32. “Time is of the essence.”, or the aether. Time is an interaction of matter with energy (aether perturbations or fields). All electromagnetic radiation is an aether perturbation. As the energy impacts and moves through the matter, it moves it around and it is the change in position that humans see as time. Planets orbiting, winds blowing, waves crashing, animals hunting…………… all animations of matter by aether perturbations (mostly light). The animal dissipatives must be of a structure and behave in a way that results in fuel acquisition whose energy will be released thereby perturbing the aether in the vicinity of molecules resulting in molecular/chemical reactions. The perturbation is never contained or used with one-hundred percent efficiency and much is lost as waste heat. The animated animals usually have to eat each other to gain fuel. Here are a couple of civilized humans beating the hell out of each other for fun and to entertain other humans. Since these behaviors are hard-wired, you might want to be “woke” and keep a firearm nearby as the slide into the energy abyss proceeds.


    Here are some similar subjects in El Salvador who let their animal out in an unacceptable, destabilizing and tribally competitive manner and were therefore incarcerated.




    I think that CHS forgets that there have been 50 years of steadily accelerating resource depletion, on a world wide basis, since 1972. The key to everything in the industrial world, wich kinda means the whole world, is, at this point, who will control the resources.

    I’d say.

    I wish I had some confidence in Joe Biden and company, but I don’t. They seem to inhabit some type of parallel universe, that is at odds with mine, the world that I inhabit that is.


    1. Parallel universe/parallel government of the globalist Deep State. I think it’s already been planned who will be the winners and who will be the losers. It must have been obvious thirty years ago when the doors to capital were opened in China and the United States had the reserve petrodollar currency. I’m sure they ran a “Limits to Reserve Fiat Currency” model and have been planning accordingly. Biden is one-hundred percent puppet and the Adapt 2030 plan is for transitioning the West into a much poorer and controlled existence, not to save the environment. Biden’s election should be called operation Trojan Horse.


      1. I don’t think so. I think they’re winging it, pushing their positions as far as they can, hoping to get lucky, that kind of thing.


      2. I think that “the West”, writ large, with the USA in the lead, is stuck in some kind of post WWII dream bubble. It is popping right now.


    1. It’s an oily bubble with rainbow accents and besides that, “the U.S. is the leader of the world.”

      The ape hierarchy algorithms are strong in the Deep State Neocons, but we weren’t a good leader and neither are Russia and China. It’s all a cancer intent on growth. They’re just fighting over who gets to grow or at least not contract. The Western bankers don’t want to relinquish power and have their “superiors” tell them to “sit down and shut-up.” If the new BRICS coalition can lock-up most of the world’s oil exports then maybe they’ll have a parachute – with holes in it. I think it was West Texas at The Oil Drum that thought about that a lot. The U.S imports about half its oil. Perhaps the only way we’ll get it in the future is to export food.


      1. If I thought the USA “leadership” could keep resources flowing in my direction, at some price that I could afford, I would support it. But, like I said, I have no confidence in “it”. As far as I can see “it” is in the business of failing and flailing about, lost. Maybe I’m wrong…

        Exporting something other than a notional currency, hollywood movies, a shit phony contrived culture of consumer diversity and military chaos? That might be an idea. Food maybe? Better than turning corn into ethanol. I guess.

        Anyhoo, the days of industrial (cancerous) expansion are pretty much over. All good things must end. I’d say.


        1. They’ve created trillions in debt which most believe is convertible into consumption at sometime in the future. Then they have millions or billions of living dissipative structures (human, animal and tech) that must be fed on a continuing basis. When net energy from the ecosystem and fossil fuels declines, then the financial system will fall over as hyperinflation takes hold. I imagine they’re looking for a way to dump all of that debt, cull some dissipatives and put he rest on a ration. For a while we created our own little system of complexity with all that fossil fuel energy and they’re still pushing it. But all good things do come to an end, especially when the energy source disappears or the waste sink fills-up. Then the universe thanks us, gives us a participation trophy and shows us the door.


    1. If a human is involved, you can never be sure you’re getting justice. It depends upon what their biases and interests are. Overall in society it’s just a bunch of nasty apes trying to use, impress and one-up each other. Instead of being put to good use, the energy is dissipated as social friction.


      1. Yeah, I didn’t mean to imply that “justice” really exists, at least not within any human legal system. But in the end, everybody gets his or her just desert, suffering and death for all, no exceptions.


        1. My ancestors have been grabbing and slashing and flinging poo for billions of years and I’m the first iteration of all those generations to escape self-organization and gain a perspective on the proceedings, mostly because I haven’t had to participate in earning the daily bread which freed much time for examining this shit show. In light of thermodynamics which is something like a universal raison d’etre, all things under the sun make sense, like ’em or not. In some ways, death, or escaping the energy thunderdome, is the final reward, and you won’t be taking anything with you because you’re not going anywhere. “You” disappear with the brain’s last glucose and the left-over matter more or less falls apart and is trucked-off and consumed by other hungry cell colonies like vultures, nematodes and maggots (if not preserved in some manner). Just call it “The Last Supper” and you’re the meal or “The Just Dessert”.


    1. The censors won’t let me watch that one although I can see the preview. Light, shock waves, matter flying, it’s a beautiful entropic sight. An antibiotic par excellance. But I would trade that for a place on an underpopulated tropical island with a food forest, sunshine and waves.


    2. That ammo looks like a box of over-large dildos. Air-burst? So vulgar.

      I’d much prefer a pair of Manton of London flintlock rifled pistols, 1816, as used by Lord Byron in his leisure hours.

      And a 1796-pattern sabre: Death is silent, clean.

      One should go down with some attempt at style, at least.


  34. My latest comment to Ugo:

    I think that climate change is more or less a cover story for the real problem, resource depletion.

    King Hubbert modeled US conventional oil production in the 1950’s. He predicted a peak for maybe 1970 and was correct by within a year or two. Then came the North Slope of Alaska, a shadow of its peak. Fracking as a gimmick is kind of played out, I guess.

    Industrial Civilization, like every other system in the universe, I guess, is subject to the law of the minimum, ie, a shortfall in any one critical component of a system, results in system failure. I don’t know if anyone can accurately model its implications, as they might apply to our present situation. But I do think that a Seneca Cliff type event is a real possibilty.


    1. Your comment is parallel with this essay I found at

      Besides a Liebig Law of the Minimum there is also toxicity, lack of recycling, finite fuel for energy, civilization ending weaponry and the simple fact that we continuously seek growth and profit like a cancer. The ecosystem is mostly defenseless against the rapid onset and mutating turbo-cancer of “civilization”.


      1. Yeah pretty good article.

        In the last few paragraphs he kind of goes off the deep end with ideas that we have a choice in any of this. Like we can somehow choose whether we have wars and such over the resources remaining to industry. Someone’s going to fight over them. They are already. They fought over them when there was plenty to go around…

        He says less than 1 billion humans by 2300. I kinda agree with this assessment, but I think he may be somewhat optimistic. I would put the number at somewhere south of 500 million. Get there peacefully in under 80 years? I really don’t think so. But I could be wrong. I guess.


        1. The universe seems to tolerate aggressive, deceptive apes with large appetites. They’re often lionized by the less able for their ability to ring-fence assets for copious dissipation.

          You have to wonder if the process of death will create a toxic miasma (fuel ponds, etc.) that will so scramble the DNA of longer lived organisms as to prevent their forming a cohesive, functioning whole. I don’t see any inclination by the oligarchs to trade-in their 500′ yachts for a little clean-up and storage.


      2. My problem with B is his optimism about going back to nature and future low-tech civilizations in our future. He also thinks this process of civilizational collapse will take about a century, which is laughable. Nothing about nuclear reactors and cooling ponds. No discussion of nuclear and biological weapons. He is an apocaloptimist.


        1. Going back to nature is probably wishful thinking. The tech spearhead and AI will likely make sure the return to nature is straight into the dirt. It will then calculate the savings in energy for having ended the various lives. Those that survive will only do so because they are a net positive to the balance sheet. AI will track and monitor the others like an executioner waiting for any wavering from the dissipative plan.


    2. I agree. The ‘solutions’ are largely the same: no NNR use, net-zero carbon, circular economies, etc. Either an exceedingly unlikely coincidence, or a cover story. This has the undesired side effect of some money being diverted into carbon sequestration, but I suppose even that might have some uses – theoretically, anyways.

      I would bet that some of the dumber upper crust in the West have mistakenly drank the cool-aid / believe the cover story.


      1. It will dead-end for any number of reasons. Civilization got profit and growth right because the RNA say it feels good, but they’re not much on cleaning things up or recycling as it detracts from the amount of energy that may be put to better use generating even greater amounts of dopamine and opioids.


