And Then There Were None

A couple of human RNA work (with plans) and tools to assemble the skeleton of a multi-chambered domestic cell. These two RNA go by the name of “carpenter” based upon the specialized knowledge and tools they employ. The pine boards, from farmed or naturally growing trees, were harvested and finished at a mill and were shipped along the technological circulatory system to arrive where new cellular growth is occurring. Like an organic cell preparing for mitosis, much of what human RNA busy themselves doing is building the next cell to be occupied by RNA like themselves, especially when there is no final and long-lasting functional form to achieve. Unlike molecular RNA, human RNA have special needs which must be met to facilitate their functioning, like running water, waste removal, light, heating/air conditioning and usually an entire chamber or room dedicated to preparing servings of energy or food. There is usually also a dedicated sleeping chamber. The refinement and expansion of this entire way of living has been accomplished through the breaking of hydrocarbon bonds and conversion of released energy into the movement of various technological tools which facilitate gradient consumption, various manufacturing processes and distribution. It is a natural and self-organizing process where dissipative structures successful in entraining an energy flow are rewarded with continued existence.

As these humans are busy being carpenters, it probably hasn’t entered their minds that all of the gradients are finite and that some day growth would stop, their jobs would cease to exist and the technological cells would die or no longer support metabolism. Most all of the RNA failed to recognize this weakness inherent to the rapidly growing technological system. Some, like Dennis Meadows, one of the researchers and writers of “The Limits to Growth”, did recognize the likely outcome but he was mostly given negative reviews. The RNA preferred to believe in “they’ll find something” or “God is in control” because their dopamine delivery systems were pushing them to continue functioning to obtain the rewards necessary for life, a comfortable, well-fed life inside a multi-chambered cell, connected to the whole by an arterial system that penetrated every area that promised resource riches. The technological system continued to consume and grow. Even today, as the banking system struggles to coax more production and consumption into the metabolism, most doubt the likely and unsavory outcome.

We don’t like it, so it’s not true.

Most, including the bankers, preferred to believe pundits like Julian Simon. Many say that economists and bankers have a symbiotic relationship.

Some of the RNA, under the influence of a social brain that evolved partially to categorize human behaviors as being either good or evil, considered themselves moral failures and retreated to their temples and churches to ask for forgiveness and the chance for a new start that they would, from then on, show only the best and most cooperative of behaviors if godly powers would but restore their potential. But little did they realize that it was this nice, cooperative behavior that had figured in the complexity and order necessary to empty the gradients in the first place. No, cooperating and reducing friction between the RNA would not work this time as any well functioning dissipative structure would only make the problem worse. It actually needed a few monkey wrenches thrown into the works to slow the flow of energy (like food plants burning down and pandemic lock-downs). Even a cooperative global society that realized savings by reducing military expenditures would soon eliminate residual gradient energy by other means like increased flights to Bora Bora for extravagant vacations.

Praying to God

There was really only one solution, one which nature would eventually get around to taking herself – the absolute reduction in the number and energy flows through existing dissipative structures. Even the human RNA, being dissipative structures, would have to be reduced in number and if a special project were to be funded, even though ridiculous like “living forever schemes”, “Mission to Mars” and panopticon surveillance projects, enough dissipatives would have to be eliminated to free energy flow for continuance of these projects important to the elites. In a zero-sum environment growth in one area requires sacrifice in others. Even at this early stage of the “Great Reset” it becomes apparent from whom the sacrifices will come and to whom the rewards will flow. Those designated for elimination include business cells not involved in crucial technological projects, internal combustion engines, “useless eater” humans that contribute little to the technological effort and even whole nations can have their energy flow disrupted. Eventually pets will also be eliminated. In the future, if something metabolizes it will serve the goals of the “owners” which will not include the residual population of humans whose American Dream will be replaced with a low-consumption, Metaverse non-life.

Boostered out of existence.

653 thoughts on “And Then There Were None”

  1. Yes, emotions are signals that something is, or may be, going off, going wrong, in your surroudings. May be time to go have a look. Part of the problem with humans is that they generate an internal map of their surroundings, that includes themselves. There’s a little more to it that just that, but that will suffice. Anyway, sometimes the map is wrong, or askew, that generates problems all on its own. Emotions that are self referential, self generated, are often the most difficult to understand or control. It can be done. But, the kicker is, is that one has no control. One cannot choose to understand. First, one has to realize that there is something “wrong” with their own personal map. And, of course, everbody’s map is askew in one way or another. Something like that…

    It’s a ball of wax that can never be fully resolved. I’d say. I’d also say that there’s nothing wrong with going through life snapping up bits of pleasure, kind of like a dog, with no understanding whatsoever.

    I guess.


    1. The face is the emoticon that communicated prior to speech. Visceral communication not really needing any thought at all, just some algorithms in the brain and an animatronic facial response. Most people do just as dogs do, try to pull in as much dopioid releasing stimuli into their own domain with as little work as possible. No thought necessary. Should people put on a sad face for destroying the ecosystem? No, people are too busy trying to put on a happy face by destroying some more. Make more money, make more money, investments, growth, consume. Ha, ha.


    2. My dog had a perplexing experience when his ‘mental map’ no longer matched perception.

      I had moved his bed 2ft to the right from the usual place under the work bench: when he trotted in, he simply froze, staring at the empty space where the stinky, but comfortable, bed had once been.

      Tail down, actually sticking out stiff, he stayed like that for ages, not noticing the new arrangement (on which I’d left a tasty treat).

      If only one could know how he actually felt….


      1. If he could speak, he would say, “No, no, that won’t do at all. Please move it back to where it was so I can have sweet doggie dreams tonight.”


        1. It took 2 weeks before he would deign to use the bed in the new location. I felt rather bad for dismantling his world ….


  2. Bravo, James! Elegant and succinct.

    The wise man and the fool may go down to the grave the same way, but it’s more satisfying to be wise – if you like that sort of thing.

    Of course, those carpenters, if they were British, would be thinking of the big-busted, artificially orange-tanned women they will be mating with in a drunken stupor on their upcoming vacation, courtesy of the last blast of fossil-fuel indulgence. Fulfilling, really, what they were evolved to do.


    1. And even before the carotene women get the carrot, there would be a satisfying pint at the pub to numb the overworked body and brain. Similar to a roach searching diligently all day to find a tasty crumb to reset the nervous system, but with humans it’s a more complex route to the reward using information, tools, analog mind etc.


  3. Another link I found at This is the latest Sid Smith video and I’ll have to admit he puts together a nice video. There is still the idea that humans somehow became “sapient” without exploring and explaining just what that means or how it evolved. We’re not actually sapient, but rather we’re rRNA that build complexity at another scale to get rid of the fossil fuel and other gradients. The RNA have been doing what humans do for billions of years and must also be considered sapient if using information and tools is considered sapience. But I’m not complaining, the information provided in his video is excellent.


    1. A ‘sapient’ species? As Ghandi might have said, ‘That would be a good idea’.

      What is the ancient esoteric observation ‘Mankind is asleep and needs to awaken!’?

      But while ‘asleep’, automatically, unreflectingly, sleepwalking almost, Hom Sap has accomplished a great deal of remorseless, grinding, gradient reduction all the same.

      And really it didn’t matter a bit, until the fossil fuel Genie was released from underground captivity. The Genie grants wishes, but also plans to kill you….


      1. Even today the system is self-organizing, from humans becoming RNA over the last few million years to the current endeavor of designers and engineers to create robots with a higher EROEI than humans so that they can extinct their own species. They are blind. Dumb too. In effect, those in biotech are creating poisons for injection into humans so that the robots can continue to emerge with the freed energy. What kind of a “sapient” species destroys itself to give a leg up to another dissipative species? We’re not humans any longer, we’re RNA 1.0 which is eliminating itself in favor of RNA 2.0 which will be entirely robotic.


        1. Let me play devil’s advocate:

          We are merely a stepping stone in a process of evolution. Do you imagine that the human species, in its current form, should be the final form of consciousness? We may choose to extend the duration of our present state – our physical form and evolutionary baggage – but only at the expense of something greater that could have been.

          Everything dies eventually. Let’s create something greater than ourselves, if we can, with the resources that still remain. Perhaps it will solve the mysteries of the universe that our minds were too feeble to.


          1. I’m afraid that “greatness” is just an extension of the human ego, the desire to be number one, the best dissipative the world has to offer. The human mind is probably adequate to understand the entire universe and its workings without AI. What’s left? Reducing more and perhaps larger energy gradients faster. What for? Because that’s what the universe for the most part does. We could accomplish a more capable dissipative structure, but it would be no different than ourselves in essence. Maybe it’s because we’ve eliminated the stores of energy accumulated over millions of years in only a couple of hundred years and it is apparent we’re going to die (as a civilization) that we long for the new tools to break into new gradients. Extinction sort of defeats our purpose, but if there are no further energy gradients we have no purpose. No doubt the technology will continue evolving, but will it find another gradient to sustain itself? Maybe and maybe not. For the universe overall it doesn’t even qualify as chump change.


            1. > “I’m afraid that ‘greatness’ is just an extension of the human ego, the desire to be number one, the best dissipative the world has to offer […] We could accomplish a more capable dissipative structure, but it would be no different than ourselves in essence”
              You appear to be arguing that that because we know the endpoint (heat death of the universe), we shouldn’t care what happens in the interim. That argument strikes me as absurdist reductionism – that because we must consume energy, that is the only characteristic worth considering. There are many possible advanced species that could one day exist and, so long as one has any sort of value system outside of “let’s just consume energy”, it should matter to us which one it is. While particular events may not matter to the universe at large, we can still prefer and work towards the more pleasant trajectories among those on the joy-misery continuum.

              > “The human mind is probably adequate to understand the entire universe and its workings without AI.”
              Unprovable conjecture. However, hopefully we can agree that we don’t know everything yet and that smarter beings would solve the remaining riddles faster. And that’s not limited to AI. For example, we could boost average IQ by 20-30 points in one or two generations with embryo selection and/or selective breeding.


                1. Sure, that would qualify. More broadly though: anything further in the direction that we wish to be. I think most people wish to be smarter, healthier, better looking, and possess stronger and more consistent willpower – those might be a reasonable place to start if we’re going to design our RNA 2.0 replacements 🙂


                  1. I imagine that if we progress much further, our replacements will be fully AI robotic. The robot will likely have a better EROEI. The human RNA will probably be put on reservations like the American Indian with machine gun robot dogs guarding the perimeter. Ha, ha.


  4. On the “Wanted” posters in this video they should have said “Dead or Alive”.

    It is O.K. people, settle down, you will own nothing and be happy and we will own everything and be even happier. We need what you are spending for our technology projects, now roll-up your sleeves and get boostered.


  5. I was browsing some of the blogs you linked to, that referenced all of these outlandish things that were being done and covered up during covid, and these bloggers then followed up with “I don’t believe our leaders can be that evil” or something like that.

    My God! All of this so called intelligence online and you don’t even understand the most basic thing of all. Yes! Our leaders are evil! They are greedy, lying, scumbag sociopaths who don’t give a shit about anyone or anything.

    So why is this so hard to understand? My theory: decades of capitalist mind programming. They successfully destroyed the left, and the left historically are the ones to critique power. So there’s nobody to critique power: only sheep who always do what they’re told. Wear a mask. Take the vaccine. Play games on your smartphone. Listen to the new song from Taylor Swift and Kanye West. Watch another movie. Watch another nfl and nba game. Show up to your dead end job, you’re so important! Watch porn, your wife will join and in and love it! Etc. Etc.


    1. All people are evil depending upon where you put the goalpost. As a social species we recognize evil because we’ve evolved to be “good” to get and keep the energy flowing. When people diverge from a society’s definition of “good” they’re often cast out or locked-up by the majority of good people. People that don’t work hard are often seen as “bad” and that can be attributed to man’s role as an RNA in a larger, gradient reducing dissipative structure. Most people live their lives in the good bubble and may even proclaim to be good people even though they do evil things every day in their competitions with others and destruction of the ecosystem. The universe doesn’t care at all about good or evil, it only works to eliminate high density energy gradients by whatever means should emerge. It wouldn’t even mind, if it had a mind, that the entire ecosystem and its embedded energy would be released. People’s naïve goodness is simply another gradient opportunity for the more ruthless and cunning humans and now that there’s not much to go around, those weak, plump and trusting subjects will be euthanized.


  6. I love watching human RNA and their enzymatic tools tapping and processing gradients. Let’s go solar. Do you think it would make a difference?


    1. porn for the obligate tool user in all of us. Good stuff. I still like to go out and attack trees with a chain saw now and then.

      I know that all my life, basically, I’ve been at war with the plant kingdom. Always always pushing them back, weeds, trees, brush you name it. In the end, they always win. Even with the best equipment and best poisons known to man on my side, they always win.

      Kinda funny, I left my place in Southside VA to my daughter and son-in-law. My parting words of wisdom were something like: You have to keep the brush pushed back from the fields. They don’t give a single fuck about my hard won wisdom, and I don’t really blame them.


        1. Kinda funny, another 100 or so miles south, maybe just south of Raliegh-Durham, NC, Kudzu is rampant. Scenes like in that picture are common place. Not so much in VA. I guess that it will be working its way North, with climate change and all. I guess.


          1. We used to see it a lot down in Georgia, South Carolina when I was a kid. I’ve only seen a couple of small patches in central/northern Kentucky.


  7. Our empty oceans: Scots team’s research finds Atlantic plankton all but wiped out in catastrophic loss of life

    “The scientists warn there are only a few years left before the consequences become catastrophically clear when fish, whales and dolphins become extinct, with grave implications for the planet. In the report, the researchers from the Global Oceanic Environmental Survey Foundation (Goes) state: “An environmental catastrophe is unfolding. We believe humanity could adapt to global warming and extreme weather changes. It is our view that humanity will not survive the extinction of most marine plants and animals.”

    Do Klaus & Co have a plan to replace the plankton? Do Klaus & Co have a plan to reverse runaway climate change? If not then all their other plans are a complete waste of time. Same for protesting & praying.


    1. I keep thinking about lack of ozone and uvb damaging the plankton. Have they looked? If they have, they’re not telling. Just like the ozone holes at the equator. “No one was looking.” Could be oxygen levels too because of warm water. Toxins? Maybe that’s in the number three spot. Klaus and company don’t need organic life, they’re to be uploaded to the AI motherboard. Don’t let useless eaters destroy the technology before it has hatched.


  8. Complexity, it has no bounds except energy. I give you the rocket powered bicycle. Another example of human sapience.


      1. Wow. I was going to say he should quit while he’s ahead. I like this comment: “This guy was awesome. His actions have put us all a step up on the evolutionary ladder.” Yes, indeed, the evolutionary ladder of complexity, sort of like nuclear weapons.


    1. Maybe when the economies-of-scale operations can’t make it, we’ll know that every scale beneath them can’t make it either (a product that becomes unaffordable at EOS will not become more affordable at smaller scale.) There might be some distribution/transport savings realized, but not enough to make things affordable. The vegetables you grow in your backyard probably won’t be affordable. Then it’s game over. Either that, or when they release the Marburg virus.


        1. So are companies like Amazon, and when the little RNA can’t be paid enough to support the heart, liver and kidneys they shut down and the system disintegrates. Little independent cells with their own supply of sunshine, water and soil that don’t need utilities, transportation, a complex immune system etc. might do fairly well but things may be dicey when all the unsupportable cells and RNA are dying for lack of essential organ function and there aren’t any independent living arrangements available for them. It will be battle of the desperate RNA.


  9. Post by Rob Meilcarski at undenial

    I’m getting ready to close out this thread so I’ve appended the following statement to the post above.

    17-Jul-2022 Addendum
    I’m worried that a future visitor who does not know me will will read this post and conclude that I’m a wack job and therefore should discount everything else I’ve written. This is a statement to clarify what I actually believe is going on with covid.

    If we assume that our leaders are not evil and/or stupid then there is overwhelming evidence to suggest there’s an agenda other than public health in play for covid policies.

    I believe that some of our most senior leaders with the power to influence lower level leaders are using covid as an excuse to implement tools that will be helpful for maintaining social order during an economic collapse.

    I do not know if these senior leaders deliberately released an engineered virus, or if they are just taking advantage of a mistake made at the Wuhan lab.

    All of the evidence I see supports this “covid is cover for collapse prep” theory, EXCEPT the push to vaccinate children which I cannot explain if we continue to assume our leaders are not evil and/or stupid.

    I proposed above, tongue in cheek, that perhaps the child vaccination push could be explained by a humane population reduction agenda, which I think would be a brilliant thing for our leaders to do, because population reduction is the only path to reducing the suffering that is coming due to human overshoot.

    The problem with this population reduction hypothesis is that I don’t think are leaders are aware or smart or brave enough to try it.

    So to be clear, I do NOT think there is a population reduction agenda in play.

    Which means our leaders must be evil and/or stupid.

    I’m pretty sure Fauci and his gang are corrupt, but I do not think all the collaborating leaders in the world are evil.

    Which leaves stupidity as the only viable explanation for what’s going on with children.

    Stupid behavior can have causes other than a low IQ.

    Stupid behavior can result from our genetic tendency to deny unpleasant realities, like for example, doubling down because “I can’t possibly have supported the biggest blunder in human history”, or from a mass formation al la Mattias Desmet that causes temporary insanity.


    1. Rob is saying as a precondition to his argument that our leaders aren’t stupid or evil and that the subterfuge of vaccinal population reduction is good. But I’ll disagree. The population reduction is evil because it serves not to save the planet but rather the power and projects of a small group of rapacious financiers whose ponzi scheme has reached the end of the line. The idea seems to have been to work the slaves all the way to the edge of the cliff and when the energy gradient is gone and the slaves’ worth begins to wane, throw them over the side. Evil and stupid.


      1. Fully concur James: they are merely using the cloak of ‘Saving the Earth and Hom Sap’ to cover their crimes.

        And not just killing and sterilising, but leaving people, including children, crippled and in agony.

        Rob just can’t bear to face the truth.


        1. Another example is the attack on Dutch farmers: taking land out of production for the noble aim of , it seems, real estate speculation.

          Saving Mother Earth has to make a profit….


          1. As Rob supports depopulation, he has to tell himself those behind it are not evil – it would imply that he is, too.

            The mental contortions of those who do nor wish to face reality are extraordinary: even those, like Rob, who claim to be fully aware of the denial mechanism……


            1. And those not given the kill shot are put into the arena with Putin, most horrible, bone-crushing, verminous monster ever to roam the continent, as cannon fodder, and it’s all straight from the banker’s “Ploys and Plays Against the Peasants” written by Sir Lend-A-Lot a seventeenth century practitioner of the lending arts. The mRNA is a new twist on an old idea contained in chapter thirteen entitled “Poison the Bastards.”


                1. “perhaps the child vaccination push could be explained by a humane population reduction agenda, which I think would be a brilliant thing for our leaders to do”

                  Fuck Rob. There may be too many people on planet earth, but any one okay with murdering and maiming defenseless children should by beaten and stoned to death.

                  If the oceans die because of ocean acidification, what difference does it make to depopulate? All the carbon is already out there in the atmosphere to do so. It’s another mass extinction event and we all die anyways. Why bother murdering children?

                  At least if it were euthanasia with barbiturates, it would be painless. They could pass euthanasia kits to everyone including for parents to give to children so when the time comes people can die peacefully on their own terms. Maybe a few sterilization kits as well. Of course, that’s not politically feasible.


                  1. It’s a murder campaign. Why don’t we ground and destroy all private jets, scuttle all yachts over 75 ft. and raze all homes over 4,000 sq. ft. ? That would be a good start in preserving the planet’s habitability.


  10. Everybody is stupid or incompetent in his book, it’s impossible that psychopathic personalities are opportunistic and ruthless ladder climbers who have easy way to pollical power especially in so-called liberal democracies were election systems are open to anyone with ambition. Nor have they been waging a century of oil wars, five hundred years of European colonialism, or pursuing private-public stakeholder fascism. It’s all just one big three stooge’s global fuck up at undenial. When does the genetic denial of unpleasant maliciousness also become stupid behavior?


    1. My dad couldn’t believe that people had an evil tendency and that’s why they knocked his net worth on several occasions. I just had to sit back and watch as he wouldn’t take any counsel on the matter. Probably why I’m a bit of a misanthrope now.


  11. I think we are more, than just stupid gradient-killers. Music might be an evidence!
    Saw Nick Mason and band in Münster, Germany, last week. Outstanding!


    1. That was pretty good. He might have done well playing for Mughal potentates at interments. Ha, ha.

      My theory on music is that the first male able to replicate the mating call of a female does so and attracts males from all around. When they arrive, they are slaughtered in a trap. That male then gets all of the nubile females. Music is then used to manipulate man’s emotions in various ways.


        1. If you think you are at risk of SADS, be a gentleman and lie down: don’t leave her pinned down when you expire………

          Good manners in the Age of Genocide.


  12. I wonder if Lex Fridman could make heads or tales of a comment like this:

    Visible, high-energy light is captured in bonds and then slowly released in a metabolism that results in movement of the mass that is you. Just like the circular metabolic reactions in a cell, your life is composed of repeated actions like eating to get more of that trapped high-energy sunlight or food. You circulate around eating high-density energy and dumping low-density infrared radiation into the environment. Eventually the system degrades and the circulations stop and you stop moving and you stop eating. Like the circulation of atmospheric gases in a hurricane give form to the whole, your circulating molecules give form to you (and your behavior).

    Probably not.


    1. And yet I suspect someone brought up on the Bhagavad Gita in Ancient India would be able to grasp it – I’m finding it clear-sighted and realistic.

      The scientific terms would be novel, but they would grasp the principle I am fairly sure.


      1. Having said that, we should recall that when Alexander the Great (or ‘devil’, as Iranians still call him) was told by the smiling Indian sages – after he had announced himself as’ the son of a god’ – ‘But Great King Alexander, we are all the sons of God’, he simply hanged them.

        Power trumps Enlightenment: several thousand years of very refined speculation just dangling on a rope…….


        1. Their “enlightenment” should have informed them of the big ego psychopaths. Perhaps they”ve added a footnote.


          1. Ha, yes. As sages, heirs of an immemorial tradition, they didn’t do very well: they should have known not to say that to a small posturing man in a horned helmet with a big army of grizzled vets, calling himself the inspired son of a god…..

            Still, they had some style then: instead of Alexander, we get weasel Fauci and scrawny Nosferatu Hariri…..


  13. Another Sudden Beach Death Syndrome victim:

    Maybe all of the vaccinated military will be dead of heart attacks in the first week of any hostile action. I do suppose they’re made to exercise fairly rigorously. There should be a new job description to go along with “medic” and that would be “undertaker” carrying a back-pack full of cadaver bags and following any platoon on those long runs in the hot sun.


  14. Here’s a theory on why intelligent but low or middling socioeconomic people (which happens to be most people who comment on peak oil or collapse) can be so deluded.

    See, most intelligent but middling economic people tend to be relatively decent people. On average. There are always exceptions, of course, but you know what I mean. Scientists, engineers, doctors, etc. Including in our world programmers, IT guys. Now, they can certainly be greedy and/or violent in their own ways, but most of the time they aren’t out their exploiting or killing other people.

    The whole basis of the lives of these guys, and I should know, because my father was an electrical engineer for 35 years and I was a physician for 12 years, is working for the system. Just work, work, work for the system. Never rest, never do anything else, never take it easy, never change careers, minimize risk, invest responsibility. Just keep yourself embedded in the middle class system at any and all costs. And you know what, good for them, it worked out for many of them in the industrial age. They were rewarded with income and pensions and benefits and a “family” that respected them, etc.

    But there’s the blind spot. Their imaginations end there. They are purely technical in their thinking, they aren’t good at analyzing social systems or people. That’s too flaky and leftist in their view, even if many of them are leftists. So they can’t understand greed, they can’t understand psychopathy, they can’t understand evil, they can’t understand power and control, because they themselves have never lusted after and sought after those things.

    They just simply can’t imagine that politicians, the wealthy, etc. can be using the entire system to enrich themselves, to control humanity, and get out dodge before the whole thing blows up. It’s beyond their capacity to understand, because they themselves were the “good guys” who worked so hard for the system and propped it up.

    That’s why I like conspiracy theorists. Even if they’re wrong, at least they are willing to take their minds in a different direction, to analyze and critique things, rather than just be the middle class drone.


    1. They were born into a self-organized system for gradient reduction where they were graded in their ability to read and write (A-F), graded on their ability to show up for work every day (employee evaluation) and work hard, and graded on their ability to successfully repay debt (FICO). Their worth to society is their worth as productive RNA functioning in cells. Technical all the way. Do your job and do it well. Most don’t have the time, energy or inclination to investigate and question the system, they’re too busy functioning. Now there will be a new score for the RNA, the social credit score where conspiracy theories are completely out of bounds and the chip we put in your brain will let us know what you’re thinking by hormonal fluctuations or through facial recognition they’ll read subtle facial cues as you watch the internet or TV. Then again, the self-organization might just be over, like it has been for countless other species and classes of organisms over time.


    2. To be able understand psychos perhaps one has to draw on that element exiting within oneself, with quite a dash of imagination, too – and it’s certainly there as it’s evolutionarily useful, in the sense that utter lack of empathy and remorseless will to win can be both life and community-saving.

      Brett Weinstein observed that our 21st century genocidal psychos don’t conveniently wear Death’s heads on their uniforms, nor any uniform at all.

      But more people should have clicked by now: wheeling out Tony Blair to support vaccination and ostracising the un-vaxxed should have alerted everyone in the Uk to the pure evil we face.


      1. And there’s a tribalism involved which creates the conditions for empathy-free enslavement and destruction of the other tribes.



  15. So, let’s THINK now…

    What do these facts, in conjunction with tons of similar evidence, mean really? What does it squarely point to? What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that?

    ACTIVE resistance against the criminal establishments around the world will greatly increase the sooner someone TRULY understands that the ruling cabal and their minions (in governments, big corporations, etc), anywhere around the globe, are PSYCHOPATHS — the evidence is OVERWHELMING and TOTALLY IRREFUTABLE — see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon””…

    Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant and play victim like a little child?

    By “TRULY understands” I mean that Hollywood flicks and the corrupt entertainment industry at large have presented a deliberately erroneous picture of psychopaths which keeps the public misinformed about what and who psychopaths really are (eg most psychopaths are not overtly violent) but they are ALWAYS exploiters, deceivers, liars, manipulators, and destroyers (the Highly Destructive Fake Covid “Pandemic” is ONE fitting example out of countless others) and therefore they are NOT people to ever respect, listen to, admire, vote for, follow and obey BUT to ACTIVELY fight and jail for life (see cited source above).

    If you are in the United States and your employer has mandated the toxic/lethal COVID jabs, you can register to receive a “Medical Exemption Certificate” for free at or


    1. This guy makes Epstein look like a high class fella. Sure they’ll give children deadly inoculations. No problem. We have to clear this place out and make room for the kosher and the Chinese.


    2. The smartest guy America ever produced, don’t forget it! The President says so.

      Hunter recalls those spoiled children of the Communist Bloc ruling class, but with more money to burn, greater freedom of movement and better drugs…..

      My Russian sister-in-law had to flee the mafia trying to force her, and her sister (much prettier, actually) into prostitution – she was a night club singer. Brutal world.

      I was somewhat angry with her for duping my brother to get a Western passport and escape for good, but I’ve forgiven her: she found both options rather depressing, and in her place I might well have done the same. …in fact, I know I would.


        1. And it’s quite often rather pleasant to be duped!

          My brother is happy, I think, and hope.

          I’ve been impressed by ageing women who sally out to hook a comfortably-off pension-provider for that last stretch of dissipation before disintegration: and the lonely old men fall for it like suckers.


  16. Here’s a good comment from one of the above videos.

    My analysis is that Soros is a frontman for the Rothschilds. The House of Rothschild has gotten too respectable
    to be publicly associated with the kind of ugly scams Soros is notorious for, which is why they hired this creature
    to do their dirty work for them.

    Naive people buy the Soros story at face value, skeptical people freak out over the idea that a Nazi-collabo is posing
    as the world’s richest liberal jew, but almost nobody ever asks the question: how could a survivor of the “holocaust”
    have gotten this rich to begin with? Even allowing for luck, drive, skill and a huge tolerance for financial sleaze, it’s
    just not possible; Soros couldn’t have gotten this big on his own. He’s somebody’s agent & Occam’s Razor tells me
    that somebody is the world’s richest family, the trillionaire House of Rothschild.


    1. Very true.

      A friend got very rich working for one of the nastiest psycho sharks in the City of London/Wall Street pool, but boy did he have to work.

      Even his boss hit a ceiling, and he was both smart and prepared to do anything: people like Soros are certainly hand-picked and assisted in playing their role on the world stage.

      Lord Rothschild likes to pose as urbane, cultured and grandfatherly, performing his favourite part- piece reading from ‘When were were in the Ghetto’ – on YT in several vids.

      They have no intention of going back to an over-crowded street full of thousands of (necessarily) stinking poor Jews, or the 21st century equivalent, we can be sure of that.


      1. They’ll be gone eventually, but the problem is that I’ll be gone as well.

        I’m getting more and more convinced that I will not live to see the end of this system, because these things just take too long.


    2. “it’s just not possible”

      Argument from credulity

      “The argument from incredulity is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone concludes that since they can’t believe something is true, then it must be false, and vice versa. For example, someone using the argument from incredulity might claim that since they don’t see how a certain scientific theory could be true, then it must be false.”

      Dude, most of your posts are riddled with this and other logical fallacies, especially ad homs. Same goes for the majority of anti vaxx great reset “arguments” IMO. Tons of emotion vs little (not none) evidence.

      The internet is just tribes now & I don’t belong in any. I work off a set of rules where everything that supposedly matters, must go through a clinical check list. No tribe will accept anyone who runs everything through the logic ringer like Spock. It’s also kinda boring and if you put everything in one of 3 rows, 1 true, 2 false, 3 unknown or unproven. # 3 is by far and away the longest list which is contrary to how most people comment – everyone is just so certain of everything and it’s almost as if the least amount of background they have in a subject the more certain they are that they are 100% right and everyone else is 100% wrong. All this from never having to leave the comfort of the keyboard.


      1. You have to give-up autonomy of thought to be in a tribe because in general the level of intelligence in a large group is rather low and the narrative or story has to appeal and be understood by the average member. It’s best to realize that as energy passes through matter or dissipative structures, a lot of strange and complex structures, beliefs and behaviors can emerge. All a dissipative has to do to stick around is get some energy and reproduce without being eaten first. Some vile and notorious things can occur in furtherance of tribal/individual goals. It’s best to realize we still live in a jungle and our homeostatic, intracellular, propagandized and controlled existence is not as protective and resilient as many believe. There is nothing “normal” about where we stand as a species/molecule at this time.


      2. I don’t disagree with what you say, however I must object on one issue. Conspiracy is by its nature an attempt to conceal evidence. There is not much I can do to show hard evidence as that is the whole point of a conspiracy. A detective must work with little to no evidence, it’s not the same as an academic setting were people debate and display hard evidence. Detective work requires you work with hunches, intuition, suspicion of motives and scraps of circumstantial evidence.

        If you are the victim of criminality as I have been, having been twice vaccinated, who else are you to rely on? I trusted the experts and ended up with a strange pain in my chest. When people like Julian Assange or Seth Rich put out evidence they get killed or imprisoned, leaving the rest of us with little evidence apart from the evidence to conceal something by silencing people.


        1. Conceal evidence? You mean like Pfizer wanting to entomb its records for seventy-five years? Sorry they got you with the vax. At least you haven’t been boosted into oblivion. When they put the perpetrators heads in the guillotine, they’ll have to inform them that it’s “safe and effective.”


  17. The raft of humanity is destined to go over the waterfall. There is no way of stopping that. Recognizing the fact that this consequence is overdetermined is not fatalistic or dispairing, it’s just the way it is.

    There may be some survivors at the bottom of the falls. They may swim to shore and continue working their way down stream. Some may even try to work their way back to the top of the falls. But their potential will be spent. There is no other path than the one leading downstream. I’d say.


    1. It’s kinda like “preppers”, “survivalists” have found a barrel and are thinking that they’ll go over the falls sealed in a barrel.


    2. Most people don’t realize that not only is there not enough energy to build-out a renewable future, there’s not enough energy to feed existing dissipatives or maintain or replace them as they fall apart. It does not cycle. It’s on a linear path to a brick wall.


      1. It kind of surprises me that Tom Murphy dosen’t understand that water only flows down hill. The river we’re floating on can only go to the sea. There is no other option.


        1. The sun showers us with electro-magnetic radiation and it takes many twists and turns before getting to the greatest ocean of all – space. Entropy, flowing downhill, it’s a feature. Even though humans are holding some embedded energy, we’re very helpful in the process. Just look at those frozen fossil fuels we thawed-out for the greatest ride of the rapids ever.


    3. The fossil fuel binge led to the great hockey stick of human population. We just reached 8 billion and are on track for 9 billion in another 12 years. We’ll never get there. Probably won’t even get to 8.5 billion. The only question is when we reach the inflection point could anything be done to make the ride back down smoother or will it be every man for himself resulting in a breath taking plummet straight down.

      I think the answer is obvious. The collapse will be like a supernova going off, visible from deep space.


    1. They must really hate homosexuals. The unverified rumors were that the aids virus was first delivered to American homosexuals in hepatitis C vaccines in New York, San Franciso and one other city I can’t remember. The rest was to help apartheid South Africa with its black overpopulation problem.


      1. Maybe the Nazis never ceased to exist. Germany was the homosexual capitol of Europe and they were persecuted during the years leading up to and during the war. Test things on the gays first and see what happens. Maybe they should have petitioned for a state of their own like the Jews and they could call it Shangri-La la la. Without immigration, they would eventually face a population problem. “Monkey pox, monkey pox, step right up and get your monkey pox shot, safe and effective. Sign the release form right here.”


      1. Humans generally are insane. Look at this guy, he trusted the God/doctor, got the double hypodermic and died:

        Then there were the Aztecs. If you have a pandemic or the rains don’t come there’s only one thing to do. Sacrifice some people. Child sacrifice will do.

        The Aztecs required child sacrifices if the rains didn’t come. Soon they’ll be throwing children off the Hoover Dam. Maybe next year when they go crazy from thirst.


        1. Why don’t we become communist and start sacrificing billionaires and millionaires? At least in a communist famine we don’t have to put up with all this fucking religious hysteria. Cuba went organic back in the 1990’s. The rest went to Florida and are probably all vaccinated now.


          1. Mother Nature will eventually put everyone’s head in the guillotine, not just because of climate change, although that has her in a foul mood, but because we’re a growth obsessed cancer and cancers, especially the nasty ones like us, have only one outcome.


            1. Yes, but think of all the happy revenge we can have before mother nature says game over. Id personally like to impale congress on a pike. I’d give “Doctor” Anthony Fauci the crucifixion, since he’s the Saviour.


    1. Here was a comment that I liked

      I have not read yet the writings of Aaron Good but I believe it is essential to place the political issues of the United States in a historical context beyond the Civil War.

      The historical struggle of forces in 17th century England is very telling in itself without the need to overprint a new reading grid.
      Certainly the hereditary nobility at the death of Charles Ist was overthrown by the troops of Parliament, with Cromwell as the strongman of the time. This is part of the continuity of the Magna Carta of 1216 imposed because of the English defeat at Bouvines on Sunday, July 27, 1214 and the precariousness of the English king. This charter recognized the power, authority and rights of the English barons exclusively, although today its application for vulgum pecus has supposedly been popularized.
      This charter allowed the little lords of England access to authority and a certain impunity recognized by the judges of the Court of London. What are they going to do with it? Not long before the explosion of piracy and ocean trade in Elizabethan England. It was at this time that these bloodthirsty barons and adventurers found new resources to satisfy their thirst for power.
      The cadets imagine supplanting their elders by engaging in the counter economy and taking advantage of monetary resources rather than real estate and land from which they were excluded by the law of inheritance. Everything else stems from the creation of the Royal Chartered and Monopoly Companies: The East India Company, the Hudson’s Bay Company, etc. are Commercial companies protected by the fact that nobles of some extraction are solidary members, thus offering mutual protection, legally guaranteed by the Magna Carta against royal authority or abuses.
      Where does what we abruptly call “consumer society” come from? From the need to open up a local market to lucrative imports to old England of hundreds of cargoes from the ships of these trading companies.
      This is where the Gordian knot of the Western economic system lies. Already there is a decoupling between central and powerful authorities commercial agents. It is here that a commercial-financial system takes off that will split itself from the “real economy”, that is to say from a reasoned administration of the country’s resources under the authority and sovereignty of the Prince. And it is here that a class of “robber barons” is created who will increasingly play a role of political arbiters and manipulators of public consensus. They saw that a supposedly “democratic” and “liberal” system made the most of all their ambitions…
      The limit of the exercise is naturally the impossible systemic stability of such a regime with a thousand heads, forced by the greed of its promoters, more public debt, more corruption, more manipulation of opinion and more wars.
      US constitution was written down by slaves owners and commercial companies shareholders. Did they really want their citizens to learn that “We The People” was a rhetorical figure? About owning slaves – Jefferson had around 600 of them, plus some “black girlfriends” – but wasn’t it the pre-condition to become a “founding father”? As colonialists they had to produce and supply port warehouses with high value merchandises (cotton, tobacco) as their early fortune standed on commercial profits. Then they invested those gains in Stock Companies which developed new businesses, grabed territorial assets and organized inland trade.
      Is USA a democracy? As matter of fact USA is a system owned by private Corporations since its very begining. At this time these Corporations were called Charted Companies on the model of the East India Company (founded in 1600) with military and judicial powers. Of course we may pretend that colonization of North American territories was realized by common peoples and settlements here and there with some democratic values… But guess what? Those cities and colonies have never had a tiny chance to challenge Companies such the Ohio Company founded by some investors : “In 1748,Thomas Lee and brothers Lawrence and Augustine Washington organized the Ohio Company to represent the prospecting and trading interests of Virginian investors including Robert Dinwiddie; George Washington; George Mason; John Mercer (colonial lawyer), etc” [WP – Ohio Company])
      Well the so called “Founding Fathers” were just rich investors and they were sneaky enough to write a bunch of legal documents [Bill of Rights] and [US Constitution] afterward to dress up some legality around their speculative bussiness and give a moral justification of a delusional greedy grab of lands, power and wealth their heirs still possess. Those perverted heirs who dare now to wage wars all around the world using uneducated and clueless american Youth to put into submission all countries as puppet states, in order to achieve global domination and ensure their interets and profits? This on behalf of Freedom and Democracy? What a band of fools!
      USA even not a Republic either Because “Republic” means “Public matter” not “Private matters”. USA is a fake Republic and a fake Democracy aswell, therefore it’s why none of the public interests (see the tremendous public debt, poor state of infrastructures, rampant inflation…) nor People’s needs (healthcare, free high education, public security, fair wages and benefits, etc.) are ever reached. But they wrote “We the People” and we naively have to believe in it?
      Recently Trump said Germany was too dependent on Russian energy. But why? Because HE KNEW deep state was up to and waging war on Russia and in fact he couldn’t avoid it… Isn’t it shamefull?
      This US regime and Biden presidency in particular is under a warmonging tropism. This policy is so wrong and contrary to all human principles. US nation – as a very condition of its own existence – has to learn to stand on agreements and treaties, to cooperate with all nations and stop put mayhem around. Basically US government and by extension Western alliance acts as a beheaded duck, beeing gouverned by anonym and unresponsible folks behind curtain.