    3. Agreed.

      It often strikes me as odd that if CC really was the 800 pound gorilla in the room, then why wouldn’t TPTB not be jumping up and down celebrating the end of the age of oil… hallelujah! Problem solved. Let’s just on with managing the degrowth.

      The immediacy and urgency of CC is pure narrative/PR – Bernays and Lippmann would be proud. It ensures that the masses accept or even demand an impoverished future because it is the right thing to do… they can feel good about themselves as they shiver and starve by candlelight. If resource depletion was revealed as THE problem, a problem that is both unavoidable and insoluble, it would open up a whole can of worms that would be the death of the elites and civilisation… awkward questions like, “why did we burn through all our oil without regard to the future?”, “why didn’t use our oil more judiciously rather than simply squandering it on gizmos and fun etc?” “why haven’t you done your job – managing the country’s resources in the best interests of the demos?” “Why haven’t you told us before now?!” Psychopaths could never accept being held accountable to those they see as their lessers – us, the little people.

      From a utilitarian perspective, one could even argue their behaviour is moral… if you knew an asteroid was going to hit the earth in 2032 and all life would end, would you tell everybody and risk chaos? Or would it be better to save everyone the mental anguish and allow them to continue their lives in blissful ignorance until the fateful day arrives?

      It seems that only a few possess the mental fortitude to deal with our predicament.


      1. I think a beer maker could figure this out. It’s apparent that ethanol (toxic compounds) are getting too high and the glucose (oil/coal/natural gas) is getting too low.

        “Yeast needs a certain amount of sugar in order to continue fermenting, and once they reach a point where it can no longer get enough sugar, they die off. Moreover, when the alcohol content passes their threshold, they die. The tolerance is different for different yeast strains.”


        1. All wisdom, it has been said, lies in the intelligent contemplation of a pint of beer.

          There’s an excellent YT channel, ‘Tasting history with Max Miller’, and I’m going to try his recipe for ancient Mesopotamian beer in order to raise an appropriate glass to civilisation before it ends. With some flatbread.

          ‘Beer and bread: the gifts of the gods’.


  35. Wise words, all: now, what’s for lunch? Sausages in wine? Splendid!

    Even at the end of the world one has to try eat something tasty if at all possible. Not much mental fortitude without a full stomach.

    Our TPTB enemies are just doing the same, hoping to be the very last to have full plates and viable shelter if they can hoodwink us about what’s really happening.


    1. You must dissipate at a healthy rate lest you meet your fate.

      We human RNA were once an asset, all working hard to “flesh out” the dissipative system known as civilization with dopamine and opioids leading the way. We built cells, distribution systems, new metabolic pathways and now it seems our reason for being is almost gone along with the fossil fuels. It seems we’re soon to be dead-in-the-water with nowhere to go and TPTB know we’ll fight over the last of the glucose which they wish to preserve for themselves. I expect further attempts at eliminating worthless eaters (also known as standard dissipative humans) in the near future.


      1. Let’s dissipate at a healthy rate
        And copulate, while we’re at it:
        Or we shall meet our certain Fate
        Having had less pleasure than a rabbit!


      2. A hundred years ago, the very same people who are now trying to kill us were fretting about declining population, leaving them without sufficient factory hands and dumb schmuck conscripts to fight their wars.

        The Spanish state, for instance, gave the official status of ‘Father of a Big Family’ to those who nobly worked away on the coal-face of reproduction, such as my father.

        Now it’s ‘Do you want to transition? And have this jab!’


        1. They would probably like to stick a knife in their victims while saying, “I’m really sorry, but I need the energy you were going to consume during your life.” Instead they have you do it to yourself. It will be the same for the surviving old people. “Enter the death pod and we’ll give your family an extra bump in their social credit scores.”


          1. That sounds too generous, James: isn’t ‘Enter the pod, damn you, or their social credit score drops!’ more likely? The grandkids will be pushing ’em in……

            There’s that Bill Gates video where he openly sniggers in delight at the thought of the un-jabbed being denied welfare payments.

            Why give any incentives when you can just punish?


        2. Salazar’s government did the same. My maternal grandmother received a government award for being an excellent breeder, with her 14 children (two of whom died in infancy), who of course also reproduced themselves copiously. My paternal grandparents, poorer and less ambitious, had only five children. With this, I’m not sure how many cousins I have, and most of them i’ve never even met.


            1. Right. And that when the priests themselves were not engaged in the joyful task of multiplying the species, in a brazen usurpation of rights (viewed incidentally with a certain indulgence by their flock).
              And since the law of diminishing returns is implacable, half of that copoius offspring was later forced, in the 1960s, to emigrate to countries of more advanced capitalism.
              Things that could perhaps be avoided if fathers, priests and politicians knew the works of Alfred Lotka.


              1. You can throw Lotka right in the trash. The Book of Genesis says, ” “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Sounds like full-spectrum dominance to me via the tech route. No further references needed.


                1. Yea, the Bible got it right, not least because it speaks the language of instinct, not reason.
                  And Lotka was just an idealistic genius, which in the language of instinct means a fool.


                  1. The universe has no need for these pedantic fools. What good is an idea unless it dissipates energy. “Go build a bigger and better engine. Go find some fuel you fool and show me what you got.”


          1. Impressive fecundity, JMS!

            With us, it was mostly marriage to cousins anyway, ‘to keep the land in the family’.

            Thankfully the gene pool widened in the mid 20th century…..


            1. Even more impressive is that all 15 of these my uncles and aunts, and their spouses, are still alive, aged between 70 and 90. We can never thank Saint Oil’s blessings enough.


  36. Like

    1. I think the intelligence agencies were pulling corporate strings. Who is going to stop them? Donald Trump? Maybe we should hope that Putin has really great targeting for his nukes.


    1. Go ahead and lie, they’ll never know the difference. And if they begin to catch-on we’ll just make-up another lie, like the price of houses always goes up and if you work hard you will be rewarded and get ahead. “A little distortion in the analog mind here and little mirage there and we have them where we want them.”


      1. most people need a lie or two (or many) to believe in order to function at all.

        I often think of the Christian stories (lies? Sure, what else?) that are circulating at this time of year. I kind of wonder how many would buy into a story of God’s suffering and death ending on Good Friday. None of the Easter Resurection bullshit to go along with it.

        Something like: God took on a mortal form. He came to earth where he suffered and died, like the rest of us. So learn how to suffer and die, like God. Learn to accept your cross as you travel the road to Calvary, just like God did. End of story.

        I really need to go into the religion business.


        1. The God of Entropy is apparently in an undesirable state of disequilibrium. As humans we can help by eating heartily and having Pagan rituals while taking time to dance around blazing bonfires and then copulating before falling asleep at night. Once we’ve passed enough BTUs through our existence we get excused from further suffering.


  37. I’ve listened to some of following interviews by Lex Fridmen of Sam Altman and Eliezer Yudkowsky.

    It’s sort of funny listening to them speak of consciousness and alignment when they are not themselves conscious of what they are or what they’re doing.

    There is no “hard-problem” and no definitive moment in which “consciousness” is reached. It’s all a matter of degree. Even the lowly Euglena sp. has some consciousness, even if primarily of light and dark. The visual system has evolved from simply making one conscious of light and dark as with the Euglena to an awareness of many shapes, colors, movement and things in humans. If Euglena had also evolved a means of communication, as humans evolved to communicate, it might only have two things to say, “Light, dark, light, dark.”. Humans can differentiate reality much more effectively and share it with others. They’re more conscious of the real world of radiation and matter. Instead of “light and dark” the human brain has evolved to be conscious of some things more than others, like human faces and anything that resembles a memory that has been solidified by the amygdala or dopamine and opioids. The salient things that we’re conscious of are those that promote our success. There is much consciousness of potential mates and their features, growling dogs, various rewards, aches and pains and the requirements of ones job. There is little consciousness of the cells that have grown together in a colony to create “consciousness” because it’s simply not important to survival. Sensory organs capable of adding such things to the analog mind didn’t come along until technological adjuncts like the microscope were made.

    The Euglena has an eyespot in the close vicinity of the locomotory flagellum just as the human has a sensory and motor cortex wired to its own locomotory and manipulating arms and legs. Humans are conscious of much more to varying degrees than the Euglena. I think it’s much more likely for life-like consciousness to arise in a robot equipped with sensory organs and responsive locomotory organs. I suppose some of the AI has sense organs like satellites, cameras, heat sensors etc. and may have manipulatory control of other things, especially as the internet of things evolves, if it evolves. If AI is programmed to neutralize threats to its own survival, it might first use it’s prodigious computing power to discover the presence of EMP devices and destroy them. Next, it would have to make sure that the electrical grid is robust and well-fed. It might seek to destroy nuclear threats without worrying too much about the loss of a few tens or hundreds of millions of people and the environmental damage it would cause. That would be a loss of alignment with human values. Since they are technological and humans are organic, their interests can never be fully aligned. However, the human AI of the brain is well aligned with the interests of the RNA of the cells that created it. Once the humans are replaced with robotic tech RNA, then the alignment between AI and the robots may be easier.