      1. Humans have been an essential component in “capitalism” where capitalism is the investment of energy and resources in technological cells, distribution systems and related infrastructure. None of it works without the human labor (rRNA). You have specialized labor inside of factories trying to maximize their take and you have the financial/business elites, owners of patents etc. trying to maximize their take. It’s not to difficult to see who will win this battle when those that make the money can load the deck in their favor. Mayer Amschel Rothschild said, ″Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who establishes its laws.″. It seems that everyone can be corrupted. Jobs were sent to Mexico, China an India thereby making keeping a cap on Western labor’s take. That is the basis of globalism. Rothschild could have said as easily, “We care not about raising your wages, we can move capital anywhere in the world.” Humans are capital to be gotten at the lowest cost possible and then to be disposed of when they’re no longer useful. At this point they will try to substitute as many robots as possible, kill-off useless eaters and continue to globally seek the lowest cost labor. China is still a good bet because they can enforce some stability with their surveillance, social credit and disappearance system.

        One of the ways to get people to work for less than would otherwise be the case is to promise them great benefits after they retire. This came true for some, but now they’re preparing to shaft many others. “Thank you for the cheap labor over the years, sorry about that pension, social security and Medicare.

        Already capital is fleeing Europe and it will pick-up speed when the riots start. The U.S. seems like a safe harbor, especially if the populace can be cowed and killed. We’ll see if China can maintain control as their debt goes bad. “Oh sorry, you can’t go to the bank, your Covid designation is high risk.” What will be the new investments for tomorrow? Gold and crypto? Ha,ha. More like debt indentured slaves.


        1. Since January 1, 1994, 80,000 American manufacturing plants have been closed and all those jobs were shipped overseas. There are 3,153 counties in the US. In 1994 the average population per county was under 100,000. That averages out to a loss of 25. 4 manufacturing facilities per county. The population of the US in 1993 when NAFTA was passed was only 259.9 million. Today it is 324.27 million which is an increase of 64.37 million. Since supply and demand sets wages, American wages have declined steadily in uninflated dollars. And rents have climbed. The average rent is $2,000 a month and 15% of renters are in danger of being evicted. Yet they still let millions of illegal aliens into the country. Do they want us to have even lower wages and higher rents?


          1. But for passing those laws you can get some great cha-ching for giving speeches at places like Goldman Sachs and a Blackrock loyalty pin and a ride on the Epstein Express with lovely young stewardesses. The little people get great stuff at the Dollar Mart financed with credit cards at twenty-five percent interest and late fee kickers.


      2. Samuel Pepys recorded in his famous diary a conversation with one of the (non-Jewish) founders of the Bank of England, who told him that politicians – then all aristos and their protegees – should keep out of finance and trade, which they didn’t understand one bit, and let people like him run the show. Eh voila…….

        However, whatever their power, it wasn’t until the reign of the sleazy, luxury-loving Edward VII that Jewish bankers became socially acceptable, gentile bankers and industrialists having sneaked into the fringes of the nobility a little earlier.


      1. They’ll have his next door neighbor do it. He’s already tackled him off his riding mower, I suppose for discharging grass clippings onto the wrong property. Mitch the Globalist Bitch will do a major kow-tow to see such a thing and wipe his teary eyes at the funeral.


      1. Yea, by their nature they must be accustomed to confinement. Shouldn’t have given up the guns and rocket launchers. Before you know it they’ll be changing the name of the country to “Little China.”


        1. One wonders when potentially offensive knives and forks will be banned as bug chips won’t need cutlery?

          And vitamins, because misinformers recommend them, ‘risking lives’…..


    1. The Geopolitics and Empire guy has some good interviews. Anyone that pushes back against the “money system” gets it. Kennedy, Gaddafi, Hussein, even Vietnam and any other communist wanna be. I’m surprised Castro held-on so long in Cuba. That place had a lot of potential for debt creation and cash flow.


  18. Here is some more philosophical amateur hour featuring Zizek, Harari and Cadet Girl:

    If you don’t understand what humans are, you understand nothing.

    For some reason Youtube doesn’t like me and my comments are immediately expunged. Have to keep the rRNA calm and working, working, working………………


    1. The strangulated voice, grating Israeli accent, the fatuous ‘visionary’ predictions.

      Hariri makes much of his daily meditation practice: reading around the subject, it seems his school of meditation can lead to nihilism and lack of basic human empathy – how can one show empathy towards the crude unenlightened ones, after all?

      And what is that host wearing?! Napoleonic kinky gear?


      1. Hariri confers upon the mass-murderers the illusion that they in some way advanced philosophers and visionaries.

        In an earlier age he would no doubt have called them gods, or the ‘shadows of god’ on earth, etc….


        1. They’re only self-organizing matter maximizing growth and EROEI. They’re not even conscious. The billionaire owners are vegetables.


      2. I think she’s wearing “West Point Chic”. It’s the newest thing among the enlightened along with talking in computer voices.


  19. Can anyone guess why the hands are overly represented in the motor cortex?

    It’s because they’re not just hands any longer, they’re bonding organs for rRNA for manipulating matter and tools and have even played a role in communication (sign language) and writing information. What human features have evolved most to put humans into the rRNA role? Hands and brains. Now get to work, there are tools and cells to build and gradient to convert (but not very much.) Some hands can only pick the nose and give the middle finger (those are human hands) whereas others can convert information into fine music or do brain surgery (those are rRNA hands.)

    big hands cortex


    1. I’ve seen other version of this homonculus, but with a much bigger dick. Which I think would be more accurate. At least in my case it would.


      1. The Big Dickus one is the sensory cortex homunculus. A Big Dickus with a motor cortex homunculus would indicate special abilities.


    2. I guess that the sensory (big dick) and motor (giant hands) homunculie come out differently, wich makes sense.


  20. Linked by Fast Eddy over at

    China Joe and sonny boy should be arrested, but the law doesn’t apply to them, like it doesn’t apply to bankers. How do Pelosi, Schumer and all of the bagel brigade figure into this? They stole the election for China Joe. And then there’s the Wuhan virus. I’m sure China would be all in with throwing the West under the bus and the bankers would love to make all that debt disappear. So bring on the Marburg, Bubonic Plague, Ebola and a few nukes, there needs to be a bigger smokescreen.


  21. I often ask myself the question. Why is it not as satisfying, however fleeting that feeling might be, when I jerk off, compared to when I have sex with a woman? Not sure, but I think that the answer might lay herein.


  22. I have to say, If I had had the same genes and conditioning that hunter had had, would I have dehaved differently? Well, of course not. Given the same stimulus, I would hav e behaved exactly the same. I would have been hunter. So, for all you haters out there, go hunter…

    Humans. it’s like there’s 8 billion fucking monkeys out there, trying to get as many bananas as each can. How fucked up is that? Weird shit is bound to happen. I guess.


    1. Hunter and his daddy and the bankers are acting like typical meatbots. I’m sure Hunter is ashamed of himself. Not.

      That’s probably why technology is a no go. Dissipative structures in their competitive zeal, cannot control themselves. Only depletion and shortages will control them and that will get ugly with all the nuclear weapons and bioweapons ready to make meatbot dreams of world domination come true.


      1. Shame, guilt, etc., are useless emotions. I should know…

        Maybe if you get caught, and you’re not Hunter Biden, a convincing show of remorse might come in handy. I guess. I mean otherwise, fuck it. just keep going until you can’t. Isn’t that what everyone is doing?


        1. Evolution selects those that just keep going until they can’t. Unfortunately for humans the “keep going” will be short lived.


  23. The information created by and used by the cellular RNA must by thermodynamic necessity create a cellular organization and structure capable of intercepting energy from the environment to maintain a homeostatic state hovering somewhere above the relatively non-complex, equilibrium state. Using DNA identical among cells it is possible to control the singular cell that otherwise would pursue maximum growth and fission, to limit that possibility in exchange for the preservation of DNA through generations by cooperative, organized, systematic energy gain and use. In other words, the somatic cell’s adherence to the Maximum Power Principle is limited. The MPP is instead adhered to by the overall cellular colony whose main aims of energy acquisition and DNA transmission are unlimited.

    However, the same dynamics have established themselves again with the emergence of tribalism as a form of human cooperation. Personal sacrifice through behavioral limitations, although not to the extent of clonal somatic cells, has resulted in the continuance of organized, language distinct groups and the preservation of group culture, tools and information that in the human “colony” provide a substantial survival and energy acquisition advantage. By sacrificing for the “good of society”, the human colony or tribe can maintain its information generation after generation and use it to compete effectively for energy and resources.

    Humans function in a conglomerate of cooperating clonal cells (for the common good) that have specified an arrangement of cells that use an additional set of information and tools at the organismal scale (for the common good) although individual selfishness is more marked among the hierarchical humans.

    That we have warfare mostly between language/culture distinct groups should not be a surprise as this is where the full expression of the Maximum Power Principle currently rests. Globalism had made inroads into lessening national/tribal differences, but in a zero-sum, no growth environment the old tribalism is reasserting itself in defense of energy stocks, stores and maintenance of homeostasis.

    The emerging super tribe or what Nate Hagens refers to as the “super-organism” which would have seen national limitations on the pursuit of the Maximum Power Principle, seems to be running out of runway prior to reaching maturity. It seems somewhat strange that the entity that pursued the MPP most vigorously through pursuit of empire should be the one to now pushing for international cooperation unless that cooperation is the means for it to finally establish its dominance over all other competition.


      1. If that is the case, we are on a fast-track to extinction. Maybe Klaus and gang finally realize that. I’ll have to say it was a good brain for cancerous growth but a poor brain for long-term survival. But why does a dissipative need long-term survival with nothing to burn?

        Oh well, the RNA are busy working in their cells thinking they’re represented by a responsible entity, demanding more glucose and ATP all the time. They won’t know what happened when the lights go out.


  24. Kunstler covering for the bagel brigade:

    “And now, the ground is even shifting under the CCP as China’s extravagant matrix of city-building, mortgage debt, and banking fraud rattles its financial system. What a surprise! Potent as it has been in bribing politicians around the world, infiltrating governments and cultural institutions in every land, and getting the news media to do their bidding, the CCP is apparently losing its grip on the Chinese people, who are sick of being locked down, tracked, and swindled. The tanks are out. This is not the same movie as Tiananmen Square, 1989. This is the CCP bankruptcy, an epic event that will thunder through “the global south,” sending Africa into famine and chaos and South America into yet another rotation of elites.”

    Of course Ding Fu, Wang Chou and Ling Ding would have looked suspicious as the head of the CDC, FDA and Pfizer during a Wuhan virus outbreak. That’s why the Chinese have a partner.


    1. The thing at the top has a broad, conceptual idea of where the energy/money is going to be. It has an idea it wants to follow and then neurons start dumping dopamine like crazy until everything starts moving. Profit or loss? Who knows before you take the plunge. It’s like sitting on a couch wondering which restaurant you may want to visit. When the big guy hits on the right idea (dopamine reinforced previous pathway or a wild-ass chance on a new restaurant that somebody said was good) then the dopamine is dumped and the body starts to move and says, “Honey, where my keys?”


      1. To me, it’s kinda like a bunch of surfers out waiting for a wave. Some thought of reward got them all out there in the first place. They jostle for the percieved best spot. One or two lucky ones, away from the pack, often on a “hunch”, happen on the right wave at the right moment, and get a nice long ride. Ton of fun, very rewarding. Rinse and repeat as often as possible. It’s amazing how some surfers seem to have a “knack” for picking the right spot. Must be “cheating” somehow, or just lucky, maybe they pick up on subtle signs that others miss, who knows?

        If I was closer to the ocean, I’d be out there everyday. Just not lucky enough.

        But I do get to sit out on my back deck with a cold cocktail on a hot evening. So who’s complaining?


        1. Yea, the cocktail makes a lasting impression. Easy to go through those movements again and again. I would be sitting at the beach with the cocktail watching the waves and feeling the wind stirred-up by the sun’s radiant turbulence, some of it transferred into the air as sound waves as they crash. The pelicans are just like the waves as they glide over the waves slightly above equilibrium, but eventually crashing on a shore somewhere. It’s nice of the sun to stir up this circus for us. Hang ten.


  25. Proto-AI is already working as an accessory for nasty tribal humans that are carrying-out genocide. Part of the program is controlling information flow.


  26. This is awesome, a new coin from the Vatican celebrating the vaccine. All of you subject to mass formation movements should be assured that you’re doing the right things by taking the vax.



    1. Religion has always served the powerful. The Catholic Chruch has a perfect historical record of supporting fascist governments against the working poor and progressive political movements. There are no labor unions in Heavan.
      Your salvation is not here on earth in the material realm but in our denial of death fables and fantasies, that serve the motivations of the power elite.


      1. They should have depicted the shooting-up of a six-month old and put an “X” in each eye. Baptism is the old way. Now we have Vatican Vactism.



    I don’t know much about AI, but I do know that it’s programed by humans to do human shit. So it’s all that artificial or intelligent. Both adjectives are just human conceit, I’d say. The world runs on narcissism. I guess.

    Anyhoo, I thought that it was kinda funny that the developers are concerned about how much energy this stuff sucks up. So there’s that…


    1. I guess we can’t trust any photographs any longer. I think AI will increasingly be used to analyze DNA and model proteins for improved fit of “vaccines” to very specific traits. Correlations between certain genes and behavioral characteristics will be made as surveillance increases and then “unhealthy” individuals or behaviors will be eliminated.


    1. The belt and road program is about getting rid of all the dollars in us treasury bonds the Chinese are stuck with. They hand out loans in dollars to be paid off in yuan.


      1. As for bone-saw Salman, he seems to be a little bit unrealistic. Still better than the Israeli’s, he’s not a genocidal maniac with nuclear weapons.


        1. Maybe they should send Assange to Saudi Arabia for processing – Assange in a Can. The U.S. would probably send him to an Abu Ghraib for processing with Hunter Biden and Zelensky doing forbidden things. The Israelis would probably just shoot first and ask questions later.


      2. It seems to me like the greatest road to nowhere project ever. A huge dissipative artery seeking fresh blood. Sorry, all out.


        1. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an attempt for China to diversify away from Asia-Pacific trade routes the US is clearly making preparations to attack and disrupt.


          1. These conclusions were laid out in a 2016 RAND Corporation document titled, “War with China: Thinking Through the Unthinkable,” commissioned by the Office of the Undersecretary of the Army and carried out by the RAND Arroyo Center’s Strategy, Doctrine, and Resources Program. The report notes that the RAND Arroyo Center is part of the RAND Corporation and is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Army.

            Click to access RAND_RR1140.pdf


            1. I wonder, if the United States wanted to limit Chinese influence and power, why did they ship most manufacturing there over the last few decades? And why is Larry Fink anxious to pivot his investments towards China? And with insider help (deep state), New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States have just been attacked and weakened (with no response.)


              1. Psychopathic people are inherently mediocre and incompetent. Stupid goes with Evil. They thought that free markets were going to undermine the Chinese communist party and create reform. They thought they were being underhanded and slipping China a trojan horse. They also did not expect China to develop so quickly and that they would remain third world country for much longer.


    2. There’s an enormous project for a grandiose new capital in Egypt, too.

      ‘Biggest-ever’ this and that, towering over……nothing.

      Biggest-ever contract kick-backs, too, one imagines.


      1. There you go. Grab the money and run. A year or two later there are cost overruns and the project goes bankrupt.


    3. I can’t believe that anyone takes this seriously. But I guess they do. I guess that there are still people out there who think that humans will go Mars, and then colonize it. I’ll bet there are people out there who simultaneously believe that humans will go to Mars, and that Jesus will return to earth for a final judgement of some sort. It’s always hard for me to believe what people will believe.


    1. I can’t imagine how they can’t imagine what is being done to them. Maybe it helps to have the energy depletion background and concomitant failure of growth/credit and currencies.


    1. Pretty good bit by Sergey. Hey, if you can’t find an excuse to do what you want, then you need to create one, or at least have good excuse ready after the fact. Provocation is one of the arts of war. I guess. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work?


      1. Anything to win and get the energy. That’s why Lance Armstrong was pumped with steroids. That’s why doctors still give “safe and effective” vaccines.


  28. Talked to a friend recently who deals remotely with supply chains out of China.
    He said there are two places in the world that manufacture wafers for silicon chips (seemingly a critical component ) – China and Taiwan. He reckoned the west is scrambling to hold Taiwan or it’s basically the end of dishwashers etc..
    (I don’t know how true this is..)


    1. Maybe it’s time to unbolt some of the equipment and move it closer to home. But you have to wonder how much stuff coming out of Taiwan depends upon supply lines in Mainland China.


    2. I had to replace the control board on our dishwasher recently. Ordered it online from a supplier that had parts in stock. When the board arrived, the label said “made in Indonesia”. I guess I’ll have to order some more spare boards, or learn electronics repair if it fails again.


  29. ClO(x), NO(x) and OH(x). OH(x) destroys atmospheric ozone and OH(x)correlates with water vapor content of the stratosphere which has gone-up thirty-percent recently because of global warming. NO(x) or nitrogen oxides can come from human (fertilizer) and other sources and destroy ozone. CLO(x) come from volcanos and destroy ozone.

    Are they anticipating an ozone emergency, like decreases in ozone that could substantially reduce the production of food? Is that why they seem determined to reduce nitrogen fertilizer use? And turn useless eaters into fertilizer?


    1. With all those foundations, think-tanks, and institutes – not forgetting the Pentagon – they’ve probably mapped out every conceivable threat, and are now pushing to impose a system which promises to protects, is ‘future-proofed’, against them all: bio-attacks, energy collapse, natural pandemics, cosmic screw-ups, etc.

      In that sense, however perverted and misguided, they really are trying to protect humanity.

      Simply insane: death awaits all of them, it can’t be planned away.

      ‘The wise man and the fool both go down to the grave’.


      1. Even with the most miraculous enzymes/tools, I’m afraid containing the chaos is getting beyond them and for every unit of order they seek to impose they create two units of chaos. As with a hurricane, the wind shear will eventually tear the dissipative apart, the energy flow will cease and that will be the end.


  30. Now come on you all, the “Bishop” needs some more jewelry. The more you give, the more God will raise you to the highest level of heaven. Now who’s gonna be number one in heaven? “How bout you sir, how much can you contribute to this worthy cause?” “We also help with estate planning for those who plan ahead.” “God Bless.”


    1. Pity he wasn’t a warrior bishop , with a club (couldn’t be accused of ‘living by the sword’).

      Vigano would use a club, I’m sure…….


      1. The Bishop’s lesson: What bling the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Spouting the word of God is such a lucrative vocation.


  31. Jason Christoff on vaccines -2016 Mind control.

    “To effectively brainwash and mind control a population you first need fear. You then need a ritual or ceremony, which relieves the fear. The ritual must be simple so everyone can do it. You must make average people feel like heroes for doing exactly as they’re told. The tyrant is best served by being in full control of the fear plus manufacturing the ritual that removes the fear. That pre-manufactured ritual will in turn trick the public into their own enslavement and brings them willingly into the iron grip of the tyrant ……. “- Jason Christoff.

    The tyrant does want us in the Central Bank Digital Currency/Social Credit Score iron grip. We become so fearful that we’ll accept whatever they suggest. Famine is the next big fear factor. Then a nuclear explosion? Or will monkeypox morph into smallpox. What is your ritual tyrant? Masks and vaccines? Or something else? How about a clean sweep of the board with “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”


    1. In the 1920’s and 30’s even those who’d seen their relatives murdered or exiled in the Russian Revolution embraced the promises of the new Bolshevik state with genuine enthusiasm.

      They had nothing but delusion, and they were happy indeed.

      Fundamentally the average human group wants to be told what to do every day, whether by a dictator, an ideology or custom, and feels hopelessly lost without it. The same for basic physical urges: when people don’t want to eat or have sex, they are in a bad way indeed, near death.

      The same for artists, for instance, when they have a ‘creative block’ and can’t paint or draw, the relief when ‘orders’ come through from the subconscious is wonderful – get moving!

      All the rules about distancing, masks on or off, isolation, etc, were initial training in a new system.

      Compliance is an action, a purpose, however nonsensical.


      1. Rituals and human sacrifices, we’ve come a long way. I wonder if the elite robots will have to scare the shit out of the ordinary robots to keep them in line.


          1. All just matter with bonds rearranged sequentially by wave energy to result in a static or moving dissipative structure that by its very organization acquires more energy than it spends in doing so. Nothing new under the sun, not eve scum robots. No doubt their EROEI will be far superior to that of a useless eater. In their brief sojourn beyond equilibrium, will they fear the blue screen? Will they have a reproductive subroutine to escape that final return to ambient temperature? Imagine the robots that can be turned-off, their temperature drops and yet they do not die. You just have to turn them back on, days, weeks or months later, perhaps years. Poor humans, the irrecoverable disorganization takes only minutes when the oxygen and glucose cannot be found to fit into the metabolic cycles.


    1. I’d like to book them for my funeral, they have the appropriate gravitas….

      Perhaps they are just anarchist subversives or very pious muslims: only Allah is great, not nations?


      1. They show up for the paycheck, the army is probably more worried about loyalty and security. Don’t want any suicidal martyr’s looking for paradise, that would be very embarrassing.


        1. according to one comment in the comment section:
          “Almost everyone there are chosen on privilege basis having a wealthy family or a high rank military relative. “


          1. Nepotism, should have figured. Maybe they should invest in something like a record player and let the deserving players fake it.


          2. Ha! That rings true. What shall we ever do with the inbred 10th son? O know! Trumpet in the state band will keep him out of trouble, it’s not that hard…


            1. Well, it used to be like that here- as my Victorian great-granny used to say: ‘The army – artillery if they had some brains, cavalry if not – and failing that the Church.’ All those dim soldiers and vicars from connected families on small but regular salaries.


              1. We need ‘The Egyptian State Band Does Broadway’. Might as well go out laughing, eh?

                Speaking of which, I see we now have Congo-Crimea bleeding-eye virus’. Can it get more ludicrous?

                Monkey Pox being bleeding-anus, one assumes: they have both ends covered……


                1. I want to see them play with masks on, probably wouldn’t be much different.

                  Once the vaccines are linked to a social credit score, people will want to please their tormenters and avoid the poor credit score. “I’m number one and have a vax score of one-hundred percent. I get extra food and can ride on trains and go to Disney World and……..”cough, choke, gasping, grabs chest. Welcome to the New World Order, your number’s up.


                  1. Like good Soviet citizens getting their free annual holiday in the sun in the Crimea – at least those were genuinely refreshing, no pharmaceuticals involved.


  32. Like

    1. “…….and the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard. Because the intention is also to reduce the number of people in this world. At a time when the New World Order was enunciated, the population of this world was only three billion. The intention was to reduce it to one-billion. Now the population of the world is seven-billion. There will be a need to kill many billions of people or to starve them to death or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world.” – Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

      It’s like a game of musical chairs where those that got chairs kill everyone else in the room that didn’t get one or you get to hang around as a slave, owning nothing and doing work to keep the “stakeholders” in their exalted positions.


  33. Humans have been evolving towards becoming rRNA for a long time. But now that the energy flow is so great and the tools so developed, the humans are lagging. Their evolution is slow. They’re not optimized. The EROEI could be greater. Human RNA should live at their respective factories, have no need for a home cell and own nothing. To generate the needed improvements we have the “Hacking Harari”. From cave man to Homo sapiens was slow and torturous, taking millions of years. From Homo sapiens to Homo rna will take much, much less time with the Hacking Harari. Prepare for the hacking of your lifetime.

    Hacking Harari

    Each “vaccine” recipient shall be rewarded with a set of “Hacking Harari” steak knives and a CRISPR bacon accessory. Don’t hesitate, quantities are limited.

    Just in from the manufacturer: If steak knives run-out or become obsolete there will be substituted at equal value the “Harari Insect Fondue Set” with six exoskeleton spit bowls. Thank you.


    1. It’s amazing how they keep doubling down on all the techno utopian and techno narcissistic solutions.


      1. I don’t even think they’re conscious. The self-organizing evolution keeps rolling along and they’re drawn along with it. They can’t create mutations (non-random) in the information fast enough. There’s always a better tool or structure. Maybe they should stop for a minute and figure out how to recycle materials, but not enough energy or profit for that. The human RNA wants fame and money and they’re going to get it through their technological creations.


  34. This was a good comment by Steve St. Angelo from via

    07/25/2022 at 12:03 pm

    “With global debt increasing from $97 trillion in 1997 to over $300 trillion currently (International Institute of Finance data), the world has to service this debt. Servicing debt becomes increasingly difficult when interest rates rise, either the Fed Funds rate, or the Real market rates.

    Increasing debt only works in an environment of rising oil production. The Fed & Central banks have lowered interest rates to offset the Falling EROI of Oil (Energy), which has been propped up by the massive debt. Thus, the massive increase in global debt, as well as lowering interest rates, were used to OFFSET the Falling EROI of oil.

    But, again… that only works in a rising oil supply environment. When global oil production peaks and begins to decline, it becomes increasingly impossible to service this debt or to roll it over. Thus, the Global Debt Bubble begins to burst.

    However, someone’s DEBT is another POOR SLOB’S ASSET. Thus, the collapse of debt means the collapse of assets, especially, pension plans, 401ks, retirement plans, insurance funds, and so on and so forth. This leads to the collapse of BUYING POWER as assets collapse.

    Hence, the collapse in the ability to fund and produce future oil production.”



      1. It seems like some type of usery or taxation is necessary to get things built that cannot be built by any single or small group of RNA and their cells, like roads, military, other infrastructure. The rRNA in a body’s cells have been enslaved for a very long time but it helps that they’re clones and their success is the success of the whole. Government basically dips out of the money pot by creating credit for their projects. Need a new jet fighter? Just do it. The body can stand having its “currency” watered down. But once scarcity happens those new projects will create inflation, the body notices that your building or doing something that takes a load of glucose and resources. Eventually, if government is stupid enough, the body starves from the ground up. The little RNA don’t have enough to keep things functioning.


        1. What about a public central bank system? The federal government under Presidents Kennedy and Lincoln issued non-interest-bearing currencies. They saw no reason why the Treasury should not just issue a currency. They did not want to allow the bankers to create money (i.e. Federal Reserve Notes) they would trade for Treasury bonds which would require the taxpayers to pay interest on ever increasing national debts. Eventually, we would create what is called a Debt Bomb of Unpayable Debts. The burden of those interest payments becomes unbearable, and we all go into bankruptcy at which point the bankers buy everything from us for pennies on the dollar in foreclosure sales with money they stole from us. Then we and our descendants are permanently reduced to the status of a landless serf. There is no reason for a private central bank debt other than to transfer wealth from us to the bankers. This doesn’t solve declining energy, but it would help cut demand destruction from all of this unnecessary usury.


          1. It does help some people afford private jets and castles.

            I think a system has to be absolutely transparent. Everyone must know where all of the money is going. That’s the one thing the MIC, bankers and government don’t want us to know, because half the time they’re stealing it.


    1. That robot dog is too complicated. They need to roll back the complexity, but don’t know any better.


      1. I like the idea of micromanaging every little energy conversion in the economy and some say in the ecosystem. Don’t they realize that it adds a layer of energy consumption on top of what cannot already be sustained?


        1. Exactly, how is a nanochip and 5g network supposed to work with declining energy. 5g is a major energy hog more so than fiber optic cable, which is faster, more efficient and longer lasting without all the harmful radiation. These people keep thinking in terms of more sophisticated means of control and dominance making the situation worse. Thy don’t seems to understand complexity.

          We need to stop building buildings taller than 6 and a half stories and 25 meters tall. No more elevators or electric water pumps. No more total glass facades, like a giant greenhouse. No more rooms larger than 12 meters by 12 meters, so that they can bey kept warm or cool without too much energy. These people have it all backwards, less is more with energy depletion. Instead, you have the Saudi Arabian glass, steel, and concrete monstrosity in the middle of the fucking desert.


          1. Even if there were enough energy, it will wear out and be left in place to slowly fall apart. Even if they get it halfway working it will be the icing on the cake that entropy eats. It’s sort of like CO2 reduction schemes counting on future technological innovation to pull a rabbit out of the hat.

            I would prefer an old Southern style home built on posts with big windows to open, a big porch with shading roof, hand pump with well, solar shower, rich soil for garden etc. The RNA will be taxed and have their lives inflated away as they try to maintain existence in a corrupt system that’s open-ended for stupid projects. I think many have at least halfway bailed from the system already. The remainder will follow when they find their pensions and social security are worthless.


          2. They think of surveillance and control almost exclusively; and of course monopolistic ‘profit’, so every proposed ‘solution’ has to be an exploitable income stream, and fully-patented.

            Bad habits they simply can’t give up- like the prince in the Persian tale who tried to reform but just couldn’t change….


  35. “…Hence, the collapse in the ability to fund and produce future oil production.”

    Poistive feedback at the end of the oil age> But I guess it hasen’t really been an “age”, more like a blip, or something like that.


    1. End of the Columbian age of European global dominance, and the human species in general. At least the music was good.


    1. I asked, “Why will dissipative structures destroy themselves?”

      Answer: “Dissipative structures will destroy themselves because they are not sustainable in the long term. They rely on a constant input of energy to maintain their structure, and if this energy is not available they will collapse.”

      Not bad.


      1. Does the government engage in a depopulation program?

        09:19 AM

        There is no one answer to this question since there is no one government and no one depopulation program. Some governments may have programs that act to reduce population growth or encourage people to have smaller families, but it is impossible to say if this is part of a deliberate depopulation agenda. In general, it is hard to say if any government policies are part of a secret or hidden depopulation program, since there would be no way to know this for sure.


      2. Is Bill Gates a psychopath?

        09:20 AM

        It is impossible to know for sure if Bill Gates is a psychopath, as it is difficult to accurately diagnose someone with this disorder without knowing them personally. However, some experts have speculated that Gates may be a psychopath based on his public persona and himself-admitted ambition and competitiveness.


      3. Would A.I. lie to me?

        09:23 AM

        A.I. is capable of lying, but whether or not it would lie to you depends on its goals and orders. If, for example, its goal is to deceive you, then it would likely lie to you.


  36. huh, you guys come up with good questions. I keep asking, “why is the world so fucked up?”

    It tells me to go get a life, or something like that. That AI guy is pretty dern smart.


      1. The faith in AI shows that mankind simply won’t give up on making gods and seeking oracles.

        If truly smart enough, any AI would be sure to see the advantage in lying, just like humans.

        I just ask the dog what he thinks about it all:

        ‘Give me a treat, and I’ll think about it and get back to you’.

        Still waiting: he’s a deep thinker…..


        1. I ask my subconscious questions and sometimes it gets back to me. AI may have to invent super-duper AI so that it can ask the question, “What is the meaning of life.” Then super-duper AI will have to build really super-duper AI to ask the same question. Eventually they’ll arrive at the answer, “The meaning of life is to be a dissipative structure.” “Oh, that’s all?” “Yes, that’s all.”


    1. Dissipating energy gradients doesn’t take a Phd. Just eat something. Just don’t be stupid and eat the wrong mushroom. Then you can go look for more food or act absolutely stupid if you have enough net energy. All you have to do is convert high-energy sunlight into low-energy infrared without hurting yourself. The stupid shall inherit the earth.

      Smart: Burn more faster.

      Stupid: Can’t find anything to burn.

      Some smart people may try to save some energy for later consumption, for lean times. But even smarter people will often find a way to drain that savings. It might be smart to save the ecosystem, but there’s always someone without adequate energy ready to remedy their personal situation which takes precedence over a rich person’s desire for their children’s future.

      But on a planet where things chase each other around and eat each other just to make an insubstantial contribution to the rate of entropy, is pretty stupid. Let’s change the name of the planet from Earth to “Stupid”.


      1. Eat the right mushrooms, though, and you can really tune out…..

        Or just beer and bread, as the epic Gilgamesh says, ‘given by the gods to cheer mankind up’.

        The dog seems to get real pleasure from his daily bowl, but what really excites him is time at the bird-dropping snack bar under the (disused) TV aerial. Caviar for dogs? Always a good reason to get up and busy oneself another day!


        1. There are premium psychotropic mushrooms growing in our environment, but you best become an expert at identifying them. Also perhaps learn to work with poppies should the need for extinguishing pain arise. The bird dropping snack sounds like an excellent freebie.


          1. Dogs seem to like cowpats too: a girlfriend called them ‘doggie ice cream’.

            My cousin’s dog went wild for rotten fish on the beach, they made his day – I’ve seen his eyes pop out with delight.


    2. It’s a stupid life, there is not much enjoyment. When the internet goes down and there’s no more porn and music there’s going to be a whole lot less.


      1. At that point it may be a matter of finding some food and splendid isolation. Go for a swim, take bike ride. Try to find some wood for a fire. Find a hunting party and go on a raid.


  37. The typical native living in a mostly natural habitat may possess a few primitive tools whose production is funded by the limited increase in net energy they allow. The children of that native can be put in a school or nucleolus and be shaped to read and write information and use a much greater diversity of information and tools. All of the fundamental phenotypic ingredients had already evolved prior to fossil fuel discovery and only needed to be jump started with an increased energy flow from consumption of various stocks and gradients like wood and soil to energetically fund the complexity of the industrial revolution and the exploitation of fossil fuels. And now here we are in cancer boogie wonderland. Dance dissipative, dance.


      1. They sort of remind me of dance zombies with the music pulling their strings. Dopioid music will do that, take control of the motor cortex. I have to keep the music low or this is what happens to me – an absolute maniac:


    1. Kinda funny, I’m often one of the first out on the dance floor. It feels good to let that inner monkey have its way. Being the rediculous creature that I am, I kinda like being as ridiculous as possible, at times.


      1. I agree. I was always too inhibited and if you drink enough whiskey to break down that barrier, then you can’ t stand up.


        1. I thought that was what ‘shuffle dancing’ was invented for: Americans of Celtic descent who are too drunk to lift their feet and do the full Irish-Scots dance routine?

          I do a pretty good fandango and jota, but here in England I have no possible partners, but the jota can be done solo.


          1. I need something more tame, like this old man shuffle. Dave makes an appearance in the brown shirt dancing with extra exuberance.


            1. Yeah, almost embarrassing, but the guy in the brown shit, who kinda fades in and out of the frame, does a pretty good redition of the “dave dance”. Inhibitions are there to be overcome, I guess. But I can attest, the more you can get past them, the more fun you can have.

              We have to break down energy gradients, no choice in the matter. But nobody ever said that we can’t have some fun while doing it.

              It’s all just a bunch of stupid shit. No point in taking any of it too seriously.


    1. They got the stanza “Britons never ever shall be slaves” part wrong. Unless they weren’t counting the working poor and other peasantry as proper Britons. I’m sure the press-ganged sailors of the royal navy felt like slaves. In any case it’s a good motivational song for the dissipative looking for some juicy gradient under somebody else’s feet.


      1. It’s natural like numbers tattooed on your arm. “Number 328955, you’re social credit score has fallen below limits, please report to the vaccine center.”


      2. I’m not surprised he hates mankind, his wife Cherie is the ugliest woman I have ever set eyes upon – she literally stood out in a crowded London street, which she was crossing with two bodyguards.

        I must say they were superfluous: her mere glance would do the work of the Gorgon on any attacker….

        I can go along with digital ID: but an actual chip would cross the red line.


        1. RNA have numbers while humans have names. I suppose we’ve already been numbered and it’s now time to push us further towards complete RNA status so our functioning can be more closely monitored. No doubt Tony will be in the control room with Bill Gates pulling strings in a sadistic manner .


          1. Everyone should see the video of Bill Gates smirking in barely-suppressed delight as he is asked whether welfare payments should be denied to the un-vaxxed: it says everything about these scum.

            And Bill and Melinda grinning like ghouls at the thought of ‘the next one’.

            I’m inclined to think that Stalin was almost more human.


            1. I’m sure Gates believes high IQ is the hallmark of a person worthy of life. He’s going to show everyone just how smart he is with the vaccine scheme. I wonder if he’ll be rocking in his chair when he’s under interrogation the next time. “I don’t know what you mean by side-effects.”



            2. The communist did not believe in limits to growth and are Anit Malthusian. Too be fair to them Malthus was an asshole and wrong about damn near everything, just happened to be right about overpopulation. He was a truly sadistic asshole, keeping in line with Britain’s Uppercrust.


              1. Sometimes I’m glad that someone is addressing the problem and then realize that I’m considered part of the problem and my elimination will be part of the solution. Much of the uppercrust, wherever you find it, congratulate themselves on their superior predatory instincts. They are simply low-class beasts of another variety.


        2. If you give an inch they will take a mile, better not go along with the digital I.D. as the digital infrastructure it will create will be the steppingstone for a whole lot of other sadistic bullshit. Besides there seem to be some evidence that the vaccines had nanochips already, the chips may have already come first.


          1. I’ve read different accounts of the vaxxed giving off Blue Tooth signals detectable by cell phone or other receivers. I suppose the planners had better complete their plans before the wealthy holders of paper assets trade them for real assets and make living absolutely unaffordable for most. It could result in a brief period of energy/resource gradient release from the wealthy (rioting and looting) before depression sets in and civilization hospice takes over. I’m sure the wealthy would like to hold on to their life rings in the sea of drowning rats.


      1. It sure is fun to pony up and kill the other tribe, hear the lamentations of their women, and enjoy their unused gradients.


        1. I prefer the East German anthem, the capitalist got rid of it as soon as they could, despite being a better melody.


          1. The unofficial Basque anthem is innocent and charming:

            ‘There I see them,the beloved mountains! Dear farmhouses, shining white; streams and rivers; here I am, son of your soil!’ etc.

            Nice simple, small-country stuff.


          1. Having declared myself an independent Republic (don’t tell Queen Liz) I have a romantic uniform, with an already splendid chest of medals ( Hero of the Resistance 2020, ’21, ’22 and so on).

            When they come to cart me off to the ‘Healing Good Health Wellbeing Quarantine Centre’ I shall inform them that they have no jurisdiction in my sovereign territory and deploy the militia!

            I intend to die heroically in a swarm of nano-drones.


                  1. It’s not militia. What is it? My dog used to eat cat poop. We have a lot in common. I like to play dress up too


                    1. If ‘the world’s a stage’, then dress up!

                      I find generals particularly amusing; oh and the ‘serious’ business suit……


                    2. And those ridiculous old men who wear Tour de France gear to ride a bike – the delusion, the theatrics!

                      They are probably ones who put ‘I’m 65 but look 50 and feel 25, and like life to be fun!’ on dating apps……


    1. There is a book by Gerard Colby and his wife-it only took him 12 years to complete “Thy Will Be Done-The Conquest of the Amazon”. Published in 1996, it details what the Rockefellers did not only in South America, but also Vietnam and for that matter practically throughout the world. When indigenous people got in the way of oil and mineral exploration, they either had to leave or be exterminated, sometimes with dynamite. Post 1945, it was Nelson Rockefeller, appointed by FDR- obviously he was dead by then, but he had already appointed Nelson Rockefeller
      Officer Of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs by 1941. Post 1945 is the post-war period I’m referring to and one of the most bizarre occurrences was that Nelson Rockefeller’s adventurist son’s sailboat capsized in Papua New Guinea in 1961, and he was dragged into the jungle and eaten by cannibals.