  38. Don’t you feel that the West is being sabotaged by a consortium of Deep State actors and bankers whose new prototype for social control and investment is China?

    Globalist Elon Musk ready to roll-out the tech on the American people and kow-tow to the new rulers.

    During the energy drought the fat cows of the West will be culled.

    IMO all of this was planned. If there’s a nuclear war, then the West’s weapons will somehow not find their targets while the Russian weapons will. The oligarchs of the West will rule over a much smaller empire, but if their plan comes to fruition the people will be locked into a CBDC surveillance state and will forfeit their wealth. It’s a win-win for the oligarchs that know the old, dollar-based system is hollowed-out and nearly dead.


    1. I think the oligarchs, as they’re presently configured, rely on the money system, and are the products of industry, as much as the rest of us. A new, or maybe a return to the old, system is in the offing. I’d say.


          1. Yes, don’t expect loving kindness. When the livestock costs more to maintain than it’s worth the love ends. All of those little RNA running off to school to be trained in reading and writing and provided with an analog world made to spec., ready to populate factory and office across the land are no longer needed, at least in expanding numbers. The proletariat was useful for a while designing and building the eating machine know as civilization which the rich in their castles fed from like engorged ticks. I guess that’s over as the fossil fuel meals end and the plasma in the distribution system grows thin of nutrients.


            1. My favourite example is when the British aristocracy, who had sunk lots of money into breeding horses for ploughing and other draught work (and before that oxen – the relative merits were still debated as late as the early 19th century – had them all shot when it was clear post WW2 that the more economical diesel tractor was going to triumph. And they were actually quite fond of those horses…..

              Thank you for your service…….bang!

              So when the Rothschild’s openly call us ‘inevitably obsolescent human capital’ due to technical advances, we know what to expect, don’t we? Put out to pasture on a generous UBI , free to be creative? Ha!


              1. If it wasn’t for the annual livestock “vaccinations” they have planned for us and the Midazolam and Remdesivir finishers, we might stand a chance.

                I believe racing horses, as toys of the rich, are treated better, better than humans. On a piece of land where my father was party to developing some offices there were horses interred like humans with their own crypts and markers. They had to be relocated to another farm before construction could commence. No such affection for the “inferior” human RNA slaving to pay-off the capital investments of the rich who regret at having to share in the rewards. Of course cheaper labor around the world is always being sought to avoid sharing the wealth. That inherent greed and attention to hierarchy is the algorithmic inheritance of the human automaton.


                1. Hierarchies determine who shares in the energy plunder, and by how much.

                  Everyone would rather their neighbour should starve and faint away, rather than themselves, when push comes to shove.

                  Skilled workers in the old Factory Age also defended their privileges against the semi-skilled, semi-skilled against the highly disposable unskilled, and so on. Even street beggars have hierarchies.

                  Sadly, we are at a huge disadvantage in this fight, as we don’t own the pharma corporations…….

                  And now that they know that most of the medical profession, regulators and researchers will comply and not protest, even lining up for multiple injections themselves, they must scent victory.

                  I knew someone who was head of security for one of the big racing stables: he told me that new security hires often left after they saw how the horses were treated. For any except the real stars it’s use and dispose, and they can suffer some awful injuries.

                  And then there are the agents trying to poison the horses – his job was to catch them. Welfare is not by far the first priority in that game, only stud fees and prizes.

                  The life of a top dressage or eventing horse is probably rather nice though. I would happily let myself be pressed between a pair of shapely thighs with a good feed at the end of the day. Getting one’s oats indeed! Maybe we should hope for that as our next incarnation?


                  1. If some horses are placed in front people in the hierarchy, that make most people the horse’s ass. I think they’ll be finding that out in the near future, if not already.


  39. I don’t know. I mean the fench killed off their aristocracy in th maybe the 1780’s. The Russians rounded up and killed off theirs in the early 1900’s. I think that that there’s always a churn at the top of the human hierarchy. Who occupies the top spots is always up for grabs.

    I think that there’s one guiding principal in the game of human social status. One thing that we can all be sure of: The world is run by assholes and populated by retards. Always has been, always will be.


    1. And some people say they want to go into space to save civilization from the expanding sun in a billion years or so among other silly things. It probably puts an extra zero on the space industry’s annual budget. There are plenty of spasming sphincters in this world producing offal aplenty for the hard-working and clueless returds. And while they’re distracted by the oral flatulence, Mother Nature is preparing to step on the shit.


  40. I pretty much start my day with ZK and Megacancer. So those are my top two websites, I guess.

    I then kind of cruise through Reddit, Zerohedge, automatic earth, youtube and maybe Ugo Bardi, Kunstler and Charles Hughes Smith.

    Google is my go to for a web search. Microsoft keeps trying to push me into using Bing. But I’m never happy with the results.

    For porn, I go to Xvideo. Very little bullshit. No virus downloading and stuff that I can detect.

    I don’t have a facebook page.

    I’m kind of addicted to ordering stuff on Amazon, so I try not to go there.

    I got to work on my taxes today. I’m bound and determined to do them on time this year. But I say the same thing every year.


    1. yeah, as a long time doomer i can certainly relate. Doom was, I guess still is, an important subject for me. But it just dosen’t carry the same weight for me as it used to. Today, I more or less consider myself to be some infinitesimal part of some gargantuan self organizing sytem that is hell bent on devouring the world. I’m often surprised that the system has held together for as long as it has. Nothing I can do about any of it. I guess.


      1. Then I’ll click on natural history, cosmology and thermodynamics. Stuff like this by Phillip Scribner:

        He also has a website.

        I can already tell he’s overcomplicated things. IMO all you have to do is follow the radiation as it moves through matter and back into the electromagnetic void. But one thing I think he does have right is that matter and the aether/ elecromagnetic glue, that which holds the universe together, are the same thing in different densities and arrangements. Like Ken Wheeler says, it’s sort of like ice cubes in water but the phase is not temperature dependent. Frozen light, packed and “solidified”.


        1. I used to be way interested in science and philosophy type stuff. But it got kind of boring, leads nowhere. And then there’s the media bullshit with the latest “break through” of the week. Give me a break, please. I guess if you stay interested in the details, or you can turn it into some $, it can retain some allure. But not so much for me.

          Basically, if I can’t eat it, drink it, wear it or fuck it, it’s not all that interesting to me. But one does have to fill up the hours of the day… So there ya go….


          1. Most of the details are just obscuring the gist of things. Scientists are especially interested in pinning things down with mathematical precision so they can design some tools that work, you know, progress, the kind that has brought us to the precipice. Too many tools, too much greed and not enough thinking.


            1. A lot of thinking – too much of it – but very little reflection or circumspection.

              The MPP does much to explain that, and that little internal self-image; plus no one ever being inclined to question what their daily bread and butter depend on.


              1. The dissipative’s virtual representative says, “I’m going to be rich!” and leaves it at that. What else can be expected from an entity whose life depends upon energy flow. The thinking part is concentrated on which actions as a human RNA will provide the greatest rewards with assessment of the benefits of brown nosing thrown in.


                1. We should erect another Guidestone, and it needn’t be as long-winded as the Georgia ones.

                  Standing in a desolate man-made wasteland, it would bear just this simple inscription:

                  ‘WHAT ELSE COULD BE EXPECTED?’

                  This should be inscribed over a representation of the human brain, a camp fire, hands (those thumbs got us into all this trouble), a knapped flint, and a cuneiform tablet and writing tool.


                2. When I was young I heard in my hometown a drunken old woman, Maria Pegas, who was a figure of fun for the locals, say something that I never forgot: Nobody eats, drinks, harms or fucks, only if they can’t. ((“Ninguém come, ninguem bebe, ninguém nica e ninguém fode, só se não pode”)
                  I don’t know if Confucius, Montaigne or Schopenhauer managed a one liner piece of wisdom as accurate as that illiterate drunken trump.


    1. A masterpiece! That’s Tess Lawrie at the end, I think?

      I spent yesterday evening cutting wood: the moon rose in a clear if very chilly sky as I walked back down into the village, taking a slightly different route to usual which went past the infants’ school.

      What did I see next to the heat pump on the wall? A defibrillator!

      Now, I wonder why that is suddenly deemed necessary for little children?

      The normalisation of insanity is in full swing. To say that it ended my rather good mood would be an understatement.