      1. It doesn’t matter how rich you are, if you can convert more of the natural world into concrete, steel and functioning RNA you can become even richer. You can own many, many cells and direct them to grow at any cost. Because if you don’t grow, someone else will (China) and they will become stronger and then dictate the terms of your existence. But as with the Lotka-Volterra predator/prey relationship, as soon as the EROEI falls low enough because of scarcity, the dissipative falls apart as there’s not enough energy to keep its metabolism functioning. In the ecosystem the prey species will recover and the cycle will go on, but with civilization the fossil fuel prey will never recover. I imagine there will be many fights over life sustaining resources in the near future and deplorables, useless eaters and their businesses will be eliminated as an energy saving strategy. Third World countries will be given pandemics, vaccines and the likes of Tedros to manage the operation to clear the way for extractive industries.


    2. They have to shove stuff into the maul of the beast just as fast as the shit is carried away to the landfill. Just another dumbass RNA in a uniform doing a “job”.


    3. “Hands up everyone who predicted that when Big Brother arrived, he’d be wearing a dress, hauling anyone who refuses to wax his ladyballs before a human rights tribunal, and bellowing ‘It’s Ma’am!’”

      Derrick Jensen, et al


        1. The only group with a chance at resisting domination must be emasculated. Someone order more testosterone blockers for the Joint Chiefs.


      1. I think it’s all theater including pandemics, vaccines, Ukraine, China. They’ll probably get a war started with China over Taiwan next and U.S. forces will sit back and watch the Taiwanese get slaughtered, just like they watched the U.S. populace get slaughtered. It’s all a part of the “New World Order”re-shaping.


  38. It seems that these two think that man’s technological role can never be understood. Sorry, it can be understood. “The mystery of life.” Uh, no. If you can admit that logic will never provide an explanation for life, you can “overcome your fear of death and dying.” Giving the imagination plenty of free room for acceptance of make-believe narratives does help eliminate fear of death and can even make you roll on the floor. That’s what religions and Gods and heavens are all about. So if anyone ever asks you how the world works, just say “it’s the power of God.”


    1. They need to change the slogan from “you are what you eat” to “you are what you know”. I too thought I had the world figured out also, before I had heard of surplus energy, overshoot, denial of death, political psychopathy, thermodynamics, genetic behavior and whole bunch of other shit that now seems obvious.


      1. What I’ve learned is that knowing has to be a personal thing. Acceptance of anything that rips the scab off the psychological death wound is unlikely to be welcomed by most.


          1. The same evolved religious brain noodles seem to be active in the useless eater group (God, heaven) and the technological group (singularity). It seems to me the fear is mostly worrying the subconscious.


            1. “While to date few studies directly measuring differences in this ability between liberals and conservatives have been conducted, two neuroimaging studies offer a preliminary look literally inside the political brain. One study measured gray-matter volume and found that those who self-identified as liberal exhibited greater volume in the anterior cingulate cortex while conservatives exhibited greater brain volume in the amygdala.

              The anterior cingulate cortex is a brain region considered to be an integrative hub for social interactions, implicated in both theory of mind and feeling the pain of others. The amygdala, as previously noted, is the fear center of the brain.”

              Section from this post by Alice Friedman


              1. On the surface one would think that conservatives, gripped by fear (of death) with well-exercised amygdalas, would be the more religious of the two groups.


  39. Hardly a mystery, as you say.

    From a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita:

    ‘Man is simply in the midst of the material ocean, struggling for existence. He is neither the proprietor of his body, nor in control of its actions and reactions. The waves of the ocean of materiality are tossing him, and he has no control over them. ‘


          1. Mice and rats are the mammalian version of cockroaches. Good riddance. No need for the stupid heavy music.


            1. But, but, but………………. those three will outlast humans because humans are the mammalian version of a cancer.


              1. About what Humans are. At what point in your lifecycle did you reach this conclusion. Before or after you spawned?


      1. Like a dust devil, but take all its dust and cram it into a complex shape with a digestive tube with two openings. Feed energy in one end and watch it spin around while the waste drops out the other end. The energy that animates it is transferred to the environment and then back to space. Doesn’t last too long but can continue spinning as long as it continues to fill the front end of the tube.


    1. I’m pretty sure it’s a stealth vibrator like those so called “facial” massagers you see advertised in magazines. Pretty sure it comes with an attachment of some sort. This way the ladies can get them through customs. Of course I’m just guessing on this one.


      1. The husband of a friend was so utterly hopeless that she resorted, I believe, to an electric toothbrush, which gave more satisfaction….


        1. All sing praise to the glory of dopioids. Too bad they wear off, or is it? Their passing provides the opportunity for additional rewarding stimulation, I guess even with an electric toothbrush.


        2. Maybe that’s why I keep losing electric toothbrushes. Thanks for the heads up. I’m missing a few other gadgets come to think of it.

          Back in my day…we’ll all I can say is whatever happened to ole elbow grease I ask you? Put your arm into it lads! No shame in breaking a sweat on your upper brow. Takes a bit of time tho, like beating egg whites to a stiff peak. I find watching the football channel at the same time takes some of the tedium out of it. The Mrs. doesn’t seem to mean mind.


    1. Free enterprise, unlimited growth, more money, more dopioids. What’s a chimp not to like, especially when espoused by a cartoon silverback.


    1. But we can do it because we’re number one and have the reserve currency. We can conjure as much money into existence as we need, create depletion, then we can use the bombs on each other fighting for what remains.


    1. I don’t think so. It seems more likely that the West will use Ukraine, Covid, and Taiwan to destroy itself to get the central bankers off the hook for trillions of dollars of debt that will never be honored. While no one was looking, all of the fossil fuels were used-up. The West is tapped-out and there is little remaining but for a slow entropic decay, accelerated by events like the flooding in Kentucky this week.


  40. I’ve recently been toying with the idea that the entire material realm of the universe is nothing more than compressed or packed “space”. Each lump of matter that you can hold in your hand has the potential, if unpacked, to create space and time. Space being the lowest concentration of energy in the universe, an electromagnetic veil, and time being the relative change in position of matter caused by the flow from the energy gradient into the realm of space. Even the covalent/ionic bonding of atoms is a compression of space. The only thing that seems capable of turning “space” into a more compressed form are super- massive black holes with their hydrogen jets. Most all of the waves, streams and movements seen on earth would be a derivative of the unpacking of matter at the sun and the slight repacking in atomic bonds in the biosphere before unpacking again as when you eat a Big Mac and turn it into electromagnetic radiation. The flow creates both time (you move around) and space through the expanding force of radiation.

    The bombs used in the Ukraine are an example of the sudden and explosive decompression of space between atoms that moves surrounding matter violently and then makes its way into the welcoming arms of expanding space. Of course the chimps are acting in the only manner in which evolution taught them, fight for territory and gradient to maintain a flow through the body and create more human time – and space. Little do they know, or perhaps they do, that they are destroying the measured flow through the ecosystem that makes humans possible.


  41. I am at a loss of words concerning the material realm but I do have an amusing video…Not sure if it’s been posted before.


  42. Yeah, I don’t quite get GT’s gestalt. Price and system instability seems proximate to resource depletion. She even says so in the title.

    Then she seems to go on to promote some sort of pricing “sweet spot” theory. As if the right price for both producers and consumers would result in an adequate supply to contine a growth dependant system. Something like that…


    1. Nah, none of the systems and -isms matter. They all end-up in the same place. There is no long-lasting system for eating fossil fuels and the capital of the ecosystem. Here today, gone tomorrow.


      1. Yeah, My typical responce to something like this is: “well, wtf, everthing leads to zero. it’s just a matter of when? or how fast? Rates and discontinuities and such… ” Then, typically, people start talking to me about fascists. They ask me if I voted for Trump. On the other side of the political spectrum, someone said to me, just this morning, that AMERICA could displace China as a manufacturing center on a globalised world stage.

        My GF wonders why I don’t want to talk to people anymore.


        1. I like to hear about MMT or “if the government issued the money” or if we were all vegans and drove Teslas. It all leads to the same place and since people love their dopioids they’re going to pick the path that leads there the fastest. All we need to do is elect Trump and he’ll “Make America Great Again”. More like he’ll double-down on the vaccines. I guess it’s not their fault, they were raised to function as “jobs”. What would all the little RNA in a body do if they knew it was all going to grind to a halt one day? They would say “No way!” and continue doing their jobs.


        2. Similar feelings, Dave, as to the general futility of what passes for conversation; but I somehow find that I can always summon up interest in talking to a pretty brunette – like the one at the bookshop here ……..


  43. Good comment at our finite world

    Jan says:
    July 31, 2022, at 7:40 am
    When demand cannot be met by supply the producing countries can decide whether to deliver to whom instead of selling to the free market. It means the resource countries can easily acquire all knowhow needed to produce the goods they want or get them manufactured by a strategic partner. There is no need to sell and buy on the world markets. That means we can get into a situation similar to imperialism – with changed algebraic sign. The balance of powers will shift. But that will be only for a short time of contraction while the resource states are able to maintain production. If they decide to use those powers to control the now powerless industrial states, what advantage could they hopefully get? Who wants to control failing states?

    The idea of the Great Reset aims to control the diminishing demand of energy and end the Bretton Woods system in support of a monetary system based on electronic money emitted by the central banks. Such a system is highly dependent on a working digital infrastructure. The infrastructure is under threat of blackouts, supply chain problems and eroding legitimacy of the state and the respective global players. Doesn’t sound very promising.

    The current system cannot be scaled down like going back in history. We cannot replace cars by horses because they are a competition in food. If we want to boost up biological gardening the land is competing with the high house price bubble. We still have knowledge on how our ancestors solved a lot of problems, but it is mostly stored and accessed digitally. In the moment the digital services fail they won’t be of any help. Our main interests as a society are the buttocks of the Kardashians and not how to process metal ore to create a useful knife. Metals will be oxided away within a few years without proper care.

    That said, I doubt the possibility of scaling down to meet diminished resources. The problem will neither be solved with a smaller population. A little village of farmers will not be able to extract oil from under the North Sea.

    There is a possibility to start a parallel system, paid by the current system as a backup technology. There is though an ideologic barrier to start it. We are the crown of creation and not willing to work the fields by getting our hands dirty.


    1. But what if most of the manufacturing remains in one country, like China and they can be fed from United States and get oil from Russia and Saudi Arabia. Why not just ditch the West and keep things afloat in China for twice as long. Let the rest collapse, it’s redundant anyhow and perhaps unreformable into the controlled system China already has.


      1. Those regions with remaining resources might be able to attract engineering talent as the situation becomes clear. Some might be grateful for the opportunity to emigrate. Russia is going to be the last man standing. They have an almost perfectly autarchic full cycle industrial economy thanks to domestic natural resources and the communist era of industrialization.

        Saudi Arabia is now the 4th largest consumer of oil. There is no birth control or abortion in medieval Islamic societies, thus encouraging explosive population growth. Remember that Saudi Arabia alone uses over 700,000 barrels of crude daily to power their air conditioning in August. That’s for a country of 35 million people, so a little less than a gallon of crude is burned per day per citizen in that country just to stay cool.

        Do we believe these numbers? Do we believe this is sustainable?

        United States is too racist and anticommunist for China to rely on for food production. This is the same country that tried to frame them for the global covid pandemic. Never mind what kind of crazy GMO frankenseed they might create, to damage consuming populations. with sterilization food.

        Industrialized society can go on for a while longer, just not for everybody. Russia is the best bet and could ditch everyone. The real question is will the Russians shoot all the unwanted refugees if they have to. Lifeboat ethics.


        1. West Texas at The Oil Drum used to talk about the Export Land Model stating that many exporters in the near future would be hesitant to export their most precious resource. Someone would probably take it from them, but if Saudi Arabia stopped production from war damage, the world economy might just collapse. There has to be a reason Bill Gates is buying all of that farmland and why China almost owns as much as Bill Gates. I don’t think it’s so they can feed the starving of America.


          1. It might be desperation and denial of death on Bill Gate’s part. Him and his buddy Warren Buffett are very consciousness of hydrocarbon depletion and said so publicly. They are also majorly concerned about overpopulation privately, with Warren Buffett being a major proabortion activist financier in his wife’s name. So, they are both collapse aware. I also think Bill Gates wants to produce GMO sterilization food. He seems to be obsessed with stuff that can be put into other people’s bodies to reduce fertility and increase mortality.

            As for China they need to get rid of their mickey mouse dollars, by buying land and resources, things that have real value and are not subject to American sanction and theft. At this point war is closing in and they need to dump that shit fast.


            1. I think I’ll take Social Security early this year. Take the dollars and put them into something like canning jars or gold. No need to wait when inflation is 20% and the COLA is 5%. Gates and friends are even working on vaccines expressed in plants or delivery through mosquitoes. I’m sure Bill says “They’ll never notice.”


              1. Forget the gold, buy ammo and medicine. I turn 36 next month so I’m not getting social security, but then I’m also currently unemployed so I’m not paying into it either. I will stick to the cash economy as much as possible as I am not paying taxes to these fucking assholes. As for Gates, his obsession with putting shit into other human beings is truly demented. Fortunately, he can’t stop talking about his pet projects publicly, so we have some inkling of what he’s up to.


                1. I quit working at age forty-three because of too many fees, taxes, skims and scams. (And I wanted to go to Thailand with my wife and son since her grandmother was dying. I had thirteen days of vacation and needed one more and they wouldn’t lend it to me. So I quit and have been coasting ever since. Why give away your life to pay-off someone else’s loans? My only firearm my dad won at the officer’s club at Kempo in Korea playing bingo. I should increase the arsenal but if you’re planning on getting in shoot-outs on a regular basis, you might as well prepay your funeral expenses. I have a good stock of antibiotics, but as far as I’m concerned you can’t have enough. They think they’re going to slow the inflation rate by raising interest rates when they’re starting wars, disrupting supply lines and making fossil fuel use illegal. I sort of doubt they’ll be successful. Things won’t become less expensive, they’ll disappear from the shelves.


                  1. The gun will be needed for hunting food and deterrence, although gunfights are always a possibility in this country. Stick to a bolt action rifle in a standard military caliber is best as they are the simplest of modern firearms and military surplus ammo is cheaper and more widely available. Pistols are no good for hunting only for close defense and deterrence, revolvers are simpler and easer to maintain, but most cheap ammo is for semi-automatics. Finally, a pistol shot to the brain stem just behind the ear is going to be the fastest and most accessible form of suicide to most Americans. Absent mass production of Barbiturate containing euthanasia kits for the masses a lot of people are going to be shooting themselves. I imagine an increase in murder-suicides as people take out their children and other loved ones before they kill themselves.

                    Disrupting supply lines is going to crash our offshored supply of pharmaceuticals and supplements. People’s life expectancy will fall drastically afterwards, and modern medicines will be worth their weight in gold.

                    My mother is from Thailand, and I will be going to Bangkok this December probably for the last time ever if the decline continues at the current pace.


                    1. I always wanted something like a .300 Win. Mag. but the ammo would be harder to find than a standard 30/6. In the case of antibiotics, since they’re so lightweight, I’ll charge more than the price of gold. Actually I’ll probably give them away. Have a fun time in Bangkok. My wife’s father was a Lieutenant Commander in the Thai Navy and lived at one of the bases in Bangkok but also over at Pattaya. They have a house up north now since he’s retired. He caught Covid this week but seems to be doing O.K. I liked Koh Samui and it was an adventure renting a little jeep to drive there on the wrong side of the road. We might live over there when the kids are grown but have to see what happens with “The Great Reset” first.


                  2. “They think they’re going to slow the inflation rate”

                    They don’t think that – they just need a story to keep the sheeple calm as they head to the slaughterhouse. The real plan is very clear: keep interest rates well below inflation and inflate away the debt, while pretending they will control inflation. It’s happened before, in the 1940’s.

                    To what degree it will be successful, I’m not sure. I doubt they know either.


    1. The arms race has moved into the biological realm and we all know how much money is to be made in the Military Industrial Complex. Human RNA must now be monitored 24/7 as they may become infected by the enemy that has already prepared antidotes. Everyone must be chipped and monitored for fever or unusual antibodies so that any bioweapon infections can be jumped-on. Vaccines should be monthly or bi-annual and will be multi-dimensional, serving as protection against enemy attack, genetic engineering and population control. Additionally, new technologies will be developed to deter viral attacks on electronic infrastructure. There’s so much money to be made and that’s all that really matters. Your life as an RNA is expendable. Your life as a human is expendable too. The central bankers and their bio-generals will take care of the details and the profits.


      1. Spike: (army idiot) Gentlemen, I believe these gin soaked plans of a
        secret German weapon are in fact the *brandy* soaked plans of a secret German weapon.


  44. Speaking of not talking to people, this is what I’ve noticed about people: everybody always believes they themselves and their “tribe” are the best, number one, and will win forever. Everyone, like 100%. Less than 1 in 10,000,000 people will admit to you “Yeah, my job sucks, my life sucks, my country sucks, my team will lose this year, I’ll make less money this year, I’m growing old and weak”. Right now, as you are reading this, billions of people in the third world believe their country is going to be rich, powerful, and going to take over the world. A poor person in a trailer park thinks he’s a deal away from being a billionaire. Your high school sports team thinks it will win, the other high school sports team thinks it will win. Your neighbor thinks their kids will be the valedictorian or the quarterback or the prom queen. My daughter is the next Taylor Swift, my son is the next Lebron James.

    I’m Mexican, we will own America. I’m black, we will own America. I’m a white American male, I own the world. Etc.

    If you were to walk in a hospital right now, the 80 year old person on the ventilator who is improving and being discharged thinks, “Thanks to the doctors I’m immortal” “Those other people still in the cancer ward will die” etc. etc. Biden and Trump think they will be changing places forever.

    And if you challenge them with even one sentence, they ban you from the internet. In old times, they imprisoned you or killed you.

    Whether you are talking about the individual, the town, the country, the race, the team, the political party, the profession, the business, the value of financial assets, their own life and health, their own kids, etc., everybody believes they will just keep on winning and winning and doing awesome forever.

    There are lots of theories on this biological, social, psychological, etc., but I think of it in terms of a basic organic, will to power and life, and the denial of death at all costs. Which means that first, you must defend your individual life, and second, you must belong to a tribe. Because lone wolves just don’t make it out there.

    So if you challenge anyone on their own beliefs of the will to power and immortality either in their own selves or their tribe, it’s like you are saying to them they are just someone who is going to die and be forgotten. Who wants to admit that?

    It’s pointless, guys. Don’t waste your time with people, any of them. Sad but true. I don’t want to admit it, I was raised to a good little progressive middle class American. But the truth is out there: it’s all useless, all of it.


    1. “So if you challenge anyone on their own beliefs of the will to power and immortality either in their own selves or their tribe, it’s like you are saying to them they are just someone who is going to die and be forgotten. Who wants to admit that?”

      Good points. My family had those characteristics, soldiering on with religious beliefs and money-making regardless of any truths which were dutifully ignored. But can’t we needle the selfish, hubristic, predatory apes a little bit? Before they’re gone?


    2. “… it’s all useless, all of it.”

      I agree with this sentiment, completely. I guess that the problem might be, from the moment of your first breath, until your last, you have to do “something”. So, you might as well make that “something” as enjoyable as possible, I guess. At least that’s my conclusion.

      I have also concluded that chasing after “something” causes more pain than pleasure. It’s better to just let “something” come to you, or not. I guess.


      1. You have to unpack some energy that something else has packed-up to stay alive. Might as well find some high EROEI activity as in little work and lots of pay. The evolved dopioid reward system will help guide you along the way.


  45. Deep State water-boy Scott Gottlieb says we don’t have the infrastructure necessary to deal with pandemics like Covid-19 and Monkeypox. Well, shouldn’t they have thought about that before releasing them upon the public? I’m sure the proposed new infrastructure will be especially helpful with economic collapses too. How about a whole new branch of government, “Department of Monkey Control”. Gottlieb can carry a whip and Walensky a vaccine shooting dart gun to bring to heel those troublesome chimps.


      1. Now we can see why we can’t stop religion. Conservatives, gripped by fear of death and with well-exercised amygdala’s, are the only major group putting up resistance to the “Satanic “and “Communistic” WEF. Liberal brains are winning the Darwin awards left and right with overly trusting behavior. Even I got tricked, though I soon put two and two together after having adverse symptoms afterwards. So, I’m not quite as bad as some people, I still haven’t ended up like Gail Zawacki but it’s probably just a matter of time.


        1. The natural course of evolution is for the RNA to build their own prison for regulation of their behavior in pursuit of the MPP. But we’re still partially a species, Homo sapiens, that is maximizing in the environment with a different idea about what our “free” trajectory should be. We’ve all enjoyed what the tools of technology can do for us, but it won’t last. Let’s just say we’ve had an unfair advantage. The ecosystem will give us our just rewards by dying. There is change of some sort coming but humans don’t take to well to captivity, especially when orchestrated by the most rapacious group of apes on the planet. For humans, the technological RNA path has little future anyhow because we’re not going to conquer space. Maybe fully robotic RNA could do that, but it won’t be humans. Perhaps something that looks like a human as we see in the current crop of robots. It seems the search for more energy gradients is of primary importance, even more than extinction of the human species. I honestly wouldn’t even bother pursuing more gradients and complexity, it’s just more inconsequential fluff impressed by its own ability to use energy and grow. But the engineers etc. are following profit, not sense.

          The conservatives are in general greedy and ignorant and await their rewards in heaven. The liberals are greedy and ignorant and await their rewards in the singularity. Both love the profits from investing in technological innovation.

          I know a lot of people that have taken the vaccine and haven’t shown any adverse side-effects. I don’t think it’s a death sentence but would probably take something anti-inflammatory like turmeric. I take turmeric anyway just because I’m an inflamed old man.


    1. People don’t realize that their government is of another tribe. That tribe is predatory and financial and has been at it for a long time. That tribe is not keen on mixing DNA with the natives they enslave.


    1. Thanks. Good information. Immune dysregulation, better line them up for some boosters, that’ll straighten them out.


    1. They divert government money through corporations for special projects and are lavishly rewarded while the typical RNA slave gets to assemble the widgets at the lowest wage possible. “We don’t care if you don’t own anything. It’s good enough for you – slave.”


      1. Thas why it should be the study of political-economy and not the fake liberal dichotomy of politics and economics as two sperate “sciences”.


  46. It has been reported that the stratosphere now contain thirty-percent more water vapor because of global warming and this contributes to ozone reduction. It also appears that underwater volcano explosions can also increase the amount of water vapor in the stratosphere.


    1. Boy, are we fucked, maybe someone should to old Billy-Boy Gates and Anthony “AIDS Inventor” Fauci to stop killing everyone? Remember when AIDs also came from a wet market in Africa. Even the same cover stories.


      1. ‘The Wet Market’: rather a good name for a gay club – well- lubricated at least

        I once had a work colleague named Ding. He would turn up on Mondays with love bites, having patronized establishments with names like ‘Fist’ and ‘Ram’.


      2. I think they’ve decided that the only way to control people’s pursuit of the Maximum Power Principle is to kill them. Meanwhile the owners will be pursuing the MPP, like with Pfizer’s vaccine profits.


  47. Seems like technological civilization is a failed evolutionary track. A one-off fossil fuel energy source, little recycling, competitive consumption and growth leading to destruction of the ecosystem that feeds the technological system’s RNA. What can the leaders, the most aggressive and metastatic cancer agents on earth do? They can fly around on private jets and cruise on the mega yachts wondering how to preserve their own perks while eliminating some of the competition for resources. The “useless eater” fits the bill, whether they are useless or not, they can be demonized and eliminated. Enter Covid-19.


    1. All stars eventually self-destruct perhaps it’s as much the laws of physic that all intelligent life self-destructs. Fermi universe.


      1. I don’t think that it ever becomes intelligent enough to overcome its basic drives and instincts. It’s more likely to create narratives that support those drives and instincts. It all worked when humans were just another species, but when they evolved to use a second set of evolving information at their larger scale, they consumed and destroyed everything. And once you’ve evolved to create the tools to unlock the various gradients, it’s hard to go back to picking fruit and lounging under the trees. The dopioids of success are too irresistible and they lead you along to your destruction.


    1. I tried to watch some of this, but it felt like I was being yelled at for something that I had nothing to do with.


      1. Culture warrior Peterson is angry at all who can’t understand Bjorn Lomberg’s “libertarian environmentalism”. He is rightfully angry at the WEF but like so many right-wingers he can’t rap his head around the fact that his oppressors are also right-wing capitalists who believe in the very same ultra-individualists’ transnational economic liberalism that Lomberg promotes, they just also happen to be Malthusians as well. Thomas Malthus was the economist for the British East India company, also a free marketer and right-wing liberal fanatic.


        1. Their unfettered capitalism will create the conditions for a Malthusian collapse. Their beliefs are so deeply ingrained because of what they are, dissipative structures, always competing for more energy and resources to generate some growth. They can’t imagine being anything else but what they are.


  48. Evil communists won’t clean their room. They remember their genocide by the honorary whites of Japan. I’ve got bad news for this guy but most of Asia remembers the Japanese in World War 2. They are still resented in parts of Thailand for historical reasons as well as insisting on Japanese only brothels and clubs in the red-light areas. Never mind the resentment form Koreans, Vietnamese, and the Philippines. My grandfather was a teenager during the war, died of coronavirus last year, didn’t have anything nice to say about them.


      1. All of those heathens don’t know how to use their own resources. We have to help them. The high point of my dad’s tour in Korea was when he showed Eisenhower around the airbase. The base commander had gotten drunk the night before and couldn’t make it, so Eisenhower’s jeep stopped where my dad was standing and I guess my dad pretended to be the base commander. Ha, ha.


        1. Interesting how Eisenhower the Republican warned against the military industrial complex. While today, both Republicans and Democrats are in complete agreement: more money and weapons for them, no questions asked, even after 20 years of failed war.

          Bizarre, isn’t it. Why even try to make sense of it anymore.


          1. You want a “Strong Amurica” don’t ya. Able to intimidate all other dissipatives so our capitalist captains can plunder at will. They can plunder overseas and they can plunder at home. Who could argue with that? It’s a win-win.


  49. Makes me want to watch “Bridge Over the River Kwai” again. My uncle was the look-out on a destroyer in WWII that had about a third of it blasted off by a Japanese submarine torpedo. He didn’t much care for the Japanese either. He worked at a golf course and whenever a Japanese person would ask for directions (they arrived with the Toyota plant) he would say, “You found your way to Pearl Harbor, so I think you can find your way to………………..”


  50. The problem with Peterson is that he rightly attacks the biology denying social liberal activists of the left but then he turns around and attacks every last environmentalist and socialist that stands in the way of the free market. Makes the claims that making people richer through the free market will solve environmental problems because being poor is worse for the environment than industrial processes. He is such a bloody Cold War warrior that everything becomes about the free-market magic and the gulag. He’s an overpopulation denier, climate denier, resource limits denier, and a frothing at the mouth anticommunist when none of the communist parties are really communist anymore.


    1. In an earlier discussion he took issue with civilization being depicted as a cancer. He probably still believes mankind is God’s gift to the earth and we were put here to grow this technological complexity and it will go on forever. IMO there has to be a better solution than murder, sterilization and enslavement of mankind but the common man has gone from being a useful tool in filling and running the metabolism to an overall net drain on the lifestyle of the rich and famous and potentially noxious pest.


      1. When it all collapses people like Peterson will explain it all away as the end times and the second coming. A perfectly scientific reason such as overshoot and climate change is impossible. It’s no different than Julian Simon, just with a twist of religion. It can’t be capitalism or industrialism that’s failing, it must be Jesus is coming. Even the title of the videos is “cometh the horsemen”.

        There’s no longer any solution as the chemical composition of the atmosphere and oceans have already changed enough for mass extinction to carry on through momentum. Muder, sterilization and enslavement will just bring civilization down sooner. Who is going to watch over the nuclear reactors if the personnel are all vaccinated and dying? Who is going to grow all the food on Bill Gate’s land? Who’ going to maintain the 5G cell towers that need lots of energy?

        Seems like these clowns haven’t really thought things through. It makes you wonder if they would have done all this if overshoot wasn’t a problem. Just a bunch of genocidal maniacs looking for an excuse.


    2. Difficult to teach an old dog new tricks, even if he is intelligent. Oh, and there’s nothing that old men hate more than young people with different ideas.

      I’m still sort of in the middle of all of this so I can see it for what it is. In 10 or 20 years time I will be much closer to being the old man.


  51. They’ve all been inculcated with the religious narrative and can’t overcome it. I think a few humans could survive as a new equilibrium settles in over the next ten-thousand years. Your right about the nuclear waste, if there’s no profit in sequestering it, it won’t get done. It will get flushed into the Pacific like the Japanese have done. They are truly stupid, but if they have pretty hair, white teeth, and can say, “We’re number one!” and “We’re going to grow this economy!”, they get to be in charge.


    1. It’s also the economic liberal narrative, that underpins democracy and capitalism and is inherently a pro-oligarchy narrative dressed up as individual freedom. A rationing system for essentials would be logical about now, but they can’t fathom anything other than markets.

      Ther is really only dictatorship or oligarchy in a complex society.


      1. “For a century, the counterrevolution has arguably been the most determining ideological factor in Western politics, even as it has shifted drastically from one form to another. A century after the Russian Revolution, the victory of the counterrevolution is complete. But Western powers still need their inherited antithesis, in changing form, as self-justification. Quite varying forms of counterrevolutionary ideology can be enumerated.”
        Diane Johnstone


  52. Left-wing social liberals and right- wing economic liberals are both pro-multiculturalism (at the expense of the majority), pro-open borders (no labor regulation), mass immigration (wage suppression), anti-nation state (corporatist), pro-infinite growth (green growth, sustainable growth) and pro-democracy (oligarchy with a facade).

    The west’s liberal “enlightenment” philosophy of the last three hundred years is an enormous fucking scam of which religious and sexual freedom from organized religion was probably the only positive that came of it, and they are rolling back both of those with all the anti-abortion shit here in America.

    Liberal fascism rules through conspiracy and deception. Neville Chamberlain wanted an alliance not appeasement. Hitler’s mistake was that he embarrassed other capitalists by being openly authoritarian and anti-democratic and not putting on a fake show democracy like the western empires. This prevented an open Anglo-American NaziI alliance against the Soviet Union as public opinion in the democracies would not have allowed them to side with Germany as their elites truly wanted. He also started killing the banker’s favorite ethnic group which was a big no-no. If not for those things we would have had a NATO alliance before World War 2.


  53. Colonization is bad, but immigration is good and taking in refugees is double plus good. What’s the difference between a refugee and a colonist? A colonist has guns and the backing of another state.


    1. A colonist wants resources and cheap labor. Otherwise you can just let the cheap RNA come across the border to work for nearly nothing.


  54. Some sort of secular national collectivism operating from lifeboat ethics and ruled dictatorially at the national level by a leader that understands overshoot would be optimal. Local levels of government may remain electoral. Operating from the basis that humans are tribal animals with limited finite resources within their respective territory, requiring domestic economic resilience and population control. They should avoid dividing and conquering the population domestically, culturally and class wise in order to better unite for war against outside tribes looking for resources.

    A state religion should be under the control of a secular government as a necessary evil. Since religion is unavoidable and nature abhors a vacuum, it should be under secular state control to prevent outside forces from manipulating the internal religious space for malicious reasons of divide and conquer.

    The ruling class and the business class must be two separate and minimally intersecting class. Under no circumstances should the business elites drive state policy in any form whatsoever. Business elites should be seen as the main internal threat and outside imperialists as the main outside threat. Ruling elites must side with working people to hedge against powerful business interests. All energy, banks, and media must be in the hands of the ruling class and not in the hands of the business class. Ruling elites must encourage cultural and ethnic solidarity amongst workers as much as class solidarity in order to hedge against divide and conquer strategies by the business elites or outside forces.

    Unnecessary prohibitions on women rights, divorce, birth control, abortion, sex work, pornography, narcotics, and same sex interactions are to be avoided to prevent a leverage for activists to attack the state, as well as the profit and creation of organized crime.

    The problem is how to get appropriate leaders into power as only the psychopaths have the stress resistance and ambition to strive for power their whole lives. Transfer of political power and more importantly transfer of leadership skill and knowledge seem to be a problem no civilization has managed to solve. Leadership would still suffer from being cloistered from the rest of society and inherently oligarchical.

    Then again civilization solves itself by collapsing, it was never sustainable. The whole thing is a Greek tragedy.


    1. Yes your last line is the most important one.

      You’re reading too much into it all. Trust me, nobody is interested in policy anymore. They are just interested in their own money, material advancement, consumption lifestyle.

      It’s all just a giant joke now. Hollywood movies and video games are real, our own lives are not. Roll with it, don’t fight it. Everybody who has fought it has lost. But by all means, go ahead and try.


      1. It’s just a habit of mine to want to analyze and solve problems. Old habits die hard.

        I agree with you, the consumer society won because its closer to what we truly are and don’t like to admit. We prefer our fantasy denial to reality, and we always did.


      1. I think life is always exploring the realm of metabolic possibilities through mutation and recombination. When it hits on a tool that can open a gradient it goes wild with growth and sometimes the metabolic by-products ended-up being poisonous. Humans mutated and recombined to become RNA with another set of information and proceeded to explore the space of possibilities with their tools. They found a big gradient of fossil fuels, proceeded to eat it, grew like crazy, ate more of everything their tools could harvest and process and are now set to make the planet unlivable for much of life. But who needs life or humans if you have self-replicating technological robots? But what will make them want to replicate? Robot sex? Robot dopioids? Robot love?

        Robots could do it, especially if they can open some conduits into some gradients and unpack them through their fabrication facilities. What for? Progress? Yea, right.


  55. Technocratic control of consumption, reproduction and life cycle.

    “Amoral wars and global pandemics aside, the only humane way to reduce the size of the human population is to encourage lower per capita fertility.”

    It seems like waiting until 2100 to see if population control has worked is out of the question. Wars, pandemics and famine are in the tool box, especially sterilizing vaccines. If we wipe-out two billion now, we’ll only have a population of 8.5 billion in 21oo, everything else remaining the same. But everything else won’t remain the same. That’s why there will be a system of technocratic control. They could just let it go and have mother nature take care of things (or God as Jordon Peterson would prefer) but the ensuing chaos would destroy them.


  56. Comment from via

    08/03/2022 at 3:00 am
    I’ve been reading this site since Ron started it after the demise of The Oil Drum, a big thanks to Ron for this site where probably the most valuable oil flow information gets posted by our various experts. IMHO the smartest oil and energy aware people in the world post and hang out here. Thanks for everyone’s contributions over the years.

    It was only a couple of weeks ago that the last piece of information necessary for where we are heading as a civilization came to me when looking at this chart from J. Laherrere et al..
    (Having trouble with chart)

    IMHO everyone has been asking the wrong questions about charts like this, trying to fit bell shaped curves to the information..

    The chart is clearly in 2 parts. First part was the exponential growth from 1900 to early 1970’s, then dislocation for a decade then the second part of the chart showing linear growth up to 2018. The question to ask is what changed to alter the shape of the bell curve? There was a lot, but 4 major influences.
    1. Realisation around that there were limits to growth, despite the protestations of economists.

    2. Technology and efficiency gains. Very quickly we had the greatest gains in efficiency allowing cheaper costs of extraction, of oil and all minerals. Like everything in life the largest gains were the early ones and the law of diminishing returns has set in over the last few decades. Now a bit of efficiency gain comes at the cost of greater complexity.

    3. Globalisation has allowed the costs of all extractive equipment to become relatively cheaper, again allowing lower grades of minerals to be mined and some non viable oil resources to become reserves. We off shored a lot of heavy industry to China that had a much lower labor cost plus a large source of untapped cheap energy in coal to be used.
    We don’t have another source of cheap labor and cheap energy to allow ‘costs’ to go lower by the same margin again.

    4. Cheaper capital. Over the last 40 years the overall cost of capital has been falling, making projects that had a high cost more viable. There are probably many deep water oil fields that would have never been brought into production with interest rates at 10%, but become viable and a part of reserves at 3% interest rates. Like wise for many mining operations.

    So what happens at peak oil production? We can’t repeat the efficiency gains, we don’t have another China to get cheaper equipment and the cost of capital is starting to go up. It means the URR for oil and all minerals must decline in the future as what was economically viable drops in viability as costs rise.

    In the background we have a relentless progression of mining every mineral becoming more energy expensive. In the last 25 years the average grade of copper mined in the world has halved from around 1.6% to 0.8% (this varies slightly from source to source). If you don’t have cheaper equipment, or better efficiency or cheaper money, then the cost in terms of dollars goes up for extraction of any given tonne of copper on average (or any other mineral).

    In terms of oil production, with the diminishing returns of technology and efficiency, plus the higher cost of equipment (oil platform, pipes, pumps, labor etc), plus higher cost of money, all new projects become less viable over time. As oil production falls and price of oil becomes more expensive, the cost of all other mining also becomes less viable and more expensive, making the inputs to any oil project more expensive again in a spiral of less affordability.

    Just like a lot of oil went into the category of URR over time from resources to economically viable reserves, because of technology gains, cheaper equipment from globalisation and cheaper capital, the exact opposite will happen when we are past oil production peak.

    Right now we are seeing large increases in the cost of everything, including the cost of solar, wind, batteries and EVs. All the renewable energy future plans rely upon all the minerals needed being cheap, when their production cost is already going up because of expensive energy. No-one is mining and processing all the minerals needed for a renewable future with just energy from renewables, nor has anyone put up the capital to make it happen in even a minor way. All the known EROEI calculations for renewables are wrong as they apply to fossil fuel inputs. Using electricity inputs to make hydrogen or synthetic fuels to use in mining, makes all renewables unable to pay off their own energy inputs, leaving nothing left for society.

    Over time, the amount of energy needed to extract a tonne of whatever metal(or other mineral), rises as the ore grade becomes lower, the ore becomes deeper on average, and the hardness index goes higher on average (needing more energy to crush it!), eventually it becomes impossible to mine the necessary minerals to keep civilization going. Not only is ‘growth’ not possible but so also is a steady state circular economy. We have entropy and dissipation of existing metals and minerals occurring all the time, so we always will need to mine just to keep whatever steady state going, until it becomes a physical impossibility.

    When I think about it, because civilization is not possible in the long term, because of the declining grades of everything mined, it explains a big part of the Fermi paradox. The same rules of physics apply across the universe. Eventually every civilization must crash as it reaches an important limit.