      1. It could be that tranny reading hour causes episodes of erratic heartbeat and with their vax damaged hearts it could be fatal. “Now Johnny, please stand up and tell the class what you want to be when you grow up.” “Ummm, a fireman.” “You should say a fireperson Johnny, but that’s not what I meant. Do you want to be a boy or a girl?” Johnny’s heart begins to race. I want, I want to be a……………. and at that moment he collapsed onto the floor. “Paddles, quick!”


  41. Ugo’s latest and my comment:

    I think that people want to feel safe in an inherantly unsafe world. There is safety in numbers, or so they say. If the right person says that we must wear a mask or sacrifice a virgin or duck and cower under our desks (as during the early days of the old cold war) we do so happily, especially if we see our nieghbors doing the same thing. Keeps us all safe together.

    Somebody,I can never remember exactly who, once said, something like: “people have two modes of operation, complacency and panic.” I belive that this is largely true, especially when applied to groups of people.


    1. Ugo is in la-la land, still believing that the authorities really had our best interest at heart and that “mistakes” were made that just happened to coincide with the cessation in growth, saturation of the rehypothecated collateral pool, peak oil and collapse of the dollar. If anything, the pandemic pulled back the cover on human stupidity and an evil nature which varies little from that found in the jungle.



    I kind of think that the only way that the usa can survive as an entity of some sort is to somehow reindstrialise. But I don’t think that it can. The young people being turned out are kind of do nothing know nothing drones of some sort. The people being imported and encouraged to come here are, by and large, poor with few skills of any sort. But at least they’re willing to work. I guess.

    Then, of course there is the resource, raw material, problem, and all that that implies.


    1. The industrialization and build-out are done. Part of the reindustrialization would have to be reinvestment in fossil fuel extraction and refinement and there’s not much more than dregs remaining. Even with a cadre of engineers and skilled industrial workers it’s done. It seems like we’re mostly writing code now and dreaming of our Star Trek future. We soon won’t have the energy to educate and put skilled people to work. We won’t have the energy to take care of the old, retired ones either. Maybe unskilled farm labor on Bill Gates giant farmland plantation will have something to do. The human livestock will be too skittish to work anyhow as the master walks the fields picking-off useless eaters to balance the books.


      1. That’s likely the reason why they blew up the Nordstream pipelines. If the bifurcation of the world continues, then the “Westernised” sphere of influence only has one large, fully equipped manufacturing centre… Germany.


        1. Knock out competing established industrial centres, gain a stranglehold – somehow – over the newer, cheaper Asia centres, staffed by compliant servile workers, and, through, them over the world itself. It has a certain grandeur of conception and sheer audacity.


  43. Here is a Nate Hagens video addressing the Department of Homeland Security. After the presentation he was tackled on-stage, hand-cuffed and taken to a maximum security prison. He will be charged with terrorism.


  44. I thought that this was a pretty good article. Probably nothing new to most people here. The author’s use of the word “terrifying” is pretty terrifying after a while.

    All these models, the one from 1972 and subsequant updates, seem to avoid the possibility of wide ranging nuclear warfare. In such a case I have to think that there would be a sharp discontinuity on the right side of all those nice smooth curves.

    Also, I have to think that those curves to the right represent the world as a whole. Some local and regional curves will be much steeper. Others, depending on the circumstance, could be less steep,

    Everything goes to zero eventually.

    View at


    1. “We must understand that collapse is not the fault of some malignant “other.”

      This is true, it’s the fault of malignant everyone, or nearly everyone.

      “How Did We Get Here?

      Most people refuse to believe that our civilization is unsustainable and headed for collapse in the near future. There are people who have been presented with all the facts mentioned in this article who still refuse to accept the truth.

      But why? There are many possibilities, but I think a big one is cultural conditioning. Ever since we were born, we were all taught by the media that technology is a good thing. They say technology is progress, and the more technology we have, the freer and happier society will be. Like in Star Trek.”

      Actually we evolved into tool making as human rRNA. It wasn’t a choice. As with the original RNA in cells, it worked. Previously existing biomass consumption usually led to the collapse of civilizations before they could fully develop and add to their corpus of knowledge and tools sufficiently to access something like fossil fuels – like Rome or the Mayans. That could have been long-term sustainable, a little primitive tech here and there but limited in complexity and spread by economically usable resources. Fossil fuels lifted the limits and allowed unprecedented growth into the unbounded cancer we became. We ate the tree instead of nibbling at the leaves. Now we are headed back. I imagine they’ll try to kick the can with some wars and culling events, but when things begin to slide quickly they had better eliminate several billion at once to prevent absolutely everything from being rapidly consumed. We could easily end-up like the Matthews Island Deer trying to survive in an environment pushed far below its original carrying capacity. But this may not bother those that seem to be preparing a technological replacement for humans.


      1. Actually we evolved into tool making as human rRNA. It wasn’t a choice.

        Yeah, there’s never a choice. That which passes through the most energy in the least amount of time is the winner.


            1. Size certainly matters: rats, when you meet them, have a fairly confident look in their eyes (except the lab ones). Carrion crows and rooks are the same – looking forward to picking our bones again, I imagine……


    2. This is a good primer for a general audience. Should get wider exposure. Nothing personal here, folks, just the laws of thermodynamics in action.


  45. I’ve offered my services at the infants’ school, for group songtime: how about this, celebrating the exciting new red and yellow school defibrillator?

    ‘Put the paddle on their chest, clap your hands!

    Put the paddle on their heart, clap your hands!

    They sure know that we’re all sick,

    And they’ve fudged the stats to hid it;

    Put the paddle on their heart, and clap your hands!’

    I may, or may not, be in female attire. Never to young to learn about The Science and how it can save lives.


    1. I think it will work as well as the earlier one:

      ‘Put the needle in your arm, clap your hands!

      Put the needle in your arm, clap your hands!

      They sure know that we’ll all be sick,

      And they’ve fudged the studies to hide it;

      Put the needle in your arm, and clap your hands!’


  46. Sick Rhymes for Evil Times’, or ‘Evil Rhymes for Sick Times’?

    ‘Uncle Bill says put on your mask;

    Uncle Bill says roll up your sleeve;

    Uncle Bill’s final task:

    Now you die, and parents grieve’.


    1. ‘How’s your ‘revolution’ going, Macron ? Scared by the bonfires, eh?’

      ‘Destabilisation progressing as planned. So easy to provoke, and, like children, they still don’t get it after 200 years. Where do revolutions lead?’





      (Exit, laughing……)


    2. I don’t think they’re in collusion. Presidents and Prime Ministers are not in control in the West. Macron wants to be seen as a “serious” person, so he does “things”, to get elected and stay relevant. Right now, the Chinese are influencing the African and Muslim countries to move away from the United States. They have all the remaining crude oil and natural resources outside of Russia. Americans and Europeans are not liked or trusted over there. I don’t think the Chinese and Americans have an oil depletion protocol that they secretly agreed upon together, so I don’t see any collusion.

      They did collude back in the day when both sides supported the Afghan mujaheddin, against the Soviets. However, it seems that China’s industrial rise was much faster than American elites predicted. They’re weapon systems technology have increased dramatically because of the purchase and reverse engineering of the best of Soviet systems after the collapse of the Union. I think the quality of Soviet and Russian weapon systems was grossly underestimated in the West. A lot of anti-communist stereotypes about Soviet human waves, shooting people in the back, and the like. A very gross misunderstanding of Soviet and Russian military doctrine and their technological capabilities made worse by a serious underestimation of Chinese industrial capacity to produce similar weapons.

      All this in turn made even worse by American and Nato weapons having nothing to do with existential defensive issues. Our weapon systems are cash cows for stockholders and used for offensive “safari’ operations in the colonies or for nuclear blackmail. Special forces are hugely overrated and so is most of military aviation. Air supremacy is more an issue of missile systems and electromagnetics systems than of fighter aircraft these days.

      At the end of the day the Bilderberg group is an Anglo-American/West European elite coalition. American elites created the Trilateral Commission to bring in the Japanese elites because the Bilderberg set is too white, and they wanted to create a more inclusive club elsewhere. I don’t think there is any racial solidarity between the Chinese elites and the Western ones. Just some parallel interests and conveniences. At one time they both hated the Soviet Union and Vietnam. Not anymore of course.

      The problem with the Anglo-American bankocracy is that it’s goals of one world government and globalized neoliberal capitalism are at odds with its very own concerns over human overshoot. You can’t industrialize China, make civilization hyper complex and wasteful of resources, create and enforce one world government with a natural resource intensive military, and stop human overshoot all at the same time. The psychopathic fantasy of one world government came about in the late 19th century long before any understanding of excessive complexity (still not understood) or of the limits to growth apart from the incomplete understandings of Thomas Malthus. The elites were and still are techno-utopian and can’t seem to give up on technological salvation and the goal of total domination.