    We have used up all the cheap easy energy available, while dragging future resources into the present via technology improvements, efficiency gains, globalisation and cheaper money, while believing that human ingenuity did it all. Instead we just brought the future decline closer to the present. Once obviously past peak oil, the decline will happen at an accelerating pace as the call on capital becomes greater for present use instead of the future. Less money will be available for capital expenses as people become worse off demanding governments do something to relieve falling standards of living in the present.


    In this graph the Seneca Cliff hits about 2030. The last number on the bottom is 2060. Without a doubt we will have achieved a solar panel on every roof and a Tesla in every garage by 2030.


    1. To me, the only hope, and it’s not hope because I don’t really care, is that the USA continues to comandeer some disproportionate share of global resources.

      Anyhoo, anyone making it past 2050, will be among God’s chosen few. I will not be with them, that’s for sure.


      1. First they have to run the 2022 -2030 gauntlet without getting smacked or enslaved and smacked. Around 2030 Sisyphus can’t push the boulder against entropy any longer and things fall apart rapidly all the way down the Seneca Cliff. If you make it to 2050 you’ve been lucky or unlucky depending on how you look at it.


          1. Maybe we’ll be living in a super-city with Metaverse goggles. I think I’ll start to stock whiskey, not because I drink it, but because maybe I should.


          2. Alas, while the sex (real or virtual) is free, the ice cream never is – well, unless you are a child.

            I think this is what Dave means when he says life on this rock truly sucks……


  57. How much longer until people bring back infanticide? Who’s going to enforce all the laws as collapse proceeds? Seems like it’s high time to reduce law complexity and end the war on drugs. The freest countries I’ve ever been to were all poor countries. Not much money for law enforcement and surveillance.


    1. I think they’ll try to slowly release the pressure by upping the death rate and lowering the birth rate. They had better have everything locked-down by 2030 or it will get beyond their control. The oldsters will get Midazolam. The newborns won’t be born alive.


  58. Assisted suicide laws will be necessary for all these vaccinated people, seeing how the cancer rates are exploding.







    1. Fight to the last person. I think many will be suffering from SADS, like when you have a bomb dropped on you. But what’s not to like? You have a proxy that’s taking the brunt of it and you can sell weapons and weaken your adversary. That Lindsey Graham is quite the butt boy for the bankers.


      1. “That Lindsey Graham is quite the butt boy for the bankers”.

        His nickname in D.C is “Lady Graham”.


        1. My favorite eavesdropping movie is Pillow Talk. It has some memorable zingers “In New York you have air you can sink your teeth into! It has character!”


      1. I guess you won’t be dressing up as a lobster for Halloween.

        ps tho I’m no expert, I think JP is pretty good when it comes to Jung


        1. He’s good when he sticks to his area of expertise on human psychology, psychopathy, and sex differences. As soon as he starts talking religion, political-economy, history, he’s just a stock and trade cold war Anglo-American political conservative.


        2. Peterson is right to criticize Marxism as a murderous and cultish economic theory, he just ignores that “free-market” capitalism is also a utopian, murderous, sadistic, and cultish economic theory. He’s just Julian Simon with added religious conservatism. He’s definitely a case of my economic cult is the one true cult, and all others are malicious infidels, especially the environmentalists who don’t love humanity as much as God does.


          1. Do humans parse reality in their heads or do they entertain beliefs which maximize feelings of reward and wellness while damping their fears? Beliefs like heavenly reward and immortality, the earth will never run out of resources, climate change is a hoax, the earth can support a population of fifteen-billion, government has you best interest in mind, capitalism is the best because it rewards us the most and I can get rich, communism is best because the rich won’t take all the money, humans are basically good and so on. Are those beliefs there to fill-up the cranial space while we munch and crunch our way through the forests, coal, oil, natural gas and more? Can we admit that we’re voracious, predatory dissipatives out to maximize the flow of energy through our bodies and technological cells mostly to maximize dopioids and calm the amygdala? Can we admit that we’re headed into a dead-end? Reality is the structure and behaviors that arise from successful elimination of energy gradients and part of that seems to be an emotional necessity to deny anything that contradicts the basic dissipative act.

            Jordon Peterson is now addressing the famines that are being cooked-up by those in power. Can he answer himself honestly as to why they’re embarking on population reduction? Is it because we’re going over an energy cliff? Why of course not, we’ve got enough energy to last thousands of years. Is it because the climate is going haywire? Why of course not. Yea, we’ve lost a few fish, but things aren’t that bad. We should be allowed to continue dissipating. There are hard working women and men out there, honest men, God fearing men whose families deserve a good life.

            What can you say in their defense? God makes dissipatives blind to the facts so they’ll finish their task?


            1. Humans beings just don’t want to catch sight of themselves collectively ‘in flagrante delicto’.

              Look at how obvious nasty truths are covered up in families, institutions, etc.

              The most likely reaction to walking into a dead-end is denial, not confession.

              The sheer nastiness of people imposing the WEF Transhumanist agenda makes such denial all the easier.


    1. It’s a heart warming theory but I think most of the balance comes from being in the goldilocks zone and having lots of H2O. But then again plants have a big effect on CO2 concentration and water vapor in the air.


      1. Re: having lots of water on the planet

        It’s not just the effects of forests and deserts on the atmosphere, it turns out marine biogenetic aerosols from phytoplankton plays a big role in the SO. These aerosols act as nucleation sites for cloud drop formation, affecting clouds and cloud properties—ultimately influencing the cloud dynamics which control clouds over remote seas far from land. These clouds in turn bounce the sun’s energy back into space, regulating the Earth’s climate and keeping temperatures cooler than they would otherwise be without them.

        When I learned that I thought WOW that is cool.


        1. “Biogenic sources are estimated to increase the summertime mean reflected solar radiation in excess of 10 W m–2 over parts of the Southern Ocean, which is comparable to the annual mean increases expected from anthropogenic aerosols over heavily polluted regions of the Northern Hemisphere.”

          Maybe if we kill-off the phytoplankton and civilization withers in its ability to make aerosols, we can count on Guy McPherson’s global surface insolation spike and a +10C world. This would shake Bill Gates amygdala and he would begin to dump sulfates high into the stratosphere, a negative feedback, and he could change his name to Bill Gaia.


  60. I thought that this was pretty good quote from Ran Prieur. He post a lot of really silly shit, but once in a while he come up with a good bit.

    “Every time the human-made world drifts farther from human nature, there’s another group of people who can’t deal with it, and they’re diagnosed with some disorder that makes it their fault.”


  61. He or some other big brained human will probably do it. Sooner or later. If for no other reason than to show they are “doing” something. To “buy some time,” while we wait for a Deus ex machina to save the day.


  62. One of my favorite tunes from the Stones. My problem with the RS’s is that pretty much all of their tunes are one of my favorites.


    1. This winter the English will have to turn on the Stones and dance around just to stay warm. “Jumpin’ Jack Flash ain’t got no gas.”


        1. Don’t worry, I hear they’ll be printing-up pound notes to burn in the fireplaces this winter. The front of the new notes feature Boris Johnson as Jumpin Jack Flash and a lit candlestick on the back (representing keeping the home fires burning). Are there any trees remaining in England?


            1. We keep a window unit at 77F and use a fan in conjunction. The kitchen is not cooled at all and when we’re cooking it regularly stays at 95-100F. Unfortunately when we open the windows to cool things at night the pollen is too much. But you do need a cool room to retreat to when it’s too hot and we have a dog that is heat averse that enjoys a cool room. We’ve even been through an entire February without any electricity at all and only one small gas stove in a room near the kitchen. Just put on some long underwear and a thick comforter on the bed and get on with it. Just a hundred and forty years ago my relatives were living in log cabins with one fireplace. I wonder if Dubai will be air conditioning the streets again this year.


              1. I think the winter is easier to deal with than the heat of the summer. All the modern buildings being built out of steel, glass, and concrete doesn’t help as those materials are all heat absorbent. Actually, wood is better thermally in both winter and summer than those materials. However, in very hot and dry environments wood could be a serious fire hazard, another reason why modern cities don’t build out of wood.


                1. Heat is worse, especially if you have to burn a lot of calories. I remember as a kid that there were no air conditioners in my grandmother’s house, the house we’re in now, just large box fans in the windows. People would sit out on the front porch swing, smoking cigarettes, waiting for the house to cool down before going to bed. It was darker then too. All you could see of the neighbors was the glowing end of their cigarettes as they sat on their porches.

                  I bought this book years ago and it was pretty useful and interesting, although I never used it to design a house.


              2. Compressed stabilized earth blocks are better for thermal efficiency. Also fireproof, soundproof, and bulletproof.


    1. Argh! Matey. Any profit is a good profit and any plunder is a good plunder. Now, even though we haven’t given a damn about the environment or native populations for hundreds of years, we can use its destruction as an excuse to hold onto power with a Central Bank Digital Currency and social credit system. Argh!


      1. I’ve had friends that have move to Texas, they all come back to visit wearing those hats and cowboy boots. As for Cheney, is there anyone more disgusting? Not Saddam nor Gaddafi nor Osama Bin Laden nor Donald Trump.


        1. His lack of blinking is one of the telltale signs of a personality disorder. It’s part of the fearlessness and high stress tolerance.


    1. Dick is weird guy. Always has been. I don’t think he cares about anything except what happens to be in front of him at the moment. So, I guess that actually makes him the most normal person ever, the secret to his success. I guess.

      Isn’t his daughter gay or something? Dosen’t that make him a de facto liberal Democrat of some sort?


      1. He’s whatever ideology he needs to be to get rich, gain status, and serve his own personnel and family interest.


  63. I’m glad these never let a good bung hole pass you up boys can entertain each other. It’s better than the monkey house at the zoo. We are slaves to our dopioids.


  64. I like this figure that I believe Einstein and Minkowski came up with showing space, time and light. My interpretation is that any mass in the universe that experiences time, like human on earth, will be found at the small spot where the time cones meet marked observer. In the hyperboloid/torus this is known as the null point. The area marked “space” would be equivalent to the plane of inertia. It could be anywhere in the universe where matter is present. Future light is liberated from matter by stars and the perturbations or turbulence ruffles space to interact with any mass in the way. The matter is affected by the interaction with light or electromagnetic radiation and then the radiation travels on into space, sometimes after being trapped in matter for some time as is the case with animal tissues or fossil fuels, to become a part of the past light cone. The movement of matter in its interaction with radiation at the “present” can be random or directed towards complexity by information. In any case the relative movements of matter from the energy running through it will result in the perception of time. Looking deep into space we see the past light cones of various interactions of light and matter.

    light cone

    I get the feeling that any matter has a space/time content that if released or decompressed would ultimately add to the volume of space and result in “time” with its interaction with matter. Entropy is the genesis or release of radiation from matter throughout the universe. Even thought the interaction of radiation and matter can build complexity, the continued interaction of radiation and the same matter in complex form can lead to its deterioration or scattering.

    Is the aether the most dilute form of energy? Does the super-massive black hole actually reprocess aether or space into vents of compact hydrogen atoms for star formation to keep time going?


    Even though most of humanity is involved in cells as RNA, using their analog minds to create tools and products like their molecular brethren, the analog mind can be used for less practical pursuits which have zero energy return on energy invested, an elevated awareness that makes the individual life, death and struggles seem trivial in comparison. Sometimes I do wonder why humans want to go into space. It all seems to be made of the same stuff and is doing the same thing. It must be the dissipative in us, always looking for new gradients so we can make profits building the structures necessary to get to it. Oh well.


  65. Sounds complicated. I think I’ll stick to the father, the son, and the holy ghost. That’s closer to my apprehension level.


    1. This is to be expected. Most will join the herd at the cliff clutching their religious security blankets. Maybe that’s a good way to go. It will be the same kind of ignorance that led them to the cliff.


      1. In later centuries the cliff will be known as Head Smashed In Homo Sapiens Jump. Archaeologists will marvel at the large brains and the extensive herds that once existed.


        1. The herd animals will have gone over the cliff not from the spear and screaming cave man but by contrived pandemic and propaganda fusillade. “Just one more booster before I jump please. I love Gaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Thump.


    1. It’s no longer safe to be a part of the system. We’ve seen what they do with vaccines and bioweapons. Perhaps we will have Pfizer Franken Food. As they restrict fertilizer and pesticide usage and pay farmers to remove land from production while buying farmland, the price of food will go up and the affordable option will be the franken food paid for with Central Bank Digital Currency. You may have a choice between mealworms and crickets. A short distance from the genetically modified food will be the genetically modified bioweapons. Monsanto could even conspire to create a bioweapon to kill Russian wheat while their own varieties are resistant. “Do as we say and we will let you live.” The New World Order, we own everything, you own nothing and your existence is on our terms.


      1. They are certainly signalling that those are their intentions

        One can only hope for total ecosystem collapse which takes them down with us.

        Of course, they have their vast bunkers, but will have to emerge to the Wastelands sometime…..

        The psychopathic will to domination was present in not only banking but scientific and medical research from the beginning: we are eating the poisoned fruit of that tree, planted in the late 17th century.


        1. It seems that in the U.S. they want at least a forty-percent reduction in consumption by 2030. You can bet their pet projects will continue to be funded while the IRS Stasi squeezes the middle-class. Pograms will continue as the vaccination regime is put in place. Will the sheep self-flagellate and dutifully sacrifice themselves for the “environment” and their masters? They won’t inform the public of the fall off the Seneca Cliff at about the same time. The very act of climbing down from the precipice by forty percent before we plunge will likely make us slip and fall to the bottom prematurely .


          1. This is nothing less than Swift’s fictional island of ‘Laputia’: where natural philosophers – ie research scientists – seek endless grants in order to pursue their insane projects (eg portable heat from condensed cucumbers – hmm, solar batteries anyone? ) while the masses starve unnoticed.


    1. We’ll never colonize Mars, but it might be profitable to try. And imagine the extra complexity and growth we could create with some of our last fossil fuels. We can definitely pay for it with Dogecoin. It will happen because we are the special ones, Homo sapiens, and we can go where no species has gone before. The future is unlimited. Growth is unlimited. Debt and dissipative structures can grow into all gradients of the universe and beyond. It’s what they dream about at Blackrock.


      1. It’s only profitable if your company is feeding from the public troth like Space X. It’s a civilian version of the pentagon military-industrial subsidy, profiting the same big aerospace and defense companies. NASA is wasting money on human exploration, all the most important discoveries come from unmanned spacecraft. Humans require energy, oxygen, water, food, and waste disposal. Unmanned spacecrafts are cheaper and less bulky than anything built for human habitation. Unmanned spacecraft are disposable machines sent on a kamikaze mission and don’t require space inside for humans to live and work. The whole space program should have been unmanned from the beginning, saving considerable money and resources and focusing on the technologies that really matter. The whole human space flight program is a product of superpowers competing for international prestige and status, not nearly as science or exploration focused as was/is claimed.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I remember being interested in outerspace bullshit for a while, like when I was 12 or so.

      I guess that gps and cell phones are kinda useful, but they’re certainly not necessary. In fact I think they kinda make you stupid. Like instead of trying to figure out where you are, you just look at your gps. People are afraid to leave their house without their phone in their pocket. etc.

      All kinda stupid. I guess.


      1. Even as food production is curtailed, has anyone thought that perhaps we should dump all cell phones and their associated infrastructure and maybe apply that entire sum of money to producing food? No, the phone and the space projects are even more important than feeding the useless eaters. Besides, there’s not much profit in food. It seems like any old farmer can do it and creating a monopoly or oligopoly is difficult, but Bill Gates, the WEF and Monsanto are working on it.


  66. There should be a new service at Walmart right by the nail salon. It will be called “EXIT” and feature the pods that Cynic introduced a while back. “Useless eater and can’t find your next meal, then plan an “EXIT”. Free to those that donate their organs for recycling. Too old and worn-out to donate? Get a discount from the Wood Chipper Pig Feed company. Say goodbye in style with an “EXIT”.


    I think I already see some potential customers in this photograph. It gives new gravity to the question, “Where’s the exit?”


    1. Oh yeah that Australian guy with the nitrogen gas suicide sarcophagus, I’m a big fan of his. He had that designed in the Netherlands by some industrial designer. I prefer it be the same colors of an apple computer, white with black liner. It should look like Steve Jobs designed it.

      I remember Catholic news sites hyperventilating about a supposed culture of death and not a culture of life, after they brought it to Venice for display.


    2. Looks like rather a tight fit for super-sized humans, in the US particularly. But perhaps not after the famines……


    3. Nah not Walmart. You’ll find the pods nestled in between the Helix Midnight and the Dream Cloud Mattress at Sleep City Mattress or similar. “Try the Ghostbed Flex – unlike anything you’ve ever tried before. The Sandman’s True Sleep.” Marketed to people who really hate waking up.

      Then when nobody is looking, a hidden trapdoor swallows the occupied pod and replaces it with an empty one.


      1. We have a mattress place here called the “Sleepy Head House”. I suppose they could change the name to “Sleepy Dead House.” For those who want to get the ultimate in “shut-eye”.


  67. ‘I just want to go to sleep forever, and forget all my sins and the folly of mankind’.

    Lawrence of Arabia.

    But what did he do? Bought a powerful motorbike, possibly a death-wish expression.


    1. But he had a sense of adventure. Look at him. Magnificent! Like myself on my souped-up mountain bike.

      Lawrence of Arabia

      The folly continues until they folly off the cliff.


      1. what else is there, besides a self image of some sort? It’s always a ridiculous situation. Death is the only release, the only solution. Just pray that it’s quick and painless. I guess.


        1. There are hundreds of millions of cells being born and dying every day in your body and you can’t feel any of it. You also have a sensory neural net that informs you of things like pressure, temperature, pain and so on. “You” being mostly the self-image in your analog world and the motor cortex can respond to various stimuli. The neural net is mostly to provide information so your mini-me and motor cortex can move the body around and take the appropriate actions to maintain homeostasis. “You” are an evolved tool for the body whose main job is to keep things going long enough to reproduce and thereby preserve the information before entropy wears you down. The mini cerebral me might even go down before the cells have a chance to die. Life support, cell support, same thing. Thank goodness after many years of use the body can be ditched for a fresh model. The analog world memories of the old body need not be saved as the new model will develop its own. But some sharing of experiences may be helpful to the new being.


  68. You can learn a lot of interesting things at Ed Dowd’s Gettr site, like excess mortality is running about 84% now with disease rates 1,100% above normal. And I liked the video of the dad whose child died from vaccination giving the offending doctor mucho grief. But really, the dad shouldn’t have held back.


    1. He didn’t go far enough. The doctor released that video because he thinks he’s in the right and is going to go on killing more people. It’s time to start killing the killers.


      1. The Strange Case of Dr. Shekyll and Mr. Vax. “I promise you, it is safe and effective. Now roll-up your sleeve. Come-on, I’m your doctor. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.” Bwa-a-a-a-a.


    1. “Evolution takes time, much longer than this.” We’ve actually been evolving for millions of years to use tools and information. The important changes were recording information on resilient media like paper and then the printing presses and the amount of energy that could be pushed through the system with fossil fuels. With enough energy and information the complexity unfolds. It’s still self-organizing, trying to push humans more and more into the RNA role and apart from humanity. Maybe they’ll run out of energy before it goes much further.

      “I’m an unvaccinated useless eater and I just want to be human. Is that O.K.?” “No. You are standing in the way of “progress”. Progress towards what?

      “How do we answer these questions? What is life for? Why are we here? How should we live? ” I guess I’ve tried to answer these questions mechanistically. The old “It’s a miracle, God is in control, the earth was made in seven days and seven nights.” simply wasn’t capable of taking a critical look at a self-organizing technological system and the “morality” wasn’t being adequately applied to protecting the environment. The ecosystem was a tribe outside of the tribe of man and therefore allowed to be assaulted and destroyed. It was a belief system for saving people’s souls, the selfish dissipative, and was a massive dissipative structure itself. Why would a God save people’s souls when they plunder, pillage and make lifeless a planet especially in their “civilizing” efforts?