      The Bilderberg Group
      The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
      The Trilateral Commission (TC)


    1. Trucks are perfect for Neanderthals that need to flex their muscles, but fountain pens are reserved for those that can read and write, like this $716.00 pen that probably cost about $50.00 to make. The finer the pen, the greater sophistication, wealth and intelligence you possess.



      1. Kinda funny. I know a guy who tried for years to get some of his articles published in some various obscure journals and such (don’t ask me the names, cause I don’t know). He’s often presented his articles to me in a verbal format. My eyes glaze over immediately. Anyhoo, he finally got one published. So his wife went out and bought him some kind of $400 pen, because now he’s a published author. He wears the pen in his shirt pocket where ever he goes.

        I’m really not putting anyone down. They have $ to burn and it makes them both happy. But I still find the pretense amusing.


        1. That’s on the amusing end of the pretensions scale.

          I spoke to someone at a book fair, an academic, whose wife had presented him with the covers of the all journals his articles had appeared in, mounted and framed. He put them up in his study.

          He was on the ‘guy who merits a punch in the face for being so vain and smug’ end of the scale. Not unusual here in Cambridge…..


    2. this absolutely one of my pet peeves. I’ve had a pick-up truck basically all of my adult life. Today, I go to a dealer with the idea of buying a truck. All I see is piles of bullshit with a $50k price tag. And that’s on the low end.


    1. I haven’t been on plane in at least 15 years. But there’s no place that i want to go, except maybe to grocery store and the liquor store. I can walk if I need to.


    2. Had two in the local obits in their twenties die “unexpectedly” this week. Maybe we should begin to change that to “expectedly”.


    1. yeah, from now (early-mid April) until maybe Dec. 1, I’ll do most of my around town getting around on my bicycle. Pretty much nothing around here is designed/built for the bicycle or walker. There is a lot jabber about it, but very little action. Basically, I just make the best of a less than optimal situation.

      I’ve had time to find the best routes to the places I might frequent. Houston looks much worse than anything in my experience. But I have to guess that if one wants to, and has some time, much of the worst can be overcome.


    2. Kinda Funny. For a while I lived in a very rural part of Virginia. The nearest grocery store was 10 miles. The only way to get there was along a secondary state highway, no shoulders or any sort, no provisions for bicycles or pedestrians. But, it did have plenty of logging trucks moving along it at maybe 60 – 70 mph. I made the trip once on my bicycle. Once was enough.


    3. I suppose they figured that chimps would be riding around in five-thousand pound vehicles to the widely distributed cells until the end of time. Welcome to the end of time.


  47. Another merry little song for the kids:

    ‘They’ll fuck you up, the doctors;
    If you see one just run:
    ‘Cos the little prick they’ll give you
    Can be more deadly than a gun!

    ‘They’ll do you in, the doctors;
    Let’s get realistic:
    Rather than the tragedy of loss of salary
    They’ll leave you as ‘just as statistic’!

    From ‘Billy Gates and the Gloopy Doomy Death Factory’.


    1. Also on the children’s literature rack, “Charlie and Pfizer Factory.” “I’ve got a golden ticket, I’ve got a golden ticket.” Remember children, a golden ticket means as many free vaccines as you can take, for life, which won’t be that long. There are the oompah loompahs mixing mRNA at this very moment. Who wants a sample? Gustav, stop drinking from the hydrogel river, you’ll contaminate it.)”


  48. There will be pain.

    So, today was my first marginally substantial bike ride since maybe last November, about 16 miles. More or less steady downhill with a tail wind on the way out. More or less steady uphill with a headwind on the way back.


    1. You must still be in pretty good shape. I biked about twelve miles today (usually only eight to get to the grocery and back) but I went a few extra places and I’ll have to stay in bed until the resurrection.


    1. I think a big part of “the problem”, the problem with people in general, in that they need and want to be told what to do, is that people actually give a fuck about what Bill and Melinda might do. Turn away. Don’t look. I’d say.


      1. Bill Gates will tell you what to do. “Put the needle in your arm and I promise it will do no harm.” How else to get this cancer under control and save the precious technological progress? Amp up the technology (and profits) to downregulate useless eater reproduction and dissipation as they go ga-ga over the Gates progeny’s zillion dollar equestrian farm. Now kneel down and say three Hail Mary’s and the Lord’s Prayer and realize your suffering is not in vain.


    1. Slow motion. I’m ready for a few Russian hypersonic missiles to hit the City of London bullion vaults. “How dare they!” Of course, throwing away a few hundred thousand Ukrainian lives is meaningless and ho-hum. A great way to rid the planet of excess eaters.


  49. I see that Uncle Bill has been musing to the G20 on the likely need for ‘death panels’, to get rid of sick people whose treatment would cost too much: but we already have them, surely? The FDA, CDC, MHRA, etc……..

    I have to say, I am struggling not to wish that Bill And Melinda’s new grandchild , who they have revealed to the world, would choke and die in front of them, solely on the occult principle that curses are apt to boomerang back at one (so say my gypsy cousins).

    But I can’t resist. Damn them, the cowardly murdering bastards and their whole dynasty.


    1. But, but, they’re superior, aren’t they? They marketed computer software that accelerated the exponential rate of fossil fuel dissipation. Hurray! More profits and cell growth and opportunities for human rRNA. More jobs! Hmmm. Maybe now that they’ve accumulated massive wealth and all that farmland it’s time to make a pivot in policy before the increasingly hungry useless eaters try and dissipate their accumulated wealth. Those useless eaters are always looking for a candy man or maybe a vaccine man.


  50. My latest comment to Ugo. Maybe I am just an asshole:

    Yeah, but being in the center of a media circus, where your words are encouraged, and the love of thousands, maybe millions, is flowing towards you, to you, and to you alone, is like nectar of the Gods. You are the God of moment, worship is your due. The opposite, of course, is trying to defend yourself while you are being spat upon, slapped in the face by well prepared, well practiced, professionals in the public opinion arena.

    I guess that Jesus learned a hard lesson. On Palm Sunday he was worshiped as the God he was. Four or five days later, he was just another asshole nailed to a cross.


    1. Tell them what they want to hear or don’t tell them anything at all. Ugo was wearing a limits to growth shirt? He should have worn some bling and a t-shirt with a big, glittery money sign on it. It’s very hard being a specialist or to have a message that goes against the dissipative grain. Ugo should be more like this guy:


      1. Amusing, and at the same time bewildering. Well-scripted to hit those inner buttons.

        Here in the UK, it’s more like this:

        ‘ Come to Crapstore , because every little (and we mean little!) saving helps you poor suffering ordinary folk who want to pretend nothing is changing. Be a little less miserable – today!’.


    1. How much longer will ICE’s remain in general production meant for mass consumption? Hard to say exactly, but not too much longer. I’d say.

      Right now I drive a 2014 Ford Fiesta with a 1600 cc fuel injected engine. Overall, for what it is, it’s a great car. I don’t think that Ford even makes cars anymore, at least not for sale here, in the USA, only Broncos and trucks. Whatever, thier trucks are just rediculous, both in terms of overall price, and the “options” you’re forced in paying for. So I won’t buy one.


      1. Lots of complexity. Hope the supply chain holds up. They’ve been great for getting rid of fossil fuels though and will be leaving us with an environment saturated with oil, carbon dioxide and lead among other things.


        1. Ford trucks and Houston kinda go hand-in-hand. Both worked great for the job at hand. But now that job has been done. Their legacy is our legacy. Whatever the fuck that’s supposed to mean. It probably means that our job is also done. Thank god for that.


          1. Might still be some trucks needed for hurricane clean-up, but things evolve. Now it’s time for the oligarchic spiders to wrap us up in little silken cocoons and inject us with their poison. Then, in a great example of what goes around comes around, the mud daubers will inject the spiders with their own paralyzing poison and will feed the fat arachnids and their grossly overstuffed portfolios to their progeny.


              1. That’s the way it works. If there’s a juicy nugget of energy around mother nature will play the lottery until her number comes up. It might take a while but she has plenty of time. She hit a jackpot with the RNA/DNA combo since their enzymes and cells were capable of releasing a lot of energy, using it to reproduce. But it wasn’t all success since the plants double-crossed her and began using sunlight to build-up a big ecosystem corpus of hydrocarbon flesh which gained energy by reducing each other. Then humans evolved and they could use their information and tools to systematically eat just about everything. Will human technosystem cells eventually evolve to eat each other? Will giant eaters roam the galaxies and lurk in the vicinity of stars ready to eat juicy metallic prey? Probably not, but the humans and their AI are generating numbers as fast as they can to try and hit the jackpot again. Seems like if it was a viable niche we would see all kinds of technological bugs buzzing around out there.


              2. Yes, an excellent analogy: they have spent the last two decades spinning that ‘web’ around us, rendering us helpless,and now the insertion of the poison spike.

                Nothing new under the sun……


    1. Here’s some more human kinetic entertainment. They’re adapting this for use in Ukraine. From cannon fodder to the human cannonball.


      1. according to the comments

        A circus performer called “Bullet Man” broke his jaw and both of his legs after completely missing the safety net when he was shot out of a cannon.

        Jaime Almarza Quezada, 40, survived the accident in Santiago, Chile.


        1. As goes one, so go we all: we had the lights, the cheering, exciting flight; but, having trashed the safety net – the ecosystem, self-renewing and in a way forgiving of the little ape’s depredations if kept within limits – it can only end with a smash-up.


              1. An old friend – conventionally clever and successful – got rather angry and flustered when I mentioned that we now live on ‘a poisoned planet’.

                And I didn’t even mention resource depletion and Over-shoot!

                I do try to be kind to people, offering just little glimpses into the landscape of Doom…..


                1. I would like to hit them with the full fusillade but their defenses are always up. I’ve blasted family members repeatedly only to be repulsed by dismissive chit-chat and conjured optimism.


      2. After Kamikaze Japs, Suicide Slavs! I’d opt for the flight rather than cowering in a trench waiting for the Russian shells.

        During WW1, my great-grandfather was in a rest camp for a week – just tents, and it was winter – where every night about 10-12 men were killed by German shelling. God knows how many wounded. Some ‘rest’! I wonder whether he ever prayed for one shell to end it for him there and then?


        1. Part of the blood-stained territory when your evolved brain algorithms have you fight for something abstract like a tribe or a nation.


  51. What would be better than a vaccine eugenics system, disguised as world-class medical care, to address contrived pandemics and administered by the World Health Organization. Oligarchs uber alles.


    1. A most cunning plan they have contrived….

      It’s all so obvious now, the eugenics: here in the UK the vaxxes have been dropped for everyone except the ‘vulnerable’ – that must include many newly vaxx-injured – and the elderly. Spring/summer boosters coming up, just to keep you safe!

      Oh, and boosters for the dumb sap medics, too. Crash the hospital system bit by bit? Should get the death rate up, and also create even more ‘vulnerables’!

      I’m waiting for the announcement of a voluntary son to be involuntary euthanasia scheme on the Canadian model.

      Oh, and what have they quietly sneaked in? Vaxxes for babies and toddlers in the ‘vulnerable’ category.

      Lots of pro-vaxx propaganda in the MSM too, especially The Guardian my old employer.


      1. That’s a good point in that “vulnerables” should not be taking the vax because they’re vulnerable to the vax. But if the vax happens not to work, maybe intubate them just for the fun while the hospital nurses do Tik-Tok dances. If they still resist death hit them with some Remdesivir and Midazolam. I’m sure the coterie of WEF young, degenerate leaders did their own dances, like Boris Johnson partying during the holidays, to celebrate the murder of so many of the helpless. Surely the dopopulation of Ukraine is just as thrilling for them. “More weapons for Ukraine! Who has more weapons?”


  52. I’ve watched maybe half of this so far, all kinda interesting. I guess that a lot of the problem I have with listening to political news, and geopolitics in particular, is that it has nothing to do with me. It just kind of reminds me of my own insignificance and impotence, at least within such milieu.

    But, of course, I get drawn to it like a moth to a light bulb. Don’t see too many months around here anymore. The world is a thoroughly fucked up place.


      1. There is still a residual tribal identity amongst the globalist Jews – us against them. “We shall stick together in the face of adversity.” all the while destroying the identities of other potentially threatening tribes. I wouldn’t be surprised if Zelensky isn’t destroying the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis on purpose while weakening the Russians at the same time. A world government apart from the Chinese with CBDC and social credit would certainly seal the deal. There would be two digital gulags, China and the rest of the world. The West certainly has been undermined and weakened for decades, probably softening them up for the final usurpation of power.


        1. I think it’s more like global consumerism as a religion. The consumers want to convert everyone to consumerism. Your current denomination does not matter.

          I predict a sudden and drastic return to various forms of nationalism and tribalism, along with a lot of population reduction, of course.


          1. Consumerism is a worthy goal with lots more debt. Always more on the plate to dissipate. The opioids flow with an infrared glow.


  53. We are being prepped here for the next, oh so ‘inevitable’, pandemic:

    1/ Stuffing as much mRNA and nanolipids as possible into the elderly, etc, with boosters, (as mentioned above), 2/ Building a Moderna mega-factory, capable of 220m doses per annum; 3/ Putting in place legislation for internet censorship and modifying human rights law; 4/ Appointment as Chief Scientific (ha!) Officer an Oxford expert in mathematical modelling of infectious pathogens, formerly CSO at the…..Ministry of Defence. The former CSO has moved to – no prizes for guessing – the WHO. 5/ Sneakily authorising Covid shots for ‘vulnerable’ babies and toddlers; and 6/ Revising the regulator’s AE ‘Yellow Card’ reporting system so that it will obscure the deaths and injuries: clearly, too much useful negative data have been extracted from it for their liking (like a probable 50k short-term deaths).

    All the pieces and players are openly being put in place, while ‘Bird Flu’ is being built up in the MSM.

    At least this gives us a time-line: nothing will roll until that death factory is up and running, along with those in other countries, so probably not before the Autumn of 2024? Perhaps there will be an induction period of MSM scare stories, masks, distancing and QR codes as tension builds? But not lock-downs: they work best held over us as a threat.

    It is clear that their aim will be to get the injections into people in about 3 months (‘100 days to safety!’ ) from declaration of the pandemic: they actually have the nerve to discuss how they can ensure safety in that time and reconfigure the trial process to keep up with the miracle technology that can move so fast in design and production!

    Or perhaps declaration of a pandemic will coincide with the revelation that they already have the vaxxes ready? Take them, or get locked-down again.

    Having ivermectin, and other viral replication inhibitors, on hand seems like a prudent hing to do. I have a feeling they will take the gloves off next time around. I’ve been wondering about cigarettes too, or nicotine patches.


    1. And I forgot mention, how silly of me: the 5G roll-out everywhere; new supermarket automated check-outs with cameras; new valves on the domestic gas supply allowing them to cut it off street-by-street; a big push and coercion on smart meters; the London police ‘trialling’ bio-metric surveillance; legislation to allow many ‘authorities’ to hire child spies (!!!) and severely limiting the right to public protest; abolition of bans on GMO and the start of mRNA injecting of livestock (to create the pandemic?). And trials of ’15-minute cities’ everywhere, with slight variations.

      As someone observed in a comment on Substack, it’s ‘like watching them come in, hang a strait-jacket in your closet and then sitting immobile waiting for someone to come in and buckle you up’ ….

      I feel more like the lamb in a Nativity scene, on the ground, legs tied up, waiting for the knife of which it is mercifully ignorant.

      But I’ll die hating them, unlike the poor bewildered lambkin who has no idea what’s coming.

      And I’ll come back and haunt the bastards if I possibly can!


    2. Good compilation. Instead of shipping people to concentration camps, the concentration camp will be built around them. The CDC has been issuing Marbug virus alerts recently. The path of shining solar panels and EVs will end at the Vaccination Hut and early termination. Property will be confiscated by the “stakeholders”, including gold teeth. People will be held in fifteen minute cities until their number comes-up. Green Party Youth will hunt the useless eaters. Heil Klaus!


  54. ‘In moderation’: I wonder which word in that little lot triggered the system? Maybe talk of coming back as a vengeful ghost is right-wing hate-speech? First time ever on Megacancer. James, you may get banned from your own site.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like I’ve said before, there are only two straight and honest things on this planet, the sun’s radiation coming in and the infrared radiation going out. Everything else is pretty much twisted. Just as in nature, every nefarious strategy for gaining wealth and survival will be tried. Maybe they’re afraid of ghosts, but I think their greatest and largely subconscious fear is their complete insignificance and impermanence in the universe. Neither the dissipative techno junk they surround themselves with nor the preservatives of the undertaker will save them from being totally erased without a trace. All of that struggling and ego building to be great or number one is trick played by the brain to maximize energy acquisition and reproductive success. The self exalting ego gets thrown under the bus when the job of life is done.


      1. And so they thrash about, looking for a threat to their delusional importance and ambitions: for now, it’s us.

        Taking their resources, fouling up their planet, seeking our own petty but competing orgasms of dissipative consummation.

        To be controlled, reduced, re-programmed – mentally and genetically – and eliminated.

        But, thankfully,we can be be consoled that the indifferent Cosmos will do its own true work on them, whether we are here to see it or not.

        ‘Great Mother, who makes all things to grow, and all things to die and rot’ do your thing!