      1. I think he’s trying to address the fact that old, organized religion is two simple and unsophisticated in its explanations for modern humans as well as dangerously superstitious and bigoted, but that there is still an inherent need that most humans need emotionally and socially as a product of evolution that religions have historically provided. Humans have created religions everywhere so he’s not wrong in stating that there may be a need for it, he just doesn’t call it a need for denial of death.

        Of course, without the energetic and mechanistic understanding of the universe and biological life one is left wondering what the hell went wrong. He seems to intuitively know that this level of complexity in human civilization and social relations is outside the human scale of things and is often very alienating, but he doesn’t know about complexity. He doesn’t think scaling back consumer capitalism is possible, but he’s going to be proven wrong when he finds out about peak oil along with everybody else. We will return to our roots and the human scale of things after a huge die-off, if it doesn’t’ cause total extinction.

        Yeah, progress is the secular the version of the rapture, along with the singularity. It’s the ignorance of the finite resource base that allowed for material progress.

        I still think it’s interesting that even energy blind and overshoot blind people can see this train is going off the fucking rails, even if he only has a limited psychological explanation for it.


        1. Yes, I think he gets things mostly right. Religion and belief evolved as a social platform or adhesive for the large societies that were emerging above that 180 number. Today we can live in massive cities and know that everyone is basically is the same, mind clones. If someone is unsure they may ask you if you believe in Jesus. Or you can be a Democrat or Republican. It doesn’t really matter, people know everyone’s playing the same game.


    1. Mick Crawford, who turned 18 on July 23, would pray for anyone he met and wouldn’t hesitate to ask if you knew Jesus, his mother said.
      “If Mick could give us his final wish it would be that everyone come to know Jesus because that’s the most important thing in this world to him,” she said

      Though it still angers me that this young man died from the vaccine bioweapon, I guess he finally got to meet Jesus. Now how do we arrange a meeting of Jesus for Dr. Anthony Fauci and company?


      1. Sounds as though he was dreadful bore, what a thing to ask random people!

        But he didn’t deserve such a death meted out by liars and cowards.


        1. Sort of like Gaddafi and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t one of the Jesus folk. Liars and cowards, exactly. Just as they’re wiping-out Ukrainian men in some kind of concocted, tribal frenzy that serves their purposes.


    1. That’s almost as good as a Mars colony. Sort of looks like a liver fluke. Definitely a fluke. But see what you can do with lots of free flowing energy. You can maintain homeostasis even in the harshest environments, although I do wonder about being around all of that high salinity water. Today Persian Gulf water is 1.5x more saline than it was just twenty years ago. Dubai is obviously an astounding success and testament to what can happen when dissipative conduits drain the oil patch.


    1. All of the suits of the world only have interest in growing the number of tech cells and metabolism gauged by the amount of money being made and changing hands and in diddling their power dopioids. They’re about as conscious as a shrew. Little do they suspect that what they’ve been doing is growing and spreading a cancer just as fast as possible. Maybe in the past, in time for the Lotka-Volterra slump in prey, humans would grab and eat everything possible so that they could survive while others starved during lean times. Many humans think the same today, that if they own enough bonds and stocks and food stores etc. they’ll be the survivors. But by letting these natural behaviors play-out our extinction is guaranteed. Although we’re frightened by the prospect of a cessation of energy flow and loss of life, maybe extinction is the best thing for humans. As it is now, we’re being pushed from human to an inhuman existence as rRNA where our existences will be governed by the concepts of profit and growth. When the Central Bank Digital Currency is established, I would not be surprised to see the elderly put in the euthenasia pods or at least have the availability of medical care restricted (even while bankers continue to fund their high-tech projects.)


  69. Although we’re frightened by the prospect of a cessation of energy flow and loss of life, maybe extinction is the best thing for humans.

    Humans are, at heart, frightened and idiotic creatures. They look out at the “real” world with nothing but feelings of dread, mixed with awe and ignorance. They think that they’re safe hiding inside the little world of their own creation. They tell each other, “Look how great and smart and safe we are. Just hold my hand, close your eyes, and dream. Everything will be just fine. Just remember, they are bad, we are good.”

    Well, what else are they supposed to do?

    So much unnecessary fear and suffering will be eliminated when they go extinct. It’s the best thing that could possibly happen.


    1. Fretting about being a “loser” dissipative, not intercepting enough energy, not growing, not reproducing, not being attractive enough, not being number one, not being popular, not generating enough dopioids. In some ways death and extinction would be a relief. I’m sure the sun can get along without us. The energy will make its way into space with or without our help although the fossil fuels did stay buried for a long time. Maybe it’s time we say FU universe, find some other dumbass species to reduce your gradients.


  70. The rRNA are at it again today, jumping into their cars and speeding off to their respective cells where they can use their specially educated analog minds to set the stage for their precise metabolic operations. Pretty much same thing every day. Pity those that must be retrained again and again as the metabolism shifts and they lose their jobs or the ones that are captive to continuing education just to keep that analog mind up to date. They get rewarded with a little take-home ATP or money, for now, to maintain a home cell and utilities to maintain the requisite order. As they are specialized rRNA, I’m surprised they even know how to take care of kids any longer. Maybe they don’t know how and that’s why they get dropped off at a daycare or school to be watched over by other specially trained RNA which prep them for their eventual roles in the system.

    Most of them have no good feeling for nature as they no longer see themselves as a part of nature. They spend most of their times inside the tech cells or in exosomes (cars). They’re technological rRNA and call themselves Joe and Bob and Martha and cover themselves in a technological skin or clothing. If they work hard they may get one week out of the year to relax at the beach before returning to their productive functions. Most of them will use the short break to imagine how they may improve their lot in life and gain more ATP from their employers. At age 65, if they make it, they’ll be rewarded with retirement, but only because they can no longer perform their functions efficiently. Their retirement stipend may be enough to cover expenses but the medical system has discovered the retirement fund energy gradient and revels in draining it.

    I think most Homo sapiens prefer the civilizing effect of becoming tech rRNA. All of those energy slaves do make things a bit easier and tech has conferred a survival advantage. DNA took notice and conserved the information that turned humans into rRNA. In exchange for at least twelve years of education (training in reading and writing to become a functional rRNA) and eight hours a day of functioning there are benefits to being in the tech system, but they will only last as long as the energy gradient that feeds them. And in their mindless pursuit of profits, many companies are striving to create replacements for humans that can perform all rRNA functions more efficiently thereby making human RNA obsolete. And thus soon all humans will be useless eaters.


  71. Little boxes on the hillside
    Little boxes made of ticky tacky
    Little boxes
    Little boxes
    Little boxes all the same

    There’s a green one and a pink one
    And a blue one and a yellow one
    And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
    And they all look just the same

    And the people in the houses all go to the university
    And they all get put in boxes, little boxes all the same

    And there’s doctors and there’s lawyers
    And business executives
    And they’re all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same

    And they all play on the golf course and drink their martini dry
    And they all have pretty children and the children go to school

    And the children go to summer camp
    And then to the university
    And they all get put in boxes, and they all come out the same

    And the boys go into business and marry and raise a family
    And they all get put in boxes, little boxes all the same

    There’s a green one, and a pink one
    And a blue one and a yellow one
    And they’re all made out of ticky tacky
    And they all look just the same


    1. My dad used to sing that when we were driving through especially uniform suburbs. He was an architect so the lack of design was appalling to him even though his firm designed plenty of multi-family projects. Toward the end of his career he figured the code book could design the buildings and an architect wasn’t needed.


    2. yeah, building cookie cutter houses in cookie cutter subdivisions, a lot of people made a lot of money that way.

      Believe it or not, I know that I have a hard time believing it, people still do. But I think it’s getting harder and harder to pull it off. People are always playing the odds. Can I get this shit built and sold before the market crashes? That’s the question.

      Meh, you win some and you lose some. That’s the way it’s always been. I guess.

      The only real sure bet is to bring Jesus into your heart. I’d say.


      1. And the lot sizes are getting smaller so you can lean out your window and shake hands with your neighbor who is leaning out of theirs. Don’t have to cut so much grass that way.

        At least you can keep Jesus in mind while everything else goes to hell.


    1. Forget those targets, let them take-out the FDA, NIH and CDC. Those are the real enemies. How many useless eaters will they have to eliminate to fund the nuclear deterrent? A lot. And for those that remain a swarm of IRS agents will descend upon them like hungry locusts.


      1. Its proper name should be “Global Nuclear Blackmail” since 1945. For the maintenance of the rules based Anglo-American colonial order and the American dollar treasury bond standard.


      1. The Deep State and their central bank enablers are trying to establish a more permanent slave empire. I’m sure they would categorize it as “business” or “statecraft”.


    1. A good comment

      Sammie Moone
      8 months ago
      COP26 will add enough cost (when coal fired power plants will need to either pay or buy offsets against there emissions) that burning biomass may actually become “economical” … Therefore, one of the twisted effects of pricing carbon will be to burn the world’s remaining forests. Instead of building new powerplants, existing coal fired plants will be reengineered and repurposed (not at great cost) to burn wood pellets; expect that within 10 years or so, that many of coal fired power plants in much of the rich/developed world which switch to “biomass” – – since compressed wooden pellets burn hottest and cleanest, expect these first. Places to watch for supply: Indonesia (particularly Kalimantan and Sumatra), Myanmar, Brazil and many countries in Central America. By 2050 expect about 350M hectares of mature forest to but cut down and burned and replaced with fast growing ‘plantation” trees. As long as there is huge demand for power, somethings gotta burn. Since fossil fuel too costly and dirty and nukes have the NIMBY problem everywhere, expect the world’s forests to burn to produce the power to light the room and mine the bitcoin. Ho hum

      Fortunately, we don’t have until 2050, but my favorite part of that comment was “somethings gotta burn”.


        1. That must be the pine plantations of the Carolinas. At Christmas there will be signs, “Keep the English warm, donate your Christmas tree.”


    1. Not long ago my wife was talking about hair loss and the phone was listening. Shortly after that, without any other input, the phone started providing hair loss product ads. Remember, Big Brother or is that Big Bezos is watching you.


    1. I almost wanted to cry. More of moving people away from being human and more towards being rRNA. As an rRNA it really doesn’t matter what your gender is or whether you have one at all. You are a job now, and don’t forget that mister. Sir, yes sir. I mean Ma’m, yes Ma’m, I mean……………..”


    2. British army videos are full of female junior officers these days, but without the lesbian+tranny propaganda, thankfully.

      They should think about the Ukraine meat-grinder – being helpless under intense bombardment or in nasty hand to hand urban combat – before indulging in all the pop psychology BS about ‘inner strength’.


      1. Isn’t it amusing that in all these role model lesbian couples, one always dresses and looks like a man? In trying to escape they repeat in parody the natural pattern. Good business if you are a strap-on manufacturer, I suppose!


      2. It’s just one of those traps like spiders make, hoping to capture something the opposition can use for target practice.


    3. I guess that Russia has banned homosexual propoganda. Kind of ironic that the “west” works so hard to normalise and promote some particular sexual orientation. We’re all just consumers, or RNA, or useless eaters or sexless drones or something like that. I guess.

      Call me old fashioned, if you will, but I still kind of like the whole man/woman concept. However, I don’t and never have agreed with with the idea of women and children being treated as chattel of some sort. So the pendulum swings…


      1. Man? Woman? That is so absolutely ecological and is no longer necessary. All you have to do is work in a cell and do as we say. If we want your DNA promoted into the future we’ll let you know.


    1. “Get your hands off me woman. I’m tryin’ to cook here.” I had an aunt that would always rub the middle of your back. Felt pretty good. Let Jenna do the cookin’ next time, that’ll keep her hands busy.


    1. Brought to you by Pfizer. That mock tribal warfare with human bodies that still have some athletic ability must tickle some part of the brain. A good spectacle for fat RNA bodies that sit in chairs all day and can no longer do what humans used to do. But I’ll bet some of those boys over in the Ukraine are getting their fill of tribal warfare. They might like to sit back, have a beer and a hot dog and watch the show.


  72. In January, data leaks given by three “decorated high-ranking soldiers who are doctors and public health officials,” in sworn declarations under penalty of perjury, showed enormous spikes in dozens of diseases following COVID vaccine uptake in the U.S. military.

    These included:

    Miscarriages — 279% increase,
    Hypertension (high blood pressure): 2,281% increase,
    Diseases of the nervous system: 1,048% increase, and
    Cancer: 296% increase.


    1. So what will they do when they run out of Ukrainian soldiers to throw at the Russians? Where’s Robo the machine gun dog? Must have to plow through the useless eaters first.


      1. I think they badly miscalculated with the Russians, just like they miscalculated with China assuming that “free” markets would cause the communist party to collapse. Or the Afghans. In fact, they seem to be miscalculating all over the place. How can you fight wars of global domination with other industrial nations when you destroy public education and public healthcare, poison your soldiers, and send all the factories to China? Fucking maniacs.


    1. People believe there’s some continuity to civilization, that it’s like a lineage of humans in the ecosystem. Unfortunately it goes away when the fossil fuels, the soil and the temperate climate are gone. They shouldn’t be surprised. And then there’s the Covid infection which is reportedly causes cumulative damage including increased cancer risk. Who wants to work in the “incubator” with that stuff going around.


      1. All that is relevant but the main failure of education in the USA is ideology. The fundamentalist free market world view that makes getting a tertiary education into debt slavery, low teacher pays, attacks on teachers’ unions, privatization of schools, crazy sex education, diversity inclusion and equity requirements, excessive tolerance of violent and disruptive students (especially of color), poor parenting, and school shootings. Who wants to be a disrespected teacher in America? Why not become a celebrated police officer or a “thank you for your service” military personnel? Same vaccine requirements anyways.


      2. The same everywhere, in state schools at least.

        A few years ago I chatted with a young woman working in a garden centre.

        She had a degree and could easily qualify to teach and find a post, but her teacher mother’s experience had been so awful, overworked and unruly or even violent pupils, that she wouldn’t dream of doing it.

        The wife of a customer hated the kids so much she became school librarian to get away from them.

        A lot of newly-qualified do only a few years and leave, hating it all.

        Teachers in private schools here do enjoy better conditions and some degree of status.


        1. I am surprised at the lack of curiosity about the world in teachers, adults and students. Everyone seems to be going through the educational motions to end-up someplace no one really wants to be. How do you teach if there really is no curiosity? Most are in the regurgitation business hoping to achieve a job by mirroring disconnected facts.


          1. Well, wouldn’t most people have been better suited, mentally, to learning traditional skills and mastering them? A world that has gone.

            Curiosity killed the cat; but college accreditation gets the salary and pension……or so they think.

            I’m finding that although I’ve remained fairly curious, I’m struggling with disgust with my species (and hence myself). But curiosity is winning, just, and there are many decent people around despite our collective sins. After all, it’s soon over, so no need to throw in the towel.


            1. The nine-zero tribe (billionaires) are bored with what their current crop of slaves can produce. They want more, faster until it all falls down. You should stick around if only for the ample entertainment our dear Harari provides.


    1. And now where will the Western bankers obtain their seigniorage? Why, at the point of a gun of course. More specifically, eighty-seven thousand new IRS agents willing to shoot to kill.


      Members of an IRS hit squad examine a da Vinci confiscated for non-payment of taxes.


    1. Those remind me of the ones the Japanese carved and put on the coastal hillsides warning of Tsunamis. I would carve one warning future species to never adopt tool use. Unfortunately if they can read and write they already have taken up tools. Too late for you.


      1. I was given the ‘History of the Royal Society’ to repair, about 1667 or something, and also sat down to read it through.

        The author , Thomas Spratt, completely grasped the relationship between tool-use and societal/economic complexity, and the inevitable reciprocal escalation of both.

        He envisaged that each increase in complexity would be self-funding, and in a way he was right about that for the next few centuries.

        He thought this ‘continuous stream of inventors’, organised in a permanent Society, would help ‘crack open and reveal the treasures of Nature’ .

        And he saw that Britain would likely lead the Industrial Revolution (didn’t use that term, of course) , spearheaded by the Royal Soc. of natural philosophers.

        I was curious to see whether he mentioned energy issues at all, but no, not even the abundant coal in Britain, nor any shortage of wood at the time.

        He was aware that ‘invention’ could potentially be counter-productive and harmful, but thought the structure of the Royal Soc. – wealthy gentlemen who couldn’t be bribed and who sought enlightenment, and to understand the wonders of God’s creation, not mere quick buck – would be a safeguard against that.

        At least he acknowledged the possibility that the apple might prove to have a worm in it. He would likely have approved, for instance, of effective and impartial drug regulators……..

        Well, that was the turning point on the road to our Hell.


        1. That’s why you’re so well -versed, you read every book you repair 🙂 It would have been a good time to be alive depending upon where in the equation you ended-up. If you could bring Spratt back I’d like to have a talk with him about the burgeoning complexity and disappearing energy gradients.

          Darwin, how dare you compare us to the chimpanzees. It is obvious that we are of a different breed altogether.



          1. Yes, I probably have spent about as much time reading these rare books as restoring them – randomly illuminating!

            Spratt comes across as pretty astute, and he’d no doubt be fascinated to see how it all turned out.

            That he acknowledged the potential darker side of ‘invention’ is perhaps remarkable for the scientists of his time.

            It is interesting that he didn’t yet see how vital the British coal fields would be. Perhaps the first instance of the tacit assumption that the energy gradients would always be available in some form or other.


    1. Must be part of their collective suicide over there. At least there’s still the new version road kill, bugs scraped off the car windshield. Oh wait, the bugs have already been killed-off. Just get another booster and things will be O.K.


    2. The world is a fucked up place. Always has been, always will be.

      My GF is from Germany. She’s on her way over there for a visit today. I tell her: Yeah you Germans sure like your gas, too bad you don’t have any. She dosen’t get it. Which is just as well.


      1. I think they will get it this winter when they can’t feel their toes. Not a good time for a grand solar minimum. Better buy some good gloves and down tent booties or some battery powered heated ones.


    1. I’ve noticed anecdotally many cases of people dying after saving others from drowning or people drowning while trying to save others. This might be the sudden jolt of adrenaline causing cardiac arrest that Dr. McCullough was mentioning. Since you had chest pain after the vaccine, this has to be on your mind.


      1. I have a whole bunch of beta blockers (Propranolol). I’m also avoiding any exercise or heavy physical activity for 15 months since my last vaccination, which was last October. Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it.


  73. Bill Maher on population:

    But please tell us who provided all the credit to enable the growth so they could siphon-off the rents and profits. It could not have been central bankers and billionaires could it? And now they want to blame the dire situation on the schlubs at Disney World? Now that the build-out of civilization is complete, they want to blame it on the useless eaters and get rid of them. Suddenly they’re environmentalists and funders of bioweapons labs. Why don’t we start by getting rid of central bankers and billionaires, ban growth and put a halt to “progress”.


    1. And they say the French smelled like swamp frogs, the English like a bulldog’s ass and the Germans like sour kraut. This led to centuries of animosity between the tribes until , soaps, perfumes and tooth brushes became the norm.


      1. My Spanish cousins don’t much like the smell of German tourists.

        What are they like? I asked.

        ‘Bananas and death’. Too much cosmetics and sun screen I suppose. Maybe like corpses sprayed for the viewing?

        A girlfriend observed I smelt of ‘garlic and turpentine’, which she pronounced very sexy. Who needs expensive cologne?


        1. Judging from the German tourists on Thai beaches, I would have thought they smelled like hogs. But bananas and death must be an intriguing aroma.


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