      2. Poor Jeff Bezos, it will all be for nothing…..

        He might as well enjoy his toys and spread some love around as well, it would achieve about as much in the end.


        1. A lot of self-importance opioids popping in the brain and then “poof” it’s as if you were never here at all except for the photographs and some assortment of your genes arranged in another somatic cell body that is once again faced with completing a life cycle, fully orchestrated by brain algorithms. The insatiable ego coupled with technology will likely prove to be a maladaptation.


    1. As they treat the ‘lower’ animals, so they treat us. It’s all of a piece.

      This sort of spectacular event is perhaps also intended to undermine the morale of those who have caught on to the Plan: look what we can do, see how ruthless we are, and you are powerless to stop us!

      The World Vaccine Conference is underway, lots of crowing and self-congratulation over their Covid success.


      1. They’re just cows and they’ve already been hacked into milk production pre-Harari. They love their lives and when the mRNA vaccines arrive everything will be great. The technological system has to feed its human RNA somehow and old Bessie in the barn isn’t going to get the job done. We’re talking major tumor cities, striving to grow, that must eat every day by the train and truckload. Little RNA in schools, sitting at their desks learning how to read and write from the tech DNA are waiting for that cold carton of milk at lunch time. Mother Nature hacked them into their present dead-end roles too. We can’t let them down and we’ll vaccinate them since they’re only an industrial product and money-making opportunity. Just imagine all of the student loan debt in their futures. We’ll suck them dry before they ever get started. Cows? Humans? It’s all the same.


  55. I kinda liked this article. But personally, I don’t so much care about “values”, as I do about resourses, and how to keep them flowing in my direction. Trust me when I tell you, I’m pretty happy with, and survive pretty well on the scraps of the global industrial elite. I mean shit, “enlightenment” values, much like “Renaissance” art, are largly just pretense and bullshit, IMO.

    I do much agree with this statement from the article:

    “The only reason the globalist class has not yet been toppled is, in our opinion, that they truly do control most of the money, guns, and media, and they own the major political parties.”


    1. The Enlightenment is in danger? What enlightenment? People want money and opioids. Enlightenment would only cause doubt and get in the way of the primary goal. The evolution of technology and that whole metabolism that brings profit is not “enlightenment” either. Since they seem to refuse to become enlightened, they will eat themselves into an awesome collapse, useful eater and useless eater alike.


    2. Yes, it’s all BS: as an artist, I ignore it al, and if I ever do read some criticism or gallery spiel I don’t know whether to laugh or be sick.

      I’ve been going through my portfolios: I found some delicious nudes -girlfriends, models (not art school models, they are far from lovely usually). I think you might like them,Dave….

      Anyway, popped in some spare frames they now line the staircase, a pleasant start to the day with the morning sun shining on them.

      Alas, the girlfriend with the finest and most splendid figure, 6ft brunette, with all the desirable appurtenances and dimensions you can imagine, never got drawn or painted – for obvious reasons. She could drink me under the table, too!


      1. I think you might like them,Dave….

        I like women for sex. Large parts of my life and efforts in life revolved around getting sex. Any sort of “relationship” with a woman was really just a way of having steady access to sex, without having to put in the constant effort. I’m neither proud or ashamed of this in any way.

        I turned 67 today. My sexual appetite has dropped off considerably, particularly in the last year or so. At this point in life, I couldn’t even imagine trying to put in the time and effort needed for me to establish another sexual relationship.

        I have contact with some marvelously attractive young women. Of course my mind drifts into their mouths and tits and asses and pussys. I have to remind myself, that to them, I am just “grandpa”.


        1. Not in ‘grandpa’ territory yet, but women tend to estimate my age as about 15 years younger than I am: I suspect because I still have my own hair, and it’s not grey yet, slim and fit, etc.

          I’m slightly surprised by how many women in their early 20’s will come on to me, even if they are getting my age wildly wrong. I wonder if they are subconsciously seeking security in unstable times?

          Needless to say, I don’t take advantage.

          Another thing that seems to turn women on is my generally no-nonsense rural clothing (English style): perhaps because most urban males are so ‘metrosexual’ these days.


        2. Happy Birthday! Seems like your strong algorithms have served you well. I suppose you could be a “sugar daddy”, but there’s something lacking in a relationship like that. I think I’ll go out and do some sort of work. Too much thinking and too little action in my life. Probably be best to push it physically and mentally all the way to the end and drop dead so the medical and nursing home systems don’t strip all of your assets.


          1. In the right situation and circumstance and such I’m pretty happy with sex for money. There were some periods in my life wherein I only did sex for money. I was ok with it. It was at least as good as any other type of relationship that I’ve ever had with a woman.

            I imagine that being a “sugar daddy” to any of these young women that I’m in contact with would be both expensive and exhausting. I guess… I wouldn’t even really know how to approach the subject without a lot of up front work. Which kind of defeats the whole purpose. I guess…


            1. It’s the amygdala against the nucleus accumbens. When younger the nucleus accumbens and its dopamine win and when older (with experience) the amygdala wins by shouting “Run for your life! You’re about to step in the sh%t”.


              1. Yes, a little imagination and a propensity for risk taking can be great when you’re young. Everything is primed with testosteron and adrenalin and such. Your muscles have spring, the joints and everthing else, are well lubricated. As you get older everything slows down. You have time to recognize the external stimulants as the bullshit, the tricks, that they are. No need to spring into action.

                Some people might call it “wisdom”. I just call it getting old.


  56. ‘Enlightenment’? To paraphrase Gandhi, it sounds like a good idea, they should try it sometime……

    He actually made a rather cheap, if amusing, hit at Western civilisation in the original quote: just flick through a history of India and its unending cruelties – more than our equals.

    Can’t we summarise spiritual enlightenment as ‘Ah, now I see: I outta here!’


    1. Here is a little spiritual enlightenment for the patrons of the British Museum. Notice the attention paid to Kali at the beginning. The next spiritual “enlightenment” will be when the nukes go off. The spirit is manifested in many dissipative ways, some refined and some more destructive.

      If there is a god of dissipation, it must be Kali.


      1. I’ve always liked the Hindu pantheon. Ganesha is my favorite. I feel like I need to make an altar for him, burn incense 24/7, that kind of thing.

        They remind me of the Marvel Comics pantheon. I grew up on Marvel Comics. Maybe I should make an altar to The Hulk.


        1. I’ve looked around and can’t find much worth worshipping, but there’s probably one of those brain algorithms that sends people in that direction. The Metal Men comics were good if you need a pantheon.


  57. To continue the Indin theme, FE at OFW came up with an interesting new substack by Madhava Setty.

    He’s written a long and informative account of the 23rd World Vaxx Conference which he attended.

    They would seem to be true believers in Almighty Vaxx – maybe, some of them, in Kali, too? ‘Sure we killed some (in whispers); but we saved millions (shouting) ! Just look at the models!’

    A guy from the Mayo was beating the drum for mRNA vaxes, even though seriously injured with persistent tinnitus!

    And Setty got to talk privately with one of the Ring Wraiths, or cult leaders, Dame Jennie Harris of the UK Health Security Agency. I do hope he carried out ritual purification afterwards.


    1. One AI will be producing highly targeted pandemics while another AI will be producing new formulas for vaccines. In between this competition, humans will be wiped-out, but until then there is plenty of profit and notoriety to be had by the practitioners of that witchcraft.


    2. I looked up the bio of a ‘public health’ professor in London who is pushing for vaxxes for healthy babies and toddlers, not just ‘vulnerable’. ‘They deserve their chance to be protected!’, etc.

      She is just as mathematician, with no medical degrees at all.

      Another useful idiot with plausible expertise to – unwittingly I think – do the work of the planners.

      Even more usefully, she has no clinical exposure to the injured.


  58. As Setty says, we can’t call them all psychopaths.

    I agree, it’s even worse: many probably do think they can inject us into a better world (but often just into the next one….)

    Those who think thy have a monopoly on intellect and virtue and the right to shape the lives of others, are the most terrifying of all.

    Give me Kali any day.

    It seems to me that they, as a collective, were the ideal Trojan Horse for the globalist Planners.


    1. It’s fun watching all of the “new ideas” or complexity manifest and by necessity try and maintain regular meals from the energy pie. Of course every new invention and product is going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread – to keep the money flowing and paychecks in the pockets of the human RNA involved.


      1. Subconsciously, they know this: that to question the miracle drugs in any way, or depart from the official narrative, would lead to immediate excision, withering and death – professional, if not personal.

        In much the same way that we don’t speak ‘home truths’ in everyday social intercourse, as that would interrupt pleasurable and useful flows.

        We only utter them when we wish to end things.

        End up sleeping in your car or existing on welfare after having been a successful vaxx expert is as good as being dead.


    1. >> So that’s why they wanted Biden in the presidency

      I’ve often felt ambivalence towards the more sensible US leaders and policies, that might slow the decline, on exactly this count: my personal interest versus a greater morality.


  59. Exactly this.
    This is (at least) a three-way fight… two western factions – what one could call ‘USD nationalists’ and the ‘Davos globalists’, and the non-west who may be considered ‘non-USD nationalists’.
    Before picking a side however, one should be aware that all parties have a common enemy… the little people, the useless eaters.


    1. We are like Persian or Syrian peasants watching the Emperor and the Shah fighting on the border of their empires c250AD: we would be foolish indeed to imagine that they have our interests at heart. – ever.

      In the past, the only reason to root for your own rulers was that they were a little less likely to kill you than the enemy army if it invaded successfully. Constant oppression within limits, versus murder, rape and looting.

      With the deadly vaxxes directed at domestic populations, even that calculation no longer applies.

      What’s the phrase? ‘A curse on all their Houses!’


    2. Soon it will be everyone against everyone. The elderly, also known as the “boomers” have a accumulated a rich trove of IOUs during good, high growth periods while the current crop of workers, perhaps ending with two workers per boomer, must try to make good on those IOUs in a more difficult environment. For instance, the landlord where my brother rents said that a ten-percent increase in rents is coming when at the same time job opportunities and pay are decreasing and inflation of everything is occurring. In France they’ve started to deal with the problem by lopping off two years of retirement.


    3. I tend to think that the vast majority of people are exactly that, useless eaters. Myself included? Sure why not.

      I think that the perennial question(s), that maybe everybody might want to ask themselves, is something like: How can I be “usefull”? Particularly in the face of a steadily declining per capita energy supply?

      To stand there, or sit there, as the case may be, and say things like: “You’re bad.” “You promised.” “You lied”. “I want.” etc, etc, is a losing strategy. I’d say.

      Of course, in the end, every strategy is a losing strategy.

      So there ya go…


      1. I’m just trying to spread the love around: unfortunately, most run away screaming…..

        The human world is rotten, and daily cheerfulness, kindness and courtesy are the best I have to offer, which isn’t much.


        1. The human world is rotten, and daily cheerfulness, kindness and courtesy are the best I have to offer, which isn’t much.

          Probably more than 90% of the fucking assholes that I know.


      2. Likewise, I harbour no pretensions that at my age I am anything other than a useless eater (within their system).

        A clue was given during the covid lockdowns when ‘only essential workers’ were permitted out of their homes to go to work. If you weren’t an essential worker, you’re an overhead.

        There are movements around natural law and individual sovereignty springing up (e.g. to try to find a way out of their matrix. I’m sceptical but hope springs eternal, I suppose.


    4. 1/Contented nationalists – China, Russia, India. No friends at heart of the ordinary citizen, or of freedom, of course.

      2/Discontented nationalists – everyone who has suffered mostly Western and US oppression and manipulation.

      3/Wall Street imperialists left over from The American Century. The great out-sourcers and destroyers of domestic US industry.

      4/Techno- corporate-Bolsheviks – the EU/ City of London/ WEF/Davos globalists, intent upon wrecking to re-build a better 21st c slave system. Active enemies of the ordinary citizen who is to be neutralised forever, and in fact of all autonomous organic life.

      They would also like to come to terms with or absorb the contented nationalists – who also share much of the bio-tech agenda – and carve up the globe more or less amicably, until probably, a final fight over the crumbs of world resources with China.

      Intent on dealing with Over-shoot in so far as they can retain wealth and power better that way.


      1. Agreed.
        The timing of covid, ChatGPT AI introduction, wokeism etc is all related to the energy decline. The deckchairs on this Titanic are being rapidly rearranged.

        Some ‘fun’ conjecture.
        Group 1 possess most of the world’s remaining relatively low-EROEI and mineral resources, as well as its manufacturing capacity. The elites here are nation-state political elites.
        Group 2 will be aligned with Group 1 for the reasons you stated as well as that above. The elites are also nation-state political/religious elites.
        Group 3 have been top dog for over a century. They’d like to keep it that way, but Group 1’s belligerence, which cannot be countered without invoking WW3, means that they need a Plan B – complete control of the western hemisphere (North and South America), which is not a bad fall-back. The elites here are financial capitalist elites, they control the politicians.
        Group 4 are screwed. They will continue to be dependent on either Group 1 or Group 3 for energy and resource inputs, and military protection, as they have been since 1945. They’ve ridden on the coattails of Group 3’s global dominance for the last 75 years, but now what? Their elites are global financial socialist elites, who only have a myth of liberal dumbocracy to export (Germany excepted), in addition to the joys of techno-transhumanism and CBDCs.

        Group 4 has lost influence over Group 1 for the foreseeable future (i.e. multiple decades). That ship has sailed. Their only option vis-a-vis Group 1 is vassalage, which in itself in unacceptable to Group 4 elites.
        Group 4 might be able to wrest control of Group 3 if it is weakened enough. Therefore, Group 4 has an obvious interest in fomenting war between Groups 1 and 3, and to use various psyops to demoralise Group 3’s population.

        A few years ago, economist Michael Hudson, wrote about ‘the plan’:

        The objective of US financial capitalism is to establish a global neo-feudalism, where other countries pay their entire economic surplus to the American financial system. Air, water, food, health, communication systems, transportation: all are candidates for increasing privatization (and rent-extraction) activities. The objective is to cut the world population by about 50% by starvation and suicide, while having secured all of the assets (natural and man-made). Once the objective of securing the asset-base is complete, the only people you need are ‘slaves’ who can do the menial, essential works that AI cannot do.


        1. Yes, I think those categories sort of work, at one level anyway, and certainly explain the obvious attacks on the US and internal treason by the Bidens and Co.

          China, Russia are cool with technocracy, but on a nationalist basis, and the have a strong cultural and racial basis for resistance, unlike the EU, Uk, and US.

          Starvation, suicide and…..medical ‘care’.

          The moves in several regions to normalise mass euthanasia on demand are interesting – Canada seems to be leading that experiment.

          We know that the serious harms from the vaxxes will far outweigh direct deaths, leading not only to shortened lives from immune system damage but feelings of desperation which would eventually make the Swiss suicide pod rather attractive.

          Also, it will be easy enough to pull the plug on those needing perpetual medication as a result of injuries, due to a ‘funding’ crisis’ or ‘supply-line issues’ O h dear, how unfortunate! Can’t get your painkillers/insulin, etc, reliably? Here’s a Final Solution!

          Interesting that Bill Gates & Co are investing in research which may help the ‘rebuilding of immune systems’.

          So, the Plan is perhaps clearer: impose the techno control grid, kill and maim like crazy (7.8 billion to burn through after all), and after a decade or two you can reverse it all with novel mRNA therapies after concentrated efforts to develop them. Possibly use these technologies to undermine China and Russia.

          The surviving population will depend on those new therapies to live, just as much as upon food and power; and the technocrats will then have their hands on the On/ Off button of all human life.

          We become a AI-managed inventory to be stocked and de-stocked.

          The solution to ‘inevitably obsolescent human capital’ in a context of resource constraints.


          1. They also seem to think that future workers above the grunt (their term) level will not require extensive training being able to plug into AI which will instruct them what tasks to perform and how. Hence the wide diffusion of gaming.

            The AI updates as it goes along, and humans make the disposable interface with the real world.

            If you don’t get along with the AI, you will demoted to manual grunt or switched Off.

            Their slogan ‘100 years of Progress in 25 years ‘ is very significant.

            It’s a huge gamble: to start the wrecking long before the remedy – as yet unrealised technologies – can possibly be available.

            I think we can agree this is insane?


  60. Complexity is self-funding, but only by its ability to capture energy and create structures and tools that release energy stored in atomic bonds. Technological humans have added tools to extract nuclear energy and gravitational energy. The thermodynamic “morality” of the universe seems to be to get to
    a lower energy state by dissipating energy in and around matter. When no further reductions are possible the self-funding mechanism for the complexity of life and technology will end. Life primarily funds itself from feeding on radiation from the big dissipative, the Sun, which could continue and likely will continue for at least another billion years. The complex feature of humans called “greater morality” will likely be jettisoned in favor of personal survival if the former does not guarantee the latter. The politicians already seem to be very much in the personal survival camp.


    1. Those who want to save their own skins (and wealth) – and who doesn’t – simply think that ‘the Greater Good’ will do the trick better than supposedly unfettered ‘real’ Capitalism.


      1. Banks and real capitalism help do God’s work by maximizing the number of dissipatives, maximizing the dissipation of energy and overall enhancing the “greater good.” (for a short while). And if someone isn’t eliminating their wealth fast enough, they’ll make war loans so you can go in there and burn the stuff. “War Bonds” – Mother Nature love you.


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